COLLECTION The Lungarno Collection Magazine
friends Paolo Bassetti Marcello Del Colle Georgette Jupe itineraries Rooftop terraces Roman Florence Loris Cecchini art & crafts The Ferragamo Heritage Rooms with a view Peter Brunel Styles of Mixology
4-6 September | MFS Monaco 19-21 September | Première Vision Parigi 27-29 September | Milano Unica Shanghai 16-18 October | Tokyo Jitac
fabrics made in Italy |
Highlight s
T he U ffizi just once in your life ? F orget that idea : in the era of digital communication , even art destinations have become wunderkammer in constant
evolution , where by changing the order of the addends , the result changes , and changes it does .
home to the
M edusa ,
W e ’ re
at the
U ffizi ,
nestled between the
crimson panels of the main hall in the new
C aravaggio
rooms , one of the many sections
recently revamped and inaugurated
( ph . D ario G arofalo )
Highlight s
“S treet
art , graffiti or urban art , vandalism
or urban furnishing , museum or street …
high floors / low floors , there ’ s always been a trend to divide things … what ’ s important is that there are eyes to see and hearts
to feel ”
(B lub , F lorentine street artist ). J acky 46 photographed by L orenzo C otrozzi as he walks the streets of F lorence On
this page , a work by
Highlight s
T he
heart of the
F lorence )
R omans sensed that the A puan A lps (70 km from
concealed a precious material :
C arrara marble , M ichelangelo B uonarroti for his masterpieces : the P ietĂ , D avid , M oses . T oday , the techniques for working the material have changed , but nothing else has : raw material , culture , intentions ( ph . D ario G arofalo at S tatuaria A rte , N azzano C arrara ) the blinding whiteness of used by
Highlight s
E roica ,
the famous cycling competition
raced on period bikes through the streets
C hianti (O ctober 8, 2018). W ith six 46- kilometre leisure route to the 209- kilometre long route , the race crosses through valleys , forests , vineyards , intrepid descents and tiring climbs . B rolio , C astelnuovo B erardenga , M ontalcino , M urlo , S iena , C astellina and R adda . A different way to see and experience one of the
routes , from the
of the most beautiful landscapes in the world
Highlight s
F or F lorentines ,
A rno
is a partner ,
and it has been since the earliest days of
the city .
T he R omans
transformed the area ,
founding the first settlement of what would become
A rno ,
F lorence
on the right bank of the
P onte S anta T rinita . F lorence from the A rno is a unique experience . A vailable from A pril to S eptember . A sk the concierge or call the R enaioli at + 39 347 7982356 ( ph . L orenzo C otrozzi )
L ooking
close to today ’ s
Highlight Highlight s s
D o you see the similarity ? T ake a good look … I t ’ s F lorence ’ s own L ady L iberty , identical to the one in NY, even in name . K nown as the L iberty of P oetry , it was sculpted by P io F edi for the B asilica of S anta C roce and inaugurated in 1883. W hat ’ s interesting is that this statue inspired F rédéric -A uguste B artholdi when he designed his S tatue of L iberty , inaugurated in 1886. W hile P io F edi was beginning his preparatory sketch in 1870, B artholdi was in I taly fighting alongside G aribaldi …
EDITORIAL An ever yday capital by Leonardo Ferragamo
NOTES Looking for secrets by Valeriano Antonioli
40-45 EVEN ART HAS ITS RIDDLES Messages hidden in great wor ks of ar t
46-51 THE ART OF DOING Four Fer r agamos speak of ‘Fer r agamo’ in a
never-before-seen gener ational compar ison
PAOLO BASETTI A place to belong
GEORGETTE JUPE How I see the Oltr ar no
ROOFTOP TERRACES The most beautiful panor amic ter r aces in Florence
64-69 INVENTIVE JOURNEYS The creativity of Peter Br unel, culinar y ar tist
70-75 THREE STYLES OF MIXOLOGY The Bar Manager s Marco Vezzosi, Fausto Pietropaoli and Diego
MARCELLO DEL COLLE A wor kshop of wonder s
WATERBONES If molecules become ar t. The ir idescent univer se of Lor is Cecchini
56-57 MAGIC MOMENTS An exhibition at Galler y Hotel Ar t celebr ating 30 year s of the Centro Pecci
58-61 ROOMS WITH A VIEW Signature suites boasting
Rampietti tell us about their wor ld
a front-row view
of the rooftops in Florence
HOTEL LUNGARNO Florence 65 rooms and suites
GALLERY HOTEL ART Florence 74 rooms and suites
CONTINENTALE Florence 43 rooms and suites
PORTRAIT FIRENZE Florence 37 suites
PORTRAIT ROMA Rome 14 suites
Stylish and utter ly char ming with stunning views onto Ponte Vecchio, the Hotel Lungar no features over 400 wor ks of ar t including Cocteau and Picasso.
Italy’s fir st design hotel, the Galler y Hotel Ar t is a favor ite amongst the fashion set of Florence . Just a few steps from Ponte Vecchio.
Over looking the Ponte Vecchio, this vibr ant and dynamic contempor ar y hotel is the place to be and to be seen in Florence .
Spacious and intimate suites, the attention of a char ming hotel, and a wonderful view of the Ponte Vecchio.
The finest location in Rome , on Via Condotti, a stone’s throw away from the Spanish Steps, the Por trait Suites ROMA reflects the glamour of life of Salvatore Ferragamo.
VILLA LE ROSE Florence 6 bedroom villa
PALAZZO C APPONI Meetings & Events
SWAN SAILING YACHT Mediter r anean & Car ibbean Seas
Just minutes away from the hear t of Florence, this 16th centur y Villa is a one of a kind historic residence with relaxing garden, delightful pool, frescoed salons and six private suites.
This 15 th centur y Palace with sumptuous frescoes and the latest technology, provides a magical stage for meetings, congresses and prestigious events in the hear t of Florence.
On the Tuscan coast, in the hear t of Maremma, this unique destination features contemporar y and ultra spacious apar tments over looking the sea.
Swan Yachts are considered some of the finest yachts in the wor ld. This Collection of 4 yachts offer s an exclusive sea vacation with routes to the Mediterranean Islands and the Caribbean.
BOOKING & INFO - LUNGARNO COLLECTION Bor go S.S.Apostoli, 29- Firenze - Ph. +39 055 27264000 - reser vations@lungar
Gruppo Editoriale
Gruppo Editoriale
Vyper-KV52 Speaker |
At K-array, we concentrate all our efforts and resources in the revolutionary design and manufacture of highly-efficient sound systems artistically crafted in the heart of Tuscany using only premium materials.
An ever yday capital ph. Miki Nakano
Leonardo Ferragamo, President of Lungarno Collection
A rt
and culture , born spontaneously in our territory , have been fostered for centuries by the impact that each one of us promises every day , down to the smallest details Tuscany and culture go hand-
doing things well, ever y day, with
in-hand, jour neying together
will and passion; that which is
across centur ies of extr aordinar y
found in the little things that
histor y.
we create , compose , invent in
I’m thinking above all of the
ever y moment to uphold the
culture that has always inspired
community that sur rounds us.
the meaning of beauty and
Ar t is that impact on daily life
know-how, two elements that
that we want to guar antee , with
were bor n spontaneously in our
our gestures and our actions.
ter r itor y and which over time
My effor ts have always been
have become an unpar alleled
inspired by this.
Italian her itage , strongly
Tuscany, Florence , culture and ar t
per meating ever y aspect of our
have never been separ able .
And they never will be . But the
But ar t isn’t just culture . Ar t is
single , impassioned suppor t
also that special penchant for
of each of us remains manifest.
Looking for secrets Valeriano Antonioli, CEO of Lungarno Collection
F lorence
is the city of a thousand ambitions and a thousand hidden secrets , which will be revealed in this issue of ‘C ollection ’ Florence: ever ything here conceals a secret. From the attention to detail given day after day to the displays of the fresh vegetable stalls in the mar kets throughout the historic centre to the juxtapositions that seem random – but are hardly so – in the ar tisan wor kshops that spill out onto the sidewalks; from the love that’s behind the grocer’s gestures as he makes a simple sandwich to the precise and delicate touch of the pavement ar tists who masterfully replicate a detail of Leonardo da Vinci’s Lady with an Ermine next to the cathedral. If you think of how the backdrop to all these small treasures are the great wonder s
of the Renaissance, then you can under stand why Florence is the city of a thousand ambitions and a thousand hidden secrets, which will be revealed in this issue of Collection. Our company conserves a few of its own ar tistic secrets. Ever y one of our hotels is home to pieces from var ious per iods and styles, each with beautiful stor ies to tell: from the collection at Hotel Lungar no and it’s more than 450 or iginal ar twor ks from the 20th centur y by ar tists like Picasso, Cocteau and Bueno to contempor ar y ar t’s Lor is Cecchini and his splendid installation Waterbones at
Galler y Hotel Ar t, which boasts a collabor ation with the Centro di ar te Contempor anea Luigi Pecci and Galler ia Continua. Then there’s the final secret that I would like to share with you: the magical glasses, the dr iving theme of this magazine . I invite you to wear these vir tual reality goggles as you walk through the city, which will help you discover never-bebefore-seen details of Florence that ever ywhere to be found, not just in front of you, but also with your eyes to the sky and beneath your feet. What’s there to say: Let’s put on our glasses and…enjoy the tr ip!
friends Paolo Basetti Marcello Del Colle Georgette Jupe
A portrait of P aolo B asetti , the man behind the recovery
U pper B otanical 1980 s ( ph . M artino D ini )
of the
G arden
in the early
A place to belong Paolo Basetti
I came here for the fir st time when I was 19 year s old: I never would have thought that this is where I would remain; it was one of those or ientation inter nships that you do more to be sure of having thought of the future r ather than out of any real conviction. Boboli is about 30 hectares in size: we walked for a long time before coming
P aolo B asetti , curator of the ‘G iardino degli A nanassi ’ at the B oboli G ardens , leads us on a special visit through nature , philosophy
to the Upper Botanical Garden (also known by its 19th-centur y name Giardino degli Ananassi). I wanted to star t cutting the gr ass, pulling out the old weeds: it was an inexplicable need,
and excitement
it was love… It was the ear ly 1980s when I began to wor k on recover ing this space , tr ansfor med over the cour se of the 1800s from a for mal garden into a Romantic par k – with plants from all over the wor ld – by Filippo Par latore , botanist and director of Boboli. I pored over documents from that er a, looked for the plants one by one . This garden, all gardens, are a
wonderful time machine . You can read
Progettare la
In July and August,
Natura by Fr anco
Peonies blooming
when the recently
Panzini: the ear th
in late Apr il: it
as mother and
only lasts a few
protector of man,
days, but it’s a
but it’s also a
unique sight
histor y, layer s, costumes… And ever y garden looks after those who take care of it: it’s a philosophical r appor t. It’s for this reason that when we enter a garden, we’re overcome with a sense of quietude and serenity… “All that
technical book.
is ver y well,” answered Candide, “but
For under standing
let us cultivate our garden.” (Candide,
unveiled tropical water lilies in the lar ge pools are in bloom
SCENT The English roses: it’s the most moder n par t of the garden
A workshop of wonders Marcello Del Colle
Ever y day, when I arrive at the wor kshop, in the hear t of the city, and I see the large blocks of marble and wor k tools exactly like the ones used during the Renaissance , I think of how for tunate I am. For more than 30 year s, I’ve led a team of 10 people , the staff at the Opera del Duomo Workshop. Here , the 14th centur y blends seamlessly with the 21st centur y, it can be seen in the hands that wor k the marble and have wor ked it for centuries, since 1296 to be exact. All the great master s that have made the monumental complex
M arcello D el C olle , at the helm of the O pera del D uomo W orkshop , which has overseen the conser vation and restoration of S anta M aria del F iore talks to us about this immense artistic heritage
of Santa Maria del Fiore unique have passed through these door s. Filippo Br unelleschi came here with his drawings to talk to the master builder. I think about this ever y morning and it makes me proud. The restoration that we wor k on at the cathedral complex is a total one: we wor k on conser vation with avant-garde technology, inter vening even on priceless ar twor ks. Over time , the marble used for the sculptures and columns takes on the consistency of
PLANS We’re wor king
The cathedral’s
on a replica of
We use Carrara
dome awes me
salt. We replace the wor ks with identical the sculptures of copies made entirely by hand. Each one three popes from
marble from the
of us must know ever y single piece
the 19th-centur y
perfect because
it’s resistant and
of the complex down to the smallest
Torano quarr y: it’s
details, and to gain such a thorough
doesn’t have any
level of under standing you would
ever y time I look at it. If you go inside the church, take a minute to admire it
WHERE TO GO FOR A SANDWICH AT LUNCH The Trippaio del Porcellino in piazza del Mercato
need to spend at least 10 year s in the
Nuovo. With
wor kshop.
nzo, dove?
M arcello D el C olle , in the “ bottega � on V ia dello S tudio . T he workshop was transferred here about halfway through the
19 th
G eorgette J upe , a ‘T uscan T exan ’ freelance writer , blogger and digital marketing maven based
S he ’ s
F lorence
a one of the city ’ s
most followed social influencers on
I nstagram
How I see the Oltrarno Georgette Jupe
My decision to move from the U.S. to Italy happened by chance . I had planned to study for a year in London, but just before I left, I chose Florence . The fact that my ar ticle about San Frediano went vir al was a real sur pr ise , and I had to wor k on myself in order to manage the positive and negative aspects of the attention I received. My day in the Oltrarno begins with a cappuccino at Caffè degli Artigiani, then I stop by Giannini, the ar tisan bookbinder who introduced me to marbled paper. In Santo Spir ito I enjoy the colourful shop windows by
G eorgette J upe is the woman behind last year ’ s article in L onely P lanet that brought the S an F rediano neighbourhood back to life . S he spoke to us about her O ltrarno
Angela Caputi, then I chat with my fr iends at La Cité. I love the Church of Santo Spir ito, where you can find Michelangelo’s Crucifixion. In Bor go San Frediano, my go-to place for desser ts is Dolce Emporio, where I buy some of the “San Frediano Gr andmas’ Cookies”. Lunch is at Trattoria Sabatino: r avioli in sauce and roasted veal. Then it’s time DOGGY FRIENDLY for a quick coffee at Volume before
heading to Officina Nora, where I look
I love dogs. With
Moler ia Locchi,
One of my
my beagle Ginger,
the Ippogr ifo, the
I usually go to
Antico Setificio
For te Belvedere
and the Ar no’s
and WoodnCut,
“little beach,”
ver y cool
at the jeweller y produced by emer ging ar tisans. Towards piazza Tasso, after saying hi to the violin maker Claudio Arezio, I go to Circolo Aurora for an aperitivo. At the end of the evening, I sip on a cocktail at the incompar able
Easy Living
favour ite is between Por ta Romana and Viale Machiavelli, all the way to the Church of San Miniato al Monte
Mads Souls&Spirit or the myster ious Rasputin.
CHARACTERISTIC TRADEMARKS My camera (a Fujifilm X-t20), my bangs, red lipstick and my blog Gir l in Florence
i t i n e r a ry Rooftop terraces you can visit Florence in antiquity
U ffizi T errace ,
you ’ ll feel
as if you can reach out and touch
A rnolfo ’ s tower atop P alazzo V ecchio . O n the right page : the B oboli G ardens seen from the terrace at Paaaaaa alazzo P itti
I tinerar y
R oo f top ter r aces
The most beautiful panoramic terraces in Florence
Marcel Proust was r ight when he said, “The real voyage of discover y consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
an almost abstract beauty the one you
can see as you look down on the curtain of
red roofs dotted with domes , towers and bell
towers , while life marches on in the ancient
We did just that, ar med with eyes and objectives, visiting the most
streets and along the banks of the
beautiful ter r aces in Florence , discover ing a geometr ic , austere , precise city that not even Mondr ian could have imagined. And if, in the 1400s, it was Vasar i, having known a thing or two about geometr y, who offered a few tips, it was gener ations of architects, builder s and stone-cutter s who stretched that precision to present day. From above , the order of the line stands out to the cur ious eye , especially when the eye comes across the three “pieces” that wrote the manifesto of the Italian Renaissance: the baptister y, cathedr al and San Miniato. These three wonder s made of white and green marble are clear ly visible from the magnificent ter r ace at Villa Bardini (Tuesday – Sunday, 10am – 7pm, Costa S.
Gior gio, 2 ), where the leaves of the trees, playing hide-and-seek with the Lungar ni, mystify the set. From up here , when the sky is clear, you can see all the way to Abetone , enjoy a view of Giotto’s imposing bell tower, and watch as Florence tr ansfor ms into Venice as it’s reflected in the Ar no’s water s, boasting an ir resistible “lagoon” effect. Moving on, we now gaze upon the city from a new per spective , and it appear s melancholic and still, where only histor y breaks the silence . Florence’s tale is told by the pietra
A rno
T he large terrace at V illa B ardini , immersed in nature and boasting a view of
F lorence
A bove : P iazza del D uomo seen B runelleschi ’ s dome . B elow : T he terrace of C affè del V erone at the I stituto degli I nnocenti
from atop
L a T errazza
at the hotel
C ontinentale
and the
C onsorti
serena and pietra for te that
the cathedr al with one hand and
cathedr al, Santa Croce and the
make up the tall Gothic façades
the pistachio-coloured dome of
tower of the Church of Santa
and the palaces with their faded
the Synagogue with the other,
yellow colour ing. The br ightest are
just think of the jolts of life that
The final sur pr ise can be found
plastered white . There aren’t any
are still taking place all around
on La Terrazza at the hotel
balconies, but r ather a long row of
Sant’Ambrogio, with the ear ly-
Continentale (ever y day 12.30pm
closed windows with bar k-coloured
season mar ket and the wor kshops
– 11.30pm, vicolo dell’Oro, 6). In
shutter s. Our gaze insists. We can
that embr ace it.
an evocative atmosphere atop the
see beyond the tall oak trees to the But a tr uly thr illing exper ience
medieval Consor ti tower, offer ing
br idges over the Ar no, stretched
awaits you on the terrace on the
a view of the city skyline, you can
like violin bows, and the cur tain of
left side of Palazzo Pitti. In those
enjoy breath-taking sunsets over
red roofs dotted with domes and
600 metres closed off to the
the Ar no. And all around you? The
tower s: San Lorenzo, Santa Croce ,
public (it’s only open for special
master pieces of Florence , from
the cathedr al, the shar p spire of
events), you’ll feel like a VIP. And
Br unelleschi’s dome to Giotto’s
the bell tower of Badia fiorentina
cour se , there’s via Guicciardini.
bell tower to the Ponte Vecchio.
and the Bar gello’s own tower, the
Who’d have thought? Palaces in the
La Ter r azza is one of the places
colour of sand.
middle of it all but which, inside ,
to be for an aperitivo with a
It’s an almost abstr act beauty the
conceal the luxur y of magnificent
view, but not ever yone knows that
one you see from the terrace at
pr ivate ter r aces, over looking the
it’s available for pr ivate booking
the Innocenti Museum (ever y day,
Boboli Gardens to boot. From
for special events, including
10am – 7pm, piazza della Santissima Bellosguardo to Boboli, moving
engagements, bir thday par ties or
Annunziata, 13), and while you
clockwise , you can see the Specola,
even just dinner with a view of
feel as if you could almost touch
a par t of piazza San Felice , the
Florence .
T he R oman theatre could seat 15,000 spectators and was one of the largest public buildings
R oman F lorence . J ulius C aesar , L ouvre , P aris in
the right : statue of
Bor n in Spr ing Florence in Antiquity
T ext M ila M ontagni - D rawings M arco M ilanesi
The men that built Florentia (Florence’s name when it was founded in 59 BCE) were soldier s who had fought for Julius Caesar dur ing the Gallic War s, Romans who had spent 25 year s away from their homes and their fields, and who around the fir st half of the 1st centur y BCE received land
C limb aboard the time machine to discover ‘F lorentia ’, the colony founded by J ulius C aesar ’ s legionnaires on their return from the G allic W ars in 59 BCE. A n alternative way of looking at the city known as the cradle of R enaissance
to far m as compensation sur rounding the banks of the Ar no River, fer tile but mar shy.
del Cor so, via degli Speziali and via
Strozzi), with a Forum at the centre ,
Even if a settlement already existed
the hear t of religious, public and
before their ar r ival, it was Caesar’s legionnaires that developed the castrum that we can still recognize today if we look at the city from atop Giotto’s bell tower or Br unelleschi’s dome . It’s the classic model of a
commercial life in the new colony, now piazza della Repubblica. In the ear ly days of Florence, there were between 2,000 and 2,500 inhabitants. Just like today, the Arno flowed all the way to the sea, but it
Roman encampment: rectangular,
was navigable all the way to Pisa, and
two centr al streets: the cardo (from
the city.
nor th to south, today’s via Roma and
via Calimala) and the decumano (from
protected by walls and defense tower s, for this reason, it became an essential accessed via four gates and mar ked by exchange route for tr ade and wealth in
east to west, cor responding with via
Some of the Romans’ favour ite places
T he
bigger baths of
F lorentia
built where
P iazza
S ignoria
is located today
for relaxing and having a good time –
via Isola delle Stinche and via de’
countdown and we find our selves
what we would call socializing today
Bentaccordi. This is where gladiator
for just a few minutes – the length
– were all centered around what is
games were held, some involving
of the under ground visit – launched
now piazza della Signor ia: in addition
ferocious animals, especially lions,
into the city of Julius Caesar’s
to the theatre (which could seat
which were kept in cages installed in
legionnaires. Other r uins can be
15,000 spectator s and whose r uins
nar row and badly illuminated tunnels:
visited under the cathedr al – the
were discovered under neath Palazzo
via delle Burelle takes its name from
Cr ypt of Santa Repar ata – and the
Vecchio), there were also the largest
the memor y of those dar k spaces.
baptister y (daily except Sunday.
baths in Florentia, one of three in
For info and reser vations, +39 055
the city. The Romans also built the
After the fall of the Roman Empire ,
2302885), and in via Calimar uzza
fir st br idge over the Ar no, destroyed
the levels of the city were developed (souther n gate).
dur ing the Barbar ic invasions and later one atop the other compactly and
replaced by the Ponte Vecchio a few
unifor mly. It’s for this reason that no
The name Florentia seems to be
metres fur ther down.
monuments dating to the Roman city
tied to the season when it was
remain today.
founded, spr ing, a per iod considered
The ancient ruins of the Roman
auspicious by Romans, dur ing which
Dur ing a per iod of peace under
theatre can be seen under Palazzo
the blooming flower s tr ansfor med
Emperor Hadr ian (2nd centur y
Vecchio, the entr ance to which is
the countr yside in Centr al Italy into
CE), when Florence reached 10,000
under neath the ticket office (Monday colourful oceans of flor a.
inhabitants, an amphitheatre with
to Saturday, 9.30 am to 1pm and
To get an idea of the spectacle that
20,000 seats was built outside the
2pm to 5pm, Sunday and holidays,
Julius Ceasar’s veterans awed at,
city walls (in the cur rent Santa Croce
9.30am to 12.30pm. For info and
dur ing the month of May just head
neighbourhood), modest in size if
reser vations: MUSE, ph. +39 055
down the SS222, between Florence
compared to the Colosseum, which
2768224). Here , where the oldest
and Chianti, and you will feel as
could house up to 87,000 spectator s.
par t of Florentia mer ges seamlessly
if you were swimming in a sea of
Its outline can be seen today in
with medieval Florence , our time
wild flowers, including Irises, not
the cur vilinear shape of via Torta,
machine begins a mir aculous
coincidently the symbol of Florence.
A bove :
R oman theatre P alazzo V ecchio
the ruins of the ancient
can be seen underneath
B elow : a detail of the mosaic floor in the crypt of S anta R eparata underneath the C athedral of S anta M aria del F iore in F lorence ( on the left ); via de ’ B entaccordi , whose curved shape follows the outline of the ancient amphitheatre ( on the right )
a r t s t y l e s to r y Hidden messages in the art masterpieces An exclusive encounter with Angelica Visconti, Diego Paternò Castello di San Giuliano, James and Jerry Ferragamo Loris Cecchini at Gallery Hotel Art Gallery Hotel Art celebrating 30 years of Centro Pecci Rooms with a view
A rtemisia G entileschi , ‘J udith S laying H olophernes ’, G allerie degli U ffizi
Me s s a ge s hi dden in g re a t wor ks of ar t Even art has its riddles
F ilippino O Lutside ippi ‘M adonna and the C hild ’ U ffizi G allerie degli UGffizi allery
Por tr aits of lover s, self-por tr aits, coded messages and clear allusions: a good par t of major ar twor ks hide aspects of the pr ivate lives of the ar tists that made them. A dash of zest will tr ansfor m your holiday in Florence into something intr iguing.
good part of major artworks hide private
W hen
aspects of the artist ’ s life .
you walk amongst the streets of the
historic centre or visit its museums ,
you won ’ t want to forget these stories !
You’ll want an eye for detail when you walk the streets of the histor ic centre or visit its museums, and of cour se , you won’t want to for get
Vecchio. Was it an archaic symbol
tr ap, and not coincidentally, their
commissioned by Savonarola or really
motto was per non dormire, or for
a UFO? The message inser ted by
not sleeping.
Sandro Botticelli, on the other hand,
The fr iar Filippo Lippi was cer tainly
in his Pallas and the Centaur, now in
as aler t as the Salimbeni family when
the Uffizi, is quite clear : intelligence
he fell in love with the beautiful nun
against br ute force . In a tr ibute to
Lucrezia Buti. Thanks to Cosimo the
the diplomatic abilities of Lorenzo
Elder’s fr iendship with Pope Eugene
the Magnificent, who was able to
IV, the two were able to live together
make a fr iend out of his ter r ible
and have a family. Lucrezia was the
nemesis Fer r ante , King of Naples, in
model for Filippo’s Vir gin Mar ys and
the wake of the Pazzi Conspir acy,
at the Uffizi, you can see her with
Pallas can be seen bear ing the
their young son, Filippino, painted as
symbols of Lorenzo. Keeping with
an impish cher ub in Lippi’s Madonna
the theme of symbolism, take a look
and Child. After all, ar tists had to
at the ledge on Palazzo Salimbeni
get their models from somewhere .
in piazza Santa Trinita: do you see
For his Madonna della Seggiola, in
them? Exactly, they’re opium poppies,
Palazzo Pitti, Raphael dressed Mar y
which the cunning merchant family
as an odalisque using his lover as
Madonna and Child Enthroned
gave to their r ivals in order to ensure
the model, La For nar ina. Smug and
with a Young St. John the Baptist
they got the better merchandise .
lacking inhibition, Titian’s lover was
They built their for tune with this
probably his model as well for Venus
these stor ies! A bull’s head peer s out from one of the ledges of the cathedral on the nor th tr ansept. It’s said that one of the stone-cutter s had an affair with the wife of a butcher who lived just across the street. So, the cr afty little devil installed the hor ned animal in plain view, a symbol of being cuckolded. And while we’re speaking about hor ns, what can we say about poor Moses? Ever yone , including Michelangelo, depicted him with a pair of hor ns because of a mistr anslation from Hebrew that inter preted rays as horn. What’s still today inexplicable is that flying disc that appear s in the sky in the
by Sebastiano Mainardi in Palazzo
A bove : the V enus of U rbino by T itian , U ffizi R ight page : B otticelli , P allas and the C entaure , U ffizi P review page : G iambologna ‘T he equestrian statue of F erdinand I de ’ M edici ( detail ), S ebastiano M ainardi ‘M adonna and C hild enthroned ’, M ichelangelo ‘M oses ’, N orth transept of the C athedral of F lorence
of Urbino, at the Uffizi, the famous
he wrote on walls, or r ather, dirtied
nude made at the height of the
them: the profile on one of the
Counter-Refor mation and which was
stones on the souther n façade of
followed by equally famous nudes,
Palazzo Vecchio was made by him.
Venuses char acter ized by the same
But Bernini was definitely vehement
pictor ial touch and shown in a var iety
when it came to his mistress
of per spectives… And if Artemisia
Costanza Bonarelli. The Bargello is
Gentileschi painted her self as Judith
home to a splendid bust that shows
Slaying Holofernes, still in the Uffizi
us how fier y the woman was who,
today, as a way to take avenge her
mar r ied to one of the sculptor’s
honour on the ancient, most complex
assistants, was fir st a lover of Ber nini,
r apist in histor y, it was Benvenuto
and later his brother. The ar tist
Cellini who gave the heroic Perseus
got revenge by disfigur ing her face ,
in the Loggia dei Lanzi the face of
but he didn’t want to give up the
Cosimo I de’ Medici, though he cast
sculpture . A puzzle for ever yone
his own self-por tr ait behind the
is the one left by Gianbologna,
helmet. Just as Michelangelo did
commissioned by Ferdinand I de’
when he sculpted Nicodemus for
Medici to design an equestrian
his Pietà at the Opera del Duomo
statue in piazza Santissima
Museum. It was meant to be his
Annunziata: a queen bee sur rounded
funer ar y monument. He was old and
by a labyr inthine swar m of bees. But
tired. But in his youth, he had a real
how many are there? Ninety… one
temper ament. Not only because he
hundred… Maiestate Tantum… The
was prone to fights, but also because
motto is appropr iate .
T he A r t of Doi ng Four Ferragamos speak of ‘Ferragamo’ in a never-before-seen generational comparison T ext T eresa F avi P hoto D ario G arofalo
T here are still about 200 stages for producing O utside a S alvatore F erragamo the U ffizi shoe , from cut G allery to packaging
F rom
the left :
J erry F erragamo , D iego P aternò C astello
S an G iuliano , J ames F erragamo , A ngelica V isconti
“Ar t is the will to do, but, fir st and foremost, the will to learn. And after you’ve learnt, it’s the passion to teach other s”, says Jerr y Ferragamo, a.k.a Dr. Jerr y, as he is known in the company. Born in 1929, he worked alongside Salvatore Ferragamo and is the guardian
a once - in - a - lifetime encounter between the guardian
S alvatore F erragamo ’ s art , D r . J erry , A ngelica , J ames and D iego , of
the third generation to be actively involved in the family business
of his techniques and secrets. After the death of the founder, prematurely in 1960, he was commissioned by the
between ever y word is the same pro-
and become a shoemaker with him
gressive tension with which Ferragamo
in Florence. He wanted a per son he
decided to leave the United States for
could trust, he looked within his family
the sole purpose of making the wor ld’s
and chose me. I found myself amongst
best shoes in the city that offered
shoemaker s, lost like a little boy who
the best craftsmen and materials, and,
had, until then, only ever studied. For
above all, a knowledge that has been
the first two year s, I only watched. My
lost in the passage of time between
uncle stuck me next to the ar tisans in
the halls of museums and the sculpted
the Palazzo Feroni labs to learn all the
facades of ancient palazzos.
stages of the craft. “
“Uncle Salvatore had been in Florence
“I realised,” continues Jerr y, who, to
generation actively involved in the
for many year s. I was a young medical
make his mother happy, graduated
family business. What is the secret and
student who dreamed of moving to
in Economics, stretching himself thin
the United States to become a doctor.
between study and the company,
In 1950, he invited me to move from
“that each single wor ker excelled at
Bonito - our hometown in Campania –
one par t of the entire project with a
and join him in Chianciano, for a heal-
pure spirit of elevation that he, a man
ing sojourn,” says Dr. Jerry, Salvatore’s
of munificence and generosity, never
older brother’s son. “In the two weeks
missed an oppor tunity to praise. He
we spent together, he revolutionized
said there was room for ever yone in
all my projects, opened my mind and
the wor ld, no matter what job you did
convinced me to give up ever ything
or what duty you had, as long as you
family to navigate the passage from byhand measurements, at Palazzo Feroni, modelled on the shape of the customer’s foot, to an innovative process, but still with a custom-made mould. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance, an encounter between the direct guardian of Salvatore Ferragamo’s art and Angelica Visconti, James Ferragamo and Diego Paternò Castello di San Giuliano, three of Salvatore’s grandchildren, the third
how is this “ar t” perceived, cultivated and carried out by the younger generation? On the fir st floor of the new Q building, at the hear t of Ferragamo’s production centre just outside Florence, timeless moments, phrases, methods and r ules emerge in continuous evolution and refinement. And woven
did it better than anybody else. And
ment from those principles, they did it
we know it all,” says James. “We all un-
never gave up. If you made a mistake,
with great pain.” Walking between the
derstand the impor tance of learning,
star t again. With this philosophy, the
benches of this wor kshop is like brows- to never stop at what has been done
best out of ever y per son was realised.” ing a galler y of the details that make a
in the past. We live in a dynamic that
“Today, grandfather is present in ever y
difference, removing one would mean
is always evolving. Innovative materials
aspect of the company, in ever y action
removing something fundamental to
are sought with an obsession in the
and ever y step of the process, especial- the comfor t, beauty and extraordinar y
most disparate fields from automotive
ly when a more experienced employee
fit of the Ferragamo shoe.” “I always
to aerospace. Dr. Jerr y, who is a great
teaches something to a younger one,”
think of his words: ‘The value of my
technician and credited with developing
says James, Vice-President of Ferrag-
name and brand is entrusted to ever y
and defining the sophisticated classifi-
amo since April 2018. “I remember
single pair of shoes that ever y woman
cation system that allows a Ferragamo
when I fir st entered Ferragamo,” adds
puts on ever y day’.
shoe today to be as close as possible
Diego, who in 2000, began at the Ses-
Making a product better than anyone
to a custom-made shoe, continues to
to Fiorentino Manovia to star t learn-
else is still the basis of Salvatore Fer-
study and work on the shapes and so-
ing from the bottom, “the thing that
ragamo’s marketing strategy, star ting
called fit volumes to allow the company
str uck me most was that the people
with women’s shoes. Now, as back then, to maintain and evolve its unicum.”
who wor ked in the technical hear t
we focus on products with a strong
“Ours is a craftsmanship that evolves,
of manufacturing our shoes identified
fashion sense whose excellence is
using innovation in the highest sense
completely with our grandfather’s val-
entrusted to ver y high technical stan-
of the word,” says Diego, Vice-Presi-
ues. Rules, meticulous steps, the unique
dards. That’s our ar t, style combined
dent of Ferragamo Finanziaria “But it
and ver y precise ways of producing
with comfor t,” says Angelica, Commer-
remains,” he concludes, “that man is
the product. And whenever there were
cial Director of Ferragamo Southern
behind the machine, not the other way
discussions with the stylists, when
around. In ever y depar tment, division,
they were asked to veer even a frag-
“But none of us, even today, feels like
laborator y and office.”
craftsmanship that evolves
in the highest sense of the word for products with a strong fashion sense that are made following very high technical standards .
L eft
page : a moment of
S alvatore F erragamo laboratories at P alazzo F eroni in 1938 intense work in the
‘W aterbones 2018 by L oris C ecchini ’ on the wall atelierof G allery H otel A rt on V icolo dell ’O ro . O n right : the A rtist
I nterview
If molecules become ar t The iridescent universe of Loris Cecchini T ext R ossella
He plays with light and insists that architecture bend to the will of sculpture , or in his case , it would be better to say the will of multimateriality. Loris Cecchini, born in 1969, is an experimenter but also an ar tist who likes to leave the spectator
T he
facade of
G allery H otel A rt ,
dell ’O ro , gifts its guests and
as a whole the wonder of a
site - specific installation .
both unveil and conceal at the same time . And, like a chameleon, they change and transform, expanding and contracting like enormous lungs. Waterbones is the installation that adorns the façade-stage of Galler y Hotel Art in vicolo dell’Oro, enclosing
like this, such ar tistic endeavour s overwhelming them as they gaze up at the façade , and sometimes, in the
small piazza surrounding the hotel like it like an enormous spider web. Its steel a Venetian calle. By choosing such a modules are brought to life by Cecchini, renowned ar tist (his prices easily reach one of the most innovative and active ar tists on the Italian scene , who bestows them with the warmth of living forms: bones, lace , spider webs, waves. “Waterbones is actually an oxymoron,” he admits, “it’s a poetic title that allows me a sor t of morphological freedom. I
F lorence contemporary ,
W aterbones
inspire you to walk with your eyes to the sky
with a seed of doubt. His installations
Or bones. Water bones to be exact.
in vicolo
5 digits), the Galler y has reinforced and made tangible the ar tistic component that it has long carried in its DNA, right down to its ver y name , declaring quite clear ly the growth of this inclination in harmony with Florence and its histor y. Loris Cecchini, a large-scale site-
use modules for various aggregations.”
specific installation, iridescent and
This is the fifth time Galler y Hotel Ar t
modular, in line with your style…
welcomes its guests with a surprise
In this case , the wor k is 19 x 7
S teel modules C ecchini uses to amalgamate , expand ,
view of which
distort the space or the
S ponsor
architecture .
of the project ,
the textile company
M anteco
celebrated its
75 th
Ex hibitions
metres, all steel. The light is absorbed
you already have other ideas in mind?
vicolo dell’Oro. This kind of ar twor k
and reflected. Its quality, just like its
I love to over lap different techniques,
is fir st and foremost a dialogue with
intensity that comes from the material
including photography, like I did in
the place that hosts it, which in tur n
itself, allows for an infinite number of
San Gimignano. The possibilities are
is reinter preted, obser ved with fresh
reflections. The use of modules gives
endless. And it could amaze you to
eyes by the viewer.
me so many possibilities.
know that the exhibition I’m preparing
The future is full for an ar tist that
In the past, the great architect
right now for Geneva will only feature
admits to not being able to resist the
Brunelleschi introduced the use of
watercolour s. In just a few days, I’ll be
impulse of the cur iosity that dr ives
the module for reinforcing the idea of
heading to New Yor k for an installation,
them to explore new wor lds, like
harmony and proportion, but in your
then in the autumn I’m off to China,
China and Japan, and increasingly more
where I already have two projects,
exper imental techniques.
I use modules in accordance with the
one for the government and another
This installation is the result of a
space , or I even modify it. I’ve always
for a private company. While in Italy, I
project of collabor ative patronage
had a close relationship with science ,
have shows planned for Rome , Milan
that, along with Galler y Hotel Art,
as well as nature , specifically the
and Prato, where one of my sculptures
also involved the Centro Pecci in
environment, and sculpture . I think of
will be bought by the civic librar y in
Pr ato – the foremost contempor ar y
the modules as molecules that endlessly September.
ar t museum in Tuscany and one of the
reproduce , and all the while transform
What do you think of being the first
top in Italy – for its 30th anniver sar y,
themselves. It’s what molecules do. It’s
thing a tourist sees when they arrive
as well as Galleria Continua and a
chemistr y, if you will, but it’s extremely
in Florence?
major company in the textile industr y,
human, carnal. Ever ything is linked to
My installations are also a language ,
Manteco, who celebr ated its 75th
molecules and ever ything develops and
and as such, they’re open to a myr iad
anniver sar y with this project.
regresses and progresses thanks to that
of inter pretations and tr anslations
Once again, Florence tr aces the
infinitesimal par t of existence .
that depend on the cultur al baggage
magical mix of ar t, city, obser ver s,
There’s an entire world in a simple
of those who obser ve them. What’s
institutions and pr ivate initiatives in
rod of steel. It’s incredible. But will
impor tant is establishing a dialogue ,
the name of beauty. Just like seven
you stick with your water bones or do
even with histor y itself, as happens in
centur ies ago…
G allery H otel A rt is hosting works by
21 I talian artists until D ecember 30, in celebration of 30 years of creativity at the
C entro P ecci
S ome
paintings on display in the exhibition , including two works by
L amberto P ignotti
G uido S artorelli
Magic moments
An exhibition at Gallery Hotel Art celebrating 30 years of the Centro Pecci T ext F rancesca L ombardi
Galler y Hotel Ar t reconfir ms its role
and gr affiti, poetic and musical
inter preted by Elisabetta Gut and
as a suppor ter of contempor ar y
exper iences and inquir ies into
a poetic tr ibute to John Lennon by
ar t and its styles with a beautiful
and appropr iations of the wor ld
Mauro Manfredi introduce the rest
exhibition celebr ating Italian ar t
of communication and cinema.
of the exhibition, where visitor s
from the second half of the 20th
The ar twor ks, selected from the
can also find a blend of styles
centur y to today, featur ing 30 small
per manent collection at the Pecci,
and mater ials by the visual poets
but highly impor tant ar twor ks.
are on display on the ground
Stelio Maria Mar tini, Luciano Ori,
As of last spr ing, the perfect bond
floor of the Galler y, in the lobby,
Lamber to Pignotti, Eugenio Miccini
has been for ged between Galler y
librar y, Sala Cha and Fusion Bar
and Arrigo Lora Totino; the show
Hotel Ar t and the Centro Pecci, one
& Restaurant. The exhibition is
ends with the tr anscendental “sky”
of the most impor tant contempor ar y unexpected, as its title suggests,
by Luca Maria Patella at the end
ar t museums in Italy. Until December
Works of Ar t and Magic Moments,
of the Sala Cha and two seductive
31, the common areas of the hotel
inspired by an ir reverent collage
“var iations” of objects by Fernando
– a steadfast suppor ter of ar t, with
by Lamber to Pignotti. For those
Andolcetti in the anteroom leading
annual installations that have brought ar r iving and leaving, or simply
to the upper floor s of the hotel.
a sur ge of creativity to the hear t
visiting the Galler y, the exhibition
This ar tistic mix continues outside
of Florence , just a shor t walk from
opens with photogr aphs of a
as well, with the spectacular site-
the Ponte Vecchio – are home to
timeless Florence by Piergiorgio
specific installation by one of
30 wor ks by 21 Italian ar tists in
Branzi, the vibr ant pop icons of the
the most promising ar tists on
celebration of 30 years of creativity painting Con la moto by Umber to
the contempor ar y scene , Loris
at the Pecci: the pieces on display
Buscioni, the urban fr agments
Cecchini, made ad hoc for the
r ange from the Photorealism of the
recomposed by Guido Sar torelli,
façade of the Galler y: Waterbones
ear ly 1950s to the digital images
the wr itten-visual stir suggested
(Climbing), an ir idescent archi-
of the 2000s, along with pop icons,
in Stop by Rodolfo Vitone… The
sculpture 19 x 7 metres in size ,
inter sections of images and words,
analogy of networ king by Gisella
on display until December at the
reinter pretations of urban signs
Meo, the life-size music staffs
exclusive hotel in vicolo d’Oro.
R oo ms w i th a vi ew
Signature suites boasting a front-row view of the rooftops in Florence
P ortrait F irenze
F rom
left : spectacular and breathtaking views from the
P ortrait F irenze
F all
B runelleschi ’ s dome . E at breakfast across from P alazzo V ecchio . E njoy the sunset on a balcony over the P onte V ecchio and the shimmering A rno asleep gazing at
Fall asleep gazing at Br unelleschi’s
the wor ld (according to the 2018
the green hills of Fiesole and the
dome . Wake up admir ing the sun
Tr avel+Leisure r anking), just open
sur rounding area. The photos inside
shining on the facade of San Miniato.
the windows! Here is a list of the
the room are entirely dedicated to
Eat breakfast across from Palazzo
suites to request for tr uly amazing
Salvatore Fer r agamo, the prodigious
Vecchio. Look up at a medieval tower views.
shoemaker who welcomed the most
or take a bath with views over the
Ponte Vecchio Suite at PORTRAIT
glamorous star s of the 1950s to
Oltr ar no rooftops.
Florence: the beautiful archive photos
Though the most thr illing emotion is
One of the signature suites at
on display show him together with
perhaps sitting on a balcony over the
Por tr ait Firenze , boasting a front-
Audrey Hepbur n, in his wor kshop
Ponte Vecchio and the Ar no: enjoying
row view of the Ponte Vecchio and
and at Palazzo Feroni.
the sunset as you sip on a glass of bubbly in the war m sun, an exclusive exper ience . The luxur y hotels in the Lungarno Collection, with its four magnificent str uctures in the hear t of the histor ic centre of Florence , recognize that the increasingly inter national and cosmopolitan jetsetter s want more than just gour met dinner s, per sonalized ser vices and super comfor table beds. For guests in search of ever more unique and authentic exper iences, who love to tr avel slowly as they soak up their stay in the most beloved ar t city in
H otel L ungarno
C ontinentale
Suite Schifano (Rooftop terrace) at HOTEL LUNGARNO: From the ter r ace , more than 40 square metres in size , guests can enjoy a 360° view of the city, r anging from the histor ic centre (with Br unelleschi’s dome and Palazzo Vecchio) and the Ar no nor th to south to the roofs of the Oltr ar no and the magnificent façade of Palazzo Pitti. The suite conser ves some or iginal sketches (as well as an oil painting) by the renowned ar tist Luciano Schifano.
H otel L ungarno
of the few intact remaining in the city, r ight next to the Ponte Vecchio.
Penthouse Palazzo Vecchio
From its lar ge windows (more than
three metres tall), guests can enjoy
One of the most romantic suites at Galler y Hotel Ar t, with a beautiful ter r ace that looks out at Palazzo Vecchio and the dome of the cathedr al. Here , guests can or ganize pr ivate dinner s with dishes by the star red chef Peter Br unel for an
a unique view of the br idge…from above! On the other side of the suite , a pr ivate teak-floor ter r ace boasts an incredible panor ama of the histor ic centre . The view from this suite continues even into the bathroom:
the shower has a small window that unfor gettable evening under the star s! perfectly fr ames San Miniato, while Panoramic Consorti Suite from the freestanding bath, vaunting at CONTINENTALE: This suite is located at the top of the medieval Consor ti tower, one
a minimalist design, guests can enjoy a spectacular site of Br unelleschi’s dome .
P ortrait F irenze
G allery H otel A rt
food Peter Brunel at BSJ restaurant: Ability and Expertise Art of Mixology. The Bar Managers of The Fusion Bar, Picteau Lounge and La Terrazza tell us about their world
I tinerar y
T he restaurant
design and atmosphere of the
B orgo S an J acopo recall the I talian charm of the 1950 s , inspired by the creativity
S alvatore F erragamo R ight page : a portrait the C hef P eter Baaaaa runel
of of
I nve n ti ve J our neys The creativity of Peter Brunel, culinary artist T ext V irginia M ammoli
Creative , ironic, practical, sometimes shy, except when you ask him to talk about his dishes: that’s when starred
A ll
the new features of the restaurant
B orgo S an
M ichelin - starred J acopo , including
chef Peter Brunel’s eyes light up and he
original menus and sculptured dishes
displays all his passion for the noble art
that enchant the eyes and the tastebuds
of cooking. Trentino by bir th, his experiences in the mountains brought him to
personal style. “I like to compare
Ravello and then again to the nor th.
this culinar y experience to a theatre
Throughout his career, he has seen
production, during which we abandon
Garda, under taken apprenticeships in
our selves completely to what we are
France and returned to Trentino, before
watching on the stage . This is what
landing in Florence , where , in 2014, he
guests at Borgo San Jacopo do: they sit
became Executive Chef of the Lungarno down and abandon themselves to our Collection restaurants, Borgo San suggestions.” Jacopo, The Fusion Bar & Restaurant
Having inherited the most classic
and Caffè dell’Oro. Three distinct
dishes offered at the Picteau Lounge,
entities united under the same mar k of
now open at both lunch and dinner,
quality. At The Fusion Bar & Restaurant,
chef Br unel has made this romantic
the highly select local ingredients
restaurant on the Arno even more his,
blend with typical ingredients found
with sculpted dishes that fir st amaze
in Japanese and Per uvian food, while
the eyes, then the palate . “My goal is
at the Caffè dell’Oro, the focus is
to get a smile out of the guests, see strongly regional. But it is at the starred their eyes fly open wide when one of restaurant Borgo San Jacopo that Peter my dishes arrives at the table , then Br unel offer s dishes that embody his
reassure them with my flavour s and
A rt in a dish at B orgo S an J acopo , an expression of creativity by the chef
P eter B runel L oretta
and the pastry chef
F anella
move something within them.” It is a
the Spuma.
journey into Italian and Tuscan haute
The newest addition is the Experience
cuisine paired with a beloved wine ,
menu: “Our guests will ‘experience’ my
chosen from over 1,000 labels listed on
most creative line ,” the chef promises.
the menu that was carefully composed
And then there’s the desser t menu,
by the exper t sommelier Salvatore
with four desser ts by the famous pastr y
chef Loretta Fanella and four by Br unel.
Alongside two celebrated tasting
The restaurant’s style has not changed.
menus, La mia Toscana (My Tuscany)
The design and atmosphere recall the
and Ortaggi (Vegetables), the new
Italian charm of the 1950s, inspired by
Experience has made its debut. Even
the charm and creativity of Salvatore
if, Peter Brunel specifies, “La mia
Ferragamo. The walls are decorated
Toscana has undergone a restyling
with fashion sketches and photographs,
since 2017. Now the menu offer s new
as well as por traits of the major figures
interpretations of this territor y that
of the day, while a large glass window
has been my home for four year s now.
looks out over the beauty of the Arno
Star ting with a great classic, beef tartar, and Florence , also visible from the new
F rom
the famous and beloved menu
the Pici blend with a wild boar broth,
loft space. A tr ue delight is dining on
and Pigeon, a typical dish in Tuscan
the small terrace , with candle lights
cuisine , grilled and br ushed with a layer
reflecting on the river’s water s.
of pure gold.”
The extraordinar y setting where Spoon
Even the Ortaggi menu has changed,
was brought to life , the kermesse of
‘L a M ia T oscana ’ now offering a more complete to the new creations on the
‘E xperience ’
menu ,
a culinary journey that enchants both the eyes and palate
starred dinner s that has brought more
over view of the vegetable families
than 70 Michelin star s to Borgo San
(bulb, flower, stalk, root, tuber), though
Jacopo and which this year and in
without abandoning some of the best
future editions promises to be even
seller s, like the potato spaghetti and
more brilliant.
T hr e e s t yl es of Mi xo lo gy The Bar Managers Marco Vezzosi, Fausto Pietropaoli and Diego Rampietti tell us about their world T ext V irginia M ammoli
E legance ,
and innovative O utside techniques the U ffizi at P icteau L ounge , allery L ungarnoG H otel
F rom
left :
D iego R ampietti (L a T errazza ), M arco V ezzosi (T he F usion B ar ) F austo P ietropaoli (P icteau ),
The wor ld of cocktails is in constant
T he I talian
evolution. It’s an ar t that recalls the wor k of tr aditional alchemists, and requires perception, taste and a bit of madness. The bar manager s at three cult happy hour locations in
terrace of
P ictecu L ounge
art of the ‘ aperitivo ’
and its international interpretations at three
F lorence : T he F usion B ar & R estaurant , P icteau L ounge and L a T errazza top places in
Florence are well-ver sed in this. Chic combinations, a lot of creativity and the desire to exper iment make these places sanctuar ies of new-school dr inks, set against the backdrop of the Italian ar t of fine dr inking. We
typical ingredients in Italian cuisine
Mar tini.
– like basil, thyme , rosemar y and
Your for te?
met with Marco Vezzosi of The Fusion peschiole (small unr ipe peaches), as Bar & Restaur ant (Galler y Hotel Ar t), well as r atafia and saffron produced
M.V.: The Fusion Negroni, our reinter pretation of the classic
in my home region, Abr uzzo – and
Negroni, a Florentine dr ink that’s
innovative techniques.
always sure to impress: we begin
Diego Rampietti: with us, the key
with Gin London Dr y, Bombay Dr y
word is Relax. We offer a selection
specifically. Instead of Bitter Campar i,
of dr inks that reflects the theme of
we add Cynar ; and for the ver mouth,
the Dolce Vita, with top-quality Italian
we use our Exotic Ver mouth and a
Continentale), atop the Medieval
(and a few French) liqueur s.
drop of Angostur a bitter. The dr ink
Tor re dei Consor ti. All three are just
One’s first cocktail is unforgettable.
is ser ved in a glass case filled with
a stone’s throw away from the Ponte
What was yours?
smoke .
M.V.: Gin and Tonic , a classic…
F.P.: the Boulevardier Affumicato,
F.P.: a mojito, in London ten year s
or Smoked, a kind of old fashioned
What is the philosophy behind your
var iation of the Negor ni, with
D.R.: a Bahama Mama, one of those
Amer ican whiskey instead of gin –
Marco Vezzosi: just like with the
dr inks that you only get a request
Maker’s Mar k Bourbon – and a touch
for once in your career, but someone
of r atafia, a cher r y liqueur from
ordered it on my fir st day of wor k!
Abr uzzo. The concoction is ser ved in
Though what really makes me
a glass flask on a wooden board.
enthusiastic about this wor k is a
D.R.: Depero#3, par t of the ser ies
where an inter national air per vades the environs, from Japan to Per u, Fausto Pietropaoli of Picteau Lounge (Hotel Lungar no), over looking the Ar no, and Diego Rampietti, manager of the rooftop bar La Ter r azza (Hotel
Vecchio and each possess their own style .
restaur ant, the philosophy is to have a fusion of styles. Fausto Pietropaoli: new inter pretations of great classics using
A t L a T errazza
the key - word is : relax
dedicated to Campar i that I created
dr ied in a tea bag.
Or lando won the Ner i Marcoré
and developed over the year s. A
D.R.: for happy hour, we recommend
Award at the most recent Florence
Campar i Sour with a liqueur base and
great classics like cocktails with a
Cocktail Week and fir st place in the
fresh lemon juice , sugar syr up and
base of chinato Campar i, Bitter, Cynar wor ldwide competition Disaronno
infusions of typical local products,
and Ver mouth, an after-dinner dr ink
like fennel, sage , thyme and rosemar y. for ever y spir it.
F.P.: we reopened Picteau in June…
Though in reality, I love to suggest
Mixolog y, flair or barman? What’s
give us time and we won’t let you
a Bloody Mar ianna, an Italianized
your style?
ver sion of the classic Bloody Mar y:
M.V.: All three . It depends on the
D.R.: This year, I’m tr aining my young
jalapeno-infused vodka blended
situation, the client and what you’re
talents so they can par ticipate in
with our own base mixture made of
var ious competitions.
Wasabi powder, mustard, hor ser adish
F.P.: I’m more into mixology.
Answer with a cocktail: Florence
sauce , smoked hints of Pigmenton, a
D.R.: Execution style isn’t as
dash of pepper, soy sauce , Worcester
impor tant as the kind of exper ience
M.V.: a dr ink of the future , because it
sauce and red wine .
you offer for the client.
hasn’t been invented yet.
An iconic drink on your menu?
Out of all your international
F.P.: Negroni, an extr aordinar y
M.V.: classics with Mexican base
recognitions, what was the best
cocktail invented r ight here .
products, like the Mezcal Mar ghar ita,
D.R.: it’s difficult to say, it’s a complex
Welcome to Javisco or Mar tinis,
M.V.: at Fusion, we can count on
city. Perhaps Marco is r ight: a cocktail
especially the Herbal Mar tini.
fresh talent behind the bar : among
that tr uly char acter izes the city has
F.P.: our selection of Negroni with
the numerous recognitions, Rober t
yet to be invented.
sage or coffee infusions, or the Ear l
Pavel was r anked #1 dur ing the
Who knows, maybe a “Florence” will
Grey Negroni, ser ved in a tea cup
prestigious Havana Cocktail Gr an
soon be invented in one of these
with the Campar i dehydr ated and
Pr ix in 2016, while Michel Gr anpasso
exclusive lounge bar s.
F usion
of styles
and an international air , from pervades
J apan to P eru T he F usion B ar
& R estaurant
tips What’s your preference? Are you the Hotel Lungarno or the Continentale type? Are you more attracted to the Gallery Hotel Art or the Portrait? What’s your style? Are you the classic, cool or creative kind? Does style rank high among your priorities? Do you travel with family or are you a confirmed single? Take our personality test and find out. Choose the things to do and places to see in Rome and Florence according to your profile
Creative T ips
Concierge Daniela Bruni
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • A Guest Relations team create bespoke and unusual exper iences for our clients • Set in a quiet cour tyard near the Ar no and Ponte Vecchio and close to Palazzo Strozzi • Enjoy a few quite moments in the inviting lounge-libr ar y WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • You may exper ience ar t and photogr aphy ver nissages. • The exhibits at the Galler y Hotel Ar t offer a window into a contempor ar y wor ld, captured through the prospective of great contempor ar y ar tists or the objective lens of great photogr apher s • Indulge in culinar y Easter n delights at the Fusion Bar & Restaur ant
Momio Via Pisana 9c , Firenze An inter national cor ner in Florence , you can enjoy a really good br unch at this nice café/restaur ant: Eggs Florentine , homemade English muffins and pizza fr itta with mor tadella are just a few of the dishes you can find on the menu here
A ria A rt G allery
M omio
Buca Lapi Via del Trebbio 1r, Firenze Only open for dinner, you can enjoy an excellent Florentine steak and typical Tuscan food at this awesome place
Aria Art Galler y Borgo SS . Apostoli 40r, Firenze Nestled in a 16th-centur y garden, this galler y recently opened a br anch in London. They or ganize ar t exhibitions, events and live perfor mances
M omio
Società Canottieri Firenze Lungarno Anna Maria De’ Medici 8, Firenze Founded in 1886, this is an institution in Florence . Located on the banks of the Ar no, a shor t walk from the Ponte Vecchio, the club has a bar and a restaur ant where guests can eat lunch (dinner available only upon reser vation). Pr ivate lessons are also available , allowing guests the chance to be a rower for a day and see Florence from another per spective
B uca L api
S ocietà C anottieri F irenze
Santo Spirito craft market Piazza Santo Spirito, Firenze Ever y second Sunday of the month, except July and August, the piazza comes to life with stalls manned by local and foreign ar tisans
S anto S pirito
S an M iniato
craft market
San Miniato al Monte Via delle Por te Sante 34, Firenze Simply a must-see . Full stop. One of the most beautiful Italian basilicas, this church over looking one of the most beautiful cities in the wor ld is celebr ating its 1,000th anniver sar y this year. Breath-taking 360° views
La Feltrinelli RED Piazza della Repubblica, Firenze Situated in the hear t of the city, this is the perfect place to stop for a coffee and browse for the r ight book
L a F eltrinelli RED
Boutique Nadine Via de’ Benci 32r, Firenze One of the most interesting and mustsee boutiques in the city; a concept store with a shabby style , you can find clothing by young stylists and jeweller y; in the vintage cor ner, there are pieces by Florentine and Italian designer s. Fur niture is also on sale
B outique N adine
M onte
L a M enagère
Gilo Piano Bar Via Dei Fossi 44r, Firenze A dive into 1960s Italy; live music star ting at 9.30pm, when the piano begins to play away, r anging from jazz to swing; enjoy small snacks and excellent dr inks as you listen to the tunes
Wood Music Garden Lungarno Colombo 23-27, Firenze Situated on the Ar no River, outdoor s and open dur ing the summer, this is the perfect place to enjoy good dr inks, a DJ set and live music
W ood M usic G arden
Fattoria di Maiano Via Benedetto da Maiano 11, Fiesole With its 270 hectares, this far m offer s the oppor tunity to discover the tr adition of extr a-vir gin olive oil thanks to a tour through the olive groves and a fantastic tasting in the pressing mill. Another itiner ar y is the Safar i Tour : on board an off-road vehicle , guests are brought on an exhilar ating tour of the wilder areas of the far m. This itiner ar y is also offered at night, for a chance to see wild animals that don’t nor mally come out dur ing the day G ilo P iano B ar
F attoria
M aiano
Flo Lounge Bar Piazzale Michelangelo 84, Firenze Outdoor s, with a breath-taking view of Florence , it’s only open dur ing the summer and is perfect for a night out on the dance floor
La Menagère Via de’ Ginor i 8, Firenze A trendy and multi-faceted locale: a concept store , restaur ant, cocktail bar and, in the basement, live jazz music
F lo L ounge B ar
Hip T ips
Concierge Francesca Bruschi
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • Stunning location next to the Ponte Vecchio • A vibr ant and romantic design evolved in the ener gy of the 50’s. • The White Ir is Beauty Spa WITH selection of treatments and massages created exclusively by [comfor t zone]. WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • La Ter r azza rooftop bar on top of the Consor ti tower, to discover a most stunning view over the city. • The gour met restaur ant Bor go San Jacopo (1 Michelin Star) directed by Executive Chef Peter Br unel, • Histor ic Renaioli Boat Exper ience on the Ar no River combined with an aper itif at sunset
Floret Via Roma 19/21, Firenze The ter r ace at the Luisa Via Roma showroom. The space has a ver y Amer ican, Califor nian and ethnic style , both in the setting and in the plates and their composition. There is a wide choice in dishes of fish, meat, eggs and cheese , as well as more unique dishes, like the now-famous “avocado toast” and options with hummus
C asini F irenze B y J ennifer T attanelli
F loret
Casini Firenze By Jennifer Tattanelli Piazza dei Pitti 30/31r, Firenze Designer specialized in leather products, shoes, bags and coats, as well as many other hand-cr afted pieces. Items can be tailor-made and shipped directly to your home
5 e Cinque Piazza della Passera 1, Firenze In the hear t of the Oltr ar no, an or ganic vegetar ian restaur ant, where the precision, fr ugality and lightness of Ligur ian tr adition are balanced with the simplicity and quality typical of Tuscany
C inque
Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio Piazza Ghiber ti, Firenze Open ever y day from 7am to 2pm, an authentic Florentine mar ket located inside a histor ic building built in 1873. It’s a temple of typically Tuscan food products, many of which are locallyproduced. Outside , visitor s can find stands with books, haberdasher y and vintage clothing, like scar ves, stoles, shoes and bags
M ercato
S ant ’A mbrogio
M ercato
S ant ’A mbrogio
Antico setificio Fiorentino Via Bar tolini 4, Firenze Founded in 1786, the Antico Setificio Fiorentino continues the her itage of this histor ic tr adition, tr ansfor ming it into wor ld-renown excellence . The institution was founded thanks to the effor ts of a lar ge group of noble , Florentine families, like the Gher ardesca, Bar tolozzi, Pucci and Cor sini. Amongst the wonder s to be found here , an 18th-centur y war ping mill deser ves a special mention, based on a dr awing by Leonardo da Vinci. This perfectly functioning tool is still used to today for creating silk master pieces A ntico S etificio F iorentino
A ntico S etificio F iorentino
•BOOK STORE Libreria Brac Via dei Vagellai, 18/r, Firenze A contempor ar y ar t bookstore with an inter ior cour tyard and piano that doubles as a vegetar ian and vegan restaur ant. The space hosts book presentations, installations, talks with author s and much more
Ciro Via delle Terme Via delle Terme 8, Firenze A team of hair stylists oper ating in a histor ic palace in the hear t of Florence offer their professional skills for women and men’s styles, as well as special wellbeing treatments for both hair and body
L ibreria B rac
Palazzo Strozzi Piazza degli Strozzi, Firenze From September 21, 2018 to Januar y 20, 2019, Palazzo Strozzi is hosting a major exhibition dedicated to Mar ina Abr amović, one of the most renowned and controver sial figures in contempor ar y ar t, who has revolutionized the idea of perfor mance ar t, putting her own body, its limits and her wherewithal of expression to the test P alazzo S trozzi
Marina Abramović
Break de Chasse Carriage-r ide through the city with Giacomo Goldkorn A histor ic hunting car r iage , not to be confused with the var iety used by hor se-dr iven coach dr iver s, pulled by two white Percheron hor ses, perhaps the most famous breed in the wor ld for this kind of wor k, with a coach dr iver out of the ordinar y: an exuniver sity professor who invented a new way of tackling job insecur ity. A top-class ser vice aimed pr imar ily at high-end hotels, and available only upon reser vation
•EXPERIENCES River tour on the Arno with the Renaioli See Florence from another per spective on board a histor ic , restored boat. The 45-minute tour is better if taken with a guide and at sunset, offer ing an even more romantic atmosphere
B reak
C hasse
T eatro del M aggio M usicale F iorentino
Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Via Vittorio Gui 1, Firenze Maggio Musicale Fiorentino is to Florence what the Teatro alla Scala is to Milan. In its moder n and avant-garde theatre close to Stazione Leopolda, the event boasts an extr aordinar y oper a season from October to Apr il and, beginning in late June , the oldest oper a festival in Italy. This year, you can’t miss La traviata by Verdi, an incredible staging by Fr ancesco Micheli, from November 29 to December 9, and West Side Stor y by Ber nstein, on stage from December 13 to 22, 2018 R iver
Pinocchio Jazz Circolo Vie Nuove , 1° Piano, Viale Giannotti 13, Firenze Ever y Saturday evening, from November to March, this histor ic event attended by many a jazz enthusiast plays host to some of the top Italian and inter national bands. Infor mal, welcoming, not tour isty. NOF Borgo San Frediano 17r Firenze Is a bespoke music venue in hear t of Oltr ar no area, where beer and cocktails are ser ved. Non perdetevi ogni lunedì ser a la Monday jazz night
tour on the
A rno
St. Mark’s Anglican Church Via Maggio 16, Firenze The church, par t of histor ic Medici palace that once belonged to Machiavelli, is used today for classical music concer ts and perfor mances of the top Italian oper as
S t . M ark ’ s A nglican C hurch
Classic T ips
Concierge Andrea Spagnuolo
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • Thir tyfour rooms with Ponte Vecchio view. • The Picteau Lounge , the perfect place for after noon-tea, as well as aper itivo or after-dinner dr inks. • A 20th Centur y ar t collection with more than 400 pieces of moder n ar t including Picasso, Cocteau and many Italian ar tists. WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • All-day-dining at the Italian bistro Caffè dell’Oro (next to the Ponte Vecchio) directed by our Michelin star red chef Peter Br unel. • New “Ar t Itiner ar ies” as well as ar t classes on a regular basis will be offered to guests: • Shopping pr ivileges at Salvatore Fer r agamo Store on Via Tor nabuoni.
Caffè del Cibreo Via Andrea del Verrocchio, 5r Florence It’s the small cafe-bistro of the famous Ristor ante Il Cibreo, directed by the ver satile Chef Picchi. The sophisticated cuisine and all the products of the ter r itor y join the casual elegance of the ser vice and the red velvet chair s with a theatr ical taste . Not to be missed if you want to breathe fashion and comedy in the city
C affè
C ibreo
S tudio D imore D esign
Santa Rosa Bistrot Lungarno Santa Rosa, Firenze It’s a new bistrot in Florence with a nice patio in the garden where is possible to have lunch, good aper itif, and dinner. Ver y famous on Sunday for lunch
Studio Dimore Design Via de Fossi 41, Firenze Cool inter ior s design between the past and the future with good selection of vintage fur niture
S anta R osa B istrot
Guya Via Calimala 29r, Firenze Amazing shop in the city center of Florence with a par ticular Italian and inter national br ands
G uya
G uya
Teatro Niccolini Via Ricasoli 3, Firenze This is the oldest theater in Florence . The theater was closed for 20 year s and just re-opened last year
T eatro N iccolini
T eatro N iccolini
Atelier Michele Chiocciolini Via del Fico 3r, Firenze The fabulous wor ld of the talented designer Michele Chiocciolini summar ized in a wor kshop hidden behind the church of Santa Croce . It’s a concept store where you can find unique clothes and ver y r are vintage home fur nishing
Soulspace Firenze Via di Sant’ Egidio 12, Firenze Florence spa & wellness located close to the cathedr al, it offer s an exclusive sensor ial exper ience , beauty r ituals and massages
A telier M ichele C hiocciolini
•BOOKSTORE Todomodo Via de Fossi 32 It ‘s a new concept libr ar y with a good selection of books with a nice bar inside to dr ink a good wine too
T odomodo
S oulspace F irenze
Forte Belvedere Via Di san Leonardo 1, Firenze If You want to get out from the city center visit the for t. The for t offer s a great view of Florence in a quiet place with a nice garden
Altana Europe “ Fishing in Florence “ A pr ivate guide ser vice focused on the Florence Ar no r iver. They offer a fishing exper ience along the Ar no River
F orte B elvedere
Giardino dell’Orticultura Via Vittorio Emanuele II 4, Firenze For a sunny day, this is a fabulous par k where relax and explore the hills area. Different flower s and plants exhibitions in spr ing and summer season
G iardino
dell ’O rticultura
G iardino
dell ’O rticultura
Fulin Via Giampaolo Or sini 113r, Firenze Leave behind your stereotypical expectations of Chinese food and be tr anspor ted by the Fulin Luxur y Chinese Exper ience , in a blend of select design and dishes. At Fulin only Pechino provincial cuisine is ser ved, rewor ked in a gour met style , to be paired with studied Tuscan wines. Two young Chinese chefs wor k alongside an inter national br igade . Check out the attr active ter r ace for Easter ninfluenced aper itifs, food and cocktails
Babylon Club Via de Pandolfini 23, Firenze Florentine Disco Club situated in the hear t of the city center, it offer s a dance floor with house and commercial music
F ulin
Ex traordinar y T ips
Concierge Caterina Pini
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • A breathtaking views onto the r iver Ar no and Florence . • A spectacular rooftop suite and 273m2 Penthouse Floor. • A pr ivate galler y of images of Hollywood star s and royalty snapped as you’ve never seen them before . WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • Una visita alla scoper ta del Museo del Bar gello con i vostr i bambini • Un viaggio nella Street Photogr aphy affiancati da un fotogr afo di fama inter nazionale , esper to nell’utilizzo di Leica • An exclusive shopping conditions at Salvatore Fer r agamo boutiques in Florence
•BREAKFAST Pasticceria Marino Piazza Nazario Sauro n 19r, Firenze Probably it is not the most beautiful coffee shop, but it has the best pastr ies and coffees
I G uarnieri
P asticceria M arino
I Guarnieri Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini 39, Firenze Ccontempor ar y ar t galler y ,Fresco painting Flair Lungarno Cor sini 24r, Firenze home décor, inter nal design, fur niture store
A Crudo Via Mazzerra 5a, Firenze Tuscan crostini, cured meats and cheeses and nice salad. Perfect light lunch in the Oltr ar no
F lair
LOC ALE Via delle Seggiole , 12r, Firenze The hottest new spot in via delle seggiole . Cocktail connoisseur s dream!
L ocale
F lair
Paperback Exchange Via delle Oche 4r, Firenze Br ing the book you just finished and tr ade it for a “new” one
T he M edici D ynasty S how
P aperback E xchange
Volume Piazza Santo Spir ito, Firenze Or iginally a wor kshop of Florentine wood sculpture , now a café and bar where the hip locals hang out
The Medici Dynasty Show Via Faenza 48, Firenze The coolest medici dynasty show on planet hear t!
T he M edici D ynasty S how
Teatro del Sale Via de’ Macci 8, Firenze Food is ser ved buffet style , screamed from the kitchen as dishes are brought out as soon as the chefs can cook them. Romantic? Probably not, but it is the most definitely fun and Florentine , moreover check out what dinner show they host ever y week…if you attend the MARIA C ASSI show, you will laugh a lots!
T eatro
S ale
V olume
Caffè del Verone (Istituto degli Innocenti ) In the past was used by nannies to walk with children and today is a mar velous cafeter ia with a breathtaking view
White Iris Beauty Spa Hotel Continentale Vicolo dell’Oro 6r, Firenze A wide selection of treatments and massages to choose from, created exclusively by [ comfor t zone ] phone: +39 055 2726 5966
W hite I ris B eauty S pa
•EXPERIENCE Cozzi (rilegatore di Libri) Via del Parione Marble paper wor kshop….unique exper ience….magnifiche
C ozzi
A rezzo
antique market
Arezzo antique market Ever y fir st weekend of the month, in Arezzo, Piazza San Fr ancesco and Piazza Great, a big flea mar ket. It’s funnyrotate between the desks of over one hundred exhibitor s come from all over Italy and many European countr ies. You can find ever ything from old lace to old bag, from phone bakelite to the ‘800 centur y Tuscan fur niture
Loretta Caponi Piazza Antinori 4, Florence Ladylike linger ie , bedding, table linen. I love their baby dolls. Between customer s Madonna, Nicole Kidman and crowned heads of all over the wor ld
L oretta C aponi
Stylish T ips
Co by Concierge Francesca
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • Stunning location next to the Spanish Steps • Only 14 suites and a spectacular rooftop ter r ace . • A lifestyle team at your complete disposal that creates bespoke and unusual exper iences for our clients such as a two-hour adventure in a stylish golf car t
WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • Breakfast with a stunning view • Wellness: jogging tr ails and bike routes • Pr ivate museum tour s and cooking classes • Per sonalized assistance from the reception for the or ganization of your stay in Rome
R imessa R oscioli
Pasticceria Bompiani Via Benedetto Bompiani 8, Roma Absolutely my favor ite place in Rome , where I order all my bir thday cakes! When visiting the Ancient Appian way or the catacombs area, this place is a must, but in any case it wor th the visit! Croissants, minicakes, chocolates, cookies: you will desire to eat them all! Le Levain Via Luigi Santini 22, Roma Located in the hear t of the beautiful Tr astevere distr ict, this place makes the best croissants from the French tr adition! If you are passing by in the late mor ning, be sure to taste also their savor y delicacies!
P asticceria B ompiani
Ripetta Design Via di Ripetta 152, Roma An unconventional fur niture and design shop, a chic taste that won’t cer tainly go unnoticed Mercato Monti Via Leonina 46, Roma Urban Mar ket where vintage and unique pieces live next new gener ations and talents of the new Made in Italy panor ama. Only in the weekends
Rimessa Roscioli Via del Conser vator io 58, Roma The new temple of wine and gastronomy. Their tastings will let you tr y producer s considered legends and your glass will be accompanied by the best products ever. Be sure to tr y their caponata, goat cheese and cacio e pepe!
R ipetta D esign
Supplizio Via dei Banchi Vecchi 143, Roma Here the typical suppli is a must. It is a r ice ball with tomato sauce and str ingy mozzarella, but even more gour met dishes will take your attention!
S upplizio
M ercato M onti
Luxur y gym Margutta Via Margutta 54, Roma A small but super professional gym, where Giancar lo gives the highest ser vice for a super satisfying wor kout session Massimo Serini Via Borgognona 2, Roma The hairdresser of the star s, in a beautiful salon at the fir st floor of a classy apar tment a few meter s from the Spanish Steps. Susan Sar andon, Clotilde Cour au, Poppy Delevingne are just a few names he follows J erry T homas
L uxury
M argutta
Jerr y Thomas Vicolo Cellini 30, Roma Speakeasy bar at the top 5 bar s in the WORLD, makes the best cocktails with r um coming directly from Cuba. They’re the kings of mixology Borgo Ripa Lungotevere Ripa 3, Roma The atmosphere in the garden makes Bor go Ripa perfect for a cocktail in the summer nights in Rome . Lots of Romans love spending time here from the aper itif time until late night
Galleria Doria Pamphilj Via del Cor so 305, Roma One of the most impressing pr ivate palaces in Rome , it hosts beautiful master pieces of Baroque and Neoclassical per iod. Once a week, it hosts an oper a concer t by Omnia quar tet. Visit to the pr ivate apar tments of the pr incess are included in the exper ience
G alleria D oria P amphilj
Gregor y Jazz club Via Gregoriana 54, Roma Whisky bar at the top of the Spanish Steps, it hosts the best Italian and Inter national jazz ar tists. exper ience
G regory J azz
M onti
Luneur Park Via delle Tre Fontane 100, Roma This theme par k has been for Romans an institution. After many year s of closing, has now re-opened with new char acter s and lots of fun for adults and children! In summer they or ganize many events, such as the Light Par ty or the Bubble dance Golf car tour One of the best activities to do when in Rome . It allows to see the nar row alleys or reach the hills of Aventino and Gianicolo, maybe stopping by the best street food places
Fontana dell’Acqua Paola Via Garibaldi, Roma The opening scene of the Oscar movie “The Great Beauty”, on the top of Janiculum Hill. The view is amazing and the beauty of the Fountain is magical Or to Botanico Largo Cristina di Svezia 24, Roma From the Japanese Garden (highest point), the view of the city center is sur rounded by the nature . When the cher r y trees are flowered, the scener y is even more suggestive
F ontana
dell ’A cqua
P aola
Forum of Caesar Foro Traiano (Trajan column) One of the most beautiful exper iences that you can enjoy in contact with the beauty of ancient Rome . A walk through the r uins at night of the Caesar For um with a vir tual show and lights projected. Domus Aurea Via della Domus Aurea 1, Roma Wear ing an helmet, you will discover the archeological site of the ancient house of Nero Emperor, now open to public . Will be fun the vir tual 3D jour ney at the end of the visit D omus A urea
F orum
C aesar
Zuma Rome Via della Fontanella di Borghese 48 Revolutionar y and glamourous Japanese restaur ant, in the spectacular setting of Palazzo Fendi Antica Pesa Via Garibaldi 18, Roma A Tr astevere oster ia since 1922
Monti neighbourhood, Rome Getting lost in the nar row streets of the Fir st Distr ict of Rome not only means having direct contact with ancient histor y, but also discover ing vintage shops, antique shops, designer boutiques and a number of ar tisan wor kshops
Z uma
Stylish T ips
Who’s w ho
Let us introduce our concierges, who in this issue of Collection reveal their favourite places in Florence and Rome. Bars, bakeries, shops, museums, restaurants, experiences and clubs that they’ve gotten to know first-hand, and which they invite you to check out… Daniela Bruni, Concierge
free time with the people closest to
me , having a good time and enjoying
“I love spor ts, especially football.
their company.”
I adore the countr yside , where I grew up. I love to explore small
Caterina Pini, Concierge
villages and discover little family-
r un businesses where our oldest
“In my free time , I love to cook, paint
tr aditions are still thr iving.”
and recycle objects, not to mention tr avel. I’ve recently taken to r unning,
Francesca Bruschi, Concierge
and I love to read ever ything I can
about psychology and sociology
“I love ar t, culture and open-air
because I think that people’s minds
itiner ar ies, and I’m always looking
are complex machines and the most
for new locations to recommend to
difficult to under stand.”
our guests so they can exper ience authentic Tuscany, far from the
Francesca Mortale, Concierge
tour ist circuits, just like tr ue
“I’m Roman and I’m in love with the city. I love looking for new places
Andrea Spagnuolo, Concierge
to discover and share with fr iends
and guests. I love food, enjoying new
“I adore ar t, fashion and tr avel. I love culinar y exper iences and taking lots the theatre , music and spending my
of photos of what I eat!”