Collection nr7

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L aurentian L ibrary , C upola , E lci T ribune ( ph . P iepaolo P agano ) R ight page : G iambologna , T he R ape of the S abine W omen L oggia dei L anzi , P iazza della S ignoria

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You only need a few hour s to realize that ever y descr iption you’ve ever read about the histor y of ar t can hardly match reality, even the vir tual kind: to be in Florence , immer sed in the live exper ience , is another thing





issue to six master pieces in six different locations, taking you on a jour ney from the Renaissance to today, like a tightrope walker who glides along the thread of Ar t, in one of the most beautiful cities on the planet. And if there isn’t enough time , fear not, you won’t find any queues here .

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U rs F ischer , B ig C lay #4, P iazza della S ignoria ( ph . M attia M arasco ) L eft page : F acade of the C athedral ( detail , ph . E ster V ulpiani )

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A rchizoom

S uperstudio , S uperarchitettura (1966-1967), M useo N ovecento R ight page : B ronzino , T he D escent of C hrist into L imbo ( detail ), M useum of the C hurch of S anta C roce and

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Gioiellieri dal 1926

Cassetti su Ponte Vecchio la piĂš ampia proposta di gioielli e orologi di lusso

Cassetti on Ponte Vecchio the greatest proposal of luxury watches and jewels Boutique Firenze Ponte Vecchio, 54r +39 055 287361

Boutique Rolex Ponte Vecchio, 29r +39 055 2741044

Boutique Cartier - IWC Ponte Vecchio, 33r +39 055 283301

Boutique Forte dei Marmi Via G. Carducci, 6d +39 0584 85044

Boutique Bulgari Via G. Carducci, 8 +39 0584 85044

Boutique Vacheron Constantin Ponte Vecchio, 52r +39 055 2396028





CENTRO PECCI THE NEW ERA Close to Florence , in Pr ato, the spacecr aft of Contempor ar y Ar t




An ever yday capital by Leonardo Ferragamo

17 NOTES Never stop dreaming by Valeriano Antonioli

FRIENDS 20-21 REMO SALVADORI “In this there is no measur ing time”

22-23 ALESSIA ANTINORI Open Source


ESSENCE OF GREATNESS A jour ney through some of the most beautiful Galler ies in Rome by Salvatore La Spina

ART & STYLE 54-59 THE ART OF DOING Four Fer r agamos speak of ‘Fer r agamo’ in a never-before-seen gener ational compar ison

A design tour to discover the new look of the Hotel Lungar no

78-83 INVENTIVE JOURNEYS The creativity of Peter Br unel, culinar y ar tist at BSJ restaur ant

84-89 THREE STYLES OF MIXOLOGY The Bar Manager s Marco Vezzosi, Fausto Pietropaoli and Diego


Rampietti tell us about their wor ld



ZEN MASTER Gianfr anco Rosini speaks to us about Andy Warhol, at the Galler y Hotel Ar t



theatre , food&wine , fashion

GIULIANO GORI Environmental Ar t in Nature

MY FLORENCE by Eike D. Schmidt

THE FACES OF BEAUTY Ar t for ms in Florence , from exhibitions to museums



A special point of view

DIALOGUE BETWEEN HEARTS A meeting with Aurelio Amendola, who por tr ays ar t across histor y with a one-of-a-kind style

FREEDOM Simone D’Aur ia and Vespa, in a “pop” union, in the name of freedom

WHAT’S GOING ON The must-sees of ar t, music , culture

TIPS 94-98 FROM DAWN TO SUNSET What to do and where to go in Florence and Rome ph.

HOTEL LUNGARNO Florence 65 rooms and suites

GALLERY HOTEL ART Florence 74 rooms and suites

CONTINENTALE Florence 43 rooms and suites

PORTRAIT FIRENZE Florence 37 suites

PORTRAIT ROMA Rome 14 suites

Stylish and utter ly char ming with stunning views onto Ponte Vecchio, the Hotel Lungar no features over 400 wor ks of ar t including Cocteau and Picasso.

Italy’s fir st design hotel, the Galler y Hotel Ar t is a favor ite amongst the fashion set of Florence . Just a few steps from Ponte Vecchio.

Over looking the Ponte Vecchio, this vibr ant and dynamic contempor ar y hotel is the place to be and to be seen in Florence .

Spacious and intimate suites, the attention of a char ming hotel, and a wonderful view of the Ponte Vecchio.

The finest location in Rome , on Via Condotti, a stone’s throw away from the Spanish Steps, the Por trait Suites ROMA reflects the glamour of life of Salvatore Ferragamo.

VILLA LE ROSE Florence 6 bedroom villa

PALAZZO C APPONI Meetings & Events


SWAN SAILING YACHT Mediter r anean & Car ibbean Seas

Just minutes away from the hear t of Florence, this 16th centur y Villa is a one of a kind historic residence with relaxing garden, delightful pool, frescoed salons and six private suites.

This 15 th centur y Palace with sumptuous frescoes and the latest technology, provides a magical stage for meetings, congresses and prestigious events in the hear t of Florence.

On the Tuscan coast, in the hear t of Maremma, this unique destination features contemporar y and ultra spacious apar tments over looking the sea.

Swan Yachts are considered some of the finest yachts in the wor ld. This Collection of 4 yachts offer s an exclusive sea vacation with routes to the Mediterranean Islands and the Caribbean.

BOOKING & INFO - LUNGARNO COLLECTION Bor go S.S.Apostoli, 29- Firenze - Ph. +39 055 27264000 - reser vations@lungar



Gruppo Editoriale

Gruppo Editoriale

for |



An ever yday capital ph. Miki Nakano

Leonardo Ferragamo, President of Lungarno Collection

A rt

and culture , born spontaneously in our territory , have been fostered for centuries by the impact that each one of us promises every day , down to the smallest details Tuscany and culture go hand-

doing things well, ever y day, with

in-hand, jour neying together

will and passion; that which is

across centur ies of extr aordinar y

found in the little things that

histor y.

we create , compose , invent in

I’m thinking above all of the

ever y moment to uphold the

culture that has always inspired

community that sur rounds us.

the meaning of beauty and

Ar t is that impact on daily life

know-how, two elements that

that we want to guar antee , with

were bor n spontaneously in our

our gestures and our actions.

ter r itor y and which over time

My effor ts have always been

have become an unpar alleled

inspired by this.

Italian her itage , strongly

Tuscany, Florence , culture and ar t

per meating ever y aspect of our

have never been separ able . And


they never will be . But the single ,

But ar t isn’t just culture . Ar t is

impassioned suppor t of each of

also that special penchant for

us remains manifest.



C O L L E C T I O N Milano - Corso Italia n. 1 +39 02 89092704

Firenze - Via dei Fossi n. 41r +39 055 287632



Never stop dreaming Valeriano Antonioli, Editorial Director of “Collection Magazine” and CEO of Lungarno Collection

F lorence

is like an art gallery : you are surrounded by unlimited artistic expressions . L et yourself be inspired and enjoy the most exciting sensation of art One day I asked a famous ar tist, “Why

An ar tist might invest three months

do you do this? Your ar t? He replied,

to create his ar t or, in some cases, his

“There is no reason. I am an ar tist.

entire life .

I just do it.”

But the ar t also lies within the

It took me a while to under stand

receiver, you.

what he meant. Actually, I am still

Because the ar tist, at least in Florence ,

consider ing his words.

is not around anymore to tell you why

Ar t is love , passion, inspir ation,

he painted that picture , you have to

freedom, communication. Often ar t

use your imagination to guess why he

der ives from deep-seated feelings that

did it. To me this is the essence of ar t:

only an ar tist is capable of expressing

inspir ing people to think and, in some

with his ar t. Sometimes it is inspired

cases, making people dream.

by a message the ar tist feels

Tour ing Florence is like tour ing an ar t

compelled to share , while sometimes

galler y: you are sur rounded by ar t and

it is simply commissioned by a

unlimited ar tistic expressions. Enjoy

nobleman as decor ation for his villa.

the jour ney and never stop dreaming.


friends Remo Salvadori Alessia Antinori Giuliano Gori




“In this there is no measuring time” Remo Salvadori

The For te di Belvedere is a terrace over the city, a higher ground that, once reached, eases both one’s step and one’s gaze, and reawakens memor y. As a student, I remember making my way up there from the Porta di San Niccolò, or from the Boboli Gardens, or passing by Rosai’s house along that ver y special route that proceeds between the old grafittied walls. Subsequent visits and exhibitions have made the For te ever more familiar to me, up until this moment, in which I find myself looking upon it with a different set of eyes. Looking at a place vis-à-vis one’s own work is an entirely new experience; the difference, I would say, is like that between

R emo S alvadori

accompanies us for an encounter with

his works in the exhibition

Y talia . T his

text ,

written by the artist , is also a reflection on art ,

on time , and on silence : a precious gift for our readers

a greeting and a meeting. A meeting is setting aside time; it is listening; it is waking

abound, affinities that bring ever ything into

up the mind and the senses; it is finding

harmony; an itinerar y, a proposition from

a rhythm, a pace. Sur veying is a term that

a curator in love, that resounds through

evokes a process of nearing, of approaching;

three words–energy, thought, beauty–and that

an active force; an idea both welcomed

highlights that ever ything is connected; this

and investigated; a beginning that is also a

was the key that set into motion…

“stop”…a “seeing oneself,” a “seeing oneself

The eye moves continuously between what is

see”; a pause that instantaneously gathers

near and what lies far ther off, encountering

the signs that show themselves, and that

along the way living geometries in a

reveal the tools with which they have been

Continuous Infinite Present. The unforgotten

sketched out.

twists were created in the years of my youth;

The works seen on the four sides of the

they continue to pulse, uniting the geography

building inside the Forte’s walls, just like the

and the histor y of a city that remains

two works that overlook the remarkable

imper turbable, and that is reborn like a

landscape with its lively signs of the historic

flower when spring comes. My works for

city below and those in the room on the

Ytalia are to be experienced star ting from a

second floor, offer an experience to be

place of silence; an impossible silence that

engaged with mind, hear t, and body.

lives within each of us. These works live to

The gaze is hardly left alone. Connections

be shared, and they know how to wait.


MATERIALS Spirituality and materiality, but also singularity and multiplicity, the internal and the external: for Salvadori, ar t is a communion of opposites in which geometrical forms often recur

EXHIBITION Remo Salvadori is one of the twelve ar tists par ticipating in Ytalia, for which more than 100 wor ks are on display at the For te Belvedere and in other iconic Florentine sites

S imultaneously R enaissance alchemist and conemporary artist ,

R emo S alvadori


art as a kind of revelation ;

it develops within him , slowly , until it finally manifests itself

(P h . M arco A ndrea M agni )

A lessia A ntinori in front of Y ona F riedman ’ s work in the A ntinori C hianti C lassico winery



Open Source Alessia Antinori

I was born and raised among the beauty and ar t of Palazzo Antinori. It’s in the hear t of Florence . My ancestor Niccolò Antinori bought it during the Renaissance (in 1506) and it’s still our home today. Winemaker s for 26 generations, our headquar ter s are in the Chianti Classico wine region, where a contemporar y, extraordinar y and innovative project featuring ar t, both of the literal and wine variety, has come together in one space . The Antinori Art Project stemmed from my father’s

S he

comes from one of the oldest wine - making families in the world .



of contemporary art and winemaking , she is the

suggestion that I look after the family ar t

founder of the

collection for the new Antinori winer y

‘A ntinori A rt P roject ’

in the Chianti Classico region. I thought that such a contemporar y location would be the perfect setting to tie our past with what will be passed on to other s in the future , the contemporar y. Ever y year, we commission one piece in-situ from artists who are best able to connect with the sensitivity and style of our world. They’ve included Yona Friedman, Rosa Barba, Tomàs Saraceno, Nicolas Par ty and Giorgio Andreotta Calò. Wor king alongside me is Ilaria Bonacossa, an Italian curator and

For the Antinor i


Ar t Project,

I love both

the fir st,

viticulture and

unfor gettable

ar t deeply. Thanks

director of Artissima, the most impor tant meeting was with contemporar y ar t fair in Italy. The pieces architect-ar tist have been installed at different places in the winer y and today, together with the family collection, is another excellent reason for ar t lover s to visit our winer y.



to Philippine Rotschild, I

Yona Fr iedman at

under stand the

his home in Par is

syner getic power of these two passions


I tell all my fr iends to visit the Museo del Bar gello in Florence

WINE Creating a bottle of wine , from vineyard to bottle , is an ar t for m, there’s the aesthetics, the human aspect, the know-how



Environmental Ar t in Nature Giuliano Gori

To be tr uly under stood, ever y expression of ar t needs a key, the effor t of a collector is equal to the number of keys he/she seeks to acquire. This is my answer when anyone asks me why I’ve dedicated a large par t of my life to ar t. I began to collect wor ks when I was ver y young, but there is an undeniable and precise time and place that inspired me to launch an environmental ar t project: in March 1961, as I was traveling through Barcelona, I stopped by the Museu Nacional d’Ar t de Catalunya, a museum with ar t from the Middle Ages to the Modern era, where the wor ks are displayed in a reconstr uction of the original contexts

E nounter with the patron of V illa C elle , between F lorence and P istoia . I n a one - of - a - kind park , 80 monumental works by the biggest contemporary artists , from A lberto B urri to S ol L e W itt

for which their maker s designed them. It was here that the idea was born. The collection ‘Environmental Art in nature’ at Villa Celle (in the massive par k surrounding the Baroque estate, ed.), began without any points of reference and we cer tainly didn’t expect to become a model our selves. We didn’t even plan to open to the public. But when the fir st wor ks were finished, I realized that it didn’t make sense to keep


these enormous and complex works only



for myself, to admire and stroll around


A wor k of land

them on my own, but that I had to share

The ‘Br ancacci

ar t takes meaning

them with other s. For this reason, since

Chapel’ frescoed

from the space

1982, anyone who comes to Celle can

by Masaccio in the

that contains it

is the guide Fattoria

enter the park for free. My advice to a

Church of Santa

and of which it is

di Celle Collezione

who knows the

young collector? Only acquire pieces when

Mar ia del Car mine

an integr al par t

Gori. Walk through site

stor ies behind


you tr uly under stand the ar tist’s message and always evaluate a wor k with your head

To know the collection ‘Environmental Ar t in nature’ at Villa Celle

specific art, Gli Ori

REWARDS The best ‘reward’ I received from Celle is being the only one

each of the wor ks

and not your ear s (hear say).


A bove : G iuliano G ori , one of the top collectors of environmental art

in the world , in front

‘K atarsis ’ by M agdalena A bakanowicz B elow : ‘T he H and , the C reatures , the S inging garden ’ by L oris C ecchini of

i t i n e r a ry Florence Rome




E ike D. S chmidt , F reiburg , is D irector of the U ffizi G alleries from 2015 ( ph . P asquale P aradiso )

years old , born in

I tinerar y


My Florence Eike D. Schmidt

told me that since this was my fir st

T he G erman D irector of the U ffizi G alleries and the first non -I talian to hold the job is a world - famous F lorentine art history expert . H ere , he offers a mix of his personal and official

museum, it was well wor th star ting

point of view of the city

It was at the Museo di San Marco that I began my fir st trip to Florence. I was 14 with no special love of ar t. I remember how my grandmother

here, just in case it was also my last. After all “the Renaissance was born” at San Marco. So, my brother and I spent a whole morning among the cells frescoed by Fra Angelico and the illuminated manuscripts in the librar y, moving in those noble and light spaces that str uck me with their singular fusion of the rationality and spirituality with which they were built. We discovered the wonder s of Florence in degrees on that trip. I think my grandmother wanted to avoid the risk of overaweing us, and our moment at the Uffizi didn’t arrive until the ver y last day.

the real challenge is to constantly offer new wor ks and new discoveries. I too feel the need to periodically look upon the wor ks with fresh eyes. Not long ago, during a private visit through the halls of the Uffizi with an impor tant guest, my eyes fell on a small piece of the ceiling frescoes in the Corridoio di Ponente (1), where, for the fir st time, I noticed the word “Ospitalità”

(hospitality) wrapped around a Fate is curious, since I now know ever y depiction of four ancient Florentine cellar and storehouse of both the figures known for their hospitality, Uffizi and Palazzo Pitti (2). Don’t ask me which piece I love the most. With such an impor tant and rich collection,

seen then as a vir tue. The surprise was twofold because at that moment we were talking about the special way


W ith

its vast collection

B otticelli , T itian , M ichelangelo , R aphael , C aravaggio and other O ld M asters , the U ffizi is I taly ’ s equivalent to the L ouvre in P aris or the H ermitage in S t . P etersburg ( ph . L orenzo C otrozzi ) of paintings by

I tinerar y





in which modern Florentines excel at hospitality. It is still a vir tue, as it was six centuries ago. Hospitality is one of the most beautiful forms of openness towards the wor ld and its people. And openness is also the thread of my wor k in Florence as I have tried to recreate that grandiose ideal of Peter Leopold, Grand Duke of Tuscany, when he transformed the Uffizi’s princely collection into one of


the wor ld’s fir st museums open to the public. Today, the visitor is thought to be at the centre of a ver y impor tant ar t collection not only intellectually but also emotionally. I believe that

- and thus we will restore the original

of Michelangelo, Donatello, Mino

Percorso del Principe, which begins

da Fiesole, Giambologna and

at Palazzo Vecchio, passes through the

French medieval ar t. And, thanks

Uffizi and arrives at the Boboli Gardens

to a donation from Carrand, the

and Palazzo Pitti. At this point, those museums are spaces for the productive who are willing can climb from the fr uition of ar t. It’s for this reason that Boboli Gardens to Forte Belvedere. after 35 year s, I reopened Palazzo

Pitti to fashion (4), where not only the Italian but also the international concept of prêt-à-por ter was born. And it’s with this concept in mind that we created the Galleries’ newest itinerar y. The Vasari Corridor will be accessible to all - no longer only a chosen few, as it has been in the past

museum is home to the oldest effigy of Dante in the wor ld, which in the 19th centur y was a real cult object.

But let’s return to the other pieces of

And finally, there are some corner s

Florence that I love the most. In addition

of the Boboli Gardens where I

to the Museo di San Marco (3), which

seek solace in the ear ly morning

remains in my hear t, I believe the Museo

before the tourists arrive. Beautiful

del Bargello is a jewel that hides in plain

places with spectacular views over

sight. Unlike the Accademia, where there Florence. I don’t want to keep them are just a few great iconic Michelangelo

all to myself, but I invite you to find

masterpieces, here you’ll find, just a few

them with pleasure and without

steps from the Uffizi, the masterpieces



U ffizi G alleries includes the U ffizi G allery , the museums of P itti P alace ( below ) and B oboli G ardens ( above )


Dialogue between hear ts A meeting with Aurelio Amendola, who portrays art across history with a one-of-a-kind style T ext F rancesca L ombardi P hoto A urelio A mendola

M ichelangelo L’A urora , L orenzo de ’ M edici ’ s T omb , C hurch of S an L orenzo , S agrestia N uova



Photog rapher


Emilio Vedova, 1987 Andy Warhol, New York, 1986, Mario Ceroli, 2013; Mimmo Paladino 2014; Cesar, Saint Paul de Vence 1975

Aurelio Amendola is unique: he’s photogr aphed Michelangelo as well as Andy Warhol; Giovanni Pisano,

C eroli ,

in his photo , is a

backlit , while

V edova

R omantic I carus


plays the madman with

as well as Marino Marini; not to

a paint brush in his hand ...

mention Bur r i, Ceroli, De Chir ico

sad even if immersed in the pop colours of his

…successfully developing a wholly


different style for each one of them

A nd A ndy W arhol ,

N ew Y ork

studio ...

and keeping intact the dialogue between hear ts, his and that of the ar tist. Look at his wor ks and a million questions will come to mind: why is Ceroli, in his photo, a Romantic Icar us and backlit, while Vedova plays the madman with a paint br ush in his hand? And then there’s Bur r i, hidden by the fire; Mar ino Mar ini, hear t wrenching on the beaches of For te dei Mar mi with one of his hor ses, but in the flesh; Andy Warhol, sad even if immer sed in the pop colour s of his fantastic New Yor k studio. You could ask him how these shots came to be , but as you obser ve them, you under stand that nothing was researched, that they are moments bor n out of Aurelio’s encounter s with Mar io, Emilio, Alber to, Andy and all the other s. Amendola, however, doesn’t let it go to his head, or perhaps that ir reverent spir it of toscanaccio is stronger than a justified pr ide for what he has been able to

create: the only photogr apher to go

hands of the Pietà in Rome or the

on display at the Her mitage Museum

sensuality of Michelangelo’s Aurora on

in Saint Peter sbur g “They came

the Tomb of Lorenzo de’ Medici. But

to pick me up from Florence in a

the photos in these pages can speak

pr ivate air plane!”.

louder than words. Speaking with

His limited-edition book, published

Aurelio, however, one must admit:

by FMR – only 33 extremely

his enthusiasm, his ir reverence win

expensive copies were produced –

you over, perhaps precisely for the

is cur rently held at the New Yor k

contr ast between the exaltation and

Public Libr ar y, the Kuala Lumpur

the balance of his images. A question

Perfor ming Ar ts Centre , the National

about the dialogue between ancient

Libr ar y of Fr ance in Par is and in

and contemporar y and he responds

the collections of the President

with his usual simplicity, offer ing us

of the Republic of Singapore .

his precious memor ies: “Ever since

Florence’s tr ibute to Michelangelo

I’ve been photogr aphing ar t, it seems

for the 450th anniver sar y was 23

to me that I’ve always conver sed

blow ups on display at the Medici

with both… And to think that it

Chapels, 4 of which are now held

all star ted by chance: I mostly did

their per manently. These are just a

ceremonies when, in ’66, I was invited

few of Aurelio’s successes: the list

to see an exhibition on Mar ini in

could go on indefinitely, just as one

Rome with students and professor s

could descr ibe the tender ness of the

from the Accademia di Belle Ar ti


O utside U ffizi G allery


M ichelangelo , D avid ( detail )



in Pistoia. At the exhibition, I took

was the fir st thing I did: a room full

photos of the school field tr ip, but

of computer s and assistants making

upon our retur n Professor Bellini

the wor ks that he signed… a genius:

asked me to photogr aph Giovanni

I, at 80 year s old, still go to the dar k

Pisano’s pulpit in Sant’Andrea in

room at 6am.

Pistoia. I tr ied, self-taught as always.

I met him again 10 year s later, while

I didn’t like them ver y much, but

I was in New Yor k with Chia. I

Mar ino Mar ini liked them, who

made another appointment and he

said he wanted to hire me to do

welcomed me once again: he wasn’t

por tr aits. This is how I passed from

well, I’m sor r y to say, and he died

ancient to contempor ar y.”

shor tly thereafter. Dur ing my two

You continued with many others,

meetings with him, I took a total of

including Andy Warhol.

20 shots, not many. But I discovered

Our fir st encounter was in ’76. I was

only later that I was one of the few

in NY with a fr iend and I called the

photogr apher s who captured him in

Factor y to ask for an appointment.

pose .

For tunately, he had an assistant from

In September, his photos of Warhol

Vicenza, who fixed the meeting for

will be at the Stelline Foundation

me . I didn’t speak English, nor do I

in Milan for an exhibition in honour

now for that matter, and to take the

of the 30th anniver sar y of the New

photos, I gr abbed Warhol by the ar m

Yor k ar tist’s death. In the meantime ,

and dr agged him to where I wanted

he is prepar ing a book for Treccani

to get the shot… At a cer tain point,

on Gabr iele D’Annunzio’s Vittor iale ,

I asked to use the bathroom. They

with a preface by Giordano Br uno

showed me a cor r idor and told me

Guer r i.

to go to the left, but not to open the “They said to me: do what you’d like , door on the r ight. What can I say?! It

what a satisfaction!”.


H ere and left page : M ichelangelo , L a P ietà , B asilica di S an P ietro ( details )

A bove : M ario M erz , L a S pirale A ppare , 1990 B elow : A nish K apoor H ere and T here , 1987



Centro Pecci the new er a

Close to Florence, in Prato, the spacecraft of Contemporary Art T ext M aria L ardara

If you’ve already been enchanted

Hadid’s Maxxi in Rome , you can’t

C ontemporanea L uigi P ecci represents a reference point in T uscany and I taly for experimentation ,

miss Tuscany’s own revived cradle

with the mission of investigating all the

by shots of Fr ank O. Gehr y’s Guggenheim in Bilbao or Zaha

of contemporar y art: The Centro Pecci in Prato, a few kilometres

C entro

per l ’A rte

disciplines of

C ontemporary A rt

from Florence. The br ainchild of local entrepreneur Enr ico Pecci. A futur istic shell designed by the Sino-Dutch architect Maur ice Nio envelops like a br ight spacecr aft this place of research and exper imentation, devoted to contempor ar y ar t. Founded in 1988 as the fir st Italian headquar ter s built ex-novo to exhibit, collect and disseminate the most advanced ar t research, the Pecci, as the Tuscans call it, aims to become an inter national reference point for exper imentation with multiple contempor ar y creative languages – from the visual ar ts to cinema, music to perfor mance ar t, architecture , design, fashion and liter ature in a weave of languages. This goal is echoed in the program of exhibitions and events, in addition

to the temporar y collection that motivated the recent expansion and renovation of the or iginal building. The hand of Maurice Nio has given the building a whole new look with futur istic lines that will entice even the most distr acted dr iver. Once you have reached the spaceship’s threshold and purchased your ticket, you enter the lar ge white rooms to begin a long jour ney across space and time . You’re forbidden to r ush. For more than 25 year s, the Centre has collected more than a thousand works by more than 300 ar tists, tr acing ar tistic trends from


and culture

A by

futuristic shell designed

M aurice N io


like a bright spacecraft the original structure of

C entro P ecci



T he

work of

L oris C ecchini , S teelorbitalcocoons , 2009

the ‘60s to the present.

Januar y 28, see From the Caver n to

Painting, sculpture, cinema and video, the Moon... A Jour ney through the

F or

more than


years ,

C entro P ecci

has collected more than a thousand works by more than


artists , tracing

artistic trends from the

‘60 s

to the present

installations, works on paper, ar t

Collection of the Centro Pecci, cur ated

books, photographs, graphic ar t

by Stefano Pezzato. It features the

and commissioned projects, here

best of the per manent collection with

the great exhibitor s of Ar te Pover a

the wor ks of 60 ar tists captur ing the

and Tr ansavantgarde have found a

ar t of the last half-centur y.

home , along with the legends of

Don’t miss the Caver na

Soviet avant-garde and the wor ld

dell’antimater ia by Pinot Gallizio

of ar t photogr aphy. Absolute

and Luna by Fabio Maur i, as you

icons from Vito Acconci to Vahr am

follow a visionar y tr ail that r aises

Aghasyan, Marco Bagnoli to Pier

questions about our time . While

Paolo Calzolar i, Paolo Canevar i to

the city echoes this revival with

Lor is Cecchini. Then there’s Marcos

unprecedented fer vour, cultural

Chavez, Fabr izio Cor neli, Enzo

associations, galleries, studios

Cucchi, Ulan Djaparov, Jan Fabre ,

and the restor ation of streets

Lucio Fontana, Mar io Merz, Rober t

and neighbourhoods, the Centro

Mor r is, Michelangelo Pistoletto and

Pecci puts on the greatest show of

David Tremlett. Among the latest

itself and its expanded exhibition

acquisitions is a por tr ait of Jackie

spaces. An archive and a specialized

Kennedy by Andy Warhol.

librar y, outdoor theatre, cinema-

Per manent collection and tempor ar y

auditorium, a restaurant and a

exhibitions inter twine in an

bookshop aim to br ing the audience

embr ace of the contempor ar y. Until

closer to the collection.


M ichelangelo P istoletto , U omo nudo , 1962-1987


E s s e n ce of Gr eatness

A journey through some of the most beautiful Galleries in Rome T ext S alvatore L a S pina

P alazzo S pada ,

the forced

perspective gallery

F rancesco B orromini . P review page : T he R ape of P roserpina by G ian L orenzo B ernini , G alleria B orghese by


Art itinerar y


F rom left : D avid C ontemplating the H ead of G oliath by C aravaggio , T he B eaneater by A nnibale C arracci


O razio G entileschi , L a F ornarina

They are the signs of a society at the apex of affluence , taste , culture and, perhaps more than anything,

I n R ome ,


R aphael , R est

on the

F light


priceless art collections ,

patrimony of the many families that influenced

the city ’ s culture and politics

ambition. Rome preser ves them in all their splendour, embellished as

in the

unpar alleled jewels among the oldest

R enaissance


B aroque E ra

psalter ies of the Empire . They are the pr iceless ar t collections, patr imony of the many families that influenced the city’s culture and politics in the Renaissance and Baroque Er a. The Or sini, Colonna, Della Rovere , Medici, Far nese , Bor ghese , Barber ini, Pamphilj, Aldobr andini, Ludovisi, Cor sini, Rospigliosi and Tor lonia ... avid hunter s of ar t, but also refined collector s. They dictated the fashion. They commissioned the best ar tists to their cour ts. They bought and restored the classics that from the 16th centur y onwards emer ged from the under ground of Rome . They commissioned copies of the wor ks by imitating the style of ancient Roman patr ician families, competing with each other to display the r ichest and most luxur ious collections.

The labour s and ambitions of these

home to master pieces from master s

gentlemen, whom we will never

such as Ber nini, Titian, Velazquez,

stop thanking, gave Rome the

Guido Reni and Filippo Lippi. Within

unique master pieces that can today

the collection, Rest on the Flight into

be visited in the splendid palaces

Egypt stands out as a master piece

that welcomed them from the ver y

by a young Caravaggio. It is his fir st


complex wor k, a Bible stor y with

Our jour ney encounter s absolute

full-length char acter s, lyr ically set in

master pieces, wor ks of ar t from

a late autumn countr yside . It’s his

the could inspire a real Stendhal’s

only canvas to feature a significant

syndrome , preser ved in some of the

piece of landscape . Rich with accents

most beautiful Galler ies in Rome .

of human tender ness, it’s depicted

In one of the lar gest and most

in a light palette , br illiant colour s

sumptuous palaces in Rome , on Via

and golden nuances before his tastes

del Cor so, and still inhabited by the

tur ned to dar k and dr amatic scenes.

family, the Galleria Doria-Pamphili is

Not far from Piazza di Spagna is


E gypt

Art itinerar y


F rom left : A ntonio C anova , P auline B onaparte as V enus V ictri ; R aphael , T he D eposition ; C aravaggio , J ohn (J ohn in the W ilderness ); an interior detail of P alazzo C orsini


B aptist

the imposing Palazzo Barberini, for

atmosphere and realistic dr ama.

family was Marcantonio Colonna, who

centur ies, the luxur ious residence

Our itiner ar y must include the

won the battle of Lepanto in 1571,

of Pope Urbano VIII’s family. Today it

most famous villa in Rome , the Villa

br inging about the end of Tur kish

hosts the collection of the Galleria

Borghese. Its collection is considered

dominance over the Mediter r anean.

Nazionale di Arte Antica. Among the

the “queen of the wor ld’s pr ivate

The episode is depicted in the

preser ved master pieces is Raphael’s

collections” and is the wor k of

frescoes that decor ate its halls. The

La Fornarina. The ar tist kept the

cardinal Scipione Bor ghese , who, at

final scene of “Roman Holiday” with

painting in his studio until his death

the beginning of the 17th centur y,

Audrey Hepbur n and Gregor y Peck

as it depicts Mar gher ita Luti, the

used ever y means, legitimate and

was shot in the Palazzo’s Galler y,

daughter of a Tr astevere baker who

otherwise , to create it. He did not

and among its many memor able

Raphael probably loved.

hesitate , for example , to whisk away

master pieces, is Annibale Carracci’s

In the hear t of Tr astevere is Palazzo

the beautiful Deposition by Raphael


Corsini alla Lungara, the histor ic

from the Church of San Fr ancesco in

We end our tour of Roman galler ies

residence of Clement XII and Queen

Per ugia dur ing the night, provoking a

with the Galleria Spada, located in

Cr istina of Sweden. It differ s from

civic protest. The superb collection

one of the most beautiful buildings

all the other palaces in Rome as

was enr iched at the beginning of

in Rome , the 16th-centur y Palazzo

it houses not only a Galler y, but

the 19th centur y when Camillo

Capodifer ro. It houses the impor tant

also the Biblioteca dell’Accademia

Bor ghese , who mar r ied Napoleon’s

Baroque collection created by the

Nazionale dei Lincei, the oldest

sister Paolina, commissioned Antonio

cardinals Ber nardino and Fabr izio

scientific libr ar y in the wor ld. The Ar t

Canova to paint the celebr ated

Spada in the 17th centur y. Among the

Galler y is a jewel with wor ks by Fr a

por tr ait of his wife depicted as

absolute master pieces is the painting

Angelico, Van Dyck, Lanfr anco, Guido

Venus. Visitor s are welcome to rotate

David Contemplating the Head of

Reni, Rubens and Car avaggio. Among

around the statue to better admire it

Goliath by Or azio Gentileschi. Painted

the many master pieces, the beautiful

in all its magnetic beauty.

in 1610, it is clear ly Car avaggesque

Saint John the Baptist by Car avaggio,

In Piazza SS. Apostoli is Palazzo

in its use of light and shade , and is

which depicts a young Saint John

Colonna, owned by an ancient Roman one of the many paintings kept in the

str ipped of his usual attr ibutes

family, which, according to legend,

palaces of this extr aordinar y city, a

including the “ camel hair mantle”

descended directly from Tr ajan. Their

city that is unique for the wealth of

with just a cross made of cane

coat of ar ms even depicts the famous

its ar t collections preser ved in its

sticks sur rounded by a melancholic

column. The prominent head of the

ar istocr atic palaces.


P alazzo D oria P amhilij , the gallery of mirrors


a r t s t y l e s to r y An exclusive encounter with Angelica Visconti, Diego Paternò Castello di San Giuliano, Jerry and James Ferragamo Andy Warhol at the Gallery Hotel Art Great exhibitions in Florence, 2017 - 2018 A special project in partnership with Vespa A new look for Hotel Lungarno



T he A r t of Doi ng Four Ferragamos speak of ‘Ferragamo’ in a never-before-seen generational comparison T ext T eresa F avi P hoto D ario G rofalo


T here are still about 200 stages for producing O utside a S alvatore F erragamo the U ffizi shoe , from cut G allery to packaging




F rom

the left :

J erry F erragamo , D iego P aternò C astello


S an G iuliano , J ames F erragamo , A ngelica V isconti


“Ar t is the will to do, but, fir st and foremost, the will to learn. And after you’ve learnt, it’s the passion to teach other s”, says Jerr y Ferragamo, a.k.a Dr. Jerr y, as he is known in the company. Born in 1929, he wor ked alongside Salvatore Ferragamo and is the guardian

a once - in - a - lifetime encounter between the guardian

S alvatore F erragamo ’ s art , D r . J erry , A ngelica , J ames and D iego , of

the third generation to be actively involved in the family business

of his techniques and secrets. After the death of the founder, prematurely in 1960, he was commissioned by the

word is the same progressive tension

in Florence. He wanted a per son he

with which Ferragamo decided to leave

could tr ust, he looked within his family

the United States for the sole purpose

and chose me. I found myself amongst

of making the wor ld’s best shoes in the

shoemaker s, lost like a little boy who

city that offered the best craftsmen and

had, until then, only ever studied. For

materials, and, above all, a knowledge

the fir st two year s, I only watched. My

that has been lost in the passage of

uncle stuck me next to the ar tisans in

guardian of Salvatore Ferragamo’s

time between the halls of museums and

the Palazzo Feroni labs to learn all the

art and Angelica Visconti, James

the sculpted facades of ancient palazzos.

stages of the craft. “

“Uncle Salvatore had been in Florence

“I realised,” continues Jerr y, who, to

for many year s. I was a young medical

make his mother happy, graduated

student who dreamed of moving to

in Economics, stretching himself thin

actively involved in the family business.

the United States to become a doctor.

between study and the company,

What is the secret and how is this “ar t”

In 1950, he invited me to move from

“that each single wor ker excelled at

Bonito - our hometown in Campania –

one par t of the entire project with a

and join him in Chianciano, for a healing

pure spirit of elevation that he, a man

sojourn,” says Dr. Jerry, Salvatore’s

of munificence and generosity, never

older brother’s son. “In the two weeks

missed an oppor tunity to praise. He

we spent together, he revolutionized

said there was room for ever yone in

all my projects, opened my mind and

the wor ld, no matter what job you did

convinced me to give up ever ything

or what duty you had, as long as you did

and become a shoemaker with him

it better than anybody else. And never

family to navigate the passage from by-hand measurements, at Palazzo Feroni, modelled on the shape of the customer’s foot, to an innovative process, but still with a custom-made mould. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance, an encounter between the direct

Ferragamo and Diego Paternò Castello di San Giuliano, three of Salvatore’s grandchildren, the third generation

perceived, cultivated and carried out by the younger generation? On the fir st floor of the new Q building, at the hear t of Ferragamo’s production centre just outside Florence, timeless moments, phrases, methods and r ules emerge in continuous evolution and refinement. And woven between ever y



moment of intense work in the

S alvatore F erragamo

laboratories at

P alazzo F eroni



gave up. If you made a mistake, star t

they did it with great pain.” Walking

to never stop at what has been done

again. With this philosophy, the best out

between the benches of this wor kshop

in the past. We live in a dynamic that

of ever y per son was realised.”

is like browsing a galler y of the details

is always evolving. Innovative materials

“Today, grandfather is present in ever y

that make a difference, removing one

are sought with an obsession in the

aspect of the company, in ever y action

would mean removing something

most disparate fields from automotive

and ever y step of the process, especially

fundamental to the comfor t, beauty

to aerospace. Dr. Jerr y, who is a great

when a more experienced employee

and extraordinar y fit of the Ferragamo

technician and credited with developing

teaches something to a younger one,”

shoe.” “I always think of his words: ‘The

and defining the sophisticated

says James who has been responsible

value of my name and brand is entr usted classification system that allows a

for leather goods and footwear for

to ever y single pair of shoes that ever y

Ferragamo shoe today to be as close

decades. “I remember when I fir st

woman puts on ever y day’. Making a

as possible to a custom-made shoe,

entered Ferragamo,” adds Diego, who

product better than anyone else is

continues to study and wor k on the

in 2000, began at the Sesto Fiorentino

still the basis of Salvatore Ferragamo’s

shapes and so-called fit volumes to allow

Manovia to star t learning from the

mar keting strategy, star ting with

the company to maintain and evolve its

bottom, “the thing that str uck me most

women’s shoes. Now, as back then, we


was that the people who wor ked in the

focus on products with a strong fashion

“Our s is a craftsmanship that evolves,

technical hear t of manufacturing our

sense whose excellence is entr usted

using innovation in the highest sense of

shoes identified completely with our

to ver y high technical standards. That’s

the word,” says Diego, member of the

grandfather’s values. Rules, meticulous

our ar t, style combined with comfor t,”

board of directors and coordinator

steps, the unique and ver y precise ways

says Angelica, commercial director of

of the Group’s digital activities. “But

of producing the product. And whenever

Southern Europe.

it remains,” he concludes, “that man is

there were discussions with the stylists,

“But none of us, even today, feels like

behind the machine, not the other way

when they were asked to veer even

we know it all,” says James. “We all

around. In ever y depar tment, division,

a fragment from those principles,

under stand the impor tance of learning,

laborator y and office. ”



craftsmanship that evolves

in the highest sense of the word for products with a strong fashion sense that are made following very high technical standards


I tinerar y


A bove : A ndy W arhol , M arilyn , 1981 S erigrafia , firmata E dizioni L eo C astelli G raphics , N ew Y ork C m 30,7 x 30,7 C ollezione R osini -G utman B elow : A ndy W arhol C ampbell ’ s soup S hoes , 1964




S ome

pieces on display .

G ianfranco R osini

at the center

Zen Master

Gianfranco Rosini speaks to us about Andy Warhol T ext F rancesca L ombardi

Until Apr il 2018, Warhol will be at the Galler y Hotel Ar t with sixteen of his most iconic wor ks, coming from the Rosini Gutman Foundation. A quick excur sus, almost a pop dizziness, that succeeds, despite its brevity, in nar r ating the ar tist and the

“W arhol

I was able 10 L adies and

was one of the first artists

to collect , beginning with the

G entleman that I saw in the exhibition I met him . N ow we have more than 180

where works

that explore his most original subjects ”

man. We asked Gianfr anco Rosini for his special point of view on Warhol... and ar t. Ar t: it’s in your blood…what

plastic ar ts, my eyes and mind

artists. Do you remember any of

are your earliest memories from

were full of images. So, my passion


childhood of your parents’ galler y?

exploded for ar tists like Lucio

I was well-liked among all the ar tists,

The impassioned discussions that

Fontana, Piero Manzoni, Yves Klein

and so, I knew many of them: Alber to

and Marcel Duchamp, as well as

Sughi, Renato Guttuso, Feder ico

those who pur sued abstr act ar t,

Fellini, Omar Ronda, Car lo Rizzetti,

Infor malism and conceptual ar t, who

Mimmo Rotella, Mar io Schifano,

later became the ar tists that gr aced

Luca Alinar i, Andy Warhol, Giovanni

my galler y and collection. Their

Gur ioli, Simone D’Aur ia, Paolo Ser r a,

unfolded in the Galler y in Rimini between ar tists and intellectuals. Then, when I joined my parents in their studies of ar tists, I was completely taken with this wor ld!

Your mother and father have become minimal and innovative ar t gave me mental peace . impor tant names in the world of

Gianluigi Toccafondo and many, many more . I had the pleasure of

classic 20th-centur y ar t, but you

Later, I star ted to explore my fir st

having a deep fr iendship with Mar io

decided to explore contemporar y

tr ue love , the Futur ists.

Schifano, a fr iendship that he himself

instead. How did this passion come

You are one of the leading Galleries

said was “tr ue”! Schifano divided his


for Italian art and you have strong

fr iendships in two categor ies: those

Being immer sed in the figur ative

ties with the 20th centur y’s biggest

who were said to be his fr iends, and


A ndy W arhol L adies & G entlemen , 1975

those who he considered his fr iends.

– to concentr ate ever ything on the

collecting Mar io Schifano, the same day

I had the honor to be par t of the

subject’s eyes to make the soul pour

I met him, par ticular ly the Televisor i;

second categor y.

for th.

now, I have around 200 wor ks. The

What moves you, engages you, amuses The conversation between Warhol

latest collection my wife , Delilah

or excites you about American

and Kaufman, from your point of

Gutman, and I created is named Dal



Futur ismo alla Urban Ar t, tr acing the

Behind a mask of consumer ist and

Warhol chose Steve Kaufman as his

jour ney I’ve under taken, along with my

superficial hides a tr ue Zen Master.

assistant, ver y young, because he

family, beginning with the fir st year s of

Andy held in his hands a tool of that

under stood that Kaufman’s manual

the centur y and ending with the ar t of

which is commonly defined as Ar t.

ability together with his br illiance and

the Future . Progetto ReStAr t developed

He had a way of speaking that was

great ar tistic per sonality would car r y

out of this collection, dedicated to

tr uly char ming and possessed a gift

him into the new millennium.

the One Belt One Road Initiative, which

for expressing himself with simple

In my opinion, Warhol saw Kaufman as

won The Spir it of Eurasia award at the

concepts to communicate profound

the son he never had.

United Nations in New Yor k and was

themes. When I met him and I refused

You began your work in the art

later presented at the Far nesina.

to pose for a por tr ait – also because I

world when you were quite young

If you had to begin a new collection,

believed the cost to be too high – he

and – like your father – you began

who would you focus on?

said to me , “You’re nice and intelligent,

a new adventure with your wife.

I’ve already begun it! The collection

but to be such a young galler y

Tell us about your most important

Dall’AnimAzione all’Azione con l’Anima,

manager…you seem too r ich! I’d advise

collections and why you chose them.

beginning with painting and Fr isoni

you to look poorer and when it comes

Warhol was one of the fir st ar tists

and including animations by Gianluigi

time to make a deal…let them see what I was able to collect, beginning with

Toccafondo and Blu’s moving paintings

you can spend!”

the 10 Ladies and Gentleman that I

and sculptures, the latter of which

Your favourite artwork?

saw in the exhibition where I met

leads us to the Urban Ar t of Atomo,

The por tr aits of Liza Minnelli. With an

him. Now we have more than 180

Teatro, Gag, Neve , Kiv, Zibe and the

aesthetically deductive wor k, Warhol

wor ks that explore his most impor tant

ar tists group with whom we made

was able – par aphr asing Leonardo

and or iginal subjects. Then I began

Ener gy Box…


S ome

details of the works

G allery A rt H otel , A pril 2018. A ll the works part of the R osini G utman

on display at until are

C ollection


T his page : photographer W anda W ulz ( dressed as a motorcyclist ). R ight page : D écolleté shoes , 1929 (“T he R eturn to I taly ” at M useo S alvatore F erragamo )


Ex hibitions


The faces of beauty Art for ms in Florence, from exhibitions to museums T ext M ila M ontagni

Its views of the Ar no, its buildings that open suddenly like an ar t histor y book, the unexpected gr ace of its palaces and its nonchalance in confronting the passage of time all make Florence one of the wor ld’s most beautiful destinations. Beauty is also enclosed within the monumental complexes,

T he

exhibitions that are not to be missed in the

city in




R enaissance , the monumental contemporary works of U sr F ischer , S alvatore F erragamo ’ s R eturn to I taly in the 1920 s and a major exhibition for M arina A bramović

distinguished for their r are char m, like the Uffizi Galleries, which have taken up the challenge to diver sify by staging monogr aphic exhibitions aimed at examining and shar ing their patr imony. And so, in addition to Leonardo’s Adoration of the Magi, restored and retur ned to the Lungar no after six year s in the labor ator y at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, enthusiasts of the East will also find (until Januar y 7, 2018 in the Aula Magliabechiana) the elegant exhibition Il r inascimento

pr ince of collector s, for the 400th anniver sar y of his bir th, open from November 7 to Januar y 28, 2018. Dive into the wor ld of Palazzo Strozzi for a profound and emotional look into a centur y char acter ized by the Refor mation, with more than 70 ar twor ks that examine the er a in all its iconogr aphic aspects: The Cinquecento

giapponese: la natura nei dipinti su

in Florence. From Michelangelo and

paravento dal XV al XVII secolo. A

Pontor mo to Giambologna, cur ated by

fitting tr ibute to the effor ts of a great collector can instead be seen in the Tesoro dei Granduchi in Palazzo Pitti, which is hosting an exhibition dedicated to Leopoldo de’ Medici, the

the masterpieces of the

Car lo Falciani and Antonio Natali, highlights the many facets of Fr ancesco I de’ Medici, a br illiant patron and a man with eclectic tastes. From September 21, 2018 to Januar y 20,


R osso F iorentino , D eposition of C hrist (“I l C inquecento a F irenze � at P alazzo S trozzi ) R ight page , below : U rs F ischer , B ig C lay , P iazza della S ignoria


Ex hibitions


F rom S eptember 2018 P alazzo S trozzi

will be hosting a major exhibition devoted to the work of

M arina A bramović

2019, the colour s of Florence will

dedicated to the r adical movement in

shar ply exemplified.

be on display, showcasing a city

Florence in the 1960s and 70s, led by

Finally, a per iod of “Macchiaioli”

made of a creativity and culture

Gianni Pettena, Archizoom, Remo Buti,

char m and beauty can be explored

that does not compromise , just as

Super studio, Lapo Binazzi and Ufo,

in the nearby city of Pistoia, Capital

no compromises will be made (from

9999 and Zziggur at.

of Culture 2017, with the exhibition

September 2018) in the monogr aphic

Meanwhile , until Januar y 7, the Villa

Giovanni Boldini. La Stagione della

exhibition dedicated to the cor poreal,

Bardini is hosting a collection of the

Falconiera, about the Italian painter’s

contempor ar y and visionar y genius of

most impor tant wor ks by Llewelyn

days in Tuscany, held at the Antico

Marina Abramović.

Lloyd, a Tuscan painter (despite his

Palazzo dei Vescovi until Januar y 6,

Even more contempor ar y, pr actically

name) and one of biggest ar ists in


instantaneous, is what the Swiss ar tist

Italian ar t in the late-19th- and ear ly-

Urs Fischer will present in Piazza della 20th centur ies, exceptionally skilled in Signoria, from September 22, thanks

depicting the Tuscan landscape with

to In Florence and in conjunction with

new colour s and for ms.

the International Biennial Antiques

The inclination toward beauty can

Fair. 12 metres high and all metal,

also be found in fashion, perfectly

the sculpture Big Clay #4 will open a

embodied in 1927. The Retur n to

dialogue with Ar nolfo’s solemn Tower,

Italy, open until May 2, 2018 in the

at least until Januar y 21 of next year.

enchanting location of Palazzo Spini

Florence is not only the 1500s and the

Feroni, home of the Ferragamo

Renaissance , but also a city of avant-

Museum: the retur n of Salvatore

garde and disr upting to the aesthetic

Fer r agamo, already known as “the

canon: until Januar y 21, the Centre

shoemaker to the star s,” is recounted

for Contemporar y Culture at Palazzo

with the joy of the great stor ies that

Strozzi, also known as the Strozzina,

have become the symbol of a blissful

is hosting the interesting exhibition

er a, through the visual culture that

Radical Utopias . Beyond Architecture,

inspired him and that he himself


I nstallations



Simone D’Auria and Vespa, in a “pop” union, in the name of freedom T ext S abrina B ozzoni

It was the Spr ing of 1946 when the fir st Vespa, the legendar y 98cc , came out of the Piaggio factor y in Ponteder a, Tuscany. Seventy-one year s and 18 million models later, Vespa has sur passed its or iginal role as an elegant and simple mode of tr anspor tation to become a cult object, recognized and beloved around the wor ld. It has led musical and youth revolutions and changed ways of life , it has followed the growth of entire communities and allowed them to roam happily


S imone D’A uria , artistic director of the operation , identified V espa P iaggio , the universal icon of M ade in I taly , an extraordinary tool of communication which , on occasion , addresses various representative images from different corners of our planet

dur ing times of economic prosper ity. And today, it is one of the most widespread Italian products, known in all four cor ner s of the wor ld, a symbol of freedom and timeless elegance . And it is precisely Vespa

installation with just one protagonist:

which, thanks to the communicative

that Lungar no Collection wanted

the Vespa. Anchored to the hotel’s

power of a br and, immediately

to entr ust with setting off new

façade were a ser ies of 12 Vespas, for

recognizable as Vespa, allowed

waves of contempor ar y ar t in the

which D’Aur ia used only the shell,

the visitor to immer se themselves

hear t of Florence , through the

pur posely coloured and decor ated

in an atmosphere of vibr ant Pop

“unconventional” language of the

with the Water Transfer Painting

ener gy. D’Aur ia’s project, which

Italian ar tist Simone D’Auria. This

technique . The result? Br ightly

made use of the collabor ation with

was the latest in a ser ies of site-

coloured liver ies with nature bur sting

Leica, continued in piazza di Vicolo

specific installations in one of the

onto the scene . D’Aur ia’s wor k was a

dell’Oro, with a Selfie Corner,

most evocative cor ner s of the city

mouthpiece for nature’s beauty and

where three static Vespas were

that the hotel group exhibits year

brought with it a par ticular habitat,

installed, each of a differ ing height,

after year, showcasing their bond with

be it the deser t, forest, ocean,

which created an inter action with the

the most contempor ar y inter national

mountains and hills or the sky and its

public and became simultaneously

ar tists. On the façade of the Galler y


the reason for and backdrop against

Hotel Ar t, you had just to look

A lively installation, instilled with

which visitor s could take a selfie and

up for “Freedom,” a monumental

a strong notion of freedom and

share it r ight away.



series of

12 V espa

anchored to the hotel ’ s facade .

E ach V espa


has been specially colored and decorated with the distinct

P rinting

W ater T ransfer



Hotel L ung ar no


Liv i n g w i th Ar t

A design tour to discover the new look of the Hotel Lungarno T ext V irginia M ammoli

P icteau L ounge on the ground floor of the

H otel L ungarno


Hotel L ung ar no


F rom

left :

D etails

of a private living room ,

P icasso ’ s

artwork ,

546 S uite L ucio V enna , S econd F loor

dedicated to

V enturi ’ s


C ontemporary art gallery or elegant yacht ? A rchitect and designer M ichele B önan goes back to where it all began

Welcoming the guests is the pr iceless, before the restor ation will find its

and white tones. A singular site

one-of-a-kind view over the Ar no

in Florence , as well as perfectly

elegant and relaxed atmosphere

River and the Ponte Vecchio, with that intact. The updates are impor tant

integr ated.

special and unique feeling of finding

though and involve the entire

But let’s star t at the beginning. All

your self on a luxur y yacht in the

building, beginning with the lobby,

the greatest stor ies begin with “Once

hear t of Florence. This is the Hotel

which, by treasur ing its incredible

upon a time” and so it goes for the

Lungar no, reopened in June after a

position over looking the r iver and

Hotel Lungar no in Florence… Once

br ief but extensive renovation that

Leonardo Fer r agamo’s long sailing

upon a time , on the left bank of the

changed the appear ance , but not the

exper iences, acquired the look of

Ar no River, on Bor go San Jacopo,

style and especially not its soul.

a refined yacht club, with its blue

the first hotel of contemporar y

The wor k cannot be by anyone other than Michele Bönan, who, r ight in this sitting room on the Arno, the fir st in the prestigious Lungar no Collection ser ies, began his jour ney into the wor ld of hospitality, becoming one of the most esteemed and desired architects and inter ior designer s in the wor ld while maintaining a strong relationship with the Fer r agamo family, char acter ized by an authentic fr iendship and appreciation. Balancing the past and present, Bönan has succeed in a unique under taking: change ever ything by not changing anything. Those who knew the hotel

F irst

floor dedicated to


A ntonio B ueno ‘ s


106 S uite J ean C octeau R iver V iew



R oom


R iver V iew

ar t in the city opened in 1967, thanks to the style and forwardthinking per sonality of Flavio Callisto Pontello. Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau, Antonio Bueno, Mar ino Mar ini, Ventur ino Ventur i, Ottone Rosai, Adolfo Natalini: a collection of 20thcentur y masters wor thy of being in a museum, counting over 450 works. Valor izing it to the utmost was therefore the pr incipal mission of this restyling, which included the creation of four ar tistic itiner ar ies throughout the common spaces in the hotel, set up in a way that nar r ates the stor ies of those like Picasso and Cocteau, fr iends and accomplices for almost sixty year s and together once again

N ew R eception A rea

the Ponte Vecchio - to make room

addition, located on the eighth floor,

for 10 even lar ger spaces, intended

where there are no rooms and suites:

to better host guests tr aveling with

an incredible 70-m 2 ter r ace , where

their families. Two floor s, the fir st

guests can gaze upon Florence’s

and the fifth, can be reser ved in their

master pieces as far as the eye can

entirety, tr ansfor ming them into tr ue in a city that was cr ucial in their lives, homes away from homes. All the Florence . Other wor ks found their fur nishings in the rooms and suites way into the rooms and suites, some of which are dedicated to a single ar tist, like the Venna Suite or the

which went from 78 to 65 - half of them bosting a spectacular view of

exper iences, both by the chef Peter Brunel. The Picteau Lounge, a tea

were updated and embellished with

room and cocktail bar redesigned

subtle references, like the stationar y

to recall the setting of an elegant

that recalls the str iped patter n of the Filippini Suite, and some with paintings car pet, upon which sit light and lively by multiple ar tists. But this isn’t the houndstooth ar mchair s. Ever ything only change to the rooms and suites,

see . The hotel offer s two culinar y

boat, where guests can also enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner, and the star red restaur ant Borgo San Jacopo,

is enveloped in a luminous white

reopened with an additional room in

that lends the space an air y feel.

the loft and other sur pr ises waiting

The Schifano Suite is another new

to be tasted‌


B ueno S uite , a signature suite river view


food Peter Brunel at BSJ restaurant: ability and Expertise Art of mixology. The Bar Managers of The Fusion Bar, Picteau Lounge and La Terrazza tell us about their world


I tinerar y


A rt

in a dish at

B orgo S an J acopo ,

an expression of creativity by the pastry chef


L oretta F anella aaaaa



I nve n ti ve J our neys The creativity of Peter Brunel, culinary artist T ext V irginia M ammoli - P hoto M artino D ini

Creative , ironic , pr actical, sometimes shy, except when you ask him to talk

A ll

the new features of the restaurant

about his dishes: that’s when starred

B orgo S an

M ichelin - starred J acopo , including

original menus and sculptured dishes

chef Peter Brunel’s eyes light up and he displays all his passion for the

that enchant the eyes and the tastebuds

noble ar t of cooking. Trentino by bir th, his exper iences in the mountains brought him to

offer s dishes that embody his personal

Ravello and then again to the nor th.

style. “I like to compare this culinar y

Throughout his career, he has seen

exper ience to a theatre production,

Garda, under taken apprenticeships

dur ing which we abandon our selves

in Fr ance and retur ned to Trentino,

completely to what we are watching

before landing in Florence , where , in

on the stage . This is what guests at

2014, he became Executive Chef of

Bor go San Jacopo do: they sit down

the Lungar no Collection restaur ants,

and abandon themselves to our

Borgo San Jacopo, The Fusion Bar


& Restaurant and Caffè dell’Oro.

Having inher ited the most classic

Three distinct entities united under

dishes offered at the Picteau Lounge,

the same mar k of quality. At The

now open at both lunch and dinner,

Fusion Bar & Restaur ant, the highly

chef Br unel has made this romantic

select local ingredients blend with

restaur ant on the Ar no even more

typical ingredients found in Japanese

his, with sculpted dishes that fir st

and Per uvian food, while at the Caffè

amaze the eyes, then the palate .

dell’Oro, the focus is strongly regional.

“My goal is to get a smile out of the

But it is at the star red restaur ant

guests, see their eyes fly open wide

Bor go San Jacopo that Peter Br unel

when one of my dishes ar r ives at the





moment of conviviality during one of the elegant evenings of

S poon . I n

the previous pages , some photos showing

B orgo S an J acopo

table , then reassure them with my

tasting menus is the à la car te , offer ing

flavour s and move something within

two appetizer s, two fir st cour ses and

them.” It is a jour ney into Italian and

two second cour ses, a restr ained but

Tuscan haute cuisine paired with

well-devised list. And then there’s

a beloved wine , chosen from over

the desser t menu, with four desser ts

1,000 labels listed on the menu

by the famous pastr y chef Loretta

that was carefully composed by the

Fanella and four by Br unel. The

exper t sommelier Salvatore Biscotti.

restaur ant’s style has not changed.

Alongside the two tasting menus,

The design and atmosphere recall the

which have been successfully tested

Italian char m of the 1950s, inspired by

with the guests – La Mia Toscana (My

the creativity of Salvatore Fer r agamo.

Tuscany), Tuscan specialties inter preted The walls are decor ated with fashion with flair and fantasy, inescapable

sketches and photogr aphs, as well as

options for a restaur ant that hosts

por tr aits of the major figures of the

inter national diner s, and the highly

day, while a lar ge glass window looks

or iginal and enter taining Var iazioni sul

out over the beauty of the Ar no and

Tema Patata (Var iations of Potatoes),

Florence , also visible from the new

which tr ansfor ms this tasty tuber into

loft space. A tr ue delight is dining on

stone, spaghetti or gelato – Or taggi

the small ter r ace , with candle lights

(Vegetables) made its debut in summer reflecting on the r iver’s water s. the famous

2017. It isn’t just a simple vegetar ian

The extr aordinar y setting where Spoon

and beloved menu

menu, but an explor ation of some of

was brought to life , the ker messe of

the most popular vegetable families,

star red dinner s that in only two year s

dedicating a dish to each one of them:

has brought more than 30 Michelin

root, bulb, tuber, leaf, flower, stem and

star s to Bor go San Jacopo and

fr uit, reinter preted in a never-before-

which, in 2017 and in future editions,

seen way. In addition to the three

promises to be even more br illiant.

F rom

‘L a M ia T oscana ’

to the new creations on the

‘O rtaggi ’

menu , a

culinary journey that enchants both the eyes and palate



T hr e e s t yl es of Mi xo lo gy The Bar Managers Marco Vezzosi, Fausto Pietropaoli and Diego Rampietti tell us about their world T ext V irginia M ammoli



E legance ,


and innovative O utside techniques the U ffizi at P icteau L ounge , allery L ungarnoG H otel




F rom

left :

D iego R ampietti (L a T errazza ), M arco V ezzosi (T he F usion B ar ) F austo P ietropaoli (P icteau ),

The wor ld of cocktails is in constant

T he I talian

evolution. It’s an ar t that recalls the

terrace of

P ictecu L ounge

art of the ‘ aperitivo ’

and its international interpretations at three

wor k of tr aditional alchemists, and

F lorence : T he F usion B ar & R estaurant , P icteau L ounge and L a T errazza top places in

requires perception, taste and a bit of madness. The bar manager s at three cult happy hour locations in Florence are well-ver sed in this. Chic combinations, a lot of creativity and the desire to exper iment make these places sanctuar ies of new-school dr inks, set against the backdrop of the Italian ar t of fine dr inking. We

typical ingredients in Italian cuisine

Mar tini.

– like basil, thyme , rosemar y and

Your for te?

met with Marco Vezzosi of The Fusion peschiole (small unr ipe peaches), as Bar & Restaur ant (Galler y Hotel Ar t), well as r atafia and saffron produced

M.V.: The Fusion Negroni, our reinter pretation of the classic

in my home region, Abr uzzo – and

Negroni, a Florentine dr ink that’s

innovative techniques.

always sure to impress: we begin

Diego Rampietti: with us, the key

with Gin London Dr y, Bombay Dr y

word is Relax. We offer a selection

specifically. Instead of Bitter Campar i,

of dr inks that reflects the theme of

we add Cynar ; and for the ver mouth,

the Dolce Vita, with top-quality Italian

we use our Exotic Ver mouth and a

Continentale), atop the Medieval

(and a few French) liqueur s.

drop of Angostur a bitter. The dr ink

Tor re dei Consor ti. All three are just

One’s first cocktail is unforgettable.

is ser ved in a glass case filled with

a stone’s throw away from the Ponte

What was yours?

smoke .

M.V.: Gin and Tonic , a classic…

F.P.: the Boulevardier Affumicato,

F.P.: a mojito, in London ten year s

or Smoked, a kind of old fashioned

What is the philosophy behind your


var iation of the Negor ni, with


D.R.: a Bahama Mama, one of those

Amer ican whiskey instead of gin –

Marco Vezzosi: just like with the

dr inks that you only get a request

Maker’s Mar k Bourbon – and a touch

for once in your career, but someone

of r atafia, a cher r y liqueur from

ordered it on my fir st day of wor k!

Abr uzzo. The concoction is ser ved in

Though what really makes me

a glass flask on a wooden board.

enthusiastic about this wor k is a

D.R.: Depero#3, par t of the ser ies

where an inter national air per vades the environs, from Japan to Per u, Fausto Pietropaoli of Picteau Lounge (Hotel Lungar no), over looking the Ar no, and Diego Rampietti, manager of the rooftop bar La Ter r azza (Hotel

Vecchio and each possess their own style .

restaur ant, the philosophy is to have a fusion of styles. Fausto Pietropaoli: new inter pretations of great classics using


A t L a T errazza

the key - word is : relax

dedicated to Campar i that I created

dr ied in a tea bag.

Or lando won the Ner i Marcoré

and developed over the year s. A

D.R.: for happy hour, we recommend

Award at the most recent Florence

Campar i Sour with a liqueur base and

great classics like cocktails with a

Cocktail Week and fir st place in the

fresh lemon juice , sugar syr up and

base of chinato Campar i, Bitter, Cynar wor ldwide competition Disaronno

infusions of typical local products,

and Ver mouth, an after-dinner dr ink


like fennel, sage , thyme and rosemar y. for ever y spir it.

F.P.: we reopened Picteau in June…

Though in reality, I love to suggest

Mixolog y, flair or barman? What’s

give us time and we won’t let you

a Bloody Mar ianna, an Italianized

your style?


ver sion of the classic Bloody Mar y:

M.V.: All three . It depends on the

D.R.: This year, I’m tr aining my young

jalapeno-infused vodka blended

situation, the client and what you’re

talents so they can par ticipate in

with our own base mixture made of


var ious competitions.

Wasabi powder, mustard, hor ser adish

F.P.: I’m more into mixology.

Answer with a cocktail: Florence

sauce , smoked hints of Pigmenton, a

D.R.: Execution style isn’t as


dash of pepper, soy sauce , Worcester

impor tant as the kind of exper ience

M.V.: a dr ink of the future , because it

sauce and red wine .

you offer for the client.

hasn’t been invented yet.

An iconic drink on your menu?

Out of all your international

F.P.: Negroni, an extr aordinar y

M.V.: classics with Mexican base

recognitions, what was the best

cocktail invented r ight here .

products, like the Mezcal Mar ghar ita,


D.R.: it’s difficult to say, it’s a complex

Welcome to Javisco or Mar tinis,

M.V.: at Fusion, we can count on

city. Perhaps Marco is r ight: a cocktail

especially the Herbal Mar tini.

fresh talent behind the bar : among

that tr uly char acter izes the city has

F.P.: our selection of Negroni with

the numerous recognitions, Rober t

yet to be invented.

sage or coffee infusions, or the Ear l

Pavel was r anked #1 dur ing the

Who knows, maybe a “Florence” will

Grey Negroni, ser ved in a tea cup

prestigious Havana Cocktail Gr an

soon be invented in one of these

with the Campar i dehydr ated and

Pr ix in 2016, while Michel Gr anpasso

exclusive lounge bar s.


F usion

of styles

and an international air , from pervades

J apan to P eru T he F usion B ar

& R estaurant


T hr e e s t yl es of Mi xo lo gy The Bar Managers Marco Vezzosi, Fausto Pietropaoli and Diego Rampietti tell us about their world T ext V irginia M ammoli



E legance ,


and innovative O utside techniques the U ffizi at P icteau L ounge , allery L ungarnoG H otel




F rom

left :

D iego R ampietti (L a T errazza ), M arco V ezzosi (T he F usion B ar ) F austo P ietropaoli (P icteau ),

The wor ld of cocktails is in constant

T he I talian

evolution. It’s an ar t that recalls the

terrace of

P ictecu L ounge

art of the ‘ aperitivo ’

and its international interpretations at three

wor k of tr aditional alchemists, and

F lorence : T he F usion B ar & R estaurant , P icteau L ounge and L a T errazza top places in

requires perception, taste and a bit of madness. The bar manager s at three cult happy hour locations in Florence are well-ver sed in this. Chic combinations, a lot of creativity and the desire to exper iment make these places sanctuar ies of new-school dr inks, set against the backdrop of the Italian ar t of fine dr inking. We

typical ingredients in Italian cuisine

Mar tini.

– like basil, thyme , rosemar y and

Your for te?

met with Marco Vezzosi of The Fusion peschiole (small unr ipe peaches), as Bar & Restaur ant (Galler y Hotel Ar t), well as r atafia and saffron produced

M.V.: The Fusion Negroni, our reinter pretation of the classic

in my home region, Abr uzzo – and

Negroni, a Florentine dr ink that’s

innovative techniques.

always sure to impress: we begin

Diego Rampietti: with us, the key

with Gin London Dr y, Bombay Dr y

word is Relax. We offer a selection

specifically. Instead of Bitter Campar i,

of dr inks that reflects the theme of

we add Cynar ; and for the ver mouth,

the Dolce Vita, with top-quality Italian

we use our Exotic Ver mouth and a

Continentale), atop the Medieval

(and a few French) liqueur s.

drop of Angostur a bitter. The dr ink

Tor re dei Consor ti. All three are just

One’s first cocktail is unforgettable.

is ser ved in a glass case filled with

a stone’s throw away from the Ponte

What was yours?

smoke .

M.V.: Gin and Tonic , a classic…

F.P.: the Boulevardier Affumicato,

F.P.: a mojito, in London ten year s

or Smoked, a kind of old fashioned

What is the philosophy behind your


var iation of the Negor ni, with


D.R.: a Bahama Mama, one of those

Amer ican whiskey instead of gin –

Marco Vezzosi: just like with the

dr inks that you only get a request

Maker’s Mar k Bourbon – and a touch

for once in your career, but someone

of r atafia, a cher r y liqueur from

ordered it on my fir st day of wor k!

Abr uzzo. The concoction is ser ved in

Though what really makes me

a glass flask on a wooden board.

enthusiastic about this wor k is a

D.R.: Depero#3, par t of the ser ies

where an inter national air per vades the environs, from Japan to Per u, Fausto Pietropaoli of Picteau Lounge (Hotel Lungar no), over looking the Ar no, and Diego Rampietti, manager of the rooftop bar La Ter r azza (Hotel

Vecchio and each possess their own style .

restaur ant, the philosophy is to have a fusion of styles. Fausto Pietropaoli: new inter pretations of great classics using


A t L a T errazza

the key - word is : relax

dedicated to Campar i that I created

dr ied in a tea bag.

Or lando won the Ner i Marcoré

and developed over the year s. A

D.R.: for happy hour, we recommend

Award at the most recent Florence

Campar i Sour with a liqueur base and

great classics like cocktails with a

Cocktail Week and fir st place in the

fresh lemon juice , sugar syr up and

base of chinato Campar i, Bitter, Cynar wor ldwide competition Disaronno

infusions of typical local products,

and Ver mouth, an after-dinner dr ink


like fennel, sage , thyme and rosemar y. for ever y spir it.

F.P.: we reopened Picteau in June…

Though in reality, I love to suggest

Mixolog y, flair or barman? What’s

give us time and we won’t let you

a Bloody Mar ianna, an Italianized

your style?


ver sion of the classic Bloody Mar y:

M.V.: All three . It depends on the

D.R.: This year, I’m tr aining my young

jalapeno-infused vodka blended

situation, the client and what you’re

talents so they can par ticipate in

with our own base mixture made of


var ious competitions.

Wasabi powder, mustard, hor ser adish

F.P.: I’m more into mixology.

Answer with a cocktail: Florence

sauce , smoked hints of Pigmenton, a

D.R.: Execution style isn’t as


dash of pepper, soy sauce , Worcester

impor tant as the kind of exper ience

M.V.: a dr ink of the future , because it

sauce and red wine .

you offer for the client.

hasn’t been invented yet.

An iconic drink on your menu?

Out of all your international

F.P.: Negroni, an extr aordinar y

M.V.: classics with Mexican base

recognitions, what was the best

cocktail invented r ight here .

products, like the Mezcal Mar ghar ita,


D.R.: it’s difficult to say, it’s a complex

Welcome to Javisco or Mar tinis,

M.V.: at Fusion, we can count on

city. Perhaps Marco is r ight: a cocktail

especially the Herbal Mar tini.

fresh talent behind the bar : among

that tr uly char acter izes the city has

F.P.: our selection of Negroni with

the numerous recognitions, Rober t

yet to be invented.

sage or coffee infusions, or the Ear l

Pavel was r anked #1 dur ing the

Who knows, maybe a “Florence” will

Grey Negroni, ser ved in a tea cup

prestigious Havana Cocktail Gr an

soon be invented in one of these

with the Campar i dehydr ated and

Pr ix in 2016, while Michel Gr anpasso

exclusive lounge bar s.


F usion

of styles

and an international air , from pervades

J apan to P eru T he F usion B ar

& R estaurant


tips What’s your preference? Are you the Hotel Lungarno or the Continentale type? Are you more attracted to the Gallery Hotel Art or the Portrait? What’s your style? Are you the classic, cool or creative kind? Does style rank high among your priorities? Do you travel with family or are you a confirmed single? Take our personality test and find out. Choose the things to do and places to see in Rome and Florence according to your profile


W h ats Goi ng O n The must-sees of art, music, culture theatre, food&wine, fashion


shoes, fabrics and other items of genuine

The much loved and famous ballet by

Until January 21, 2018


Čajkovskij. With the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.

Palazzo Strozzi The Cinquecento in Florence


70 masterpieces by Michelangelo, Bronzino,

November 9, 2017 - April 8, 2018


Vasari, Rosso Fiorentino and Pontormo…

Museo Nazionale del Bargello

December 14, 2017

One of the most important art exhibitions to

Da Brooklyn al Bargello: Giovanni della Robbia,

Opera del Duomo Museum in Florence

be held in Italy this autumn/winter.

la lunetta Antinori e Stefano Arienti

Ensemble Micrologus

For the first time in Italy, the ‘Lunetta Antinori’, Ballads, madrigals and dance music from the ART

a masterpiece of the Renaissance by Giovanni

Italian Ars Nova (14th century). A concert

Until January 21, 2018

della Robbia commissioned by the historic

to discover the musical instruments of the

Piazza della Signoria

Florentine wine family at the beginning of the

Opera del Duomo Museum in Florence.

Urs Fischer, Big Clay

1500’s. To celebrate this return the Antinori

Booking is required.

The Swiss artist living in New York arrives in

family commissioned to the Italian artist

Florence with three great works. The absolute

Stefano Arienti a contemporary artwork


protagonist of In Florence, for the 30th

inspired by Lunetta (titled “Scena Fissa”).

December 16, 2017 Teatro della Pergola

edition of Florence’s Biennial Antiques Fair.


The King’s Singers


November 27 - 29, 2017

This superlative vocal sextet is acclaimed

Until May 2, 2018

Opera di Firenze

for its life-affirming virtuosity and irresistible

Salvatore Ferragamo Museum

La sonnambula by Vincenzo Bellini

charm. It’s synonymous with the best in vocal

1927. The Return to Italy

Director Bepi Morassi sets La sonnambula in a

ensemble performances worldwide.

In 1927, Ferragamo returned to Italy, to

Swiss ski resort in the 1930s.

Florence. Now, the Salvatore Ferragamo


Museum looks back at these years through


December 31, 2017

the futuristic works of Depero, Balla,

December 7 - 10, 2017

Opera di Firenze

Maccari, Martini, Rosai, Thayaht and Gio

Opera di Firenze

Year’s End Concert

Ponti, interwoven with Ferragamo’s famous

The Sleeping Beauty by Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij

Fabio Luisi guides soloists, the Orchestra



and the Choir of Maggio Musicale Fiorentino


Cardillac by Paul Hindemith

as they perform Ludwig van Beethoven’s

March 10 - 12, 2018

This historic festival opens with a work

Symphony No. 9.

Stazione Leopolda

directed by Fabio Luisi. Valerio Binasco

Taste n. 13


FASHION January 9 - 12, 2018 For tezza da Basso Pitti Immagine Uomo n. 93 The world’s most impor tant event for men’s clothing and accessory collections, as well as for launching new men’s fashion projects. CONCERT February 11, 2018 Teatro della Pergola / Amici della Musica Jordi Savall with Le concer t des nations, Tous les matins du monde Jordi Savall takes us on a musical tour of the works of the three composers who marked the operatic tastes of the Versailles Cour t for a hundred years. MUSICAL February 16 - 18, 2018 Teatro Verdi Jersey Boys. The Story of Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons The true story of Frankie Valli & The Four Season is one of the most successful bands in the history of music. A great musical

The show dedicated to the best of taste and food lifestyle.

CONCERT May 24, 2018


Opera di Firenze

March 21 - 25, 2018

John Axelrod / Homage to Leonard Bernstein

Opera di Firenze

The brilliant American conductor, a

Alceste by Christoph Willibald Gluck

common sight in Florence for a number of

A piece proposed to mark the tercentenary years, leads a concer t dedicated to his great of the composer’s bir th. Direction, scenes


and costumes by Pier Luigi Pizzi. OPERA CONCERT

May 22 - 31, 2018

March 27, 2018

Opera di Firenze

Opera di Firenze

La battaglia di Legnano by Giuseppe Verdi

Radu Lupu, piano solo

A rare and underrepresented title, directed

Radu Lupu is one of the top pianists of the

by Renato Palumbo and conducted by the

great romantic classics.

award-winning Marco Tullio Giordana in his opera debut.

CONCERT April 8, 2018


Opera di Firenze

January 12 - 15, 2018

Zubin Mehta / Julian Rachlin

For tezza da Basso

The Orchestra del Maggio Musicale

Pitti Immagine Uomo n. 94

Fiorentino and Julian Rachlin on violin conducted by Zubin Mehta. Stravinsky’s Le


Sacre du printemps is the Grand Finale.

September 21 2018 - January 20, 2019 Palazzo Strozzi


Marina Abramović

May 5, 2018

The anticipated, great retrospective

climbed the char ts around the world in the

Inauguration of the 81st Maggio Musicale

dedicated to the undeniable queen of

1950s and 1970s.


performing ar t.

journey among the successes that have


Creative T ips







In the hear t of the Oltr ar no, a new kind of bar has landed in the city: micro-roasting coffee shop by day, 1950s-style Gin Bar by night. This is Ditta Artigianale Oltrarno (4). SHOPPING Florence is without a doubt one of the European capitals of style: here , it’s easy to find a captivating mix 5

of ar tisan know-how and emer ging br ands. The boutiques Societé Anonyme (6) and Marie Antoinette are must-visits in the city. A treat for lover s of high-class eyewear : I Visionari (5) in the Oltr ar no, in piazza Nazar io Sauro. And for the little ones? Hidden in Bor go Pinti, A cup of milk. LUNCH For a quick and delicious lunch amidst in the wonder s of 20th-centur y ar t, Picteau awaits, the splendid Lounge at the Hotel Lungar no. For a sophisticated approach to vegan food, stop by #Raw Food Bar in via

7, Il r inascimento giapponese: la natura nei dipinti su paravento dal XV al XVII secolo, the fir st major exhibition of Japanese folding screens in Europe . Stop by Palazzo Strozzi (1) for The Cinquecento in Florence. From Michelangelo and Pontor mo to Giambologna, until Januar y 28. COCKTAILS At sundown, the lively mood of the Oltr ar no neighbourhood awaits you for a happy hour dr ink as you soak up the city’s boho-chic style at Pop, Volume and Mad Souls & Spirits.

night DINNER

Nikkei Tapas, Sushi and Cocktails. The Fusion Bar & Restaurant (3) at Galler y Hotel Ar t offer s a wor ld of unexpected combinations and zesty flavour s. Enjoy discover ing the Tapas menu and ask the Bar man to create a tailor-made cocktail just for you. OUTSIDE Pr ato, just a few kilometres from


Florence , is home to the Centro per


complex now holds more than 3,000

The Uffizi Galler y: until Januar y

square metres of exhibition space .





l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci (2). After its enlar gement in 2016 by the architect Maur ice Nio, the

Hip T ips




morning afternoon BREAKFAST

The sophisticated atmosphere of the 1950s will be your special setting for a tr uly exceptional breakfast cr afted by Executive Chef Peter Br unel. We’re at Caffè dell’Oro (2). You’ll fall in love with Florence as you gaze upon the wonderful view of the Ponte Vecchio. ART Until Januar y 7, in the unique setting of Villa Bardini (1), Lloyd. Tuscan Landscapes of the Twentieth Centur y. Not only ar tclasses, but different options to make ar t in Florence . With i Guarnieri you can create or iginal ar t wor ks, also on la Terrazza at the Hotel Continentale (iguar nier


To breath and live fashion, Luisa Via Roma is a surely a must. Silver is shaped into new for ms and visions by the hands of Pampaloni(4), the histor ic Florentine silver smith and ar tist whose boutique can be found in via Por ta Rossa. EXPERIENCE Salvatore Fer r agamo and the visual culture of the 20th centur y are at the centre of the major exhibition,


at the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum.


Star red dinner with a view?

In the hear t of the Hotel

Sur rounded by a splendid 17th-

Beauty Spa. A setting of captivating beauty with a wide selection of


The Retur n to Italy, until May 2, 2018

WELLNESS Continentale sits the White Iris


centur y garden, admir ing a mar vellous Florence , La Leggenda dei Frati (3) at Villa Bardini is your romantic gour met

exclusive treatments and massages.




On the outside , a typical 19th-

Bolgheri (5). A haven of senses

centur y Florentine palace , on the

immer sed in the aromas of the

inside , an enchanting and elegant

Maremma, with excellent wine

atmosphere that recalls authentic

products, restaur ants and their

China. Have lunch at Fulin Luxur y

unfor gettable cuisine and a small,

Chinese Experience (6).

precious village .





Classic T ips







Upon wakening, a detoxing smoothie is a must in one of the 65 recently renovated rooms, where blue reigns supreme in a nautical inspired space . SPORT & RELAXATION Meet with the per sonal tr ainer for a quick jog or a shor t walk in the centre from Ponte Vecchio to Ponte 5

da Ver r azzano. A little breakfast pick-me-up of French toast at Caffè dell’Oro (5) or an old-school br ioche at Por ta Romana’s Gualtieri.

The terrace at Picteau, Hotel Lungarno’s lounge bar and champagnerie (3), is ir resistibly

Pontor mo to Giambologna, on until Januar y 28th. Enjoy the view from Hotel Lungarno (6) and br ing it home with you: lessons in watercolour painting (7) are available upon request.

night DINNER

An evening with Michelin-star red chef Peter Br unel would be wor th the tr ip to Borgo San Jacopo (1) alone . Its timeless elegance will win you over, even before you taste the Choose the La mia Toscana tasting menu to savour this ter r itor y, r ich and light.

tempting for lunch. An octopus, mint


and fennel salad and a bubbly dr ink

Still more ar t, still more authentic

over looking the Ponte Vecchio is as perfect a pair ing as the fr iendship between Picasso and Cocteau after which the locale is named.


Florence. From Michelangelo and





Tuscany. In San Gimignano, visit the Galleria Continua(4), which will open a new


round of exhibitions from next


the Michelin-star red restaur ant, Il

An ar t after noon: fir st at Palazzo

Colombaio, which ser ves up fresh

Strozzi (2) for The Cinquecento in

fish with a view of the Sienese hills.


September with the greatest avantgarde contempor ar y ar tists. Stay for lunch or a romantic dinner at

Ex straordinar y T ips




Cr aftsmanship is under going a new Renaissance revival in Florence . Discover it in the Oltrarno distr ict



Galleria Moretti in Piazza degli Ottaviani and Galleria Bacarelli (4)

night in Via dei Fossi.

(2), which is full of shops and


maker s, bookbinder s, blacksmiths,

workshop open on the Ponte

ateliers selling leather and custom- Don’t miss an exclusive tailor-made made accessor ies, as well as fr ame exper ience in the last goldsmith stuccoer s and goldsmiths. One of the area’s flagship histor ic cr aftsmen is Salvatore Fer r agamo, whose headquar ter s is still in Palazzo Spini Feroni today. The Ferragamo’s Creations (5) line br ings to life the designer’s iconic women’s wear collections from the 1960s, while Tramezza is the

Vecchio. After you’ve admired the cr aftsmanship and jeweller y, with the option to commission a tailor-made piece, the Jeweller Fratelli Piccini will open its ter r ace over looking the Ar no for a romantic dinner prepared by Michelin-star red chef Peter Br unel (1). It’s an exper ience only


available to guests of the Lungar no


philosophy, Fr atelli Piccini is also a

One site in Pietr asanta and

must for luxur y shopping.

one in London. In Florence , the


authentic handmade line for men.

Aria Ar t Galler y is in a tr uly


Collection. Four gener ations of ar tisans who create jewels with their own

Pistoia. The 2017 Capital of

unique location: a winter garden

Culture , located approximately

embr aced by plants in the Old

30 kilometres from Florence , still

Town (40 Bor go Santi Apostoli).

unfrequented by the tour ist masses

As for antiques, there are three

and full of jewels including the the

wor thy addresses: Galleria

pulpit of Giovanni Pisano in the

Giovanni Pratesi (3) in Via Maggio, Chiesa di Sant’Andrea (6).





Stylish T ips







Japanese cuisine .


the Eter nal City with his analogue

La.Vi. stands for Latter ia Viner ia, a

For year s, Jakob Straub (1) has

camer a. We can admire his incredible photos until November 30 at the Bibliotheca Hertziana. At the Vittoriano (5), don’t miss the unique oppor tunity to admire Monet’s most beloved paintings, until October 19. Designed by the celebr ated starchitect Zaha Hadid, the MAXXI (4), the National Museum of 21st Centur y Ar ts, pays tr ibute to the architect, among the most visionar y and influential in the wor ld, with Zaha Hadid in Italy, until Januar y 14, 2018.


restaur ant that, from breakfast to after-dinner hour s, offer s culinar y selections with a unique philosophy: ever ything you see in the restaur ant is for sale . Many say Neve di Latte has the best gelato in Rome , just a few steps from the MAXXI.

night DINNER

Roman spir it meets moder nity at Open, a star red restaur ant (that also hosts events), dreamed up by

SHOPPING It’s more than just a flagship store , Palazzo Fendi (6). A mix of fashion, 6

the crown jewel of contempor ar y

been photogr aphing the domes of




architecture , food and ar t, in a tr uly incredible setting. Speaking of

Antonello Colonna, on the ter r ace of Palaexpò. More ir resistible food at the legendar y Armando al Pantheon, r un by the Gar gioli family. NIGHTLIFE

“the Roman spir it,” we can’t for get

Bar del Fico (3) offer s a lively and Valentino and his histor ic boutique in genuine nightlife under the star s in piazza di Spagna. Rome , near piazza Navona. A cocktail, LUNCH Lar go Goldoni, a shor t walk from 7

a coffee , a glass of wine by the best Italian vineyards, a whiskey, a flute

Piazza del Popolo and the Spanish

of champagne . Honour Bar (2), on

Steps, inside the histor ic Palazzo

the spectacular terrace of Por trait

Fendi, the restaur ant Zuma (7),

Roma, is our special finale .


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