Collection n.6

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collection The Lungarno Collection Magazine

friends Alessandro Garofalo Carmela Valdevies Nana Bianca itineraries Contemporary views Romans, great innovators! Florence by Paolo Galluzzi cutting edge Innovation and research Wow experience Peter Brunel city tips


Highlight s




L uisa V ia R oma

is one of the world ’ s top luxury

online shopping stores . L uisa V ia R oma sells 700+ brands , draws 30 million visitors a year , 30,000 orders a month and drove 2015 sales , exceeding 100 million euros

Highlight s



could become the high - speed railway

hub that will reshape

T he “ vertical

E uropean

distribution �

movement .

subterranean station designed by archistar

N orman F oster


F lorence :

the interior open in all its height would make trains visible at ground level

Highlight s




V inci ’ s

art has no secrets left

thanks to particle acceleration .

didn ’ t spread color over a canvas after

having prepared it on a palette . I nstead he spread light layers of different colors ,

one on top of the other , thus obtaining

a special three - dimensional optical effect .

B asically ,

he wanted the observer

to create the final cocktail

Highlight s



D id you know that I nstagram began in F lorence ? I ts inventor , K evin S ystrom , came to F lorence for a photography course when he was studying at

T he

S tanford .

philosophy behind the popular

social network began right here ,

with a camera that cost a few euros

F lorentine “D on ’ t focus on the camera ’ s techniques . T hink of art and the subjects of the photo .” N ow , there are more than 3.5 million # florence pics on I nstagram and the words of his tutor :

Highlight s


STEVE JOBS S teve J obs ,

during a trip to I taly in

1985 A pple the first blue - grey stone

when he was forced to finish at time round , was struck by the of the streets of

F lorence . W hen

he returned

to the company , he decided to introduce

the same pietra serena flooring in all new

A pple S tores . T he stone comes in F irenzuola , near F lorence

from a quarry

Highlight s



the end of the era of standards ,

uniformity and formats , even the

food world is looking for new forms of marketing .


love the quirky

style based on variety , tradition and

territoriality of this old , unchanged

“ bottega � at 41/ r B orgo SS. A postoli , in F lorence . I t might teach the world a thing or two in the future ...

crAfting eternity since 1755 Our continuous history is reflected in the Harmony collection. A new legacy has dawned. Harmony dual time

Geneva official watchmaking certification

firenZe - Ponte Vecchio 52r - tel. 055 2396028 fOrte Dei MArMi - Via carducci 6d - tel. 0584 85044


Editorial Towards new hor izons by Leonardo Ferragamo


notes Looking towards the future by Valeriano Antonioli






Contempor ar y visions

What’s going on



DISCOVER ROME Such innovator s, these Romans! by Serena Cantagalli

76-79 EVENT

Art & Style

Spoon 2016

Alessandro Garofalo Creative and content




The Fusion Bar


Five decades of Nautor´s Swan

& Restaurant


Paolo B arberis Jacopo Marello Alessandro Sordi


Firenze reloaded

The future , 30 year s ago


C armela Valdevies Florence open city

Itinerary 28-31

My florence A special point of view by Paolo Galluzzi


hidden Eter nal dialogue by Vincenzo Vaccaro

Surfin’ the WOW Er a Vanguard

62-65 WEB Firenze 2.0

66-67 Kid friendly Por tr ait Firenze , tailored

84-87 Peter Brunel The tr iptych of excellence

88-91 Loretta Fanella Sweetness and light


for little ones

94-98 68-71



What to do and where to go

A touch of ar t

in Florence and Rome


Hotel Lungarno Florence 72 rooms and suites

Gallery Hotel Art Florence 74 rooms and suites

Continentale Florence 43 rooms and suites

Portrait Firenze Florence 37 suites

Portrait roma Rome 14 suites

Stylish and utter ly char ming with stunning views onto Ponte Vecchio, the Hotel Lungar no features over 400 wor ks of ar t including Cocteau and Picasso.

Italy’s fir st design hotel, the Galler y Hotel Ar t is a favor ite amongst the fashion set of Florence . Just a few steps from Ponte Vecchio.

Over looking the Ponte Vecchio, this vibr ant and dynamic contempor ar y hotel is the place to be and to be seen in Florence .

Spacious and intimate suites, the attention of a char ming hotel, and a wonderful view of the Ponte Vecchio.

The finest location in Rome , on Via Condotti, a stone’s throw away from the Spanish Steps, the Por trait Suites ROMA reflects the glamour of life of Salvatore Ferragamo.

Villa Le Rose Florence 6 bedroom villa

Palazzo C apponi Meetings & Events

resort baia scarlino Tuscany

Swan Sailing Yacht Mediter r anean & Car ibbean Seas

Just minutes away from the hear t of Florence, this 16th centur y Villa is a one of a kind historic residence with relaxing garden, delightful pool, frescoed salons and six private suites.

This 15 th centur y Palace with sumptuous frescoes and the latest technology, provides a magical stage for meetings, congresses and prestigious events in the hear t of Florence.

On the Tuscan coast, in the hear t of Maremma, this unique destination features contemporar y and ultra spacious apar tments over looking the sea.

Swan Yachts are considered some of the finest yachts in the wor ld. This Collection of 4 yachts offer s an exclusive sea vacation with routes to the Mediterranean Islands and the Caribbean.

Booking & Info - Lungarno Collection Bor go S.S.Apostoli, 29- Firenze - Ph. +39 055 27264000 - reser vations@lungar


The Lungarno Collection Magazine N.6 Issue 2016-2017 editor in chief Matteo Parigi Bini Co-editor in chief Teresa Favi Editorial Director Valeriano Antonioli Managing Editor Cristina Fogliatto editor Sabrina Bozzoni, Francesc a Lombardi, ALessandra Luc arelli, Virginia Mammoli contributors Paolo Barberis, Serena C antagalli, Jacopo Marello, Alessandro Sordi, Vincenzo vacc aro, C armela Valdevies photographers Renato Cerisola, Lorenzo Cotrozzi, Sofie Delauw, Martino dini, Paolo Galluzzi, Dario Garofalo, Massimo listri, Miki Nakano, NewPressPhoto, Valentina Stefanelli cover The Astronomic al Observatory of Arcetri, Florence (Ph. Renato Cerisola) art editors Martina Alessi, Chiara Bini translations The Florentine advertising director Alex Vittorio Lana advertising Alessandra Nardelli, DAniela Zazzeri publisher gruppo editoriale (Alex Vittorio Lana & Matteo Parigi Bini)

Gruppo Editoriale

Gruppo Editoriale

Photo © Lorenzo Poccianti


Blu Knight | Piazza Scarlatti, 2r - 50125 Firenze - Tel 055 283398 -



Towards new hor izons ph. Miki Nakano

Leonardo Ferragamo, President of Lungarno Collection


convey our excitement about the future through stories , views and experiences – F lorence is as vibrant as ever all around the city The 6th edition of Collection

in a different guise , a continuation

Magazine aims for distant hor izons:

of the city’s development: Pitti, an

the Future! It’s a concept ver y

ever-evolving dr iving force of style;

familiar to Florence , a city that has

Luisa Via Roma, the forefront and

always been infused with a natur al

forer unner of online shopping; and

tendency to look forward and

Felice Limosani, Florence’s digital

beyond. Think of the Renaissance

visionar y. These are just a few of

and the futur istic thoughts of that

the institutions that ensure that

er a, r anging from architecture to

the city’s excellence continues,

ar t and culture . That same spir it has

examples of its tr uly intr insic spir it,

remained alive down the centur ies

which fills Florentines like me with

thanks to the great minds and great

pr ide . Through this magazine , it’s my

men who have lived here . That

delight to share with you, wherever

same extr aordinar y, unique and

you come from, the vibr ancy and

unpar alleled future of yester year, the

creativity that still makes its presence

ancient of today has been rewor ked

felt throughout Florence today.




Looking towards the future Valeriano Antonioli, Editorial Director of “Collection Magazine” and CEO of Lungarno Collection

D econstructing

tradition and reconstructing it in new forms and with original content . S implifying complications . S eeking freshness in culture The future , for me , is spaghetti

two steps from the Ponte Vecchio…

shaped… Which is actually a potato

A corner of ar tistic provocation that

that Michelin-starred chef Peter Br unel

Lungarno Collection has entr usted to

cuts with a lathe and cooks in a salt

designer Simone D’Auria for the last

solution at a temperature that doesn’t

four year s, gifting the city with a breath

allow the fibres to break down. A

of cultural freshness. The future , for me ,

wonder for the eyes and taste buds.

is making life simpler, in all its processes.

The future , for me , is my grandmother’s

Simple things like turning all the lights

apple cake , which in the exper t hands

off with a single switch when you go

of pastr y chef Loretta Fanella becomes

to bed. The future is often our present,

an elegant and discerning wor k of ar t,

because the wor ld of hospitality must

made from ingredients deconstr ucted

only look forward, seeking and striving

in the dish and brought together again

to predict trends before they happen,

with a spoon, a bite bur sting with the

guessing what our guests will want and

comfor t of tradition. The future , for me ,

wish for. Never standing still: for me ,

is a white windmill, 4 metres tall, just

that’s the impor tant thing.


friends Alessandro Garofalo Paolo Barberis, Jacopo Marello, Alessandro Sordi Carmela Valdevies

future 19



Creative and content Alessandro Garofalo

It was 1993 and I was in Japan when I figured out the perfect synthesis that countr y had to offer in terms of innovation, a longing for the future and deep-rooted tradition. In that instant I figured out the strength of that ver y shor t circuit and decided that in the future I’d have to make a living from my ideas. From that moment on with my ideas I helped other s to innovate, companies like Lavazza, Rai, Aprilia, Paribas, Poste Italiane, Ferrari, Technogym and Thun. What must an idea have to

T hey

N uclear

call him the

“S ocrates

of creativity ”.

physicist , he has championed innovation ,

managerial training and creative development of new products and concepts

be able to wor k? It must actually solve a problem and be simple. Simplicity is very hard to design; it requires a lot of creativity. Twenty year s ago I believed that intuition was wor th ever ything. Now I think otherwise: the winning cocktail consists of vision, an ability to see ahead, a refusal to be conditioned by paradigms, an openness to influences and a belief in serendipity, all combined with strict method. This is the discover y I made while writing my latest book with Matteo


da Vinci The greatest Rampin [ed. an internationally renowned acceler ator of per sonal motivator and problem solver]. innovation the Tools for the future? Philosophy and wor ld has ever craftsmanship are needed, as well as known. knowing how to live with uncer tainty and His strengths? being resilient, investing to bring on board Cur iosity, a a highly digital handicraft product, which is commitment to proving light but useful. Intelligent and connected knowledge products will change our habits.

Soundtrack The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd in 1973


Favorite read I Barbari (“The Barbar ians”) by Alessandro Bar icco, a br illiant essay on mutation

Quotation Kant: “The hand is the window on to the mind”, meaning that gr asping something means holding it in your hand to under stand it in your br ain

A lessandro G arofalo ,


of innovation and product development , has worked in

I talian

universities and

leading companies for



P aolo B arberis , J acopo M arello and A lessandro S ordi , in the F lorentine spaces of N ana B ianca



Firenze reloaded Paolo Barberis, Jacopo Marello, Alessandro Sordi

We are the creator s of Nana Bianca, a star tup in which great ideas become fir st a project and then a successful company. Like Viralize , the fir st video adver tising distribution platform in Italy, whose clients include Youtube , Tim, Samsung, Ar uba, Fineco and Sky, and Listupp, an aggregator of high fashion products that groups together 400 e-commerce sites, for a total of 40,000 brands and 1,500,000 items, and in just one year it has become one of the main supplier s of high-end stores

T hey

are the three founders of

N ana B ianca ,

a startup accelerator who selects

and cultivates the most innovative of ideas , based in

like LuisaViaRoma and Lux. Then there’s

F lorence

Wiman, the leading social Wi-Fi networ k. These are star tups with investor s like Tim. But the primar y focus of a project like Nana Bianca is that we encourage the best brains to stay with us; in fact we attract them, such as the inventor of Swite, who came to Nana Bianca from San Francisco to create his star tup. We attract and focus these ideas all in the same place, in Florence. This is where some companies begin their road elsewhere to success, like Depop, a mobile app mobile that allows you to buy and sell items by taking a photo on your smar tphone, and now has headquar ter s in London and New Yor k. Other s continue to base their business in our cowor king space. A huge resource for our city, which has all the

Dream To make Florence the bir thplace of digital gaming, just as it was for Calcio Stor ico, thanks to the IGL (Italian Gaming

Innovation A Florentine shar ing economy with increasingly accessible smar tphone ser vices

potential needed to become the center of League) project considerable economic growth.


Inspiration Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and ever yone who believes in the future without compromise

Books A Shor t Histor y of Near ly Ever ything by Bill Br yson The Wor ld Until Yesterday by Jared Diamond



Flo re n ce open ci ty Car mela Valdevies

When I look back and see the way traveled since my arrival at Palazzo Vecchio, the beautiful headquar ter s of the City of Florence , and how much the city has established itself in the last ten year s fir st thanks to the drive of Matteo Renzi and now Dario Nardella, I realize that this job, which I have always loved because it ser ves Florence , has been a tr uly unique oppor tunity and experience . I think of all the faces of VIPS I’ve met. An unforgettable chat in the waiting room with Rober to Benigni about Beatrice in the “Divine Comedy”. Kanye West looking out over the city from the terrace of For te Belvedere and

H ead of the I nternational R elations and E vents D epartment , H ead of C eremonies at the P alazzo V ecchio , she ’ s one of the hidden faces behind the innovations of M atteo R enzi and D ario N ardella in F lorence

him saying to me , “Wow, Milly, wonderful, can I marr y my Kim (Kim Kardashian) here?” Italian President Napolitano visibly moved while listening to the accordions of the Music Conser vator y. I think of the grace of Andrea Bocelli and his wife Veronica and their tireless commitment to the Celebrity Fight Night. And it fills me with pride to know that visitor number s at the Palazzo Vecchio Museum rose from 250,000 in 2009 to 815,000 in 2015, now the sixth most popular museum in Italy. Florence in 2100? With the Arno River navigable like the Seine . Private patrons? We need them now more than ever. Ar t and technology? Our Sala d’Arme turned

Future The Museo del Novecento, one of the most innovative galler ies in Italy in the field of multimedia technology

Beauty and innovation Organizing the future of the city in the amazing headquar ter s of Florentine civil power, the way it’s been for centuries

into the most fabulous digital stor y about the Renaissance…


unforgettable event The most stressful but also the most exciting: the filming of “Inferno” at Palazzo Vecchio and in piazza della Signoria

Favourite read Dante’s “Divine Comedy”

ph. Dario Garofalo

M atteo R enzi called “T he L ion T amer �, C armela ( aka M illy ) V aldevies is the labor


law expert who came to

F lorence

for love

i t i n e r a ry Florence Rome


T he A stronomical O bservatory of A rcetri (P h . R enato C erisola )


I tinerar y


My Florence Paolo Galluzzi

Galileo Galilei was the first scientist who applied strict mathematical methods to physical explorations, a genius who knew how to read nature through a scientific system and - more than anybody else - was able to understand its intimacy and spirit. New planets, new worlds and new horizons were disclosed

T he

G alileo M useum and former president of the I nternational S cientific C ommittee to create the N obel M useum in S tockholm tells us about his F lorence through the old haunts of the father of modern science , G alileo G alilei director of the

thanks to Galileo’s brilliance, a man who realized that the mysteries of the skies could be revealed by pointing a telescope at them. A truly great mind whose discoveries ranged from isosynchronism of a pendulum’s oscillations by sur veying the movements of a lamp that hung in Pisa Cathedral to mountains on the moon and the satellites of Jupiter, as well as the revolutionar y cer tainty that the planets, including the Ear th, rotated around the sun and not the other way round. All this meant that Galileo was going against the canons of the Church. Although he was cour ted by powerful people all over Europe, who did their best to purchase his binoculars to discover the stars, Galileo was accused of heresy, put before a judge, sentenced and forced to recant his astronomical

ideas. He was put under house arrest at his Arcetri villa, in the hills above Florence. It only took the Church 359 years, in 1992, to recognize “the mistakes made” in sentencing him. When I think of Florence the first place that comes to mind is the Galileo Museum (1, 2), home to the original instruments studied and made by the scientist himself. Then I think about his house in Arcetri, where Galileo ended his days on 8 Januar y 1642, and which is now the location of an obser vator y that has to a cer tain extent inherited its former resident’s astronomical discoveries. Coming down the hill from


I tinerar y





Arcetri toward the city center a walk around the Basilica of Santa Croce (4) is a must. The first tomb on the left is Galileo’s, erected almost a centur y after his death, overcoming resistance by ecclesiastical authorities. I like to continue this tour in via Sant’Antonino (3), where Galileo’s most loyal follower, Vincenzo Viviani, a brilliant mathematician and scientist, paid tribute to the Master by adorning the facade


of his house with a set of symbols reminiscent of Galileo’s biography. It’s lovely to roam the places associated with Galileo’s life. He loved to spend time with a friend who had a house in Signa. The friend was Filippo Salviati and the house Villa delle Selve, which still exists in all its beauty today. He was always drawn to the hear tbreaking beauty of the Arcetri hills and their surroundings. Often he visited

like the Grand Duke himself. At the

That’s not all, because there are

Galileo Museum we accepted the time

other signs of success in Florence.

challenge and, through ICT, our rooms can

Lens, the European Laboratory

be used by the general public. Thanks to

for Non-linear Spectroscopy, par t

an interactive video guide at the museum

of the University of Florence,

(which I believe is the first of its kind,

an institution of recognized scientific

not only in Florence), you can access,

impor tance, and the Kunsthistorisches

from your smar tphone or tablet, detailed

Institut, which brings outstanding

information about more than the 1000,

research structures to the city for ar t

instruments housed in the museum. You the Medici villas of Artimino and Poggio can see how they work through dynamic a Caiano, where he would sometimes digital reconstructions and 3D models. leave his books in order to taste the finest wines given to him by the countless figures who lived there, only too willing to fulfill his desires,

historians. Villa I Tatti, the stronghold of Har vard University. These are just some of the Italian

The app has been used by more than

and international institutions which

7,000 people in just three months, plus

continue to make Florence a ner ve

there are also the 2 million users who visit

centre and at the ver y forefront for

our website ever y year.

research and study.


A bove :


A rcetri O bservatory

nestled in the hills overlooking

F lorence (P h . R enato C erisola ) B elow : the M edici V illa of P oggio a C aiano  (P h . M assimo L istri )Â


T he

O pera del D uomo M useum in F lorence , reopened in 2015,


is at the forefront of world museums today




Eter nal dialogue Vincenzo Vaccaro*

A ‘walk’ entirely in pietr a for te , just as it was in the nineteenth centur y. A top-tier project that acts as the cor ner stone of an infor med and intelligent inter pretation of the past will br ing about the renaissance of one of Florence’s loveliest and most

F lorence

has always had to reckon with its

invaluable heritage from an architectural

perspective too .

T oday

the dialogue between the ancient and the contemporary in the old city center leaves the world open - mouthed in wonder

evocative places, nestled between the Ponte Vecchio and Ponte Santa Tr inita: Lungar no Acciaioli, on the Ar no’s r ight bank. It will become a walkway that no visitor to the city will want to miss, affording unique views of the Ponte Vecchio and the Oltr ar no, a street that typifies beauty which is also the unpar alleled setting of three gems belonging to the Lungar no Collection group: Por tr ait Hotel Firenze , Caffè dell’Oro and Continentale . This measure will join other s in the old city centre in the last ten year s that continue to retur n Florence to the inter national spotlight, something that has not happened for some time . A city adored for its Renaissance past, for its museums and churches, and a UNESCO Wor ld Her itage site since 1982, Florence has always had

the level reached in

to reckon with its unpar alleled legacy, from an architecture standpoint too. But the distinctive lines along which entire neighborhoods have been redesigned of late have at last managed to instil a more relaxed and nonchalant dialog between centur ies past and the contempor ar y. In the vicinity of the Sant’Ambrogio neighborhood, the old monaster y, which later became Le Murate jailhouse, has been conver ted, through a clever mar r iage of restor ation and the addition of contempor ar y architecture , into a meeting place for myr iad young people who are dr awn


T op ,

a corridor

in the  O pera

del D uomo M useum B ottom , the new paving in V ia de ’ T ornabuoni , now 100% pedestrianized (P h . L orenzo C otrozzi )




F rom left to right : C affè delle M urate in front of the R obert F. K ennedy C enter B iblioteca delle O blate , M ercato C entrale , L ungarno A cciaioli

to the area. The restor ation resulted

Florence lover s alike to enjoy a stroll

into the creation of new living quar ter s free from vehicles. Being able to walk


J ustice


H uman R ights ,

reopened to the public less than 12 months ago and holds concer ts, plays

for the under pr ivileged as well as the

freely enables us to look at the sights

and even film projections aimed at

invention of inner piazza linked by

around us. Not only is Via Tor nabuoni

visitor s to the Cathedr al complex

wide passageways to via Ghibellina

a luxur y fashion street, it’s also home

(the bell tower, baptister y and the

and via dell’Agnolo, squares that

to wonderful centur ies-old buildings

new Oper a del Duomo museum). The

br im with bar s and restaur ants, plus

including the austere architecture and

latter is one of the most incredible

well-attended events. The only Italian

sun-kissed pietr a for te hues of Palazzo

under takings in Florence’s cultur al

headquar ter s of the Robert F. Kennedy

Strozzi, Palazzo Feroni and Palazzo

offer ings, reinforcing the city’s already

Center for Justice and Human Rights

Antinori, as well as the two lovely

endless list of museums. Reopened

has set up its center here in this highly

churches of Santa Trinita and Santi

in October 2015 after an impressive

symbolic place , led by Ker r y Kennedy,

Michele e Gaetano.

revamp, the focus of the new Museo

daughter of the famous senator and a

The Baroque look of the latter is proof

dell’Opera del Duomo, in a huge

human r ights champion for year s.

of other architectur al styles than the

500 m 2 room, is the extr aordinar y

Another pr ime inter vention was the

omnipresent Florentine Renaissance .

reconstr uction of the or iginal

new Oblate librar y in via dell’Or iuolo,

The most recent measures that

cathedr al façade , which was dismantled

once a nunner y. Here a classic

have fur ther enr iched the center

by Gr and Duke Fr ancesco I in 1587

restor ation combined with the addition

of Florence are thanks to br ave

(the one we see today dates to the

of highly technological elements

entrepreneur s. Fir stly, there’s the

19th centur y). In double the space

enabled the tr ansfor mation of what

first floor of the Mercato Centrale,

of the for mer museum visitor s can

was a small municipal libr ar y until a

erected by the architect Giuseppe

admire an ar r ay of master pieces that

few year s ago into a cult meeting place . Mengoni in 1874. It recently reopened

offer s an over view of the development

In addition to the reading rooms, the

as an entire floor that is all about food

of sculpture in Florence from the

delightful altana rooftop space is a

and has become a popular hangout

14th to the 16th centur y, including

major dr aw, affording an up-close and

with Florentines and tour ists due to

Michelangelo’s emblematic wor k, the

per sonal view of Brunelleschi’s cupola.

its vibr ant atmosphere and var ied food

Bandini Pietà.

Pedestr ianization of the city center was options. recently extended to lar ge swathes

Secondly, one of the city’s oldest

*Ex-Director of Section I of the

of piazza Duomo, via Martelli and

theater s (1648) recently reopened

Super intendence of the Environmental and

via Tornabuoni, allowing locals and

after 30 year s: Teatro Niccolini. It

Architectural Her itage of Florence


C on t e m por ar y vi si ons

Florence as you’ve never seen it before. The great contemporary works P hoto L orenzo C otrozzi

T he tramline connecting S candicci and downtown F lorence on the C ascine P ark bridge . T his is the first line , T1, opened in 2010. T he future will bring another 4 lines , one of which , T2 ( from the old city center to the airport ) is already under construction



C ourthouse , V iale G uidoni . 230 years ago for the first time in the history of humanity , torture

and the death penalty

F lorence G rand D uke T uscany P eter L eopold

were abolished in by the of



R esidential complex , S tazione L eopolda area



E ntrance , C areggi H ospital . F lorence ’ s main hospital sets world records : artificial retina implants , bone marrow implants for multiple sclerosis , the most robotic surgery





E ntrance , C areggi H ospital


O pera di F irenze (F lorence O pera H ouse ) is one of the most futuristic theaters in

W ith 3

E urope .


functional auditoriums at the vanguard of acoustics

Su c h i n n ovator s, t hes e R o mans!

Walking around Rome in search of the origins of modern technology of urban planning and construction T ext S erena C antagalli *

M ithraeum , B aths of C aracalla P revious page and next page , bottom photo , the C olosseum , originally known

F lavian A mphitheater (P h . V alentina S tefanelli )

as the


I tinerar y


F rom

left to right : underground section of the cloaca maxima ,

cloaca maxima near

S an G iorgio


V elabro , I mperial F orums

The Ancient Romans were a people of for midable architects and engineer s.

C ircus M aximus ,

A dvances

in technology allowed


to hold power

Ever yone knows about the power of the Roman Empire and they put it down to the invincible ar mies,

and warding off revolts

of fire , and their deter mination. All that is par tly tr ue , but only par tly. What actually allowed the Romans to maintain power for as long as they did? Technological advancement: more than 2,000 year s ago, the Romans forefather of reinforced concrete , thereby revolutionizing the city’s architecture and or ganization. The conquered provinces benefited from the technological advancement

to allow the water to dr ain off. Paved roads withstood the continual passage of car r iages, ice and the tor r id summer heat. The cloaca maxima, one of the oldest

sewer s, ensured that the city was kept expor ted by the Romans, who warded clean from unwanted sewage and, at off revolts by spoiling them and the same time , dr ained the for um’s improving their standards of living.

A walk around the Roman for um, the hear t of daily life , immediately reveals the most famous Roman innovations. Then, as now, one walked on streets

plain, thereby stopping any swamps and unwholesome areas from for ming. The aqueducts, majestic lines of arches along the consular roads,

can still be seen today in front of completed with a layer of basalite , dr y the entr ance to the Palatine and at streets free from puddles since they countless other places in the city. were constr ucted on sever al str ata

for such a long time ,

improving living standards in the provinces

the ar ms for ged by Vulcan, the god

invented the opus coementicium, the

R omans

The ducts were ar r anged above


I tinerar y


T heater


M arcellus , S tadium


D omitian

small wooden model ,

B aths


C aracalla , P arco


A cquedotti

the arches to facilitate the flow of

1, Olympic games and naumac hie,

water and make maintenance easier.

naval battles, left all onlooker s

The greatest example of splendor in

open-mouthed. One of the most

Roman times were the fountains that

impressive feats of architecture that

embellished the city: not only did the simply would not have been possible Romans acquire dr inking water from

without opus coementicium was the

these monuments, but they could

circular roofs cover ing buildings. Just

“waste” it too in order to ador n

think of the dome of the Pantheon,

their streets and amaze visitor s with

still in perfect condition today.

sumptuous nymphaeums such as the

Moder n and elegant, it continues to


be a model studied by and inspir ing

The same water s powered bathing

countless architects. Still think

houses, the ancestor s of the moder n

we’ve invented something br and

spa, where Romans looked after their new today? Rome even had its own bodies on a daily basis. The huge

shopping mall. The Trajan’s Market

pools were heated by the hypocaust,

is an example wor th consider ing,

which can still be seen in the ver y

a building on sever al floor s where

well-known Baths of Caracalla,

you could find ever ything: meat, fish,

underfloor heating that has come

vegetables, all types of cer amic items

back into fashion in contempor ar y

and – it goes without saying – a nice

architecture .

glass of wine in the pur pose-built Via

The Theatre of Marcellus, Flavian

Biberatica. Rome in the fir st centur y

Amphitheatre, Circus Maximus

BCE was home to 1.5 million people .

and the Stadium of Domitian

To ancient visitor s it must have been

guar anteed enter tainment for all:

like a moder n metropolis, all bling

ferocious and exotic animals and

and br ight lights with its color s,

gladiator s perfor med in the middle

music , precious marble , gold and

of the Colosseum thanks to actual

mosaics. A New Yor k ahead of its

elevator s oper ated by slaves, char iot

time .

r aces on a par with today’s For mula

* Tour ist guide and Ar t histor ian


V ia B iberatica , T rajan ’ s M arket


a r t s t y l e va n g u a r d Nautor’s Swan five decades Technological progress in Tuscany Florence 2.0, a guide to the Apps to discover Florence Potreit Firenze. Very Important Kids


I tinerar y


S wans

are always an expression of their time ,

and the differences reveal the change in concept and design that have occurred during the years


Anniver sar y


H igh

quality and high performance sailing yachts , made for those who had the passion for cruising and racing

Five decades of Swan

A name that’s much more than a shipyard… 50 years of Nautor’s Swan Sailing a Swan is like dr iving a Bentley. Ever ybody wants one , but only a few can afford it. For half a centur y, Nautor’s Swan has been the tr ue sailor’s choice , designing and building luxur ious, high perfor mance

A t the last D üsseldorf B oat S how N autor ’ s S wan presented the latest generation of S wan true bluewater concept : the S wan 78

yachts in Nor ther n Finland. The value of a Swan is der ived from the company’s strong her itage , skilled cr aftsmen and pur suit of excellence

acclaimed yacht designer s at that

were the designer s of the fir st

time , to design their fir st sailing

thousand or so Swan yachts sold by

yacht in fibreglass tr immed with

the yard.

wood. In that visionar y oper ation,

Over the decades Swan yachts

in addition to the fibreglass used

have covered close to 100 different

for the hull, a significant number of

models and ver sions, from 36’ to

innovations were introduced. The

131’. Swan 38 (116 units) and Swan

Swan 36 was the fir st Swan yacht,

result was a fibreglass vessel whose

46 (109 units) are the most popular

was inspired by a vision to star t

but could provide greater stiffness

probably the most iconic Swan ever.

of the hull with less weight and

In production for over 18 year s it

perfor mance sailing yachts, made for

better living space . It was a yacht

won countless r aces (including the

Spar kman & Stephens, the most

in the wor ld. Spar kman & Stephens

in ever y aspect of constr uction. Swans haven’t achieved their fame through mar keting stunts, but because of their intr insic qualities and extr aordinar y results in ter ms of perfor mance , build quality and reliability.

produced in 1966. Pekka Koskenkyla, behaviour and safety equalled that of the tr aditional wooden yachts, the founder of Nautor´s Swan, producing high-quality and high-

those who had a passion for cr uising that mar ked the beginning of one of the most prestigious boat yards and r acing. Swan 36 convinced


models, but the mythical 65, in both ketch and sloop ver sions, was

Rolex Volcano Race of 2015) and is considered a beautiful yacht, one of the best S&S designs ever. Almost

T he

latest generation of true bluewater concept is the

S wan 78,

presented at the last

D üsseldorf B oat S how

all of the hulls ever produced by

division. The wor k car r ied out at

another milestone , unveiling the

Nautor are still in use today.

Oy Nautor Ab cover s all elements

new ClubSwan 50 designed by

Since 1998 Leonardo Fer r agamo and of design and constr uction – from

Juan Kouyoumdjian. A high-tech,

a group of investor s have controlled

composite/str uctur al engineer ing

aesthetically captivating one-design

and managed Nautor’s Swan. This

to deck layout and sail handling

yacht, it appeals to the young and

management has enabled the br and

design, inter ior styling, systems

competitive , while still allowing

to evolve by continuing to push

and hydr aulics, HVAC engineer ing,

the pleasure of cr uising in the tr ue

forward a whir lwind of innovations

electr ical and electronics. Most

spir it of Swan.

and changes that fir mly place the

other yards that produce yachts

The ClubSwan 50 will be a

Swan yachts at the forefront of the

of similar size and char acter istics

professionally managed owner-dr iver

inter national sailing wor ld. Swans

outsource a lar ge par t of the wor k,

class, with a global r acing circuit.

are always an expression of their

in addition to par t or all of the

With the ClubSwan 50, Nautor’s

time , and the differences reveal

engineer ing.

Swan officially begins its 50th

the change in concept and design

The team at Nautor’s Swan has

anniver sar y celebr ations.

that have occur red over the year s.

complete control over the quality of

In less than ten year s the yard had

What never changes in a Swan is its

each and ever y single component of

already achieved wor ldwide status

philosophy: quality, reliability, style

the boat and each and ever y step of

in a mar ket that was dominated

and perfor mance .

the building process.

by centur ies of English, Italian and

All this guar antees high value

In September 2015, the fir st Swan

Amer ican tr adition. To keep all

over time , maintained thanks to

115 was presented at the Monaco

of this her itage intact, the new

the superb after-sales suppor t.

Yacht Show.

management innovated nonstop

Indeed, Nautor’s Swan has always

This is the flagship of the new

and adopted new technologies

been one of the boat yards with

gener ation of the maxi yachts built

only when proven and tested. All

the wor ld’s highest standards of

by Nautor, which includes the Swan

this is par t of the Finnish culture ,

excellence in ser vice , re-fits and

95 and has a Swan 140 on the

so it wasn’t hard to do. And it is

specialised customer care , as well as

dr awing board. In late September

also par t of the family histor y of

its br and-new wor ldwide broker age

2015, Nautor’s Swan reached

Leonardo Fer r agamo.


T he R olex S wan C up is one of the world ’ s best - loved competitions between yachts made by a single yard , sponsored by


R olex



is held every two years

S eptember in S ardinia P orto C ervo on the C osta S meralda in



S wans

are always an

expression of their time , and

the differences reveal the change in concept and design that have occurred during

aaaaaaaaa the years



T he f u t u re , 30 year s ago

From the first Inter net connection to Einstein’s gravitational waves T ext M atteo G razzini - P hoto L orenzo C otrozzi

In Tuscany, the future was bor n precisely on Apr il 30, 1986, with one ver y shor t word that cer tified the leap forward made by science and technology: “ok”. On that day, with those two letter s, the successful connection between an Amer ican computer and that of the National Univer sity Center of Electronic Calculation at the National Research Center in Pisa was cer tified and confir med. A signal that crossed the ocean and brought to Italy for the fir st time the Inter net, which was actually still Ar panet and a tool designed for the US militar y. But that fir st exchange of data must have wor ked as a stimulus for the whole ter r itor y as well as the Univer sity of Pisa, which by that time had established itself as the main Italian center of study for physics, technology and computer science . The Univer sity, which once included among its faculty one Galileo Galilei, has always taken the lead on the road to discover y and is now a global benchmar k, as evidenced by its many par tner ships with univer sities on five continents: a continuous exchange of knowledge and projects that often leads to outstanding results. The most str iking recent case is cer tainly the fir st direct obser vation

T echnological progress in T uscany from P isa , with its U niversities , to the multi - million dollar investments of G eneral E lectric with GE O il & G as of gr avitational waves, or the r ipples in window of 10 milliseconds. Moreover, the “fabr ic” of space time , which ar r ive in Cascina, near Pisa, you’ll find on Ear th after being produced by an

EGO, the European Gr avitational

astrophysical cataclysm in the deep

Obser vator y founded by the Italian

univer se . Alber t Einstein theor ized

National Institute of Nuclear Physics

about their existence a centur y ear lier, and the Centre National de la in 1915, with his Gener al Relativity

Recherche Scientifique , Fr ance , and

and it was precisely Pisa that received

home to the Vir go interferometer. It’s

confir mation of his studies. In this

here that some of the Univer sity of

case , Tuscany is at the ver y center of

Pisa’s physicists have collabor ated on

a project between Europe and the

the discover y.

United States where , in Livingston

Even more recent are the studies in

and Hanford simultaneously two twin

the field of par ticle physics conducted

interferometer s recorded the ar r ival

by the Univer sity of Pisa with the KEK

of the waves within a time coincidence labor ator y in Tsukuba, Japan, where


I n F lorence G eneral E lectric is about to write a new chapter

with the

G alileo P roject ,

a centre of world excellence for the development of turbines and compressors




N ear P isa ,

you ’ ll find



E uropean G ravitational O bservatory

home to the

T he

the SuperKEKB acceler ator, the “hear t” of the Belle-II exper iment, resides and is expected to lead to the discover y of the elusive signals of still unknown

V irgo


first direct observation

of the gravitational waves hypothesized


A lbert E instein

par ticles. It’s a project car r ied out by

at front and

600 scientists and engineer s from 23


different countr ies. Already tangible

U niversity of P isa center , in collaboration L ivingston and H anford

put the

instead are the results of inter national research by the Univer sity of Pisa, the Italian National Research Council, the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, and the Univer sity of Tokyo on an electronic device based on a two-dimensional heterostr ucture , which in plain English is “the thickness of an atom”. In Pisa, simulations on the atomic level were perfor med to foresee the electr ical behavior of the device . The final step of this technology will be the creation of flexible and low-power tr ansistor s. And finally in Pisa, a city with a leading air por t, we must also mention aeronautics projects like GeTFuTuRe , coordinated by the Univer sity of Pisa and awarded second place out of 450 projects at the Clean Sky For um in Br ussels. It validates the

perfor mance of a sophisticated gear

of turbines and compressor s; an

system designed by Avio Aero for

investment of 600 million euro with

future engines with low environmental

the wor k of 500 engineer s and an

impact. This is its pur pose but also

ambitious goal, 1.7 billion euro more

the motivation behind its liaison

in tur nover and a 50% increase in

with another Tuscan technological

production. It’s a center to concentr ate

excellence , Gener al Electr ic , which has

all production phases, from design to

its aviation sector at Avio Aero.

industr ialization, through a public-

Tuscany Gener al Electr ic ar r ived

pr ivate par tner ship. The agreement

in 1994 with the acquisition of the

with var ious bodies has already been

Nuovo Pignone in Florence , making

signed and is needed to ver ify the

it the leading company of GE Oil &

feasibility of the project, which could

Gas. A long histor y in which a new

also give new life to the Piombino

chapter is about to be wr itten, the

center, which would join Florence ,

Galileo Project, a wor ldwide center

Massa, Car r ar a and Livor no, where

of excellence for the development

Gener al Electr ic is already based.


M ultisensorial experiences F lorence responds

a click away :

to the future with apps and websites with the maximum user experience





virtual museum on your phone :

T he G rande M useo


D uomo

and its

A pp

for virtual and actual visitors , the future is here

Fir e n ze 2 .0

The city of eternal beauty opens into web galaxies T ext S abrina B ozzoni

Welcome to a new er a of tr avel,


where the exper ience of discover y is

will help you to have the perfect holiday

amplified and available to ever yone .

J oin

Streets, museums, flavor s and ar tisan cr afts: the r iches of Florence are the

and discover

protagonists of a web renaissance designed to enhance our tr avel exper ience . We’re talking about Florence Yes Please, out in September it possible for the 11 five-star hotels in Florence , the Lungar no Collection among them, to join forces and exper tise to create a unique and exclusive ser vice . The nar r ator s of this long tale about contempor ar y beauty are those that make our city unique: from fashion and industr y to culture and ar t. The stor ies of these prestigious city figures will be your tr avel guides. But Florence Yes Please is much more . Under the ar tistic direction of Felice Limosani, tr aveller s are guests and fr iends invited to exper ience only the best of Florence

through videos, tr avelogues and style snippets that nar r ate an unusual Florence , a secret and a high-end one . Destination App, how could we live without it? Join us in search of the best and discover the city in all its dimensions. ART Uffizi, a vir tual tr ip to one of the finest museums in the wor ld. This app includes a map of the famous Florentine museum and a folder with all its news, events and exhibitions, as well as infor mation on opening hour s, bookings and pr ices. Palazzo Strozzi has moder n ar t on


us in search of the best

F lorence

thanks to platfor ms and applications

and the fir st Italian por tal to make

smart guide to apps that

in all its dimensions


T he

website for a different

F lorence ? F irenze

yes please .

T he U ffizi


P alazzo S trozzi also

respond with apps

hand in the official app of the best-


gardens of Tuscany. A vir tual tour ist

known museum in Florence for major

Firenze in Tasca has thematic

guide with infor mation, maps and

exhibitions. A tool that gives you

itiner ar ies, walking guides and places,

routes on the UNESCO Medici villas,

an over view of cur rent exhibitions,

as well as cur iosities and infor mation,

gardens and par ks in and around

including revised timetables and

inspired by exhibitions and much

Florence .

special openings.

more .

FLR Essentials from shopping to the

Museo Duomo is a vir tual museum for

Firenze Up all the city’s events can be

r ight advice on the city’s nightlife ,

your phone . The application features

searched “near you” and “top r ated”

as well as its ar t and events. A must

900 pages about the master pieces on

in the City of Florence . You can find

have .

show in Florence’s newest exhibition

out more about the event with its

Aperitivi e cene Firenze a r ange of

for a vir tual tour through the greatest

location, dur ation and descr iption.

suggestions from restaur ants to bar s,

wor ks ever made .


clubs and pubs with geolocation and

Museo Galileo, what’s his cipher? And

Firenze The Walking City, a map

real-time notifications.

how did he divide circles? What tools

of the best walks in the city, all

Made in Tuscany for exper iences that

did Galileo Galilei use to study the

photogr aphed and r ich in histor ical

are 100% Made in Tuscany, a simple

sky? It’s all here in this app!

and ar tistic details. For a total of 97

app to exper ience the region in the

Florence by churches,

kilometres to cover on foot, of cour se . most authentic way. You’ll discover

monuments, galler ies, museums, maps

Firenze Family Tour, a project for

the best places for food, shopping and

and tips included.

families. Backpack explorer s and

ar tisan cr afts.


multimedia tour s to discover the

Chianti Classico, an easy access point

Firenzeturismo is an ideal guide to

wonder s of the old city center and

to the fascinating Chianti Classico

stay up to date on the events that


ter r itor y and its wines with a detailed

must be exper ienced, museums and

Ville e giardini to discover the

list of local companies and leading

the most interesting places near your

histor ic mansions and monumental



Ex perience


Ver y Impor tant Kids Portrait Firenze, tailored for little ones T ext V irgina M ammoli

Florence is a treasure chest full of wonder s that have enchanted and captivated visitor s from around the wor ld for centuries. The face of Humanism and the Renaissance , with its overflowing beauty and its museums lined in ar t histor y and stories, provide a chance to discover and learn from the precious pages of culture and the expression of human genius. It offer s unforgettable memories that forever leave their mar k, especially on little visitor s, for whom entire itineraries,

P ortrait F irenze

and V ik join forces to make your kids ’ stay an unforgettable memory

museum exhibitions and fun wor kshops have been created. But there’s so much more , from large pedestrian areas to gardens, bell tower s to climb, flag bearer s to see and antique carousels that combine to make Florence a city

adventures. Like a visit to the Bargello

innovations of Leonardo da Vinci and

perfectly suited to children.

Museum to see the sculptures and

Galileo Galilei in a fun way.

Por trait Firenze is the perfect addition

masterpieces of the Middle Ages and the

Little food lover s? Our young guests can

to this. In collaboration with VIK (Ver y

Renaissance . The wor ks of famous ar tists

tr y their hand in the kitchen, learning the

Impor tant Kids), a full program of

like Donatello and Michelangelo tease a

secrets of cooking the “queen” of Italian

activities has been created especially

child’s imagination, as too do fascinating

food: the pizza. An exciting experience

for toddler s and kids. The tour s are

collections of coins, medals, jeweller y,

in the Tuscan countr yside surrounding

organized for children aged 4 to 16 year s seals and ancient weapons.

Florence , during which, under the careful

and tailored according to the needs and

For budding scientists, the In the minds

super vision of an Italian chef, children

tastes of the different age groups. The

of Leonardo and Galileo tour is an

play with flour and all the ingredients

tour s last for three hour s and are r un

original way to experience and discover

needed to prepare the wor ld’s best

by an experienced guide , a nanny and,

science in the city that inspired the


on request, a driver. There’s even a tasty

greatest minds of histor y. The children,

Packages especially designed for children

snack included, too.

led by a Florentine scientist, enjoy

and teenager s. Unique experiences to

Science , histor y, culture and ar t.

safe and easy experiments, perfect

make your stay in Florence even more

One touch and they become unique

for learning about the great ideas and

magical and unforgettable .


T ours

and activities

designed for children and teenagers .

U nique


to have fun while learning


A touch of ar t

The new exciting installation by Simone D’Auria for Gallery Hotel Art





S ome

stages of the installation in front of

Wow, like the exclamation in a comic str ip. Wow, like a giant pinwheel. Wow, like the new chapter in the urban renewal project of Vicolo dell’Oro, a hop, skip and jump from Florence’s Ponte Vecchio. Lungarno Collection began the project in 2013,

G allery H otel A rt


vicolo dell ’O ro the new installation by S imone d ’A uria for L ungarno C ollection asks us to consider a more informed use of renewable and sustainable energy

entr usting its creative side to ar tist and designer Simone D’Auria. This latest installation uses high impact and immediacy to communicate issues of par ticular social interest, inviting passer sby to make infor med use of renewable and sustainable ener gies. D’Aur ia’s “green” installation comes to Galler y Ar t Hotel after a long line of giant bicycles were displayed on the hotel’s facade in 2013, representing the human ur ge always to consider the future; in 2014, a long line of chrome manikins, each with a different animal head to retr ace symbolically great figures in Florentine histor y; and in 2015, the year of Expo, enor mous spoons – Br uno Spoon – to dr aw attention to the issues covered at the Univer sal Exposition in Milan and, at the same time , pay tr ibute to the great designer Br uno Munar i.

This time engaging the gaze not

photogr aphy and objets.

only of tour ists but also many locals

The decision to use the word

who cur iously look forward to each

“Wow” was based on contempor ar y

installation are two enor mous pots

communication to inter act with the

out of which spout like plants two

public and offer the perfect excuse

pinwheels and “WOW” in big three-

(and backdrop) for a selfie and shar ing

dimensional letter s to reinforce the

on the Lungar no Collection var ious

need for consciousness on a subject

social media channels.

cr ucial to the future of the planet.

The exper ience or iginating around

Red is the star of the show: a colour

the installation also continues at The

that has become a fil rouge for all

Fusion Bar & Restaurant at Galler y

of Simone D’Aur ia’s installations for

Art Hotel: the dishes designed thanks

Lungar no Collection. Galler y Art

to a collabor ation between the group’s

Hotel is hosting a retrospective on

Michelin-star red executive chef Peter

the ar tist, in par tner ship with Leica,

Br unel and Simone D’Aur ia will

which reiter ates previous editions with

ser iously wow you time and time again.


R ed

is the star of the

installation : a colour that has become the codeword of all of

S imone D’A uria ’ s works L ungarno C ollection


with high impact and immediacy


W h at’s goi ng on The must-sees of art, music, culture, theatre, food&wine, fashion


Hashitomi (Teatro No)


Until October 2 2016

Oba ga sake (Teatro Kyogen)

October 8 2016

Piazza della Signoria and Forte di

Teatro della Pergola



Odissea Bach

Jan Fabre, Spiritual Guards

September 20 2016

Angela Hewitt, pianofor te

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore ART/PHOTOGRAPHY

Premiere of a new religious play: Agnosce,


Until October 23 2016

Filii, misericordiam Patris

October 9-15 2016

Palazzo Pitti, Palatine Gallery

With the brass band of Maggio Musicale

Opera di Firenze

Visions of Fashion

Fiorentino and the Chapel Choir of Santa

Rosmonda d’Inghliterra by Gaetano Donizetti

Special anthological project that celebrates

Maria del Fiore conducted by Michele

With Jessica Pratt, the Orchestra and Choir

the refined and eclectic photography of


of Maggio Musicale Fiorentino conducted by

Karl Lagerfeld

Sebastiano Rolli

Art Art

September 23 2016 - January 22 2017


Until November 2 2016

Palazzo Strozzi

October 22 2016

Museo degli Argenti

Ai Weiwei at Palazzo Strozzi

Teatro della Pergola

Splendida Minima. Small precious sculptures

A highly controversial contemporary artist

The Art of Fugue BWV 1080 by J. S. Bach

in the Medici collections

takes on the cradle of the Italian Renaissance Accademia Bizantina, conducted by Ottavio



Until April 7 2017

September 27 - October 4 2016


Salvatore Ferragamo Museum

Opera di Firenze

November 4 and 5 2016

Across Art and Fashion

Opening of the opera seasons with

Nelson Mandela Forum

Gioacchino Rossini’s Semiramide

The Fellowship of the Ring


With Jessica Pratt, the Orchestra and

“The Lord of the Rings” trilogy with

September 15-16 2016

Choir of Maggio Musicale Fiorentino

soundtrack by Howard Shore performed live

Teatro della Pergola

conducted by Bruno Campanella

by the Orchestra, Choir and Treble Choir of




Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.



Screening of the film by Peter Jackson

Januar y 8-12 2017

March 20 2017

(in English with Italian subtitles)

Teatro Goldoni

Teatro della Pergola - The art of singing

Didone abbandonata by Leonardo Vinci

Choir of Radio Sweden


Orchestra and Choir of Maggio Musicale

December 1, 4 and 7 2016

Fiorentino conducted by Carlo Ipata

Pitti Palace, White Room

Opera March 23 - 29 2017

Mozart Cycle


Opera di Firenze

Federico Maria Sardelli conducts

Januar y 10-13 2017

W.A. Mozart’s The Magic Flute

the Orchestra of Maggio Musicale

For tezza da Basso

Orchestra and Choir of Maggio Musicale


Pitti Immagine Uomo

Fiorentino conducted by Roland Böer,



December 18 2016

Januar y 20 - Februar y 8 2017


Teatro della Pergola

Opera di Firenze

April 10 2017

The Musical Offering BWV 1079 by J. S.

Faust by Charles Gounod

Teatro della Pergola


Orchestra and Choir of Maggio Musicale Solopiano, Grigory Sokolov

Hesperion XXI and Jordi Savall,

Fiorentino conducted by Juraj Valcuha,

viola da gamba

directed by David McVicar

directed by Damiano Michieletto

Music/festival April 24 - May 26 2017



Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Festival

December 20-27 2016

Februar y 10-12 2017

80th Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, one of

Opera di Firenze

Opera di Firenze

most important opera and music festivals

Giuseppe Verdi’s Nabucco

Hamburg Ballet

in Italy. Opens with a concer t conducted

Orchestra and Choir of Maggio Musicale Symphony No. 3 by Gustav Mahler

by Zubin Mehta and the following day (25

Fiorentino conducted by Renato

Ballet in six movements,

April - 6 May) with Mozar t’s Idomeneo


choreography by John Neumeier

directed by Leo Muscato

Fashion Food

June 13-16 2017


March 11-13 2017

Fortezza da Basso - Pitti Immagine Uomo

December 23 2016

Stazione Leopolda

Opera di Firenze



Christmas Concert

A fair dedicated to excellence in

September 23 - October 1 2017

Lorenzo Fratini conducts the Orchestra


Palazzo Corsini

and Choir of Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and food lifestyles


Florence International Antiques Biennial

food Spoon 2016 Wow experience at the Fusion Bar & Restaurant Peter Brunel Loretta Fanella


I tinerar y


F un , exciting moments of S poon 2016 in the kitchen at B orgo S an J acopo and , outside , in front of P onte S anta T rinita . I n charge , P eter B runel , E xecutive C hef L ungarno C ollectionÂ




Sp o o n 2 0 16

Much more than a new dining concept T ext T eresa F avi - P hoto M artino D ini


Moments like these add lightness to life; they make table time a happy time ,

new ceremony of taste :

joyful , free and convivial .

dining while unwinding, discover ing,


being free and having fun. The dining

culinary syntax whose

buzzwords are sharing and good spirits

table and the kitchen are , by tr adition, the most symbolic places for social gather ings in Italy. Gathered around a table that has been set, as well as prepar ing food in a group around the stove , this is where communities are created and exper iences are shared; these are the places where real food culture happens. The social dimension of food prepar ation and shar ing dishes will be a tur ning point in the future . Trend gur us agree that in twenty year s’ time the value that will make a difference in the wor ld of food will shift more and more from “what” we eat to “how” we eat it. That how – the values, culture , shar ing of ideas and exper ience – will prevail over what – the ingredients, whose excellence in the meantime will be ever more absorbed and widespread in food pr actices.

Individuals will recover the value of

Hence , “conviviality” and “good spir its”

conviviality and come up with new

are the buzzwords for the future of

solutions to find the r ight places and

food and Spoon 2016 is perfectly

times to dedicate to the or ganization,

aligned with the forecast, r ight from

prepar ation and eating of dishes in

dinner number one . Much more than

good company.

a dining concept, the dinner ser ies by

So, for get caviar, foie gr as and

Lungar no Collection, now in its second

Champagne , because the real luxur y in

edition following last year’s huge

2030 will be shar ing ingredients that

success, is a totally innovative and

come from selected areas capable of

joyful happening that revolves around

reawakening memor ies and feelings,

the theme of cuisine that mixes times

taking care to showcase authentic

and flavor s, people and exper iences,

flavor s and tasting them slowly, casting

anticipating future trends.

aside high-paced dining in favor of the

For one Monday ever y month until

subtle pleasure of being together at

Januar y 2017, at gour met restaur ant

the table again.

Bor go San Jacopo that is celebr ating


G roup

photo with

F austo A rrighi , P eter B runel


L oretta F anella ( in

the center ), kitchen and restaurant staff

its fir st Michelin star this year, the

tell guests how their signature dishes

second edition of Spoon welcomes

came about, they sign the menus and

top guests to Florence . Stellar chefs

have their photogr aph taken with

and top food and wine jour nalists who, diner s... alongside executive chef Peter Br unel,

The spoon is the star of the night,

a pinnacle of humility and br illiance

hence the name . A theme dear to

as well as a people per son and a

Lungar no Collection, who chose it as

believer in building lasting professional

the perfect symbol to communicate

relationships, cr aft themed dinner s

the concept of convivial dining.

that celebr ate the finest moment of

Among the two Michelin star chefs

conviviality: the table and prepar ation

coming to Spoon in for thcoming

in the kitchen. Ever y five-cour se

months, here are a few tidbits to

dinner ends with desser ts by pastr y

whet your appetite: Lionello Cer a

chef Loretta Fanella, who vaunts the

of Oster ia Cer a in the Venice

r arest taste and design.

province , Norber t Nieder kofler of St.

An ar r ay of star s, per sonalities and

Huber tus in Bolzano, Mauro Uliassi

endless enthusiasm for the 60 guests

of the restaur ant of the same name

who manage to snag a table . The

in Senigallia and Marco Sacco of Il

atmosphere around ever y dinner

Piccolo Lago, in Verbania, Piedmont.

is pr iceless, especially when the

Ever y dinner has the same magical

boundar y between restaur ant and

end result: the joy of shar ing not

kitchen is set aside . Guests chat

only food and wine , but also style ,

with the chefs, who leave their

elegance , creativity, freedom and

especially when the

place at the stove and become

good spir its that will always be the

boundaries between

happy stor yteller s, at ease with the

essence of typical Italian cuisine . A

under stated ambience in the dining

unique her itage , to safeguard and

room. They relate their exper iences,

share with the wor ld.



ambience is created

for every dinner ,

kitchen and restaurant become merged



Food & Beverage



Food & Beverage


E xecutive Chef Peter Brunel


R esident Chef Gilberto V annini. L eft

page : food


drink on the

N ikkei


Su rfi n ’ t he WOW Er a

The new happy hour concept at The Fusion Bar & Restaurant Text Alessandra Lucarelli

T he

new happy hour format

inspired by

S imone D’A uria ’ s



art installation in vicolo dell ’O ro


Food & Beverage


Left to right: “Il Conte in Oriente” cocktail, Fish ceviche with leche de tigre and white corn, Robert Pavel, Marco Vezzosi, Michel Granpasso Orlando, available on the WOW Art&Food menu


We all know that innovative cuisine and The Fusion Bar & Restaurant go hand in hand. After year s of success and award-winning menus, where Japanese food reigned supreme , now the frontier s have

art & food experience created

G allery H otel A rt ’ s artistic director S imone D’A uria and starred chef P eter B runel by the duo of

shifted towards Nikkei offer ings, a gour met combination of Asian and Per uvian gastronomy. The dishes are all about creativity, in which color – in all its shades – is the absolute star, expressed in the new happy hour for mat, WOW, inspired by the ar t installation by Simone D’Aur ia, titled WOW. Windmills for

The alter native is the spectacular

and celer y centr ifuge mixed with

Energy. So, what’s this new happy

Wow box dr ink&eat, a fabulous

the scent of cumin and lemon,

hour concept? It’s an ar t&food

box in which a cocktail is ser ved

softened by or ganic maple juice;

exper ience created by the hotel’s

with a seaweed cone filled with

Wow! Amer icano! in which the

ar t director and Michelin-star red

red quinoa, r ice , vegetable cream

Amer icano cocktail meets the

chef Peter Br unel, with two

and br ine chips. The food is

Fusion vision; and lastly Sottobosco,

different menu options: Windmill

accompanied with five different

a dr ink that combines fresh lemon

nigir i, a dish whose presentation

cocktails that have been invented

and honey, citr us and spicy ginger

recreates the installation outside

just for WOW: Gar ibaldi in love, a

and mint syr up. Wow is the new

in Vicolo dell’Oro, where giant

new take on an old classic named

happy hour for mat at The Fusion

windmills populate the piazza and

after the hero of the two wor lds,

Bar, with a vibr ant menu specially

rotate on the façade of Galler y

a fusion of the flavor s and color s

designed for the occasion. If you’re

Hotel Ar t, with a ‘windmill’ of

of two continents; Hanami, in

still hungr y, indulge fur ther by

flavor s based on tuna, seabass

which Beefeater Gin is gr aced with

order ing from the restaur ant’s full

and tobiko, avocado, aspar agus,

rose liqueur and acquires depth

menu by Michelin-star red chef

temaki, mango sake and eby-mami.

with sake; Not Today, a pineapple

Peter Br unel.


T op : M ixologists R obert P avel and M ichel G ranpasso O rlando . B elow : food on the N ikkei menu




The tr iptych of excellence Ingredients according to Peter Brunel Text Alessandra Lucarelli

Peter Br unel: a name indissolubly linked with innovation. An awardwinning chef who, pr izes and his new Michelin star aside , is highly respected by colleagues and producer s for his way of finding or iginal solutions to previously unexplored problems. An example? Peter’s potato spaghetti, made by managing the breaking down of fiber, the result of careful plant research capable of identifying

A ward - winning chef who , regardless of all the prizes , especially the M ichelin star he won this year , is held in high regard by colleagues and leading food producers for his original solutions to previously unexplored questions

exactly when the fiber goes from being r igid to softening and therefore breaking. But fir st things fir st. Who is Peter Br unel? Or iginally from Val di Fassa, in the Dolomites, after tr aining in Italy and Fr ance and wor king in some of the wor ld’s


most impor tant restaur ants, he is

Technique and thought. My wor k in

now Executive Chef of Lungar no Collection for restaur ants The Fusion Bar & Restaurant and Caffè dell’Oro in addition to being Chef of Borgo San Jacopo. Three ver y different places on Florence’s food scene , each with their own distinctive identities. Ingredients are the one factor that r uns through all of Lungar no Collection’s

the kitchen is based on applying my technical vision to Italian tr aditional concepts. I read, research and study daily. Cur iosity is my strength. Let’s star t at The Fusion… The food at The Fusion Bar & Restaurant has a dual identity. Classic Japanese cuisine and Per uvian cuisine: in a word, nikkei.

A fusion in which high-mountain restaur ants: what differ s is how they ingredients are combined with fish are used, the tools implemented and tr aditional Japanese ingredients and var iations in philosophy.

such as seaweed and sashimi. The

What’s the basis of your cooking

combinations play with sweet and


A bove

and on the page

at left :

P eter B runel , E xecutive C hef L ungarno C ollection and G uide of B orgo S an J acopo , 2016 M ichelin S tar



P hotos

of some of

P eter B runel ’ s

refined creations alternate with the magical location of

B orgo S an J acopo

sour, with a ver y acidic str ucture ,

texture of the dish. Then there’s

It’s the restaur ant with innovative

where colour is the absolute focus.

the Tuscan tir amisù, in which we

creative cuisine and my most

The dishes are or iginal and light-

use cantucci cookies dipped in Vin

per sonal stamp.

filled and the presentation bur sts

Santo instead of sponge finger s,

I like to compare this food

with ener gy.

giving the desser t a cr unchiness

exper ience to a show. When we go

An example?

that is missing in the Venetian

to the theater, we are completely

Roast quail with the quail leg in

classic .

absorbed in what happens on the

tempur a, daikon white r adish and

What’s the basis of your

stage . Diner s do the same thing at

pur ple potato and celer y puree ,


the restaur ant. They sit down at the

ser ved with a passionfr uit sauce .

I study tr adition a lot because I

table and are tr anspor ted by our

Or pizza by the spoon, which

believe that it is the basis of what


contains var ious ingredients like

cuisine is today. Now, unlike the

sweetcor n cream, bell pepper

past, technology infor ms us about

cream, onion, tuna and guacamole .

the r ight temper ature for ever y

Scene change to Caffè dell’Oro…

ingredient. It’s all based on a

I like to define the cuisine at Caffè

concept of enhancing the food and

dell’Oro as a jour ney around our

the time we have available .

beautiful Italy. I tap into the wor ld

Do you only use Italian

of classic recipes in our tr adition


and seek to rewor k them in an

We only select the ver y best

or iginal way. Ever y dish has a

ingredients, which are mostly Italian.

strong regional identification. Like

There are exceptions, such as

bottar ga with cher r y tomatoes and

Nardin smoked anchovies from the

celer y, a typical Sardinian dish, or

Cantabr ian Sea or Spanish Piquillo

“pinzimonio” in which all of the

pepper s.

r aw vegetables are macer ated in

Thirdly, Borgo San Jacopo, one

br ine , changing the appear ance and

Michelin star.




Swe e tn e ss and l i ght Loretta Fanella’s artistic and gour met creations T e x t A l e s s a n d r a L u c a r e l l i P h oto S o f i e D e l au w




S ome

elegant creations by

L oretta F anella

I nnovative

pastry making is an art form ,

memorable to behold and to eat , imbued with details , movement , beauty and nuances

This is pastr y making at its lightest and

like in the figurative ar ts.

A career full of recognitions and

most elegant, which taps into memories

Three adjectives to describe your

leading collaborations, which has led

and feelings to craft visionar y desser ts.

cooking philosophy.

you to work with some of the world’s

Loretta Fanella is a pastr y chef whose

Light, fun and natural.

top chefs. What’s the most important

career star ted out almost by chance and Your first memor y to do with desserts? thing you’ve learned? which evolved into one rich in leading

Family bir thday cakes. I would always

To always be humble . I’m happy

recognitions, wor king alongside great

make them.

because I’ve been lucky to do a job

chefs like Car lo Cracco, Ferran Adrià,

It was such fun to recreate car toon

that I like doing and which has always

Annie Feolde and Giorgio Pinchiorri.

character s using colorful creams and

helped me to overcome problems in

Since 2008 Loretta Fanella has devoted

chocolate . I was only 12.

life .

her talent to training colleagues and professionals, as well as devising the desser t menus for exclusive hotels and restaurants, such as Lungarno Collection. Fanella’s desser ts are an expression of individual exper tise , imbued with sweetness and special sensitivity. There’s something more to them than a straightforward combination of ingredients. Loretta draws inspiration from nature , leading the way to innovative confectioner y ar t, lingering sweetly in the minds of those who behold or taste the density of details, movement, aesthetic and nuances, just


Food & Beverage


F rom

left :

“C orreva l ’ anno 1904…

banana split ”,

“L a


F iorentina ”, “P atata

R efined

How do the dessert menus differ at

al cioccolato ”

Caffè dell’Oro? BSJ aspires to move the diner with its creativity and research, Caffè dell’Oro comfor ts with its modern rewor king

pastry chef

of traditional classics and The Fusion follows an international line with nods to Per u and Far East traditions: a shor t but intense journey around the wor ld for our guests. Three desserts that sum you up? Summer r unning, a light desser t at Borgo San Jacopo, made from lots of fr uit and ver y little sugar. It’s a desser t that looks fun, which can be eaten by turning the colorful spiral with which it’s made and discovering new flavor s. Lemon Meringue Pie, a rewor ked classic at Caffè dell’Oro, where the flavor of a ver y fresh lemon cream encounter s the indulgent crispiness of the pastr y

East and Per u using Italian technique and philosophy. Your proudest experiment? An oil-based sweet, ver y chewy and bright white , which was ser ved inside a ring box. In 2006, at Ferran Adrià’s El Bulli. Not many people know that I invented it. What’s your guilty pleasure, Loretta

and the sweetness of the meringue ,


all decomposed and decorated with


colorful flower s. Third, the mango desser t at The Fusion, ser ved with yogur t gelato and a light sesame meringue: a combination of ingredients from the

L oretta F anella

takes care of the desserts at B orgo S an J acopo , T he F usion at G allery A rt H otel and C affè dell ’O ro in front of P ortrait H otel F lorence

The Fusion, Borgo San Jacopo and

Advice for an aspiring Pastr y Chef? Never give up. Because it’s only with conviction that you’ll only make your dreams come tr ue . And think positive!


Food & Beverage


T op : “B ianco M angiare ” B elow : “S igaro T oscano ”


tips What’s your preference? Are you the Hotel Lungarno or the Continentale type? Are you more attracted to the Gallery Hotel Art or the Portrait? What’s your style? Are you the classic, cool or creative kind? Does style rank high among your priorities? Do you travel with family or are you a confirmed single? Take our personality test and find out. Choose the things to do and places to see in Rome and Florence according to your profile.


Creative tips

Gallery Hotel Art Types






morning afternoon Breakfast

Direction San Lorenzo, one of the city’s most under ground neighborhoods. In via de’ Ginor i there’s a place that’s all about nature and design. La Ménagère: restaur ant, flor ist, design store , tapas bar and


Forever connected, the link between Florence and fashion shown in all its histor ic beauty. Next stop the Pitti Palace , where you can get lost among the char ms of the new retrospective

Visions of Fashion (3). The special bistro open until 2am. Head there for anthological project that celebr ates breakfast or br unch. the refined and eclectic photogr aphy Shopping 5

An absolute must, city shopping has its unique pantheons of style . Luisa Via Roma (4) is top of the list. Women’s, men’s and children’s fashion, jewelr y and design: a multibr and store with a ter r ace and inside garden waiting to be discovered. More shopping. Niche labels and the pinnacle of style in a handful of cult

2016 in the beautiful Palatine Galler y. Cocktails Returning to Galler y Hotel Ar t, a cocktail at The Fusion Bar & Restaurant (1, 2) is a must with WOW, a totally new way of doing pre-dinner drinks in the city. From 5 to 7pm ever y day, a special Happy Hour with the original WOW menu and its ar t&food concept.



Not far from Galler y Hotel Ar t


stands the city’s gour met oasis.

Don’t look for a sign outside . You just

boutiques: Gerard in via Sassetti, Guya in via Calimala and Space in via de’ Tor nabuoni.

Welcome to Mercato Centrale Firenze! (5) Follow the perfume and


of Kar l Lagerfeld, on until 23 October

walk into the factor y, the Pampaloni silver smiths. At Ristor ante In Fabbrica

flavor of the Savini Tartufi cor ner :

(6) dinner is an unfor gettable

fresh tr uffles and dishes lovingly

exper ience . Food, ar t and design in

prepared in a fun and welcoming

the company canteen – wor th tr ying

atmosphere .

(via del Gelsomino, 99 – Florence).


Hip T ips



morning ART

Croissants, jam, fresh or ange juice and coffee: the best way to begin



The best way to discover it is without having an exact destination, just to soak up the atmosphere, architecture, palazzos that alternate with narrow streets that identify the neighborhood. Relax with a cup of tea

the day, especially if enjoyed in the

from La Via del Thè (5), where iced tea was

quiet comfor t of your room at Hotel

recently added to the extensive menu, the

Continentale . Ready to star t the

perfect refreshing long drink and the basis of

day? The mor ning is all about ar t: destination Iguarnieri Art Gallery Studio, on Lungar no Cellini: the histor y, culture , past exper iences, Giotto’s wor kshop, Botticelli’s gir ls (1), Modigliani’s nudes, Picasso’s por tr aits, The Factor y and Andy Warhol, Tur ner’s landscapes.

fantastic cocktails. Try the Romeo and Juliet, a romantic mix of green tea, rose petals and pieces of fruit, adorned with the sweet perfume of wild strawberries. Fruit lovers, head for Sandra Fancelli’s grocer y store , in Bor go Santi Apostoli, less than a minute’s walk from the hotel.



Stop for a sandwich at Amblè (3):

Cocktails & dinner

these are no simple panini but

Drinks with a view? There’s nowhere more

gour met creations inter sper sed with

beautiful in Florence than La Terrazza Bar of

Here the contempor ar y ar twor ks are made like the old master s, in wor kshops.

salads, daily specials and green juices. What’s unique about the place? The designer fur niture on show is actually for sale .


Hotel Continentale (2). Unwind by sipping a cocktail while you choose where to go for dinner. If you’d like to try something typically


Tuscan, we recommend Buca dell’Orafo,


For something more formal, opt for the

A walk around Santo Spirito (6), the

Michelin-starred cuisine of Marco Stabile at

Bohemian quarter par excellence.

restaurant Ora d’Aria in via dei Georgofili.

a must for Florentine steak – La bistecca (4) – a short distance from the hotel.



hotel continentale Types


Classic T ips

Hotel Lungarno Types





morning wellness

After a gentle awakening to the sound of a canoe lightly slipping through the water, wouldn’t it be a wonderful idea to continue the mor ning by booking a massage at the White Iris Beauty Spa at the Lungarno Collection’s Hotel Continental. Maybe tr y the Mediter r anean Ritual Massage , a detoxifying and revitalizing massage . 5

art If it’s a nice mor ning, see the city from above with a walk to Forte Belvedere, where you can also admire the installations by Jan Fabre (4).

23. From the Scalone del Moro, it winds through the halls of the Palatine Galler y to the White Room and the two Rooms of the Tapestr y Apar tments. If you love contempor ar y ar t, see AI Weiwei at Palazzo Strozzi from September through Januar y 2016. Each piece will stir the conscience . A shopping tr ip among the boutiques of Via de’ Tor nabuoni. If you need to buy a super gift, or even a more ever yday souvenir, stop at the Ponte Vecchio on your way back to the hotel. Fratelli Piccini (6), with its collections and haute jeweller y, is a tr uly must-see atelier.


Lungar no Acciaiuoli at Caffè dell’Oro


(1, 7) for a vintage atmosphere and

It’s time for dinner : a quick change

Walk back down to the center, passing through San Niccolò, and it’s already

dishes designed by Michelin-star red chef Peter Br unel.

of clothes and then a walk up to


Locale (5) in Via delle Seggiole for

An after noon in Florence is best

the splendid dishes of Peter Br unel in



of Fashion (2), on until October

lunchtime . Our advice is to stop in




an aper itif near the big green wall that speaks of ancient and yet also contempor ar y Florence . For dinner, you can linger here but

spent seeing ar t and shopping. At

Borgo San Jacopo (3) are bound to

the Pitti Palace , don’t miss the

put one last finishing touch of style

Kar l Lagerfeld exhibition, Vision

to a beautiful day.


Ex straordinar y T ips




morning afternoon Breakfast

An old-style ‘Florentine mor ning’ begins at the tables of Caffè Rivoire (3) opposite the Palazzo Vecchio,

Wine experience

A guided tour of the Antinor i winer y followed by a tasting of selected wines is the ultimate way to relax on

Loggia dei Lanzi and the fake David:

Italian time .

tr y a caffè shakerato in the summer

Cooking class

or a hot chocolate , the histor ic bar’s

An alter native that combines fun and

signature bever age , in the winter. Art Visiting the new Opera del Duomo Museum (4) is a must. It’s not easy to put into words the emotions that this perfect blend of past, present and future can spar k in a per son.

Italian lifestyle is the most elegant cooking school in Florence , Desinare (2). An histor ic inter ior design atelier, the established fir m holds tasting and table design lessons.

remember what ar t is really about in Florence , a different, equally “high”


experience is needed. Head out of

Pian dei Giullari (6) is the Mount

Once you’ve had your fill of beauty, to stave off Stendhal syndrome and

Florence to the gateway of Chianti where satisfaction and happy memories are guaranteed, especially when your destination is the Cantina Antinori (1), a winer y owned by one of the oldest winemaking families in the wor ld. Here , in Bargino, just 20 minutes from Florence , enjoy lunch at the winer y’s sublime restaurant Rinuccio 1180, a


cour ses as well as food photogr aphy




Olympus of Florence , an enchanting place in the hills sur rounding the city where Galileo Galilei lived his last year s on Ear th. There’s also a temple of Florentine cooking, Trattoria Omero, much loved by locals, the best guar antee of all. If you need a plan B , check out La

triumph in design with breath-taking

Bottega del Buon Caffè (5) in San

views over the vineyards.




Portrait Firenze Types


Stylish T ips

portrait Roma types





morning Art

In Wester n ar t histor y there are cer tain revolutionar y figures who “sped up” the status quo. Devote your mor ning to one of these , 5

Car avaggio, the genius of 17thcentur y painting. Rome br ims with his master pieces: from the Borghese Galler y and Doria Pamphili Galler y (3, 4) to the Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, just to name the “must sees”! For lunch, Dillà, Roscioli (5) near Piazza di Spagna for food made to order using exclusively local ingredients (via Mar io de’ Fior i on the cor ner of via della Croce): it’s the city center oster ia you’ve always been wanting to find.

October head for the new Rome-Eur Convention Centre (2): the famous “Cloud” by archistar Massimiliano Fuksas opens to the public .

night Dinner

Life, chic and refined, perfect for a romantic dinner with a typically Italian taste (via della Vite , 28). In Pr ati, the neighborhood with the coolest restaur ants, Tordomatto to the city with techniques and timing of the tr uest cuisine (via Pietro Giannone , 24). Per Me (vicolo del Malpasso, 9) with a romantic outdoor seating area on the cobblestones. Antica Pesa, a Tr astevere oster ia since 1922 (via


Gar ibaldi, 18).

The Vatican Gardens (1), with their

find the code word to get in on their


myster ious, ever-changing beauty, are a tr uly special place . They can 7

Thinking of the future? From 30

(7) br ings the Roman countr yside




Nightlife Continue your evening in one of these exclusive speakeasys: Jerr y Thomas in vicolo Cellini 30, you’ll website (6), Club Derrière (vicolo delle Coppelle , 59, behind Oster ia

be explored from the comfor t

delle Coppelle , the entr ance is

of an electr ic bus and are a must

mar ked by a white wardrobe – you

when visiting the Vatican Museums.

need to know the code word).


Ponte Vecchio, 1/3 - Firenze

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