Research & Results IT-Guide 2014 - ENGLISH

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Special Issue

Providers of Software, Hardware and IT Services for Market Research

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Endless possibilities Martin Sippel Deputy Chief Editor Welcome to the Research & Results IT Guide 2014, probably the only overview of software choices and IT services for market research. It has grown again from last year’s edition. Twentysix national and international businesses are introducing their product and service portfolios. While reading, you will quickly realise what all of these providers have in common: they create solutions. Standardised and customised solutions that support you in your daily work, simplify your projects, speed up work processes – and thus aim to make your everyday tasks easier. Make the most of these opportunities. User friendliness was, as always, the top consideration when putting together the IT Guide. It may therefore come up with various options in your search for the optimal solution:  T he contents page on page 4 offers a big-picture overview of the IT Guide and an A-to-Z list

of the companies featured.  Y ou will find the exact product descriptions of the featured software solutions in alphabetical

order on page 6.  F or classifying products and services, the sampling, data collection, analysis, hardware,

other and service categories are explained on page 7.  T he list of company presentations by category then follows on pages 8-9.  T he company presentations on pages 11-49 form the core of the IT Guide. There, compa-

nies show their detailed range along with informative images, graphics and screenshots.

The IT Guide can be downloaded onto tablet or smartphone using the Research & Results App, and as an e-paper for PC from We have also made all the company presentations from the IT Guide available online on our website – including practical search tools and filtering options. Haven’t installed the Research & Results App on your mobile device yet? It’s available for free by searching under “Research & Result Magazin” in the App Store, and as an Android version in the Playstore. If you have found the IT Guide 2014 useful when choosing software or a service suitable for you, we should be grateful if you could mention this to the service provider. In that way, the next edition can again offer a wide range of choices. To all of the companies that have introduced themselves in the IT Guide, and have therefore contributed to its existence and usefulness, we offer our heartfelt thanks.

IT Guide 2014

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Editorial..................................................................................3 Company presentations by product description A-Z...............6 Explanation of categories........................................................7 Company presentations by categories....................................8 Company presentations A-Z.................................................11 Editorial information..............................................................50

2x4_____________________________________________________ 11


ATLAS.ti_______________________________________________ 12

Kinesis Survey Technologies_______________________34

authensis______________________________________________ 13

Knowledge Navigators______________________________35

cluetec_________________________________________________ 14

mo’web research_____________________________________36

Confirmit______________________________________________ 17


Dapresy_______________________________________________ 18


Decipher_ _____________________________________________20





TARGET GROUP_____________________________________44


verbaco systems_____________________________________46


VERBI MAXQDA______________________________________ 47



inITova/Intellex Dynamic Reporting_______________ 31




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Photos: © Dapresy; Ingress; IfaD; Creativemarc, ldprod –

Company presentations A-Z

Smartphone enabled More than



The market research newsletter Perfect for smartphones thanks to responsive design Themed editions with specialist articles and interviews Extensive information in every edition of the magazine plus special editions of the StudioGuide and IT-Guide News and particulars about individuals Events and dates Please contact us for more information: Research & Results · Mr. Heinrich Fischer · Phone +49 (0)7151-270889 E-mail: · IT Guide 2014

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Company presentations by product description A-Z

Product description



ACHAT CATI Dialer_________________________________________authensis_________________________________________________________________ 13 ACHAT Software Suit______________________________________authensis_________________________________________________________________ 13 anytab_______________________________________________________TARGET GROUP________________________________________________________ 44 ATLAS.ti_____________________________________________________ATLAS.ti__________________________________________________________________ 12 Beacon______________________________________________________Decipher_________________________________________________________________ 20 Beacon Research Hub_____________________________________Decipher_________________________________________________________________ 20 CIS___________________________________________________________IfaD_______________________________________________________________________ 24 CIS Mobile First_____________________________________________IfaD_______________________________________________________________________ 24 CIScode_____________________________________________________IfaD_______________________________________________________________________ 24 CISpanel_____________________________________________________IfaD_______________________________________________________________________ 24 Confirmit Horizons_________________________________________Confirmit_________________________________________________________________ 17 Dapresy Pro_________________________________________________Dapresy__________________________________________________________________ 18 Data Dynamic Reporter____________________________________inITova/Intellex Dynamic Reporting___________________________________ 31 Dub InterViewer____________________________________________inITova/Nebu_____________________________________________________________ 32 Dub Knowledge_____________________________________________inITova/Nebu_____________________________________________________________ 32 Dynamic Research Manager______________________________inITova/Intellex Dynamic Reporting___________________________________ 31 Enterprise Feedback Suite________________________________QuestBack_______________________________________________________________ 40 ERGO-Data__________________________________________________ERGO-Data______________________________________________________________ 21 formgen_ ____________________________________________________verbaco systems________________________________________________________ 46 G3plus_______________________________________________________Rogator__________________________________________________________________ 43 GESS Q._____________________________________________________GESS_____________________________________________________________________ 22 GESStabs____________________________________________________GESS_____________________________________________________________________ 22 IBM SPSS Data Collection Platform______________________2x4________________________________________________________________________ 11 IBM SPSS SmartTranslate_________________________________2x4________________________________________________________________________ 11 IBM SPSS Survey Dashboard_____________________________2x4________________________________________________________________________ 11 IBM SPSS Survey Reporter_ ______________________________2x4________________________________________________________________________ 11 IBM SPSS SurveyTester___________________________________2x4________________________________________________________________________ 11 IfaD Statistics_______________________________________________IfaD_______________________________________________________________________ 24 inSource_____________________________________________________Decipher_________________________________________________________________ 20 keyingress___________________________________________________Ingress___________________________________________________________________ 28 Kinesis Community________________________________________Kinesis Survey Technologies_________________________________________ 34 Kinesis Panel_______________________________________________Kinesis Survey Technologies_________________________________________ 34 Kinesis Survey______________________________________________Kinesis Survey Technologies_________________________________________ 34 Leadership Compass______________________________________QuestBack_______________________________________________________________ 40 MAXQDA____________________________________________________VERBI MAXQDA_________________________________________________________ 47 mobilingress________________________________________________Ingress___________________________________________________________________ 28 mo'web research___________________________________________mo'web research________________________________________________________ 36 mQuest______________________________________________________cluetec___________________________________________________________________ 14 Netigate_____________________________________________________Netigate________________________________________________________________ 37 Onlineumfragen.com_______________________________________Onlineumfragen.com___________________________________________________ 38 panelingress________________________________________________Ingress___________________________________________________________________ 28 PowerPoint Generator_____________________________________inITova/Intellex Dynamic Reporting___________________________________ 31 QDC Studio_ ________________________________________________KERNWERT______________________________________________________________ 33 reportbook__________________________________________________IfaD_______________________________________________________________________ 24 RogECS______________________________________________________Rogator__________________________________________________________________ 43 RogForum___________________________________________________Rogator__________________________________________________________________ 43 RogPanel____________________________________________________Rogator__________________________________________________________________ 43 RogTCS______________________________________________________Rogator__________________________________________________________________ 43 Ruby_________________________________________________________Knowledge Navigators_________________________________________________ 35 SurveyTester________________________________________________Knowledge Navigators_________________________________________________ 35 SurveyTranslate_ ___________________________________________Knowledge Navigators_________________________________________________ 35 verbaco______________________________________________________verbaco systems________________________________________________________ 46 Voxco________________________________________________________Voxco_____________________________________________________________________ 48 Wakoopa____________________________________________________Wakoopa_________________________________________________________________ 49


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Explanation of categories

Who can do what? For optimal orientation and to help you quickly find the right offer, the companies have grouped their products and services into the following categories (multiple categories per company possible):

Sampling Design, recruitment and management of panels, pools of respondents or ad-hoc samples for online, phone or face-to-face surveys, etc.

Data Collection  Standardised surveys  Diary studies (mobile/CATI/CAWI/CAPI/mixed mode)  Eye-tracking  Focus groups  Usability, etc.

Analysis  Encoding  Entry  Tabulation  Counting

 Statistical models such as conjoint  Presentations  Charts, etc.

Hardware  Eye-tracking devices  Technical equipment for data entry, etc.

Photos: © ERGO-Data; QuestBack; NETIGATE; Ingress; Knowledge Navigators; Kinesis

Other  Project planning and control  Software data packages for trade panels,  Translations geo or media data  Video streaming  Business organisation  Selection and purchasing aids for panel users (panel books)

Services  Hosting  Consulting  Hardware rental  Customised developments and adaptations, etc.

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Company presentations by categories

verbaco V E R B AT I M P R O C E S S I N G

Sampling Confirmit______________________________________________ 17

mo’web research_____________________________________36

Decipher_ _____________________________________________20









TARGET GROUP_____________________________________44


verbaco systems_____________________________________46





verbaco systems_____________________________________46



Data Collection

2x4_____________________________________________________ 11

2x4_____________________________________________________ 11

ATLAS.ti_______________________________________________ 12

cluetec_________________________________________________ 14

cluetec_________________________________________________ 14

Confirmit______________________________________________ 17

Confirmit______________________________________________ 17

Decipher_ _____________________________________________20

Dapresy_______________________________________________ 18


Decipher_ _____________________________________________20










inITova/Intellex Dynamic Reporting_______________31


Kinesis Survey Technologies_______________________34

Kinesis Survey Technologies_______________________34

Knowledge Navigators______________________________35

Knowledge Navigators______________________________35


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Company presentations by categories

Services Onlineumfragen.com________________________________38

2x4_____________________________________________________ 11


cluetec_________________________________________________ 14


Confirmit______________________________________________ 17

TARGET GROUP_____________________________________44

Dapresy_______________________________________________ 18

verbaco systems_____________________________________46

Decipher_ _____________________________________________20

VERBI MAXQDA______________________________________ 47







Ingress_ _______________________________________________28

authensis______________________________________________ 13 inITova_________________________________________________30 mo’web research_____________________________________36 Voxco__________________________________________________48

inITova_________________________________________________30 inITova/Intellex Dynamic Reporting_______________31 inITova/Nebu__________________________________________32 KERNWERT___________________________________________33 Kinesis Survey Technologies_______________________34

Other Confirmit______________________________________________ 17 Dapresy_______________________________________________ 18 Decipher_ _____________________________________________20 ERGO-Data___________________________________________21 inITova_________________________________________________30 inITova/Nebu__________________________________________32 Knowledge Navigators______________________________35

Knowledge Navigators______________________________35 Onlineumfragen.com________________________________38 Rogator________________________________________________43 TARGET GROUP_____________________________________44 verbaco systems_____________________________________46 VERBI MAXQDA______________________________________ 47 Voxco__________________________________________________48 Wakoopa______________________________________________49

mo’web research_____________________________________36 Netigate_____________________________________________37 Rogator________________________________________________43 IT Guide 2014

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Company Presentation

Bus-Stop Book your

entry now

Omnibus surveys in print and online Bus-Stop in the Research & Results Magazine: all details clearly structured Bus-Stop on Quick search or advanced search by regional/targeted groups and by data-collection method Please contact us for more information: Research & Results · Mr. Heinrich Fischer · Phone +49 (0)7151-270889 E-mail: · 10 esearch & esults IT Guide 2014

Company Presentation


Data Collection





For many years 2x4 has been well-known for innovative products and services in the area of IBM SPSS Data Collection, IBM SPSS Statistics and IBM’s SPSS data mining products. Our extensive knowledge in these technologies is key for our worldwide projects, training and coaching. As an IBM business partner we offer our clients all these products.

Products and Services IBM Survey Reporter

Surveys & Translations

IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter is the ideal solution for the reporting and visualisation of market research data. Survey Reporter can access different data formats making it the ideal add-on to your survey system. You can work with Excel data in the same convenient way as with complex data from Quanvert or MDD/DDF from the IBM survey platform. It's an easy-to-learn intuitive and powerful user interface that supports your workflow. For more complex or repeating tasks, Survey ­Reporter offers a variety of different Wizards. You can also create your own Wizards for any needs. All defined reports can be re-calculated at a later time with new data. All results can be exported to Excel, Powerpoint and other formats.

We create your survey for Web/CATI/CAPI with IBM SPSS Data Collection and host them on our own servers in Germany. During fieldwork our clients have direct access to the results and can always export the collected data to SAV or DDF files. Additionally we offer translations and overlay work for all main survey systems. The use of Smart Translate and our professional translation partners allows a fast turnover with the quality you need.

IBM SPSS Data Collection Web/CATI/CAPI/Paper This survey platform is one of the most flexible and modern systems available on the market. IBM SPSS Data Collection is available as a perpetual licence which can be installed on your own servers. Alternatively you can use our hosting service with a guaranteed data centre location in Germany. The modular survey system grows with your needs and supports scanning solutions like Readsoft Eyes & Hands Forms for paper-based surveys. Interfaces to dialers like Authensis allow the usage of the survey systems in professional call centres. IBM SPSS Data Collection is also supported by Smart Translate and Survey Tester guaranteeing an optimised workflow for your projects. If you license IBM SPSS Data Collection through us, you will also receive free access to Survey Dashboard, which allows you to control the fieldwork of all your different projects.

Clientele Our clients are market research agencies and companies with their own market research departments around the world.


Contact 2x4 Holding UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Fichtenring 8 84562 Mettenheim Phone: +49 (0)8631/1 83 99-17 Fax: +49 (0)8631/1 83 99-18 E-mail:

IT Guide 2014

Contact: Bernhard Witt

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Company Presentation


Data Collection





ATLAS.ti is the world's leading programme for computer-assisted analysis of qualitative data. ATLAS.ti facilitates the systematic and creative analysis of unstructured data. With ATLAS.ti, market researchers can easily and efficiently select, comment, code, and evaluate qualitative records of any kind including ­multimedia, image, and survey data. The software also offers time-saving options for vividly visualizing analytical results in structured and intuitive ways.

Products and Services ATLAS.ti helps you structure even large data volumes in all common digital formats and brings hidden phenomena to the fore. The program is characterized by a high degree of user-friendliness and features numerous specialized tools for the analysis and the presentation of qualitative data. Its powerful analytical options encompass not only all popular text document formats, but also images, sound, video, and geo-spatial data.

Visualize and Present

Surveys, Interviews & Netnography

Training and Support

ATLAS.ti offers customised features for working with the results of online surveys, interviews, and "netnographical" studies. Survey results can be directly imported from Excel tables and are automatically processed by the program. Audio or video data as well can be loaded directly, transcribed, and analysed in the programme. Web pages can be saved and imported for evaluation as a PDF. All PDF files can be used within ATLAS.ti just like in the Acrobat Reader: While preserving the original layout and multi-page structure, documents can be edited and comfortable scrolled as a single unit. ATLAS.ti is also the first QDA software to support the full ­functionality of Google Earth™: Code and comment on geographical places or regions and link them directly with segments from any type of document.

ATLAS.ti is available for PC (Windows 7 and 8) and Mac (starting 9/2014). Also, you can download the free ATLAS.ti Mobile apps for iOS and Android devices from their respective app stores. A comprehensive training program and a reliable product support round out the professional package.

Create individual links between quotes, codes, memos etc. to make visible hidden relationships. Results can be attractively visualised as diagrams, charts, or Word Clouds, and, with the push of a button, even exported as a full-fledged Web site. All project data and results can also be exported as raw XML for use by other applications.

Clientele ATLAS.ti is used by a great many prestigious institutions and businesses. Users from all over the world include, among others, Robert Bosch GmbH, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and thousands of other organisations and universities, such as Harvard, Oxford, and the London School of Economics.


Contact ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH Hardenbergstraße 7 10623 Berlin Phone: +49 (0)30/3 19 98 89 71 E-mail:

Coded video clip incl. primary document and code manager


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Contact: Jörg Hecker

Company Presentation


Data Collection





The ACHAT software suite modules by authensis optimise your communication across all relevant channels, integrate seamlessly with your infrastructure and business processes, and are flexible and adaptable. The ACHAT CATI dialer module is designed to meet the specific requirements of the market research branch. authensis supplies around the freely combinable ACHAT modules innovative communication solutions. We support you with our years of practical expertise from consulting and design to implementation, integration and support.

Products and Services The authensis ACHAT CATI Dialer Developed specifically for the market research institutes and field service industry, the authensis ACHAT CATI dialer provides the optimum for collecting data over the phone. It only connects the respondents reached, thus increasing the productivity of the interviewer decisively. It contributes significantly to the production efficiency of often time-critical studies. authensis ACHAT provides for quality assurance in the CATI operation, functions such as coaching, listening, recording. Other functions include audio file playing into a conversation, transmission of study specific callback numbers, or the intelligent, easy-to-use and yet individual treatment of the respondent´s callbacks. With one click, a study can be set to the regulations of the relevant association (e.g. Ofcom, ADM, DDV).

An existing telephone system can still be used. The authensis ACHAT CATI dialer can be linked together to form area-wide or transnational networks. Thus costs could be saved through Least Cost Routing or through the use of native speakers in their respective home countries. For several leading CATI systems (such as IBM SPSS Data Collection, NIPO Odin or SPSS Quancept) connectors are available. The self-developed software suite also allows a flexible adaptation to your needs – for example, to your own CATI system...

Clientele The authensis ACHAT CATI dialer has been proven in market research institutes and field service providers which already operate compatible data collection solutions and also rely on efficient CATI. It provides its particular advantages in highly regulated environments or multi-site solutions.


Contact authensis AG


Klaus-J. Zschaage, Stefan Schran, Sales and Consulting Executive Board

Landsberger Str. 408 81241 München Phone: +49 (0)89/72 01 57-0 Fax: +49 (0)89/72 01 57-79 E-mail:

IT Guide 2014

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Company Presentation


Data Collection





cluetec GmbH is an IT specialist for mobile software solutions. cluetec develops and distributes mQuest®, the leading mobile survey software for market and opinion research and traffic research. Since 2011, catalogueapp, an application for displaying digital product catalogues with an ­integrated lead form on tablet devices, has been complementing the ­cluetec product portfolio. In addition, the company offers custom software development, especially apps and web applications for market research and industry.

Products and Services mQuest® – the offline survey software mQuest® is available for iPad/iPhone as well as for Android devices and therefore covers more than 85% of all commonly used tablets and smartphones. mQuest® offers a wide range of question types and works completely offline (independently from WiFi or mobile communications connections). With our optimised tool for mobile online surveys – mQuest® direct response – you can immediately capture the customer's voice at the moment of truth. Discover mQuest® for your projects:  Surveys at the POS  Customer intercepts  Mystery Research  Fairs and events  Car Clinics  Traffic surveys  Diary studies  and many more

Question type HeatMap

mQuest® – your benefits at one glance Inspire your target group with an innovative data collection method and use the time you save for your customer care. Besides an ­intuitive questionnaire programming, mQuest® offers highest data quality and security. The most important features are for example:

 Audio, video and photo capture  GPS capture  QR and barcode scanner  Signature field  HeatMaps  ImageMaps (click-sensitive pictures)  Sample Management  Chapter navigation  Loop function  Text piping Create your questionnaire very easily with QuestEditor


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Company Presentation

mQuest® Service & Support The optimal combination: a successful product plus an excellent service. The services offered include:  Questionnaire implementation  Rental tablets  Server hosting in a state-of-the-art data processing centre in Germany, certified according to ISO 27001  Consulting services and training  Worldwide on-site service  Customised software adaptions  Automated PowerPoint reports

Ad-hoc reporting mQuest® offers numerous possibilities for data processing:  E xport results to SPSS® (fully labelled), MS Excel, ASCII and CSV  Web-based real-time reports with QuestReport: Multidimensional filtering and individual customer views  Automated PowerPoint reports (as a service)

Reporting HeatMap

Web-based real-time reporting with QuestReport

Discover mQuest®! Scan this QR code with your Android or Apple device and test the mQuest® App free of charge. Full demo version available at

Clientele Our customers include national and international full-service agencies, field organisations, corporate market research departments, media agencies and traffic consultancies. Our references demonstrate the wide range of mQuest® applications:


Contact cluetec GmbH

Emmy-Noether-Straße 17 76131 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 (0)721/8 31 79-0 E-mail:

GfK, Ipsos, Market Xcel, PTV, TNS Infratest, Volkswagen

Directly contact us!

IT Guide 2014

Contact: Matthias Helferich Managing Director

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Company Presentation


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Company Presentation


Data Collection





Confirmit is the world leading Software provider for Market Research, Voice of the Customer Programmes and Employee Feedback. Confirmit with its Head Office in Oslo employs around 350 employees across offices based in Cologne, London, New York, San Francisco, Vancouver, Moscow and Yaroslavl. With an extensive partner network, Confirmit is also able to serve its clients locally in Barcelona, Kuwait City Milan, Pattaya, Sydney and Tokyo.

Products and Services Confirmit Horizons is the leading survey and reporting solution for Market Research (MR). The Confirmit Horizons software platform is an end-to-end solution that enables you to manage each and every step of the survey lifecycle, from multi-mode survey creation and deployment to panel management and data collection, data processing, online reporting, analysis, and alerting.

Use Confirmit Horizons to design surveys for delivery via the web, email, mobile, SMS, IVR, CAPI, CATI, or paper – or a mixture of any of these modes. Deliver actionable insight to those who need it. Confirmit Horizons includes Confirmit Reportal, a dedicated and comprehensive online reporting module that enables you to drill down into research results for in-depth analysis, or provide top level summaries highlighting key findings. Calling on a team of over 100 developers, Confirmit has one of the largest such teams in the industry, constantly investing in its technology to further develop and future proof for our customers. The software you use helps define the ­quality, accuracy and pertinence of your research results. The investment in the most up to date software will provide you with the strongest base for sustainable success and growth.

Clientele Confirmits clients are primarily market research companies and companies in the Global 5000 that rely on Confirmit Software for data collection, panel management, data processing, analysis and reporting. Clients include Nielsen, Swisscom, IFAK, rc – research & consulting, Delta Marktforschung, British Airways, ESOMAR, Philips, Best Buy, HSBC, GfK and Kantar.


Contact Confirmit GmbH

Neumarkt Galerie (4th Floor) Richmodstraße 6 50668 Köln Phone: +49 (0)221/9 20 42-197 Fax: +49 (0)221/9 20 42-200 E-mail:

IT Guide 2014

Contact: Sven Scherrer Business Development Director

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Company Presentation


Data Collection





Dapresy provides an online software used to create online portals and dynamic InfoGraphic based dashboards. Dapresy has been in business for for over 10 years and hundreds of companies in more than 30 countries use Dapresy portals. We have offices in Stockholm, Boston, Berlin, London and Sarajevo.

Products and Services Dapresy Pro Dapresy Pro is a dynamic online platform for the reporting and analysis of market research data. Dapresy Pro is specifically tailored to the market research industry and covers an extensive range of functions: from easily available Infographics and dashboards to comprehensive portals for thousands of users.

Easy-to-understand dashboard with key information


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Company Presentation

Let your customers get the result

Was your flight a Direct flight or a Connection flight?

Dapresy Pro is a SaaS "software as a service" solution and only requires the user to have an internet connection and browser. Dapresy Pro is a simple to use “drag & drop” programme that does not require any programming skills.

Did you make a purchase from our taxfree?



Direct flight





Connection flight

It is as simple to use as these easy steps:



49% Customs

 Open a web browser How did you get to the airport?

 Login to Dapresy Pro  Create a new project  Import the data

How were you treated by the security/customs staff?















Very good






 Design the portal with point and click functions  Easily make “charts & tables” on-the-fly With our “Visual Business Intelligence” technology you can move beyond PowerPoint deliveries and get Better Data by Design. Dapresy uses an easy to use “drag & drop” interface so no programming required. In addition to InfoGraphic based dashboards the system has fully integrated modules for interactive cross tables, charts,

Clientele Dapresy Pro is used by market researchers who want to develop their own online reporting and report automation to modernise their products and services. Visit our website to learn more:

open answers and data processing. The system uses raw respondent level data and when you upload your data file all dashboards and reports are automatically updated. Projects can therefore be delivered faster, without manual steps, without errors and with a lot of time savings.


Contact Dapresy

Fleminggatan 2 602 24 Norrköping ∙ S Phone: + 46 (0)76/0 19 89 42 E-mail:

Goethestraße 85 10623 Berlin Phone: +49 (0)30/89 36 06 92

IT Guide 2014

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Company Presentation


Data Collection





Decipher is a marketing research services and software provider specialising in cross platform survey programming, sampling, data collection and data reporting. Utilizing their proprietary Beacon survey software and reporting platform, Decipher integrates state-of-the-art technology with traditional research techniques. Decipher is all about uncovering opportunities in whatever territory we explore with our clients. As your partner, Decipher isn’t interested in just data, but also about what that data represents for you. We focus on technology and research systems that bring data to life, and in doing so, we help you reveal how even seemingly small discoveries can yield meaningful insights.

Products and Services Beacon Survey & Reporting Software Platform

The inSource Team

Decipher’s most recognisable software solution is the industry leading Beacon market research survey and reporting platform. Originally developed to be a robust survey and reporting system that is also user-friendly, the platform has continued to evolve to truly become the 'researchers platform' of choice. Beacon was created by researchers for researchers.

And in an industry where skilled programming labor is often offshored, Decipher created a highly skilled, low cost, flexible work force dubbed inSource, which won an Edison Award in 2012. The inSource programme was developed as a flexible work programme to employ specialised teams of local project managers and programmers to focus on specific programming and project management tasks, adding value and flexibility.

The Beacon Research Hub Most recently, Beacon released the 'Research Hub' – a portal that provides a collaborative project management and reporting environment while increasing data visibility and ­accessibility across the organization. In addition, ­ancillary data sources and technology providers are totally integrated, allowing for a diverse range of research initiatives to live inside 'The Hub'. This gives users a comprehensive understanding of the total health of their research practice – regardless of the data source. With both the Beacon software platform and Decipher’s integrated service bureau at their fingertips, clients have the option to either quickly author and deploy professional online surveys themselves, or utilize a services-based model in which clients choose the tasks they’d like to own and Decipher’s in house team of experts does the rest, leveraging nearly 14 years of experience programming on the platform.

Clientele For nearly 14 years, Decipher has been partnering with leading brands and full service suppliers alike. As researchers themselves, Decipher understands the importance of meaningful data – data that helps clients evaluate existing business practices, sparks bold ideas and shines a light on new opportunities. Decipher’s team works closely with every client to illuminate data that truly drives insight.


Contact Decipher Inc.

Providian House 16-18 Monument Street London EC3R 8AJ Phone: + 44 (0)207/4 84 56 96 E-mail:


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esults IT Guide 2014

Contact: Richard Collins

Company Presentation


Data Collection





ERGO-Data GmbH is one of the leading agencies in the industry. We offer competent realisation of market research projects in the areas of online research, internet reporting or classic handling of paper-based questionnaires. Regardless of whether you are looking for a partner for online research, data entry, coding or reporting – you get reliable, fast and efficient support from us. We have been following this client-driven commitment for more than 30 years. You can count on us!

Products and Services We offer extensive consulting, dependable support, and fast service at fair rates. Quality checks are installed at all levels of a project to ensure high quality and smooth realisation. Measures like continuous staff trainings and plausibility checks at all levels of data handling ensure our high quality standards. A well balanced ratio of permanent employees and freelancers enables us to react very flexibly and quickly to current demands. Depending on project size and time limits, we are capable of delivering results on the same day that we receive the “last interview“ that was conducted for a project.

 Online research: programming of questionnaires, coordination of field work, return management.

 Tabulation, statistical analyses (including multivariate methods) and all types of infographics.

 Online newsroom: editing of online articles and forum posts.

 Coordination and realization of paper-based surveys.

 Analysis of social media data.

 Employee attitude surveys.

 Reporting portals: planning, development and administration.  Data entry (manual or via scanner).  Text-Analysis (Coding, Text Mining, Content-Qualifying).

Clientele Branded goods industry Banks, insurance companies Wholesalers, retailers Town councils, public authorities

We offer all our services based on German data protection guidelines. All data is stored on servers based in Germany and is protected by German data protection laws.


Contact ERGO-Data GmbH

Westendhof 5 45143 Essen Telefon: +49 (0)201/8 33 25-10 Fax: +49 (0)201/8 33 25-19 E-mail:

Grünbauerstraße 9 81479 München Telefon: +49 (0)89/74 99 60 65 Fax: +49 (0)89/74 99 60 06

Tourism industry Market research agencies

IT Guide 2014

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Company Presentation


Data Collection





Practice-based software for practical application GESS has specialised in software and services for market and social research for more than 20 years. Its portfolio includes everything from data collection programmes to complete online, offline and CATI solutions, all the way to final analysis. When it comes to time-sensitive applications, GESS Software has more than proved its worth: infratest dimap, for example, uses our software for spot-on forecasts during the ARD's election coverage. Gesellschaft für Software in der Sozialforschung mbH

In addition, GESS is a full-service fieldwork provider with its own CATI studio (54 places), analysis department and questionnaire programming.

Products and Services The GESS software portfolio is a flexible tool kit for the execution and analysis of market research surveys. The data can be collected via CATI, CAPI (Android) or online. All products are optimised for further processing with GESStabs.

GESStabs The tabulation software GESStabs is a high-performance analysis tool for data sets from various sources such as e.g. ASCII, Column Binary, Quantum, dBase, CSV or SPSS SAV-files. Close ­collaboration with our clients has given rise to many of the innovative market research features built into GESStabs. GESStabs is a leading analysis software for the validation, transformation and evaluation of data.

All GESS customers can take advantage of a wide range of consulting services relating to the application of our software products. We respond to the specific needs of the ­customer, often using them as a basis for enhancements that all users will benefit from.

Highlights:  Extremely flexible table design  Versatile typographic design in Postscript, PDF, HTML and Excel  Extensive counting results, many different parameters and statistical tests  Iterative weighting for adaption to any number of marginal distributions  Input and output of SPSS SAV-files, Quantum formats, CSV, Plain-ASCII  Sophisticated evaluation strategies for e.g. overcodes, multiple answers and open-ended questions  Extensive script language for data transformation and validation  Labour savings and clarity thanks to macros  Automatic colour coding of significant results  Automated charting into PDF, Excel or PowerPoint


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Highlights:  One script fits all: the same script can be used for conducting any survey – by phone, on the web or offline  Consistent visual design across all platforms via CSS GESS Q. is a survey software implemented in Java for use on a wide range of devices (PCs, mobile phones, tablet PCs, web servers). Even complex studies are simple and straightforward to produce thanks to the Q. language (Q.-Script).

 Complex sequence control via function blocks, adequate control structures (cascaded filters, loops, conditions)  Multilingualism: either defined in the script or via dynamic selection  Integration of all previous answers – including responses to open-ended questions – as the survey progresses  Individual, self-programmable types of question via Java Plug-ins  Integrated, wide-ranging options for presenting questions, e.g. sliders, packaging configurators, Image Maps, interactive 3D visualisation etc.  Flexible interface with web services; data exchange in JSON format  Quota monitoring and control  Freely definable online tabulation with the full range of GESStabs functions  Camera, W-Lan deactivation via script (e.g. important for CarClinics)  Responsive design on all online devices and offline on android

Clientele We serve companies in the fields of market, social and political research.


Contact GESS Gesellschaft für Software in der Sozialforschung mbH Waterloohain 6 – 8 22769 Hamburg Phone: +49 (0)40/85 37 53-443 E-mail:

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Our number one guiding principle is Research Support: professional support for market researchers in ­institutes and companies for their multifarious tasks. IfaD was among the pioneers in the development of survey software. With CIS, the first computer-aided surveys were conducted at trade fairs over 20 years ago. As well as its software development for all survey types, IfaD also stands for services such as scripting, hosting, data sciences, data support (data entry, processing, tabulation, coding, databases, etc.) as well as reporting and presentation software.

Products and Services CIS


CIS is a comprehensive solution for the programming and ­execution of online and offline surveys. It is a perfect research system for stationary or mobile interview settings, including online or ­telephone surveys in solo or mixed mode. For every application, CIS offers as much standardisation as you need and as much individuality as you require. CIS supports the entire survey process, from convenient questionnaire programming, through project management, including coding, analysis and chart creation. And naturally you can organise and monitor your projects online.

CIScode is our coding software for the comprehensive and convenient structuring and processing of open-ended responses in national and international studies. It offers a complete range of innovative functions and features.

CISpanel CISpanel is our panel management software for the administration and monitoring of survey projects and panels. It offers all options for the structuring of projects, the definition and tracking of data and quotas, as well as for invitations and the monitoring and incentivisation of panel members.

CIS Mobile First A growing number of people can only be reached through smartphones and tablets. CIS questionnaires created according to the “Mobile First” principle offer an optimal presentation of the questionnaire for every device and thus reach all target groups. License and Hosting: We license CIS for whatever scope of coverage you wish to use. We host your surveys in our data center.


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IfaD Statistics The Toolbox

Usage Options

IfaD Statistics is an online toolbox which we have designed especially for market researchers and which ideally meets the needs of everyday statistical analysis. It contains unique tools for market simulations, causal analyses, price research and TURF analyses, featuring excellent ease of use as well as efficient and innovative algorithms.

The following options exist for using IfaD Statistics:  W e set up your project and provide the analyses. If required, you are given access to the project in order to set up further models and carry out analyses for yourself.  W e provide you with access to the relevant tools and you analyse your data for yourself.

Highlights Convincing advantages of the online toolbox are global access, no need for installation, and permanent access to the most current version. A comprehensive user and project management system allows you to manage your colleagues’ and clients’ access to your projects. IfaD Statistics thus represents the optimal accompaniment to your standard statistical software.

Clientele IfaD mainly works on behalf of market researchers in institutes, but also of company researchers. Our CIS survey software is also used at many trade fairs for visitor and exhibitor surveys. For IfaD Statistics, our clients include marketing managers and business consultants.


Contact IfaD GmbH

Institut für angewandte Datenanalyse GmbH Uhlandstraße 68 22087 Hamburg Phone: +49 (0)40/25 17 13-0

Contact for CIS: Rainer Moszczynski Phone: +49 (0)40/25 17 13-21 E-mail: Contact for IfaD Statistics: Johannes Lüken Phone: +49 (0)40/25 17 13-22 E-mail:

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reportbook is the synthesis of rapid data analysis, dynamic dashboard, innovative presenter and a network for the collaborative processing of research results. Features and Functions  Open dashboard tool  Browser-based and available from practically anywhere  Intuitive handling  Tablet-ready  Collaborative workgroups  SaaS on high-availability servers

Network  Comprehensive authorisation system with intuitive operation; supports both flat and complex hierarchical network structures  Collaboration by sharing of projects or reports with groups and individuals  Setting-up of workgroups for project work  Ability to mirror company structures

Analyzer  Extensive analysis possibilities (various percentage calculations, logic operations, calculations at tabular level)  Graphical compilation of complex logical expressions  Statistical indicators (average, median, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, standard error)  F ilters using logic operations  W eighting  E xtremely fast analysis, even with large volumes of data  E asy creation of complex tables and charts Dashboard  Dashboards with tables, charts, text and images  User-defined arrangement of report elements on the presentation slide  Provision of reports in workgroups for collaborative processing  Communication by means of comment options in charts and tables  Display of an individual respondent’s open-ended responses in a table cell  Dynamic charts and tables with filters  Export to Excel, pdf and “real” PowerPoint charts Presenter  Presentation of charts and tables on slides  Use of interactive functions such as displaying open-ended responses for subgroups in the presentation  Dynamic on/off switching of filters in tables and charts  A bility to answer spontaneous questions in a presentation by direct analysis


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Contact IfaD GmbH

Institut für angewandte Datenanalyse GmbH Uhlandstraße 68 22087 Hamburg Phone: +49 (0)40/25 17 13-0

Contact for reportbook: Martin Cyrus Phone: +49 (0)40/25 17 13-12 E-mail:

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The German portal for your online advertising Articles Hundreds of articles on market, media and advertising research – accessible online with a single click at any time.

IT and software Here you will find the suitable provider of software, hardware and IT services for market research.

Omnibus Find Omnibus multi-topic surveys quickly and easily.

Test studios with photos You can also find all 65 test studios from the Research & Results StudioGuide online – with informative photos and handy filtering options.

Online research You are looking for information on a specific topic? Or may it be a specific industry or target group? With the practical search function you will quickly find what you are looking for.

Event overview Market research conferences and seminars at a glance.

Research & Results 2014 All services and information on the leading international trade show for market research. esearch & esults IT Guide 2014 For more information visit


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We provide solutions for market researchers: The latest generation of survey software, a variety of services and the development of special tools. Software: keyingress is the web-based all-in-one solution for market research. The software consists of modules for CATI, CAPI, and online and mobile surveys, as well as online panel management and survey apps. Services: In addition to support and hosting, we also programme questionnaires and online surveys, and generate online reports. Customisation: For very demanding projects, we develop special tools that are based upon our survey software.

Products and Services keyingress survey software One tool for every survey mode - keyingress turned the idea into a reality. The tool’s modular structure enables you to create survey projects efficiently. keyingress enables you to conduct telephone (CATI), online and mobile surveys, and has been enhanced with a special online panel management module. Different survey modes can be combined into mixed-mode surveys. The powerful questionnaire generator and sophisticated address manager take the 'complexity' out of intricate projects. Numerous import and export options, as well as a variety of reporting functions, leave nothing to be desired. You can use keyingress as a host application or install it on your own server. keyingress is the perfect solution for all survey modes, including:

Benefits of using keyingress:

 Online surveys

 Easy to use

 Online panel management

 Web based

 Telephone interviews (CATI)

 All-in-one software

 Studio surveys (CAPI)

 Flexible

 Surveys with mobile devices (tablets, smartphones, laptops)

 Multilingual

Easy questionnaire creation through drag and drop

'For us as a field services agency that conducts CAT and CAP interviews, keyingress' all-in-one approach is perfect.' Henning Eichholz, Managing Director, CSI International GmbH

Mobile-optimised demo survey (

Mobile solutions

'There are few market research tools that can manage complex projects and are so easy to use.' Sascha Suer, Managing Director, JASU Marktforschung GmbH Customisable questionnaire layout


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panelingress: online panel software panelingress is Ingress' module for the creation and management of your online panels. panelingress covers the entire survey process from the creation of the questionnaire, to the invitation of the participants, through to participant incentivization and the analysis of the data. panelingress can also be used with third-party survey tools. The numerous design and layout options enable your panel to be seamlessly integrated with your corporate website. Our in-house designed panel app enables participants to comfortably take part in surveys from their smartphones and tablets. A push notification informs them of the survey. New participants log in to the panel through your website or the app and participate in surveys they've been assigned. Customisable panel portal (customer example: Trendfrage)

Mobilingress: survey app Whether trade fair surveys, passenger surveys, car clinics, observations or surveys in shopping malls - mobilingress is the perfect solution. Interviews are conducted on tablets, smartphones, or laptops. The results can be viewed in real time during the survey and the data are immediately available. The project is managed and the analyses done centrally in the web-based survey software keyingress.

'Ingress' survey app is the perfect solution for personal interviews.' Volker Resch, IT Manager, FĂśrster&Thelen Marktforschung

Reporting portal Our keyingress survey software has a special module that enables the creation of customised reporting portals. Templates facilitate the process. Dashboards and detailed reports are easily created and reports easily exported to PowerPoint or Excel files.

Download survey app (Android)

A number of filters enable results to be displayed in a variety of ways. Splits, comparisons, and time series analyses are also possible. A permission concept restricts users' access to the information that is relevant for them. A content management system (CMS) enables the portal to be customised and easily expanded.

Smartphone display

'The more I use your software, the more I like it. I would recommend your company and the excellent support without hesitation.' Dr Markus Simon, Managing Director, Polyquest AG

Services We also offer a number of services and competent support. You can use our services even if you don't utilise our software. We will gladly create your online surveys or programme your questionnaire. We also develop special software tools to accommodate unusual requests. Reporting portal

Clientele Our customers include full-service corporations, field service companies, consulting companies, research institutes and studios, as well as a number of market and personnel research agencies of varying sizes that work in a variety of industry sectors.


Contact Ingress GmbH

WeidestraĂ&#x;e 122a 22083 Hamburg Phone: +49 (0)40/53 02 59 70 Fax: +49 (0)40/53 02 59 64 E-mail:

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Contact: Dr. Oliver Kohrmann

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All-In-One-Solution ...Start Smart

Your all round software and service partner for market research As a sales partner of leading software suppliers, inITova offers powerful and reliable IT solutions for all business related market research tasks. The range of products offered includes the data collection and panel management software from Nebu, Sytel’s Call Center and predictive dialing solutions, Intellex’s tools for data analysis, tabulation, charting, online reporting and dashboards as well as the Call Center Management Software of run-e. All software modules offered by inITova are perfectly compatible with each other and therefore guarantee maximum efficiency and quality levels not only in larger businesses but, by means of inITova’s creative offers, are also of benefit to start-up and smaller companies. The modularity of our software portfolio allows the user to select only those parts which are of use for him.

Products and Services We use the products we sell and provide competent support for your market research projects. Next to scripting, data collection and -post processing we also offer hosting, consulting and training as well as support for setting up your call center. Customised IT-solutions - Start Smart with inITova!

Sales & Technical Support  Distribution of market research software  Nebu (data collection: CATI, CAPI, CAWI, panel, mobile)  Intellex (diagrams, charts, dashboards)  run-e (management tool)  Technical support with the installation of your call center hard ware and software  Sytel (Predictive Dialer)  blueSIP (Service Provider, VoIP, SIP Trunking, networks)

Data Management  Scripting of questionnaires (CATI, CAPI and WAPI)  Address management and quota management for sample based surveys

Hosting & Rental

 Translation of questionnaires

The freedom of the virtual call center: "Calling from home"

 Scripting of conjoint questionnaires and linking questionnaires to external conjoint servers

 Hosting of Nebu data collection software - a good solution for smaller surveys as well

 Panel management and linking questionnaires to external panel providers

 Hosting of the Nebu panel management software – inITova Hosting Dub Knowledge

 Tabulation, providing reports, charts, dashboards, both offline or online

 Hosted Dialer (Predictive, Progressive, Preview/Automatic undPress Button Dialer Modes) and Hosted CRM Contact Center (SMS, E-mail, chat, IVR, inbound/outbound)

 Statistical tests and multivariate analyses  Data validation and cleaning, data recoding and conversion into different data formats like SPSS, Triple-S, ASCII, etc.  Coding of open ended questions including set up of code frame

Clientele By means of the cooperation with well established and internationally oriented software partners, inITova offers smart and innovative software solutions for market research agencies and Call Centers. Furthermore, inITova’s target clientele includes companies and organizations involved in any form of Market Research, Marketing, Customer Service, CRM, Employee Relationship Management etc. that can benefit from inITova’s products and services.


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 Rental of CAPI machines (Notebooks or tablets (Windows/iPad)  Cloud systems, virtual hosts


Contact inITova

Große Brinkgasse 2b 50672 Köln Phone: + 49 (0)221/29 19 93 10 E-mail:

Contact: Navid Tabrizi

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Intellex provides software for market research professionals. We specialise in analysis and reporting and we strive to remove unnecessary complexity and time consuming manual effort from your work process. Our software offers the proven capacity to reduce time spent on production, allowing you to increase time spent on value added activity. When it’s time for change, we dare you to innovate!

Products and Services DataDynamic Reporter

Dynamic Research Manager

DataDynamic Reporter is an all-in-one analysis and reporting platform used by researchers around the world to unlock the insight contained within their data sets. Conduct Data Processing initiatives, build customized table decks and automatically export results into Excel tables or PowerPoint charts.

Dynamic Research Manager is an online portal used by market research professionals to build customised graphical reports. Directly compatible with DataDynamic Reporter, the intuitive tool can be linked to data capture systems and offers users a separate crosstabbing environment for further in-depth analysis.

PowerPoint Generator

Customized Dashboards

PowerPoint Generator is an add-on to DataDynamic Reporter that allows users to automatically reproduce multiple version or tracking type PowerPoint reports. Say goodbye to hours of manual data entry when producing your client deliverables!

Built to your individual specification we develop bespoke online platforms for Market Research agencies and ‘end users’ who wish to gain up to date results of on-going research studies. The options for included features are all determined by you!

Follow us

Clientele Intellex Dynamic Reporting has a range of intuitive solutions that benefit market research professionals across both large and small agencies as well as ‘end clients’ who have a focus on insight from interpretation of market research data. For more information on our products, please contact us soon!


Contact inITova

Große Brinkgasse 2b 50672 Köln Phone: +49 (0)221/29 19 93 10 E-mail:

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Contact: Navid Tabrizi

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Nebu is a dedicated team of software and web developers, customer care professionals, sales persons, testers and more, but first and foremost down-toearth nice people. Many of us also come from a research background, so as to better understand your needs. We are committed to the constant evolution and improvement of our products, thus simplifying our client’s everyday lives and helping you save time and money. Since its foundation in 1992, Nebu has grown into a globally operating leading supplier of market research software.

Products and Services If you are looking for a robust, flexible and easy-to-use solution for data collection, then Nebu’s Dub InterViewer® is the solution. The data collection tool enables you to define meaningful questionnaires and to launch them in whatever mode you like, Online, CATI or CAPI. With Nebu you have perfect tools for gaining valuable insights into your markets and industry segments. Use our scalable and reliable environment in order to  set up surveys in minutes and with ease  use predefined smart Web templates for appealing and easy-to-handle questionnaire layouts  manage multi-lingual and multi-country surveys without any limitation regarding complexity and use of international character sets  collect and manage data of your customers, your employees or your panel members supported by a community portal customised to your specifications  launch surveys which can be answered by respondents anytime and anywhere  g ain high quality data and monitor progress of projects and results using Nebu’s online reporting tools

Choose the data collection method or method mix of your choice: CATI, CAPI or WAPI. Respondents will also benefit from the multi-module option; it is possible to swap and change from one method to another within a survey. From online surveys (Web Assisted Personal Interviewing, WAPI) to telephone surveys (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing, CATI) to Face-to-Face interviews (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing, CAPI) – each one of these methods can be implemented within one individual questionnaire design.

Hosting Services available

Panel Management Software

Nebu software can be implemented using a Software as a Service (SaaS) arrangement as well as installed locally on your in-house servers. In addition to the Nebu Hosting Service inITova offers hosted sub-accounts as affordable entry solutions for smaller to medium users. As an alternative, our on-demand rental options (pay per project) are also a very attractive solution.

Dub Knowledge ®, Nebu’s world leading Panel Management System allows you to store, retrieve and update any data of any size and complexity that you may wish to use for your panelists. It allows:

Clientele Nebu is proud of an ever growing international user base of currently more than 120 clients in more than 30 countries. Among the clients are: SSI, Ipsos, Borderless Access, Kadence International, Userneeds, to mention but a few.

 predictive, weighted or representative sampling  fully customisable Panel Reporting  project controlling via a unique dashboard like interface  built-in libraries of emails and mail templates  support of hierarchical data structures and of independently manageable sub-panels


Contact inITova

Große Brinkgasse 2b 50672 Köln Phone: +49 (0)221/29 19 93 10 E-mail:


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Contact: Navid Tabrizi

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Online Qualitative Research Software and Services Kernwert is a leading software provider of online qualitative research. With the all-in-one software QDC Studio established and innovative market and opinion research methods can be realised online, e.g. focus groups, diaries, research communities and forums, also in mobile studies via smartphone or tablet. We will support you with our comprehensive service from the beginning: from sales support to methodical consultation, layout adaptations and setting up of surveys, up to management of participants and data handling.

Products and Services QDC Studio by KERNWERT – The All-in-One Software for Online Qualitative Research since 2005 Highlights:  Responsive design based on HTML5: consistent user experience on all devices  Touch-Tool-Collection: innovative drag & drop tasks (e.g. ranking, sorting, mapping), touch- optimised and compatible with all devices and screen sizes  One-click login: authentification using a personal user link for all access devices  Integrated webcam recorder for video questions and responses (for moderators and participants)  Media upload for all task types and device classes in all current formats

One Software. Many Possibilities. All software tools are available in one application and can be combined freely with each other: Blog and Diaries for authentic insights For personal blogs and diaries you get authentic insights into views, values and lifes of the participants. By embedding photos, videos or sounds you get lively entries. Community & Forum for intensive exchange Start an intensive exchange with consumers in moderated forums and protected communities, receive fast feedback on your questions and develop new ideas. Focus group & interview for fast insights

 Simple grouping and filtering of participants for separate tasks and discussions

Generate fast insights in moderated real-time discussions and receive spontaneous answers and ideas. For example, by adding multimedia stimulus material, concept tests can be realised online.

 Results search and results tagging for moderators  Results export: various export formats (Excel, PDF, HTML, including media archive) and filter capabilities

Questionnaires for structured polling Questionnaires with qualitative and quantitative question types incl. Touch-Tool-Collection make it ­easier to collect data, especially when dealing with a high number of cases and complex questions.

Clientele QDC Studio allows conducting international online studies using all languages and character sets. We work for market research institutes, strategy agencies, marketing consulting firms, companies and universities who conduct online studies for different industries like food, pharma & healthcare, media, automotive, energy & mobility.



Gehricke, Wieseke GbR Gubener Straße 24 10243 Berlin Phone: +49 (0)30/53 01 23-60 Fax: +49 (0)30/53 01 23-61 E-mail:

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Contact: Dirk Wieseke

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Kinesis Survey Technologies LLC is the market leader of future-proof market research solutions. Recognising that respondents have increased options for accessing the web, Kinesis developed the world’s first multilingual, multimode market research product suite that simultaneously utilises a wide variety of desktop and mobile devices. Kinesis solutions include the cutting-edge technologies that are needed to deliver dynamic research projects and engage target respondents. The Kinesis solution suite maximises research capabilities and enables connection to respondents on many additional levels.

Products and Services Using Kinesis, the industry's most comprehensive market research product suite, ensures that you can manage your entire project in any language, on any device. Kinesis has developed the technology that drives some of today's largest market research panels, and can be scaled to your needs. Combine our world-class software with global support, programming options, and many other services; Kinesis is a truly all-inclusive market research solution.

Kinesis Panel K in e s i s of fe r s t h e industry's most intuitive drag-and-drop query tool along with advanced sampling options, allowing you to retrieve only the panelists who meet your specific needs. Kinesis Panel even boasts integrated monetisation options for excess panelists and an array of real-time incentive redemption options, including PayPal, to keep your panelists engaged. Kinesis is dedicated to giving you the most reliable results, and you can monitor your project performance with concise real-time reporting tools. Kinesis' advanced capabilities allow you to manage your panels anytime, anywhere.

Kinesis Survey Kinesis Survey is powerful enough for you to programme any question type, in any language, and display it flawlessly on any device, but it is also optimised to promote fast survey programming. Kinesis' realtime reporting even integrates third-party solutions and offers the user APIs to build custom reporting. And all of the data is safe, every Kinesis product uses state-of-the-art security and our data centres adhere to the highest levels of certification.

Clientele Kinesis offers multilingual product versions for both the market research industry and enterprise business organisations worldwide and can be programmed to render on any device. Because we know that our clients have individual project needs, our platform is highly developed, versatile, and user friendly.

Kinesis Community Engagement is the heart-and-soul of any panel. Kinesis Community is a seamless extension of Kinesis Panel that keeps all panel members responsive, on any device they choose.


Contact Kinesis Survey Technologies Dephna House 24/26 Arcadia Avenue London N3 2JU ∙ UK Phone: +44 (0)20/71 17 60 85 E-mail:


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Contact: Tariq Mirza (Managing Director)

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Knowledge Navigators is an independent provider of technology and services for the market research industry with offices in Europe, USA and Asia. We are focussing on the MRI business processes and on those areas, where we can improve on cost reduction, process efficiency and quality improvement.

Products and Services SurveyTester Testing a survey before it is going live and fieldwork starts, is a key requirement for successful projects. Errors can cost a lot of money and can cause damages to the trust and image of your company. SurveyTester helps to identify problems faster and manages the documentation and reporting of issues found. Project managers always have the overview of the current problem resolutions while survey authors can repeat test runs automatically to rapidly get to exactly the same position where the issue was reported. SurveyTester automatically creates screenshots in the background, for each tested page of each test run, in a variety of different browsers and platforms. The screenshots of a survey, which have been tested once with any browser, are made automatically for Android, Windows Phone, Chrome, Firefox and others. SurveyTester significantly increases the quality of your surveys and reduces the costs for testing, reproducing and bug fixing of problems.

SmartTranslate Today, survey translation management is needed by many surveys within market research. SmartTranslate supports more than 20 major survey platforms and allows the optimisation of the survey translation management process between project managers, survey authors, translators and reviewers. Change requests by clients are managed in the background and reported to all project members. An integrated translation database detects repeating translations and offers to use the stored translation of the database. SmartTranslate increases the quality of your projects and saves time and costs while it also helps you to manage change requests.

Clientele Our worldwide customers are market research agencies and companies with market research departments. In the area of SmartTranslate, we also work together with leading translation houses.

Ruby Complex tables and reports are the specialty of Ruby. If you are looking for a replacement for your old fashioned MS-DOS or Unix based survey tabulation system, then Ruby is the right product to look at. While Ruby offers many flexible and complex possibilities, it also does nearly everything at the speed of light. Ruby reads all major data formats like ConfirmIt, Quancept, Bellview, CfmC, SAV, IBM SPSS Data Collection MDD/DDF, Databases, ASCII and even Quantum Specs. All data can be processed fully automatically and results can be exported to PowerPoint and Excel. Exports to the web-based Ruby Laser Portal allows the distribution of results directly to your clients. Use Ruby to move from your old table creation software to a modern and future-proof system.


Contact Knowledge Navigators UG (haftungsbeschr채nkt)

Contact: Bernhard Witt Ton Koster

Eichenring 23a 84562 Mettenheim Phone: +49 (0)8631/1 83 99-12 Fax: +49 (0)8631/1 83 99-18 E-mail:

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mo’web research is a German online market research institute. Established in the early days of German online market research, mo’web research is an independent company which is still managed by the founders. Our services cover all your market research requirements – from a simple needs assessment to full service research. With over 800,000 private consumers and 300,000 business decision-makers in our panel, even exotic target groups can be explored. mo’web research has an international presence and is active in Europe, Africa and Latin America.

Products and Services Online Eye-tracking Until recently, eye-tracking studies have only been conducted in small samples and with a strong geographical bond. Now it is possible to conduct quantitative eye-tracking surveys on a global ­scale. mo’web’s eye-tracking tool is centrally controlled and infinitely scalable. Our technology takes advantage of the nature of human vision and turns it in our favour: most of a viewer’s field of vision is obscure and blurred and only a minute focal point is sharp and clear. By presenting the viewer with visual stimuli, which is already blurred, only the focal point (which can be controlled by mouse movement) appears sharp and clear. The user, therefore, has to move their mouse in order to examine the areas of the stimuli more closely. Eye-tracking has been validated against classical laboratory methods Here are some results. Left: online eye-tracking with n=300 sample size Right: classical laboratory test with n=30 sample size

By using this technique, the foveal and peripheral vision of the user are projected onto the cursor movements made by their mouse. The movement patterns between each individual element of the stimuli are recorded, in addition to the time spent examining each element. The tool is equally suitable for the analysis and evaluation of visual stimuli for both text and image.

Example of the Obscurity Mask: the mouse is focused on the face of the woman on the left in the picture

Clientele Product development Marketing Market research departments

The outcome of a comparison between classical and online eyetracking methodologies is clear: the results are congruent. It is scientifically proven that online eye-tracking is directly comparable to classical eye-tracking methodologies. The fact that we are able to implement this methodology online, without the need for laborious equipment, literally opens the world to this method of research. Our eye-tracking tool facilitates large sample sizes, which were previously unimaginable, and a speed of completion, which is unachievable with the classical methodology.


Contact mo’web research

Mertensgasse 12 40213 Düsseldorf Phone: +49 (0)211/8 28 28 00

Market research institutes


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Contact: Moritz Kisselbach E-mail:

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Netigate is a leading European provider of cloud-based services for online surveys that are primarily used for customer voice, employee performance and market research. With more than 1,500 clients in more than 30 countries, we help organisations gain valuable insights and make better business decisions. Among our customers you can find industry leaders, small and medium-sized businesses, governmental organisations and market research agencies. Our headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden.

Products and Services Your profit – greater insights

Connect with the world using Cint Link

Technology is one of our greatest strengths, yet we believe that delivering actual customer value is what distinguishes one supplier from another. Our customers demand a user-friendly tool that easily generates reports for the front-line staff so they can take instant action on received customer feedback. The goal is to commit all employees and to discuss results and key figures, not only among the top management, but within the whole organisation.

Reach out to consumers and the public through Netigate’s collaboration with Cint, a global platform for online sampling. Through the Cint Link plugin, our users have instant access to 10 million panelists in 60 countries. Use panelists for eg:  Online market research  Trademark analysis  PR surveys  Product evaluations  Target group analysis

Some of the many benefits of Netigate  Outstanding usability and innovative features  Simple, time-saving survey creation process  Smooth analysis module with cross-tabulation, filters and sharing options  Great, in-depth reporting possibilities (PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, Word, SPSS etc.)  Text analysis and word cloud visualisation  Modern, slick dashboard functionality  API integration-friendly (eg with CRM or ERP-systems)  Distribution through eg SMS, e-mail, QR codes and links  Mentometer functionality for audience engagement  Cint Link connection for panel management and online sampling

Clientele Our clients include leading companies around the world such as CASIO, Schenker Deutschland AG, Deloitte, Electrolux, E.ON, Ericsson, Fresenius Kabi, McDonald´s Deutschland Inc. and many more.


Contact NETIGATE Deutschland GmbH LuisenForum, Kirchgasse 2 65185 Wiesbaden Phone: +49 (0)611/14 10 37 0 Kurfürstenhöfe, Poststraße 4-5 10178 Berlin Phone: +49 (0)30/983 216 930 E-mail:

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Try us! Scan this code to register for a free demo.

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Services Based in Switzerland, GmbH is a leading specialist and partner in online survey software for market and public opinion research, human resources, marketing, customer feedback and feedback surveys in all branches and sectors. Over 25,000 customers, including more than 80% of all DAX-listed companies, use our online software and support services to analyse the feedback from several million participants annually for market and public opinion research, company success and to improve the focus on both the customer and the employee.

Products and Services Free and independent use of one of the most extensive and intuitive online tools for online surveys, based on the principle “create, complete, evaluate online”. No one offers as much autonomy and simultaneously professional support and advisory services as required, with favourable terms and at a consistently high level of service quality. Our survey consultants are available for an individual technical and methodical implementation of your survey projects including evaluations – or you can do it yourself. As you wish.

The First-class Online Survey Tool offers you an online tool for online surveys that has been tried and tested a million times. This tool is unique in its range of functions, in its user friendliness and in the benefits it provides for companies and organizations  Extensive range of evaluation (incl. tables, charts, matrices, time measurement, subgroup comparisons, evaluation of sub-samples specific to customer groups, Word Cloud etc.)  From simple surveys to the most complex, international multilingual survey projects, of course in your own corporate design, “White Label” ( not recognisable as a brand), with your own domain or integration into your website

 Confidentiality features such as SSL encryption, guarantee of anonymity, trustee service, BDSG compliant NDAs and contracts  Innovative features for participant management: reminder e-mails, personalisation of invitation e-mails, participant master data upload for evaluation, multi-channel surveys etc.  Data export into SPSS, Excel, CSV, PDF, Word  Combination of telephone and written surveys for a standardised database and live-evaluation

 Complete survey control: randomisation, filtering, visibility rules, quotation, plausibility, dynamic answering, score summation, timer etc.

Evaluation examples, charts

Our designers can also integrate your specific enhancements according to your requirements in-house and directly into the online tool to optimise, relieve or automate your internal processes and workflows (e.g. CRM). Just ask us!


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Your First-class Partner A unique variety of functions, a high level of flexibility and commitment, Swiss security and service understanding, an economical pricing model and one of the most intuitive and user friendly, but also feature loaded online tools for online surveys on the market. You are supported by our team of skilled consultants (primarily specialised in the psychology, sociology, education and business administration sectors as well as in IT) and software developers. Whether you need a simple survey or more complex conversion requiring programming, we take on practically every task in our core competence of online surveys with passion, sensitivity and interest in your individual survey project as well as providing “Extra Miles”. User interface

First-class Independence: simple, any time and anywhere There is no need for local software installation. Regardless of where you are, all you need is a web browser. You always work with the latest version, which is constantly upgraded in-house. is available day and night, 365 days a year securely and reliably via our high-performance server. You can also benefit from our competent telephone and email support services, which are free-of-charge.

The software is so intuitive to use that you can begin straight away without training. Our training videos provide support as necessary. You can create surveys independently or with our support in your personal login area, then conduct the surveys (incl. distribution and participant management) and evaluate live online, even during the field phase. You have an incomparably vast number of high-performance and innovative features at your command at all times.

First-class Customer Service We remain with you throughout the implementation and development of your entire project (market and public opinion research, studies, logo and packaging tests, advertising media tests, event feedback, employee and customer surveys, on-site surveys etc.) or just selectively, whatever you choose for your company:  Project advice, training & coaching  Pre-testing, methodological testing of your survey (wording, compliance with the target group, selectivity, reliability, validity, scales, effects etc.)  Translations from our experienced translation partners  Entry, design and configuration of your survey from presentation to a ready-to-use online survey  Set-up of survey access channels (participation link, password protected access, integration in the websites, social media, surveys for mobile terminals, alternative/parallel field methods)

 Visual design/layout according to your specifications  Transposition of your addresses or panel set-up incl. independent worldwide selection of optimal panel partners for your target group  Distribution of invitation and reminder e-mails  Monitoring of field phase, daily reporting  G eneration of statistical and/or graphical special evaluations tailored exactly to your specific needs  Presentation of results, remote or on site  Customer-specific evaluation (tables, reporting, charting) exactly in line with your needs

First-class Advisory Service We provide selected and elaborated solution concepts that go beyond our online software, including advisory services and consolidated results, for your sustainable company success. Contact us for your employee survey (generally, focus themes and work climate),

Clientele Over 80% of all DAX-listed companies save time, money and perfect their online survey processes with Companies of all sizes and sectors, the federal governments of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, market and public opinion research institutes, marketing and management consultancy firms, schools, NPO, private individuals, students, doctoral students, renowned universities and research institutes and many more. You can view our references at (Heading “References”)

customer satisfaction survey (e.g. Net Promoter Score), psychological test procedures, market research surveys or your individual project.


Contact GmbH Waldstätterstrasse 29 6003 Luzern · CH Phone (DE): 0180/5 55 54 10 Phone (CH): +41 (0)44/5 00 50 54 Fax (CH): +41 (0)44/5 00 51 05 E-mail:

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Contact: Kathrin Staub Senior Consultant

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QuestBack is the European market leader of enterprise feedback management software. The company develops survey and feedback solutions for online market research, social CRM, customer experience management, and HR management. QuestBack has grown continuously since it was founded in 2000. The company is headquartered in Oslo, Norway. Today, QuestBack has branch offices in 19 countries and more than 300 employees serving over 4,000 customers across all industries, including Volvo, Ikea, and Coca-Cola.

Products and Services Powerful A powerful, easy-to-use and customisable solution requiring no programming or scripting skills

Secure First-class data security and protection from foreign legislation, with all data held in a BSI and ISO certified data centre located in Germany

Future-proof Future-proof through continuous innovation, regular updates, the scalability to meet research requirements as they grow and change, and a clear product roadmap shaped together with our customers

No matter what kind of feedback data you have – structured or unstructured, external or internal, generated through surveys or social media – the QuestBack Enterprise Feedback Suite (EFS) enables you to optimise your data collection and analysis. EFS is a comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use market research software platform that can easily be adapted at any time to meet your research and business needs. EFS is not only exceptionally reliable and scalable, but also has a modular design. The combination of individual modules helps you obtain a holistic view of people and their behavior, as old data silos are replaced by a jointly used research infrastructure. As a cloud-based service featuring an open architecture, EFS makes it easy for you to integrate, manage, and effectively use all of your feedback data. That way you will always be one step ahead of the competition.


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Smart Deep insight and analysis tools that help you turn Big Data into Smart Data

Responsive Comprehensive and responsive design that enables the collation and analysis of research data from multiple countries, channels and devices, including social media, smartphones and tablets

Your benefits:  Obtain insights quicker to recommend a course of action  Portfolio expansion: through a central and flexible one-stop solution  Cost reduction

Photos: © olly –; © Paul Bradbury, Hero Images – gettyimages

One Platform. Six Modules. Thousands of Possibilities

Centralised A single centralised research technology platform, reducing cost and increasing delivery speed by covering the entire online data collection, alerting, panel management, community management, data analysis, dashboard presentation and report distribution process

Company Presentation

Focus on the consumer – using real-time feedback management

QuestBack‘s EFS provides the necessary interfaces with existing CRM, ERP, and HRM systems to allow integration of the collected feedback insights. In addition, it is possible for companies to collect feedback at any customer touchpoint.

With their methodological expertise and QuestBack’s EFS, market researchers can help companies use real-time feedback management to achieve a competitive edge through improved customer relationships. Real-time feedback management requires both a sophisticated technical infrastructure and the right methodology in order to be ideally integrated with corporate processes.

QuestBack’s philosophy is “mobile first.” This means all question types are developed on the smallest input device. The responsive questionnaire layout ensures that questionnaires automatically adapt to fit any screen size. EFS Community allows you to create and manage private online social feedback platforms for select interest groups. Surveys, online focus groups, discussions, blogs, and chats are only a few of the channels that market researchers can use to enable companies and end users to interact.

Your benefits:  C ompetitive advantages through an expanded portfolio

More effective leadership development – QuestBack Leadership Compass In view of the “war for talent” and demographic shifts, leadership development is a top priority for many companies today. 360° feedback is one of the most effective leadership development tools. But until now it has been expensive and resource-intensive to use. Our new QuestBack Leadership Compass offers a modern alternative for 360 degree leadership feedback. This software does not require any support by an IT department, can be used on a self-service basis, and is therefore highly scalable and effective. Whether you wish to interview only a handful of managers or several thousand, Leadership Compass allows you to conduct 360° surveys quickly and cost-effectively. What’s more, the solution is optimised for mobile devices, ensuring that managers can provide 360° feedback anywhere, anytime. QuestBack Leadership Compass can be used in a specific context, which means the contents of the questionnaire can be precisely adapted to a manager’s position and department. Concrete situations requiring a manager to meet specific demands can also be taken into account.

Your benefits:  Making full use of leadership potential  High staff motivation  Cost savings


Clientele Our customers include: Institutes


 GfK  PhoneResearch  Vocatus  P syma Research + Consulting

 Volvo  Coca-Cola  Nespresso  Daimler  Swiss

Contact QuestBack GmbH

Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 72a 50968 Köln Phone: +49 (0)221/2 71 69-0 E-mail: Contact: Alexander Reich E-mail:

...and many more.

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Studio quality Available in English online and as an App

The StudioGuide – printed and digital format Detailed information and explanatory photos As app for iPad and Android As an e-paper version for the PC As a web overview


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Rogator AG specialises in developing survey, panel and text analysis software as well as conducting online surveys. This broad range of services enables tailored solutions and meets the high requirements of our clients for individuality and flexibility in project management. Our software is used by companies that have high standards for the respective product and high expectations of the systematic implementation and consultation. Combined competence – marketing research service provider and software manufacturer in one.

Products and Services In addition to our survey software G3plus and panel software RogPanel, our services include further high-quality software products such as RogForum (community), RogECS (education controlling) and RogTCS (text analysis software), which analyse and visualise unstructured text responses in large samples within seconds.

Survey software G3plus The tried-and-tested software Rogator G3plus consists of a mature system with which to efficiently create and manage all types of online surveys. It is easy to use and offers a wide range of methodological and technical features. In addition to a variety of layout options and language versions, the software features easy import and export functions, HbbTV connection, which lets you conduct TV surveys, and a comfortable interface to our panel software.

Panel software RogPanel With the Rogator panel software you can easily set up and administrate online panels without knowing anything about programming. There are numerous administration functions, ranging from sample management to a WYSIWYG e-mail editor, and incentive systems to a voucher shop.

Text analysis software RogTCS The text analysis software RogTCS enables the analysis and segmentation of extensive text responses from qualitative samples within seconds. Topic detection, clustering and sentiment analysis is fully automated.

Sauberkeit Frische Duft Geruch rote Schleife weiße Dame grün

 Inductive method – no preparations required  Intuitive, easy to use

hohe Qualität Preis beste schon Mutter benutzt

PPP riecht gut bleibt Farben weiß weiße Frau lange sehr gute Kindheit gut sehr weiße Wäsche gute Qualität frischer Duft große super strahlend weiße alte strahlende Reinheit strahlend sauber Reinheit Frische saubere Wäsche Wäsche guter

 Easy data import with a standard interface (CSV)  M inimal amount of time required for the analysis of

unstructured texts, even from large samples

weiße Dame geht strahlend weiße

 Operating system independent web application

gibt schon lange bewährt

gutes Waschmittel beste teuer

reine Wäsche sauber rein wäscht

Gel Kapseln einfach

 Automated analysis using computational linguistics

Marke bekannt altbewährt

gut guter Duft Waschleistung

Tradition Familie Vertrauen

 Visualisation in a semantic map Testsieger zuverlässig

Clientele Airbus Group, Audi AG, AutoScout24 GmbH, Daimler AG, Deutsche Bahn AG, Deutsche Telekom AG, D. Swarowski & Co., Generali Deutschland Holding AG, Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lindt & Sprüngli, Migros Genossenschafts-Bund, OBI GmbH, Robert Bosch GmbH, SevenOne Media GmbH, Zalando GmbH and many more.


Contact Rogator AG

Emmericher Straße 17 90411 Nürnberg Phone: +49 (0)911/8 10 05 50 Fax: +49 (0)911/8 10 05 70 E-mail:

IT Guide 2014

Contact: Marc Sörgel

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In addition to carrying out market research studies in the services sector, TARGET GROUP GmbH, established in 1990, specialises particularly in the development of specific market research software. Software solutions of TARGET GROUP are distinguished by extremely high usability and an appealing user interface. The development is based on extensive experience in the field of market research (and thus on the use of respective tools).

Products and Services anytab® anytab® is an innovative, intuitive and attractively designed online software, which has already been offered by TARGET GROUP GmbH since 2005. It is suitable for the evaluation of market research studies and as an online reporting solution as well. The application runs entirely in the browser and can therefore be used from every computer, tablet or smartphone. It unifies a simple handling with wide functionality and optimal speed.



 Entirely menu driven application – no programming knowledge is necessary

 Generation of appealing tables and charts

 Easy assembling of analyses using Drag and Drop

 Self-explaining handling with the help of a simple wizard – suitable for unskilled users as well

 Import of standard formats such as Excel and SPSS data sets (incl. variable and value labels)

 Ideal for continuous projects and also as an online reporting solution for the customer

 Multilingual user surface

 Frequencies, percentages, mean values, Top Boxes

 Interactive tables and charts

 Time series

 Filter function with unlimited depth

 Various chart types – definable in a manual or automatic way

 Weightings  E xport of all results in Excel (all tables and charts can be edited), Word, PDF and further formats

 Various preset ranges of colours, possibility of defining your own colour schemes (e.g. according to customer-specific CI requirements)

 Export of raw data into Excel and SPSS with all value labels

 Benchmarks and trend analyses

 Available as a hosting solution or a dedicated solution

 All charts can be exported as editable Excel charts  Direct printing from the system


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Expert mode: cross tabulation

Expert Mode  Multidimensional cross tabulations with nested columns  Advanced statistical functions (e.g. standard deviation, median)  Multivariate analyses (e.g. regression analysis, cluster analysis)  Raw data analysis  Wide range of data processing functionalities (e.g. coding, recoding, creating and changing of variable labels and value labels, calculations, etc.)  Individual user management from simple read and write permissions to complex rights of use (e.g. release of individual data sets based on columns and rows)  Direct interaction with online surveys, CAMI-surveys or other real-time data systems (e.g. sales figures) is possible Advantages

QuickAnalyzer with export

Adaptation The tool is modularly constructed and can be supplemented by customer-specific adaptations at any time

 Budget-priced  Simple and quick

Future guarantee

 I mpressive results

anytab® is regularly updated and expanded.

 All users work with the same current data status at any time  No supplementary costs for updates, no installation or maintenance costs for customers using the hosted version  Perfect online reporting solution – the system provides the possibility to upload informative data such as offers, questionnaires etc.  Personalised design for each customer (logo, cover page, colour design, etc.)

Clientele anytab® is used both by market research institutes and customers.


Contact TARGET GROUP GmbH Hauptstraße 9a 91077 Dormitz Phone: +49 (0)9134/70 81-0 Fax: +49 (0)9134/70 81-11 E-mail:

Contact: Claus Bogner

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verbaco V E R B AT I M P R O C E S S I N G





verbaco systems AG, founded in 2006, is a subsidiary of a system house for online applications and a service provider in the area of quantitative market research surveys. Both companies have been active on the market since 1994 and develop products that have a very high demand on quality, flexibility and practicality. We offer the verbaco software solution for online coding of open-ended questions and formgen as an online questionnaire system. An online tabulation software is under development.

Products und Services Service


Our service ranges from methodological advice for questionnaire creation, programming and hosting of questionnaires, recruitment and management of panels, coding of open-ended questions, tabulation and multivariate analyses of survey results. By offering these services, we always focus on optimising quality, time and costs. The software products we use for this are verbaco and formgen.

The online tool verbaco is offered on the basis of an ASP model (Aplication Service Provider). Billing is transparent, solely dependent on volume and on the number of coded verbatims. There are no additional costs, such as for software licenses or monthly maintenance fees. verbaco supports you not only in the survey creation and verbatim coding phase, but also during quality assurance and reporting. You manage all steps in a single software solution while always retaining full control of time, cost and quality of all your surveys. For international surveys, the Web-based nature and integrated multilingual features of the application allow worldwide international cooperation during the coding process. Brands and products are coded automatically and a similarity algorithm makes recognition rates of up to 90% possible.

formgen Use formgen to publish your survey on the Internet, Intranet or Extranet. Individually tailored to your needs. The modern architecture enables the integration of any form, whether it be drag & drop, a shopping cart, shop or videos. Thus, over six million reliable and dependable surveys have been developed on a variety of systems.

Example shop

Automatic coding

Clientele Typical clients are full-service institutes, consultants, field organisations. References by name: at random international, BÜttcher Marktforschung, F+i Marktforschung, icon added value, Krämer Marktforschung, Markmetrics, Prof. Homburg & Partner


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Contact verbaco systems AG

Contact: Dr. Helmut Heinlein Spardorfer StraĂ&#x;e 65 91054 Erlangen Phone: +49 (0)9131/9 77 98-56 Fax: +49 (0)9131/9 77 98-55 E-mail:

Company Presentation


Data Collection





Boosting results by merging qualitative and quantitative analysis MAXQDA has been pioneering software innovations in Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Analysis since 1989. Today MAXQDA is Germany's #1 professional QDA tool, and is world-renowned with users in over 60 countries. What market researchers value about MAXQDA:  Q uick learning period and intuitive usability  I mport & export of quantitative results (SPSS, Excel, etc.), Mixed Methods tools on board  F ast, precise results with stunning visual presentation options  E qually powerful on Mac OS X and Windows  M AXApp (free): data collection and evaluation on smartphones and tablets (Android & iOS)  M AXReader (free): makes data and results accessible to stakeholders and others

Products und Services MAXQDA is a flexible, high-performance tool for qualitative market research. Analyses: text, tables, PDFs, images, audio and video data from interviews (CAPI, CATI), agendas, focus groups, websites, evaluation studies, case studies, (online) surveys, and more.

Focus on... Data Handling

Focus on... Data Visualisation & Analysis

 Variables, weight and colour filters act as highly efficient selection tools  Export and import to and from SPSS, Excel, Word, and more  Direct coding from audio and video recordings, with or without transcription  Sophisticated user management and password protection to safeguard your data  MAXApp for mobile data collection: uses Mobile Visual Coding & Transfer (MVCT) to combine data collection and analysis with emoticodes® via smartphone and tablet with deeper analysis in MAXQDA. Nominated for the Innovation Award of the Federal Association of German Market and Social Researchers (BVM) 2013!

 Use automatically or freely designed data maps to display data patterns and connections  Immediate overview of data distribution in stunning visualisations at the push of a button  A picture says more than a thousand words: smart use of colours allows for striking illustrations of analysis results  Summarise and compress statements using the unique and innovative Summary Grid

Focus on... Reporting  E xport results and summaries at any time to Excel, SPSS or Word  I llustrative graphics (tag clouds, charts, maps, and more) for use in presentations and reports  S traightforward displays of results in comprehensive frequency tables and diagrams  A utomatically generate ready-to-print reports – in the Windows version even while using your own corporate design with the Smart Publisher

Clientele For many years MAXQDA has been successfully established in a wide range of academic and economic environments. It is the tool of choice for universities, governmental and non-governmental institutions and international companies such as SAP, GfK, IPSOS, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Novartis, Volkswagen AG, BMW Group, LMU München, FU Berlin, Stanford University, Oxford University, Kaiser Permanente, Plan International, London School of Economics and many more.


Contact VERBI Software – Consult – Sozialforschung GmbH

Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Straße 1 10625 Berlin Phone: +49 (0)30/5 90 08 33-60 Fax: +49 (0)30/5 90 08 33-61 E-mail:

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Voxco is a global provider of survey software including CATI, CAWI, CAPI, web and mobile tools. For over 20 years Voxco has been a trusted partner to companies and organisations around the world, helping them make informed and better decisions through the use of advanced technology. Voxco's head office is in Montreal, Canada with regional offices in:

Products and Services Choose the perfect match for your needs  As a market leader in CATI, Voxco's Command Center offers seamless integration with its own dialer, IVR technology, advanced call back & quota management solutions for increased efficiency.  Multi-mode data collection capabilities to deliver surveys that maximise response rates.  State-of-the-art reporting tools. Highly versatile sample and panel management.

 Sophisticated, yet easy to use web and mobile survey tools.  Mobile solutions such as CAPI, online or offline, native or web. Suitable across major devices.  Mobile surveys you can embed in your own app to build relationships with your app users.  Flexibility of Software as a Service (SaaS) or hosted on your premise.

"Voxco's professional services team went beyond expectations on several surveys for us. They were a true partner in helping us deliver excellence to our own clients. That kind of service makes all the difference in working with a technology company." ROB Noha, Executive Vice President, The MSR Group

Clientele Clientele: Voxco's clients include market research, social & opinion polling firms, businesses & enterprise clients, as well as government organisations & universities. These include: Visa, L'Oréal, Turkstat, WorldOne, IMS, Bank of Canada to name but a few.


Contact Voxco GmbH

Casterfeldstraße 93 68199 Mannheim Phone: +49 (0)621/87 55 77-0 Fax: +49 (0)621/87 55 77-29 E-mail:


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Contact: Stefan Preuße Manager Voxco Germany

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Wakoopa helps you understand what people do online. Whether it is on their pc, tablet or smartphone: Wakoopa knows. Our technology captures the full digital footprint of respondents. It includes the websites they visit, the search queries they enter, the ads/pre-rolls they are exposed to, and the mobile apps they use. Our solution has been proven successful in over 20 countries and by more then 100,000 respondents.

Products and Services How does it work?

The principles we live by

Wakoopa has developed a tracking application that respondents install on their computer, smartphone or tablet, which passively collects their media consumption. The tracker is distributed amongst consumer panels, after the respondents have given their explicit consent. Once installed by a respondent their behaviour is captured 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our research tool is designed around the following five principles:  Objective; we passively track real behaviour, 24/7.  Honest; we are transparent towards the respondents. We let them know what, when and how we track, and they are always in ­control.  Personal; we always know the person behind the click. Respondents can be tracked across multiple devices and the behavioural data can be linked to the output of questionnaires and their background variables.  Secure; respondents opt in to having their data recorded. No cookies are used and all data is safely transmitted and stored in a secure environment.  Well designed; both our dashboard and our data are well structured and easy-to-use.

Data delivery

Use cases

After collecting the data we clean it, filter it and put the taxonomy in place. The final result is a well-structured dataset, which is available on our dashboard, through exports, or via our API. Our user-friendly dashboard is the perfect tool to work with huge amounts of data. It offers several in depth analysis options and is the ultimate solution for every marketing manager, media planner or researcher to understand the behaviour of their online target group.

A broad range of user cases are supported by our data. These include, but are not limited to:  Customer journey analysis  Advertising effectiveness  Competitive benchmarking  Media planning optimisation  Target audience research  Reach of media

Clientele Our tools are used by a broad range of companies, varying from panel providers and media agencies to brands and publishers. Amongst our clients are companies such as: TNS, Ipsos, Harris Interactive, Dcore, Interrogare, Ibope, Brainjuicer and MEC Global.


Contact Wakoopa B.V.

Warmoesstraat 149 1012 JC Amsterdam · NL Phone: +31 (0)20/7 37 25 78 E-mail:

IT Guide 2014

Contact: Mark Schiefelbein

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The next Research & Results IT Guide will appear

midyear 2015

Special Issue


Editorial .................................................................................3 Company presentations by product description A-Z ..............6 Explanation of categories.......................................................7 Company presentations by categories ...................................8 Company presentations A-Z ................................................11 Editorial information .............................................................50

Company presentations A-Z

Booking deadline: May 1, 2015

KERNWERT __________________________________________33

ATLAS.ti ______________________________________________ 12

Kinesis Survey Technologies ______________________34 Knowledge Navigators _____________________________35

Dapresy ______________________________________________ 18 _______________________________38

Decipher _____________________________________________20

QuestBack ___________________________________________40

ERGO-Data __________________________________________21

Rogator _______________________________________________43

GESS __________________________________________________22

TARGET GROUP_____________________________________44


verbaco systems ____________________________________46

Ingress _______________________________________________28

VERBI MAXQDA _____________________________________ 47

inITova ________________________________________________30

Voxco _________________________________________________48

inITova/Intellex Dynamic Reporting ______________ 31

Wakoopa _____________________________________________49

mo’web research____________________________________36 NETIGATE ____________________________________________37



esearch &

Photos: © Dapresy; Ingress; IfaD; Creativemarc, ldprod –

2x4 ____________________________________________________ 11

authensis _____________________________________________ 13 Providers of Software, cluetec________________________________________________ 14 Hardware and IT Services Confirmit _____________________________________________ 17 for Market Research

esults IT Guide 2014

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Editorial Information

Research & Results Haldenbergerstraße 28 80997 Munich (München) Germany Phone: +49 (0)89/1 49 02 79-0 Fax: +49 (0)89/1 49 02 79-29 E-mail: Chief editor: Hans Reitmeier (responsible for the editorial content) E-mail: Deputy chief editor: Martin Sippel E-mail: Project coordination mafokonzept Birgit Maier E-mail: Art Direction & Graphic Design: Nicole Nowak Dr.-Klaus-Kopfermann-Weg 2 85521 Ottobrunn Germany Phone: +49 (0)89/8 11 59 47 E-mail: Cover photos: © cluetec; Dapresy; IfaD; VERBI MAXQDA; juniart, Victoria, apops, Maridav, Wavebreak-mediaMicro, rasstock –


esearch &

esults IT Guide 2014

Print: C. Maurer Druck und Verlag Schubartstraße 21 73312 Geislingen/Steige Germany Advertising and sales: Heinrich Fischer (responsible for advertisements) Lange Straße 64 71332 Waiblingen Germany Phone: +49 (0)7151/27 08 89 Fax: +49 (0)7151/27 08 90 E-mail: Publisher: Reitmeier Input Management Services GmbH Haldenbergerstraße 28 80997 Munich (München) Phone: +49 (0)89/1 49 02 79-0 Fax: +49 (0)89/1 49 02 79-29 E-mail: Managing directors: Heinrich Fischer Hans Reitmeier Martin Sippel Bank details: Stadtsparkasse München, Bank number (BLZ): 701 500 00 Account number: 46 10 84 29

The Research & Results IT Guide is a special annual publication by Research & Results and is included in the magazine subscription. The company presentations are paid entries. The presentations are based on information provided by the respective companies. All other information has been researched with utmost care. We do not assume any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the content. Bylined articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial staff. Articles accepted for publication become the sole property of the publisher. The publisher assumes no liability for unsolicited submissions of any kind. All articles are copyright protected. Any kind of reproduction, even translation into foreign languages, is permitted only with the written consent of the publisher. Research & Results will be published in seven issues in 2014. Currently, the advertising price list no. 11/2014 applies. Subscription prices* Annual subscription, Germany € 165.90 Trial subscription, Germany € 49.50 Annual subscription, other countries € 187.25 *including VAT and postage ISSN 1613-7280

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