“The activity of the Communist and Workers’ Parties under the conditions of the pandemic and the capitalist crisis, for safeguarding the health and the rights of the popular strata, in the struggle to change society, for socialism. ”
Communist Party in Denmark
Report from The Communist Party in Denmark, KPiD, on the COVID 19 pandemic 2020
It was the unemployed part of the working class who were hit the hardest. Collective agreements are put aside in the name of the pandemic especially with the public employees such as kindergarten teachers, teachers and health personal. The police are given barrier-breaking tasks. At the same time, we see employers’ unions, right-wing parties and the EU pushing for the opening of country borders and shops.
EU and Denmark In all, the companies in the C25 index have earned more than 45 billion kroner during the past two quarters. Never the less they were given state financed helping packages without any duty to pay back. Many of those packages are given to companies registered in tax shelters of the EU. That means that many countries have had to borrow large amounts of money which shall afterwards be the excuse for not having sufficient funds for welfare. Denmark must pay more to the EU after BREXIT. The budget law is maintained (the EU Finance Pact) in spite of an exemption during the COVID 19. The corona crisis is not the whole explanation for the hard-hit treasury. Next year Denmark has to send 2.2 billion kroner more to the EU than we did this year, so the draft budget shows. That is the biggest EU bill ever, and it is only going to get bigger in the years to come. It is completely daft that Mette Frederiksen, our social democratic prime minister, signs an EU budget that costs Denmark billions each year, and after that the government pays the EU bill with debts.
The labour market in Denmark Collective agreements and manifestations are being cancelled, or people are afraid to show up for fear of infection. The contamination and the pandemic have enormous financial consequences like sackings, handicaps followed by lack of incomes. The politicians are using the situation to carry through in Denmark the highest retirement age in Europe, and at the same time crush early retirement and rehabilitation which have previously been paid for collectively over the taxes, as a part of the so-called Nordic welfare. Our productivity per worker is raised, and working hour regulations and safety are neglected all in the name of COVID 19. “We all have to make sacrifices”, the mantra goes. Lots of companies sack and then use the situation to hire again on worse terms. It alIB Special Edition