“The activity of the Communist and Workers’ Parties under the conditions of the pandemic and the capitalist crisis, for safeguarding the health and the rights of the popular strata, in the struggle to change society, for socialism. ”
Communist Party of Greece
An unprecedented situation and developments under pandemic conditions - new major tasks for the communist and labor movement
It is obvious that the working class and the peoples all around the world are facing an unprecedented situation, at least for the younger generations. This situation provides the working class and the popular forces with new experience, offers more proof about the historically outdated character of capitalism and, from this point of view, sets new requirements for the class struggle and assigns new tasks to the Communist and Workers’ Parties. Undoubtedly, the international and regional developments are defined by: ‣‣ The course and outbreak of the pandemic internationally, the tragic situation in the public health-care systems, the consequences of the pandemic for the life and the rights of the working class and the popular strata, as a result of the anti-popular policies of the bourgeois states and capital. ‣‣ The outbreak, the evolution and the depth of the economic crisis, whose basic cause is not the pandemic, as claimed by bourgeois governments and international organizations. Serious problems of capital over-accumulation pre-existed in the world capitalist economy, which mathematically led to a new crisis that was accelerated by the pandemic. ‣‣ The further escalation of the intra-imperialist competitions in the Eastern Mediterranean and other regions of the world, between the US, NATO, the EU and other blocks of forces and powerful states, such as Russia and China. The above factors are not independent of each other, despite their relative independence; nor did they coincide, as various bourgeois governments and other political forces claim, defending the current exploitative system. This analysis conceals the class essence and a deeper essence of facts. It conceals that all these factors feed off one other, while the one is the continuation of the other. It is no coincidence that the governments and the big business groups were ready to seize the pandemic as an opportunity to pass measures against workers, such as further flexibility of working time or tele-working, which they already had in their plans. It is no coincidence that a new financial crisis has been approaching for some time now, based on the estimates of the system staffs themselves. That the capitalist recovery of the previous period was weak and that the pandemic acted as a catalyst. It is no coincidence that the fierce international competitions over the wealth-producing resources IB Special Edition