“The activity of the Communist and Workers’ Parties under the conditions of the pandemic and the capitalist crisis, for safeguarding the health and the rights of the popular strata, in the struggle to change society, for socialism. ”
Hungarian Workers’ Party
Hungary: The Future Belongs to Us
2020 was a difficult year for the Hungarian Workers’ Party (HWP). After 2019, when the HWP actively participated in the elections to the European Parliament and in the municipal elections in Hungary, the party needs to have some breathing space and update its political and human resources. The 27th Congress of the HWP, held in 2018, adopted the party’s building program “For a strong Hungarian Workers’ Party!” Complex political processes in 2019 suspended the implementation of this program. In October 2019, the Central Committee of the HWP decided to resume work on the implementation of this program.
COVID-19 caused great difficulties in the life of the HWP. We had to cancel many meetings and political events. There were also difficulties in internal party communication. The HWP was isolated from workers due to restrictive measures imposed by the government. Nevertheless, the HWP has survived the first wave of the COVID-19 and continues its work during the second wave.
CorreCt assessment of the situation is neCessary for making right deCisions
In its work, the HWP paid great attention to the correct assessment of the current stage of development of capitalism in Hungary. We consider that the epidemic clearly demonstrated - the values of capitalism, based on he pursuit of profit and individualism, do not allow society to mobilize all resources to fight the virus. Most capitalist countries responded to COVID-19 with a delay. The health systems of capitalist countries have come under the pressure of an emergency, and some of them have collapsed, unable to withIB Special Edition