YIA newsletter October 2012

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Academy Newsletter Edition 1 (2012-2013), October 2012 Term 1 ends on Wednesday 24th October 2012. There is an extended mid-term break this academic year and that we return on Monday 5th November 2012, which will be a Week 1.

Welcome from the Academy Principal, Mr R Gilbert Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to the first newsletter for Yate International Academy in this academic year. It is also my first opportunity to express the great excitement that we have all experienced since moving into the new building at the start of this term. With a new term, and what must be regarded as a fresh start for everyone, came a new set of expectations. These expectations included appearance, punctuality, behaviours and how, in general, all of the Academy community makes best use of these magnificent facilities. Students have responded well to the change and I have been particularly impressed with the way in which they conduct themselves in the Academy. The improved appearance of everyone, in relation to wearing the full Academy uniform, has been very noticeable and we will be insisting that this is maintained. Many visitors to the Academy have been hugely impressed with the very positive atmosphere that is generated in this environment and the students should be very proud of the way in which this is portrayed. This Academy building was designed with the students in mind and they have shown the utmost respect and desire to make the best of all the facilities that are provided for them. We are especially pleased that the new Year 7 students have settled in so well and are showing great potential in all of the lessons they have experienced so far. We are also delighted with the number of students returning to the Sixth Form and we are confident that their experiences in Post-16 study will prove to be fruitful, in relation to their future plans. The start of term, however, has not been without some issues that have been raised, in relation to the transition into this new environment. We have been reviewing our new day to day operational structures, on a weekly basis, and will continue to do so until we are sure that we have everything in place as it should be. There have been a number of unforeseen aspects of the way in which the new building works, particularly in relation to our new ICT facilities, but, through hard work and determination, these have been overcome to ensure that they do not have a negative impact on the learning of the students, on a day to day basis. On the positive side, I can report that our sports teams, during the autumn term of 2012, have been well supported, by boys and girls, and the rugby and netball teams have notched up notable victories. I was very pleased to hear the feedback from the Year 7 rugby tournament recently, in which the team was successful in winning that for the very first time. Classes at the end of the Academy day are particularly well attended, at the present time, and I have been very impressed with the way in which Year 11 have approached their „after schoolâ€&#x; Maths classes, which take place every Tuesday. I would like to take this opportunity also to thank all those students who showed tremendous enthusiasm at our recent Prospective Year 7 Open Evening on the 19th September. The evening proved to be a very successful one, with over 500 visitors coming to the Academy during the course of the evening, many of whom commented on the very positive attitudes shown by all of the students that they encountered. As is always the case, our students proved to be our best ambassadors and again I would like to thank them for their contribution to the evening.

Our new facilities are not just being utilised by the students and staff during the Academy day, but also proving to be very popular for use with various community groups. Our sports facilities are being used extensively, including the sports hall and the activity studio, and very soon we hope to be able to open our new state of the art fitness suite for general public use also. These facilities will then be complemented by further outdoor sports facilities, such as the all weather pitch and the new hard surface games area, particularly for netball and tennis, which will be completed as part of phase two of the construction works currently taking place. The facilities are also being used, during the day, by Year 5 and 6 pupils from the primary phase of the Academy. Teachers and Teaching Assistants have regular timetabled curriculum time to make use of these facilities, particularly in PE, Music, ICT and Art. The Year 5 and 6 pupils clearly enjoy visiting the secondary site and are completely in awe of the facilities that they are able to access. I am sure that this will have a huge impact, in relation to their learning and progress in these particular curriculum areas. With regard to the construction works, you will have noticed that the old building has not yet been fully demolished; however, the demolition contractors are well on the way in doing that. There have been some delays experienced in this phase of the construction programme and we are working with Willmott Dixon to ensure that a completion date of all demolition and subsequent landscaping at the front of the Academy building will be completed by March 2013. In the meantime, we will maintain our temporary entrances of Stanshawe Crescent and the Stanshawe Drive lane entrance for pedestrians. Further information on this will be forthcoming during the course of term 2. Please also note in this newsletter that we have included a section with regards to entitlement to free school meals. Please read this carefully and, if you are entitled to claim for free school meals for your child, please ensure that you do so using the appropriate forms. Finally I would like to remind all readers that the end of term 1 is on Wednesday 24th October 2012. This means that there is an extended mid-term break this academic year and that we return on Monday 5th November, which will be a week 1.


IN THE INTERESTS OF SAFEGUARDING Parents and Carers are reminded that if your personal contact details change e.g. telephone/mobile numbers/work numbers or addresses, then Yate International Academy should to be informed as soon as possible. We may need to get hold of you in an emergency! Students can give this information to The Academy, via their mentors or parents, or contact the main office themselves to ensure we have the correct information. Your help with this important matter is greatly appreciated. Or email office@trfyia.org.uk Be on your SAFE ‟GUARD‟ ING. CHALLENGE It is now policy that all staff and students wear their I.D. badges at all times. It is an expectation that parents/visitors will sign in, on entry to the building, and will then be given a Visitor badge. Please do not be offended if you are asked to go to Reception and to sign in as a visitor – it is an important matter of safeguarding. You will then be met by the member of staff you came to visit or escorted to them through the building.


MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL It is very clear that the expectations placed on us as an Academy, by the Department for Education, as well as our sponsors, is that all students conform to Federation policies. Therefore I would ask your support in ensuring your child comes to the Academy each day in the appropriate uniform. To remind you all: The Academy blazer is a compulsory item and must be worn at all times The Academy jumper is optional, but is the only garment to be worn over the top of the mandatory white shirt and Academy tie. No other garments are permitted whatsoever, including cardigans, hoodies etc. The Academy tie must be worn properly Black shoes are compulsory at all times Grey trousers, or knee length skirts for the girls, are the only garments to be worn in addition to the above. Leggings are not permitted. If your child does not wear the correct uniform you will be notified on a consistent basis. We expect your child to turn up every day, on time and dressed in the appropriate manner. Please ensure they do so!

ATTENDANCE HOTLINE This is the number to phone if, for ANY reason, your child will be absent from school:-

01454 333583 Jane Whiting —Attendance Clerk

Are you entitled to Free School Meals? If you are in receipt of any of the following, you are entitled to claim for free school meals for your child:‐ Income support Income‐based Jobseeker‟s Allowance Income‐related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The guarantee element of the State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HMR&C) that does not exceed £16,190 Working Tax Credit „run‐on‟ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit To apply you can contact South Gloucestershire Council direct by the following link:‐ http://www.southglos.gov.uk/Pages/Article%20Pages/Children%20Young%20People/Schools/Free‐schoolmeals.aspx

OR obtain a form from the Academy Reception


…by Mr Revett, Head of Sport

YEAR 7 RUGBY Our Year 7 Rugby team got off to a flying start with an overall win in their first ever tournament! On Tuesday 2nd October 14 excited Year 7 students boarded the Academy mini bus, along with Mr Revett to travel to Bradley Stoke for a mini rugby tournament. Even the rain couldn‟t dampen their spirits and every player gave 100% to make this a real team effort. This paid off as they ran away easy winners overall, not losing a single game! Our first match was against the host team, Bradley Stoke „A‟. This was a very closely fought contest with some very good rugby being played by both teams. However, the points went to YIA with a fantastic try from Kieran Kay, giving us a 5-0 win. Next up was Bradley Stoke „B‟ who we turned out to be too strong for. This time we ran away with a 150 win, with tries coming from Ammar Nazrali and two more from Kieron Kay. After a few minutes we found ourselves again 15-0 up against local rivals Chipping Sodbury. Mr Revett made a couple of changes to the team and we eventually ended the match 15-10 in our favour. Tries this time came from Wade Campling and Kieron Kay with another two to add to his total. Well done to the Year 7 Team: Wade Campling, Kieran Davis, Charlie Parsons, Ammar Nazrali, Oliver Hayward, Daniel Ashby, Kieron Kay, Ian Olaviaga, Miles Theobald, Maia Boucher-White, Jordan Miles, Wayne Dix, Alex Ford and Rees Howells.

YEAR 11 RUGBY Yate International Academy 56 v Chipping Sodbury 27 On Wednesday 10th October our Year 11 rugby team took on local rivals Chipping Sodbury. Our boys played incredibly well and listened to the coaching tips that had been given to them previous to kick off. This paid off and they went on to slaughter Sodbury with tries coming from Ashton Coleman (2), Kyle Sheppard (2), Sam Cope (2), Will Phillips-Lewis, Sam Wilmot, Matt Akue, and Chris Edwards and conversions from Callum Foster and Tyler Johnson (2). A massive well done to all the boys and let‟s hope this is the beginning of a very good season for Year 11 Rugby!


BOCCIA WITH MARTIN MANSELL AND YATE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY YEAR 9 SPORT AMBASSADORS On Thursday 11th October 2012 former Paralympic gold medal athlete Martin Mansell coached nine of our Year 9 Sports Ambassadors in the art of Boccia. Together they then delivered a session to Year 5 pupils from Woodlands primary phase.

Boccia is similar to bowls but participants must sit down to play.

Lots of fun was had by all who took part and our Ambassadors did a fantastic job delivering their first ever sporting session! Well done to: Casey Brown, Amy Gibbs, Rhiannon Parsons, Abbie Banwell, Jodie Brommage, Kate Phillips, Amy Johnson, Laura Johnson, and Chloe Morley.

NEWS FROM THE GIRLS PE DEPARTMENT The netball club has once again gone from strength to strength with over 30 players turning up to training each Tuesday and over 40 involved in regular fixtures. Our first fixture was against Chipping Sodbury on the 3rd October. Due to the early season fixture some of the teams had only just been established but nevertheless we approached the fixture optimistically. All of the games were very closely contended and we came away with victories for the year 7s and the year 8s. Our next fixture saw us take on Bradley Stoke. Bradley Stoke often field very strong sides, so we knew that we were going to need to play some excellent netball to win. We were very pleased to come away with two victories, a win for the year 7s and a win for the under 16s. Below is a match report by Eloise Robertson; At the beginning of the game it was close, but we fought hard against them and got ahead on the points. Most players rotated each quarter, so all the reserves got to play in their positions. Mia Porter (GD) got player of the match. Saskia Dracup scored the most goals of the match. The spirits were high as the year 11 team was joined by some new year 10 girls, who played very well! The Bradley Stoke team played well and fairly, our team would be happy to play them again. The final score was 28-9. Eloise Robertson Year 11. Our next two games see us take on Brimsham on the 17th and Winterbourne on the 22nd of October. Good luck to the girls and let the winning continue!


By Mrs Rowlands, Head of Science

BUDDING SCIENTISTS! A group of Year 5 pupils from Tyndale Primary School visited the Academy on Wednesday 17th October 2012. They were treated to a tour of the new Academy building and then working in a lab with Mrs Watson, carrying out lots of experiments investigating changes of state. We are looking out for our budding new scientists!

VISIT FROM “SMARTER UK” “Take a pill and become smarter”! This is the basis of a workshop that groups from years 9-11 will be involved with at the end of November. They will be working with their class teachers and some neuroscientists from SMARTER UK to discuss whether it is possible to design a “smart pill” and the moral and ethical arguments surrounding such research.

YEAR 13 FORENSIC SCIENTISTS – PUTTING THEIR THEORY INTO PRACTICE! Students from Mr Bolster‟s Year 13 Forensic Science group have been putting in to practice their research in to how to collect and analyse evidence. The students needed to collect and process various types of evidence from three mock crime scenes. Here you can see Izzy Saunders and Georgie Barlow taking care to secure the crime scene whilst not to cross-contaminating the evidence and Reece Packer is collecting evidence.

CHANGING UP YEAR 7 SCIENCE Science in Year 7 is now being delivered in a thematic manner, incorporating content from all three sciences along with investigation skills. The students are currently studying the themes “CSI Yate” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” between now and Christmas. Harry Trigg (X7AO) and Katie Nash (X7PB) who are both in Mr Coleman‟s class and are studying Charlie and the Chocolate Factory said “We really like the experiments that we do, especially the one where we tickle-tortured the chocolate to see what would happen when we heated it up and why”. Elicia Turner (P7JM) and Dove Strachan-Wills (G7AS) are both studying CSI Yate at the moment with Mr Matthews stated “We really like using new equipment and it is really interesting looking at our fingerprints!”


After an exciting summer in which we celebrated our best ever maths results (59% A*-C and 100% A*-G) the Maths Department has started the year with a few changes to the team. Still being led by Mrs Taylor, Mrs Helme has taken responsibility for key stage 3 and we would like to welcome Mrs Anderson, Miss Best and Miss Hill to the team. We also still have two maths learning mentors Mrs Howe and Mrs Dennison. In lessons students have been learning and having fun on the netbooks. All students now have logins for the Maths game website mangahigh. This is a site where students can practise their Maths skills and compete against other schools all over the world; we are already 213th on the leader board. Our current top players are Bernando Fernandes, Sam Cope and Spencer Dracup. Students are encouraged to play these games at any point, and their teacher can set challenges. Year 11 The Unit 2 GCSE exam is on the 8th November. Students can boost their grades by Attending revision sessions on Tuesday 3 to 4pm. Buying a revision guide only £4 for a guide and workbook. Logging on to mymaths and using the lessons and grade boosters (login : trfyia isosceles)

password :

Mathswatch shows small videos explaining how to answer questions and has printable worksheets to practise on. Mangahigh has teacher set challenges and games.

“OLD PEOPLES DAY” EVENT On 1st October 2012, four Year 12 Health and Social Care students and I were invited to Abbeyfield House in Chipping Sodbury, for an “Old Peoples Day” event they were holding. Students were to chat to residents at the home about new technologies, hobbies and school. It was great to see the younger generation mixing with older people and hearing how things are totally different now from when the residents were younger. Also at the shelter, MP Steve Webb was there to also chat to students and interact with the older generation. We all took part in one of their daily activities “chair aerobics”. It was great to see how the older generation can still enjoy exercise without doing anything too strenuous. Students were also interviewed by ITV News West, which was aired on 1st October at 6pm. A huge thank you to Nicole Beardwell, Sarah Iles, Kim Smart and Kathleen Stokes for a wonderful and fun morning.


The Frontrunners of Y.I.A. This Summer saw the launch of Frontrunner‟s Summer School – a holiday scheme designed and run by Yate International Academy students for our new Year 7‟s who were starting in September. The idea was that this would give the Year 7‟s a chance to get to know our fantastic new building, a chance to get to know some of our older students, and a chance to get to know and make friends with other Year 7‟s before the start of Term 1. The students who ran the Scheme, with the support of Miss Purnell (and a small team of staff), worked incredibly hard and were a credit to the Academy. Each one of the team of 25 stayed at the end of the Academy day last term to train up in how to plan and run the Scheme, and learnt skills in behaviour management, „peer listening‟, child protection and a range of other useful things. They took on roles as Activity Leaders, Peer Mentors and „Operational Co-ordinators‟ and planned all of the activity and mentoring sessions. When the week arrived, it was a tremendous success, with 25 new Year 7‟s attending the Scheme. Each day started with students meeting up with their Peer Mentor and participating in an Assembly run by Miss Purnell, before going off to take part in a range of activities run by the Activity Leaders, including Circus Skills, Sports, Problem Solving, Orienteering around the new building, Art and Science. During the activities the students won „Guild Points‟ for their mini „Frontrunners Guilds‟. At the end of the morning, the Year 7‟s then spent time with the Peer Mentors, talking through what life is like at Yate International Academy and asking questions before having a closing assembly to find out which miniguild had won that day. At the end of the week, the feedback from everyone involved was fantastic. Each of the Year 7‟s said that they had enjoyed Frontrunners and now felt more confident about starting secondary school, with lots saying that they had made new friends. The Frontrunners Team also had good feedback, with a number of them saying that they felt the experience had helped them to grow in confidence, and that they had a new understanding of how hard teaching is! The week ended with a reward trip for the Team to Butlins, as a „thank you‟ for all their hard work, and a mini-reunion was held two weeks into term for all of the Year 7‟s to meet up with their Peer Mentors and the rest of the Team to talk about how they were getting on. A number of the Team have already said that they would like to be involved again next year, and we have already had parents from year 6 students phoning to ask about the Frontrunners programme for their child, as they have heard such positive things about it! So, if you‟d like to be involved next year, look out for the posters in the new year, as we plan to do it all over again! Well done to everyone who was involved – you did me, and the Academy proud! Miss Purnell – Inclusion Centre Manager



Community News Our Yate Participate Group will be resuming meetings at Yate Library in November. A reminder of Yate Library‟s opening times: Sun

11.00 – 3.00

Welcome to the new Discovery Centre!


9.30 – 7.00

We are pleased to say that normal service is being resumed (although issues/returns are on paper at the moment but all new Year 7s are on the system) so look out for new books on the system and the next Quiz.


9.30 – 7.00




9.30 – 7.00


9.30 – 7.00


9.30 – 5.00

Our next orders for books via Scholastic magazine were processed on Monday 15th October 2012 for delivery by half-term – thank you to purchasers as we do get 20% discount in vouchers for our Centre which helps students, while you bag a bargain.

We have the new Time-Riders book (no.6: City of Shadows) for many of you who have read the previous 5 by Alex Scarrow (the amazing author who came in to see us and signed his books) and no.7 (The Pirate Kings) is due out in February. Also the Hunger Games books are flying off the shelves – gripping reading for young adults and not-so-young adults alike – which are even better than the very popular film. e-Readers WIA are test-driving some e-Readers and we hope to have the benefit of their experience to set up here soon.

. STOP PRESS: Please return all books by the date stamp and we are especially keen to get back Hunger Games books as we have a waiting list, not surprisingly, although we have several sets! Also Diary of a Wimpy Kid books are all out on loan and we need them back too!

Just a quick reminder: we are open at break/lunch/after school for homework priority along with MyMaths and Manga High and games are allowed on any remaining computers. If you are playing games you have to make way for work-related use obviously and if you do not follow instructions on this you will be off the computers the following day (or longer) in the Discovery Centre. HAPPY READING – whether electronically or keeping it real on paper! Mrs Fiddes and Mrs Ashmead

News from the Guilds Lion Guild Griffin Guild

Hello to all of you Lions (and those of you who aren‟t Lions but just want to have a sneaky peek at what we are doing!) Wow what a start to the term! As most of you know this is my first newsletter entry as Head of Lion Guild, and I am pleased to say that it has been a fantastic term so far. Going into the new building in a new role has presented lots of challenges and opportunities, as it has done for the students. The vast majority of our students have grabbed these opportunities with both hands and have made a really positive start to the year. In our second Lion assembly of the year a prize was awarded to the student who we felt had made the most of the opportunities open to them. This prize was awarded to Alex White in 8/9TH. He also receives recognition for being such a welcoming friend for a new student, Bernardo who has joined us from Portugal. As we are on the subject our Guild is gathering a really international feel with other students joining us from France and Germany! In addition to this we have 2 new members of staff to join our team, Hannah Rowlands and Robert Evans. They have been a fantastic asset to us, getting involved with all of our Guild activities, including our fun Friday activities. Other students that have made a fantastic start to the year include Jodie Brommage, Korey Shore, Luke Townsend-Brown, Ellie Christophers, Courtney Veale, Jordan Crowther-Russell and Curtis Slocombe. Most people are already aware that I am quite a competitive person and I want Lion to be the best Guild in the Academy. Let‟s make this the most successful year for Lion yet!

The leaves are changing colour and that means we are at the end of our first term in the new Academy building. It has been an exciting, if occasionally challenging time, but the vast majority of students have adapted fantastically well to our new environment. Uniform has been excellent and lockers have helped organise things a lot more effectively. A special mention must go to those students in Griffin Guild who have helped us to second place (at the time of writing) in the Guild point league table. The following all deserve a tremendous round of applause: Michael Pitt, Leah Morgan, Dove Strachan-Wills, Ella Hale, Adam Jefferies, Rosie Kear, Joe Wood, Ellen Bush, Lee Clark, Shannon McClurg, Kiera Morgan, Will Phillips-Lewis, Katazryna Szkatulska and Maisie Theobold. Another special mention must go to those Griffins who played in the recent Year 11 rugby match against Chipping Sodbury and emerged bloodied but victorious: Luke Smith, Michael Elkins, George Powney-Houghton, Will PhillipsLewis, Bradley Simons and Josh Whiffen. Well done and keep up the good work. Finally, make sure you make the most of the opportunities this new building provides: this Academy is yours! Mr S Ponsford – Head of Griffin Guild

Miss M Greaves – Head of Lion Guild


Pegasus Guild

What a difference a new building makes! This has been a tremendous start for all Pegasus students at the Academy. The vibe that hits you, as you walk into the Hub and around the mentor groups each morning, sings achievement and students wishing to do their best. Just one quick scan of the building shows how the students attitude to uniform and behaviour has evolved, Pegasus students are behaving impeccably, in the main, and are arriving on time, in uniform, ready for a day of learning. The number of Guild points being awarded each day clearly demonstrates that the students have returned from the summer wanting to demonstrate how much they have learnt and developed already. Toby Brewer in Year 7 has become the top Guild point earner and someone to for the rest of the students to chase and overtake! A Reward trip will be arranged for Term 2 and top Guild point earners will be invited. Watch this space. Mr S Matthews – Head of Pegasus Guild

Phoenix Guild

I would like to begin by welcoming the new Year 7 students, many of whom have strong personalities and I look forward to them using their strengths to support the Guild as they develop in the Academy. I hope they will be happy at Yate International Academy. The Guild also welcomes Miss Orford into Year 7 and Miss Wise, who temporarily replaces Miss Kruiniger. The Guild can also take the opportunity to congratulate Miss Kruiniger and her husband on the recent birth of their daughter Alana. At the time of writing Phoenix Guild is where they belong at the top of the Guild points league. Well done everyone for that and long may the success continue!!!! Another great achievement is that two thirds of the Guild have 100% attendance, thus enabling themselves to make the best possible progress they can, by using all the opportunity available and doing their best. This may have something to do with some of our Guild who have had great success this term already. Phoenix students are doing very well in the area of Sport this year already. The following have been attending a leadership course, Abbie Banwell, Kacy Brown and Laura Johnson. Abbie Banwell has also been chosen to help run the Primary Schools Football Tournament for girls. Four Phoenix students are in the rugby squad Christopher Edwards, Tyler Johnson, Ashton Coleman and Frankie Vaughan - a magnificent win over Chipping Sodbury recently. Well done lads! Ms D Longley – Head of Phoenix Guild


INTERNATIONAL WORLD FOOD DAY On 16th October 2012, Yate International Academy Woodlands Primary phase and Winterbourne International Academy all took part in World Food Day. At Yate International Academy we had a range of cuisines at lunch time for students to choose from as well as a quiz for students to part take in, to gain guild points. We celebrate this every year at Yate International Academy, however, this year the topic was based on “Black History Month”, where the cuisine‟s students were tried from Ethiopia, Egypt and the Caribbean. Thank you to the Kitchen Staff for making it a delicious afternoon. Miss G Bulpin Health & Social Care Teacher/ International Coordinator

CALENDAR TERM DATES 2012/2013 Term 1

Monday 3rd September 2012

Wednesday 24th October 2012

Term 2

Monday 5th November 2012

Friday 21st December 2012 (1pm finish)

Term 3

Monday 7th January 2013

Friday 8th February 2013

Term 4

Monday 18th February 2013

Friday 22nd March 2013

Term 5

Monday 8th April 2013

Friday 24th May 2013

Term 6

Monday 3rd June 2013

Friday 24th July 2013 (INSET Day)

During the above Terms the Academy will be closed to students for staff INSET: Thursday Friday Wednesday Note:

Monday 6th May 2013

15th November 2012 28th June 2013 24th July 2013 Bank Holiday

Academy closed


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