Achieving Success through Motivation, Knowledge and Skills
Newsletter 5- March 2012
Dear Parents and Carers Term 4 is nearly over and Easter is fast approaching. I do hope Key Stage one parents and carers will join us for our annual Easter bonnet parade. I am really looking forward to seeing the array of beautiful and very creative bonnets at the parade as well as the display of imaginatively decorated eggs from our Key Stage two children. We have already stocked up on prizes and look forward to sharing these on Friday. The children have worked really hard over the last two terms and we have been delighted to welcome so many of you to the events we have hosted. BEDTIME STORIES FOR FOUNDATION STAGE
MATHS AND MUNCHIES Our maths and munchies session was really well attended and we have had some super feedbackthank you. We hope this has given many of you ideas of how you can support your children with ‘everyday life’ maths activities and how these activities link to their maths learning at school. We were particularly impressed with the fantastic booklet created by Chloe Bird in Acorn class. It was lovely to see all the fabulous activities Chloe and her mummy had fun with at home. We will be proudly presenting this with our attendance display in the main corridor.
Regan and Aaron from year six teaching their mums about fractions, decimals and percentages.
And Deniz teaching his dad The children and the teachers were really enthralled with their story.
Being able to read for meaning and understanding is such an important skill and as such we ask you to continue reading and discussing the content of the books your children are reading. We know that the more confident and skilled children are with their reading, the more successful they will be when learning across all subjects.
Foundation stage: role playing, reading and writing
PHONICS We would like to share the latest changes to phonic teaching and testing with our year one parents on Tuesday 24th April. Please come and find out how and why we are teaching your children and how you can support them at home. Parents/Carers from other year groups are also welcome to come and find out about these changes. LOLLIPOP LADY We are very pleased to welcome Katrina Cornish as our new lollipop lady. We all feel much safer to have her helping our families across the road. PARENT’S EVENING We hope you have time to read through your children’s reports and have been able to congratulate them on their successes and talk to them about their targets or any concerns. If you
haven’t yet made an appointment for parent’s evening, please contact the class teacher to find a time to meet with them early next term as it is really important to consider how we can all work together to support each child with their learning. ATTENDANCE We are really pleased that Term 3 attendance 95.7% has again pushed our past our target of 95%! Congratulations go to Oak and Holly classes as they both achieved 100% attendance in week 1 of term 4. Please take time to share our attendance display with your children at parents evening this week. SPORTS RELIEF We had another fantastic turn out for sports relief last Friday. The children were terrific running their mile and they raised an amazing amount of money; £138 has been collected so far. Well done to everyone involved and to Mrs Allen for organising the event.
Post Sports relief celebrations with our families
LUNCHTIMES Thank you to all the parents/carers who have returned their slips to confirm their attendance over lunchtimes during terms 5 & 6. We hope by seeing first hand how well the children play together, many of the worries regarding supervision at lunchtimes and lunchtime behaviour can be cleared. Mrs Smyth our play leader will be available to meet with to remind you of our play policy or to answer any questions you may have. We are really lucky at Woodlands to have so many dedicated lunchtime staff. The staff have undertaken a huge amount of training since September which allows them to understand how children play and how to support the children to resolve conflict in a safe and well considered manner. FUNDRAISING All our fundraising to date has allowed us to order sufficient waterproof trousers for all KS1 children. These will be available from September 2012. We will continue to put future funds towards buying waterproof trousers for years 3 and 4 and also develop more play opportunities for our children.
SUMMER FAYRE Many thanks to our 7 volunteers who have agreed to support school fund raising events. If any other parents/grandparents/aunties/uncles from our 207 families would be able to offer help to support our events like our summer and Christmas fayres, quiz nights etc, please do speak to Mrs Gould via the office staff. PLAY POLICY FEEDBACK We would like to thank all parents/carers, children and staff for giving us their feedback on our play policy. We have taken all these ideas on board. Some of the changes we will bring about are: During extreme weathers, certain areas will be sectioned off; particularly excessively muddy areas. All outdoor shoes will be changed out doors; seating and storage will be costed and a rolling programme put into place for these to be actioned from the new academic year. YO HO HO AND A BOTTLE OF RUM!
Year three and four will be kick starting their topic dressed for the theme of Pirates when we start back in term five. Good luck with costumes! HELLO/GOODBYE I am really pleased to welcome Mrs Alison Read as the Acting Deputy Assistant Principal. She has quickly got to know so many of our children and families in such a short space of time and is a real asset to our primary phase. We are very sad to say goodbye to Mrs LewisWilliams but wish her every success in her post at Hambrook Primary School. We look forward to her visits on her days off! We also welcome Miss Lisa Griffiths to Cherry class and thank everyone for her warm welcome. Jeśli użytkownik chciałby nasze biuletyny tłumaczenie na inny język, poproś i będzie z pewnością Dokładamy wszelkich starań aby pomóc. Ak by ste chceli naše newsletters preklad do iného jazyka, prosím požiadať a budeme určite na naše najlepšie pomôcť Please take note of the updated events list for the rest of the year. Kind regards
Julie Hogan
Thursday 29th March 2.40pm Thursday 29th March Friday 30th March Friday 30th March Monday 16th April Thursday 19th April Tuesday 24th April Thursday 26th April 2.40pm Monday 30th April Thursday 10th May 2.40pm Monday 14th May Thursday 17th May 2.40pm Monday 21st May Thursday 24th May 2.40pm Monday 28th May Thursday 31st May Friday 1st June Monday 11th June Thursday 14th June 2.40pm Monday 18th June 3.15 Thursday 21st June 2.40pm Friday 22nd June Monday 25th June Thursday 28th June 2.40pm Friday 29th June Wednesday 4th July Thursday 5th July2.40pm Saturday 7th July Thursday 12th July Friday 13th July Wednesday 18th July Thursday 19th July INSET DAYS 2012-2013 Monday 3rd September 2012 Friday 21st September 2012 Thursday 15th November 2012 Friday 28th June 2013 Friday 24th July 2013
Willow class assembly Parents consultations 3.15 – 6.00pm Easter bonnet parade 9.30 am KS2 decorated egg competition End of Term 4 Term 5 begins Relationships and sex education meeting for parents Year 1 Phonics meeting with tea and biscuits 9.00am (Toddlers welcome) Poplar class assembly Relationships and sex education fortnight begins Acorn class assembly Y6 SAT week Cherry class assembly Y3,Y4 & Y5 tests week Mulberry class assembly Science week Dad’s in School Day End of Term 5 Term 6 begins Willow class assembly Y5/6 camp meeting Oak and Sycamore class assembly Sports day KS1 -10.30 KS2 – 1.30 Arts week Beech class assembly Non Pupil day- YIA INSERVICE Day for staff KS2 production 1.30 and 6.30 Holly class assembly Summer Fayre Open afternoon 3.00- 4.30 – tea and coffee available Reserve sports day Leavers assembly – Further details to be announced (You will be in for a treat!) End of Term 6