WIA International Academy Newsletter - March 2012

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Academy Newsletter Edition 16, March 2012

Message from the Academy Principal, Mr R C Evans Welcome to the latest edition of The Ridings‟ Federation Winterbourne International Academy Newsletter. The forthcoming Easter Holiday period marks the start of the final build-up to the external examinations and it is important that all students who have external examinations make the most of this period. I am pleased to highlight that numerous revision activities will be held during the holiday period including the Easter Revision Programme. The Easter Revision Programme is as follows: 2nd-5th April 2012 – Core Subjects (English, Mathematics and Science). Please note: o 2nd April 2012 – English Literature (Year 11) o 3rd April 2012 – English Literature (Year 11) o 4th April 2012 – English (Year 10) o 5th April 2012 – English (Year 10) th 10 -13th April 2012 – All other subjects. If your son/daughter wishes to attend this programme and they have not yet booked a place, please contact Mrs D Clavey (Director of Studies Years 9-11) to reserve a place. The Learning Resource Centre will again be open to all Year 11 students who wish to use the facility for Private Study from the 2nd-5th April 2012 and 10th-13th April 2012. Students who wish to use this facility must book a study session in advance, i.e. morning (9.30am – 12.00 noon) or afternoon (12.30pm – 3.00pm). Students have been issued with draft examination timetables and a finalised master copy will be available on the Academy website www.trfwia.org.uk at the end of March 2012. It is important that all students check their timetables thoroughly and arrive at the Academy punctually for their examinations. Study Leave dates for Years 11, 12 and 13 are as follows:

International Baccalaureate Students ● ●

Exams commence 2nd May 2012 and end on 23rd May 2012. Study Leave commences on 30th April 2012, i.e. last full timetable day 27th April 2012.

Year 13 Students Exams commence on 31st May 2012 and end on 25th June 2012. Study Leave commences on 28th May 2012, i.e. last full timetable day 25th May 2012.

Year 12 Students Exams commence on 14th May 2012 and end on 30th May 2012. Study leave commences on 14th May 2012, i.e. last full timetable day 11th May 2012. Students return on 11th June 2012. Nb – Vocational courses in both Years 12 and 13 will continue until 29th June 2012 unless a student has completed all aspects of the course. 1

Year 11 Students Exams commence on 14th May 2012 and end on 27th June 2012. Study leave commences on 21st May 2012, i.e. last full timetable day 18th May 2012. 14th May 2012 – 18th May 2012: Normal timetabled lessons continue with revision sessions prior to exams, co-ordinated by Mrs Clavey.

Leaving Days Year 13 – morning of 25th May 2012. Year 11 – afternoon of 18th May 2012. Also, for the period 30th April 2012 – 22nd June 2012, the Academy day will be modified as follows:



Period 4: 12.20pm – 1.20pm

Lunch: 12.20pm – 1.15pm (includes individual tutorial) Period 4: 1.15pm – 2.15pm

Lunch: 1.20pm – 2.15pm (includes individual tutorial) Period 5: 2.15pm – 3.15pm

Period 5: 2.15pm – 3.15pm

I would also like to take this opportunity to advise you of the arrangements for the distribution of examination results in the summer. On the designated results days a printout of the examination results will be available from the corridor outside the Exams Office at 8.00am for AS and A Level and 9.30am for GCSE. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme – 5th July 2012 at 3.30pm. AS and A Level - 16th August 2012 GCSE, including Year 10 modules - 23rd August 2012 Candidates can arrive in person to collect their results. However, if they are unable to collect them a relative or friend can collect the results on their behalf. The candidate must give the person collecting the results a signed letter giving permission for the results to be collected. Results will not be given out over the phone or by email. We will fax results in response to a faxed request with the candidate‟s signature on it. These are the only circumstances where we will issue results to anyone other than the candidate in person. During the period 22nd-24th February 2012, the Theatre Studies and Music Department presented the Sixth Form production of Cabaret. The production played to sold out audiences and received some excellent reviews. My thanks and congratulations to all the students and staff who made this event such a huge success. The newsletter contains a separate item on this production. We very much look forward to the Music Department‟s Curriculum Concert on 29th March 2012 to complete the Term‟s Artistic Programme. The Capital Investment Programme has moved to the ITT (Invitation to Tender) Stage with two companies involved in the process. Once the preferred bidder is selected there will be an opportunity for all parents/carers and the local community to join with the staff and students to help shape our Academy for the 21st Century. At the start of March 2012, Year 6 parents/carers were informed of their child‟s place for their secondary education commencing in September 2012. I am pleased to report that all the places in Year 7 have been allocated and there are a large number of parents/carers intending to appeal for a place at the Academy. At the same time, the number of applications for the Federation Sixth Form is at a record high number. If your son/daughter is interested in a place in the Federation Sixth Form and has not yet applied, please contact Miss Giblin, Federation Director of Sixth Form, for an application form. Forms are also available to download from the website www.trfa.org.uk/sixthform.


On 22nd March 2012, a number of students from the Academy will be receiving recognition at South Gloucestershire Council‟s Achievement Awards. I will give further details of this event in my next Newsletter. I would also like to draw your attention to the presentation evenings which the Academy is holding again this year to celebrate the achievements of our students: Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10


Monday, 9th July 2011 at 7.00pm Monday, 2nd July 2011 at 7.00pm

The parents/carers of all students receiving an award will be invited to the event which will be held at the Academy. Finally, I am pleased to inform you that the Indoor Car Boot Sale on Saturday 17th March 2012 raised £738. My thanks to The Friends of Winterbourne International Academy for their continued hard work and commitment in supporting the students and staff at the Academy.

Mr R C Evans Academy Principal

NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION DATES 2011-2012 For information the 2011-2012 Academy newsletter will be produced on the following dates with copies also posted on the Academy website (www.trfwia.org.uk): 17th May 2012 12th July 2012 Paper versions will be distributed to all parents/carers who have requested such a copy.

YEAR 10 PARENTS INFORMATION EVENING Subject - Drugs Awareness On Wednesday 18th April at 6.00pm, Kate Baxter, from the South Gloucestershire Drug and Alcohol Team, will be leading a presentation and discussion in the Academy‟s Main Hall, for Year 10 parents, on the subject of Drug Awareness. This may include tobacco, alcohol, „legal highs‟ or any substance that parents/carers feel they would like to suggest. The event will follow a Year 10 Assembly, earlier the same day. Letters will be issued to students shortly. If you would like to attend, please reply to Mrs Clavey.


PARKING Parents/carers are asked to be considerate to the local community when dropping off and collecting their children at the start and end of the Academy day. Parents/carers should not enter the main Academy site or the front entrance to the Academy. The forecourt should not be used as a turning area. The presence of additional vehicles on the Academy site does present a health and safety risk. In exceptional circumstances, e.g. when a student has a mobility issue, parents/carers who enter the site must do so with extreme caution and with the permission of the Academy Principal.

WELL DONE TO ELLA IN 7.2! Ella Ewens in tutor group 7.2 has been doing some charity work after a close friend sadly passed away. She has worked closely with Charlton Farm, a hospice, and was asked to present a cheque to the charity after a recent fundraising event where £562.27 was raised. Speaking about the event, Ella said “My best friend‟s little sister didn‟t survive cancer at a very young age. Since then both of our families have been fundraising for Charlton Farm, the hospice. We are also planning more events to come. This is a picture of us presenting our cheque from the pamper day” From everyone at The Ridings‟ Federation Winterbourne International Academy, well done Ella!

PRAISE FOR „CABARET‟ From Tuesday 21st to Thursday 23rd February, the A Level Drama and Theatre Studies production of „Cabaret‟ was performed in The Arts Centre. On Thursday 1st March 2012, Mr and Mrs J Watts from Downend wrote in to the „Opinion‟ section of the Bristol Evening Post stating: “Just on a cheery note these days, I went to see Cabaret at the Winterbourne International Academy on February 23rd and it was amazing, the best show and talent I have seen for years, especially with schoolchildren. I am sure their drama teachers must be so proud of them. I have been to the Old Vic, Hippodrome and Bath Theatre but this show outshone them all over the last two years. Well done to the school, and what a lot of budding actresses and actors.” This is wonderful feedback – many congratulations to all involved!


PUBLIC SPEAKING SUCCESS! On Sunday 11th March Joe Paddon, Patrick McMinn and Chris Shine in Year 10 competed in the Rotary Club‟s public speaking competition in Gloucester. The standard of the competition was extremely high and the boys came a very respectable second place to three speakers from QEH, claiming the runner‟s up trophy Congratulations!

CONCORDE BOOK AWARDS On Monday 12th March nine students attended the Concorde Book Awards at Brimsham Green School with Mrs Green, the Academy Librarian. Twelve other schools were present and the Winterbourne International Academy students gave a wonderful presentation on The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. They also met Alex Scarrow, author of the Time Riders Series. The Academy received a goodie bag full of books and a signed copy of Time Riders. After 117 votes were cast on World Book Day it was announced that the winner for the Concorde Book Awards 2012 was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The other five books that were short-listed were Trash, Numbers, The 13 Treasures, Scorpia Rising and Missing, Believed Crazy. The Academy will be receiving a goodie bag from the publishers of The Hunger Games as a thank you for voting the book as the winner. ENTERPRISE DAY – WEDNESDAY 24TH FEBRUARY 2012 Year 10 students took part in Enterprise Day on Wednesday 24th February. The aim was for them to appreciate the basic principles of how a business may be run and to participate in activities which promoted communication, co-operation and teamwork: key skills they will need as employees in the future. Throughout the morning, students were involved in a variety of work-related activities led by enterprise training company Bright Futures. In a separate activity run by Academy staff, students were split into mini-companies whose brief was to design, produce and market products and services in competition with others. Some team players were particularly impressive in using their foreign language skills to trade with “International buyers.” In a follow-up tutorial session in the afternoon, students reflected on the activities. Comments included: “the activities taught us new skills and were fun”, “it improved our team-work” and “it was educational and enjoyable”.


SILENT AUCTIONS Many thanks to everyone, who bid in our recent Silent Auction. Unfortunately, no bids were received for the day pass at the Relaxation Centre, Clifton or the family ticket to see a Gloucester County Cricket match. However, both the Thornbury Golf Centre passes and the Old Down Family 12 Month Pass were auctioned for £41 and £55 respectively- bargains for the lucky winners!! INDOOR CAR BOOT SALE At the time of writing, preparations are well underway for the Indoor Car Boot Sale. We have been inundated with requests for tables and were booked up within a few weeks, having filled both Academy halls. Unfortunately, this has meant turning away a lot of people- for this we apologise. So remember, book early next year! DONATIONS We have recently made a donation to the Music Department for the purchase of guitars (£564), to facilitate the establishment of a Year 11 led guitar club, and Music Technology equipment, that will be made available to Years 9 and 10 (£718). NEXT MEETING Our next meeting is on Tuesday 8th May at 7.30pm in the Technology Centre Conference Room. All parents are members of the Friends and you are welcome to come along to any of our meetings, without having to join the Committee. We would really appreciate some new ideas for social or fundraising events. So…if you have any suggestions or would like to join our list of Supporters, please contact Alison Bray via the Academy Reception or email office@trfwia.org.uk marked FAO Alison Bray The Friends. The Friends of WIA

Thank you to everyone who has joined our Lottery - at £1 per month, it is great value and the odds are good too! Winners since September 2011 are listed below:

Sept 11

1st 2nd 3rd

Gill Harris Tracey MacDonald S Clark

Dec 11

1st 2nd 3rd

Suzie Collins Amanda Hill Heidi Bassett

Oct 11

1st 2nd 3rd

Fran Deane Sarah Milne S Coltman

Jan 12

1st 2nd 3rd

Diane Craig Debbie Slayne Mrs Hayzen

Nov 11

1st 2nd 3rd

Lesley Johnson Eric Bray Enzo Palazzoni

Feb 12

1st 2nd 3rd

Catherine Boyle Diane Knowles Jackie Jones


MUSIC EXAMINATION RESULTS The Music department is very proud of the following student who has recently passed external instrumental exams.

Eloise Raffill

Grade 3

Piano (Distinction)

Many of the Winterbourne International Academy students are performing exceptionally well when representing the Academy or performing independently in their chosen sport. They are really putting the Academy on the sporting map at a national level, and deserve recognition and congratulations. FOOTBALL The successful ESFA cup run of the Year 9 boys seemed to boost the confidence of the other Years in terms of football performance so far this year. Two weeks ago we hosted a total of 7 games at the Winterbourne International Academy sports fields, spanning all Years against Brimsham Green School, Patchway High School and Abbeywood School. Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and combined 12/13 all have won their matches so far this season. Year 11 won their home tie but lost the away tie to Monks Park School. However, all Years have so far progressed through the group stages of the Bristol and South Gloucestershire Cup and are now facing opposition in the knockout stages. Football is flourishing at Winterbourne International Academy and the continued effort and success of all the students involved should be applauded. The Year 11 girl‟s football team has also had success this season, playing two games and thus far winning won and losing the other. Also, a girl‟s cricket team has been formed and has received external professional coaching as part of a developmental programme and they are now ready to play tournaments and matches. NETBALL Netball season continues to provide many girls with the opportunity to train and play matches and again all years have enjoyed some success within local competitions. Netball continues to be a strength of Winterbourne International Academy and the shear amount of girls involved is outstanding, as it provides excellent opportunity for development. Our Year 7 tem played all South Gloucestershire Schools in the annual league competition and made it all the way to the finals. They played very well but lost out on first place. The Year 8 and 9‟s also competed well but did not progress as far. However they still enjoyed excellent game time and development coached by Mrs Calver and Miss Wigham. 7


March has been a busy period for The Ridings‟ Federation of Academies team, with a XV man fixture against the prestigious Millfield and an appearance at the Gloucestershire Sevens. A trip to Millfield on our debut was always going to be a tough encounter. The game started hard and fast with a well organised Millfield quickly putting our defence to the test. Some impressive attacking play meant we were firmly on the back foot and despite tremendous resilience shown during tough bouts of defending a fair number of points were conceded. The second half was to be a different story as a slick backs move off a well-executed line out created our first try. This score helped to restore confidence and with our team moving forward it wasn‟t long before another try came. This time courtesy of our forwards who showed relentless determination during a series of pick and drives. Unfortunately this dominant phase wasn‟t to last as Millfield quickly regrouped and in an impressive fashion, took back hold of the game. The final score read 63-10. Putting our first defeat behind us, the team pulled together and produced an admirable performance at Gloucestershire Sevens. During our group matches the players demonstrated their true capability by beating QEH, Marling and Crypt Schools in a convincing manner. This qualified us straight to the semifinals where our opposition was to be Sir Thomas Rich‟s School. Unfortunately despite a tough battle and a passionate display of teamwork, our journey was to end there. The development of Federation rugby is still in its early stages, however, we have no doubt there are successful times ahead.

ATHLETICS We are eagerly awaiting the start of Athletics after the Easter break along with summer sports including Cricket, Softball, Rounders and all track and field events.


MR BAREAU RUNS THE LONDON MARATHON FOR RELATE A new year, a new challenge for me - running on empty as my ten month old daughter gives me little time to train and rest... I've been running to and from the Academy from my home in the centre of Bristol on various days as part of my training. I've always wanted to run the London marathon (very different to my last road marathon in Sao Paolo 4 Years ago where my lovely wife and two friends were the only spectators for the first half of the race...), and I can't wait to enjoy the sights, sounds and energy that I've heard lots about. I'm running the marathon for the charity Relate, which does some great work helping individuals, couples, families and young people with their relationships, and would be very grateful for any sponsorship that's forthcoming. Please visit www.justgiving.com/Dominic-Bareau if you are able to. There will be a little fundraising bleep test competition in the sports hall or the astroturf on Thursday 29th of March at lunch where some students will be challenging teachers to see how far they can get through the programme, so come and watch or take part if you can.

MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES ...One of Our Specialisms COME ALONG TO THE LANGUAGES CLUB! Languages Club runs every Monday lunch time in room AG4. It is open to students in all Year Groups. We learn about all sorts of different languages. This term, we have been learning some Indonesian. We have learnt how to count to ten, say hello and goodbye, talk about family, and colours. We have also watched some videos about Indonesia, and seen some photos taken by people in languages club who have been there on holiday.

LINGUISTICS OLYMPIAD On Monday 6th February a number of students in Years 12 and 13 studying a language took part in the Advanced Olympiad. This is a national and international competition for students in Key Stages 3-5 in which students have to solve a series of linguistic data problems. Over two-and-a-half hours they battled through a series of linguistics challenges. Although they were not successful on this occasion in selection to the next national Olympiad heat, we are all very proud of their achievements and hope that the Year 12 students will take part again next year. Students in Key Stages 3 and 4 also took on the linguistic challenges at Foundation and Intermediate levels. They worked in groups and answered questions on languages such as Yolmo, spoken in Tibet and Burma, Haitian Creole, Welsh and on working out patterns in Danish numbers. We were very impressed with the enthusiasm with which they tackled some rather taxing problems! We look forward to the successes of Academy students in next yearâ€&#x;s Olympiad.



A group of 22 students from Years 8, 9 and 10 along with Mrs Adams, Mr Masters and Mrs Simmons went on the yearly trip to Southern Spain from 4th to 8th February. The objective of this yearly educational trip was to discover Spanish culture as well as help students develop their speaking skills through various activities. Students enjoyed tapas food tasting, a visit to emblematic historical places such as the „Alhambra‟ Muslim palace in Grenada and a visit to the Málaga fruit and vegetable market. A highlight of the trip was the flamenco workshop... at least for those who enjoy dancing! A Year 10 student said „My favourite bit was when we went to the secondary school in the centre of Málaga and realised that we could actually talk to them in Spanish!!‟ This trip will give all participants unforgettable memories and many of them will undoubtedly want to come back! The February 2013 trip is now being organised and letters will be available from Mrs Adams after the Easter holiday.


MEXICO 2013 We are currently Year 10 and 11 students at the Winterbourne International Academy most of whom will be studying A‟ Level Spanish next year and we are planning a cultural and language-based trip to Mexico in the summer of 2013. Apart from living with families and attending secondary school we will be spending time in a small, poor, rural nursery school, something which we are very much looking forward to. The area is very poor and we are excited about being able to make a positive contribution to the local village community. The school would appreciate any help we can give them in terms of painting classrooms or by donations of school materials all of which has to be funded by the parents, as although it is a government school only the building, electricity and teachers‟ wages are paid for. In an area where the daily minimum wage is £3, parents are asked to contribute 50 pence a month to cover everything else including drinking water for the children and all school materials. The cost of the trip has to be funded by ourselves by way of sponsorship, part-time jobs and fundraising events, a challenge which we are more than prepared to rise to. As part of our fundraising we are organising a Grand Summer Raffle. If you feel that you may be able to donate a prize to include in the raffle or provide sponsorship in any other way then please contact Ms Kirby at the Academy on emma.kirby@trfwia.org.uk

The Mexico 2013 Team The Year 10 and 11 Mexico 2013 students, Ms Kirby and Mr Masters proudly wearing their team polo shirts which were kindly donated by Initially Yours.


THE FINAL OF THE RIDINGS‟ FEDERATION WINTERBOURNE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY‟S GOT TALENT! On Friday 9th March the final of TRFWIA‟s Got Talent took place in the main hall at lunchtime. The contest was organised by Year 7 students who are fundraising for the Mexico 2013 cultural and language visit. Nine acts from Year 7 performed – Lucy Southway (7.2) was up first, followed by Zakariya Riaz (7.10), Izzy CrockfordSmith (7.10), Abi Rudge and Hannah Palmer (7.1), Megan Mcquade (7.2), Emily King (7.2), Angus Wilkins (7.1), Maddy Cake (7.8) and Megan Williams (7.1).

The acts varied from singing popular songs from Ed Sheeran and Alicia Keys, dancing to Jessie J, and even beat boxing! Following each performance, the judges gave their verdict, and were sometimes subjected to booing from the audience if they didn‟t agree with what was said! After each act had taken to the stage, there was the nail biting final vote, where Abi Rudge and Hannah Palmer (7.1) were crowned as the winners – well done Abi and Hannah and to everyone who performed!


...One of our specialisms!

INTERMEDIATE MATHS CHALLENGE On Thursday 2nd February, 114 students from Years 9-11 sat the Intermediate Maths Challenge. The hour long paper tested the studentsâ€&#x; ability to complete multiple choice problem solving questions applying the mathematical knowledge they have acquired during lessons. Our students did very well, gaining 33 Bronze certificates, 22 Silver certificates and 18 Gold certificates. Special congratulations go to Anya Appoo (Year 11), Marko Dogramadzi (Year 11), Emma Hazelwood (Year 11), Bruce Kalaiti (Year 11), Scott Rose (Year 11), Josie Cable (Year 10), Joe Parker (Year 10), Chris Shine (Year 10), Dan Sims (Year 10), Richard Lam (Year 9) and Xinyu Shen (Year 9) who all qualified for entry into the second round of the competition. Bronze Certificates Joseph Luke Zoe Linas Sarah Rhiannon Catrin Joy Zac Benjamin Liam Joe Chris Liam Oliver Oscar Rachel James Emma Patrick Francesca Oliver Arthur Georgia Tom

Barham Barnett Bell Beres Bruce Buckley Buckley Carlin Cazes Cole Crowley Davies Gentry Green Hall Hatfield Hickey Humphrey Lashwood McMinn Ounsworth Partridge Price-Laney Spear Street

Adam Maddie Izzy Liam Laura Nancy Daniel Thomas

Taylor Taylor Ward Watkins Weir Williams Williamson Woodland-Scott

Silver Certificates Drew Natasha James Becky Sam Kieran Jonathan Chloe William Zoe Thomas James Beth Finn Liam Dom George

Baker Bennetts Bracey Crocker Fenlon Fitzgerald Gunn Hanney Hardie-Brown Johnson Johnston Martin Martin McEvoy Mulcahy Porteous Pullen

Tamlin Billy Thomas Charlotte Axl

Sinclair Smith Sussex Tite Voisey

Gold Certificates Kapil Karim Anya Josie Louise James Marko Jake Emma Bruce Richard Dave Ashkan Joe Scott Xinyu Chris Dan

Agarwal Allaouat Appoo Cable Chandler Clark Dogramadzi Hawker Hazelwood Kalaiti Lam Mercer Motamedi Parker Rose Shen Shine Sims


UKMT TEAM MATHS CHALLENGE On Friday 2nd March, Xinyu Shen, Tamlin Sinclair, James Concannon and Sam Smith-Ferrier travelled to St. Katherine‟s school in Pill to take part in the Bristol round of the Team Maths Challenge. Over the course of the day, they tested their problem solving skills against 28 other teams from across the Bristol area in rounds including a cross number and a mathematical relay race. The team did very well, improving on their points score from last year. The competition was fierce and in the end each of the top 4 places were separated by only one point (out of 240 on offer throughout the competition). We finished in fourth place, just three points behind the first placed team and highest of all of the state schools. A great performance – well done to all four students.


On Wednesday 8th February, 45 students and 5 members of staff left Winterbourne International Academy and started the long 20 hour overnight drive to Nuremberg. Fortunately we had all brought our thermals and extra gloves as over the next 8 days we faced consistently freezing temperatures (one day as low as minus 20°C !) In Nuremberg we saw the massive Nazi Party Rally grounds and the War Crime Courtrooms which allowed us to glimpse Nazism in the city under two very different spotlights. The following day we drove to the Czech Republic and spent an evening in beautiful Prague. We visited Lidice, a village which was completely destroyed by the Nazis in 1942. The sculpture of the Lidice children who lost their lives, created by one of the village‟s survivors, was particularly moving. We also visited Terezín, a Czech town and former military fortress which was ghettoized and used as a transition camp for Jews and political prisoners. In Krakow, Poland we were treated to dinner and some live klezmer music in an authentic Jewish restaurant. Our visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp the following day was all the more evocative in the freezing temperatures. Finally, we spent two nights in Berlin where we saw the main sights including the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag and the Holocaust Memorial. We spent our last evening around Potsdamerplatz and some students were lucky enough to spy Meryl Streep at a film premiere! On our final morning we visited the Wannsee Conference House before dragging our feet back to the bus to embark on the long drive home. By the time we got back to Winterbourne we were all exhausted. Although at times a sombre trip, everybody wholly enjoyed themselves and forged memories that will last a lifetime. “We thoroughly enjoyed it, was very informative as well as fun, especially our boy band „Embrace‟! We would like to say a big thank you everyone who made it so memorable including Mr Keel, Mrs Mooney, Mr Trowbridge, Miss Williams and especially Miss Thomas- Danke! Děkuji! Dziekuje!”


CALENDAR Term 4 19 March - 23 March Thursday



Year 12 A Level Field Trip - Dale Fort Year 13 Subject Report Evening (YIA) Academy Newsletter

26 March - 31 March

Bordeaux Student Exchange Trip




Parent Focus Group Meeting (6.30pm)




Year 11 Photographs Year 7 Progress Reports Issued Year 12 Tutor Report Evening - Winterbourne




Curriculum Concert Year 12 Tutor Report Evening – Yate




2 April – 13 April


Term 5 Monday 16 April 16 April – 20 April Tuesday 24 April Thursday Wednesday

26 2

April May

Monday 7 May

TERM 5 BEGINS French Exchange Students Visit Academy Year 10 Sixth Form Information Evening / Second Year 11 Open Evening Junior Maths Challenge (Years 7 -8) Year 9 Progress Reports Issued BANK HOLIDAY

Tuesday Thursday Thursday Monday Wednesday Thursday

8 10 17 21 23 24

May May May May May May

Student Focus Group Year 9 Subject Evening Academy Newsletter Post-16 Subject Evening Year 8 Progress Reports Issued Instrumentalists Concert





4 June – 8 June



TERM DATES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013 2012 Term One Monday 3rd September 2012 – Wednesday 24th October 2012 Holiday Thursday 25th October 2012 - Friday 2nd November 2012

Term Two Monday 5th November 2012 - Friday 21st December 2012 Holiday Monday 24th December 2012 – Friday 4th January 2013

2013 Term Three Monday 7th January 2013 - Friday 8th February 2013 Holiday Monday 11th February 2013 - Friday 15th February 2013

Term Four Monday 18th February 2013 - Friday 22nd March 2013 Holiday Monday 25th March 2013 - Friday 5th April 2013

Term Five Monday 8th April 2013 - Friday 24th May 2013 Holiday Monday 27th May 2013 - Friday 31st May 2013

Term Six Monday 3rd June 2013 Ends Wednesday 24th July 2013


Vacancies Casual Examination Invigilators We are always happy to receive applications from responsible and flexible applicants who would like to become part of the casual bank of Invigilators at the Academy. Invigilators work under the supervision of the Examinations Co-ordinator, assisting with the organisation and invigilation of both internal and external examinations at significant times during the Academy Year. Hours of work will be variable and will be offered on a Casual basis. Salary: £8.56 per hour which equates to Grade 12 (SCP11) including payment in lieu of holiday entitlement. If you are interested please contact Sue Sellers, the Examinations Co-ordinator on 01454 252018.


Lunchbreak Supervisors Either one or two hours per day to include the Academy Lunch Break – 13.20 pm to 14.20 pm £6.84 per hour, term time only

Required to start as soon as possible, Lunchbreak Supervisors to supervise students during lunch times and assist in maintaining site tidiness. Either one or two hours per day, working five days a week if possible, although the number of days could be negotiable. More information can be found at our website www.trfwia.org.uk, along with an application form, or by telephoning the Academy on 01454 252000. Closing date: Friday 30th March 2012


________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have and want to make money from your spare room? Can you host French students? Are you interested in hosting French students aged 11 to 17 years of age on short stays from 2 nights to 7 nights? You could earn the following from your spare rooms: Per student per night £14.50


2 students 3 students 4 students

1 night

2 nights

3 nights

4 nights

5 nights

£29.00 £43.50 £58.00

£58.00 £87.50 £116.00

£87.00 £130.50 £174.00

£116.00 £174.00 £232.00

£145.00 £217.50 £290.00

If you are interested, please contact Sarah Crawford on 07788 751101 as soon as possible. The new season started in February 2012. You must be able to pick up and drop off the students on a daily basis at a local meeting point. The students are out of the house from 8am until 6-7pm on field trips.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people is paramount. All hosts are expected to share this commitment and will be subject to vetting, including an enhanced CRB disclosure check.


French & Spanish Tuition Oral exam approaching? GCSE coursework giving you the jitters? Finding verbs and tenses difficult? Want some one-to-one help? I can help you succeed in your French and Spanish. I am a fully qualified language teacher with many years experience of GCSE and A Level. I live in the Winterbourne International Academy catchment area.

Email Louise Burns-Jones (BA Hons PGCE) at LouABJ@aol.com Tel 01454 777938 The appearance of any adverts on this page does not mean that The Ridings' Federation of Academies endorses the advertiser's goods or services. While we will not knowingly run an advert that is untrue, The Ridings' Federation of Academies is not responsible for the accuracy of any advertising material or the accuracy of the description of an advertised product or service placed in the Academy Newsletter. We do not recommend or endorse any vendor/trainer/product/service. It is up to each member to decide whether what an advertiser offers is right for you and we recommend that any purchaser/service user take every precaution possible to satisfy themselves of the authenticity of any service/product purchased and responsibility for this lies solely with the purchaser/service user.


OPPORTUNITY FOR TEACHERS, PARENTS AND STAFF TO VISIT NEPAL. During the Easter Holiday 2013, (23rd March-7th April) a party of 30 will be travelling to East Nepal to holiday and visit schools high in the Himalayas.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN US? Do you fancy travelling and trekking high in the Himalayas of Nepal, experiencing the diverse cultural differences between our countries, as well as experiencing Nepali traditions first hand. Would you like to see the sights, sounds and stunning beauty that Nepal has to offer? This is an amazing opportunity to travel and explore in the safety of an organised group, whilst helping others less fortunate than ourselves.

The main purpose of this trip is to build upon the important educational links established between the Pahar Trust : http://www.pahar-trust.org/ and Bristol Schools, developed over the past decade. You will witness first hand, the life of the rural Nepali people and fundraise with your fellow travellers to help the deaf school in Taplejung. If you feel you‟d be interested in this trip and would like to know more, ask Mrs Griffin in the Science prep room for the information sheets and then come along to our presentation evening on Saturday 21st April at Elmfield School for the Deaf , Westbury-on-Trym, from 7.00 – 9.00pm The evening will cover the trip plans for 2013 whilst showing slides from previous trips.

Under 18‟s must be accompanied by their parent/s Please also email your interest to Anne at lettuceleaf1@hotmail.co.uk so we have an idea of number attending the event. The appearance of any adverts on this page does not mean that The Ridings' Federation of Academies endorses the advertiser's goods or services. While we will not knowingly run an advert that is untrue, The Ridings' Federation of Academies is not responsible for the accuracy of any advertising material or the accuracy of the description of an advertised product or service placed in the Academy Newsletter. We do not recommend or endorse any vendor/trainer/product/service. It is up to each member to decide whether what an advertiser offers is right for you and we recommend that any purchaser/service user take every precaution possible to satisfy themselves of the authenticity of any service/product purchased and responsibility for this lies solely with the purchaser/service user.







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