The Natural World at
Lacock Abbey
Rebecca Mclean
Contents Page Contact Sheets Museum The Woodlands Tree Angles The Cloisters The Abbey Windows Vintage Edits
Fox Tobalt Fox Talbot was the inventor and a pioneer of photography. William Henry Fox Talbot was English and born on 11 February 1800 in Melbury, Dorset, into a well-connected family. Throughout his life he lived at Lackock Abbey where the first ever photograph was taken. The museum of Lacock Abbey celebrates the achievements of William Henry Fox Talbot, for his contributions to the invention of photography. It shows the progression of the invention of photography through photographs, text and shows you a timeline of cameras dating back from the 1800’s until now.
Fran Forman Escape Artist’ is a rich and dreamlike collection of photo-paintings by artist and fabulist Fran Forman. It offers characters, scenes and visual narratives that lure the imagination. She explores the multiple meanings of the word escape, focusing on the central idea of breaking through the normal barriers of everyday life. Many of these figures appear to be floating or rowing or sailing away, trying to leave the rest of the earthbound world behind. Thus, the artist invites us to ask ourselves what realities exist beyond the traditional limits of gravty, linear time, and social convention.
Flowers They have no mouth, but seem to speak A thousand words so mild and meek. They have no eyes , but seem to see And bury thoughts into me. They have no ears, but seem to hear All my cries, my every tear. They have no arms, but seem to pat When with worries my heart is fat. They have no feet, but seem to walk Along with me in my dreams and talk. They, I know, are the flowers so nice That spread their fragrance a million miles. Grow a few and then you’ll know How your life is fresh and new. With a smile so broad, I thank my God, Whose work to imagine is really too hard. flowers
The power, ingenuity, and sheer beauty found we look at powerful ocean waves rolling in, w comparison. Mighty trees in a vast forest insp mothers taking care of their young make us que one another. The truth is, nature can teach us man did this beautiful earth with all of its natural tre
in nature has always fascinated mankind. When we cannot help but feel small and powerless in pire feelings of insignificance and awe. Animal estion the cruelty with which we sometimes treat ny valuable lessons. It can also lead us to wonder, easures come about by chance or was it created?
The Cloisters- another historical feature of Lacock Abbey. Lacock is not only known for it’s beautiful settings but also it’s features in certain films. Some interior scenes in Harry Potter were filmed at Lacock, including the cloister walk. However, Lacock Abbey was originally founded in 1232 and for over 300 hundred years functioned as a nunnery with up to around 25 nuns. Sice then, there have been few alterations were made to the buildings themselves. The cloisters, for example, still standas they historiclly did.
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Lacock Abbey is nestled in it’s own woodlands and it was here that Fox-Talbot took his first photograph, an remarkable composition of a window, The window can be seen now in the Abbey, looking the same as it did when posing for its history-making photo.
The Abbey
The Abbey is full of wonderful photographic opportunities including the many windows with beautiful views on the other side and the vintage, olf fashhioned rooms and decor. I took every opportunity and photographed as many of these intriguing scenes as possible.
These are two of my favourite photos that I had taken when visiting Lacock Abbey. To give them both a more vintage effect I decresed the vibrance and saturation and then increased the contrast. I then increassed the clarity and changed the tone of the shadows and highlights, blacks and whites until I was happy with the result.
S p e r i z e Using the sperize tool in photoshop, I edited the image of the window where the first ever photograph was taken. I did this to adapt the photograph to make it look as if it was taken on an original, olf fashioned camera. I like this effect because it adds age to the photo which fits in with the fact that it is a photo of theplace where the first ever photograph was taken.
S e p i a T o n i n g Old photographs used to have a slight sepia tone to them , to achieve this effect I used photoshop. Firstly, I made the image black and white and then used a sepia filter. I then adjusted thebalance between black and white and sepia until I achieved the look in which I desired.
V i n t
SplitToning Using bridge I changed the saturation to the lowest possible setting. I then adjusted the highlights and shadows in the photo to opposite colurs and finally, I then adjusted the balanace until I found the specific result that I wanted. I did this because I think it gives the images a vintige and old fashioned feel when looking at the them.
a g e E d i t s
Level 2: Lacock Abbey