The Rock River Times – April 20, 2022

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TO APRIL 2,April 2022 20, 2022 The RockMARCH River27Times.

WEEK OF APRIL 3 TO 9, 2022

WEEK OF APRIL 10 TO 16, 2022




Death Notices



ARIES Stevie Dzik 28 Loves ParkYou’ll 4/11/2022 reflect deeply on your perso­ Nanhkham Phongkhamsazath 100 nal aspirations. You’ll take up heal­ Rockford 4/11/2022 thy habits to eliminate stress in your Marico Satterwhite 31 Rockford 4/11/2022 life. You’re making plans to start fresh Chester Cook 82 Rockford 4/11/2022 this spring. Donna Pacheco 68 Rockford 4/11/2022 Alfeo Bary 101 Loves Park 4/11/2022 TAURUS Margot Paasch 90 Rockford 4/11/2022 You’ll51be Rockford a social butterfly this week. Christopher Jaworowski You’ll constantly be surrounded by 4/11/2022 friends and enjoy going out on Carmen Kellogg 82 Rockford 4/11/2022 many 4/11/2022 occasions. Your laughter will Richard Jahn 82 South Beloit be contagious. Kenneth Craig 83 Rockford 4/12/2022 Charles Smith 74 Rockford 4/12/2022 GEMINI Lee Rosenstiel 98 Rockford 4/12/2022 You’ll 68 be inspired to start a new pro­ Shirley Eash-Amsbaugh Roscoe ject. You secure a nice retirement by 4/12/2022 making the right decisions. Start buil­ Erma Jo Albee 99 Rockford 4/12/2022 the future you want today. Carla Shultz 65 Rockfordding 4/12/2022 Jack Mitchell 87 Durand 4/12/2022 Sally Baremore 83 South CANCER Beloit 4/13/2022 You’ll go on a spontaneous getaway Richard Evans 78 Rockford 4/13/2022 friends. However, your trip may Ingrid Moore 91 Rockfordwith 4/13/2022 Delbert Zettle 82 Durandlead 4/13/2022 to headaches and disagree­ Susan Peterson 70 Rockford 4/13/2022 ments. Don’t be stubborn, and learn Mary Frank 73 Rockford 4/13/2022 to let go. Rita Tenner 73 Rockford 4/13/2022 John McGovern 68 Rockford LEO 4/13/2022 Margaret Dunivant 46 Rockford 4/13/2022 If you need to finance a project, simply Alicia Cruz 63 Rockford 4/13/2022 visit the bank. Your determination will Joan Strate 90 Rockford 4/13/2022 help you meet the right people. You Maria Garcia 89 Rockfordmay 4/13/2022 feel a romantic spark with some­ Thomas Young 81 Rockford one,4/14/2022 which could lead to jealousy. Robert Jordan 70 Rockford 4/14/2022 Lisa Lewis 56 Rockford 4/14/2022 VIRGO Lyndon Nelson 49 Rockford 4/14/2022 You may have to compromise with Carol Buske 76 Durand 4/14/2022 those around you to reach a fair Joshua Queen 37 Rockford 4/14/2022 agreement. You’ll be tasked with plan­ Chris Hamblin 54 Rockford ning4/14/2022 an event, which won’t be easy. Brittany Morris 27 Rockford Your 4/14/2022 work calls won’t be answered Shawn Alms 39 Rockfordquickly, 4/14/2022 even if they’re urgent. Alane Pena 67 Rockford 4/14/2022 Gary Cain 64 Pecatonica LIBRA 4/14/2022 Martha Mott 77 RockfordAt4/14/2022 work, some clients will be impos­ Roberta Beidler 62 Rockford 4/15/2022 sible to please. Don’t take it per­ Janice Fiedler 63 Cherry Valley 4/15/2022 sonally, and do your best. In your Gerald Bea 88 Rockford 4/15/2022 relationship, don’t hold back your Russell Stauffer 96 Rockford 4/15/2022 Fru Teston 90 Loves Parkfeelings. 4/15/2022 Angelo Pipitone 44 Rockford 4/15/2022 Nancy Smith 83 RockfordSCORPIO 4/15/2022 If you’re single, you’ll catch the eye Across Frank Martinez 67 Rockford 4/15/2022 of several suitors and fall in at haze Urban Patrick Stauffer 71 Rockford 4/15/2022 sight. Take the time to get to 5. know Da, oui, or si, e.g. Paula Figiel 85 Rockford first 4/16/2022 this4/16/2022 person before declaring your John Erickson 58 Rockford 8. Drug-induced state love. You’ll be very productive at Liesara Bergman 89 Rockford 4/16/2022 UK art museum Carroll Benson 93 Rockford 4/16/2022 13. Molten rock Leland Paul 70 Rockford SAGITTARIUS 4/16/2022 14. Hip-hop or classical, finally sell your house or find Ruben Vidal 52 Rockford You’ll 4/16/2022 e.g. your4/16/2022 dream home. If you’ve been Donald Carter 60 Rockford . Sportscaster in the same place for1 5many Jerry Murphy 70 Rockfordliving 4/17/2022 years, you may feel nostalgic.Andrews You’ll Jean Tipton 89 Rockford 4/17/2022 16. po­ Ang le bet ween be promoted to a management Donald Billings 75 Rockford 4/17/2022 branch and offshoot sition at work. Dwayne Taylor 51 Rockford 4/17/2022 17. Bioweapon Beverly Vallarta 93 Rockford 4/17/2022 CAPRICORN 18. *Reaper inventor

Your ideas and opinions will20. bring Muslim holy man people together. Others will21.listen Dampish to what you have to say. You’ll 22.have *The invention of a lot of fun this week. hand sanitizer centered on alcohol as this AQUARIUS 23. Stitched again Your finances could complicate your 26. Decipherable relationship. It’s important to be af­ United fectionate with your partner, 30. even if Nations labor you have other things on youragency, mind. acr. 31. Armed robber, on an Indian subcontinent PISCES 34. Heart of the matter This week is all about new beginnings and challenges. Some people 35.may Impertinent upset you. However, it’s best37.toBe ig­in arrears nore them because you have38. better Belgian port city to do. You’ll enjoy spending Death notices are providedthings by the 39. European erupter timeoffice. with others and feel creative. Winnebago County Coroner’s 40. Popular women’s

SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS AND CAPRICORN Theme: Inventions and Inventors









You may be tempted to buy a new car. However, you must be reaso­ nable to avoid financial stress. Af­ ter thinking about it, your taste for luxury could fade away. Your heart will be filled with affec­ tion. You must communicate with your significant other to ease ten­ sion and improve your relationship. You’ll be full of energy and feel ready to solve all your problems. You’ll be relieved that most of your worries are now behind you. You may be worried about a minor health problem. If you take the si­ tuation seriously, you’ll be able to get the care you need.


You’ll be surrounded by a lot of peo­ ple. Your friends will invite you on several outings. Agree to the sug­ gestions that interest you the most.


At work or home, you’ll be given a lot of responsibility. To move for­ ward, you must get your priorities straight and stop procrastinating.


You’ll explore a new form of spiri­ tuality that allows you to improve your mental and physical health. You must learn something new or share your knowledge.


At work, you’ll have to handle many emergencies and unsatisfied custo­ mers. Fortunately, you’ll have a posi­ tive outlook and easily diffuse any tense situations. You’ll accomplish a brilliant feat. You’ll be applauded for your actions and placed on a pedestal. You may also save someone from a disaster. If you live with other family mem­ bers, you may get into a disagree­ ment. Establish and explain the rules of the house to keep the peace. You’ll speak your mind and ver­ bally express what others are thin­ king. Your new phone will take some getting used to and may be more difficult to use than your old one.


Make certain to look over your in­ voices and receipts to ensure there aren’t any errors. If there are, you’ll be able to prove there was a mis­ take and get your money back.


Patience may not be your greatest virtue over the next few days. Your financial situation will improve over time. Sit back, and let things sort themselves out.


You’ll feel very tired and need to rest. You’ll have a revelation that allows you to reach your professional goals.

Let yourself feel every emotion. Your SCORPIO family and friends will help you get You’ll organize fun activities for a through a difficult situation. You’ll group. Stress may wear you down, be able to clear your mind and see and you’ll need to take time to rest themagazine light at the end of the tunnel.8. *Life-saving maneubeforeboat the end of the week to keep 42. Back then ver inventor 41. Withdraw from workyour spirits up. 43. Make a new sketch 9. Machu Picchu group ing life SAGITTARIUS Canine’s 10. Sinister 44. Frustration, in print It’s45. easier to getcoat along with people SAGITTARIUS 47.don’t Digital 11. Pecking mother Much 46. Pergolas you knowaudiotape, well. Your relation­ to your surprise, you’ll fill in ships for your this week because acr.with those closest to you may 13. Thin layer 48.boss *Wide-mouth jar be48. more strained they’reinventor suddenly absent from work. Corner jointthan those with 14. Romantic Norwegian your Trust yourself, 50.acquaintances ____ crazy and colleagues. composer 4 9 . and I ndemonstrate t e s t i n ayour l You have tobeef take steak a step back.19. Disturbing public great leadership skills. 52.may *Ground obstruction inventor peace 50. Undesirable CAPRICORN CAPRICORN 56. Nordic glühwein 22. Acquire location It’s57.important to beabuser analytical about When 51. dealing with a foreign client, Substance 23. Early one Ruptured new You’ll be pro­ you may about speaking in an­ 58.opportunities. Kind of testimony 24. Carry away, in a way 52.worry Certainly moted at work. However, you must other language. Don’t worry, you’ll 59. Soft twilled fabric of 25. *Edison invent53. Russia’s mountain negotiate the terms and conditions surpass your own expectations. You silk or rayon e d t h i n g s f o r i t s range of the position to gain more power may also participate in a short trai­ 60. Casanova, e.g. reproduction 54. Indian music and responsibility. ning course to become more fluent. 61. Anger on road 26. Stead 55. Big Bang’s original 62. Flock’s affirmation 27. Flesh of fish matter AQUARIUS AQUARIUS 63. Short forlove ensign 28. Foot-forward squat Geological Society If you’re single, will come your If you’re56. considering a career change, 64.ANBA shot acquaintance may 29. Glorify ofdecide America way. long­time you may to go back to school. 32. *First commer- Your patience and determination will declare their love for you. Finan­ Down c i a l r e v o l v e r get you out of a precarious financial cially, you’ll be entitled to a large 1. Flower part inventor sum of money that practically falls situation. 2. Painter 33. Harry Potter’s from the sky. Chagall 3. Ear-related mail carrier PISCES PISCES 4. DNA sequence 3 6 . * K n i t t e d You’re not the kind of person that You’re thinkingcoordinate of moving to a new 5. Vertical sweater with open hesitates when faced with an im­ home. portant decision. However, this time axis This week, you’ll put your front inventor family’s firsta even 6. Putneeds out on curbif your sche­ 3 8 . # 4 D o w n you need to weigh the pros and dule is overloaded.vaccine You’re dedica­ cons. You’ll be given new informa­ 7. *Poliomyelitis matter, pl. tedinventor to the people you love. 40. Back of the tion at the last minute.




You’ll receive formal education that completely transforms your life and broadens your personal and profes­ sional horizons.


Your emotions are palpable. If you’re in a new relationship, you’ll receive a clear sign of commitment from your significant other.


You must think about the consequen­ ces of your actions before making a decision that could change your life and the lives of your loved ones. Your generosity will be contagious, and you’ll share your happiness.


Making small changes to your diet will improve your health. If you’re in a relationship, open communica­ tion will strengthen your commit­ ment. Small but meaningful gestu­ res will be well received.


You’ll be considered a hero after you save someone from an unfortu­ nate situation, even if you just lis­ ten to them for a few minutes. You’ll bring a smile to the faces of every­ one you work with.


You’ll begin to take concrete steps toward moving. You’ll start looking for a new home that meets the needs of your family.


You’ll be open and honest about your feelings. You may be quick to disagree with others. You’ll be feared and respected for your dedi­ cation at work.


You must express yourself more clearly to find happiness in your relationships. You may want to try changing up your routine. If you don’t already, you may consider living with your partner.


Many things are changing in your life. You’ll take on new challenges that help you grow professionally, personally and spiritually.


You may have to take a step back before taking a step forward. You’ll find balance with your finances or in your love life by taking initiative.


At work, you’ll score a lot of new clients and make more money. Your significant other or a potential love interest will surprise you with their tenderness.


You’ll be inspired to achieve your personal and professional goals. You may break ground on a project you’ve been dreaming about.

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