Roedean - Ensuring a COVID-Secure School Environment

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Ensuring a COVID-Secure School Environment Autumn 2020

WELCOME TO ROEDEAN We are looking forward to welcoming you to Roedean in the new academic year

I am sure that we are all looking forward to bringing all the Roedean community together in September. The Coronavirus pandemic has led to a level of upheaval and change that none of us could have imagined as we began 2020. We have all had to make adaptations to our daily routines to keep ourselves and other members of the community safe. We have been asked to show a high degree of compliance as guidance and health advice has continually changed to keep pace with research and circumstances. As we begin the new term at Roedean, there will be many new rules and measures to follow for staff and pupils, and it will be a challenge for all of us to adapt to our new environment. At the heart of these new measures lies one simple principle: we are making these changes to keep all members of the community safe and healthy. We must support each other in this endeavour and view it as a collective effort to care for one another and demonstrate our social responsibility as we have always done. There will be times when we forget a new rule or make a mistake and it is at these times we need to be at our most supportive and caring, and positively reinforce our core aims. If we are able to do this as a community, we will emerge stronger and more united than ever. Although these remain uncertain times, Roedean has been very proactive and successful in managing the impact of the pandemic, and I am looking forward to seeing the girls and staff return to School over the next few weeks. Oliver Blond, Headmaster

CONTENTS Principles for a Covid-Secure School and Working Environment


Six-Point Covid Prevention Plan


Strategies for the Prevention of COVID 5 Health Centre and Facilities


What To Do in Case of Illness


What you must bring to School Each Day


Getting to and from School


How to Wash Your Hands


How to Put on and Take off a Mask


Principles of a COVID-Secure School and Working Environment These principles are designed to make everyone in our community feel safe and comfortable at Roedean: • • • • • • • •

To ensure that all pupils continue to receive a high-quality education To create an environment where it is safe for everyone to return to School To keep people secure, and avoid contact with people who are unwell To ensure that effective protective measures for girls and staff in place To follow all statutory guidance and best practice To reduce the number of contacts between individuals during the school day To ensure control systems are in place to reduce the risk of transmission To reduce contact with people outside of the school community

Six Point COVID Prevention Plan This six-point plan is intended to underline the main areas of focus to keep our entire community safe and protected: 1. Social Distancing – everyone is required to maintain social distancing of 2 metres wherever possible – measures will be in place to support this, for circumstances where 2 metres is not possible, including the formation of bubbles, one-way systems, staggered lunchtimes, and use of face masks in designated areas 2. Respiratory Hygiene – everyone is required to use tissues and dispose of them correctly, adhering to the requirement to ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ 3. Hand Hygiene – everyone is required to wash their hands frequently and use hand sanitiser – including on entry to school, when moving between locations, after breaks, and before and after eating 4. Cleaning Regimes – everyone is required to support the enhanced cleaning regime in keeping surfaces and resources clean. 5. Covid Symptoms – no-one should attend school if they have suspected or confirmed symptoms, or are in quarantine, including having been in contact with someone with confirmed symptoms – everyone with symptoms must engage with the NHS ‘test and trace’ and will be isolated; staff and day girls will leave the site, and boarders will be isolated on-site. 6. Face Masks – everyone must have their own supply of face masks which must be worn in all areas where social distancing cannot be guaranteed, and can be worn at all other times if preferred. 4

Strategies for the Prevention of COVID BUBBLES AND SOCIAL DISTANCING To introduce bubbles to separate pupil cohorts To implement social distancing both within and outside bubbles

INDIVIDUAL HYGIENE To introduce robust procedures for hand hygiene, which include hand washing or sanitisation To require the wearing of a face mask in designated areas To introduce robust procedures for respiratory hygiene

CLEANLINESS AND SANITISATION To ensure enhanced cleaning regime To reduce physical transmission through surfaces

REDUCING CONTACT To ensure those self-isolating, and all suspected and confirmed cases are separate from the community To reduce external contacts through trips, visits and visitors

RIGOROUS PROTOCOLS AND PROCEDURES To implement departmental and area protocols in line with these principles, strategies and government guidelines and best practice To carry out rigorous risk assessments ahead of all school activities


The following tables will outline the strategies implemented to fulfil the requirements of the principles, and these will be reinforced throughout the School with clear signage:




What is in place

How it will be implemented

To introduce bubbles to separate pupil cohorts

• All pupils belong to a year-group bubble, and boarders also belong to a Boarding House bubble • All year-groups have classroom zones • There will be specific study spaces allocated to each year-group • Lockers will not be available in general, to avoid close contact and moving out of allocated zones

• All pupils will be kept in their bubbles, including for all lessons, risk-assessed co-curricular activities, Assemblies and Chapel, and staggered dining

To implement social distancing within and outside of bubbles

• Demarcated areas aid 2-metre social distancing • Seating allows for 1 or 2-metre distancing, as required • Dining facilities, classrooms, and communal spaces have been reconfigured • Movement around School is regulated

• Everyone is required to maintain social distancing • Adults should keep to 2-metre social distancing, where possible • Pupils within a bubble should keep to at least 1-metre social distancing, or use other mitigations • There will be one-way systems in place in corridors and staggered lunchtimes


What is in place

How it will be implemented

To introduce robust procedures for hand hygiene, which includes hand washing and sanitisation

• Hand sanitiser is available in every room, and on entry points to the School, Houses, and transport • Boarders’ use of boarding facilities for hand-washing increases access to washing facilities for all during the day

• Through induction and training programmes for all staff and pupils • Frequent hand-washing and use of hand-sanitiser will be a requirement for all, including: • on entry to school • when moving between rooms and different areas • after breaks • before and after eating • when using school transport

To require the wearing of a face mask in designated areas

• Everyone must have their own supply of face masks • The School has a supply of spare masks if one is needed

• Face masks will be required in all indoor communal areas where social distancing cannot be guaranteed outside of a bubble • Communal areas will include corridors and the Dining Rooms (except while eating), and school transport • Face masks are not required therefore in classrooms, in private offices, or where an individual is lone-working

To introduce robust procedures for respiratory hygiene

• Bins and tissues are available in every room

• Everyone is required to use tissues and dispose of them in a bin, following the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ guidance



What is in place

How it will be implemented

To ensure an enhanced cleaning regime

• Frequent, thorough cleaning regimes are in place, to ensure thorough and regular cleaning throughout the site, including all rooms, touch-points, and equipment

• Everyone will be responsible for cleaning their desks in classrooms as required

To reduce the physical transmission through surfaces

• An enhanced cleaning regime across the site is required • The regular use is disinfectant spray for classrooms and offices is obligatory • Uniform and PE kit requirements have been amended for pupils

• There will be thorough touchpoint cleaning and disinfection of communal areas • Pupils will sanitise all shared equipment desks, and chairs • Pupils will not be required to wear blazers and ties – PE kit will be worn to school on PE days




What is in place

How it will be implemented

To ensure those selfisolating, and all suspected/ confirmed cases are separate from the community

• Anyone in self-isolation, or with suspected or confirmed symptoms, must not attend school • Anyone with symptoms or suspected symptoms must seek NHS advice, and engage with NHS test and trace as required

• Everyone must be prepared to isolate immediately if they have suspected symptoms whilst onsite: • Day pupils must then be collected • Boarders will be isolated onsite or collected by family/ guardians

To reduce external contacts through trips, visits, and visitors

• Security on the Front Gate controls access to the school site • All appointments are under tight control

• There will be tight restrictions on visitors to the school site, and all visitors require Senior Team approval • No residential trips will take place, and there will be a reduced programme of day trips


What is in place

How it will be implemented

To implement department and area protocols in line with these principles, strategies and government guidelines and best practice

• A COVID Committee has been established to represent all areas of the School • All departments have a clear and concise tailored booklet outlining the School’s Covid-19 protocols and strategies

• The COVID Committee will make all final decisions, and share action points with departmental leads • Departmental leads will engage in the preparation and implementation of Covid-19 strategies

To carry out rigorous risk assessments ahead of all school activities

• Relevant risk assessments are in place for all schoolbased activities, including clear guidance about how to undertake them safely

• Risk assessments will be stringently followed, and adapted and updated if required as circumstances change • All staff and pupils will be made aware of the robust risk assessments and control measures in place for all aspects of the School


Health Centre and Facilities

Key Issues

Roedean’s Approach

School Medical Staff

Our highly-trained medical team consists of 1 doctor, 3 nurses, and 4 counsellors

Health Centre Facilities

The Health Centre is well-equipped, and staffed at all times

COVID-19 Testing

Rapid testing by our trained medical team is available

Isolation Facilities

Roedean’s trained medical and boarding teams will care for your daughter if she needs to spend time in the isolation facility

In addition, all boarding house staff are first aid trained

There will be on-going deep cleaning and disinfecting, in line with Government guidelines

NHS testing facilities will also be available

It is located within the Health Centre, with 4 bright and spacious rooms, which are well-ventilated rooms and have sea views Fresh food will be brought from the Dining Rooms All rooms will also be provided with fresh fruit, bottled water, and snacks Each room has workspace, including an office chair, stationery, and wifi access There is an additional isolation facility within 2-minutes’ walk of the Health Centre


What To Do in Case of Illness If a pupil is unwell at home: • pupils who are unwell must not come to school • they should alert the School by emailing • they should also alert Miss Bye immediately if they have tested positive for COVID-19 During the school day: • pupils must alert a member of staff if they feel unwell • they should put on a face mask and proceed via an outdoor route to the Health Centre, avoiding contact with other pupils and staff • they will be seen by the Health Centre staff and placed in the Health Centre isolation room until they can be collected by parents • parents should book an NHS test at the first opportunity During the evening: • boarding pupils should alert a member of staff if they feel unwell • they should immediately put on their face mask, return to their boarding room, and pack an overnight bag • they will then transfer to the Health Centre isolation room via an outdoor route and remain there until their NHS test • they will be cared for safely by boarding and health centre staff Process for quarantine: • any pupil who has any relevant symptoms will remain in the Health Centre isolation facility until they have taken an NHS test • if the test is positive, they will remain in isolation for a minimum of 10 days, and will be cared for by boarding and health centre staff • if the test is negative, but the pupil remains unwell, they will stay in the isolation room and seek further medical advice • if the test is negative and the pupil feels better and has no relevant symptoms, they will return to school. Staff illness: • Staff should not come into School if they are unwell and should report absence in accordance with the procedures in the staff handbook • if any member of staff tests positive, they should alert the School immediately and remain at home in self-isolation for a minimum of 10 days and follow all medical advice NHS Test and Trace Anyone asked by the NHS Test and Trace service to self-isolate for 14 days must do so, and alert the School immediately. 11

What You Must Bring to School Each Day FOR PUPILS: a face mask and a small plastic bag to keep their mask in when not in use a personal bottle of hand sanitiser and a pack of tissues a full set of stationery, including a calculator – no materials may be shared all books needed for that day only – lockers will not be allocated to pupils to avoid leaving the year-group zones, and mobile phones will not be handed in, so should be left at home or kept in a bag and not used a break time snack and filled water bottle

FOR STAFF: a face mask and a small plastic bag to keep their mask in when not in use a personal bottle of hand sanitiser and a pack of tissues teachers will be provided with their own board pens, eraser, hand gel, and gloves refreshments for the day

Getting To and From School FOR THOSE USING ROEDEAN TRANSPORT: • • • • • •

as far as possible, pupils should sit next to others from their year-group bubble all minibus routes will have seating plans face masks must be worn hand sanitiser must be used on entering the minibus minibuses will be ventilated at all times drivers will wear PPE, and vehicles will be cleaned and sanitised after each journey

FOR THOSE USING PUBLIC TRANSPORT: • if possible, pupils should avoid using public transport • if this is necessary, wearing a face mask is mandatory • avoid touching surfaces and hands should be sanitised or washed as soon as possible afterwards 12




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