Business Directory 2014
WHO IS WHO RUSSIA - UAE Who Is Who Russia – UAE is an exclusive directory that individually lists and profiles senior corporate moguls who are the major “movers & shakers” of the Russian – UAE Business Community. It is backed by the Russian Business Council in the UAE as it allows foreign corporate / private investors and international media / PR consultants to network and interact with potential business partners in both countries. It will be available on hard copy and through web version as well.
Your presence in the directory is an absolute must, if you: Are Russian or a CIS citizen doing business in the UAE Conduct business with / through Russia or its nationals in the Middle East Plan to expand your business in the Russian markets If your profile matches with any one of the above, then we welcome you to be part of the first ever Who Is Who Russia – UAE Busine Business Directory.
or s Direct
y 2014
ply Chain Director of Sup l trade s Council and Russian Busines ledged expert in internationa is Chairman of years he now 13 ack t an pas is the He Dr. Igor Egorov For up. after-sales. East. at Chrysler Gro t, logistics and and the Middle Management c managemen many, Russia d of tegi Ger in hea stra stry ng, and & marketi mobile indu leader, founder king in the auto including a community has been wor top credentials s activities he is s hold ines He . bus e and ions like the RBC rnational Trad Along with his ciat Inte in asso MA and ment, ations public organiz ics and Manage Science & Art. ional Econom y of PhD in Internat of Peter the Great Academ ber Associate Mem
Dr. Igor Egorov
If you want your profile to appear in the first ever Rus Russia – UAE Business Directory then please fill the a attached form and email it to:
r Egorov Full name: Igo 11/1974 Date of Birth: 26/ iness Council e: Russian Bus Company Nam an irm Job Title: Cha ails:
Contact det
g v@rbcdubai.or
r.egoro Email: igo
w.r Website: ww
557 Tel : +971 6
156744 Mobile: +97
-22-99 Fax: +971 6 557 /in/igoregorov LinkedIn:ae. gorov ebo fac ok: Facebo orov igo dr. pe: Sky s:
ation / Addres
Physical Loc
ce No.6
Offi rine Towers, , Al Fattan Ma ch Residence Jumeirah Bea 94 P.O. Box: 408 City: Dubai
Country: UA rmation:
Additional info
ment e and Develop rnational Trad agement - Inte anization Man : Nonprofit Org stry indu e Prim International zenship: Russian MI)- Diploma, Nationality/Citi University (MA cow Automotiveter, Economics nomics - Mos Mas ics Eco , nom PhD berg Eco n-Nuern rnational Education: versitaet Erlange Diploma, Inte Economics - Uni University of Economicssian Plekhanov Rus ersität Wien travel, international - Wirtschaftsuniv photography, tal digi on, , politics, educati tegic planning ball Interests: Stra foot ing, , read gourmet cooking
For further information, please contact:
Russian Emirates Publishing & Advertising Tel.: +971 4 388 4699 E-mail:
Wh Is Who Russia – UAE Business Directory is Who a complementary business support service. All profiles lis listed are free of charge; however, in order to ensure the hig highest quality of business listings, publisher reserves the so sole publishing rights and is at liberty to accept or refuse lis listings after individual screening of profiles. W Who Is Who Russia – UAE Business Directory is m managed by GPS Business Management and the Russian B Business Council in Dubai and Northern Emirates. It I is scheduled to be published in the UAE on November 2014.
Supported by:
Organized by:
Business Management