Cairocature december 2016

Page 1





6 Long age 13 Interview with

Abd El Rahman Abo - Bakr

21Portricature contest

22 Cartoon from Egypt 60            

Wessam Khalil Omar Seddek Khaled El marsafy Marwa Ibrahim Ahmed Samir Farid Asmaa Aly Rasha Mahdy Dalia Mokhtar Eman Azmy Dina Abdelgawad Khaled Salah Samira Saeed

Arab Cartoon  Maytham Rady  Aly Alawy  Nawar Khalil Ayman Alwessaby  Rashad Al Samaeey - Arwa Moukabel  Dress Oubella  BBC News

46 News 51 Portricature contest 52 Dialogue avec 72 Tawfiq Omrane



World Cartoon

Jing shan Li Mehmet Saim Bilge—TVG Menon =Stefan Wenczel - Kamil Jerzyk Arturo Rosas—- Jin Xiao xing Vladislav Dubcov -Kan Htoo Aung





Long age e-magazine has the pleasure to offer its readers in Egypt and all over the world a new page entitled

will be in charge of this page .

This month we are celebrating the 62th anniversary of the Al- Caption describing picture or graphic. gerian revolution broke- out in No(Long age). By : Mr. Abdallah vember 1st. 1954 as El -Sawy Through this page we well as celebrating the would present a group 62th anniversary of of this art. the Algerian revolution Mr. Abdallah El -Sawy broke- out in NovemHe supported the ber 1st. 1954 as well revolution in Algeria as celebrating the against the French oc2nd. Memorial of cupation as well as Mr. Ahmed Toghan , another book published 1962 entitled (Glory in Wahran).

Liberation army. The attacked all the hideous crimes committed by the French army against the Algerian people.

played by Egypt People and state all through the revolution years (1954 – 1962) as well as all other Arab and African revolution.

Toghan referred to the important role



The book narrated in a versatile and humane style all the sacrifices and gallant actions of the Algerian

‫من أيام زمان‬

‫‪Volume 1, Issue 1‬‬

‫بقلم ‪ :‬عبد هللا الصاوى‬

‫ٌُسعد مجلة "كاٌرو كاتٌر"؛ أن من أبرز رسامى جٌل الرواد الفنان‬ ‫ُتقدم لقرائها فى مصر وشتىء المُبدع‪ :‬أحمد طوغان‪ ،‬الذى رحل عن‬ ‫عالمنا فى العشرٌن من شهر نوفمبر عام‬ ‫ً‬ ‫جدٌدا تحت‬ ‫بقاع العالم بابًا‬ ‫‪.2014‬‬ ‫عنوان‪( :‬من أٌام زمان)؛‬ ‫ً‬ ‫إرتباطا وثٌ ًقا بثورات‬ ‫نستعرض من خالله مجموعة وقد ارتبط طوغان‬ ‫من الرسوم الكارٌكاتورٌة لرواد الشعوب العربٌة بشكل عام وثورة‬ ‫فن الكارٌكاتٌر فى مصر‪،‬‬ ‫الشعب الجزائري بشكل خاص‪ ،‬مُنذ عام‬ ‫وٌُشرف على هذا الباب الكاتب ‪ ،1953‬وظهر ذلك جلًٌا فى كتابه‬ ‫الصحفى‪ :‬عبدهللا الصاوى‪.‬‬ ‫األول الذى أصدره عام ‪ 1957‬تحت‬ ‫ونحتفل معكم هذا الشهر بمرور عنوان‪(:‬قضاٌا الشعوب)؛ والذى ضم‬ ‫أثنٌن وستٌن عامًا على إندالع بٌن دفتٌه العدٌد من الرسوم التى ُتندد‬ ‫الشرارة األولً لحرب التحرٌر بالمُستعمر الفرنسى‪ ،‬وتشد من أزر‬ ‫الجزائرٌة فى األول من نوفمبر جٌش التحرٌر الجزائري‪.‬‬ ‫عام ‪ ،1954‬وكذلك نحتفل‬ ‫وظل طوغان ٌتحٌن الفرصة لإلطالع‬ ‫بمرورتسعٌن عامًاعلى مٌالد عن ُقرب عما ٌدور فى الجزائر‪ ،‬إلى أن‬ ‫شٌخ رسامً الكارٌكاتٌر وواحد سنحت له الفرصة وتمكن بعد عناء كبٌر‬ ‫من السفر للجزائر ومعاٌشة الثورة‬ ‫‪7‬‬

‫الجزائرٌة والمشاركة فٌها‪.‬‬ ‫وقد وثق طوغان هذه األحداث لحظة‬ ‫بلحظة‪ ،‬فى كتاب ٌُعد من أهم ال ُكتب التى‬ ‫تناولت الثورة الجزائرٌة‪ ،‬وصدر الكتاب‬ ‫بالقاهرة عام ‪ 1962‬تحت عنوان‪(:‬أٌام‬ ‫المجد فى جبال وهران)‪ ،‬وٌُعد الكتاب‬ ‫وثٌقة مهمة تؤرخ للجوانب اإلنسانٌة لثوار‬ ‫جٌش التحرٌر الجزائرى بما فٌها من‬ ‫بطوالت وتضحٌات قد ٌقرأها البعض‬ ‫ألول مرة‪ ،‬كما ٌسرد طوغان بأسلوب‬ ‫أدبى بلٌغ جزء من الجرائم البشعة التى‬ ‫قامت بها قوات اإلحتالل الفرنسى ضد‬ ‫ثوار جٌش التحرٌر الجزائرى والمدنٌ​ٌن‬ ‫الجزائرٌ​ٌن العُزل‪ ،‬ولم ٌنسى المؤلف أن‬ ‫ٌُشٌر بٌن طٌات الكتاب إلى الدور المهم‬ ‫والحٌوي الذي لعبته الدولة المصرٌة‬ ‫حكومة وشعبًا فً دعم ثورة الملٌون شهٌد‬ ‫منذ اندالعها "‪،"1962 - 1954‬‬ ‫‪CAIROCATURE‬‬

This story can fit 150-200 words. One benefit of using your newsletter as a promotional tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing materials, such as press releases, market studies, and reports. While your main goal of distributing a newsletter might be to sell your product or service, the key to a successful newsletter is making it useful to your readers. A great way to add useful content to your newsletter is to develop and write your own

articles, or include a calendar of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new product. You can also research articles or find ―filler‖ articles by accessing the World Wide Web. You can write about a variety of topics but try to keep your articles short.

Web site and post it.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Much of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. Microsoft Publisher offers a simple way to convert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when you‘re finished writing your newsletter, convert it to a

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 100-150 words. The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field. You may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients.

If the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing.

employees or top customers or vendors.

Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an editorial. You can also profile new

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. Selecting pictures or graphics is an important part of adding content to your newsletter. Think about your article and ask yourself if the picture supports or enhances the message you‘re trying to convey. Avoid selecting images that appear to be out of context.


Microsoft Publisher includes thousands of clip art images


from which you can choose and import into your newsletter. There are also several tools you can use to draw shapes and symbols. Once you have chosen an image, place it close to the article. Be sure to place the caption of the image near the image.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Volume 1, Issue 1

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 150-200 words. One benefit of using your newsletter as a promotional tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing materials, such as press releases, market studies, and reports. While your main goal of distributing a newsletter might be to sell your product or service, the key to a successful newsletter is making it useful to your readers. A great way to add useful content to your newsletter is to develop and write your own

articles, or include a calendar of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new product.

Web site and post it.

You can also research articles or find ―filler‖ articles by accessing the World Wide Web. You can write about a variety of topics but try to keep your articles short. Much of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. Microsoft Publisher offers a simple way to convert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when you‘re finished writing your newsletter, convert it to a

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Inside Story Headline

“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story

This story can fit 100-150 words. The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field. You may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients.

If the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing.

employees or top customers or vendors.


Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an editorial. You can also profile new

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. Selecting pictures or graphics is an important part of adding content to your newsletter. Think about your article and ask yourself if the picture supports or enhances the message you‘re trying to convey. Avoid selecting images that appear to be out of context.

from which you can choose and import into your newsletter. There are also several tools you can use to draw shapes and symbols. Once you have chosen an image, place it close to the article. Be sure to place the caption of the image near the image. Caption describing picture or graphic.

Microsoft Publisher includes thousands of clip art images


Page 9 9

This story can fit 150-200 words. One benefit of using your newsletter as a promotional tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing materials, such as press releases, market studies, and reports. While your main goal of distributing a newsletter might be to sell your product or service, the key to a successful newsletter is making it useful to your readers. A great way to add useful content to your newsletter is to develop and write your own

articles, or include a calendar of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new product. You can also research articles or find ―filler‖ articles by accessing the World Wide Web. You can write about a variety of topics but try to keep your articles short.

Web site and post it.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Much of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. Microsoft Publisher offers a simple way to convert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when you‘re finished writing your newsletter, convert it to a

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 100-150 words. The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field. You may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients.

If the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing.

employees or top customers or vendors.

Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an editorial. You can also profile new

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. Selecting pictures or graphics is an important part of adding content to your newsletter. Think about your article and ask yourself if the picture supports or enhances the message you‘re trying to convey. Avoid selecting images that appear to be out of context.


Microsoft Publisher includes thousands of clip art images


from which you can choose and import into your newsletter. There are also several tools you can use to draw shapes and symbols. Once you have chosen an image, place it close to the article. Be sure to place the caption of the image near the image.

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Volume 1, Issue 1

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 150-200 words. One benefit of using your newsletter as a promotional tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing materials, such as press releases, market studies, and reports. While your main goal of distributing a newsletter might be to sell your product or service, the key to a successful newsletter is making it useful to your readers. A great way to add useful content to your newsletter is to develop and write your own

articles, or include a calendar of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new product.

Web site and post it.

You can also research articles or find ―filler‖ articles by accessing the World Wide Web. You can write about a variety of topics but try to keep your articles short. Much of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. Microsoft Publisher offers a simple way to convert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when you‘re finished writing your newsletter, convert it to a

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Inside Story Headline

“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story

This story can fit 100-150 words. The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field. You may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients.

If the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing.

employees or top customers or vendors.


Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an editorial. You can also profile new

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. Selecting pictures or graphics is an important part of adding content to your newsletter. Think about your article and ask yourself if the picture supports or enhances the message you‘re trying to convey. Avoid selecting images that appear to be out of context.

from which you can choose and import into your newsletter. There are also several tools you can use to draw shapes and symbols. Once you have chosen an image, place it close to the article. Be sure to place the caption of the image near the image. Caption describing picture or graphic.

Microsoft Publisher includes thousands of clip art images


Page 11 11

‫‪Inside Story Headline‬‬

‫طوغان واألستاذ‪ :‬عمارى عٌاش المُلحق الثقافى الجزائرى بالقاهرة(األسبق)؛ بمقر نقابة الصحفٌ​ٌن بالقاهرة أثناء‬ ‫اإلعداد والتجهٌز للطبعة الثانٌة من كتاب (أٌام المجد فى جبال وهران) ؛ المُقرر صدوره عن الهٌئة المصرٌة‬ ‫العامة للكتاب خالل شهر ٌناٌر المُقبل‪.‬‬



Interview with Abd El Rahman Abo - Bakr

Inside Story Headline

“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story

This story can fit 100-150 words. The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field. You may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients.

If the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing.

employees or top customers or vendors.

Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an editorial. You can also profile new

Inside Story Headline




My name is Abd El Rahman Abo Bakr ,I am Egyptian Cartoonist works at (AKHBAR EL YOUM) newspaper

I am member of (FECO- Egypt) & member of the Egyptian Society impact on the reali- hours daily. I keep in my mind ty that I ought to Every day I draw change my cartoon sketches & watch any time; Newspalots of world carper may objects to a toon, I draw for 2

cartoonist & others. I follow-up the latest news locally and globally... And people comments on social media websites to compare between the event and its particular part in my painting or in the comment. Therefore computer and Photoshop or digital

painting solved the problem. You can easily modify change in any part

you like ,but Original cartoon is Vis versa where any modification appears badly in the final printing of the newspaper. . I begin the cartoon world by Mustafa Hussein (God bless his soul and makes the restPage 14 CAIROCATURE


‫دائما بٌبقً فً بالً إن ممكن‬ ‫ٌومً بٌبدأ بمتابعة آخر‬ ‫اسمى عبد الرحمن أبو‬ ‫األخبار اللً حصلت محلٌا ً‬ ‫ٌبقً فً تعدٌل أي وقت فً‬ ‫بكر ‪ ...‬رسام كارٌكاتٌر‬ ‫الرسمه ‪ ..‬ممكن الجرٌدة‬ ‫وعالمٌا ً ‪ ..‬ومتابعة تعلٌقات‬ ‫بجرٌدة أخبار الٌوم‬ ‫تعترض علً جزء معٌن فً‬ ‫الناس علً مواقع التواصل‬ ‫المصرٌة ‪ -‬عضو باالتحاد االجتماعً للربط بٌن الحدث و الرسمة أو فً التعلٌق ‪ ..‬ولذلك‬ ‫الكمبٌوتر و خاصة الفوتوشوب‬ ‫أثر حدوثه علً الواقع ‪.....‬‬ ‫الدولً للكارٌكاتٌر‬ ‫( الفٌكو ) ‪ -‬عضو جمعٌة عدد مرات الرسم ٌومٌا بٌبقً وبرامج الرسم الرقمً حلت‬ ‫المشكلة دي إلن بسهولة تقدر‬ ‫الكارٌكاتٌر المصرٌة ‪ ..‬مش كتٌر بس باحاول إنً‬ ‫تعدل أي حاجة فً الرسمة أو‬ ‫أحافظ علً مدة معٌنة للرسم‬ ‫وحاجات تانٌة كتٌر بس‬ ‫تغٌر فٌها أي جزء تحبه ‪-‬‬ ‫ٌومٌا ما بٌن إسكتشات و‬ ‫على عكس الرسومات الٌدوٌة‬ ‫مش فاكرها كلها دلوقتً تجارب جدٌدة و فرجة علً‬ ‫التعدٌل بٌبقً فٌها صعب‬ ‫شغل فنانٌ​ٌن كتٌر أجانب و‬ ‫وبٌظهر فً الطباعة النهائٌة‬ ‫محلٌ​ٌن ‪ ..‬أعتقد إنً بارسم‬ ‫مش أقل من ساعتٌن ٌومٌا ‪ ..‬للجرٌدة ‪..‬‬ ‫دخلت عالم الكارتون عن‬ ‫طرٌق أ‪ .‬مصطفً حسٌن‬ ‫( رحمه هللا ) ‪ ....‬إلن من‬ ‫صغري اتربٌت علً مشاهدة‬ ‫رسوماته الملٌئة بروعة‬ ‫وسالسة الخطوط وقوة‬ ‫التشرٌح و إبهار غٌر عادي‬

‫فً استخدام األلوان وكان أول‬ ‫حاجة باعملها وأنا صغٌر إنً حتى لو ضعٌفة الرسم القوي‬ ‫أتفرج علً الكارٌكاتٌر بتاعه هٌجذب العٌن أكتر ‪...‬‬ ‫ وانبهرت بٌه أكتر لما كنت ‪ ...‬لكن إتضح لٌا العكس‪،‬‬‫باتفرج علً البورترٌهات‬ ‫الفكرة أقوى وأسرع فً‬ ‫اللً كان بٌرسمها وخاصة الوصول للقارئ والمتلقً حتى‬ ‫بالجواش ‪ .‬قمة فً التمكن فً لو كان الرسم بسٌط ‪ ....‬من‬ ‫استخدام األلوان وعارف‬ ‫أمثله ذلك رسومات العبقري‬ ‫بالظبط هو عاٌز ٌعمل أٌه ‪ ...‬حجازي كانت أفكارة قوٌة جداً‬ ‫الشًء اللً خالنً آمنت فعالً وإسلوبه سهل و بسٌط ‪ ...‬لكن‬ ‫إنً نفسً أبقً زٌه بالظبط ‪ -‬أنا باحب دائما التحدي وباحاول‬ ‫رسام كارٌكاتٌر قوي غٌر‬ ‫أوصل لمعادلة تجمع بٌن قوة‬ ‫منفصل عن واقعه ‪ -‬حاسس الفكرة و قوة االستاٌل اللً‬ ‫بمشاكل الناس صاحب رؤٌة بٌعبر عنها بحٌث ما ٌبقاش فٌه‬ ‫وفكر وفلسفة خاصة للحٌاة إنفصال بٌنهم ‪.‬‬ ‫وللعمل ‪ ...‬وفعال أنا ال أصلح‬ ‫االستاٌل ولال الفكرة ؟؟‬ ‫إال رسام كارٌكاتٌر ولو‬ ‫امممم ‪ ...‬أنا كنت زمان باركز‬ ‫اشتغلت أي حاجة تانٌة هابقً‬ ‫على االستاٌل أكتر من الفكرة‬ ‫أفشل واحد فً العالم ‪..‬‬ ‫وكنت باقول إن الفكرة حتى لو‬ ‫ضعٌفة الرسم القوي هٌجذب‬ ‫العٌن أكتر ‪ ...‬لكن إتضح لٌا‬ ‫االستاٌل ولال الفكرة ؟؟‬ ‫العكس‪ ،‬الفكرة أقوى وأسرع‬ ‫امممم ‪ ...‬أنا كنت زمان‬ ‫باركز على االستاٌل أكتر من فً الوصول للقارئ والمتلقً‬ ‫الفكرة وكنت باقول إن الفكرة حتى لو كان الرسم بسٌط ‪....‬‬

‫‪Page 15‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬


resting place of paradise.). When I was kid I am accustomed to see his cartoon which was splendor and has a smooth lines and anatomy he used to use gou-


and philosophy ... ache colors in portrait Utmost Actually I'm only Skill a cartoonist & if I So i hope to be work another carrier like him one day. I'll be a failure. Draw about people‘s life Have my own vision, thoughts

Style or idea? In the past I give attention to my style more than the idea & I thought even if idea is weak, good drawing may take the eyes but it turned out the opposite . The idea is stronger and faster than style in reaching the reader even if the style is simple. But I need to use good idea & style together, for example the genius Hijazi he 16

use strong ideas and style easy and simple ... but I love always the challenge and the equation that combines the idea and the style The secret to get new ideas is reading a lot In various fields to develop your drawings.

‫المجاالت بجانب سعٌة لتطوٌر‬ ‫رسوماته و جهده ‪..‬‬

‫من أمثله ذلك رسومات‬ ‫العبقري حجازي كانت‬ ‫أفكارة قوٌة جداً وإسلوبه‬ ‫سهل و بسٌط ‪ ...‬لكن أنا‬ ‫بحب الرسم جدا من‬ ‫باحب دائما التحدي‬ ‫وباحاول أوصل لمعادلة الطبٌعة ‪ ...‬وبحب ارسم‬ ‫تجمع بٌن قوة الفكرة و قوة اسكتشات الٌف مش كارٌكاتٌر‬ ‫االستاٌل اللً بٌعبر عنها " بورترٌهات _ طبٌعة صامتة‬ ‫بحٌث ما ٌبقاش فٌه إنفصال _ وغٌرها من أنواع الرسم ‪...‬‬ ‫الن الموضوع بالظبط كإنك‬ ‫بٌنهم ‪ ...‬واألفكار ما‬ ‫فاتح حساب فً البنك والزم‬ ‫بتجٌش إال من القراءة‬ ‫الكتٌر فالزم الرسام ٌكون كل فترة تزود حسابك ‪ ..‬فالمخ‬ ‫هو البنك والتجربة والرسم من‬ ‫مثقف وقاري فً شتً‬ ‫الطبٌعة هً رصٌدك اللً‬ ‫بتودعه فً البنك وكل ما تزود‬

‫رصٌدك كل ما حسابك فً‬ ‫البنك هٌكبر‪ ..‬االسكتشات‬ ‫مهمه جدا ‪ ..‬لنقل الواقع اللً‬ ‫حوالٌك علً الفكرة اللً‬ ‫بترسمها وفً االخر الرسمة‬ ‫بتبقً ظاهرة انها من فكر‬ ‫مبدع محتك بمشاكل واقعة‬ ‫ومن رسم عٌن كالكامٌرا قادرة‬ ‫علً التقاط ادق التفاصٌل فً‬ ‫االشخاص او تفاصٌل المكان‬ ‫اللً بتدور حوالٌه الفكرة ‪..‬‬

‫حركه اجسامهم و تعبٌرات‬ ‫بخطط االسكتش دائما‬ ‫وشهم ودا بٌبقً سرٌع جدا الكارٌكاتٌر ‪ ...‬اما بالنسبة‬ ‫بالرصاص وبٌبقً اكتر من ومفٌهوش اي مالمح ممٌزة ‪ ..‬للوحات فا بحب استخدم الوان‬ ‫اسكتش واحد ‪ ..‬اول اسكتش االسكتش التانً بٌبقً بتأنً االكرٌلٌك النها بتدي نفس تاثٌر‬ ‫بٌبقً كروكً جدا لمجرد انً اكتر وتفاصٌله بتبقً اوضح‪ ..‬الوان الزٌت و بتنشف اسرع‬ ‫احدد نسب الشخصٌات و‬ ‫من الوان الزٌت ‪ ...‬بحب جدا‬ ‫وبعد كده ببدأ أحبر ‪......‬‬ ‫جربت أحبر علطول من غٌر الوان الباستٌل النها بتخلٌك‬ ‫اسكتشات كانت تجربة حلوة تتحدي نفسك للوصول لدرجات‬ ‫االلوان اللً انت عاٌزها فً‬ ‫لكن ما تصلحش للطباعة‬ ‫والنشر النها بتبقً محتاجة لوحتك و مزج االلوان بٌها‬ ‫اكثر من ممتع ‪...‬‬ ‫تدرٌب كبٌ​ٌ​ٌ​ٌ​ٌر جدا‪..‬‬ ‫كل االدوات بستخدمها ‪...‬‬ ‫طبعا الرصاص لالسكتشات‬ ‫زي ما قولت قبل كده ‪ ..‬اقالم‬ ‫التحبٌر وانا بحب ساعات‬ ‫استخدم اقالم الخط العربً‬ ‫الن تخناتها بتدي تاثٌر‬ ‫الفرشة ‪ ..‬فً اقالم تحبٌر‬ ‫اسمها زٌبرا دي اكنك بترسم‬ ‫بفرشه بالظبط ‪ ...‬بحب كل‬ ‫انواع االلوان ‪ .‬بالنسبة‬ ‫للكارٌكاتٌر فً نوع اسمه "‬ ‫بلٌكان " وهً الوان مائٌة‬ ‫بتبقً جٌدة جدا فً الطباعة‬ ‫ومناسبة العمال‬ ‫‪17‬‬

‫وبالنسبة للدٌجٌتال او الرسم‬ ‫الرقمً فأنا بستخدم برنامج‬ ‫الفوتوشوب وهو برامج اصال‬ ‫معالج للصور ولكن ٌستخدم‬ ‫اٌضا للرسم و فً برنامج اخر‬ ‫عبقري اسمه " بنتر "‬ ‫مصصمم خصٌصا ً للرسامٌن‬ ‫لكنه صعب فً التعامل أكثر‬ ‫من الفوتوشوب ‪ ...‬لو انتوا‬ ‫تعرفوا برامج تانٌه قولولً‬


I love nature graphic, draw life sketches not cartoon (portrait still life & other). It is as you have a bank account & you need every period to increase your mon-

ey, the brain is the bank, (experience and drawing from nature) is your balance in the bank. Sketches are very important to convey the reality around you to

the idea, the drawings comes from creative person who know the problems of reality The drawing a as a camera that able to capture the smallest details in the people

or the details of places. I use all tools ... of course the pencil for sketches. Inking pens & used calligraphy pens its effect like the brush... Zebra inking pen looks like brush exactly ... love all kinds of colors. For the comics the type "Pelican" a waterPage 18 CAIROCATURE


color is very good in printing and suitable for caricature... I use acrylic colors because it has the same effect as oil colors in painting. And dry up faster than oil colors... I Love pastel colors because you can reach tones, mixing the colors more than fun...

‫أهدافً ‪:‬‬ ‫اجابابت كتٌرة السئله بسالها انا‬ ‫إنً أحقق ذاتً من خالل وجٌلً من الرسامٌن لغاٌة‬ ‫الموهبة اللً ربنا اكرمنً دلوقتً ‪.......‬‬ ‫بٌها الننا كرسامٌن ال نقل كل حاجة حوالٌك تصلح انها‬ ‫عن الصحفٌ​ٌن او‬ ‫تبقً عنصر للمعرفة لٌك لزٌادة‬ ‫االعالمٌ​ٌن الكبار اصحاب خبراتك ‪ ...‬المعرفة مش‬ ‫المنابر االعالمٌة ‪ ...‬هدفً مقتصرة علً الكتب والقراءة‬ ‫انً استطٌع نقل الواقع‬ ‫المعرفة فً كل حاجه ‪...‬فً‬ ‫علً ورق واضٌف له‬ ‫التعامالت الٌومٌة بٌن الناس ‪..‬‬ ‫بسمه او ضحكة مصنوعة فً فٌلم اجنبً تشوفة وتطلع منه‬ ‫بفكر و ذكاء ‪ ....‬انك‬ ‫بفكرة او ترسٌخ لمبدا اخالقً‬ ‫تكون انسان مفكر وقارئ جواك ‪ ..‬من مقطوعة موسٌقٌة‬ ‫دا مراد ربنا منك عشان تشجً سمعك و تخلٌك تدخل‬ ‫تقدر تنجز وتترك ابداعات لعالم خٌالً ممكن تالقً فٌه حل‬ ‫للجٌل اللً بعدك ‪ ...‬انا‬ ‫لمشكله عندك ‪ ....‬من طبخة‬ ‫نفسً ابقً احسن رسام‬ ‫حلوة بتعرف تعملها تخلٌك فنان‬ ‫مش عشان الشهرة بس‬ ‫فً انك تنسق الوان مكونات‬ ‫عشان ابقً مثل ٌحتذي بٌه الطبخة مع بعضها و تظهر فً‬ ‫بعد كده زي ا‪ .‬مصطفً االخر اكنها لوحة مرسومة‬ ‫حسٌن ‪ ....‬توفً وترك‬ ‫بالزٌت ‪ ...‬فً خناقاتك الٌومٌة‬ ‫وراه مٌراث فنً كبٌر و مع والدك واللً بٌدولك درس‬

‫دلوقتً ارسملً كارٌكاتٌر عن‬ ‫العرب ومصر ‪ ...‬ولو كان‬ ‫رسام مش مثقف فهٌرسم العرب‬ ‫رجاله البسه جاللٌب و نساء‬ ‫منقبات و عاٌشٌ​ٌن فً‬ ‫الصحرا ‪ ..‬هً دي الصورة‬ ‫الغالبه عندهم لٌنا كعرب ‪ ...‬فا‬ ‫احنا الزم نغٌر الصورة دي‬ ‫بشغلنا ‪ ...‬واللهً احنا اقووي‬ ‫منهم بكتٌر بس احنا كسالً جدا‬ ‫وهً دي مشكلتنا الدائمة ‪..‬‬

‫رسالتً للعالم ‪ ..‬وهً رساله‬ ‫صعبة شوٌة ‪ ..‬ان العالم خالص‬ ‫علً وشك االنتهاء ‪ .‬فإذا كانت‬ ‫هً دي الحقٌقة الوحٌدة حالٌا‬ ‫فٌجب اننا نبتعد عن كل‬ ‫الحروب واالزمات اللً‬ ‫بتحصل ونجمل ما بقً لٌنا على‬ ‫ظهر هذا الكوكب ‪ ...‬حتى فً‬ ‫وسط الحروب واالزمات الكتٌر‬ ‫اللً بتحصل دلوقتً اكٌ​ٌ​ٌد‬ ‫فً كٌف تكون دٌكتاتور متسلط بٌبقً فً بصٌص من االمل‬ ‫و عندي فً ارائك ولما تٌجً والسعادة ‪ ...‬فٌجب اننا نبحث‬ ‫ترسم اي رسم سٌاسً عن اي عن االمل والسعادة وسط طرٌق‬ ‫شخصٌة دٌكاتورٌة اكٌد هتنفعك طوٌل مظلم من الحروب‬ ‫واالزمات‪ ..‬وهً دي رسالة كل‬ ‫الخبرات دي ‪......‬‬ ‫فنان عامة ورسام خاصة ‪..‬‬

‫المجلة عجبتنً جداً ‪ ...‬وكنت‬ ‫رسالتً لكل الرسامٌن‬ ‫بافكر فً نفس الفكرة دي ‪..‬‬ ‫المصرٌ​ٌن ‪ ...‬هً الثقافة‬ ‫النً ٌحزننً إن كان عندنا‬ ‫والمعرفة وقراءة االحداث بشكل مجلة بقوة مجلة كارٌكاتٌر زمان‬ ‫صحٌح و مطالعة اعمال‬ ‫وأصبحت دلوقتً مش‬ ‫االجانب ‪ ...‬ومعرفة مكان‬ ‫موجودة ‪ ...‬فكون ان تظهر‬ ‫تواجدنا علً خرٌطة‬ ‫مجلة كارٌكاتٌر الكترونٌة تتابع‬ ‫الكارٌكاتٌر فً العالم كله ‪...‬‬ ‫الواقع والمستحدثات التكنولوجٌة‬ ‫احنا عندنا مٌراث ثقافً رهٌ​ٌب‬ ‫الجدٌدة فده شىء هاٌل جداً ‪...‬‬ ‫ال ٌستخدم واحنا كعرب لٌنا‬ ‫تارٌخ اكبر من اي تارٌخ الي وٌارٌت ٌبقً فً أكتر من مجلة‬ ‫دوله اجنبٌة لكن ما بنستخدمش لخلق جو التنافس ودا كله فً‬ ‫دا ‪ٌ ..‬عنً انا لو قلت الي رسام صالح كل الرسامٌن‪.‬‬ ‫اجنبً‬ ‫‪19‬‬


My Goals: But what about us now? .. I mean if you told any foreign painter to draw about Egypt or Arab he will draw men and women Wears jilbab in desert. I hope to be the best not to be (Preponderant image they famous but to be an example to know about Arabs) . be followed as ( Mostafa Hus- My message to the world... sein). Dead and affect great aris a little difficult... The tistic heritage. world is about to end. For digital or digital painting I (The only truth), so we use Photoshop, and another should stop the war and genius program "Pinter" specif- crises on this planet ... ically for painters but it is diffi- there are a glimmer of cult to deal more than Phohope and happiness ... we toshop. should look for hope and …………... happiness To self-edit through my talent, cartoonists like journalists or media platforms owners... my goal is to draw from life on paper and add laugh thought and intelligence ....

My message to all Egyptians Painters ... is culture, knowledge and reading events correctly viewed and foreign work ... and find out where our location in caricature world map ... we have unused great cultural heritage , Arabs have a great history


…………… I liked CAIROCATURE magazine ... I thought the same idea before ... Because I am saddened that we missed strongly magazine in the past


Which was (Caricature) ... now electronic Comics magazine shin which has the technology & reality innovations and new show delegation and I wish to read more magazines to create a competition atmosphere

this contest was judged by Dai Tamura (the first winner of the last contest) as following: 1st winner: Romeo Jericho (Indonesia) 2nd winners: Wael Safwat (Egypt) & Payam Vafatabar (Iran) 3rd winners: Bruno Tesse (France), Fernando Cobos (Spain) & Clรกudio Teixeira(Brazil).



















Ahmed Samir Farid (born September 30,1969) is an Egyptian cartoonist . He started publishing his drawings in 2006 and since then, he has participated of many national and international competitions and has won many awards. some of his notable awards have come from The cultural Andalusia (Egypt 2012) 1st prize, The Kotobgia Bookstore (Egypt 2014) 3rd prize , harafeesh cultural cafĂŠ (Egypt 2015) 3rd prize and also same 3rd prize harafeesh cultural cafĂŠ (egypt2016) HE has also participated in many exhibitions in various countries, including Egypt , Hungary , CAIROCATURE


France , Japan , Turkey ,Kuwait, India ,CUBA and others . He is the cartoonist of Egypt air magazine (transit) for 6 years and he also one of the teamwork who organize the 1stinternational gathering for cartoons in Egypt 2014 and also the 2nd international gathering in Egypt 2015,moreover he established academy for cartoons and caricatures on virtual reality and made many workshops teaching cartoons and caricatures on actual fact. He is a member of Egyptian Association for Cartoons and also a member of FECO ( Federations of Cartoonists Organizations )of Egypt,











She studied music and began her career as a poet for adults & then a poet and writer of short stories for children ,She began a painter Comics five years ago , participated in 15 exhibitions , she organized half sweet Fair , against harassment exhibition , goodbye Mustafa Hussein exhibition ,me & my mother in law exhibition She was discussing women's issues by ( the Egyptian cartoonist women Association ) , which launched in 2014 & her work focused on social issues through characters under the name of ( Wanisa and Anisa) , she left her support of women and go a head to the field of children's drawings and stories Now she designs puppets ..





she has graduated from Ain Shams University Faculty of arts—French literature section Diploma in Translation from the University of Lyon, France.

participated in the International Gathering of the comics ... 2015 & 2016 ... Bahgory Cartoon

Participated in several exhibitions


At Cordoba , Droop , Hanajer & Greek campus in Cairo gallery .

& Abdul Aziz Tag Cartoon

preparing its own exhibition. Member of ( the Egyptian women cartoonist Association ) & Egyptian caricature Association Participated in several exhibitions Sawy and cam Alcinmaya International Festival .. Bdortih..2015 and 2016



















Wessam Khalil Egypt

humour-a-gallarate-2016 Mention Section Satire CAIROCATURE






Wessam Khalil




Dina Abdelgawad



Dina Abdelgawad



this contest was judged by Romeo Jericho (the first winner of the last contest) as following: 1st winner: Fernando Cobos (Spain) 2nd winners: Cartoonist John Henson (Philippines) & Payam Vafatabar (Iran) 3rd winners: Misterponce Murchia (France), Karikaturist Schnellzeichner Kasli (Turkey) & Armagan Yuksel(Turkey). CAIROCATURE


Dialogue avec Tawfiq Omrane



‫توفيق‬ ‫عمران‬ ‫رسام كارٌكاتٌىر وسٌنارٌست‬ ‫ولد فً ‪ ..13/2/1959‬بمدٌنة‬ ‫توزٌر ‪...‬تونس‬ ‫الدراسة الثانوٌة بتوزٌر ‪...‬والجامعٌة‬ ‫بتونس‬ ‫حٌث حصل على إجازة فً فنون‬ ‫الجرافٌك والسٌنارٌو‪.‬‬ ‫النشاط‪ :‬رسام كارٌكاتٌر ‪ ،‬فنون‬ ‫الجرافٌك بانواعها ‪،‬رسم وتصمٌم‬ ‫وعمل سٌنارٌو ‪.‬‬ ‫سفٌر اتحاد رابطة رسامً االسكتش‬ ‫التونسٌة‬ ‫من سنة ‪ 1980‬الً ‪.. .1995‬‬

‫ومن سنة ‪2000‬الً ‪ 2002‬عمل كرسام‬ ‫حر‪..‬‬

‫ مارتل‪ -‬فرنسا ‪/‬مدٌنة لٌموج ‪-‬‬‫مارس ‪2015‬‬

‫فً عام ‪...2003‬قام بادارة دار‬ ‫النشر‪ALFINIQ....‬التً انشات فً نفس ‪-‬سبتمبر ‪ : 2016‬الملتقى‬ ‫الدولً ‪...‬للناشرٌن فً الصحافة ‪/‬‬ ‫العام ‪..‬‬ ‫سٌان ‪ /‬جائزة فرنسا‬ ‫ثم عمل منذ عام ‪..2011‬كرسام‬ ‫‪:2014‬جائزة " اكادٌمٌة حرٌة‬‫كارٌكاتٌر‪ :‬برادٌو ‪Kalima FM‬‬ ‫وسائل االعالم ‪/‬قسم‪/‬الكارٌكاتٌر"‬ ‫صفحة على الفٌس وموقع على النت‬ ‫عمل الرسوم االرشادٌة لعدة‬ ‫وعمل بجرٌدة ‪(Swat Echaab).‬‬ ‫فصول من الدستور التونسً الجدٌد‬ ‫االسبوعٌة وكذلك جرٌدة (اخبار‬ ‫‪"les libertès" .‬‬ ‫الجمهورٌة) االسبوعٌة باالضافة الً‬ ‫عضو تحكٌم فً "‪"Prix Star‬‬ ‫الجرٌدة الفرنسٌة‬ ‫لكتب االطفال ‪..‬لمدة ‪ 3‬اعوام‬ ‫‪CQFD..‬الشهرٌة ‪:‬والموقع الفرنسً‬ ‫‪the Dissident-Radio‬‬ ‫وكذلك فً جائزة" ‪prix‬‬ ‫‪Expreess FM...‬‬ ‫"‪Médina‬للرواٌة‪ /‬للشباب لمدة‬ ‫موقع على االنترنت وصفحة على‬ ‫الفٌس‬ ‫رسم مباشر على الهواء للبرنامج الثقافً‬ ‫"بٌت الخاٌل "لمدة موسمٌن‬ ‫وكذلك فً برنامج سٌاسً بعنوان "‪24/7‬‬ ‫" لقناة وطنٌة ‪1‬‬

‫عام واحد‬ ‫رسومات كتابٌن بتونس‬ ‫‪- Le Djerid ď après ses‬‬ ‫‪blagues - 2014‬‬

‫عمل كرسام كارٌكاتٌر فً عدة صحف وفً الحوار التونسً ‪TV-‬كاتب سٌنارٌو‬ ‫ورسوم لقناة ‪"Limen Yajro‬‬ ‫تونسٌة‪.‬‬ ‫‪Faqat"..‬‬ ‫الرأي‪-‬المستقبل‪-‬الوحدة‪-‬الموقف‪le -‬‬ ‫سنة ‪..1987‬تكرٌم رسام الكارٌكاتٌر‬ ‫ ‪temps‬االسبوعٌة ‪ -‬المنارة‬‫الفلسطٌنً‪ .‬ناجً العلً ‪1999:‬و‪2011‬‬ ‫مصمم بمجلة ‪"la Gazette‬‬ ‫الٌوم الفنً (لسٌتروٌن) ‪-‬ابرٌل ‪2012‬‬ ‫‪Touristique"..‬وجرٌدة" ‪les‬‬ ‫مهرجان الكارٌكاتٌر بقفصه‬ ‫‪Annonces".‬‬ ‫ابرٌل ‪la Marsa :2012‬معرض‬‫رسام للرسوم المتحركة فً عدة‬ ‫فً مكتبة ‪Mille Feuilles.‬ماٌو‬ ‫مجالت لالطفال‪:.‬مدٌر فنً فً‬ ‫‪:2012‬‬ ‫وكالة اعالن ‪Belmaket ..‬‬ ‫الموسم االول ل‪"..‬كارٌكاتٌر تونس "‪-‬‬ ‫مؤسس لبٌت النشر ‪Arcs‬‬

‫دٌسمبر ‪:2012‬مصر‪.‬‬

‫ٌولٌو ‪ 2013‬كامٌرون (‬ ‫من سنة ‪1996‬الً ‪ 1999‬بجهود‬ ‫مشتركة مع آخرٌن ‪...‬عمل كمدٌر فنً ‪Fesca1rhy)-Octobre‬‬ ‫‪2014:‬صالون الكرٌكاتٌر والرسم‬ ‫ب دار نشر ‪Sildar .‬‬ ‫الصحفً‪..‬بسان جٌوست‬ ‫‪53‬‬


Tawfiq Omrane Caricaturiste, Scénariste Né le 13/02/1959 à Tozeur, Tunisie. Etudes secondaires : à Tozeur, Etudes supérieures : à Tunis, Formation : Arts graphiques, Scénario. Activités : Caricature, Arts graphiques, Dessin, BD, Design, Scénario. Ambassadeur de l‘Association United

- Directeur artistique à Belmaket (agence de publicité). - Co-fondateur de la maison d‘édition Arcs Editions. De 1996 à 1999: Directeur artistique à Sildar (maison d‘édition). De 2000 à 2002: Free lance. De 2003 … Création d‘une maison d‘édition : ALFINIQ EDITION, dont il est le gérant. A partir de 2011 Caricaturiste à : Radio kalima FM (Site web et Page Face-

Sketches en Tunisie. unitedsketches/ De 1980 à 1995 : Caricaturiste dans plusieurs journaux tunisiens dont : Erraï; Al Mostakbel ; Al Wehda ; Al Mawkef; Le Temps hebdo; Le Phare ... - Maquettiste du magazine «La Gazette Touristique» et du journal «Les Annonces». - Dessinateur de bandes dessinées dans des magazines pour enfants. CAIROCATURE

book) ; - Journal papier Sawt Echaab (Hebdomadaire) ; - Journal papier Akhbar Aljomhouria (Hebdomadaire) ; - Journal papier français CQFD (Mensuel) ; - Site web français The Dissident. - Radio Expreess FM (Site web et Page Facebook) ; - Dessin on live pour l‘émission cul54

turelle « Beit Elkhayel » / Deux saisons / Watanya1 TV. - Dessin on live pour l’émission politique « 24/7 » / Occasionnel / Al Hiwar Attounsi TV. - Scénario, concept et dessins du générique de l’émission TV « Limen Yajro Faqat watch? v=LWpEZsNEsns&feature=


Juillet 2013: Cameroun (Fescarhy) - Octobre 2014 : Salon de la caricature et du dessin de presse à Saint-Just-le Martel - France / Limoges - Mars 2015 : Tunis / Thème : Antimondialisation (Exposition personnelle). - Janvier 2016 : Caricatounsi / Maison de La Tunisie / Paris Septembre 2016 : Rencontre internationale des illustrateurs de presse / Caen / France


PRIX :  2014 : Prix « Académia pour la liberté des médias / Section Caricature » / Tunisie Livres: - «Le Djerid d’après ses blagues» (Blagues en arabe dialectal) ; 2014 - « 15/15 La Tunisie en Dessins » ; 2016. - « Arraqeeb / ‫( »الرّ قٌب‬scénario et dessins) : Vulgarisation de quelques chapitres de la nouvelle constitution tunisienne, dont « Les libertés » (Texte en arabe dialectal). Divers: - Membre du jury «Prix Star» du livre pour enfant (Pendant trois ans). - Membre du jury «Prix Médina» du





‫تقدٌرا منها لفن الكارٌكاتٌر ‪،‬‬ ‫تحتضن صفاقس عاصمة الثقافة‬ ‫العربٌة ‪ 2016‬الدورة األولى‬ ‫للمهرجان العربً للكارٌكاتٌر التً‬ ‫تنتظم فً الفترة الممتدة‬ ‫من ‪ 02‬إلى ‪ 10‬دٌسمبر ‪،2016‬‬ ‫وتجري فعالٌاته فً ما ٌزٌد عن ‪40‬‬ ‫فضاء موزعا بٌن المؤسسات‬ ‫التربوٌة والجامعٌة واألحٌاء الشعبٌة فً صفاقس‬ ‫والمعروف أن "الكارٌكاتور" فن ٌتمٌز بالبساطة فً الشكل والطرافة الممزوجة بالسخرٌة فً األسلوب‬ ‫وٌمكن اعتباره أحد التعبٌرات الفنٌة األكثر رواجا فله‬ ‫قدرة كبٌرة على اختزال الكالم الطوٌل والتحلٌالت المستفٌضة ‪ ،‬وٌصٌب الحقٌقة مباشرة‬ ‫وٌهدف هذا المهرجان إلى نشر وتروٌج األعمال الكارٌكاتورٌة التً تنقد شتى المظاهر السلبٌة المتفشٌة فً‬ ‫الواقع المعٌش وتكشف الفساد بأشكاله‬ ‫المختلفة ‪ ،‬والتطرف فً وجوهه المتنوعة ‪ ،‬واإلقصاء فً مختلف المجاالت ‪ ،‬وصور التخلف ‪ ،‬و إهدار‬ ‫الطاقات ‪ ،‬واالستهتار بالملك العام ‪ ،‬وتلوٌث البٌئة وغٌرها من‬ ‫المواضٌع الحارقة‬ ‫كما ٌعمل هذا المهرجان على زرع البسمة فً نفوس الناس من خالل أعمال عدد من أبرز رسامً‬ ‫الكارٌكاتٌر فً الوطن العربً ممن دعتهم تظاهرة‬ ‫صفاقس عاصمة الثقافة العربٌة ‪ 2016‬لمهرجانها نذكر من بٌنهم المغربً "ناجً بالناجً" الحاصل على‬ ‫عدد كبٌر من الجوائز ومدٌر موقع رسامً الكارٌكاتٌر ‪ ،‬والفنان العبقري "جورج بهجوري" الذي طالما‬ ‫أثار الجدل برسومه ‪ ،‬والسوري "حسن أدلبً" الذي قالت عنه "غادة السمان ‪‬‬ ‫‪58‬‬


‫العرب" حسن أدلبً واحد من الرسامٌن العرب النادرٌن الذٌن ٌمكن اعتباره رائدا فً هذا الحقل غٌر الشائع‬ ‫عندنا" ‪ ،‬والجزائري "جمال لونٌس" الذي ٌقدم نفسه كالتالً "أنا ال أشبه أي رسام آخر ‪ ،‬لم أدرس فً معهد‬ ‫الفنون الجمٌلة ‪ ،‬ولم أتلق تكوٌنا فً المجال ولكنً بارع فً مجالً منذ بداٌاتً األولى وأنا طفل"‬ ‫وتستضٌف تظاهرة صفاقس عاصمة الثقافة العربٌة ‪ 2016‬فً الدورة األولى للمهرجان العربً للكارٌكاتور‬ ‫من األسماء أٌضا التونسٌ​ٌن "توفٌق عمران" الذي كان الكارٌكاتور بالنسبة إلٌه أداة للنضال سنوات القمع‬ ‫وهو متوج بجائزة أفضل رسام كارٌكاتٌر تونسً من "أكادٌمٌا" سنة ‪ ،2014‬و"الشاذلً بالخامسة"‬ ‫أحد أهم رسامً الكارٌكاتٌر فً تونس وٌتابعه القراء بشغف فً جرٌدة "البراس" ‪ ،‬إضافة إلى العراقً‬ ‫المقٌم فً ألمانٌا "منصور البكري" ‪ ،‬الفلسطٌنً عمبد حجبج" ‪ ٬‬وانمصشٌخ "دعبء انعذل" انتً‬ ‫اختبستهب هٍئخ اإلراعخ انجشٌطبوٍخ (ثً ثً سً) ضمه قبئمتهب نهىسبء األكثش إنهبمب‬ ‫وتأثٍشا نعبو ‪ ٬6102‬وانعشاقً"عهً انمىذالوي" كم هؤالء سٍهتقىن انجمهىس فً أكثش‬ ‫مه ‪ 01‬فضبء فً صفبقس مه ‪ 16‬إنى ‪ 01‬دٌسمجش ‪ ٬6102‬وتتجه انىٍخ إلوجبص‬ ‫جذاسٌبد نشسىو كبسٌكبتٍش ثعض انفىبوٍىتخهٍذا نهذوسح األونى مه هزا انمهشجبن‬ ‫انمتفشد وإلضفبء مسحخ جمبنٍخ أٌضب عهى جذسان انمذٌىخ كمب سٍكىن انمىعذ ضمه‬ ‫انمهشجبن مع عذد مه انىسشبد انتً ستكشف ثال شك عه انمىاهت فً مجبل فه‬ ‫( مىقىل عه انصجبح وٍىص )‬

‫انكبسٌكبتٍش مه األطفبل وانشجبة‬ ‫‪59‬‬




















BBC News 82November 2016 By Severine Dieudonne & Naomi Scherbel-BallBBC News

011Women 2016: Female Arab cartoonists challenge authority In some Arab countries women still have to ask permission from a male relative to get a passport, marry or leave the country. Although the practice of "male guardianship" is not always enshrined in law, it persists in everyday life within many families. As part of the 100 Women season, the BBC asked three female cartoonists from North Africa to take up their pens and illustrate how the custom continues to affect women's lives in their countries. Egypt "The issue that symbolises male guardianship most in our country is the question of young brides," says award-winning Egyptian cartoonist Doaa el-Adl. "There is a trend for wealthy Gulf men to travel to the impoverished Egyptian rural areas to find much younger, temporary brides." As a hard-hitting political cartoonist tackling taboo issues like FGM and sexual harassment, el-Adl frequently courts controversy and has even been accused of blasphemy.



The phrase 'young brides' means girls who have just reached the legal age for marriage in Egypt - which is 18 - but whose families marry them off to much older foreign men. In many cases, the men see these marriages as short-term arrangements and abandon the girls soon afterwards. El-Adl points out that, paradoxically, a law introduced to try to stop the practice has actually encouraged it. If a foreign man wants to marry a girl who is more than 25 years younger than him, then he is obliged to pay her family the equivalent of just over US$6,000 (ÂŁ4,800). While that is a relatively small price to pay for a wealthy man from the Gulf States, it has proved a big incentive for poor Egyptian families, struggling to cope in increasingly desperate economic times. "The men in these societies are basically selling these girls off," says el-Adl. "And the state has failed to stop this happening." Tunisia "When I first started drawing, I did so anonymously and everyone assumed I was a man," says Tunisian cartoonist Nadia Khiari. "They couldn't imagine that a woman could even draw, let alone sketch characters full of humour and wit." Khiari is the creator of Willis from Tunis - a cartoon cat whose adventures provide a wry commentary on life in post-revolutionary Tunisia. Her chosen theme for this cartoon - which also features Willis - is the continuing pressure on rape victims to marry their attackers in order to avoid bringing shame on their families. She was inspired to draw the cartoon in response to controversial comments by a male Tunisian TV talk show host who was suspended from his job in October, CAIROCATURE


after suggesting that a young girl who had been subject to years of sexual abuse by three male relatives should marry one of them when she became pregnant. Attitudes like this persist, Khiari says, despite new legislation introduced in 2014 to enshrine gender equality in the country's new post-Arab Spring constitution. "The body of a woman belongs to her family and even if she has been subjected to sexual violence, it is the honour of the family that must be preserved above everything, she says. "The Tunisian administration doesn't recognise rape for what it is. It isn't seen as a serious crime." Morocco Riham Elhour was the first ever female cartoonist to be published in the Moroccan press. Her birthday is on International Women's Day, 8 March, and she says she was "born a feminist." What started as a childhood hobby became her profession when she won a Unesco award more than 15 years ago. The theme she has chosen for her cartoon is foreign travel, and the numbers of Moroccan men who are using the law to stop their wives travelling abroad. Although many of Morocco's male guardianship laws were overturned in reforms in 2004 and 2014, women still legally need their husband's formal permission to leave the country if they want to take their children with them. "Men can use this to control women's lives," Elhour says. Riham Elhour is still the only female cartoonist at her newspaper. But she remains firmly convinced that through her art she will be able to change the way women are seen in Morocco. "I want my drawings to stir women to fight for their rights," she says. "I don't want them to moan about being the victim. I am a fighter. All women are fighters."



Mehmet Saim Bilge Turkey

Mehmet Saim Bilge. from Gerede - Turkey. he was born in 1957. he is a retired colonel from The Turkish Army Forces. He is interested in Cartoon for a long time and his artworks are shown in many countries. Many of his Artworks are published in many magazines and newspapers all around the world. He is TV program maker about caricature for children since 2013 on kĂźresel TV .









TVG Menon , alias „kar2nist‟, is a freelance cartoonist. He holds a B.Sc. Degree in Physics as also a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Delhi. He has been contributing cartoons from 1980 onwards. He had contributed on a regular basis cartoons for more than 2 years in one of India‘s premier English dailies during the early nineties. He has won the ‗Best Cartoon Award‘ instituted by the Kerala Cartoon Academy in the year 2005. He has also received the Kerala State Awards ( Honourable Mention ) in 2011 and again in 2015. for his cartoon entries. Also he was honoured by the Lalitha Kala Academy of Kerala as a senior cartoonist in 2011. He has won prizes in some of the cartoon competitions conducted by the Lalitha Kala Academy. More recently he has been awarded the first prize by US Consulate in their cartoon contest on ―American Elections‖ He has been participating in many international cartoon contests and exhibitions for the last few years . His works have appeared in many of the associated travelling exhibitions in France, Croatia , Egypt and Portugal. Romanian Cartoon Association has also hosted a full web page of his 12 caricatures of famous Romanian personalities in their website. He has exhibited from May 2011 onwards some 650 or so cartoons in his gallery at, a German Cartoon site . Also, he had been contributing regularly to on-line Cartoon Magazines such as ―Bostoons‖ from USA,now defunct , ―ToonsMag‖ From Norway, , ―Brazil Cartoon International‖ from Brazil . Touchtalent from New Delhi and Fenamizah .from Turkey. More recently he has started contributing cartoons in Cairocature from Egypt, Cartoon Home Network International, Best Cartoon Network, Club Creative Pro caricatures and some other Arabic e-mags..



A few years ago, his cartoon titled 'The German Dilemma” on German Chancellor Angela Merkel was selected along with 9 others from a survey of the works of cartoonists around the World by Germany's International Broadcaster Deutsche Welle. They posted it in their e-news paper which is published in 30 World languages . All the 10 cartoons of the clutch cover German Chancellor Angel Merkel and the 2013 German elections. One of his cartoons is also on display in Cartoonist Shankers Memorial State Cartoon Museum and Art Gallery in Kayamkulam. Kerala Kerala Cartoon Acamy ( of which he is a member ) honoured him in November 2015 by conferring on him an Honourary Membership . Kerala Cartoon Academy also hosted a 3 day cartoon exhibition of some 65 of his cartoons which were displayed in the Lalitha Kala Academy's Art Gallery in Durbar Hall Kochi. In a contest organised by U S Consulate in Chennai ,India his cartoon on American Election won the first prize recently. He was recently interviewed on Turkish TV Channel ‗Kuresel TV.‘ for a program organised for children. A retired technocrat, Mr.Menon presently leads a quiet life with his wife and grand daughter Shradha, who is also an artist, in Ernakulam , Kochi Kerala, India CAIROCATURE














He was born on September 26.1975 in Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province, He graduated from Harbin Teacher College. Now He is teaching art in No.2 Middle School.—Heilongjiang Province,China 158300





Vladislav Dubcov Russia

Name Surname :Vladislav Dubcov Short Biography : beginner cartoonist. Participant: 1. 8th Tourism Cartoon Competition, TURKEY 2. 2nd Int. Cartoon Festival, Kosova 3. Caricatures and posters Golden Opossum, US 4. International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest 2016 5. IX magazine ―Rhinocervs‖ contest 6. The 2nd Interna韜onal Compe韜韜on of ―Research Technology & Innova韜on in the Eyes of Photographers & Cartoonists‖.Iran 7. The 3rd Interna韜onal Biennial Book Cartoon Contest 2016, Iran 8. 21th Euro‐kartoenale Kruishoutem, Belgium 9."Golden Hat 2017" Knokke‐Heist, Belgium









2017 Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature & Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition is an open competition. The objects of the competition are Cartoon, drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts created by artists. Themes 1. Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature 2. Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists Both themes are required to submit without limitation of quantities. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS Can be included in the competition. Format 1. Maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm). Works should be sent or delivered(original scripts are preferred)by February 25, 2017 (date of the postmark), packed in a protective cover to: Organizing Committee of “Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature & Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists” 2017 International Exhibition. 2.Participants can also send electronic edition( JEPG, 300dpi) to Awards and Prizes Grand Prix (1) 1500 USD Gold Medal (2)1000 USD Silver Medal (4) 800 USD Bronze Medal (6)600 USD Special Prize (30) 300 USD



Contest 1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury. 2. The Jury will award the following prizes + Diplomas for each winner. 3. Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them. Jury's decisions are final. 4. The competition results will be announced after the final selection in March, 2017 at web site: .AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO CHINESE TAX REGULATIONS. Notice 1. Participation in the competition is free of charge. 2. Organizers reserve the right to include the submitted works in the Gallery and publishing. 3. The submitted art works would be promoted on the internet and media. 4. Works should be accompanied by their author's photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form (PLEASE USE CAPITALS). Participants' Privileges 1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the catalogue. 2. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition. 3. Organizers plan to award the author of the best Debut and will organize her/his individual author’s exhibition at Gallery included in 2017 program as well. 4. Participants wish to participate in the exhibition and in the catalog only, they may send a print copy, or by e-mail (JEPG, 300dpi) Final Provisions 1. Organizers reserve the right to use the sent works for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues. CAIROCATURE


2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the collection of the gallery. 3. The exhibition organizers are the finial judges in interpretation of the regulations. 4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agrees to the publishing of the author's profile in the post-exhibition album. Contact Information E-mail address: Mailing address: 2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media Village, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107 Tel: 0086-10-84827182 Fax: 0086-10-84827182 (Organizers are not responsible for transport damages. ) Timetable 1. Deadline for works reception February 25, 2017 (date of the postmark) 2. Final Jury Meeting in April , 2017 3. Exhibition in April,2017 Philosopher Wang Yangming Profile Wang Yangming is one of the most influential philosophers in the Confucian tradition. He is best known for his theory of the unity of knowledge and action. A capable and principled administrator and military official, he was exiled from 1507 to 1510 in Guizhou, Southwest part of China for his protest against political corruption. It was during this period of exile that he developed his contribution to what has become known as NeoConfucianism (“Learning of the Way”). With Neo-Confucianism in general, Wang Yangming’s thought can be best understood as an attempt to propose personal morality as the main way to social well-being. Wang’s legacy in Neo-Confucian tradition and Confucian philosophy as a whole is his claim that the fundamental root of social problems lies in the fact that one fails to gain a genuine understanding of one’s self and its relation to the world, and thus fails to live up to what one could be.



In order to memorialize this great Neo-Confucian philosopher and inherit his idea at home and abroad, it is our honor to coordinate the Confucian Academy to hold 2017 Philosopher Wang Yangming Caricature & Ancient China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition after successfully launching 2015 Confucius Caricature & China in the Eyes of Artists International Competition. Most welcome you to submit your caricatures of Philosopher Wang Yangming & Ancient China with thanks.

8th International Tourism Cartoon Competition – 2016 International Tourism Cartoon Competition is held with the cooperation of Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists (TUYED) and Anatolia: A Journal of Tourism Research. The objective of the competition, which was first held in 2009, is to examine tourism, which is one of the biggest sectors in the world, with its various dimensions.

Theme: Future of Tourism. Categories: Adult Category: This category is open for the all of cartoonists who are 17 and older. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award, second award, third award, Professor Atila Ă–zer recognition award and three mansions will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album. Young Category: This category is open for the cartoonists who are 16 and younger. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award and two achievement awards will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album.

Evaluation Declarations 1.

Works submitted to the competition will be evaluated in two stages.

In the first stage, all the works will be pre-evaluated at a meeting held by Pre-Evaluation Selection Committee members. At the end of this meeting, finalist works will be determined. No more than 1/5 of the works submitted to the competition will be taken for further evaluation. 2.



Before continuing with the second stage, finalist works will be announced on the internet between 1st and 10th February 2017. Similar and copy works, plagiarism, previously awarded works, and other objections will be decided by the Pre-Evaluation Selection Committee members and due to the reasonable objections, on which the committee will reach a consensus, related works will be eliminated. 3.

4. At the second stage, finalist works will be re-evaluated by Final Selection Committee Members. This time, evaluation will be done in two sub-stages. In the first stage, the number of finalist woks will be reduced to 45-50 and, in the last stage, winners will be determined. 5. Evaluation of the submitted works will be done based on three critical issues mentioned below.  Selection and convenience of the topic, 

Quality of humor,

Originality of drawing.

Important Dates

First Announcement: July 2016 Deadline for Submission: 31 December 2016 Meeting of the Selection Committee: 21 January 2017 Announcement of finalist cartoons (for possible objections): February 1-10, 2017 Notification of Winners : April 2017 Award Ceremony: April 2017



Category of Adult Cartoonısts Award


The Grand Award All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons) The Second Award All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons) The Third Award All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons) Professor Atila Özer Recognition Award All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons) Three Mansions


Category of Young Cartoonısts Award


The Grand Award All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons) Two Achievement Awards


Contact Nazmi KOZAK, Ph.D. Anadolu University, Faculty of Tourism Yunus Emre Campus, 26470 Eskisehir/TURKEY Tel: 90 (222) 335-0580/2133 Fax: 90 (222) 335-6651 Gsm: 90 (532) 286-7584 E-mail: E-mail:






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