February-March 2015 Newsletter

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VOL. 6 / ISSUE 11


This is Bulletin Editor Sandy’s last newsletter! Read her farewell address on page 4.

$25 can give one person clean water for life! Find out more on page 8.

Easter Eggs? Another way to earn more points! Find out more on page 9.

BTHS KEY CLUB TAKES ALBANY Every year, the New York District of Key Club International hosts an annual Leadership Training Conference to train new officers and to celebrate the service that we have completed in our homes, schools, and communities. This year was the

67th Annual Leadership Training Conference. President David Jin, Vice President Jorge Lema, Secretary Cynthia Jiang, Treasurer Kate Wong, and Bulletin Editor Sandy Mui were all present. Learn more about their experiences on pages 2-3!



Each month, we award a participate and contribspecific Key Clubber(s) ute to Key Club and who has made the most their community. We impact on our club for want a Key Clubber(s) that month. To receive who is fit to represent this award, a Key Club- Brooklyn Tech and serve ber must not only atas a role model to othtend most events that ers. month but also actively The Key Clubber of February-March is... Johnson Huang

For this newsletter, instead of responding to a leadership quote, you will be making your own! Your quote must answer the following question: “What is leadership?” Be creative! All submissions will receive +5 points

and the best quote will receive +10 points! Email your submission to editor.thetechkey@gma il.com with your name and OSIS.


67TH ANNUAL LEADERSHI Q&A WITH THE EXECUTIVES Q: What was your favorite part of LTC? President David: My favorite part of LTC was meeting all the different people from around New York. The connections made and the new personalities to meet at LTC definitely made it worthwhile. Q: What was your least favorite part of LTC? Vice President Jorge: LTC was an unforgettable experience through which I was able to meet so many generous, passionate, and dedicated Key Clubbers from around the state. It opened my eyes to the impact that we, high school students, can have on the world and led me to appreciate this organization to an even greater extent. This makes it difficult to pick my least favorite part of it all, but I would have to say that the free time given to Key Clubbers to relax and mingle needed work. I just never

Q: What was the craziest thing that happened at LTC? Treasurer Kate: The craziest thing that happened at LTC was Playfair. One game involved three players— one boss and two workers. The boss had to “order tasks” for the workers. During the game, my Utensils ar “boss” told me to get down on Q: What was your favorite one knee and propose to his workshop? friend for fun. Bulletin Editor Sandy: I really Q: Did you make a lot of new enjoyed the Thirst Project’s friends? Describe one of them. workshop. Evan made it like a Secretary Cynthia: I met many series of icebreakers rather than an informative workshop. For people during LTC this year. most of the workshop, he told They were all extremely kind us to split up into different and open to talking to new faces. One person I met during groups of a certain number and we would have to talk about LTC was David and we inspecific things. This allowed me stantly connected. It was so nice to see someone else my age to meet a lot of different Key Clubbers from all over the New who had a full smile on and York District.



re essential.

Photo by: SUNNY OU

Bulletin Editor Sandy with Thir st Project’s Evan Wesl ey.

BROOKLYN TECH DAZZLES ALBANY—— Congratulations to Bulletin Editor Sandy for being awarded the Outstanding Club Bulletin Editor Award and the Governor’s Scholarship! Brook-

lyn Tech Key Club also achieved Perfect Paperwork and Early Bird Dues status. We hope that next year’s executives will follow our footsteps!


IN THIS ISSUE LTC…………………………………………….……..p2-3 Farewell From the Editor………………………...p4 February-March Highlights….…………….….p5-6 District & International News………………...p7 Key Club’s Partners………………………………..p8 Fun & Games………………………………………..p9

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” —Mahatma Gandhi

FAREWELL FROM THE EDITOR Dear Key Clubbers, It has truly been a pleasure serving as your bulletin editor for the 2014-2015 service year. As a Key Club member for four years, Key Club has shown me just how far our networks in the Kiwanis family can grow, as I proceed into college and look forward to starting a Circle K chapter at the Macaulay Honors College. I will never forget the bonds I developed and the leadership skills I gained in Key Club. I hope that you, the members, hopefully enjoyed meeting me at events and had many opportunities to gain extra points through my newsletters and article/picture submissions. I will only be at ease if I know

that I have fulfilled my job to the best of ability as editor. I wish to stay in contact with many of you after graduation. Don’t be afraid to contact me any time if you just want to talk! Now, I leave the position of editor in the hands of Jasper. I have full confidence in his abilities to bring the role of bulletin editor to the next level. He has demonstrated in his speech many new ideas to showcase his creativity and to provide you with even more point bonus opportunities. I cannot wait to see how his efforts will help the club, his fellow executives, and the members. Without further ado, I bid goodbye to Key Club as editor. —Sandy Mui IP Bulletin Editor 2014-2015




CARDS FOR HUMANITY DOROT is an organization that focuses on bettering the lives of older adults and reducing social isolation along with providing concrete services. DOROT’s greeting card project helps bring joy and celebration to some of their frailest and

Most isolated seniors. Each month, DOROT mails over 200 birthday cards to seniors. Each card is designed and created by YOU, their volunteers! Thank you to all the Key Clubbers who made all of these lovely cards for DOROT!

PAY IT FORWARD Pay it Forward Day took pated in random acts of place during Respect For kindness. Remember, a All Week. Students partici- kind act can go a long way!



HIGHLIGHTS RELAY FOR LIFE At Relay For Life events across the world, people come together to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and

fight back against the deadly disease. The funds you raise can really make a difference in the fight against cancer.

Carrie Zhao, Kathleen Wong, Sandy Mui, Jasur Abdurazzakov

MARCH 2015 The Relay for Life was a very fun and exciting event and it definitely made my night. Relay for life was on the Friday of March, 6, 2015 so it was a great opportunity to relax from all the stress I accumulated from the exams I had on that day. Relay was held in Brooklyn Technical High school. During the event, I had a lot of fun watching Daniel Bauer's magic show, the concert, and

teachers getting pied in the face. There was free food too, even though the line was pretty long. Overall, the event was a great experience: hanging out with friends, watching the entertainment provided, and,especially, winning a guitar from the raffle! I would definitely love to go to Relay for Life again. It's not only fun, but also it's for a good cause. —Jesse Chen

Photo by: JIMMY BAI



LTG Clifford’s Division 9 Ice Skating event took place on March 14. No cameras were allowed in the Lefrak Center but here’s a picture taken by Lincoln Key Club’s Vice President, Debbie Chan!

Magician and equality advocate Daniel Bauer dazzled Brooklyn Tech with his tricks and speech at Relay For Life. He spoke of a young boy named Brian and showed us


the trick that filled Brian’s soul, then amazed us by doing the

Photo by: JIMMY LAU

impossible. Click here to see his performance!


DISTRICT & INTERNATIONAL NEWS ADOPT-A-FAMILY The Tamarac High School Key Club and the RPI Circle K teamed up to to “Adopt -a-Family” this Holiday season. RPI Circle K held their annual Pie Sales and sold both apple and pumpkin pies and raised $178. RPI

reached out to the Tamarac Key Club to see if they wanted to help them by going shopping for the family. With Circle K’s help, they were able to purchase twice as many gifts and twice as much food.

BOOKMARKS FOR LITERACY What’s your favorite book? Most of us probably don’t give a second thought to how amazing it is we can read the thoughts of others, much less a street sign or the instructions on a package. UNESCO estimates that 123 million young people in the world are illiterate—76 million are female. Girls who live in extreme poverty, who have few books and no one to read to them at home, need even more support to gain basic

Photo by: New York District Key Club


Key Club turns 90 years old this May! reading skills. March 26 also marks 90 days until the start However, thousands of of the Key Club Interyoung people across national Convention the world are making in Indianapolis. bookmarks for the Stu- Commemorate both dents Rebuild Literacy milestones by sharing Challenge, which will help children in Mali, Peru, and Nepal. For every bookmark Students Rebuild receives, the Bezos Family Foun- International Day of dation will donate $1— Happiness was March 20th! Key Club up to $300,000—to teamed up with ProSave the Children’s ject Happiness again. Literacy Boost proHere are three ways to gram. Learn more spread happiness in about the Literacy your community: Challenge here!

the awesome ways Key Club has impacted your life. Use the hashtag #90KeyClubDays to be linked with Key Clubbers around the world who are also celebrating!

A SMILE GOES A LONG WAY 1) Think of what makes you happy. 2) Make your friends happy. 3) Make everyone happy. Smile! :D



Since 1994, Key Club has been Trick-orTreating for UNICEF and over the years has raised nearly $5 million for iodine deficiency programs worldwide and HIV and AIDS programs

About 780 million people on our planet don’t have access to safe, clean water. Key Club International is teaming up with The Thirst Project, the world’s leading youth water-activism organization. The Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that travels across the United

in Kenya and Swaziland. Now it’s helping the Eliminate Project. The Kiwanis family, in partnership with UNICEF, is working to eliminate maternal

and neonatal tetanus through The Eliminate Project. This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 49,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. To eliminate MNT from the Earth, more than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized.

So far, the Eliminate Project has raised $76 million and there are only 24 remaining countries with MNT. Recently, in late April 2015, MNT was eliminated in Mauritania!

with more than 300,000 students on 320 campuses across the United States to raise $6 million.

those who need it most.

Compassion is more States and speaks at powerful sacrifice. schools to educate When you give and students about the make the choice to global water crisis. Its live beyond yourself, movement, fueled by your world actually high school and colexpands and you enlege students, builds joy the experience of freshwater wells in de- living generously. veloping nations and Give compassionately impoverished comand generously from munities to provide the resources you people with safe, have, not just to proclean water. In just vide clean water, but five years, The Thirst provide LIFE for Project has worked those

Find out more about UNICEF and the Eliminate Project here.

As little as $25 can provide one person with safe, clean water for twenty or more years! All it takes is twenty people to commit to give $25 per month and we can build a freshwater project that will change the lives of an entire community forever. Give compassionately. Change a life. Find out more about the Thirst Project here.




DIRTY LITTLE SECRET SELFIE What is the World’s BIGGEST dirty little secret? The fact that 748 million people on our planet do not have access to safe, clean drinking water. The solution: Fill up a water bottle full of dirty water. Carry the bottle all month long. Carry it in school, at your desk, to lunch, in the gym, at the dinner table, keep it with you EVERYWHERE you

go! When people ask why you have a bottle filled with dirty water, tell them that 748 million people do not have access to safe, clean drinking water. Take a selfie with your dirty water bottle and email it to editor.thetechkey@gmail.c om with your name and OSIS for +5 points!

EXOTIC PUZZLE #4: EASTER EGGS ages in this newsletter. was) and also include the pictures of each For each egg you find, Easter egg, corresponding to the text or image you will receive +2 points. In order to re- that had the hyperlink. ceive your point boClick here for a samnuses, you must inple submission. Hidden inside this clude exactly where in Email your submisnewsletter are 10 the newsletter each sion to ediEaster eggs! Hyperlinks Easter egg was hidden tor.thetechkey@gmail. to images of 10 differ- (take a screenshot of com with your name ent Easter eggs were the image or text of and OSIS for your explaced on text or im- where each hyperlink tra points! Easter may be a holiday in April this year, but that doesn’t limit the fun that can be in Bulletin Editor Sandy’s last newsletter!

Happy hunting!

Join us in celebrating the end of the 2014-2015 service year as well as the beginning of the next service year with the induction of the new board! It will be a dinner party filled with food, music, games, and lots and lots of fun! You might also receive an award for your accomplishments as a Key Clubber for the 2014-2015 service year! Details TBA.

Come be a part of the Thirst Project, and help us change the world! We build freshwater wells in developing countries, and we need YOUR HELP to give people clean water!

For more information, email evan@thethirstproject.org or text HEYEVAN Bulletin Editor Sandy is creating a digital scrapto 97779! book to highlight the 2014-2015 service year! Have you been taking pictures at recent Key There’s life after Key Club! If you love Key Club events? If not, you should and your pic- Club and are heading off to college, join your tures just might be featured in the scrapbook! college’s Circle K! Circle K International (CKI) Email your pictures to ediis another Kiwanis-family cub. CKI may be tor.thetechkey@gmail.com for extra points and smaller than Key Club, but it stretches across a chance of being in the scrapbook! more than 500 college campuses. It is also the largest student-led collegiate service organizaEliminate Week is May 4-8. Kiwanis-family clubs and members around the globe are using tion in the world! Even if your college does not this week to focus on raising funds and aware- already have a Circle K, you can start one! ness for The Eliminate Project: Kiwanis’ cam- Click here to find out more about Circle K Inpaign to eliminate maternal and neonatal teta- ternational. nus.

Do you have anything you want to suggest to Key Club? It can be about anything - what Got suggestions for the Beaver Tree for the events you would like to see more of, how to new bulletin editor-elect? Fill out this brief form to suggest new columns and games for the improve general meetings, etc. Just fill out this form! Don't worry, your answers are anonynewsletter! Remember, new columns and games are ways to earn more points! Click here mous! Click here for the Brooklyn Tech Key for the Newsletter Columns Suggestion Form. Club Suggestions Form.



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