Form Based Codes - Built Form Regulations, Madurai

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Form based codes for

People’s centric Commercial street

Built Form & Regulations | UP4608 | FP Sangami Nagarajan| PG190841|MUP


Part a

Existing Situation Analysis a1. Existing Context and Zoning a2. Existing Built form and regulations a3.Observation and inferences

Part b

Envisioning the Built Form b1. Vision b2. The Setting Road network Plot sizes Concept for Zoning Zoning Ownership details Open spaces and buildings Envisaged Built Form

Part c

Regulations c1. Need for regulations c2. Definitions c3. High Rise Commercial zone c4. Mid Rise Mixed Use zone c5. Residential zone

Part d

Group Synthesis d1. Suggestions and comments by peers d2. Learnings and Outcomes

Part a

Existing Situation Analysis a1. Existing Context and Zoning

Madurai is a major city with more than 10 million population and has nearly 766 lakhs of floating population and 202 lakhs of tourists annually. And so the city is popularly known as the Cultural capital of Tamilnadu and also as the city of Temples and Festivals. The road was included in Master plan 1992, where the road is proposed with residential and commercial land use. Bypass roads was included into the municipal corporation limits around 1995. The road initially used as ring road connecting the city to Kongu district in North and Nellai district in South. In the present, it is one of the iconic roads and is the second Commercial Business District of the city. Aerial Imagery

Master Plan 2002 Residential Commercial



Public and Semi public


Urban Form

Source: The Hindu, Madurai gets its first flyover at Kalavasal, dated on June 09, 2020 07:48 IST


Part a

Existing Situation Analysis a2. Existing Built form and regulations Past Planning Effects FSI 1.2

1971 MMC Act TNTCP Act

Before 1992 Bypass road Ring road

FSI 1.5

1995 Bypass road added to MMC

1992 Master Plan Residential

FSI 2-3.25

2002 Master Plan Commercial

2010 DCR Madurai

2013 TOD proposal Draft TNCBRR

Bypass road - 2000- Master Plan 1992


N Section A

Bypass road - Master Plan 2002 - Current Land use Section A

Vajra Apartments


Big Bazaar



Hotel Germanus







m 41


Site Area: 3840 sq.m



Site Area: 2532 sq.m

Site Area: 3280 sq.m Section - ROW 36m

12 m

24 m

Hotel Germanus

Set back

Built area

Front margin

Street parking




Carriage Way



Carriage Way




3.5 m



Service lane

Built area



Part a

Existing Situation Analysis a2. Existing Built form and regulations Vajra Apartments - Residential Land use Zone - Residential apartment Built Use - 2003 Consumed Regulations

DCR,2010 - Permissible norms

Ground Coverage



1.43 Setback Margins

Front- 6m, Side- 4m

Permissible Height 5 floors

15m Open space Reservation

OSR-8.8% Greens-20%


Ground Coverage

Up to 70%



Permissible Height

15 m or G+3


F-4.5m, side-3m




25 cars

24 cars

Big Bazaar - Residential Land use Zone - Commercial Built Use - 2009 Consumed Regulations

DCR,2010 - Permissible norms

Ground Coverage



2.58 Setback Margins

Front- 6m, Side- 4.5m

Permissible Height 6 floors

18m Open space Reservation



Ground Coverage

up to 40-50%



Premium FSI


Permissible Height

60 -allowed 18m


F- 7m, side - 6m




24 cars

10 cars

Germanus Hotel - Public &Semi public Land use Zone - Star Hotel typology Consumed Regulations

DCR,2010 - Permissible norms

Ground Coverage 42.5%

FSI 2.21

Permissible Height 17.5 m

5 floors Setback Margins Front- 10m, Side-6m

Open space Reservation OSR-11.59%


Ground Coverage

up to 40-50%



Premium FSI

1.0 + 20% for stilt

Permissible Height

60 -allowed 18m


F- 7m, side- 4.5m




33 cars

44 cars

No projection more than 6 m is allowed, Germanus Hotel has 3m projected bay windows


Part a

Existing Situation Analysis a3.Observation and inferences DCR, 2010 Multistory(15mand above)

Ground Coverage 50%


Permissible Height


60m - but MCA act 18m

Open space Reservation 10%

TNCDRBR, 2019 High rise (18.30m and above)

The regulation in OSR is that 10% of plot area which is more than 2500 sq.m has to be gifted to the authority. In addition to that the buildings are ought to follow MMC Act norms. Premium FSI only for high rise (1.0) and stilt parking buildings (20%).





10% reservation for open space is revised with condition that minimum dimension of 100m on all sides, which will be pooled to make a community level open space or any public space. For the location of OSR, permission from authority is required. No restriction on GC & height, but a relaxation in premium FSI is given, up to 50% allowable if the abutting road is more than 18 m.

Urban form DCR,2010

Sporadic Planning

Inconsiderate Enactment

Planning in Madurai is inconsistent. The first master plan was in 1960,1992 and 2002. The regulations is not in same phase as master plan, MCA 1971, revision in 2010 and now it is state level combined rules - TNCDRBR, 2019

When the rules have become common on state wide, certain native rules are abolished. One such rule is the height restriction around Meenakshi Temple. The heights were in perspective. Visual connectivity to the temple


Height Restriction

Before 2013 Visual Connectivity


Visual Connectivity



After 2013 (draft TNCDRBR) CBD

City Core Mentioned in Madurai Municipal Corporation Act, 1971


Part b

Envisioning the Built Form b1.Vision

Shaded Walkways

Public transport stops

The street is envisaged with comprehensible built form focusing development with shaded pedestrian friendly walkable network access to public transport stops.

on commercial and enhanced


Madurai City has an active core closely integrated with a vibrant mix of residential, retail and office developments located along Bypass road. The land market and workforce infill linked in to the convinent public bus transport system stops demand the street to be more efficient and safe network of pedestrian friendly paths. As the core city is more populous, highly congested and serves as the commercial district of the city, this street could serve as a draw to the communities as a alternate commercial district. Source: : How to develop a commercial shared street?

Source: Live-blog: The high stakes battle of the urban street design manuals


Part b

Envisioning the Built Form To Pe r



b2.The Setting

To Ara p

ala yam




Ko To

500m Bypass

Road To Pala

ngana tham

Site Context

Legend Arterial road - 36m Sub Arterial road - 30m Canal road - 18m Collector Road - 12m Local Road - 6/9 m

Road Network N





Part b

Envisioning the Built Form b2.The Setting

573 sq.m

177 sq.m 797 sq.m

5832 sq.m 968 sq.m

Plot details

Legend Private Owned Land Public Owned Land Public Accessible Roads Canal

Plot Ownership Details N





Part b

Envisioning the Built Form b2.The Setting

The node is planned with high rise commercial, which would increase the land value and also makes the junction active and vibrant. 200m is chosen considering the walk-ability parameter. Followed by that along road, mid rise mixed use zone is provided, as the 36m road has a 18m diversion as canal road. The other plots are zoned under residential mixed use.


200 M NODE 200 M

Legend Arterial road - 36m Sub Arterial road - 30m

Zoning Concept

Legend High Rise Commercial Mid Rise Mixed Use Residential Mixed Use Canal

Proposed Zoning N





Envisioning the Built Form

Part b

b2.The Setting

Existing Building

Legend Roads Building Open Greens Canal

Envisaged Building N





Part b

Envisioning the Built Form b2.The Setting High Rise Commercial Zone

Mid Rise Mixed use Zone

High Rise Commercial Zone Mid Rise Mixed use Zone

Residential Mixed Use

Residential Mixed Use

Mid Rise Mixed use Zone

Mid Rise Mixed use Zone


High Rise Commercial Zone

Mid Rise Mixed use Zone

Mid Rise Mixed use Zone

Shaded Walkway

Shaded Walkway N

Envisaged Built form N






Part c

c1.Need for Regulations Form Based Regulations Form-based codes address the relationship between building facades and the public realm, the form and mass of buildings in relation to one another, and the scale and types of streets and blocks. The regulations and standards in form-based codes are presented in both words and clearly drawn diagrams and other visuals. They are keyed to a regulating plan that designates the appropriate form and scale of development, rather than only distinctions in land-use types.

Built to Line This approach contrasts with conventional zoning focus on the micromanagement and segregation of land uses, and the control of development intensity through abstract and uncoordinated parameters (e.g., FAR, PPH, setbacks, parking ratios). Ultimately, a form-based code is a tool; the quality of development outcomes depends on the quality and objectives of the community plan that a code implements. Street and building types or mix of types), build-to lines, number of floors, and percentage of built site frontage specified are dealt in form based codes Building integrated with shaded walkway 13

Part c

Regulations c2.Definition c2.1.Arcaded Walkway

c2.11.Floor Space Index

Means a passageway between arches and a solid wall, or a covered walkway providing access to commercial buildings or markets.

Arcaded Walkway

Ground Level


c2.12.Ground Coverage

Amalgamation may be defined as: The joining of two or more adjoining plots to make a single plot for the building purposes. Amalgamation means to combine two or more units to make one single unit. c2.3. Basement Shall mean the lower storey of a building should have at least 2.1m clear floor height below ground level.



All types of permanent building commercial, residential, institutional, and public utility buildings

The line up to which a plinth adjoining a street could extend to.

Building Line

The ratio of land within a plot directly under a building footprint or in a case of stilt, under the maximum footprint of the immediate upper floor, to the total plot area expressed as percentage. c2.13.Height Of the building

Ground Level

c2.4. Building

c2.5. Building Line

Means the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area (plinth) on all floors excepting the areas specifically exempted under these rules, by the Plot Area. Few exemptions are stair well, lift well, service rooms, basement, parking etc.

specifically residential

Means the height measured generally from the formed ground level within the plot abutting the road or passage excluding ramp if any within the plot up to the roof level of the topmost livable floor.


Height of the building

Ground Level



c2.13.High Rise Building

Road Ground Level

c2.6. Built to Line The line up to which a plinth adjoining a street could extend to. c2.7. Built up Area Means the area covered by a building on all floors including cantilevered portion, if any, except the areas specifically excluded under these regulations.

c2.9.Dwelling Unit : Means an independent housing unit with separate facilities for living, cooking and sanitary requirements, and may be a part of a building. c2.10.Floor : The lower surface in a storey on which one normally walks in a building. This doesn’t include mezzanine floor

Means a premises with rooms and accessory facilities for lodging of people is provided in return of payment with or without meds. Hotels are classified according to star ratings complying the grading. c2.14.Margins Shall mean space fully open to sky provided at the plot level from the edge of the building wherein built up area shall not be permitted except specifically permitted projections under this regulations

Rear Margin

Ground coverage or building foot print

Side Margin

A building or part thereof used as shops, stores or markets, for display and sale of wholesale or retail goods or merchandise, including office, storage and services facilities incidental thereto located in the same building.


Side Margin

c2.8.Commercial Building :

Means a building exceeding 24m height or 8 floors.

Front Margin

c2.15.Mixed Use Building A mixed-use development refers to a development a building, complex of buildings, or new district of a community that is developed for mixed-use by a private developer, governmental agency, or a combination thereof. A mixed-use development may be new construction, reuse of an existing building or brown-field site, or a combination.


Part c

Regulations c2.Definition c2.16. Mixed Use Zone

c2.20. Road Width

Mixed-use zoning or mixed-use planning, it is a type of urban development, urban planning and/or a zoning type that blends residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment uses into one space, where those functions are to some degree physically and functionally integrated and that provides pedestrian connections. c2.17.Open Space

The whole extent of space within the boundary of a road when applied to a new road/ street as laid down in the city. c2.21. Right of way The total width of any land reserved or dedicated as a street, alley, pedestrian way or for other public or private use.

An area forming an integral part of the plot, left permanently open to sky. c2.18.Open Space Reservation Plot

Rear Margin

Plot Right Of Way

Ground coverage or building foot print

Side Margin


Side Margin

OSR stands for Open Space Reservation, 10 per cent of an area should be reserved as communal and recreational open space before the actual approval of any layout.


Front Margin

c2.19.Parking Spaces Means an enclosed or unenclosed covered or open area sufficient in size to park vehicles, which is served by a driveway connecting to a street or alley and permitting ingress and egress of vehicles; c2.20.Public Utility Buildings Public Utility Building means any building which is essential to the proper provision includes Post Office, Police Station, Fire Station, Hospital, Dispensary, and Telephone Exchange, substation, water works, Taxi Stands, Bus Terminals, etc. c2.21.Plots Means the area of a contiguous parcel of land enclosed by definite boundaries over which the applicant has legal right for development and includes part of the site used as exclusive passage, open space reservation area and internal roads within the boundaries c2.21.Residential Use A use of building unit for the purpose of human habitation only except hotels and hostels as commercial entities c2.21.Road: The officially established elevation or grade of the centre line of street upon which a plot fronts and if there is no officially established grade, the existing grade of the street at its mid point.



Carriage way or road width


c2.22. Right of way The division or revision of a land parcel by any means into two or more plots, tracts, parcels or other divisions of land. Maximum of 8 subdivisions are allowed. c2.23. Zones Zoning is a method of urban planning where the land is divided into areas called zones, each of which has a set of regulations for new development that differs from other zones. Zones may be defined for a single use (e.g. residential, industrial), they may combine several compatible activities by use, or in the case of form-based zoning, the differing regulations may govern the density, size and shape of allowed buildings whatever their use. c2.24. Green terrace A green terrace or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing Irrigation systems.


Part c

Regulations c3.High Rise Commercial Zone

Legend High Rise Commercial Mid Rise Mixed Use Residential Mixed Use Canal

Proposed Zoning c3.1.Definition: The intention of the zone is to promote more commercial and merchandise activities makes the node more active and vibrant. The High Rise zone is permitted on plots along the road for a distance of 200m from the node. This zone is permissible only for plots abutting the road. High Rise here means more than 8 floors or 24m. Which is allowed along the road for a distance of 200m from the node.

200 M

NODE 200 M

Nodes mean the major junction on sub arterial or arterial road. Minimum road width of 24 m. The roads here refers to the sub arterial or arterial roads extending from the node. N





Part c

Regulations c3.High Rise Commercial Zone c3.2.Permissible Uses: Zones

Permissible uses

High Rise Commercial zone

Residential -,2,3,5; Commercial-1,2,3,4; Institution-4,5; Public Utility


Apartments (low and mid rise)


Apartment (High Rise)




Retail shops, Convenience stores, Milk Booth, Local Vegetables shops, Restaurants


Shopping centre, Business buildings, hotels


Whole Sale Shops, Shopping malls


Automobile showrooms, factory outlets, automobile workshops


Hi-Tech parks, IT offices, Other offices


Small scale offices (Firms)

Public Utility

Fire station, Police station, post office, Civic centre, public library, Jail, Government offices, court, Fuel station, Bus stops, Auto stands, IPT stands, Community hall, Exhibition hall, auditorium, Cinema hall, Party lawns, Museum, Convention centre, Parking Building.

c3.3.Permissible Uses according to ROW ROW

Permissible uses

24m Residential -,2,3,5; Commercial-1,2,3,4; Institution-4,5; Public Utility 30m Note: For High Rise Commercial zone, only 24m and 30m shall be given. As roads of lower order shall not take the expected capacity of footfall in this zone

c3.4.Plot size: ROW

c3.5.Floor Space Index

Minimum Plot size

Minimum Plot Dimension

Base FSI

Premium FSI

Permissible FSI

24m 500 sq.m


36m Note: •In case of plots less 200 sq.m, the plots might go for amalgamations. The plot size is mentioned considering the for say margins and setbacks to be offset. •The higher plot dimension shall face the abutting road and arcaded walkway shall be provided The illustrated example is for 36m ROW 25m




Note: •Premium FSI would be provided, if the stilt parking, increased OSR, Public amenity building and for building which promotes the zone intention. Floor step back is optional. •In case of green terrace, 0.3 FSI is incentive 0.3 FSI 1.0 FSI

Green terrace Green Balcony

20 m

2.0 FSI


45 % Ground Coverage


Part c

Regulations c3.High Rise Commercial Zone c3.6.Permissible Height and Commercial Viability ROW 24m 36m

Commericial Use

Permissible Height upto 30m

Commercial mandate to 2 floor or up to 8m.

c3.7.Parking ROW


Parking Requirement Office: for every100 sq.m - one car space and one Two Wheeler space Commercial : for every50 sq.m - one car space and two Wheeler space


upto 45m 36m

Note: • For plot more than 1000 sq.m, the whole building could be of commercial use. •To achieve the high rise category, minimum height restriction would be 24m.

Basement allowed only for 2 level

Note: •For corner junction plots, the basement ramps shall be provided at lower hierarchy roads. •At locations, where vehicular access breaks the arcaded walkway, Speed calming materials and elements should be used. •Basement could be preferably used for parking only.

Commercial permissible 27m Commerical Mandatory

Parking Basement

c3.8.Margins and Setback ROW

c3.9.Open Space Reservation

Side Margin

Rear Margin


ROW 24m

3m on both sides

3m on rear



Note: •For every 500m increase in plot size or if the right of way of the abutting road increases, the margin increases by 1.5m on sides and rear. •Margins should not consist basement ramp or OSR provisions. •Setbacks are to be connected to road. •The margins and setback shall be given excluding OSR and Parking requirements. •No compound wall is allowed

Open Space Reservation 10% of the plot size with minimum dimension as 10m

Note: • 10% of the plot size should be kept open to sky and should be publicly accessible. • This shall not be included in the arcaded walkway. • No parking or FSI excluded provisions are allowed. •The location of OSR should be as such, it could be cumulatively amalgamated to make a public park.

Green terrace 0.3 FSI 1.0 FSI

3m 3m


Green terrace Green Balcony

2.0 FSI

Basement Ramp 4m arcaded walkway 45 % Ground Coverage



Part c

Regulations c3.High Rise Commercial Zone c3.10.Built to line

OSR amalgamated as a common green space, which shall be an integration with arcaded walkway



Front Margin

Front arcaded walkway

Built to line Up to 3 floors or 10 m

Front margin is optional which forsays 1/3rd the height of the building.

4m wide and 6 m height arcaded walkway


Up to 5 floors or 15 m

Note: •Above the mentioned built to line height, the building shall be stepped back or maintained in the same line

c3.11.Amalgamation and Subdivision

ROW 24m 36m

Amalgamation For plots less than 150m, Plot amalgamation would be incentive on betterment charges and premium FSI.

Subdivision In case of sub division, each plot should not be less than the minimum plot size as mentioned according to ROW. Not more than 8 subdivisions.


Part c

Regulations c4.Mid Rise Mixed Zone

Legend High Rise Commercial Mid Rise Mixed Use Residential Mixed Use Canal

Proposed Zoning c4.1.Definition: The intention of the zone is to promote more commercial and merchandise activities with residential, recreational and institutional uses. The Mid Rise Mixed Use zone is permitted on plots within buffer of 200m radius from the node other then the high rise commercial plots. Also, plots abutting the road after the 200m buffer.

Mid rise means more than 4 floors or 12m height

200 M

NODE 200 M

Nodes mean the major junction on sub arterial or arterial road. Minimum road width of 24 m. The roads here refers to the sub arterial or arterial roads extending from the node. N





Part c

Regulations c4.Mid Rise Mixed Zone c4.2.Permissible Uses: Zones

Permissible uses

Mid Rise Mixed Use Zone

Residential 1,2,4,5; Commercial – 1,2; Institution -1,2,3,5; Recreation- 1,2; Public Utility


Bungalows, Twin houses, Row houses, Tenements


Apartments (low and mid rise)


Social Housing - Rental Housing, Dharmasalas, Hostels




Retail shops, Convenience stores, Milk Booth, Local Vegetables shops, Restaurants


Shopping centre, Business buildings, hotels


Kindergartens, Primary school, Home schools, Nursery home, Clinic, Religious and rituals


Higher secondary school, Colleges, Hospitals, University, Multi specialty hospital


Research centre; Polytechnic college; Training institutes (ITI)


Small scale offices (Firms)


Parks, Playground, Sports and Leisure, Gardens


Fairs, Mela grounds, pandals, exhibition

Public Utility

Fire station, Police station, post office, Civic centre, public library, Jail, Government offices, court, Fuel station, Bus stops, Auto stands, IPT stands, Community hall, Exhibition hall, auditorium, Cinema hall, Party lawns, Museum, Convention centre, Parking Building.

c4.3.Permissible Uses according to ROW ROW

Permissible uses


Residential 1,2,4,5 Commericial-1, Institution-5, Public Utility; Recreation- 1


Residential ,1,2,4,5 ; Commercial-1; Institution -1,2, 5, Public Utility; Recreation- 1,2


Residential 1,2,4,5; Commerical-1,2; Institution-1,2,5, Public Utility, Recreation- 1,2


Residential -,2,3,5; Commercial-1,2,3,4; Institution-4,5; Public Utility


c4.4.Plot size: ROW 9m 12m 18m 24m 36m

c4.5.Floor Space Index

Minimum Plot size

Minimum Plot Dimension

200 sq.m


350 sq.m


500 sq.m


Note: •In case of plots less 200 sq.m, the plots might go for amalgamations. The plot size is mentioned considering the for say margins and setbacks to be offset. •The higher plot dimension shall face the abutting road and arcaded walkway shall be provided 23m

Base FSI

Premium FSI


Permissible FSI



Note: •Premium FSI would be provided, if the stilt parking, increased OSR, Public amenity building and for building which promotes the zone intention. Floor step back is optional. •In case of green terrace, 0.15 FSI is incentive 0.15 FSI 0.3 FSI

Green terrace Green Balcony

1.5 FSI 15 m 18


45 % Ground Coverage The illustrated example is for 18m ROW


Part c

Regulations c4.Mid Rise Mixed Zone c4.6.Permissible Height and Commercial Viability ROW 9m 12m 18m 24m 36m

Commercial Use

Permissible Height

Commercial Optional to 1 floor or up to 4m


Commercial mandate to 1 floor or up to 4m


Commercial mandate to 2 floor or up to 8m


c4.7.Parking ROW 9m 12m 18m 24m 36m

Note: • For plot more than 1000 sq.m, the whole building could be of commercial use. •To achieve the mid rise category, minimum height restriction would be 12m and maximum height being 24m.


Parking Requirement Residential: for every 150 sq.m - one car space and one two wheeler space Office: for every100 sq.m - one car space and one Two Wheeler space Commercial : for every50 sq.m - one car space and two Wheeler space

Basement not Allowed Basement allowed only to one level Basement allowed only to two level

Note: •For corner junction plots, the basement ramps shall be provided at lower hierarchy roads. •At locations, where vehicular access breaks the arcaded walkway, Speed calming materials and elements should be used. •Basement could be preferably used for parking only.

Residential permissble Commercial permissible


Commerical Mandatory Basement On site parking: One car space: 35sq.m and one two wheeler space: 5 sq.m

c4.8.Margins and Setback ROW

Side Margin


24m 36m

Rear Margin No Mandate Margin

12m 18m

c4.9.Open Space Reservation

1.5m on both sides

1.5m on rear side

3m on both sides

3m on rear side

Note: •For every 500m increase in plot size or if the right of way of the abutting road increases, the margin increases by 1.5m on sides and rear. •Margins should not consist basement ramp or OSR provisions. •Setbacks are to be connected to road. •The margins and setback shall be given excluding OSR and Parking requirements. •No compound wall is allowed


9m 12m 18m 24m 36m

Open Space Reservation No Mandate OSR 10% of the plot size with minimum dimension as 5m 10% of the plot size with minimum dimension as 10m

Note: • 10% of the plot size should be kept open to sky and should be publicly accessible. • This shall not be included in the arcaded walkway. • No parking or FSI excluded provisions are allowed. •The location of OSR should be as such, it could be cumulatively amalgamated to make a public park. Green terrace 0.3 FSI 0.3 FSI

1.5 m 1.5 m

Basement Ramp


Green terrace Green Balcony

1.5 FSI

On site Parking

45 % Ground Coverage




Part c

Regulations c4.Mid Rise Mixed Zone c4.10.Built to line

OSR amalgamated as a common green space, which shall be an integration with arcaded walkway


Front Margin

Front arcaded walkway

Built to line

9m No mandate margin


Up to 2 floors or 6m

18m 24m

Front margin is optional which for-says 1/3rd the height of the building.

4m wide and 6 m height arcaded walkway

Up to 3 floors or 10 m

Up to 5 floors or 15 m

36m Note: •Above the mentioned built to line height, the building shall be stepped back or maintained in the same line

c4.11.Amalgamation and Subdivision




9m 12m 18m 24m

For plots less than 150m, Plot amalgamation would be incentive on betterment charges and premium FSI.

In case of sub division, each plot should not be less than the minimum plot size as mentioned according to ROW. Not more than 8 subdivisions.



Part c

Regulations c5.Residential Zone

Legend High Rise Commercial Mid Rise Mixed Use Residential Mixed Use Canal

Proposed Zoning c5.1.Definition: The intention of the zone is to promote residential which will be supported by other two zones The residential zone is defined as plots which would not fall within buffer of 200m radius from the node Also, plots not abutting the road after the 200m buffer. Residential use: A use of building unit for the purpose of human habitation only except hotels and hostels as commercial entities

200 M

NODE 200 M

Nodes mean the major junction on sub arterial or arterial road. Minimum road width of 24 m. The roads here refers to the sub arterial or arterial roads extending from the node. N





Part c

Regulations c5.Residential Zone c5.2.Permissible Uses: Zones

Permissible uses

Residential Zone

Residential -1,2,4,5; Commercial – 1,2,3,4; Institution1,2,3,5 Public Utility


Bungalows, Twin houses, Row houses, Tenements


Apartments (low and mid rise)


Social Housing - Rental Housing, Dharmasalas, Hostels




Retail shops, Convenience stores, Milk Booth, Local Vegetables shops, Restaurants


Shopping center, Business buildings, hotels


Whole Sale Shops, Shopping malls


Automobile showrooms, factory outlets, automobile workshops


Kindergartens, Primary school, Home schools, Nursery home, Clinic, Religious and rituals


Higher secondary school, Colleges, Hospitals, University, Multi specialty hospital


Research center; Polytechnic college; Training institutes (ITI)


Parks, Playground, Sports and Leisure, Gardens


Fairs, Mela grounds, pandals, exhibition


Small scale offices (Firms)

Public Utility

Fire station, Police station, post office, Civic center, public library, Jail, Government offices, court, Fuel station, Bus stops, Auto stands, IPT stands, Community hall, Exhibition hall, auditorium, Cinema hall, Party lawns, Museum, Convention center, Parking Building.

c5.3.Permissible Uses according to ROW ROW

Permissible uses


Residential 1,2,4,5 Commericial-1, Institution-5, Public Utility; Recreation- 1,2


Residential 1,2,4,5 ; Commercial-1; Institution -1,2, 5, Public Utility; Recreation- 1,2


Residential 1,2,4,5; Commerical-1,2; Institution-1,2,5, Public Utility; Recreation- 1,2


Residential 1,2,3,4;Commercial-1,2,; Institution-1,2,3,5, Public Utility; Recreation- 1,2


c5.4.Plot size: ROW 6m 9m 12m 18m

c5.5.Floor Space Index

Minimum Plot size

Minimum Plot Dimension

100 sq.m


200 sq.m


350 sq.m



500 sq.m 20m 36m Note: •In case of plots less 200 sq.m, the plots might go for amalgamations. The plot size is mentioned considering the for say margins and setbacks to be offset. •The higher plot dimension shall face the abutting road and arcaded walkway shall be provided 16m

Base FSI

Premium FSI




Note: •Premium FSI would be provided, if the stilt parking, increased OSR, Public amenity building and for building which promotes the zone intention. Floor step back is optional. •In-case of green terrace, 0.15 FSI is incentive

Green terrace 0.15 FSI 0.3 FSI

Green terrace


1.2 FSI

45 % Ground Coverage The illustrated example is for 12m ROW

Permissible FSI



Part c

Regulations c5.Residential Zone c5.7.Permissible Height and Commercial Viability ROW 6m 9m 12m 18m 24m 36m

Commercial Use

Permissible Height 9m

Commercial Optional to 1 floor or up to 4m


Commercial mandate to 1 floor or up to 4m


Commercial mandate to 2 floor or up to 8m


Note: • For plot more than 1000 sq.m, the whole building could be of commercial use. • Also in Residential zone, not more than 300 sq.m of built area is allowed

Residential permissble

Side Margin

Rear Margin

No Mandate Margin



9m 12m 18m 24m 36m

Parking Requirement Residential: for every 150 sq.m - one car space and one two wheeler space Office: for every100 sq.m - one car space and one Two Wheeler space Commercial : for every50 sq.m - one car space and two Wheeler space

Basement not Allowed Basement allowed only to one level Basement allowed only to two level

On site parking: One car space: 35sq.m and one two wheeler space: 5 sq.m


Open Space Reservation






c5.9.Open Space Reservation





c5.8.Margins and Setback ROW



No Mandate OSR

12m 1.5m on both sides

1.5m on rear side

3m on both sides

3m on rear side

18m 24m 36m

Note: •For every 500m increase in plot size or if the right of way of the abutting road increases, the margin increases by 1.5m on sides and rear. •Margins should not consist basement ramp or OSR provisions. •Setbacks are to be connected to road. •The margins and setback shall be given excluding OSR and Parking requirements. •No compound wall is allowed for commercial buildings and for residential it is allowed.

10% of the plot size with minimum dimension as 5m 10% of the plot size with minimum dimension as 10m

Note: • 10% of the plot size should be kept open to sky and should be publicly accessible. • This shall not be included in the arcaded walkway. • No parking or FSI excluded provisions are allowed. •The location of OSR should be as such, it could be cumulatively amalgamated to make a public park.

Green terrace 0.15 FSI

Green terrace

1.5 m 0.3 FSI

OSR 1.5 m

1.2 FSI

On site Parking 12


OSR and Margins are not mandatory but optional ans suggested to leave for natural ventilation and sunlight

45 % Ground Coverage


Part c

Regulations c5.Residential Zone c5.10.Built to line


Front Margin

Front arcaded walkway

Built to line

6m 9m

No mandate margin

Up to 2 floors or 6m

12m 18m 24m

Front margin is optional which for-says 1/3rd the height of the building.

4m wide and 6 m height arcaded walkway

Up to 3 floors or 10 m

Up to 5 floors or 15 m

36m Note: •Above the mentioned built to line height, the building shall be stepped back or maintained in the same line

c5.11.Amalgamation and Subdivision




9m 12m 18m 24m

For plots less than 150m, Plot amalgamation would be incentivized on betterment charges and premium FSI.

In case of sub division, each plot should not be less than the minimum plot size as mentioned according to ROW. Not more than 8 subdivisions.



Part d

Group Synthesis d1. Suggestions and comments by peers Comment-1

The zones changes in the same street, with same character and ROW. The presence of Canal road is not explained clearly .It can be graphically or by some medium can be explained.

The node is planned with high rise commercial, which would increase the land value and also makes the junction active and vibrant. 200m is chosen considering the walk ability parameter. Followed by that along road, mid rise mixed use zone is provided, as the 36m road has a 18m diversion as canal road. The other plots are zoned under residential mixed use.


If the plot has both the side roads which were missed in the plans, firstly, please add them and on which side would the colonnade walkway be allowed, please specify. Plots having roads on two sides of the plots, for that case - How margins need to be considered is missing. It could be added. 25m 3m 3m


20 m

Basement Ramp 4m arcaded walkway

Note: •In case of plots less 200 sq.m, the plots might go for amalgamations. The plot size is mentioned considering the for say margins and setbacks to be offset. •The higher plot dimension shall face the abutting road and arcaded walkway shall be provided

Note: •For every 500m increase in plot size or if the right of way of the abutting road increases, the margin increases by 1.5m on sides and rear. •Margins should not consist basement ramp or OSR provisions. •Setbacks are to be connected to road. •The margins and setback shall be given excluding OSR and Parking requirements.


OSR amalgamation concept could be explained. If the arched Walkway is continuous and ramps are to be provided without destructing the walkway, please explain how regulations could solve it

OSR amalgamated as a common green space, which shall be an integration with arcaded walkway Note: •For corner junction plots, the basement ramps shall be provided at lower hierarchy roads. •At locations, where vehicular access breaks the arcaded walkway, Speed calming materials and elements should be used. •Basement could be preferably used for parking only.


Part d

Group Synthesis d1. Suggestions and comments by peers Comment-4

Mid-rise mixed use zone allows housing but the basement parking is restricted, so how is the parking going to be solved


Commercial Use

9m 12m 18m 24m 36m

Permissible Height

Commercial Optional to 1 floor or up to 4m


Commercial mandate to 1 floor or up to 4m


Commercial mandate to 2 floor or up to 8m


Residential permissble Commercial permissible

Note: • For plot more than 1000 sq.m, the whole building could be of commercial use. •To achieve the mid rise category, minimum height restriction would be 12m and maximum height being 24m.


Commerical Mandatory


Mid-rise mixed use zone shows a minimum allowable plot size of 100 sq.m and minimum one side dimension of 10m, with a minimum of 4 floors. You may recheck on the height feasibility for such smaller plots. ROW

Minimum Plot size

6m 9m 12m 18m 24m 36m


Minimum Plot Dimension

100 sq.m


200 sq.m


350 sq.m


500 sq.m


Side Margin

Rear Margin

6m 9m

No Mandate Margin

12m 18m 24m 36m

1.5m on both sides

1.5m on rear side

3m on both sides

3m on rear side


For commercial, the floor space area restriction could be considered for residential zone ROW 6m 9m 12m 18m 24m 36m

Commercial Use

Commercial Optional to 1 floor or up to 4m

Permissible Height 9m 12m

Commercial mandate to 1 floor or up to 4m


Commercial mandate to 2 floor or up to 8m


Note: • For plot more than 1000 sq.m, the whole building could be of commercial use. • Also in Residential zone, not more than 300 sq.m of built area is allowed


•The regulations are detailed and well explained graphically. •Regulations were crystal clear and explained well.


Part d

Group Synthesis d2. Learnings and Outcomes d2.1 Learnings

Intensity Based categorization in building The contribution of each zone in a building. It is defined with percentage of built up area

Basement regulations Additional regulations liberalizing the expansion of basement to the plot size

Sky Terrace A green breathing floor breaking the solid mass of building and intensifying the height instead of FSI

Multiple units in one plot FMOS - Front Margin Open space Which is an alternate term for open space reservation or Common plot d2.1 Discussions How to achieve 80m height with 2.03.0 FSI?? The question turned out to be debate cum discussion where we tried to understand the relation between plot size with ground coverage, feasibility of development by observing the road widths. Also, questioning the need of such lean towers in every plot. We came up to for a plot of 10000 sq.m with FSI of 3.0, for office purpose where on the surrounding context one floor would cater to 1000-1500 sq.m per floor. Hence we would be able to achieve 20 floors with 3.5 clear height with 10% ground coverage. 70m of permissible height is achieved.

How to achieve required parking in on site and basement ? For an building with 10000 sq.m built up area and plot area of 2000 sq.m. The requirement of parking according to the regulations for office use comes up to 200 cars and 200 two wheelers, the area required would be 4000 sq.m including the circulation. Giving a restriction of 2 basement would give 1000 sq.m in basement-1 and 2000 sq.m in basement-2. Hence on-site parking should be provided to cater to the requirement. Similar calculations were discussed for different built use.

Requirement of front margins and OSR. In the current cases, many development regulations cover the topic of leaving front margin and its mandatory. The discussion was mainly on the use of those margins and could be compromised and made build able benefiting the owner. The common plot or open space reservations could be made flexible by making a previous natural ground for rain water seepage and in bigger plots, OSR locations could be amalgamated and used as a public realm.


Thanks to Akshat Chadha and Shrilekha Halder for peer reviews

People’s centric Commercial street Built Form & Regulations | UP4608 | FP Sangami Nagarajan| PG190841|MUP

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