4 minute read
from Majalah Santai 86
by Santaidesign
o help the industry recover
Tfrom the losses due to the outbreak, MyCEB which is a non profit organization established by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia together with industry partners has come up with proactive initiatives such as
‘Meet in Malaysia Campaign’, Exhibition
Enhancement Package (EEP), Tactical
Malaysia Twin Deal V(TMTDV) and
Homegrown Event Support. These initiatives are designed to help the business events industry be back on their feet again and at the same time, encourage equal spread of wealth by engaging non central venues in the country.
The government has also made the decision to allow business events segment to be open with SOPs developed by the Malaysian Association of Convention and Exhibition
Organisers and Suppliers (MACEOS),
Business Events Council Malaysia (BECM) and MyCEB
According to the Chief Executive
Officer of MyCeb, Dato’ Sri Abdul
Khani Daud, the outlook for the industry in Malaysia is on the positive side as many events that were due to take place in Malaysia has been postponed instead of being cancelled.
The number of events that were secured and supported by MyCEB looks promising with 66 events being postponed to 2021 while only 17 has been canceled.
Meanwhile, during this current situation from January 2020 till July 2020, MyCEB together with the collaboration of local associations have successfully managed to bid and secure 21 international conferences for the years 2021 to 2024 with an estimated targeted number of 16,000 delegates which will bring an estimated economic impact of RM206.0 million to the
ExClusivE intErviEw with Dato’ sri aBDul Khani DauD ChiEf ExECutivE offiCEr Malaysia ConvEntion & ExhiBition BurEau (MyCEB) Positioning Malaysia as asia’s BusinEss EvEnts huB
The world at large is on the mend from the onslaught of the Covid-19 and Malaysia is not spared. As we all know the tourism industry is the worst affected by the outbreak but thankfully we are now in the recovery period.
thE outlooK for thE inDustry in Malaysia is on thE PositivE siDE as Many EvEnts that wErE DuE to taKE PlaCE in Malaysia has BEEn PostPonED instEaD of BEing CanCEllED. thE nuMBEr of EvEnts that wErE sECurED anD suPPortED By MyCEB looKs ProMising with 66 EvEnts BEing PostPonED to 2021 whilE only 17 has BEEn CanCElED
Dato’ sri aBDul Khani DauD ChiEf ExECutivEoffiCEr of MyCEB
Speaking of the ‘Meet In Malaysia Campaign’ which runs until December 2021, its objective is to effectively reassemble local and international industry players in organizing business events within the new norm that can revive the overall tourism industry in Malaysia.
The idea of the Let’s Meet Locally which is part of the Meet In Malaysia Campaign, is to stimulate the economy of the domestic business events industry; to create sustainable homegrown national/international events, to encourage more inaugural homegrown events being organized in Malaysia and to support local stakeholders in the business events industry through homegrown local events.
Aiming at encouraging corporates to hold their events and meetings in the country, the programme is applicable to a minimum group of 30 and 50 delegates per conference. Support from the Bureau and partners can come in the form of subsidies or services.
On the other hand, Let’s Meet Tomorrow which is also part of the Campaign, caters for the Conferences and Congresses segment. It is a demonstration of how the Bureau is mustering its industry relations by collaborating with stakeholders to develop competitive and appealing campaign packages. This is to inspire local organisers and give them the confidence to continue planning for international audiences .
Simply put their task is to woo the international market and the programme is initiated to help industry players to plan and prepare for future international business events to be organized in Malaysia for international delegates to come once the international border is open.
Addressing stakeholders such as Professional Conference Organisers(PCO), local associations, Events Management Companies and Destination Marketing Companies (DMC), the Let’s Meet Tomorrow programme strives for collaborations with venues to develop competitive and appealing campaign packages.
To ensure that the business events industry continue to grow post COVID-19 and prior borders to open, Malaysia Convention and Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) was tasked by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) Malaysia to look into promoting domestic business events segment where this task was previously under Tourism Malaysia.
The Bureau will continuously play its role in positioning Malaysia as Asia’s Business Events Hub under the circumstances of the new norm. MyCEB is also considering the travel bubble initiative that is aligned with MOTAC’s tourism master plan that includes the proposal to hold the travel bubble with green countries, based on the potential of the market to contribute to overall economic growth in Malaysia.