
20 minute read
Competition Programme – Feature Film
Austria, United Kingdom, 2023, Colour, 100 min.
Režija / Director: Sudabeh Mortezai

Uloge / Cast: Lilith Stangenberg, Jetnor Gorezi, Steljona Kadillari, Mirando Sylari, Tobias Winter Beate je ambiciozna menadžerica zaposlena u misterioznoj korporaciji EUROPA koja planira proširiti poslovanje na područje Balkana. Dok navodno promovišu filantropiju i investicije u nerazvijena područja, Europa zapravo nastoji otkupiti zemlju od stanovnika jedne zabačene doline u južnoj Albaniji, a Beate, kao glavna pregovaračica, rukovodi tom nedefinisanom misijom. Ali stvari se ne odvijaju po planu kada joj se suprotstavi Jetnor, tvrdoglav i duhovan farmer, koji odbija napustiti zemlju svojih predaka.
Beate is an ambitious executive working at Europa, a mysterious corporation looking to expand into the Balkans region. Seemingly promoting philanthropy and investment in underdeveloped areas, Europa actually needs to buy off lands from locals in a remote valley in Southern Albania using Beate as the main negotiator for the ambiguous mission. But things don’t go as planned when she is challenged by Jetnor, a stubborn and spiritual farmer who refuses to leave the land of his ancestors.
Greece, Bulgaria, 2023, Colour, 100 min.
Režija / Director: Christina Ioakeimidi
Uloge / Cast: Aggeliki Beveratou, Nikolakis Zeginoglou, Katerina Zisoudi, Konstantinos Aspiotis, Martha Frintzila, Natassa Xintaveloni
Šesnaestogodišnja Eleftheria, strankinja u čudnome svijetu, upoznaje misterioznog susjeda Angelosa koji je poziva u svoj fascinantni svijet odraslih. Dok biciklom kruži gradskim ulicama u vrelini augusta, Eleftheria je na putu do samootkrovenja kroz svirepost prve ljubavi. Sixteen-year-old Eleftheria, a stranger in a strange world, meets Angelos, a mysterious neighbour, who invites her into his fascinating grown-up world. Roaming the streets of the scorching-hot August city on his bike, Eleftheria embarks on a journey to discover herself through the ferocity of first love.
Sloboda / Freedom
Romania, Hungary, 2023, Colour, 109 min. Režija / Director: Tudor Giurgiu

Uloge / Cast: Alex Calangiu, Cătălin Herlo, Ionuț Caras, Iulian Postelnicu, Alexandru Papadopol, Leonid Doni, Andi Vasluianu, Toma Cuzin, Mirela Oprișor U haotičnim danima decembra 1989, tokom revolucije kojom je svrgnut komunistički režim, transilvanijski grad Sibiu postaje poprište brutalnog napada na jedinicu policije koji brzo prerasta u krvavi obračun između vojnika, policajaca, pobunjenih građana i predstavnika tajne policije. U očajničkom pokušaju da pobjegne iz okruženja policijskog kapetana Viorela privodi vojska i ubacuje u ispražnjeni bazen sa stotinama drugih ljudi optuženih da su teroristi.
In the chaotic days of the December 1989 revolution that overthrew the Communist regime in Romania, the Transylvanian city of Sibiu becomes the scene of a violent assault on a police unit that quickly escalates into a bloody
Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić confrontation between soldiers, policemen, civilian protesters, and representatives of the secret police. In a desperate attempt to escape the siege, police captain Viorel is captured by the army and thrown into an empty swimming pool along with hundreds of prisoners accused of terrorism.

Kos kos kupina / Blackbird
Blackbird Blackberry
Georgia, Switzerland, 2023, Colour, 110 min.
Režija / Director: Elene Naveriani
Uloge / Cast: Ekaterine Chavleishvili, Teimuraz Chinchinadze
Etero, četrdesetosmogodišnjakinja koja živi u jednom malom gruzijskom selu, nikada nije željela imati muža. Ona cijeni vlastitu slobodu podjednako kao i svoje kolače. Ali njena odluka da živi sama povod je brojnih tračeva među stanovnicima njenoga sela. Iznenada, Etero se strastveno zaljubljuje u jednog muškarca i prisiljena je odlučiti da li želi stupiti u vezu sa njim ili nastaviti živjeti slobodno. Etero se mora suočiti s vlastititm emocijama i odlučiti kako naći vlastiti put ka sreći.
Etero, a 48-year-old woman living in a small village in Georgia, never wanted a husband. She cherishes her freedom as much as her cakes. But her choice to live alone is the cause of much gossip among her fellow villagers. Unexpectedly, she finds herself passionately falling for a man, and is suddenly faced with the decision of pursuing a relationship or continuing a life of independence. Etero must grapple with her feelings and decide how to find her own path to happiness.
La Palisiada
Ukraine, 2023, Colour, 100 min.

Režija / Director: Philip Sotnychenko
Uloge / Cast: Stepan Barabash, Serhii Luzanovskyi, Oleksandr Mavrits, Andrii Zhurba, Novruz Pashayev, Oleksandr Parkhomenko, Valeria Oleinikova, Olena Mamchur, Oleksandr Maleev
Ukrajina 1996. godine. Pet mjeseci prije uvođenja moratorija na smrtnu kaznu, dva stara prijatelja, policijski detektiv i forenzički psihijatar, istražuju ubistvo kolege. Prije mnogo vremena oba su bila zaljubljena u udovicu žrtve. Udubljeni u komplikovani slučaj i davno zaboravljene uspomene, prijatelji kreiraju budućnost u kojoj će njihova djeca morati živjeti s nasljeđem nerealizovanih ambicija svojih roditelja.
Ukraine, 1996. Five months before the moratorium on capital punishment, two old friends, a police detective and a forensic psychiatrist, investigate the murder of a colleague. A long time ago, both of them were in love with the widow of the deceased. Immersed in the complicated case and longforgotten memories, the friends create a future in which their children will have to live, and will inherit the unrealised aspirations of their parents.
Lost Country
Serbia, France, Croatia, Luxembourg, Qatar, 2023, Colour, 98 min.
Režija / Director: Vladimir Perišić
Uloge / Cast: Jovan Ginić, Jasna Đuričić, Miodrag Jovanović, Lazar Ković, Pavle Čemerikić
Srbija, godina 1996. Tokom studentskih demonstracija protiv Miloševićevog režima petnaestogodišnji Stefan prisiljen je sprovesti najtežu od svih revolucija. Stefan se mora suočiti sa svojom voljenom majkom koja je glasnogovornica i saučesnica korumpirane vlasti protiv koje njegovi prijatelji protestvuju. Serbia, 1996. During the student demonstrations against the Milošević regime, fifteen-year-old Stefan has to go through the hardest revolution of all. He has to confront his beloved mother, spokesperson for and accomplice of the corrupted government his friends are rising up against.


Tigrica / Day of the Tiger
Romania, France, Greece, 2023, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Andrei Tănase Uloge / Cast: Cătălina Moga, Paul Ipate, Alex Velea Vera je veterinarka iz jednog malog grada u Transilvaniji. Udata je za glumca i reditelja Tomu. Nakon gubitka tek rođenog djeteta, njihov brak zapada u krizu. Vera postaje opsjednuta idejom da svoga mrtvog sina mora sahraniti prema pravoslavnim običajima i sve više vremena provodi na poslu. Na dan kada u zoološki vrt, u kojem Vera radi, stiže novi tigar, ona otkriva da njen muž nešto krije od nje. Vera is a small-town veterinarian from Transylvania, whose marriage to actor-director Toma is going through a difficult period since the couple lost their new-born son. Vera becomes obsessed with providing him with the proper Eastern Orthodox burial rituals and spends more and more time at work. On a particular day, while a new tiger is brought to the zoo where she works, Vera finds out her husband is hiding something.
Životinja / Animal
Greece, Austria, Romania, Cyprus, Bulgaria, 2023, Colour, 116 min.
Režija / Director: Sofia Exarchou

Uloge / Cast: Chronis Barbarian, Ilias Chatzigeorgiou, Danai Petropoulea, Dimitra Vlagopoulou, Flomaria Papadaki, Ahilleas Hariskos, Voodoo Jürgens Animatori u jednom otočkom „all-inclusive“ odmaralištu, pod vrelim grčkim suncem, pripremaju se za napornu turističku sezonu. Kalia je predvodnica čopora. Papirni ukrasi, sjajni kostimi i plesni nastupi ispunjavaju pozornicu. Dok se ljeto zakuhava i pritisak posla raste, njihove noći postaju nasilne i u mraku se otkrivaju unutrašnje borbe s kojima se Kalia suočava. Ali kada se svjetla pozornice upale, predstava se mora nastaviti. Under the hot Greek sun, the hosts at an allinclusive island resort prepare for the busy tourist season. Kalia is the leader of the pack. Paper decor, glitzy costumes, and dance shows fill the stage. As summer intensifies and the work pressure builds up, nights become violent and Kalia’s struggle is revealed in the darkness. But when the spotlights come up again, the show must go on.
Čuvari formule / Guardians of the Formula
Serbia, France, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, 2023, Colour, 118 min.
Režija / Director: Dragan Bjelogrlić
Uloge / Cast: Alexis Manenti, Radivoje Bukvić, Lionel Abelanski, Jérémie Laheurte, Olivier Barthélémy, Ognjen Mićović, Jovan Jovanović, Anne Serra, Alisa Radaković, Jean-Louis Coulloc'h, Cédric Appietto, Miki Manojlović, Dragan Bjelogrlić
U jeku hladnoratovske krize grupa naučnika u Institutu Vinča sprovodi tajni projekat koji predvodi profesor Dragoslav Popović. Sticajem nepredviđenih okolnosti, oni bivaju izloženi smrtonosnoj dozi zračenja, zbog čega ih jugoslovenska tajna policija odvodi na liječenje u Kliniku Curie u Parizu. Francuski doktorski tim na čelu sa profesorom Žoržom Mateom zaključuje da je njihovo stanje kritično i da su im dani odbrojani. Iako je profesor Mate cijeli svoj život posvetio borbi protiv nuklearnog naoružanja i duboko prezire projekat na kojem su radili jugoslovenski naučnici, on predlaže da se po prvi put u historiji izvede delikatna i neizvjesna intervencija zamjene koštane srži ozračenih pacijenata. Da li je u pitanju eksperiment nad
Čuvari formule / Guardians of the Formula
živim ljudima, ili on zaista želi da im pomogne –postaje mučno pitanje za jugoslovenske naučnike. At the height of the Cold War, a group of scientists from the Vinca Institute work on a secret project supervised by Professor Dragoslav Popović. In a twist of fate, they are exposed to a deadly dose of radiation and taken by Yugoslav secret police for treatment at the Institut Curie Hospital in Paris. Led by Professor Georges Mathé, a team of French doctors concludes that the scientists' situation is critical and that their days are numbered. Although Professor Mathé has dedicated his life to the fight against nuclear weapons and despite despising the project the Yugoslav scientists were working on, he suggests performing the first ever bone-marrow graft on them, a delicate and risky procedure. The Yugoslav scientists confront a fraught question: Is professor Mathé suggesting experimentation on humans or truly trying to help them?
Ekskurzija / Excursion
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Norway, Qatar, 2023, Colour, 94 min.
Režija / Director: Una Gunjak


Uloge / Cast: Asja Zara Lagumdžija, Nađa Spaho, Maja



Documentary Film
Selektorica / Programmer: Rada Šešić

Dan, 365 sati / A Day, 365 Hours
Türkiye, Croatia, 2023, Colour, 81 min.
Režija / Director: Eylem Kaftan


Dvije mlade žene zbližilo je to što su obje bile žrtve zlostavljanja. Njihov slučajni susret im daje snage da se suoče sa svojim zlostavljačima u sudnici i pomognu drugim mladim ženama u potrazi za pravdom.
Two young women are joined together by their shared experience of being abused. Their unexpected meeting forms a strong bond that gives them the strength both to take on their abusers in court and to help other young women seek justice.
Flašaroši / Bottlemen
Serbia, Slovenia, 2023, Colour, 84 min.
Režija / Director: Nemanja Vojinović
Na periferiji Beograda, na ostacima prastare vinčanske kulture, prostire se jedna od najvećih deponija smeća u Evropi. Skupljači plastičnih flaša, poznatiji kao flašaroši, teškom mukom zarađuju za život u tom toksičnom okruženju. Njihova živopisna zajednica suočava se s novim i rastućim prijetnjama. Uoči neizbježne privatizacije deponije, čitava zajednica flašaroša našla se pred zidom, zarobljena u procjepu između tehnološkog napretka i neadekvatnog sistema socijalne zaštite. Dok je ekološki efekat modernizacije deponije nemoguće procijeniti, krhka zajednica skupljača flaša prisiljena je da se sama suoči sa svojom neizvjesnom sudbinom. On the outskirts of Belgrade, one of the largest landfills in Europe sprawls across the remains of the ancient Vinča civilization. Plastic bottle collectors, a.k.a. “Bottlemen”, eke out a difficult living in this toxic landscape. Now, their vibrant community is facing new and greater threats.

Faced with the imminent privatisation of the landfill, an entire community of bottlemen is brought to a dead end, trapped in the gap between technological modernisation and an inadequate social care system. While the environmental impact of the landfill’s modernisation is unknown, the fragile community of collectors will have to face their uncertain destiny on their own.
Fran i Verka ili sasvim običan dan u napuštenom selu / Fran and Verka; Or a Usual Day in an Abandoned Village
Kosovo, 2023, Colour, 14 min.
Režija / Director: Sovran Nrecaj
Fran i Verka jedini su stanovnici Vërnakollë –sela u kojem su se prije mnogo godina sreli, vjenčali i gdje sve od tada žive. Nakon rata na Kosovu 1999, svi su napustili selo osim Frana i Verke. Njihova priča testament je nepokidivim nitima koje nas vežu za mjesto koje nazivamo domom i osjećamo da mu pripadamo.
Fran and Verka are the sole inhabitants of Vërnakollë—the place they first met many years ago, were married, and have been living ever since. After the 1999 war in Kosovo, everyone but Fran and Verka left the village. Their story is a testament to the unbreakable bonds that tie us to what we call home and where we belong.
Rekvijem za vrele dane ljeta / Requiem to the Hot Days of Summer
Georgia, Greece, 2023, Colour, 77 min.
Režija / Director: Giorgi Parkosadze
Guri i njegova majka Sanata čitav život proveli su u zabačenoj planinskoj dolini u Gruziji udaljenoj od svih tragova urbane civilizacije. Zemljoradništvo, uzgoj pčela i proizvodnja sira decenijama su dio njihove dnevne rutine. Posmatrajući svakodnevni život majke i sina gledaoci uranjaju u njihov neverbalni, kontemplativan odnos te, kroz blagi pogled kamere, bez napora prodiru u realnost ruralnog života koji je dio njihovog bića. Kroz duboko dirljivu priču o majčinstvu, film REKVIJEM ZA VRELE DANE LJETA prigrljava tugu, tišinu i usamljenost koji prate sva ljudska bića kao iskonski pečat njihove sudbine i pobuđuje reminiscencije o blaženom načinu života koji je još uvijek sačuvan u podsvjesti čovječanstva.
Guri and his mother, Sanata, have spent all of their lives in a remote mountainous valley in Georgia, distant from nearly any signs of urban civilisation. Farming, beekeeping, and cheesemaking have been their routine for decades. While witnessing the daily life of mother and son, the audience is immersed in the nonverbal, contemplative relationship between the two, and through the gentle gaze of the camera, enters effortlessly into rural reality as an inseparable element of their being. Through a touching motherhood story, REQUIEM TO THE HOT DAYS OF SUMMER embraces the sadness, silence, and solitude that follow every human being as the primordial seal of their fate and inspires the reminiscence of a blissful way of life, which is still present in the unconscious memory of humanity.
Što da se radi? / What’s to Be Done?
Croatia, 2023, Colour, 79 min.
Režija / Director: Goran Dević
Željko je šef sindikata Tvornice vlakova Gredelj. Njegov zamjenik Mladen počinio je samoubistvo koji bi trebao osujetiti planove vlade, po nalogu EU, da tvrtku odvede u stečaj. Film ima strukturu od tri čina. Prvi dio čini dokumentarna građa snimljena opservacijskom metodom. Drugi dio snimljen je deset godina kasnije. Treći je fiktivni dio.

Zeljko is the labour union leader at Gredelj Train Factory. His deputy, Mladen, has committed suicide after massive public protests and interunion clashes. Zeljko is torn between the guilt he feels over Mladen’s death and workers' expectations that he will lead a strike that should thwart a plan by the government, acting on the EU’s behest, to declare the factory bankrupt. WHAT'S TO BE DONE? is structured in three acts. The first act uses observational documentary footage; the second, footage filmed a decade later; while the third is fictitious.
Šutnja razuma / Silence of Reason
North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023, Colour, 63 min.
Režija / Director: Kumjana Novakova
Sastavljen isključivo od svjedočanstava i video materijala iz forenzičkog arhiva, film ŠUTNJA
RAZUMA i sam je poput sjećanja: neuhvatljiv, fluidan, odbacuje okvire, razbacan je na sve strane, prostoran je i temporalan. Lična iskustva pretrpljenog nasilja i torture žena koje su tokom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini prošle kroz kampove za silovanje u Foči prevazilaze okvire vremena i prostora i postaju naša naša kolektivna sjećanja.
Built solely from forensic visual archive material and testimonies, SILENCE OF REASON itself acts as a memory: elusive, fluid, rejecting framing, moving in all directions, spatial and temporal. The singular violence and torture experienced by women from the Foča rape camps during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina become our own collective memories, surpassing time and space.
Tijelo / Body
Slovenia, Croatia, North Macedonia, 2023, Colour, 92 min.
Režija / Director: Petra Seliškar
TIJELO je jedinstveno i poetično putovanje najskrivenijim predjelima ličnosti kroz svjedočanstvo Urške koja je provela dvadeset godina života klackajući se na granici između života i smrti. Profesionalnoj pijanistici i bivšoj manekenki Urški u životu je sve išlo dobro dok je nije pogodila bolest. Oporavljajući se od encefalitista, morala je ponovo upoznati samu sebe i ponovo naučiti sve u životu: da hoda, da prepozna svoju kćerku, da shvata i voli svoje tijelo koje naizgled želi da je uništi. BODY is a unique and poetic journey into the most unknown areas of the self, through the testimony of Urška, who spent twenty years struggling between life and death. A professional piano player and a former fashion model, Urška had everything going for her until she was struck by illness. Recovering from encephalitis, she had to get to know herself again and learn to live: to walk, to recognise her daughter, to understand – and love – her body, which seems to want to destroy her.

Vilinski vrt / Fairy Garden

Hungary, Romania, Croatia, 2023, Colour, 83 min. Režija / Director: Gergő Somogyvári U dubinama šume u okolini Bukurešta devetnaestogodišnji transseksualac Fanni i šezdesetogodišnji beskućnik Laci grade atipičan odnos sličan odnosu roditelja i djeteta. Djeluju kao porodica, međusobno se podržavajući u teškim i opasnim vremenima. Ovaj nekonvencionalni dokumentarac o sazrijevanju priča je o njihovoj istrajnosti i širokogrudosti i njihovom trijumfu pronalaska doma uprkos životnim nedaćama.

Hidden in the heart of the woods of Budapest, an unorthodox father-daughter relationship blossoms between Fanni, a nineteen-year-old transgender teenager, and Laci, a sixty-year-old homeless man. Together, they form a makeshift family, supporting each other through hardship and change. This unconventional coming-ofage documentary unveils their tale of perseverance and acceptance, and the triumph of finding home amidst the struggles of life.

Zagrljaj / Hug
Slovenia, Croatia, 2023, Colour, 14 min.
Režija / Director: Miroslav Mandić


Priroda nas miluje pri rođenju, uči nas da joj se čudimo i divimo dok rastemo. Potom krenemo udarati po njoj, iskorištavamo njena dobra u ime takozvanog napretka. Ona se mršti na nas, oprosti nam puno toga kao prava majka. Ponekad ipak zaurla na nas, opominje nas zemljotresom, pandemijom ili cunamijem. Hoćemo li ikada naučiti da ne zloupotrebljavamo našu majku nego da umjesto toga dijelimo njena dobra s poštovanjem i zahvalnošću?
Nature caressed us into being, even taught us how to pat her back as we grew up. Then, we started hitting her hard, using her goods for our progress at her expense. She stares at us reluctantly yet tolerates us, as a mother would. But, occasionally, she freaks out, warns us with an earthquake, a pandemic, or a tsunami. Shall we ever learn not to take advantage of our mom, and instead share her goods with humility, respect, and appreciation?
Moj muž, musliman / My Muslim Husband
Romania, 2023, Colour, 71 min.
Režija / Director: Alexandra Lizeta Laura Bărnuți, Daniel Ioan Bărnuți
Alexandra se udaje za Daniela, mladog Rumuna koji je prihvatio islam. Vjeruje da će njena spremnost da uči o nepoznatoj kulturi omogućiti njenoj tek uspostavljenoj porodici da pronađu sreću i harmoniju. Međutim, mladi par uskoro je prisiljen da se suoči ne samo sa diskriminacijom u društvu već i sa brojnim predrasudama. Alexandra i Daniel moraju se boriti jedno za drugo i za svoju vezu, čak i ako to znači da se trebaju odreći sebe kakvi su nekada bili ili izbaciti neke ljude iz svojih života.
Alexandra marries Daniel, a young Romanian convert to Islam. She believes that being open to learning about a different culture will enable her new family to find happiness and harmony. But soon, the young couple has to face not only the religious discrimination of society but also other prejudices. Alexandra and Daniel must fight for each other and their relationship, even though it means leaving behind their old selves or cutting off some people from their lives.
Aloja, fikus, avokado i šest zmajevaca / One Aloe, One Ficus, One Avocado and Six Dracaenas
Ukraine, France, 2023, Colour, 8 min.
Režija / Director: Marta Smerechynska
Šta ponijeti, šta ostaviti? Koliko su bitna materijalna dobra osobi koja pokušava spasiti vlastiti život? Paketi iz Ukrajine puni svega i ničega strpljivo čekaju pod mostom da ih neko pronađe, a glas budi sjećanja na frivolne i dragocjene lične stvari u naizgled oproštajnom pismu za Kijev koje slama srce.
What to take, what to leave? How important are material possessions when you are trying to save your life? Packages from Ukraine – filled with everything and nothing – wait patiently under a bridge to be collected, while a voice stirs memories of frivolous and treasured personal effects, in a heart-breaking farewell letter to Kyiv.
Autoportret uz liniju razgraničenja / Self-Portrait along the Borderline
Georgia, 2023, Colour and B&W, 50 min. Režija / Director: Anna Dziapshipa Vrata napuštene kuće otvaraju se u prošlost kroz oživljavanje jedinstvenih, gotovo zaboravljenih arhivskih slika iz Abhazije –nepriznatog teritorija smještenog uz obalu Crnog mora. Gruzijci inače nemaju pristup toj lokaciji zbog etničkog sukoba između Gruzije i
Abhazije iz 1993. godine. Kombinujući glasove, arhivske i nedavno sačinjene snimke, film propituje izgubljeni i podijeljeni identitet zaglavljen između margina. Audiovizuelni fragmenti ovog arhiva suptilno se prepliću u ličnoj i političkoj biografiji oslonjenoj na komplikovanu i kontroverznu prošlost gruzijsko-abhazijskih odnosa. An abandoned house opens the door to revisiting the past by bringing to life a unique, nearly destroyed image archive from Abkhazia, the unrecognised territory on the border of the Black Sea, a place that is normally inaccessible to Georgians because of the ethnic conflict that happened between Georgia and Abkhazia in 1993. Combining voice, archival, and recent footage, SELF-PORTRAIT ALONG THE BORDERLINE examines a lost and split identity that is stuck between the margins. The audiovisual fragments of this archive are intricately woven together to create a personal and political biography which recalls the complicated and controversial historical past of GeorgianAbkhaz relations.



De Facto
Austria, Germany, 2023, Colour, 130 min.
Režija / Director: Selma Doborac Kako film može govoriti o saučesnicima u zločinima protiv čovječnosti, ekstremnom nasilju i državnom teroru, a da ne bude u dosluhu sa njima? DE FACTO nudi odgovor na ovo pitanje kroz pažljivo režiranu igru dvoje glumaca, precizno izgrađen scenarij i planski reducirano okruženje.
How can cinema engage with complicity in crimes against humanity, extreme violence, and state terror without conniving in it? DE FACTO finds answers to these questions in a meticulously directed play of two actors, a precisely compiled film script and a deliberately reduced setting.
Dezerteri / Deserters
Croatia, 2022, Colour, 45 min.
Režija / Director: Damir Markovina
DEZERTERI je hibridni dokumentarni esej o generaciji bosanskohercegovačkih srednjoškolaca iz grada Mostara koja je na pragu zrelosti pogođena razornim ratom. Ovaj mozaik sjećanja na rane devedesete sastavljen je od savremenih razglednica i nijemih kadrova mjesta gdje su se nekada vodili ratovi, a koja su protagonisti filma bili prisiljeni napustiti. Smirenost tih mjesta danas je u suprotnosti s emotivnim isječcima iz pisama upućenih reditelju iz izbjegličkih kampova razasutih diljem Evrope. Izbjeglice opisuju svoj bijeg preko granice, svoja iskustva u izbjegličkim kampovima i svoju dugotrajnu mržnju prema neprijateljima koji su im oteli dom i mladost. Film o nestaloj generaciji, egzilu, teškim izborima i odgovoru na najteže pitanje svakog rata: ostati ili bježati?
DESERTERS is a hybrid documentary essay about director Damir Markovina's generation –Bosnian and Herzegovinian high schoolers from the town of Mostar, struck by a devastating war on the verge of their maturity. This tapestry of their memories of the early nineties is composed of modern-day postcards and silent shots of places where wars used to be waged and which the protagonists of this film were forced to abandon. The serenity of these places today contrasts with emotional excerpts from letters addressed to Markovina from refugee camps scattered all over Europe. The refugees describe their flight across the border, their experiences in refugee camps and their lasting hate of the enemies who took away their home and their youth. A film about a lost generation, exile, and difficult choices, and an answer to the toughest question of any war: to stay or to run?

Dosje Labudović: Nesvrstani / Non-Aligned:
Scenes from the Labudović
Serbia, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Qatar, 2022, Colour and B&W, 100 min.
Režija / Director: Mila Turajlić
DOSJE LABUDOVIĆ: NESVRSTANI je dugometražni dokumentarni film koji nas vodi na putovanje kroz arhivu Stevana Labudovića, osobnog snimatelja jugoslavenskog predsjednika Tita. Film prati rođenje Pokreta nesvrstanih, zaviruje iza kulisa tog doba s ličnostima, politikom i obećanjima koja su obilježila Treći svijet te istražuje kako je filmski medij pomogao u stvaranju globalnog projekta političke emancipacije.
REELS takes us on an archival road trip through the birth of the Third World project, based on unseen 35mm materials filmed by Stevan Labudović, the cameraman of Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito. The film traces the birth of the Non-Aligned movement, examining how a global project of political emancipation was constituted by the cinematic image. Together with CINÉ-GUERRILLAS, the film forms a documentary diptych.

Horror Vacui

Croatia, 2023, Colour, 24 min.
Režija / Director: Boris Poljak
“Horror vacui” doslovno znači strah od prazna prostora ili strah pred prazninom. Termin je prvi upotrijebio Aristotel, a danas može označavati strah od neizvjesne budućnosti koja proizvodi osjećaj tjeskobe i usamljenosti. Kroz duge, asocijativno povezane kadar-sekvence, film upozorava na postojeću militarizaciju u globariziranu svijetu, u kom se sve može dogoditi bilo gdje i bilo kada.
The term "horror vacui" was coined by Aristotle, and it means "fear of empty space". It is used as a metaphor of the fear of the uncertain future that causes feelings of anxiety and loneliness. Due to the space and time of the events taking place in film being blurred, everything can happen everywhere at any time in a globalised world.
Croatia, 2023, Colour, 15 min.
Režija / Director: Sara Jurinčić
Ovaj hibridni film vodi nas na putovanje kroz svijet bez muškaraca. Stvarnost i podsvijest miješaju se u autoričinom intimnom susretu sa njenim pretkinjama. Autorica bezglasno postavlja pitanje: „Kakav je osjećaj imati porodično stablo sačinjeno samo od žena? Šta nam naše pretkinje poručuju putem svojih nemuštih portreta?“
This hybrid film takes us on a journey into a world without men. Reality and subconscious blend together in the filmmaker’s intimate encounter with her female ancestors. Silently, she asks: How does it feel to have a family tree consisting only of women? What do our ancestresses whisper from their silent portraits?
Hope Hotel Phantom
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Bojan Stojčić Dejtonski mirovni sporazum, ispregovaran u zračnoj bazi Wright-Patterson, u američkoj državi Ohio, zaustavio je brutalni rat u Bosni i Hercegovini. Dvadeset sedam godina nakon Daytona, početkom jula 2022. godine, reditelj je rezervisao sobu u Hope Hotelu, istom onom u kojem su odsjeli pregovarači.

In November 1995, the leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia met in Dayton, Ohio, to broker a peace agreement that would end four violent years of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Dayton Peace Agreement was negotiated at the Hope Hotel. Twenty-seven years later, an artist flew to the United States and booked a room at the hotel.
Između revolucija / Between Revolutions
Romania, Croatia, Qatar, Iran, 2023, Colour and B&W, 70 min.
Režija / Director: Vlad Petri Sedamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka, tokom fakultetskih studija, Zahra i Maria sklapaju čvrsto prijateljstvo. Usljed političkih previranja u njenoj domovini Iranu, Zahra je prisiljena da se vrati kući i rastane se sa Marijom. Tokom naredne decenije, njih dvije ostaju u kontaktu putem pisama u kojima opisuju vlastita nastojanja da se, kao žene, izbore za pravo na mišljenje i javno uvažavanje i različite razvoje situacija u njihovim zemljama. Uprkos udaljenosti i drugim preprekama, one ne prestaju snažno čeznuti jedna za drugom. In 1970s Bucharest, Zahra and Maria form a deep friendship while studying at university. As political turmoil brews in Iran, Zahra is forced to return home, leaving Maria behind. Over the next decade, they maintain their connection through a series of letters, chronicling their struggles as women fighting for a voice and their respective countries moving in divergent directions. Despite the distance and obstacles, their longing for each other remains strong.
Mi nećemo izblijedjeti / We Will Not Fade Away
Ukraine, France, Poland, United States, 2023, Colour, 100 min.
Režija / Director: Alisa Kovalenko Grupa tinejdžera iz Donbasa nadomak je zrelosti i sanjaju da osvoje svijet. Iako su udaljeni zvuci pucnjave i eksplozija dio zvučne kulise njihovih života, oni ne gube nadu. Buntovni su, skloni avanturama, ulaze u minska polja i sunčaju se kraj lokalnog jezera. Sanjaju o bijegu ne samo od rata već, kao svi tinejdžeri na svijetu, i od dosade života u malom gradu. A onda, iznenada, pruža im se prilika da krenu na dugo putovanje do Nepala. Da li će se njihov san o osvajanju svijeta ostvariti?
A group of teenagers from Donbas are entering adulthood, and dream of conquering the world. Although they can hear gunshots and explosions in the distance, they do not lose hope. They rebel, ride on the waves of adventure, walk into minefields, and sunbathe by a local lake. They dream of escaping not only from the war but also—like teenagers all over the world—from the boredom of living in a small town. Then, unexpectedly, an opportunity arises for them to embark on a long journey all the way to Nepal. Will their dream of conquering the world come true?
