
3 minute read
15. DAN LJUDSKIH PRAVA 15th Human Rights Day
Pod pokroviteljstvom Kraljevine Nizozemske ove godine će se održati 15. izdanje Dana ljudskih prava 29. Sarajevo Film Festivala. U okviru programa, u ponedjeljak, 14. augusta 2023. u multipleksu Cineplexx
Sarajevo bit će održana projekcija filma SNAJKA: DNEVNIK OČEKIVANJA rediteljice Tee Vidović Dalipi, koja će poslužiti kao osnova za panel-diskusiju nakon projekcije filma. Panel-diskusija će staviti fokus na temu „Navigating expectations: The Road to Understanding Discrimination and Cultural Differences“, a moderator panela je Robert Zuber, novinar i reditelj.
Under the auspices of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in 2023 the Sarajevo Film Festival presents its fifteenth consecutive Human Rights Day programme. On Monday, 14 August, a screening of Tea Vidovic Dalipi’s SNAJKA: DIARY OF EXPECTATIONS at Cineplexx Sarajevo is followed by a panel discussion of “Navigating Expectations: The Road to Understanding Discrimination and Cultural Differences”, moderated by journalist and director Robert Zuber.
„Nikada nije lako snajkama iako nemali broj snajki imaju divan odnos sa svojim svekrvama i njihovim obiteljima. No katkada se dogodi da ljubav dvoje ljudi dovede do spajanja obitelji različitih kultura i običaja, a onda stvari kao što su tolerancija, međusobno uvažavanje ili pak strpljenje postaju vrijednosti od iznimne važnosti za takav bračni par. Tako i u ovom sjajnom dokumentarnom filmu SNAJKA: DNEVNIK OČEKIVANJA rediteljice Tee Vidović Dalipi, u kojem je ona i glavna protagonistica, uz supruga Mirsada i njihovu kćer Fridu, gledamo taj, kako sama autorica kaže, 'pokušaj zajedničkog života, razapetog između pritisaka obitelji i kompromisa na koje su oboje spremni pristati. Mirazi koje su dobili ekonomski su i kulturalno praktički nespojivi pa je pred njima nezahvalan izazov balansiranja vlastite obiteljske prtljage, prikvačene kao ostavština prošlih generacija na putu između Hrvatske i Kosova'. U svemu tome, Tea i Mirsad te njihova kći Frida, u nekim trenucima postaju i sami promatrači nespojivih kulturoloških zahtjeva njihovih obitelji, u potpunosti suprotstavljenih i nespremnih da pronađu kompromis, formulu za suživot. Unatoč tome, oni su spremni zakloniti svoju intimu, kako bi izbjegli, koliko je moguće, tradicionalne stereotipe ili pak svojevrsni kulturni rasizam. Hoće li uspjeti u tome? Nije sigurno. No ono što je sigurno je to da ni Tea ni Mirsad neće odustati tako lako od svoje male tročlane obitelji.“ – Robert Zuber.
'It is never easy to be a daughter-in-law, although many married women do have wonderful relationships with their husband’s mothers. But, sometimes it happens that two people in love bring together families of different customs and traditions, and this is when tolerance, mutual respect, and patience become of crucial importance to the loving couple. Such is the case documented by Tea Vidovic Dalipi in SNAJKA: DIARY OF EXPECTATIONS, in which the director herself is a main subject, along with her husband Mirsad and their daughter Frida. Or, as she puts it, we watch “an attempt at a shared life under pressure from our families and compromises we both are willing to accept.” What this couple unite in marriage is two very different, almost irreconcilable, social classes and cultures, which is why they have the thankless task of balancing their “primary family luggage” – the heritage of their forefathers that clings to them – as they travel between Croatia and Kosovo. Amid all that, Tea, Mirsad, and Frida sometimes become observers of the incompatible cultural demands of their families, who are at odds with each other and refuse to look for compromise, a way to co-exist. But, Tea and Mirsad are very much willing to shield their private life to avoid, as much as possible, both traditional stereotypes and something akin to cultural racism. Will they succeed? It is impossible to tell. But one thing is certain, neither Tea nor Mirsad will easily give up on their core family of three.' – Robert Zuber.
Snajka: Dnevnik očekivanja / Snajka: Diary of Expectations
Snajka: Dnevnik očekivanja /
Snajka: Diary of Expectations
Croatia, Italy, Kosovo, 2023, Colour, 75 min.
Režija / Director: Tea Vidović Dalipi
U svaki ljubavni odnos ulazimo opterećeni identitetima koje smo dobili u miraz od svojih primarnih porodica, bili oni ekonomski, socijalni ili vjerski. Ljubav, brak i roditeljstvo Hrvatice Tee i kosovskog Roma Mirsada u tom se kontekstu doimaju kao nemoguća misija jer će njihova svakodnevica biti posmatrana kroz prizme različitih običaja i vrednosnih sistema njihovih porodica. Pod ekonomskim pritiskom sa jedne i pritiskom stroge tradicije sa druge strane, Mirsad i Tea izložit će se riziku da ne ispune očekivanja svojih najmilijih, pri tome rizikujući da ugroze vlastiti odnos i mogućnost izgradnje bolje budućnosti za sebe i svoju novorođenu kćer Fridu.
We enter every relationship burdened by identities bequeathed by our primary families, be they economic, social, or religious. Love, marriage, and parenthood between Tea, a Croatian woman, and Mirsad, a Roma man, seems in a sense to be mission impossible, because their daily life will be scrutinised by their respective families’ wholly different customs and value systems. Burdened by rigorous tradition on the one hand and economic pressure on the other, the couple will expose themselves to the possibility of their loved ones’ failed expectations, at risk of jeopardising their own relationship and a better future for themselves and their newborn daughter Frida.
