
6 minute read
Doha Film Institute
Posljednja kraljica / The Last Queen
Algeria, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Taiwan, 2022, Colour, 110 min.
Režija / Director: Damien Ounouri, Adila Bendimerad Uloge / Cast: Adila Bendimerad, Dali Benssalah, Tahar Zaoui, Imen Noel, Nadia Tereszkiewicz Alžir, godine 1516. Gusar Aruj Barbarossa oslobađa Alžir od španske tiranije i preuzima vlast nad kraljevstvom. Kruže glasine da je ubio kralja Salima Toumija iako su sklopili savez. Mimo svih očekivanja, suprotstavlja mu se jedna žena, kraljica Zaphira. Na granici između historijskih činjenica i legendi, ovo je priča o ličnim i političkim prevratima i borbama koje je jedna žena preživjela za ljubav Alžira. Algeria, 1516. The pirate Aruj Barbarossa frees Algiers from the tyranny of the Spanish and seizes power over the kingdom. Rumour has it that he murdered King Salim Toumi despite their alliance. Against all odds, one woman will stand up to the pirate: Queen Zaphira. Between history and legend, this woman’s journey tells of a struggle, and of personal and political turmoil endured for the sake of Algiers.
Riječno korito / Riverbed
Lebanon, 2022, Colour, 80 min.
Doha institut za film je nezavisna, neprofitna kulturna institucija osnovana 2010. Institut pomaže razvoj lokalne filmske zajednice kroz unapređenje stručnog znanja, njegovanje ljubavi prema filmu i doprinos razvoju samoodržive kreativne filmske industrije u Kataru. Aktivnosti instituta uključuju finansiranje i produkciju lokalnih, regionalnih i međunarodnih filmova, obrazovnih programa i filmskih projekcija, kao i organizovanje Filmskog festivala mladih Ajyal i Qumra Film Festivala. Institut se u svome radu fokusira na kulturu, razvoj lokalnih zajednica i obrazovanje, a trajno je posvećen ostvarenju vizije Katara da se do 2030. godine nametne kao ekonomija utemeljena na znanju. Doha Film Institute is an independent, not-for-profit cultural organisation established in 2010. It supports the growth of the local film community through cultivating film appreciation, enhancing industry knowledge and contributing to the development of sustainable creative industries in Qatar. The Institute’s platforms include funding and production of local, regional and international films; skills-sharing and mentorship programmes; film screenings; the Ajyal Youth Film Festival; and Qumra. With culture, community, learning and entertainment at its foundation, the Institute is committed to supporting Qatar’s 2030 vision for the development of a knowledge-based economy.
Režija / Director: Bassem Breche

Uloge / Cast: Carole Abboud, Omaya Malaeb, Rabih El Zahr, Fadia El Tannir, Antoinette Noufaily, Nisrine Khodr RIJEČNO KORITO je priča o Selmi i njenoj kćerki Thurayi, povratnici u rodni dom, i njihovom pokušaju da zaštite, održe i rekonstruišu živote jedna sa drugom i jedna protiv druge. Selma je preživjela mnogo godina štiteći vlastitu samostalnost, pronašla je mir odričući se svega što ju je vezivalo. Ali Selmu njena prošlost ne želi ostaviti na miru i vraća joj Thurayu –poraženu, razvedenu i trudnu.

RIVERBED tells the story of Salma and her returning daughter Thuraya, and their attempt to preserve, maintain and reconstruct their lives with and against each other. Salma survived for many years by protecting her independence, and reached peace through letting go of any attachments. But the past does not let go of Salma and brings back Thuraya –defeated, divorced, and pregnant.
Shortcuts To Qatar
A onda spale more / And Then They Burn the Sea
Qatar, 2021, Colour, 13 min.
Režija / Director: Majid Al Remaihi
A ONDA SPALE MORE elegična je kontemplacija o porodičnim uspomenama i gubitku. Autor filma Majid Al Remaihi promišlja iskustvo svjedočenja majčinom dugogodišnjem, postepenom, ali nepovratnom gubitku pamćenja. Služeći se porodičnim arhivom i uprizorenim snovima i ritualima, film naglašava sposobnost filmske umjetnosti da posluži kao medij za uspomene, čak i one koje su nepovratno izgubljene.
AND THEN THEY BURN THE SEA is an elegiac contemplation on familial memory and loss. Filmmaker Majid Al Remaihi ruminates on the experience of witnessing his mother’s gradual and terminal memory loss over the course of many years. Weaving together a personal family archive, reenacted dreams and rituals, the film underlines the promise of cinema as a medium of memories even at their most irretrievable.
Granica / Border
Qatar, 2021, Colour, 12 min.
Režija / Director: Khalifa Al-Thani

U mutnoj distopičnoj budućnosti, građanin Mohammed putuje do granice kako bi vidio članove svoje porodice. Uprkos njegovim naporima da poštuje pravila sistema,

Mohammedovo putovanje se komplikuje. U svijetu u kojem niko nema lica, a svi su tek kodovi boje, razum se naizgled pretvara u predrasudu. In an abstrusely dystopian future, Mohammed, a citizen, travels to the border to see his family. Despite his efforts to follow the system, his journey becomes turbulent. In a world where we are all colour codes and faceless, judgement seems to turn into prejudice.
Kad je Bejrut bio Bejrut / When Beirut Was Beirut
Qatar, Lebanon, 2021, Colour, 12 min.
Režija / Director: Alessandra El Chanti
Kada bi ove građevine mogle govoriti, šta bi ispričale? Ovaj poetični hibridni dokumentarac upoznaje nas sa tri veličanstvene, napuštene građevine koje su svjedočile turbulentnoj historiji Bejruta, a oživljene su kroz opušteni međusobni razgovor. Vraćamo se u zlatno doba Bejruta, kada je Piccadilly teatar bio mjesto zabave, trgovine u Eggu su ispunjavale gomile ljudi, a Bejt Bejrut je pod svojim krovom u art déco stilu krio domove nekolicine porodica i jedan legendarni frizerski salon. If these buildings could talk, what would they say? This poetic hybrid documentary introduces us to three majestic, abandoned buildings that witnessed Beirut’s tumultuous history and come to life through a casual conversation among themselves. We are going back to the Golden Era of Beirut, when the Piccadilly Theatre was filled with entertainment, the Egg was bustling with people in its local markets, and Beit Beirut housed an iconic hair salon and families living under its art-deco roof.
Naser i ulaznica / Nasser & the Ticket
Qatar, 2022, Colour, 5 min.
Režija / Director: Tony El Ghazal
Uloge / Cast: Hamad Al-Ibrahim, Abdul Ghani Maqboul, Mohamed Adel, Amir Alsafreeni, Aseel Elabsi
Zarobljen na času arapskog jezika, Nasser, zaljubljenik brazilskog fudbala, čini sve što je u njegovoj moći da osigura ulaznicu za prvu utakmicu koju će Pelé odigrati u Kataru. Whilst he is stuck in an Arabic class, Nasser, a Brazil football fan, does all he can to get a ticket to Pelé’s first-ever match in Qatar.

Nemoj se previše raskomotiti / Don't
Get Too Comfortable
Yemen, Kenya, United States, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, 2021, Colour, 9 min.
Režija / Director: Shaima Al-Tamimi Film je introspektivno pismo koje je autorica Shaima Al-Tamimi posvetila svome pokojnom dedi. U pismu propituje neprekidnu selidbu Jemenaca u dijaspori. U filmu kombinuje arhivske fotografije, izvorne videosnimke, parallax animaciju i apstraktne videouratke kako bi kreirala audiovizuelno djelo koje skreće pažnju na kolektivni osjećaj jemenskih (i drugih) migranata da su ljudi bez države. Shaima Al-Tamimi shares an introspective letter to her deceased grandfather. The letter questions the continuous pattern of movement among Yemenis in the diaspora. The film fuses archival photographs, sourced footage, parallax animation, and abstract video to create an audiovisual body of work that calls attention to the collective feeling of statelessness being felt by Yemeni (and non-Yemeni) migrants.


Nevidljiva lopta / Invisible Ball
Qatar, 2022, Colour, 5 min.
Režija / Director: Waad Abdelsalam


Uloge / Cast: Abdel Aziz El Remahi, Abdelrahman Ali, Abdelrahman Mosad, Mohamed Amer Nakon bolnog poraza na terenu, fudbalski trener razvija genijalnu novu trening taktiku kako bi inspirisao igrače svoga tima. Zasnovano na istinitoj priči iz fudbalske istorije Katara. After a crushing defeat on the pitch, a frustrated football coach devises an ingenious new training technique to inspire his team. Based on a true story from Qatar’s football history.
Qatar, 2021, Colour, 18 min.
Režija / Director: Khalifa Al-Marri
Uloge / Cast: Saleh Salem Al Marri, Ali Naji Al Marri, Mohammed Al Sunni, Mishaal Al Dosari
Devedesete su godine prošloga vijeka, a beduinski dječak Hamad sa svojom porodicom i njihovim kamilama živi usred pustinje. Kada se na njihovoj farmi rodi nova kamila kojoj daju ime Olayanis, Hamadov život se mijenja i on prestaje biti usamljen. Hamadovom ocu potreban je novac kako bi prehranio porodicu te odluči prodati mladunče kamile mesaru i odvodi ga na pijacu za kamile. Hamad mora krenuti na put kako bi spasio svog najboljeg prijatelja. In the 1990s, Hamad, a Bedouin boy, lives with his parents and their camels in the middle of the desert. When a new camel named Olayanis is born at the farm, Hamad’s life changes and his loneliness disappears. Hamad’s father, needing the money to feed his family, decides to sell the calf for meat and transports it to the camel market. Hamad must go on a journey to rescue his best friend.
Virtualni glas / Virtual Voice
Sudan, Qatar, 2021, Colour, 7 min.
Režija / Director: Suzannah Mirghani
Suzi je glas svoje generacije – virtuelni glas. Lutka Suzi je ego ratnica. Online avatar koji maršira prema diktatu algoritma društvenih mreža. Potpaljuju je privremeni izljevi bijesa. Trendovsko zgražavanje. Strast koja je u modi. Popularna politika. Njen aktivizam je apstraktan. Njena pomoć hipotetična. Znamo mnoge djevojke koje su poput Suzi, a često smo i sami poput nje: zlobni virtuelni glasovi, odjek nepravdi.
Suzi is the voice of her generation – the virtual voice, that is. Suzi doll is an ego-warrior. An online avatar, marching to the algorithms of social media. She is lit by temporary outrage. A trending indignation. A passion that is fashion. A politics of the popular. Her activism is abstract. Her help is hypothetical. We know many girls like Suzi, and many times we are her: vicious virtual voices, echoing injustices.