5 minute read
Čežnja za svijetom / Longing for the World
Switzerland, 2023, Colour, 76 min.
Režija / Director: Jenna Hasse
Uloge / Cast: Clarisse Moussa, Esin Demircan, Marc Oosterhoff, Adèle Vandroth, Pierre Mifsud Na obalama Ženevskog jezera, četrnaestogodišnja Margaux upoznaje sedmogodišnju usvojenu djevojčicu Juliette i ribara Joëla koji se nedavno vratio iz Indonezije. Trojac, neoduševljen uobičajenim životom, nađe se u rascjepu između osjećaja privlačnosti, razočarenja i želje za bijegom.
On the shores of Lake Geneva, fourteen-yearold Margaux meets seven-year-old foster child Juliette and Joël, a fisherman recently returned from Indonesia. The trio, at odds with life, find themselves torn between attraction, disappointment, and the desire to escape.
Fantastični trio / The Fantastic Three
France, 2023, Colour, 95 min.
Režija / Director: Michaël Dichter
Uloge / Cast: Diego Murgia, Emmanuelle Bercot, Raphaël Quenard, Jean Devie, Benjamin Tellier
Kada se Maxov brat vrati kući, novi problemi iskrsavaju. Kako bi spasio brata od propasti, Max svoje prijatelje uvlači u naizgled neizbježnu spiralu događaja.
When Max’s brother returns home, trouble arises. To save his brother from his own downfall, Max drags his friends with him into a seemingly inevitable spiral.
Mi imamo snove / We Have a Dream
France, 2023, Colour, 96 min.
Režija / Director: Pascal Plisson
Ko kaže da se osobe s teškoćama moraju odreći svojih najvećih snova? Pilsson širom svijeta upoznaje neobičnu djecu koja dokazuju da inkluzivno obrazovanje i hrabrost mogu pomjerati planine. Who said living with disabilities means giving up one’s greatest dreams? Across the world, director Pascal Plisson meets extraordinary children who prove that inclusive education and courage can move mountains.
Pripadanje / Belonging
Netherlands, Türkiye, Belgium, 2023, Colour, 83 min.
Režija / Director: Mete Gümürhan
Uloge / Cast: Alihan Sahin, Sinan Eroğlu, Hayat van Eck, Mina Dermirtaş, Lorin Merthart Četrnaestogodišnji Zeki teško se nosi sa nedavnim gubitkom majke. Njegov život ponovo se preokreće kada njegov otac Mahir odluči da se iz Rotterdama presele u Istanbul. Zeki i Mahir sele se u luksuzno zatvoreno naselje ograđeno visokim zidovima. Dok Mahir svakodnevno odlazi na posao u banku, Zeki ostatak ljetnog raspusta provodi u ograđenom naselju. Željan slobode, Zeki odluči preskočiti zid, pobjeći od kuće i istražiti ostatak grada. Zeki završava u siromašnom naselju, gdje se sprijatelji s Kemalom i grupom djece koja žive na ulici i dane provode u džeparenju. Vesela družina brzo prigrli Zekija, ali on od njih krije da živi u luksuznom ograđenom naselju iz straha da bi ga zbog toga mogli odbaciti.
Fourteen-year-old Zeki struggles with the recent loss of his mother. His life is turned upside down again when his father, Mahir, decides to move from Rotterdam to Istanbul.
Zeki and Mahir arrive to live in a luxurious gated community, sealed off from the city by high walls. While Mahir goes to work at the bank to work every day, Zeki has to spend the rest of his summer holidays in the compound. In his desire for freedom, he decides to climb over the wall and explore the city on the other side while free-running. Zeki ends up in a varoş, a poor neighbourhood, and befriends Kemal and a group of street kids who spend their days pickpocketing. Zeki is soon included in the merry group but, out of fear of losing their friendship, he conceals the fact that he lives in the posh gated community.
Slatko kao / Sweet As
Australia, 2022, Colour, 87 min.
Režija / Director: Jub Clerc
Uloge / Cast: Shantae Barnes-Cowan, Mark Coles Smith, Tasma Walton, Carlos Sanson Jr
U izolovanom okrugu Pilbara u zapadnoj Australiji, nesnađena šesnaestogodišnja domorotkinja Murra ostaje sama nakon burne svađe s drogiranom majkom. Kada se nađe na korak da se izgubi u sistemu „za zaštitu djece“, njen ujak Ian, inače lokalni policajac, dobacuje joj neobičan pojas za spasavanje u vidu jedinstvenog fotosafarija. Prije nego što se uspije snaći, Murra se u minibusu punom „rizičnih“ maloljetnika i dvoje harizmatičnih vođa puta trucka po prašnjavoj cesti.
In remote Pilbara country in Western Australia, Murra, a troubled sixteen-year-old Indigenous girl, finds she has been abandoned after an explosive incident with her drug-fuelled mother. When she is on the cusp of being lost in the "child protection" system, an unusual lifeline is thrown her way by her uncle Ian, a local cop, in the form of a unique Photo Safari. Before Murra knows it, she is careening down a dusty highway in a minibus full of "at risk" teens and two charismatic team leaders.
Snovi jednog robota / Robot Dreams
Spain, France, 2023, Colour, 90 min.
Režija / Director: Pablo Berger
DOG živi na Manhattanu i umoran je od samovanja. Jednoga dana odluči sebi izgraditi prijatelja – robota. Prijateljstvo DOGA i robota cvjeta sve dok ne postanu nerazdvojni vodeći život karakterističan za New York osamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka. Jedne noći DOG je prisiljen ostaviti robota na plaži, što ga ispunjava velikom tugom. Da li će se njih dvojica ikada opet sresti? Film SNOVI
JEDNOG ROBOTA zasnovan je na grafičkoj noveli Sare Varon.
DOG lives in Manhattan and he’s tired of being alone. One day he decides to build himself a robot companion. Their friendship blossoms to the rhythm of 1980s New York City and they become inseparable. One summer night, DOG, with great sadness, is forced to abandon ROBOT at the beach. Will they ever meet again? ROBOT DREAMS is based on the graphic novel by Sara Varon.
France, 2023, Colour, 5 min.
Režija / Director: Osman Cerfon „Aaaah!“ je povik boli, iznenađenja, straha, radosti, pjesme, gunđanja i ljutnje... „Aaah!“ je povik uz čiju pomoć djeca i ostala nevina bića iskušavaju život u zajednici, ograničen zvižducima odraslih.
Aaaah! is a cry of pain, surprise, fear, joy, songs, grumbling, laughter, anger… Aaaah! is the expression with which children, those primary and innocent beings, experience life in a community framed by the whistles of adults.
Lov na ptice / Catching Birds
Germany, Austria, France, 2023, Colour, 19 min.
Režija / Director: Simon Maria Kubiena, Lea Marie Lembke
Uloge / Cast: Anna Stanic, Fethi Aidouni, Marin Judas Granica između prijateljstva i čežnje se zamućuje u isključivo muškom okruženju. Pod pritiskom prvih seksualnih impulsa, dva prijatelja preispituju svoju fizičku bliskost. The boundaries between friendship and desire blur in a male-dominated environment. The physical closeness of two friends is called into question by their first sexual impulses.
Moja majka i ja / My Mother and I Netherlands, 2023, Colour, 19 min.
Režija / Director: Emma Branderhorst
Uloge / Cast: Celeste Holsheimer, Hannah van Lunteren Film MOJA MAJKA I JA vodi nas na putovanje sa simbiotički povezanim majkom i kćerkom. Kćerka se pokušava osloboditi majke i odlazi na časove jezika u Marseilleu. Film o rastanku i oproštaju, ispričan iz veoma lične perspektive. In MY MOTHER AND I, we go on a road trip with a symbiotic mother and daughter. The daughter tries to break free from her mother and is going to take a language course in Marseille. It’s a film about saying goodbye and letting go, told from a very personal perspective.
Canada, 2022, Colour, 23 min.
Režija / Director: Aziz Zoromba
Uloge / Cast: Basel El Rayes, Seif El Rayes, Aladeen Tawfeek
Uobičajeno rivalstvo i ljubomora između malodobne braće Sime i Emada prerastaju u nešto mnogo opasnije što bi moglo ozbiljno uticati na budućnost njihove porodice. The usual rivalries and jealousies that exist between teenage brothers Simo and Emad take a dangerous turn that may seriously impact the future of their family.