
10 minute read
Adaptacija. / Adaptation.
United States, 2002, Colour, 115 min.
Režija / Director: Spike Jonze
Uloge / Cast: Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper, Tilda Swinton, Jay Tavare
Charlie Kaufman je zbunjeni scenarista iz Los Angelesa opterećen samopotcjenjivanjem, seksualnom frustracijom, samoprezirom i scenarističkim ambicijama brata blizanca, grebatora Donalda. Dok se muči da adaptira knjigu Susan Orlean „Kradljivac orhideja“, Kaufmanova patetična svakodnevnica postaje sve bizarnija. Kaufmanov život i Orleaničina knjiga čudnovato se prepliću kada se potjere za strašću u njima sudare.
Charlie Kaufman is a confused LA screenwriter overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, sexual frustration, self-loathing, and by the screenwriting ambitions of his freeloading twin brother Donald. While struggling to adapt "The Orchid Thief" by Susan Orlean for the screen, Kaufman's life spirals from pathetic to bizarre. Kaufman's life and Orlean's book become strangely intertwined as each one's search for passion collides with the other's.
Asteroid City
United States, 2023, Colour and B&W, 105 min.
Režija / Director: Wes Anderson



Uloge / Cast: Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Jeffrey Wright, Tilda Swinton, Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Adrien Brody, Liev Schreiber, Hope Davis, Stephen Park, Rupert Friend, Maya Hawke, Steve Carell, Matt Dillon, Hong Chau, Willem Dafoe, Margot Robbie, Tony Revolori, Jake Ryan, Jeff Goldblum

Radnja filma ASTEROID CITY smještena je u izmišljeni, pustinjski grad u Americi 50-ih godina prošlog vijeka. Plan i program Konvencije mladih zvjezdoznalaca / svemirskih kadeta – organizovane da okupi učenike i roditelje širom zemlje u zajedničkom druženju i školskom takmičenju – spektakularno će biti poremećen usljed niza događaja koji mijenjaju svijet.
Asteroid City is a dot-on-the-map desert town in the American Southwest. The year is 1955. The itinerary of a Junior Stargazer / Space Cadet convention, organised to bring together students and parents from across the United States for fellowship and scholarly competition, is spectacularly disrupted by world-changing events.
Bosanski lonac / Bosnian Pot Croatia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023, Colour, 103 min.
Režija / Director: Pavo Marinković
Uloge / Cast: Senad Bašić, Andreas Kiendl, Birgit Stöger, Bruna Bebić, Admir Glamočak, Zlatko Burić, Igor Kovač, Julia Franz Richter, Goran Grgić, Dejan Aćimović
Faruk Šego, neuspješni bosanski pisac, bit će deportovan iz Austrije ukoliko ne dokaže da je doprinio kulturnom životu svoje nove domovine. Njegova posljednja prilika je pozorišna grupa koja može postaviti na scenu njegovu mladenačku dramu. Farukov nevoljki povratak u pozorište natjerat će ga da shvati što je uistinu važno u životu.
Faruk Šego, a failed Bosnian writer facing deportation from Austria, must prove that he has made a cultural contribution to Austrian society. His last chance is an off-theatre troupe that can stage a play he wrote as a young man. Faruk's reluctant return to the theatre will force him to realise what is truly important in life.
Hotel Pula
Croatia, 2023, Colour, 95 min.
Režija / Director: Andrej Korovljev
Uloge / Cast: Ermin Bravo, Nika Grbelja, Petra Bernarda Blašković, Nika Ivančić, Jasmin Telalović, Maja Izetbegović, Romina Vitasović Lučić, Dado Ćosić Godina je 1995. Mahir je izbjeglica iz Bosne i već nekoliko godina živi u Puli, u hotelu koji nosi ime grada. Njegovi dani jednolični su i prazni, a njegova prošlost nepoznata. Jedne tople noći početkom ljeta, Mahir na plaži nedaleko od hotela prvi put ugleda Unu, mladu Puljanku. Taj iznenadni susret pobudit će u njemu nadu, dok ga ne sustigne prošlost. It is 1995. Mahir is a thirty-eight-year-old refugee from Bosnia living in the Hotel Pula, which has been converted into a refugee centre. His days are monotonous and empty, and his history is unknown. A spark of life comes when Una, a young girl from Pula, is drawn to him. Until, that is, the past catches up with him.
Kajmak / Kaymak
North Macedonia, Denmark, Netherlands, Croatia, 2022, Colour, 106 min.
Režija / Director: Milcho Manchevski

Uloge / Cast: Sara Klimoska, Kamka Tocinovski, Aleksandar Mikic, Simona Spirovska, Ana Stojanovska, Filip Trajkovikj
Dva para upadaju u zečiju rupu nekonvencionalnih erotskih odnosa, poštovani na početku, a sretni na kraju. U okviru priče o vječitoj potrazi za ljubavlju, KAJMAK se bavi i težim društvenim temama – surogat roditeljstvom, nevjerom, ulogom žene u porodici i društvu, trgovinom ljudima, seksualnom slobodom.
Two couples go down the rabbit hole of unconventional erotic relationships, respectable at the beginning, happy at the end. Underneath its exploration of the eternal search for love, KAYMAK tackles darker social issues – surrogate parenting, infidelity, the role of women in family and society, human trafficking, and sexual freedom.
Klub Zero / Club Zero
Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark, Qatar, 2023, Colour, 110 min.
Režija / Director: Jessica Hausner
Uloge / Cast: Mia Wasikowska, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Amir El-Masry, Elsa Zylberstein, Mathieu Demy, Ksenia
Devriendt, Luke Barker, Florence Baker, Samuel D Anderson
Gospođica Novak pridružuje se kolektivu međunarodnog školskog internata kako bi predavala predmet „svjesno jedenje“. Ona svojim učenicima govori da je zdravo jesti što manje. Ostali nastavnici kasno primjećuju šta se dešava, dok uznemireni roditelji počinju shvatati da je Klub Zero postao stvarnost. Miss Novak joins the staff of an international boarding school as the instructor of a conscious eating class. She teaches her students that eating less is healthy. The other teachers are slow to notice what is happening and by the time the distracted parents begin to realise, Club Zero has become a reality.
Kraljevstvo životinja / Animal Kingdom
France, 2023, Colour, 130 min.
Režija / Director: Thomas Cailley
Uloge / Cast: Romain Duris, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Paul Kircher, Jean Boronat


U svijetu suočenom sa serijom genetskih mutacija zbog kojih se ljudi postepeno pretvaraju u životinje, François čini sve što može kako bi spasio svoju suprugu pogođenu tim misterioznim stanjem. I dok se stvorenja povlače u obližnju šumu, François sa svojim šesnaestogodišnjim sinom Emilom kreće na putovanje koje će im zauvijek promijeniti život.
In a world hit by a wave of mutations that are gradually transforming some humans into animals, François does everything he can to save his wife, who is affected by the mysterious condition. As some of the creatures disappear into a nearby forest, François embarks with Emile, his sixteen-year-old son, on a quest that will change their lives forever.

Opalo lišće / Fallen Leaves
Finland, Germany, 2023, Colour, 81 min.
Režija / Director: Aki Kaurismäki
Uloge / Cast: Alma Pöysti, Jussi Vatanen, Janne Hyytiäinen, Nuppu Koivu
OPALO LIŠĆE priča je o dvoje usamljenih ljudi koji se slučajno sreću jedne noći u Helsinkiju i pokušaju pronaći svoju prvu, jedinu i vječitu ljubav. Ostvarivanje tog časnog cilja otežava činjenica da je muškarac alkoholičar, ali i izgubljeni telefonski brojevi, to što zaboravljaju kako se ono drugo zove i gdje živi, te generalna sklonost života da pred ljude koji traže sreću stavlja prepreke. Ova nježna tragikomedija, za koju se ranije vjerovalo da je izgubljena, svojevsrtan je nastavak trilogije o radničkoj klasi Akija Kaurismäkija.
FALLEN LEAVES tells the story of two lonely people who meet by chance in the Helsinki night and try to find the first, only, and ultimate love of their lives. Their path towards this honourable goal is clouded by the man's alcoholism, lost phone numbers, their not knowing each other's names or addresses, and life's general tendency to place obstacles in the way of those seeking happiness. This gentle tragicomedy, previously thought to be lost, is a fourth instalment following on from director Aki Kaurismäki's “Working Class” trilogy.
Poljubite budućnost / Kiss the Future
United States, Ireland, 2023, Colour and B&W, 103 min. Režija / Director: Nenad Cicin-Sain Neizbježno aktuelna priča o sarajevskom otporu tokom opsade grada devedesetih godina prošloga vijeka. Gradska alternativna scena koristila je muziku i umjetnost kako bi dovela do promjene i privukla svjetsku pažnju, a postratni koncert grupe U2 bio je proslava teško osvojene pobjede grada nad nacionalizmom. Film POLJUBITE BUDUĆNOST zasnovan je na memoarskoj knjizi Billa S. Cartera „Budale srljaju gdje se anđeli boje kročiti“.
This inescapably current story of defiance amid the Siege of Sarajevo in the 1990s follows an underground community that uses music and art to effect change and garner global attention, and the tale of a post-war concert by U2 that celebrates the city’s hard-fought triumph over ethnic nationalism. KISS THE FUTURE is based on the book "Fools Rush In: A Memoir" by Bill S. Carter.

Prošli životi / Past Lives
United States, Republic of Korea (South Korea), 2023, Colour, 106 min.
Režija / Director: Celine Song

Uloge / Cast: Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro, Moon Seung-ah, Leem Seung-min

Noru i Hae Sunga, veoma bliske prijatelje od djetinjstva, razdvaja odluka Norine porodice da emigriraju iz Južne Koreje. Poslije dvije decenije razdvojenosti ponovo se sreću u New Yorku tokom jedne sudbonosne sedmice u kojoj će se suočiti s konceptima sudbine, ljubavi i životnih izbora, u ovoj modernoj sreparajućoj romansi.
Nora and Hae Sung, two childhood friends with a deep connection, are wrested apart after Nora's family emigrates from South Korea. Two decades later, they are reunited in New York for one fateful week as they confront notions of destiny, love, and the choices that make a life, in this heart-rending modern romance.
Samo kad se smijem / Only When I Laugh
Croatia, Serbia, 2023, Colour, 73 min.
Režija / Director: Vanja Juranić
Uloge / Cast: Tihana Lazović, Slavko Sobin, Jasna Đuričić, Elodie Paleka, Marina Redžepović, Nadine Mičić, Ivana Jerković Vukalović, Gloria Dubelj, Mirela Brekalo Popović, Maruška Aras, Aneta Grabovac, Stojan Matavulj, Ivan Čuić, Stipe Radoja, Filip Radoš
Tina živi u naizgled idiličnom braku u gradu na jadranskoj obali. Ona je domaćica koja brine o šestogodišnjoj kćerkici, dok njen suprug Frane zarađuje za obitelj. Njihov odnos počinje se mijenjati kada Tina izrazi želju da završi fakultet koji je napustila zbog trudnoće.
Unatoč prvotnom pristanku i podršci, Frane počinje pokazivati negodovanje koje se na početku svodi na sitne sabotaže. S vremenom, sukobi postaju sve češći, a svađe sve nasilnije. Tina lives in what appears to be an idyllic marriage in q town on the Adriatic coast. She is a housewife who takes care of her six-year-old daughter, while her husband Frane provides for the family. The couple's relationship begins to change when Tina expresses her desire to complete the college education she was forced to abandon due to her pregnancy. Despite his initially consent and his support for Tina's endeavours, Frane starts to show disapproval, initially through minor acts of sabotage. Over time, conflicts become more frequent, and arguments turn increasingly violent.
Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, France, 2023, Colour, 87 min.
Režija / Director: Senad Šahmanović
Uloge / Cast: Danica Ćurčić, May-Linda Kosumovic, Jelena Simić, Lidija Kordić, Marko Baćović, Jasna Đuričić, Milivoje Mišo Obradović, Izudin Bajrović, Momčilo Otašević
Sanela, crnogorska muslimanka koja je napustila bivšu Jugoslaviju devedesetih godina prošlog vijeka nakon što su njen otac i grupa drugih muslimana oteti i ubijeni, vraća se na Balkan poslije dvadeset godina života u inostranstvu. Odrekla se svoga porijekla, izbrisala vlastitu kulturu i postala prava zapadnjakinja. Kažu da je prošlost strana zemlja i da ljudi kada se vraćaju nisu isti kakvi su bili kada su odlazili.
Sanela, a Montenegrin of Muslim background who left the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s after her father was kidnapped and killed alongside other Muslims, comes back to the Balkans after twenty years abroad. She has betrayed her origins, erased her own culture, and become a true Westerner. They say the past is a foreign land and that the one who departs and the one who returns are not the same person.
Smrt djevojčice sa žigicama / The Death of the Little Match Girl
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023, Colour, 114 min.

Režija / Director: Goran Kulenović
Uloge / Cast: Ozren Grabarić, Jelena Lopatić, Goran Navojec, Borko Perić, Slavko Juraga, Luka Petrušić, Slavko Sobin, Nikša Butijer, Vojislav Brajović, Iva Babić, Aleksandra Stojaković, Sanja Milardović, Elma Juković, Admir Šehović, Silvio Mumelaš, Dušan Kovačević
Otok Rab, rana jesen 1992. godine. Patolog Fero, svježe rastavljen četrdesetogodišnjak, dolazi u otočki gradić u kojem je s ocem udovcem proveo veći dio svog djetinjstva, kako bi prisustvovao sprovodu kćeri svog prijatelja Globusa, male Mirne. Na otoku se, izvan sezone, događaju čudne stvari: priča se o pojavljivanju ogromnog guštera, mjesni redikul Ranko optužuje fratre da su malu Mirnu prepilili napola, a vrhunac je ubistvo ‘Djevojčice sa žigicama’ – rumunske transseksualke Marillene koja se bavila prostitucijom i svoje partnere zarazila gonorejom. Istragom ubistva bavi se Ferin dobar prijatelj, šef otočke policije Mungos, koji Feru sve više uvlači u istragu.
The island of Rab, early summer, 1992. Fero, a recently divorced, forty-year old pathologist, returns to the small island town where he spent most of his childhood living with his widowed father. He is here for the funeral of a little girl called Mirna, the daughter of his friend, Globus. As it happens, weird stuff happens on this island during the off-season: apparently, there’s a huge lizard running about; Ranko, the village idiot, is accusing the monks of sawing little Mirna in half; and, to top it all off, there’s the murder of Marillena a.k.a. “the matchstick girl” – a Romanian trans woman, and a prostitute known as the culprit for gonorrhoea cases all around the island. In charge of the investigation is Fero's friend Mungos, the island's chief of police, who draws Fero more and more into the investigation.
Umri prije smrti / Die before Death
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, 2023, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Ahmed Imamović Uloge / Cast: Adnan Hasković, Mona Muratović, Milan Pavlović, Almir Kurt, Rade Šerbedžija, Maja Jurić Kada uspješan ginekolog, koji je cijeli život proživio brinući se ni za koga drugog osim za sebe, dobije dijagnozu karcinoma u terminalnoj fazi, u crnohumornom procesu organizovanja vlastite sahrane prisiljen je suočiti se s posljedicama svojih postupaka, uključujući i neuspjeli pobačaj svoje posljednje pacijentkinje.
After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, a successful gynecologist who has spent his entire life caring for no one but himself is forced to face the consequences of his actions, including the failed abortion of his latest patient, during a dark-humoured process of organising his own funeral.
Zaista, nikad nisi bio ovdje / You Were Never Really Here

United Kingdom, France, United States, 2017, Colour, 89 min.
Režija / Director: Lynne Ramsay
Uloge / Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Judith Roberts, Ekaterina Samsonov, John Doman, Alex Manette, Dante Pereira-Olson, Alessandro Nivola
Nestala tinejdžerka. Brutalni, izmučeni utjerivač u spasilačkoj misiji. Moć proistekla iz korupcije i želja za osvetom pokreću oluju nasilja koja bi mogla dovesti do utjerivačevog buđenja.
A missing teenage girl. A brutal and tormented enforcer on a rescue mission. Corrupt power and vengeance unleash a storm of violence that may lead to his awakening.
"Grand Kafa sa..." program
"Grand Coffee with..." Programme
Upoznajte goste Open Air programa. Uživajte u "Grand Kafa sa..." programu Vrijeme i mjesto:

11:00 – 15:00*, Festivalski trg.
Meet the guests of the Open Air Programme. Enjoy the "Grand Coffee with..." Time and venue:
11:00 – 15:00* at the Festival Square.
ULAZ SLOBODAN / FREE ADMISSION uz festivalsku akreditaciju ili ulaznicu za film/ with the Festival accreditation or the film screening ticket.
Broj mjesta ograničen/Limited number of seats.
*Tačan raspored „Grand Kafa sa…“ programa provjerite na web stranici i društvenim mrežama Sarajevo Film Festivala.
*For the full schedule of „Grand Coffee with…“, please follow the Sarajevo Film Festival website and social media channels.
