10 minute read
European Shorts
Italy, 2023, Black and white, 8 min.
Režija / Director: Andrea Gatopoulos
Apokaliptični film iznenada prekida čudnovata reklama. Muškarac u odijelu sa kravatom naizgled prenosi poruku gledaocima i reditelju. An apocalyptic film is suddenly interrupted by a strange ad. A man in suit and tie appears to deliver a message to the spectators and the director.
Fata Morgana
Germany, Syria, 2023, Colour, 29 min.
Režija / Director: Daood Alabdulaa
Vozač kamiona Abu Husain, poput mnogih drugih gostujućih radnika u Kataru, provodi beskrajne sate u zatvorenom svijetu stajanja, čekanja i pažljivog pomjeranja kamiona na marginama društva.
Truck driver Abu Husain, like many guest workers in Qatar, spends endless hours in a self-contained world of standing, waiting, and tenaciously moving trucks on the fringes of society.
Nešto poput testamenta / A Kind of Testament
France, 2023, Colour, 16 min.
Režija / Director: Stephen Vuillemin
Uloge / Cast: Naomi Christie, Angela Clerkin, Freida Siddall, Aisha Arden, Bethy Read
Mlada žena na internetu nailazi na animacije koje su očigledno napravljene od njenih privatnih selfija. Nepoznata žena, s kojom dijeli ime, priznaje krađu identiteta. Ali smrt je brža od odgovora na pitanje: „Zašto?“
A young woman comes across animations on the internet that have clearly been created using her private selfies. An unidentified female with the same name confesses to identity theft. But death is quicker than the answer to the question: “Why?”
United Kingdom, 2022, Colour, 12 min.
Režija / Director: Lawrence Lek
U napuštenom pametnom gradu SimBeijingu, samovozeći policijski automobil se uz pomoć ugrađenog AI terapeuta suočava sa svojim egzistencijalnim problemima.
In the abandoned smart city of SimBeijing, a self-driving police car confronts their existential troubles with their built-in AI therapist.
Velika konekcija / The Great Connection
Germany, Netherlands, 2023, Colour, 5 min.
Režija / Director: Christen Bach
Uloge / Cast: Ibadet Ramadani, Christen Bach, Elia Rediger
Kada se optički kabl iznenada pojavi na dnu okeana, mitološka stvorenja okupe se da raspravljaju da li će im on biti spas. Ili će im zubi te stvari donijeti samo suze?
As a fiber-optic cable suddenly appears at the bottom of the ocean, mythological creatures gather to debate: Will this be their salvation? Or will the teeth of this thing cause nothing but tears?
THE AGE OF INNOCENCE? Izgubljena djeca / Lost Children
France, 2023, Colour, 29 min.
Režija / Director: Lola Cambourieu, Yann Berlier Uloge / Cast: Anouk Berlier Cambourieu, Nathan Le Graciet, Lola Cambourieu, Léa Le Gall Nathan prvi put provodi noć sam sa svojom trogodišnjom kćerkom Anouk. Nema auto, nema novca, nema gdje prenoćiti. Veče se pretvara u dugu noć punu susreta, uglavnom sa muškarcima poput njega koji besciljno lutaju i piju i pričaju priče o djeci koju su izgubili. Nathan is alone for the night with Anouk, his three-year-old daughter, for the first time. He has no car, no money, and no place to sleep for the night. The evening turns into a long night full of encounters, mostly with men like him, wandering aimlessly, drinking, and recounting stories of the children they have lost.
Komšija Abdi / Neighbour Abdi
Netherlands, 2022, Colour, 29 min.
Režija / Director: Douwe Dijkstra
Abdi, rođeni Somalac, dizajner je namještaja i pomoćni radnik. U filmu o vlastitom životu, obilježenom ratom i kriminalom, koji je snimio uz pomoć komšije i filmskog autora Douwea, Abdi glumi samoga sebe. Kroz razigrane rekonstrukcije scena iz života, snimljene u studiju za specijalne efekte, Abdi i Douwe vode nas na iskreno i istraživačko putovanje kroz bolnu historiju, neprekidno se fokusirajući na kreativni proces.
Somali-born Abdi is furniture designer and support worker. He re-enacts his life, marked by war and criminality, with the help of his neighbour, the filmmaker Douwe. Through playful reconstructions in a special effects studio, Abdi and Douwe embark on a candid and investigative journey through a painful history, focusing throughout on the creative process.
Rođendanska zabava / Birthday Party
Germany, France, Italy, 2023, Colour, 17 min.
Režija / Director: Francesco Sossai
Uloge / Cast: Nicola Cannarella, Matthias Tormen Italija, decembar 1999. Otac vozi sina na rođendansku zabavu njegovog prijatelja u jednu udaljenu farmersku kuću. Dječak je nervozan zbog priče o tzv. Y2K kompjuterskom virusu. Ali na kraju je zabava to što ne funkcioniše nakon što uznemirujući porodični detalji izrone na površinu.
Italy, December 1999. A father drives his son to a friend’s birthday party at a remote farmhouse. The child is anxious about talk of the so-called Y2K bug. But it is the party itself that ends up malfunctioning when the disturbing details of a family comes to light.
Tiho buđenje / waking up in silence
Germany, Ukraine, 2023, Colour, 18 min.
Režija / Director: Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi Nekadašnja kasarna Wehrmachta pretvorena je u kamp za izbjeglice iz Ukrajine. Film prati djecu na putovanju tokom kojeg se njihova lična historija prepliće s historijom kasarne. A former military barracks of the Wehrmacht now serves as a refugee camp for people from Ukraine. The film accompanies the children on their journey, as their own history intertwines with that of the barracks.
Mjesec / Moon
Morocco, 2022, Colour and B&W, 13 min.
Režija / Director: Zineb Wakrim
Poetični film o zapanjujućoj marokanskoj djeci oboljeloj od raka, četrnaestogodišnjim Hasni i Samadu. Umjetnost i slikarstvo pomažu im da izdrže i usred tame pronađu svjetlost.
A poetic film about two amazing Moroccan moon children, Hasna and Samad, both fourteen years old. Art and painting help them to resist and to catch the light in the middle of the darkness.
Norveško potomstvo / Norwegian Offspring
Denmark, 2023, Colour, 45 min.
Režija / Director: Marlene Emilie Lyngstad
Uloge / Cast: Jan Gunnar Røise, Ibbi El Hani
Nakon majčine smrti otuđeni sin – opsjednut teorijama o gušenju muške seksualnosti u modernom društvu – počne čeznuti za vlastitim potomkom.
A mother passes away, and her estranged son – obsessed with theories about the repression of male sexuality in modern society – starts longing for offspring of his own.
Rupa / Hole
Republic of Korea (South Korea), 2023, Colour, 24 min.
Režija / Director: Hyein Hwang
Uloge / Cast: Chaeyoung Leem, Soohyun Kwak, Jiyu Son Tokom porodične posjete Jeong-mi otkriva da njegovi mali brat i sestra žive u kući s velikim šahtom. Djeca zamole Jeong-mija da se spusti u šaht.
During a home visit, Jeong-mi discovers a young brother and sister living in a house with a large manhole in it. The children ask Jeong-mi to go down the manhole.
House Of Shorts
Fabrika Sjeverni Portugal / North Portugal Factory
Portugal, France, 2023, Colour and B&W, 50 min.
Režija / Director: André Guiomar, Mya Kaplan, Mario Macedo, Dornaz Hajiha, Mariana Bártolo, Guillermo García López
Uloge / Cast: Miguel Ribeiro, Ricardo Vaz Trindade, Ângela Marques, Cristina Cunha, Sandra Salomé Fabrika Sjeverni Portugal radi na otkrivanju novih talenata i njihovom predstavljanju na međunarodnoj sceni tako što lokalnim i međunarodnim filmskim autorima omogućava da se okupe i stvaraju zajedno. Ovaj omnibus obuhvata tri kratka filma koji su mladi reditelji u usponu zajedno napisali i režirali. Prvi kratki film – TRN – priča je o duhovnim vezama uronjenim u privlačnost između tinejdžera Thea i novog svećenika u njegovom selu, koji se nedavno vratio iz Mozambika. Drugi – MARIJA – donosi priču o mladoj fabričkoj radnici skrhanoj muškim nasiljem koja pokreće vlastitu revoluciju. Treći – GALEBOVI SIJEKU NEBO –prenosi atmosferu sindikalnih protesta u luci Porto, dok Clara, vlasnica bara kojem prijeti gašenje, jedinu utjehu i mjesto gdje može govoriti o svojim strahovima nalazi u naručju konobarice Raquel na brodovima za krstarenje. The North Portugal Factory aims at the emergence of new talents on the international scene, allowing young local and international filmmakers to meet and create together. This omnibus contains three short films, co- written and co-directed by emerging film directors. First short film, THORN, tells a story a spiritual bond immersed in attraction between teenager Theo and the new priest of his rural village, who just returned from Mozambique. Second one, MARIA, is about a young factory worker who, crushed by the violence of men, starts her own revolution. Third one, SEAGULLS CUT THE SKY, brings the atmosphere of union strikes in Porto harbor, while Clara, owner of a bar threatened by foreclosure, finds in the arms of Raquel, waitress on cruise ships, the only shelter to express her fears.
Italy, 2022, Colour, 17 min.
Režija / Director: Joe Juanne Piras
Uloge / Cast: Laura Mura, Carolina Orrù, Tiziano Polese Sedmogodišnja djevojčica Sara pronađena je u šumi u nesvjesnom stanju. Sara je bila žrtva otmice i zlostavljanja. Sarin slučaj najkompleksniji je sa kojim se dječija psihologinja Dalia ikada suočila.
Sara, a seven-year-old girl, is found unconscious in the woods. She was kidnapped and abused. It is the most difficult case that a child psychologist Dalia has ever had to deal with.
Maestral / Mistral
Italy, 2021, Black and white, 11 min.
Režija / Director: Nico Bonomolo
Na putu ka poslu čovjek ugleda barku koja je na prodaju. Sanjari o životu koji ostavlja za sobom. Sanjarenje ustupa mjesto sjećanju dok ga maestral gura na novo prizemljenje. Jedna žena, jedna druga priča, jedan novi početak? On his way home from work, a man sees a boat for sale. He starts dreaming about the life he is leaving behind. While the mistral is bringing him down from his reverie, the dream opens the way to a memory. A woman, a different story, a new beginning?
Rat gubitnika / Guerra tra poveri
Italy, 2022, Black and white, 15 min.
Režija / Director: Kassim Yassin Saleh
Uloge / Cast: Francesco Rodrigo, Sirabella Sinigallia
U jednom multietničkom i šarolikom predgrađu Rima, majka i njena dva sina deložirani su iz svoga doma. Uvjereni da će njihov dom biti dodijeljen porodici imigranata, dva brata odlučuju uzeti pravdu u svoje ruke. Spremni su na sve kako bi vratili svoj dom. In one of Rome’s suburbs, a diverse and multiethnic neighbourhood, a mother and her two sons are evicted from their home. The brothers, convinced the dwelling is being reassigned to an immigrant family, decide to take justice into their own hands. They will do anything to take their home back.
Italy, 2022, Colour, 20 min.
Režija / Director: Federico Russotto
Uloge / Cast: Chiara Ferrara, Caterina Valente Ciociaria, rane pedesete godine prošloga vijeka. Mlada djevojka sa sela izabrana je za učešće na takmičenju za Miss Italije. Međutim, njene tjelesne mjere ne uklapaju se u one propisane pravilima za učešće u takmičenju. Prolazak kroz užasan proces fizičke transformacije naizgled je cijena koju djevojka mora platiti da bi bila proglašena kraljicom ljepote.
Ciociaria, the early 1950s. A young peasant girl is chosen to participate in the Miss Italy pageant but her body measurements do not match those required by the contest. Undergoing a terrible process of physical transformation seems to be the price to pay to be elected Queen.
Trio / Tria
Italy, 2022, Colour, 17 min.
Režija / Director: Giulia Grandinetti
Uloge / Cast: Irene Casagrande, Anastasia Almo U distopijskom Rimu primjenjuje se zakon koji porodicama imigranata zabranjuje da imaju više od troje djece. Ukoliko očekuju četvrto dijete, ona ili on moraju biti rođeni. No jedno od djece potom mora biti ubijeno. Zoe, Iris i Clio su sestre, ali jedna od njih uskoro će biti ubijena. In a dystopian Rome, a law that doesn’t allow immigrant families to have more than three children is in force. If a fourth child is expected, he or she must be born. One of the four, however, must then be killed. Zoe, Iris, and Clio are sisters. One of them will soon be killed.
Zavisne varijable / The Dependent Variables
Italy, 2022, Colour, 16 min.
Režija / Director: Lorenzo Tardella
Uloge / Cast: Simone Evangelista, Mattia Rega Pietro i Tommaso su na pragu adolescencije. Upoznaju se u pozorišnoj loži dok oko njih odjekuju zvuci Vivaldijeve muzike. Da li je to bio prvi poljubac ili nešto drugo? Istoga poslijepodneva, u tišini kuće, pokušat će pronaći odgovor.
Pietro and Tommaso are on the threshold of their teenage years. They meet in the lodge of a theatre, where the notes of Vivaldi resonate around them. Is it a first kiss, or is it something else? That same afternoon, surrounded by the silence of the house, they will try to understand.
Aj čujemo se / Talk to You Later
Croatia, 2022, Colour, 15 min.
Režija / Director: Grupa autora / A group of authors
Uloge / Cast: Mihaela Belčić, Silvia Vladić Vrban Mlada sezonska radnica pokušava preživjeti sezonu dok su joj misli negdje drugdje. A young seasonal worker is trying to get through the season while her mind is elsewhere.
Kratka priča o Trogiru / Short Story on Trogir
Croatia, 2022, Colour, 18 min.
Režija / Director: Ante Storić
Scenarij / Screenplay: Ante Storić
Uloge / Cast: Sara Ivelić, Mate Gulin, Jasminka Antić Sredovječni pisac nastoji napisati kratku priču za književno takmičenje. Prolazeći kroz kreativni proces razgovara s članovima svoje porodice, prijateljima, poznanicima…
A middle-aged writer tries to write a short story for a literary competition. Going through the creative process, he talks to his family members, friends, and acquaintances.
Muškići / Little Guys
Croatia, 2022, Colour, 15 min.
Režija / Director: Andrija Tomić
Uloge / Cast: Nikola Matijašević, Zdravko Vukelić Trojica prijatelja sastaju se nakon dugo vremena kako bi zajedno gledali utakmicu svog nogometnog kluba Hajduk Split. Kako utakmica odmiče, postaje očito da stvari više nikada neće biti kao prije.
Three friends meet up after a long time to watch a football game featuring their local team, Hajduk Split. As the match progresses it becomes evident that things will never be the same as they were before.
Nije pristojno plesat po grobu / Dancing on the Grave
Croatia, 2022, Colour, 19 min.
Režija / Director: Ana Šiškov
Uloge / Cast: Rea Bušić, Stipe Radoja
Lučana, njezina mama Cvita i brat Stjepko pripremaju za sezonu kuću nedavno preminule babe. Domaćinstvo ima hijerarhiju na čijem je vrhu Cvita, „mater familias“. Nakon Cvite je Stjepko jer je muškarac. Lučana se pokušava izboriti za majčinu ljubav čineći male spačke bratu Stjepku. Borba je uzaludna jer Lučana nažalost ne može promijeniti što joj je među nogama.
Lučana, her mother Cvita, and her brother Stjepko are preparing the house of their recently deceased grandmother for the season. Cvita, the mater familias, sits at the top of the hierarchy in the household. After Cvita comes Stjepko, because he is a man. Lučana vies for her mother’s love by pulling little pranks on Stjepko. Yet, her efforts are futile because Lučana unfortunately cannot change what she has between her legs.
Croatia, 2022, Colour, 16 min, Croatian
Režija / Director: Rino Barbir
Uloge / Cast: Leo Mirković, Nenad Petrović
Zofova patološka ljubomora navodi ga na iracionalno, pa čak psihotično ponašanje. Kada ga ostavi djevojka, Zof se još više zbližava sa svojom stafordicom Lotom, s kojom provodi najviše vremena. Njegov odnos sa psom reflektira Zofovo ponašanje prema ljudima koji su mu najbliži.
Zof’s pathological jealousy leads him to irrational, even psychotic behaviour. When his girlfriend leaves him, Zof becomes even closer to his Stafford dog, Lota, with whom he spends most of his time. His relationship with the dog reflects Zofs behaviour towards the people closest to him.