
6 minute read
Dobrodošli / Welcome
Photo © Edvin Kalić
28. izdanje Sarajevo Film Festivala pokazuje vjernost i dosljednost konceptu festivala – prikazati najkvalitetnije filmove i serije publici i biti platforma za razvoj regionalne kinematografije. Festivalski program uključuje preko 220 filmova iz cijelog svijeta, od čega 51 premijerno prikazani film iz naše regije u četiri takmičarske selekcije čine Sarajevo Film Festival najvećom prezentacijom kinematografija Jugoistočne Evrope na svijetu. Šta novo donosi predstojeće izdanje Sarajevo Film Festivala, pitanje je s kojim se susrećemo svake godine. U posljednje dvije godine tema promjena bila je svakodnevna, globalno. Promijenio se i način prikazivanja filmova, publika se prilagođavala i prihvatala nove mogućnosti. I tada, usljed stalnih promjena, jasnija nego ikad bila je želja publike za zajedničkim gledanjem filma. Gledanje filma u festivalskoj atmosferi, u kinima, kako u zatvorenim tako i u Open Air – Ljetnim kinima, u posebnoj atmosferi Sarajeva ljeti, nezamjenjiv je doživljaj. Sretni smo što smo ove godine ponovo zajedno na festivalskim lokacijama, bez ograničenja, s gostima iz cijelog svijeta. Festival otvara dobitnik Zlatne palme TROUGAO TUGE Rubena Östlunda, a zatvara svjetska premijera domaćeg filma PRAZNIK RADA Pjera Žalice. Javna predavanja u programu Masterclass održat će Paul Schrader, Sergei Loznitsa, Ruben Östlund, Ari Folman, Jasmila Žbanić i Michael Winterbottom. CineLink dani filmske industrije, Talents Sarajevo i novouspostavljene nagrade Srce Sarajeva za televizijske serije okupljaju preko hiljadu filmskih i televizijskih profesionalaca, uz bogat konferencijski program i promociju najperspektivnijih filmskih i serijskih projekata iz regiona. Pretpremijere i premijere regionalnih i domaćih filmova i serija i brojni svjetski naslovi koje će publika imati priliku pogledati u kinima širom Sarajeva, ali i u Mostaru, te u cijeloj BiH putem VoD platforme festivala, sigurni smo da će i ovogodišnji Sarajevo Film Festival učiniti jedinstvenim praznikom filmske i televizijske umjetnosti za cijeli grad, državu i region. Posebno smo sretni što ove godine imamo priliku pokazati veliki broj bosanskohercegovačkih filmova i serija, među kojima su i novi projekti nekih od najprepoznatljivijih bh. autora. Pored filma zatvaranja Pjera Žalice, tu je i svjetska premijera novog filma Aide Begić BALADA u Takmičarskom programu za igrani film, pretpremijera prve završene igrane dramske serije u produkciji BH Telecoma KOTLINA kreatora Danisa Tanovića i Amre Bakšić Čamo, te kao posebna besplatna predfestivalska projekcija 11. augusta u Ljetnom kinu Coca-Cola radna verzija dokumentarca o Emeriku Blumu Jasmile Žbanić, koja će publiku pozvati da pomogne produkciju filma podijelivši svoja sjećanja ili materijale vezane za nevjerovatni razvoj Sarajeva u periodu Blumovog vodstva u “Energoinvestu” i Gradu Sarajevu. Ovakav festival moguć je jedino uz svesrdnu podršku naših sponzora, pokrovitelja i partnera – velikog broja privatnih i javnih preduzeća, institucija vlasti Bosne i Hercegovine, institucija kulture u BiH, domaćih i međunarodnih fondacija, stranih ambasada u Bosni i Hercegovini koje dijele naše vrijednosti i želju da se Sarajevo Film Festival razvija kao vrhunski međunarodni kulturni događaj širokog ekonomskog i društvenog uticaja za Sarajevo i Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Zahvalni smo im na tome. Zahvaljujemo se i svim prijateljima festivala i svim posvećenim ljudima koji rade na organizaciji festivala, bilo kroz cijelu godinu ili samo u periodu neposrednog održavanja festivala, njihova ljubav prema filmu i želja da festival uspije je stvarna tajna uspjeha festivala. Posebna zahvala ipak ide Mirsadu Purivatri za njegovo nevjerovatno vodstvo od samog osnivanja Festivala do danas. Mirsad Purivatra se nakon 27 godina na čelu Festivala povukao iz svakodnevnih rukovodećih poslova i sada kao predsjednik Udruženja Obala Art Centar nastavlja svoju podršku razvoju Festivala. Miro, hvala ti! Našoj publici i gostima ove godine napokon, opet u punom kapacitetu, želimo dobrodošlicu i trenutke za pamćenje na 28. Sarajevo Film Festivalu od 12. do 19. augusta.
Dobrodošli na 28. Sarajevo Film Festival / Welcome to the 28th Sarajevo Film Festival
The 28th edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival continues its dedication to the event’s guiding concept – to present films and television series of the highest quality to our audiences, and to be a platform for the development of film production in our region. The festival will screen more than 220 films from around the world, including fifty-one from Southeast Europe that will have their premieres in our four competition sections, making the festival the biggest presentation of our regional film production in the world. Each year, we face the question of what the next edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival will bring. Around the globe, the past two years have been a period of constant change. The way films are screened has changed, and audiences have adopted, embraced, and adapted to new opportunities. Nevertheless, amid the ongoing upheaval, the desire of filmgoers to watch films together was stronger than ever. Watching films in a festival atmosphere, indoors and out, in cinemas in Sarajevo in summertime remains a truly unique experience. We are happy that, once again, we will gather in our customary festival locations with our guests from around the world, without limitations. This year’s Palme d’Or winner, Ruben Östlund’s TRIANGLE OF SADNESS, kicks off the festival, while the world premiere of a Bosnian film, Pjer Žalica’s MAY LABOR DAY, brings it to a close. The ever-popular masterclass programme includes public lectures by Östlund, Ari Folman, Sergei Loznitsa, Paul Schrader, Michael Winterbottom, and our very own Jasmila Žbanić. More than one thousand film and television professionals will gather for the CineLink Film Industry Days, Talents Sarajevo, the newly introduced Heart of Sarajevo Awards for televisions series – all together, a rich programme of conferences and the promotion of the most promising film and TV drama projects from our region. Our audiences – whether watching in Sarajevo, Mostar, or around the country via our VoD platform – will have the chance to see avant premieres and premieres of Bosnian and regional films and series, as well as numerous international titles, and so we are confident this edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival will be a celebration of the art of the moving image for the entire city, country, and wider region. We are especially happy this year to showcase numerous films and television series from Bosnia and Herzegovina, including new projects by some of our country’s most prominent auteurs. In addition to closing the festival with Pjer Žalica’s latest, we present the premiere of Aida Begić’s new film, THE BALLAD; the first Bosnian drama series presented in our Avant Premiere and the first produced by BH Telecom, Danis Tanović and Amra Bakšić Čamo's THE HOLLOW; and a pre-festival, free screening of the working version of Jasmila Žbanić's documentary film about Emerik Blum on 11 August at the Coca-Cola Open Air Cinema. Zbanić will use the opportunity to invite members of the audience to help her complete the film by sharing memories or materials they might have about the unbelievable development of Sarajevo under Blum’s leadership of Energoinvest and the city. A festival such as ours is made possible by the genuine support of our sponsors, backers, and partners, which include numerous private and public companies, government institutions, institutions of culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina, national and international foundations, and foreign embassies in our country that share our values and our desire to see the continued growth and development of the Sarajevo Film Festival as a highly valuable cultural event with broad economic and social impact on the City of Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina at large. We are very grateful for their support. We give thanks to all friends of the festival and other people who help organise it, both throughout the year and in the immediate pre-festival period. Their love of film and their desire to see the festival thrive is the true secret of our success. Our special gratitude this year, however, is reserved for Mirsad Purivatra for his phenomenal and inspiring leadership of our beloved festival from its founding until now. After twenty-seven years at the helm, Mirsad Purivatra has withdrawn from the day-to-day management of the festival and now continues to support its further growth and development from his post as Chair of the Obala Art Centar Association. Miro – thank you! This year, we welcome filmgoers and our guests to a festival that has returned to its full capacity, and we hope that they will have many memorable moments at this 28th Sarajevo Film Festival.