3 minute read

Specijalne projekcije Special Screenings


Braća / Brothers

Braća / Brothers

France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, 2022, Colour, 58 min. Režija / Director: Isild Le Besco Uloge / Cast: Isild Le Besco, Ulysse Le Besco, Solon Le Besco, Mathieu Pezon, Mathis VachÈe, Joris VachÈe, Elie Frick, Jules Daudanne

Nekada davno, u jednom udaljenom kraljevstvu, živjela je jedna plava ptica obdarena brojnim moćima koje su osvjetljavale i štitile kraljevstvo i sve njegove stanovnike. U tom kraljevstvu je, sa svojom majkom, živjelo šest dječaka. Majka je naporno radila da prehrani svoje sinove koji su bili nemarni i neposlušni. Kada dječaci probude šumsku zvijer, ona razjareno baca kletvu na njihovo selo. Njihova majka iznenadno nestaje, a dječaci ostaju sami, da se poprave i isprave svoje greške. Dječaci kreću u potragu za plavom pticom u nadi da u kraljevstvu ponovo uspostave mir i spokoj i pronađu svoju mamu.

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a blue bird, endowed with many powers that illuminated and protected the kingdom and all its inhabitants. In this kingdom lived a mother and her six sons. She worked hard to raise her boys, but they were reckless and disobedient. One day, they wake up a forest beast and bring a curse upon their village. Their mother suddenly disappears and the boys are left all by themselves in their mountain home. They come to understand that they must redeem themselves and make amends, so they go in search of the blue bird in the hope that peace and serenity will be restored in the kingdom, and that they will find their missing mother.

Film o Emeriku Blumu Jasmile Žbanić / A Film about Emerik Blum by Jasmila Žbanić

(Radna verzija / Work in Progress) Jasmila Žbanić i produkcija DEBLOKADA tragaju za filmskim arhivom, fotografijama i pričama o Emeriku Blumu, legendarnom direktoru 200X290

ìEnergoinvestaî i gradonačelniku Sarajeva. Odlučili su se na projekciju filma, koji nije u potpunosti završen, kako bi građanima Sarajeva pokazali šta su do sada našli i kako bi građani mogli doprinijeti završetku filma. Ovo je unikatan proces gdje u stvaranju filma mogu učestvovati svi građani

Sarajeva. Film će posebno biti zanimljiv mladima jer će otkriti priču o Bosni i Hercegovini koja će im se činiti kao naučna fantastika.

Jasmila Zbanic and DEBLOKADA production search for archive footage, photographs and stories about Emerik Blum, the legendary general manager of Energoinvest and a Sarajevo mayor. They decided to screen the film as a work in progress to show to the citizens of Sarajevo their findings so far and offer them an opportunity to help complete the project. This is a unique process in which all residents of Sarajevo can take part. The film should be of particular interest to young people because it tells a story about Bosnia≠

Herzegovina that to them might sound like science fiction.

Četvrtak / Thursday / 11.8. // 20.30

Ljetno kino Coca≠Cola / Coca≠Cola Open Air Cinema

Ulaz je slobodan, uz preuzimanje ulaznica online ili u Glavnom Box Officeu Sarajevo Film Festivala (Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24). /

Entrance is free with tickets obtained online or at the Main Box Office of the Sarajevo Film Festival (Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24). Sinopsis / Synopsis:

Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata u uništenoj, ruralnoj Bosni i Hercegovini, zemlji nepismenih ljudi, Emerik Blum stvara veliku i uspješnu svjetsku kompaniju ìEnergoinvestî koja barata milijardama dolara. Iskoristivši sve prednosti socijalizma i kapitalizma, firma radi na unikatnom modelu poslovanja, različitom od socijalizma Istočnog bloka i kapitalističkog Zapada.

Following the end of World War II, in war≠ravaged, rural Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country of illiterate people, Emerik Blum created a large and successful global conglomerate, Energoinvest, which operated with billions of dollars. Making use of the advantages of both globally dominant political systems at the time, the company developed a unique business model, different from the socialism of the Eastern Bloc and the capitalist West.

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