
8 minute read
Posvećeno / Tribute to
Babin Jar. Kontekst / Babi Yar. Context Majdan / Maidan


Donbas / Donbass Moja radost / My Joy

Babin Jar. Kontekst / Babi Yar. Context
Netherlands, Ukraine, 2021, Colour and B&W, 121 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa
U samo dva dana, 29. i 30. septembra 1941, Odred posebne namjene 4a nacističkog Eskadrona smrti C, uz pomoć dva bataljona južne regimente ukrajinske rezervne policije, bez bilo kakvog otpora lokalnog stanovništva, u klancu Babin Jar, sjeverozapadno od Kijeva, streljao je 33.771 Jevreja. Film rekonstruiše historijski kontekst ove tragedije uz pomoć arhivskih snimaka iz perioda nacističke okupacije Ukrajine i decenije nakon toga. Kada sjećanja padnu u zaborav, kada prošlost zasjeni budućnost, istina se izgovara filmskim jezikom.
On September 29 and 30,1941, Sonderkommando 4a of the Einsatzgruppe C, assisted by two battalions of the Police Regiment South and Ukrainian Auxiliary Police, and without any resistance from the local population, shot dead 33,771 Jews in the Babi Yar ravine in the northwest of Kyiv. BABI YAR. CONTEXT reconstructs the historical setting of this tragedy through archival footage documenting the German occupation of Ukraine and the subsequent decade. When memory disappears into oblivion, when the past overshadows the future, it is the voice of cinema that articulates the truth.
Donbas / Donbass
Germany, Ukraine, France, Netherlands, Romania, 2018, Colour, 121 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa Uloge / Cast: Boris Kamorzin, Valeriu Andriuţă, Tamara Yatsenko, Liudmila Smorodina
U regiji Donbas u istočnoj Ukrajini vodi se hibridni rat koji uključuje otvoreni oružani sukob, ali i široko rasprostranjena ubistva i pljačke čiji su počinioci članovi separatističkih bandi. U Donbasu rat se naziva mirom, propaganda se prikazuje kao istina, a mržnja proglašava ljubavlju. Putovanje kroz Donbas niz je neobičnih avantura u kojima se groteskno i dramatično isprepliću poput života i smrti. Ovo nije priča o jednoj regiji, jednoj zemlji ili o jednom političkom sistemu. Ovo je priča o svijetu lažnih identiteta u vremenu nakon istine, priča o svakom od nas.
In the Donbass, a region of Eastern Ukraine, a hybrid war takes place, involving an open armed conflict alongside killings and robberies perpetrated by separatist gangs on a mass scale. Here, war is called peace, propaganda is uttered as truth, and hatred is declared to be love. A journey through the region unfolds as a chain of curious adventures, where the grotesque and dramatic are as intertwined as life and death. This is not a tale of one region, one country, or one political system; it is about a world lost in post-truth and fake identity. It is about each and every one of us. Majdan / Maidan
Netherlands, 2014, Colour, 131 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa
MAJDAN je hronika građanskog ustanka protiv režima predsjednika Janukoviča u Kijevu u zimu 2013/2014. godine. Film prati tok ustanka: od mirnog protesta pola miliona ljudi na trgu Majdan do krvavih uličnih borbi između demonstranata i pripadnika specijalne policije. MAJDAN je portret buđenja jednog naroda i njegovog ponovnog otkrivanja vlastitog identiteta. Loznitsa se izdiže iznad dnevne politike i fokusira se na prirodu narodne pobune kao društvenog, kulturnog i filozofskog fenomena. Snažna mješavina entuzijazma, herojske borbe, terora, hrabrosti, ljudskih težnji, međuljudske solidarnosti, narodne kulture, strasti i samožrtvovanja, MAJDAN je zapanjujuće filmsko platno na kojem su izmiješani klasični filmski jezik i urgentnost dokumentarističkog stila.
MAIDAN chronicles the civil uprising against the regime of president Yanukovych that took place in Kyiv in the winter of 2013–14. The film follows the progress of the revolution: from peaceful rallies, half a million strong, in the Maidan square, to bloody street battles between protestors and riot police. MAIDAN is a portrait of an awakening nation, rediscovering its identity. Director Sergei Loznitsa rises above current political issues and looks at the nature of the popular uprising as a social, cultural, and philosophical phenomenon. A powerful mix of enthusiasm, heroic struggle, terror, courage, aspiration, people's solidarity, folk culture, passion, and self-sacrifice, MAIDAN is a stunning cinematic work combining classical filmmaking style and documentary urgency. Moja radost / My Joy
Ukraine, Germany, Netherlands, 2010, Colour, 127 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa Uloge / Cast: Alexey Vertkov, Maria Varsami, Olga Shuvalova, Viktor Nemets, Vlad Ivanov, Vladimir Golovin, Yuriy Sviridenko
Film MOJA RADOST priča je o vozaču kamiona Georgiju koji odlazi iz svoga rodnog grada sa tovarom robe, ali prisiljen je pogrešno skrenuti na autoputu, te završava usred nedođije. Georgij pokušava pronaći pravi put, ali postepeno, protiv vlastite volje, biva uvučen u svakodnevni život jednog ruskog sela. U mjestu gdje gruba sila i instinkt za preživljavanje nadjačavaju ljudskost i zdrav razum, priča vozača kamiona završava u slijepoj ulici.

Noć u operi / A Night at the Opera Refleksije. Rediteljska verzija / Reflections. Director's Cut


Portret / Portrait

MY JOY is the tale of Georgy, a truck driver. He leaves his hometown with a load of goods but, when he is forced to take a wrong turn on the motorway, he finds himself in the middle of nowhere. Georgy tries to find his way but, gradually and against his will, he becomes drawn into the daily life of a Russian village. In a place where brutal force and survival instincts overcome humanity and common sense, the truck driver’s story heads for a dead end. Noć u operi / A Night at the Opera
Ukraine, Germany, Netherlands, 2020, Black and white, 20 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa
Zasnovan na arhivskim snimcima iz pedesetih i šezdesetih godina prošloga vijeka, film nas vodi na gala predstave u Pariskoj operi kojima su prisustvovale francuske i međunarodne zvijezde, kraljevske ličnosti i šefovi država. Uz pomoć rafinirane montaže i nježnog humora, Sergei Loznitsa oživljava sjajnu epohu kada su se kraljevi i kraljice, predsjednici i filmske zvijezde penjali uz stepenice hrama Garnier kako bi štovali opernu umjetnost.
Based on archive footage from the 1950s and 1960s, A NIGHT AT THE OPERA revisits gala soirees at the Opéra de Paris, frequented by French and international celebrities, royalty, and heads of state. With exquisite editing style and soft humour, Sergei Loznitsa revives the glamorous era when kings and queens, presidents and film stars ascended the stairs of the Garnier temple to worship the Art of Opera. Portret / Portrait
Russia, 2002, Black and white, 28 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa
PORTRET je bezvremeni film o ljudskom dostojanstvu i gracioznosti. Portret jednostavnih seljaka – ne samo da mi, kao gledatelji, zurimo u njihova lica, već i oni gledaju nas. Ovo umjetničko djelo mijenja
U magli / In the Fog
mišljenja. Predstavlja povratak originalnoj svrsi filmske kamere da dokumentira ljudski život i vječnost prirode.
PORTRAIT is a timeless film about human dignity and grace. A portrait of down-to-earth peasants – not only as we, as spectators, look into their faces, but they also look at us. This work of art changes opinions. It is a return to the original function of the cinematic device: to document human life and the eternity of nature.
France, Netherlands, 2014, Black and white, 17 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa
Život u današnjem Sarajevu prikazan je kroz refleksije na staklenim pokrovima crno-bijelih fotografija njegovih branitelja, koje je bosanskohercegovački fotograf Milomir Kovačević snimio 1992. godine tokom opsade grada. Film REFLEKSIJE je jedan od segmenata omnibusa MOSTOVI SARAJEVA u kojem je trinaest evropskih reditelja i rediteljica propitivalo ulogu Sarajeva u proteklih sto godina evropske historije i današnju percepciju Sarajeva u Evropi.
REFLECTIONS shows life in contemporary Sarajevo, reflected through glass, of the blackand-white photographs of the city's defenders, taken by the Bosnian photographer Milomir Kovačević in 1992 during the Siege of Sarajevo. The film is a segment of the omnibus film BRIDGES OF SARAJEVO, in which thirteen European directors explore the theme of Sarajevo: what the city has represented in European history over the past hundred years, and what it stands for today. U magli / In the Fog
Germany, Russia, Latvia, Netherlands, Belarus, 2012, Colour, 128 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa Uloge / Cast: Vladimir Svirski, Vlad Abashin, Sergei Kolesov, Vlad Ivanov, Julia Peresild, Nadezhda Markina
Zapadna granica SSSR-a 1942. godine. Regija je pod njemačkom okupacijom, a lokalni partizani vode brutalnu kampanju otpora okupatoru. Nedaleko od sela u kojem željezničar Sušenja živi s porodicom, voz je skrenut iz tračnica. Nevinog Sušenju hapse sa grupom sabotera, ali njemački oficir odluči da njega neće pogubiti i oslobađa ga. Glasine da je Sušenja izdajnik brzo se šire, te partizani Burov i Voitik dolaze iz šume kako bi mu se osvetili. Dok svoju žrtvu sprovode šumom, partizani upadaju u zasjedu i Sušenja ostaje jedan na jedan sa svojim ranjenim neprijateljem. Duboko u prastaroj šumi, gdje ne postoje ni prijatelji ni neprijatelji, a linija između izdaje i heroizma se briše, Sušenja je prisiljen napraviti moralan izbor u nemoralnim uslovima. Film je zasnovan na romanu Vasilja Bikova.
The Western frontier of the USSR, 1942. The region is under German occupation, and local partisans are fighting a brutal resistance campaign. A train is derailed not far from the village,where Sushenya, a railway worker, lives with his family. While he is innocent, Sushenya is nevertheless arrested with a group of saboteurs, but the German officer decides not to hang him with the others and sets him free. Rumours of Sushenya's treason spread quickly, and partisans Burov and Voitik arrive from the forest to exact revenge. As the partisans lead their victim through the forest, they are ambushed, and Sushenya finds himself one-to-one with his wounded enemy. Deep in an ancient forest, where there are neither friends nor enemies, and where the line between treason and heroism disappears, Sushenya is forced to make a moral choice under immoral circumstances. Based on the novel by Vasil Bykov.