
14 minute read

Alkaras / Alcarràs Sanjam električne snove / I Have Electric Dreams Ljubavni pas / Love Dog



Blizu / Close Ljubavna vatra / Fire of Love

Selektori / Programmers: Alessandro Raja, Mathilde Henrot
Alkaras / Alcarràs
Spain, Italy, 2022, Colour, 120 min. Režija / Director: Carla Simón Uloge / Cast: Jordi Pujol Dolcet, Anna Otin
Otkako znaju za sebe, članovi porodice Solé svako ljeto provode berući breskve u svome voćnjaku u malom španjolskom selu Alkaras. Ali ovogodišnja berba mogla bi im biti posljednja jer im prijeti deložacija. Prema novim planovima koji izazivaju razdor u inače bliskoj porodici, stabla breskve trebala bi biti posječena da bi se na njihovom mjestu postavili solarni paneli. Po prvi put, članovi porodice suočavaju se sa nesigurnom budućnošću i prijetnjom da izgube više od doma.
As far as back they can remember, the Solé family have spent every summer picking peaches in their orchard in Alcarràs, a small village in Spain. But this year’s crop could be their last, as they face eviction. The new plans for the land include cutting down the peach trees and installing solar panels, which causes a rift within the large tight-knit family. For the first time, they face an uncertain future and risk losing more than their home. Blizu / Close
Belgium, France, Netherlands, 2022, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Lukas Dhont Uloge / Cast: Eden Dambrine, Gustav De Waele
Intenzivno prijateljstvo trinaestogodišnjih dječaka Lea i Remija iznenada se prekida. U nastojanju da shvati zašto se to dogodilo, Leo se obraća Remijevoj majci Sophie. BLIZU je film o prijateljstvu i odgovornosti.
The intense friendship between thirteen-yearold boys Léo and Remi is suddenly disrupted. Struggling to understand what has happened, Léo approaches Sophie, Rémi's mother. CLOSE is a film about friendship and responsibility. Ljubavna vatra / Fire of Love
Režija / Director: Sara Dosa
Neustrašivi francuski naučnici Katia i Maurice Krafft posvetili su život razotkrivanju misterije vulkana, lutajući širom svijeta u potrazi za vatrom i u procesu stvarajući neke od najspektakularnijih snimaka i fotografija planete Zemlje. Viđen objektivom ovoga para, film LJUBAVNA VATRA intimna je i fascinantna vizuelna romansa koja propituje način na koji je njihova zajednička strast omogućila pionirska istraživanja sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka koja su pomogla da se spasu životi, ali u konačnici uzrokovala i njihovu smrt.
Intrepid French scientists Katia and Maurice Krafft devoted their lives to uncovering the mysteries of volcanoes, chasing fire around the world and, in the process, capturing some of the most spectacular imagery of Earth ever recorded. Told through the lenses of this magnetic couple, FIRE OF LOVE is a visual romance that takes place on an intimate and awesome scale, exploring how their shared passion enabled pioneering research in the 1970s and 80s that helped save lives, but ultimately ended their own. Ljubavni pas / Love Dog
Poland, Mexico, United States, 2022, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Bianca Lucas Uloge / Cast: John Dicks, TJ Tarver, Becca Begnaud
Nakon što završi sa radom na naftnoj bušotini u Teksasu, John se vraća u svoj rodni grad u Mississippiju, gdje će se suočiti ne samo sa svojom potisnutom traumom već i sa društvom koje oplakuje umiruće američke mitove.
After finishing a job on a Texas oil rig, John returns to his hometown in Mississippi, where he will confront not only his own repressed trauma, but that of a society grieving dying American myths. Najgori / The Worst Ones
France, 2022, Colour, 99 min. Režija / Director: Lise Akoka, Romane Gueret Uloge / Cast: Mallory Wanecque, Timéo Mahaut, Johan Heldenbergh, Loïc Pech
U gradiću Picasso, predgrađu lučkog grada Boulogne-Sur-Mer na sjeveru Francuske, snimat će se film. Četvero lokalnih tinejdžera
Najgori / The Worst Ones
– Lily, Ryan, Maylis i Jessy – prolaze na audiciji za uloge u filmu. Svi u njihovom susjedstvu su iznenađeni i pitaju se zašto su filmadžije birale samo "najgore"?
A film shoot will take place at the cité Picasso, in the suburbs of Boulogne-sur-Mer, in the north of France. During the casting, four teenagers, Lily, Ryan, Maylis, and Jessy are chosen to appear in the film. Everyone in the neighbourhood is surprised: why only take the “worst ones"?
Nemiri na ostrvima / Pacifiction
France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, 2022, Colour, 162 min. Režija / Director: Albert Serra Uloge / Cast: Benoît Magimel, Pahoa Mahagafanau
Na otoku Tahitiju u Francuskoj Polineziji, Visoki republički komesar i zvaničnik francuske vlade DE ROLLER proračunat je čovjek besprijekornih manira. Njegova donekle široka percepcija vlastite uloge navodi ga da navigira kroz visoke ešalone "establišmenta", kao i mutna okupljališta gdje se druži s lokalnim stanovništvom. Naročito nakon što su se počele širiti uporne glasine o ukazanju podmornice, čije sablasno prisustvo možda nagovještava povratak francuskih nuklearnih testova.
On the French Polynesian island of Tahiti, the High Commissioner of the Republic and French government official is a calculating man with flawless manners. His somewhat broad perception of his role brings him to navigate the high-end "establishment" as well as shady venues where he mingles with the locals — especially since a persistent rumour has been going around about the sighting of a submarine whose ghostly presence could herald the return of French nuclear testing. Ogrtač od dragulja / Robe of Gems
Mexico, Argentina, United States, 2022, Colour, 117 min. Režija / Director: Natalia López Gallardo Uloge / Cast: Nailea Norvind, Antonia Olivares
Usred tihog razvoda, Isabel sa svoje dvoje djece napušta grad i odlazi u napuštenu seosku kuću u vlasništvu njene porodice.


Nemiri na ostrvima / Pacifiction Poslije sunčanja / Aftersun Veliki pokret / The Great Movement



Ogrtač od dragulja / Robe of Gems

Uskoro otkriva da je MarÌa, sestra njene domaćice, nestala. Kada Isabel domaćici ponudi pomoć, između dvije žene uspostavlja se prešutni pakt da pronađu nestalu MarÌju.
In the midst of a silent divorce, Isabel leaves the city with her two children for her family's abandoned country house. She soon discovers that her housekeeper's sister, MarÌa, has gone missing. When Isabel offers to help, an unspoken pact to find MarÌa is born between the two women.
Pod stablima smokve / Under the Fig Trees
Tunisia, France, Switzerland, Germany, Qatar, 2022, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Erige Sehiri Uloge / Cast: Fide Fdhili, Feten Fdhili, Ameni Fdhili
U hladu smokvinog drveća formira se snažna veza među mladim sezonskim najamskim radnicima. Kroz flertovanje, međusobnu privlačnost i odbijanje, mladi muškarac i žena osjećaju snažnu povezanost dok se trude da se međusobno upoznaju i shvate.
Under the shade of trees, a strong bond flourishes between young summer harvest workers. Between flirting, feelings of attraction, and denial, a deep connection develops between the young men and women as they try to understand one another.
Poslije sunčanja / Aftersun
United Kingdom, United States, 2022, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Charlotte Wells Uloge / Cast: Paul Mescal, Frankie Corio, Celia Rowlson≠Hall
Sophie se prisjeća zajedničke radosti i lične melanholije odmora koji je provela s ocem prije dvadeset godina. Uspomene, stvarne i izmaštane, popunjavaju praznine u snimcima mini DV kamere, dok Sophie u glavi pokušava pomiriti ono što je znala o svome ocu s onim što joj o njemu nije bilo poznato.
Sophie reflects on the shared joy and private melancholy of a holiday she took with her father twenty years earlier. Memories real and imagined fill the gaps between mini≠DV footage as she tries to reconcile the father she knew with the man she didnít.
Pod stablima smokve / Under the Fig Trees Ratni poni / War Pony
Ratni poni / War Pony
United States, 2022, Colour, 114 min.
Režija / Director: Gina Gammell, Riley Keough Uloge / Cast: Jojo Bapteise Whiting, Ladainian Crazy Thunder, Jesse Schmockel, Wilma Colhoff
RATNI PONI prati isprepletene priče dva mlada muškarca iz plemena Oglala Lakota koji odrastaju u Pine Ridge rezervatu. Sve što dvadesettrogodišnji Bill želi je da postigne nešto u životu. Odlučan je da ostvari američki san, bilo tako što će raditi kao dostavljač ili kao uzgajivač pudlica. U međuvremenu, dvanaestogodišnji Matho ne može dočekati da odraste i očajnički žudi za pohvalom svog mladog oca. Kada serija impulsivnih odluka preokrene Mathov život naglavačke, on shvata da nije u stanju izaći na kraj sa teškim izazovima svijeta odraslih.
WAR PONY follows the interlocking stories of two young Oglala Lakota men growing up on the Pine Ridge Reservation. At twenty≠three, Bill just wants to make something of himself. Whether itís delivering goods or breeding poodles, he is determined to hustle his way to the American Dream. Meanwhile, twelve≠year≠ old Matho canít wait to become a man and is desperate for approval from his young father. When a series of impulsive decisions turns Mathoís life upside down, he finds himself unequipped to deal with the harsh realities of the adult world.
Sanjam električne snove / I Have Electric Dreams
Belgium, Costa Rica, France, 2022, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Valentina Maurel Uloge / Cast: Reinaldo Amien Guttierez, Daniela Marin Navarro, Vivan Rodriguez
Eva ne može podnijeti činjenicu da njena majka želi renovirati kuću i riješiti se mačke koja je, dezorijentisana nakon razvoda Evinih roditelja, počela mokriti gdje god stigne. Eva želi živjeti kod svog oca koji, dezorijentisan poput mačke, proživljava svoju drugu mladost. Iako nesposobna preplivati okean zrelosti, Eva se mora suočiti s bijesom koji nagriza njenog oca. I sada se počinje prelijevati i u nju.
Eva can't stand the fact that her mother wants to renovate the house and get rid of the cat, which, disoriented since Eva's parents' divorce, pees everywhere. Eva wants to go and live with her father, who, disoriented like the cat, is experiencing a second adolescence. But like someone who traverses an ocean of adults without knowing how to swim, Eva has to face the rage that gnaws at her father. And now it is going through her too.
Veliki pokret / The Great Movement
Bolivia, France, Qatar, Switzerland, 2021, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Kiro Russo Uloge / Cast: Julio CÈsar Ticona, Max Bautista Uchasara, Francisca Arce de Aro
Današnja Bolivija. Nakon sedam dana hoda, Elder i njegovi prijatelji rudari stižu u La Paz sa zahtjevom da budu vraćeni na posao. Iznenada, Elder se počne osjećati loše... Uz pomoć stare Mam· Panche, Elder i njegovi prijatelji pronalaze posao na pijaci. Ali Elderovo stanje se pogoršava, guši se i bori se za dah. Mam· Pancha ga šalje Maxu ñ nadriljekaru, pustinjaku i klovnu ñ koji ga možda može vratiti u život.
Bolivia, today. After walking for a week, Elder and his miner companions arrive in La Paz to demand the reinstatement of their jobs. Suddenly, Elder starts to feel unwell... With the help of the elderly Mam· Pancha, Elder and his friends find work in the market. But Elderís condition worsens: heís choking and struggling for breath. Mam· Pancha sends him to Max ñ a witch doctor, hermit, and clown ñ who may be able to bring the young man back to life.
Mexico, Peru, 2022, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Michelle Garza Cervera Uloge / Cast: Natalia Soli·n, Alfonso Dosal
To je trebao biti najsretniji period Valerijinog života. Dugogodišnji san nje i njenog supruga Raula konačno se ostvario: Valerija je trudna. Na početku sve djeluje savršeno. No, postepeno, ona postaje sve utučenija. U


Huesera Peti grudni pršljen / The Fifth Thoracic Vertebra Zločini iz budućnosti / Crimes of the Future



Pušenje izaziva kašalj / Smoking Causes Coughing Izlijeganje / Hatching

očekivanju majčinstva, Valerija se ne može osloboditi duboke sumnje u samu sebe i sveprisutnog osjećaja užasnutosti uzrokovanog vizijama bića nalik paucima i drugih nadnaravnih prijetnji koje su možda djelo sile poznate pod imenom La Huesera.
It should be the happiest time in Valeria’s life. She and her husband, Raul, have finally seen one of their long-time dreams come true: Valeria is pregnant. At first, everything seems perfect. Gradually, though, her mood darkens. With motherhood upon her, Valeria can’t shake off heavy self-doubt and a pervasive dread, the latter stemming from visions of spider-like presences and other possibly supernatural threats, all of which may be the work of an entity known as La Huesera.
Izlijeganje / Hatching
Finland, Sweden, 2022, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Hanna Bergholm Uloge / Cast: Siiri Solalinna, Sophia Heikkilä
Dvanaestogodišnja gimnastičarka Tinja očajnički nastoji zadovoljiti svoju izgledom opsjednutu majku, čiji blog "Prekrasni svakodnevni život" predstavlja život njihove porodice kao idiličnu egzistenciju u perfektno njegovanom predgrađu. Kada Tinja u šumi pronađe povrijeđenu pticu, ona odnosi njeno čudno jaje kući, ušuška ga u svoj krevet i njeguje ga do izlegnuća. Stvorenje koje izađe iz jajeta postaje Tinjin najbolji prijatelj i oživotvorena noćna mora, gurajući je iza besprijekorne zavjese savršenog života u poremećenu stvarnost koju njena majka odbija da vidi.
Tinja, a twelve-year-old gymnast, is desperate to please her image-obsessed mother, whose popular blog "Lovely Everyday Life" presents their family’s existence as manicured suburban perfection. One day, after finding a wounded bird in the woods, Tinja brings its strange egg home, nestles it in her bed, and nurtures it until it hatches. The creature that emerges becomes her closest friend and a living nightmare, plunging Tinja beneath the impeccable veneer into a twisted reality that her mother refuses to see.
Peti grudni pršljen / The Fifth Thoracic Vertebra
South Korea, 2022, Colour, 62 min. Režija / Director: Syeyoung Park Uloge / Cast: Jihyeon Park, Hyein Moon
Nakon što ljubavni par okonča svoju vezu, plijesan se počne nakupljati na njihovom odbačenom madracu i iz nje se rađa misteriozno stvorenje. Stvorenje putuje zemljom hraneći se pršljenovima svojih žrtava u pokušaju da pobjegne iz kreveta, od plijesni i od vlastite prošlosti.
When a couple splits, mould starts growing on their dumped mattress, from which a mysterious creature is born. The creature travels around the country, feasting on its victims’ vertebrae, struggling to break free from the bed, the mould, and its past.
Pušenje izaziva kašalj / Smoking Causes Coughing
France, 2022, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Quentin Dupieux Uloge / Cast: Gilles Lellouche, Vincent Lacoste
Nakon razorne borbe sa dijaboličnom kornjačom, petočlana grupa osvetnika, poznata pod imenom Duhanski tim, se raspada. Članove grupe šalju na obavezni, zajednički jednosedmični odmor da pokušaju ojačati njihovu međusobnu koheziju. Odmor protiče sjajno sve dok Lézardin, imperator zla, ne odluči uništiti planetu Zemlju.
After a devastating battle against a diabolical turtle, a team of five avengers – known as the Tobacco Force – is falling apart. They are sent on a mandatory week-long retreat to strengthen their decaying group cohesion. Their sojourn goes wonderfully well until Lézardin, Emperor of Evil, decides to annihilate planet Earth.
Ratovi protiv jednoroga / Unicorn Wars
Spain, France, 2022, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Alberto Vázquez
U jednoj dalekoj dalekoj zemlji, medvjedi i jednorozi oduvijek ratuju. Armija plišanih medvjedića indoktrinira mlade regrute kako bi
Ratovi protiv jednoroga / Unicorn Wars
pokrenuli rat protiv jednoroga koji su prijetnja opstanku medvjeda. Braća Bluey i Tubby su u grupi neiskusnih regruta koje pošalju na opasan zadatak spašavanja čarobne šume. Da li su oni spremni za taj izazov?
In a distant land, bears and unicorns have always been at war. A teddy bear army indoctrinates young recruits to wage war against the unicorns, who threaten the bears’ survival. Brothers Bluey and Tubby, along with a group of inexperienced recruits, are sent on a dangerous mission to save the magical forest. Are they up to the challenge?
Zločini iz budućnosti / Crimes of the Future
Canada, Greece, France, United Kingdom, 2022, Colour, 107 min. Režija / Director: David Cronenberg Uloge / Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Léa Seydoux, Kristen Stewart, Scott Speedman
Dok se ljudska vrsta prilagođava sintetičkom okruženju, ljudsko tijelo prolazi niz transformacija i mutacija. Slavni scenski umjetnik Saul Tenser sa svojom partnericom Caprice na avangardnim predstavama javno prikazuje metamorfozu vlastitih organa. Timlin, istražitelj Državnog registra organa, opsesivno prati njihovo kretanje što dovodi do otkrića jedne misteriozne grupe. Njihova misija: iskoristiti Saulovu slavu da rasvijetle narednu fazu ljudske evolucije.
As the human species adapts to a synthetic environment, the body undergoes new transformations and mutations. With his partner Caprice, Saul Tenser, a celebrity performance artist, publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avant-garde performances. Timlin, an investigator from the National Organ Registry, obsessively tracks their movements, which is when a mysterious group is revealed… Their mission: to use Saul’s notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.
