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Storyjev 20. rođendan 20 years of the Story
Više od 700 uzvanika okupilo se na partyju Jana Story Hall of Fame na kojem se slavio veliki Storyjev jubilej pod hashtagom #storyslavi20 More than 700 guests attanded the party Jana Story Hall of Fame to celebrate the big birthday of the Story magazine, all under the hashtag #storyslavi20
Pjevačice Lidija Bačić Lille i Indira Levak Singers Lidija Bačić Lille and Indira levak
Storyjev 20. rođendan uz regionalne zvijezde
Lifestyle tjednik Story svoj je jubilarni rođendan proslavio na glamuroznom partyju pred više od 700 uzvanika, među kojima su najbrojniji bili celebrityji. Dodijeljene su nagrade najboljim glumcima, pjevačima, TV licima, zvijezdama editorijala i društvenih mreža, a nastupile su pjevačice poznate diljem regije i stvorile sjajnu atmosferu More than 700 guests, mostly celebrities, came to the glamorous event that celebrated fist 20 years of the Story weekly lifestyle magazine. The best actors, musicians, TV hosts, and the stars od fashion editorials and social media, got the awards, and the singers that are famous in the whole region held a concert to remember
Lifestyle tjednik Story napunio je 20 godina, a jubilarni rođendan, pod hashtagom #storyslavi20, proslavljen je na glamuroznom partyju Jana Story Hall of Fame održanom u Američkom paviljonu Zagrebačkog velesajma, u novom prostoru Stil Event. Najglamurozniji događaj godine u Hrvatskoj privukao je više od 700 uzvanika, među kojima su najbrojniji bili celebrityji koji su crvenim tepihom prošetali u raskošnim toaletama i odijelima. Story Hall of Fame dosad je slavio najveća ostvarenja na medijskoj i estradnoj sceni, a ove je godine u rođendanskom duhu dodijelio 22 nagrade za velikih 20 godina. Nagrade su otišle u ruke najboljih glumaca, pjevača, kazališnih i televizijskih lica, zvijezda Storyjevih modnih editorijala i društvenim mreža. Nakon svečane dodjele nagrada - koju su maestralno vodili glumci Tarik Filipović i Marko Braić - uslijedila je i posebna zabava na kojoj su zapjevale glazbenice poznate diljem regije - Jelena Rozga, Sara Jo, Franka Batelić, Maja Šuput Tatarinov, Danijela Martinović, Alka Vuica, Indira Levak...
Nastup pjevačice Danijele Martinović Singer Danijela Martinović on stage
Pjevačica Maja Šuput, dobitnica nagrade za zvijezdu godine Singer Maja Šuput, winner of the Star of the year award
Lifestyle weekly magazine Story celebrated its 20th birthday at the glamorous party Jana Story Hall of Fame, which was held at the American Pavilion of the Zagreb Fair, at the new venue Stil Event. More than 700 guests came to the most glamorous event of the year in Croatia, and the most of the were celebrities who walked down the red carpet in their glamorous gown and suits. So far, Story Fall of Fame has celebrated the largest achievements in the world of media and entertainment, and this year in teh spirit of the Story's jubilee, there were 22 wards for the big 20th birthday. The awards went into the hands of the best actors, musicians, actors, TV hosts, the stars of Story's fashion editorials and the social media. The hosts of the awards ceremony were actors Tarik Filipović i Marko Braić, and after the ceremony we had a memorable party with a very special concert held by the ladies that are famous not only in Croatia, but in the whole region - Jelena Rozga, Sara Jo, Franka Batelić, Maja Šuput Tatarinov, Danijela Martinović, Alka Vuica, Indira levak...
Glazbenici Senidah i Dino Merlin nagrađeni su za najbolji duet
Musicians Senidah and Dino Merlin got the award for the best duet
Pjevačice Jelena Rozga i Sara Jo Singers Jelena Rozga and Sara Jo
Pjevačica Lepa Brena proglašena je regionalnom zvijezdom godine Singer Lepa Brena got the awards for the regional star of the year
Voditelj dodjele nagrada, glumac Tarik Filipović i supruga Lejla, glumac Momčilo Otašević i kolegica Petra Kraljev, glumica Bojana Gregorić Vejzović The host of the awards ceremony, actor Tarik Filipović with his wife Lejla, actor Momčilo Otašević and his colleague Petra Kraljev, and the actress Bojana Gregorić Vejzović