
8 minute read
Sučavanje s prošlošću Dealing with the Past
Gdje je Ana Frank? / Where Is Anne Frank? Kako se sada zove ova zemlja? / What’s This Country Called Now?


Jedanaest majskih dana / Eleven Days in May SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU / DEALING WITH THE PAST

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2020, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Alen Šimić
Na otkrivanju spomen-ploče poginulim roditeljima mladi reditelj upoznaje čovjeka koji mu je spasio život prije 26 godina.
At the unveiling of a memory plaque where his parents were killed, a director meets the man who saved his life on that very night twenty-six years ago. Gdje je Ana Frank? / Where Is Anne Frank?
Belgium, Luxembourg, Israel, Netherlands, France, 2021, Colour, 99 min. Režija / Director: Ari Folman Uloge / Cast: Ruby Stokes, Emily Carey, Sebastian Croft, Ralph Prosser, Michael Maloney
GDJE JE ANA FRANK? počinje čudom: Kiti, imaginarna prijateljica kojoj je Ana Frank pisala u svome slavnom dnevniku, oživljava u današnjem Amsterdamu. Nesvjesna da je prošlo već 75 godina, Kiti je uvjerena da ako je ona živa, onda mora biti živa i Ana. GDJE JE ANA FRANK prati Kiti tokom njene potrage za voljenom prijateljicom širom današnje Evrope. Naoružana dragocjenim dnevnikom i uz pomoć svoga prijatelja Petera, koji vodi tajno sklonište za nedokumentovane migrante, Kiti korača Aninim stopama, sve do njene tragične smrti u holokaustu. Dezorijentisana našim slomljenim svijetom i nepravdama koje djeca izbjeglice trpe, Kiti želi ostvariti Anin cilj. Zahvaljujući njenoj iskrenosti, Kiti šalje poruku nade i velikodušnosti budućim generacijama.
WHERE IS ANNE FRANK? begins with a miracle: Kitty, the imaginary friend to whom Anne Frank wrote in her famous diary, comes to life in present-day Amsterdam. Unaware that seventy-five years have gone by, Kitty is convinced that if she is alive, then Anne must
Kraj puta / Along the Way
be alive too. WHERE IS ANNE FRANK tells the story of Kitty’s quest across contemporary Europe to find her beloved friend. Armed with the precious diary and with help from her friend Peter, who runs a secret shelter for undocumented refugees, Kitty follows Anne’s traces, from the Annex to her tragic end in the Holocaust. Disoriented by our broken world, and the injustices that child refugees endure, Kitty wants to fulfill Anne’s cause. Through her honesty, she presents a message of hope and generosity addressed to future generations.
Jedanaest majskih dana / Eleven Days in May
United Kingdom, Palestine, 2022, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Michael Winterbottom, Mohammed Sawwaf
Tokom jedanaest dana maja 2021. godine u Gazi je ubijeno više od šezdesetero djece. Oni nikada ne bi smjeli biti zaboravljeni. Uz naraciju Kate Winslet i muziku Maxa Richtera, ovaj film predstavlja svojevrsni dnevnik tog perioda. Uz pomoć arhivskih snimaka i ličnih svjedočanstava, film donosi priču svakog djeteta kao individue koja ima iste nade, snove i ambicije kao i druga djeca širom svijeta.
Over the course of eleven days in May 2021, more than sixty children were killed in Gaza. They should never be forgotten. Narrated by Kate Winslet, with music by Max Richter, this film is a diary of those days. Through archives and personal testimony, the film tells the story of each child as an individual with many of the same hopes, dreams, and ambitions of children everywhere.
United States, 2018, Colour, 37 min. Režija / Director: Joseph Pierson Uloge / Cast: Zrinka Cvitešić, Rade Šerbedžija, Jasna Žalica, Sami Jonah Makarević, Aren Emrić
Film KAKO SE SADA ZOVE OVA ZEMLJA? zasnovan je na iskustvu Aide Čerkez, Bosanke koja je tokom opsade Sarajeva radila kao novinarka. Aida je 1994. godine došla na ideju da povodom osamdesete godišnjice Sarajevskog atentata na austrougarskog prestolonasljednika Franza Ferdinanda pokuša pronaći nekoga od svjedoka tog prelomnog historijskog događaja. Pronašla je devedesetogodišnjeg Ismeta, koji je u vrijeme atentata imao deset godina. Ismet je bio svjedok pucnja koji je bio povod za početak Prvog svjetskog rata i nastavio je živjeti u Sarajevu tokom burnih godina koje su uslijedile. Aida intervjuiše Ismeta i sa njim dijelil vlastito viđenje života u ratu.
WHAT’S THIS COUNTRY CALLED NOW? is based on the experiences of Aida Čerkez, a Bosnian woman who worked as a reporter throughout the Siege of Sarajevo. In 1994, on the eightieth anniversary of the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Aida had the idea of finding a witness to that seminal event in world history. She found Ismet, now ninety years old, who was ten years old on that fateful day in 1914. He witnessed the shot that triggered the First World War and continued to live in Sarajevo through the years of conflict that followed. Aida interviews Ismet and in the process shares her own perspective on life during wartime. Kraj puta / Along the Way
Netherlands, 2022, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Mijke De Jong Uloge / Cast: Malihe Rezaie, Nahid Rezaie, Sina Nazari
Na iransko-turskoj granici, tokom pokušaja bijega u Evropu, identične blizanke Zahra i Fatima razdvojile su se od svojih sestara i majke. U panici, dok su oko njih odjekivali pucnji, djevojčice su potrčale u pogrešnom smjeru. Vratile su se u Iran, a njihova majka i sestre prebačene su u Tursku. Djevojčice stoje usred nedođije, stare 19 godina i potpuno same. Ne znaju kome mogu vjerovati, gdje je njihova porodica i šta učiniti sljedeće. U tom trenutku počinje njihovo putovanje nad kojim naizgled nemaju nikakvu kontrolu.
Zahra and Fatima, identical twins, are separated from their sisters and their mother during their flight to Europe on the border of Turkey and Iran. As shots go off, the girls panic and run in the wrong direction. Back to Iran, while their mother and the two remaining sisters are driven into Turkey. There the girls stand, in the middle of nowhere, 19 years old


B4 Reznica / Cutting Valcer sa Baširom / Waltz with Bashir


Pomračenje / The Eclipse

and all alone. They don’t know who to trust, where their family is and what to do next. Here begins their journey that they seem to have no control over.
Pomračenje / The Eclipse
Norway, 2022, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Nataša Urban
Jedanaestog augusta 1999. veći dio Evrope zaokupljen je potpunim pomračenjem sunca koje trenutačno čitavu Zemlju ostavlja u mraku. Dok svijet slavi, većina stanovnika Srbije zatvara se u svoje domove i nuklearna skloništa u strahu od mjesečeve sjene. Koristeći ovaj događaj kao metaforu za nečistu savjest nacije zbog posljedica njenih političkih izbora, autorica ovog esejističkog dokumentarnog filma suočava se sa ratnom i kriminalnom prošlošću svoje zemlje i zlom koje je još uvijek na slobodi.
On 11 August, 1999, most of Europe was engrossed by a total solar eclipse, which briefly enveloped Earth in darkness. While the world at large celebrated, most of Serbia’s population, fearful of the lunar shadow, barricaded themselves in their homes and nuclear bunkers. Using this event as a metaphor for a nation’s unclean conscience about the consequences of its political choices, in this essay documentary director Nataša Urban confronts her country’s wartime and criminal past, and the evil that is still on the loose today. Reznica / Cutting
Serbia, 2022, Colour, 23 min.
Šesti autobus / 6th Bus
Režija / Director: Davor Marinković
REZNICA predstavlja dvije generacije izbjeglih lica koje i dalje pokušavaju da stvore nov identitet nakon raspada Jugoslavije. Mirjana i Borislav su proveli veći dio svojih života u kolektivnom centru u Srbiji. Sada se spremaju za putovanje u prošlost i za budućnost u kojoj žele da imaju dom i puste korijene.
CUTTING represents two generations of refugees who are still trying to create a new identity after the break-up of Yugoslavia. Mirjana and Borislav spent most of their lives in a collective centre in Serbia. Now, they take a journey into the past to embrace the future and make roots and a new home.
Šesti autobus / 6th Bus
Croatia, 2022, Colour, 106 min. Režija / Director: Eduard Galić Uloge / Cast: Zala Đurić, Marko Petrić, Maša Đorđević, Matija Prskalo, Josipa Anković, Toni Gojanović, Muhamed Hadžović, Filip Mayer
Tokom bitke za Vukovar, mlada Amerikanka pokušava pronaći čovjeka iz svoje prošlosti, koji nikad neće biti pronađen. Riječ je o potrazi za identitetom i istinom na mjestu gdje je istina selektivna, neuhvatljiva i čak prestrašena. Ispod te potrage ključa potreba za vjerom, vezom i otkupljenjem.
During the battle of Vukovar, a young American is trying to find a man from her past, but he is never to be found. It is a search of identity and truth at a place where truth is selective, elusive, and even feared. A quest for faith, connection, and redemption simmers beneath the search.
Valcer sa Baširom / Waltz with Bashir
Israel, France, Germany, United States, Finland, Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, 2008, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Ari Folman
Jedne večeri u baru stari prijatelj reditelja Arija Folmana ispriča mu kako ga u snu svake noći proganja 26 divljih pasa te kako broj zvijeri iz noći u noć ostaje isti. Dvojica prijatelja zaključuju kako to sigurno ima veze s njihovom službom u izraelskoj vojsci tokom prvog rata u Libanu ranih osamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka. Začudo, Ari se ne može sjetiti niti jednog detalja iz tog razdoblja svog života. U želji da riješi tu zagonetku, odluči posjetiti i intervjuisati stare prijatelje i suborce razbacane širom svijeta. Osjeća potrebu da sazna istinu o sebi i o tom periodu svoga života. Dok Ari sve dublje uranja u tu misteriju, sjećanja mu počinju navirati u formi nadrealnih slika.
One night at a bar, an old friend tells director Ari Folman about a recurring nightmare in which he is chased by twenty-six vicious dogs. Every night, the same number of beasts. The two men conclude that there’s a connection to their Israeli Army mission in the first Lebanon War of the early 1980s. Folman is surprised that he can’t remember a thing about that period of his life. Intrigued by this riddle, he decides to meet and interview old friends and comrades around the world. He needs to discover the truth about that time and about himself. As Folman delves deeper and deeper in to the mystery, his memory begins to creep up in surreal images.
