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Dan ljudskih prava Human Rights Day / Program Mreže festivala jadranske regije / The programme of Network of Festivals in the
Borba nove generacije za ljudska prava
Ovogodišnji Sarajevo Film Festival će pod pokroviteljstvom Kraljevine Nizozemske organizirati Dan ljudskih prava. Program će uključivati projekciju filma SLUČAJ NOVE VELIČINE Anne Shishove. Suprotstavljanje kršenju ljudskih prava ostaje naš vodeći princip. Nažalost, vidimo razarajuće posljedice kršenja ljudskih prava od strane ruskog režima u slučaju Ukrajine. Upravo zbog toga smo odlučili prikazati ovaj film široj publici, te dodatno uključiti mlade aktiviste iz regiona u diskusiju. Ove godine sa zadovoljstvom objavljujemo da proširujemo naš program, uključujući i radionicu povodom Dana ljudskih prava sa mladim aktivistima starosti od 18 do 25 godina iz Bosne i Hercegovine i Zapadnog Balkana. Radionica se organizira u partnerstvu sa insitutom KULT i Young European Ambassadors. Kao i prethodnih godina, program obuhvata panel diskusiju i uvodne riječi. Panel će moderirati Tue Steen Mueller, filmski kritičar.
New generation’s fight for human rights
Under the auspices of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the 2022 Sarajevo Film Festival will organize the Human Rights Day programme. The programme will include a screening of the film THE NEW GREATNESS CASE by Anna Shishova. Standing against human rights violation stays our guiding principle. We, unfortunately, see the devastating consequences of Russian regime’s human rights abuses in the case of Ukraine. This is exactly why we have decided to show this film to general audience and, additionally, include young activists from the region in the discussing. This year, we are delighted to announce that we are extending our programme including Human Rights Day Workshop with young activists aged between 18 and 25 from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkans. The workshop is organized in partnership with KULT and Young European Ambassadors. As in the previous years, the programme encompasses panel discussion and opening remarks. Panel will be moderated by True Steen Mueller, film critic.
Slučaj nove veličine / The New Greatness Case
Slučaj nove veličine / The New Greatness Case
Finland, Croatia, Norway, 2022, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Anna Shishova
Anja je bila normalna tinejdžerka koja je sanjala o tome da život u Rusiji učini boljim. Uhapšena je u martu 2018. i osuđena na zatvorsku kaznu po optužbi da je formirala ekstremističku grupu sa ciljem nasilnog svrgavanja vlasti. Tokom tri naredne godine njena majka Julia očajnički se borila da dokaže da je njena kći nevina. Borba za pravdu i praktična, detaljna spoznaja pravog stanja stvari u državi Juliju su iz apolitične građanke pretvorile u strastvenu aktivisticu za ljudska prava.
Anya was an ordinary teenager who dreamed of making life in Russia better. In March 2018, she was arrested and incarcerated on charges of forming an extremist group with the aim of violently overthrowing the government. During three following years, her mother Julia desperately struggles to prove her daughter’s innocence. Fighting for justice and learning the real state of affairs step-by-step, Julia has been transformed from an apolitical citizen into a passionate human rights activist.
SLUČAJ NOVE VELIČINE Anne Shishove bit će prikazan 14. augusta u 12 sati, a nakon toga će uslijediti panel diskusija s autorima i
protagonistima filma. / THE NEW GREATNESS CASE by Anna Shishova will be shown on August 14th at 12PM and followed by the panel discussion with filmmakers and film protagonists.
Alma Viva Mokri pijesak / Wet Sand Ružičasti mjesec / Pink Moon
Alma Viva
Portugal, France, Belgium, , Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Cristèle Alves Meira Uloge / Cast: Lua Michel, Ana Padrao
Kao i svakoga ljeta, mala Salomé se tokom raspusta vraća u rodno selo smješteno u planinama Portugala. Djevojčicin bezbrižni odmor prekida iznenadna smrt bake.
Like she does every summer, little Salomé returns to her family village nestled in the Portuguese mountains for the holidays. As the vacation begins in a carefree atmosphere, her beloved grandmother suddenly dies.
Romania, 2021, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: Radu Muntean Uloge / Cast: Maria Popistasu, Ilona Brezoianu
Maria, Dan i Ilinca odlaze na humanitarno putovanje koje sa grupom prijatelja s posla redovno organizuju krajem godine. Usput upoznaju usamljenog starca i pristanu ga odvesti do pilane u kojoj on navodno radi.
Maria, Dan and Ilinca are on their regular endof-the-year humanitarian trip, organised with a bunch of friends from work. On the way, they meet a lonely old man and agree to take him to a sawmill where he supposedly works. Mokri pijesak / Wet Sand
Georgia, Switzerland, 2021, Colour, 115 min. Režija / Director: Elene Naveriani Uloge / Cast: Bebe Sesitashvili, Gia Agumava
Gruzijsko selo na obali Crnoga mora u kojem žive ljubazni ljudi koji misle da se međusobno dobro poznaju. Jednoga dana, Elika pronalaze obješenog, a njegova unuka Moe dolazi kako bi organizovala sahranu. Moe se suočava sa mrežom laži i tragičnim posljedicama Elikove tajne ljubavne veze sa Amnonom koja je trajala dvadeset i dvije godine.
A village on the Georgian Black Sea with friendly people believing to know each other. One day, Eliko is found hanged; his granddaughter Moe comes to organize his funeral. She is confronted with a web of lies and the tragic consequences of Eliko’s hidden love life with Amnon over the last 22 years.
Ružičasti mjesec / Pink Moon
Netherlands, Slovenia, 2022, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Floor van der Meulen Uloge / Cast: Julia Akkermans, Johan Leysen
Jan, Irisin otac, kćerki tokom porodične večere saopćava da mu je dosta života. Za par mjeseci, na svoj sedamdeset i peti rođendan, ili nekad oko tog datuma, on želi okončati svoj život. Ta apsurdna vijest snažno pogađa Iris koja ni na trenutak nije očekivala nešto slično.
During a family dinner, Iris receives the news from her father Jan that he’s had enough of life. In a few months – on or near his seventyfifth birthday – he wants his life to come to an end. This absurd news is like a punch to the gut: Iris didn’t see it coming at all.
Adriatic Audience Award –
Nagrada publike Programa Mreže festivala jadranske regije / Network of Festivals in Adriatic Region Audience Award Nagrada u vrijednosti 5000 € za podsticaj kino-distribucije pobjedničkog filma koja se dodjeljuje na Festivalu autorskog filma u Beogradu. / The award includes 5000 € for the theatrical distribution of the most voted film in the region of the Former Yugoslavia