9 minute read
Takmičarski program igrani film / Competition Programme – Feature Film
Čovjek od djela / Men of Deeds Jahači / Riders
Balada / A Ballad
Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2022, Colour and B&W, 120 min. Režija / Director: Aida Begić Uloge / Cast: Marija Pikić, Jasna Žalica, Milan Tocinovski, Lana Stanišić, Slaven Vidak
Merjem-Meri (30), neambiciozna domaćica i majka djevojčice Mile (8), poslije deset godina bračnog života vraća se u roditeljsku kuću. Ubrzo nakon povratka, Meri shvaća da je zarobljena u začaranom krugu provincijskih zakona i pravila, kao i u kompleksnim relacijama između ambiciozne majke i razmaženog mlađeg brata. Njena nada da će dobiti skrbništvo nad kćerkom je svakim danom sve manja jer nema priliku da nađe stalni posao. Jedino što je čini sretnom, a zbog čega je svi osuđuju, odlazak je na audiciju za film koji se snima u susjedstvu.
Merjem-Meri, an unambitious, thirty-year-old homemaker and mother to eight-year-old girl Mila, moves back to her parents' home after ten years of marriage. Soon after, Meri realises she is stuck in a circle of provincial rules and expectations and a complex relationship with her ambitious mother and spoiled younger brother. Her hope to gain custody of her daughter wanes from day to day because she has no chance of finding a permanent job. The only thing that makes her happy – but that makes everyone else look down on her – is auditioning for a film role in her neighbourhood. Čovjek od djela / Men of Deeds
Šest sedmica / Six Weeks
Uloge / Cast: Iulian Postelnicu, Anghel Damian, Vasile Muraru, Crina Semciuc, Daniel Busuioc
Ilie, lokalni šef policije, želi izgraditi siguran život za sebe, ali napravi jednu pogrešku. Sredovječan i otuđen, Ilie osjeća potrebu da bude dio nečega – da posadi voćnjak ili čak izgradi kuću. Iako se u selu dešavaju čudne stvari, Ilie vidi samo ono što mu odgovara. Kolaps nastaje onda kada se Ilie uključi u seoska zbivanja. U nedostatku rješenja, Ilie pokušava biti nešto što nikada nije bio: borac za pravdu koji hapsi sve koji su to zaslužili.
Ilie, a small-town police chief, wants to build a comfortable life for himself, but ends up making the wrong choices. Middle-aged and alienated, he feels the need to be a part of something – to build an orchard, even a home. Although dubious things happen in the village, Ilie only sees what suits him. The moment he gets involved in village life marks the beginning of his collapse. In a vacuum of solutions, he tries to be what he has never been before: the justice-seeker who arrests everyone who might be guilty.
Jahači / Riders
Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2022, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Dominik Mencej Uloge / Cast: Petja Labovič, Timon Šturbej, Anja Novak, Nikola Kojo
Slovenija, proljeće 1999. Dva prijatelja iz maloga sela odluče pretvoriti svoje mopede u čopere i krenuti na put. U potrazi za slobodom i ljubavi, vođeni ludim impulsima i progonjeni konzervativnim kalupima tradicije, počinju vjerovati i shvatati stvari koje prethodno nisu mogli ni zamisliti. Na putu kroz Sloveniju i Hrvatsku – zemlje koje su se netom otcijepile od Jugoslavije – prati ih mlada, odbjegla žena misteriozne prošlosti i stari bajker koji je obišao svijet u potrazi za slobodom. Kroz zajednička iskustva oni jedni drugima i sami sebi postavljaju izazove koji prekidaju njihove veze sa prošlošću i otvaraju put za nešto novo. Ali taj put je prevrtljiv i, uz iznenadnu smrt jednog od saputnika, stavlja njihovo prijateljstvo na kušnju.
Slovenia, the spring of 1999. Two friends from a small village decide to transform their mopeds into choppers and embark on a journey. Looking for freedom and love, driven by mad impulses and haunted by conservative moulds of tradition, they start believing and understanding things that were previously unimaginable. On the road through Slovenia and Croatia – countries recently separated from Yugoslavia – they are accompanied by a young runaway woman with a mysterious past and an old biker who has seen the world in search of freedom. These characters challenge each other and themselves through shared experiences, which break their ties to and conception of the old, thus giving way to the new. But the path is treacherous and with the sudden death of a companion, their friendship is at stake. Šest sedmica / Six Weeks
Hungary, 2022, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Noémi Veronika Szakonyi Uloge / Cast: Katalin Román, Zsuzsanna Járó, Lana Szczaurski, Móni Balsai, András Mészáros
Buntovna tinejdžerka Zsófi živi u stančiću s mlađom sestrom Mesi i nestabilnom majkom Beom. Zsófi je prekasno shvatila da je trudna, te se odlučuje da će, nakon što se porodi, dijete dati na usvajanje. Bea ne može prihvatiti kćerkinu odluku, ali ne shvata da ni ona ni njihovi životni uslovi nisu podobni za novorođenče. Zsófi se oduvijek morala ponašati kao odrasla osoba, raditi i umjesto majke donositi razumne odluke za sebe i svoju sestru. Jedino što je zanima jeste karijera igračice stonog tenisa, na čemu naporno radi. Prema zakonu, Zsófi nakon poroda ima šest sedmica da se predomisli i zatraži povratak djeteta. Čini se da je u stanju hladnokrvno kontrolisati svoje emocije i kretati prema ciljevima koje je sebi postavila. Istovremeno, njen majčinski instinkt se budi i počinju je obuzimati sumnje.
Zsófi, a rebellious teenager, lives in a tiny flat with her little sister, Mesi, and her unstable mother, Bea. Zsófi discovers late that she is pregnant and decides to give up her baby through open adoption. Bea cannot accept her daughter’s decision, but she does not realise that neither Zsófi, nor the circumstances, are
Klondike Sigurno mjesto / Safe Place
Serviam – ja ću služiti / Serviam – I Will Serve
suitable to welcome a newborn. Zsófi has always had to behave like a grown-up, working and making sensible decisions, instead of her mother and for her sister. Her only advantage is her table tennis career, for which she works assiduously. Following the birth, Zsófi is given six weeks by law to change her mind and ask for her child back. She seems to be able to control her feelings ruthlessly and continue towards the goals she has set. At the same time, her maternal feelings intensify and her doubts arise.
Ukraine, Türkiye, 2022, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Maryna Er Gorbach Uloge / Cast: Oksana Cherkashyna, Sergiy Shadrin, Oleg Scherbina, Oleg Shevchuk
Juli 2014. Irka i Tolik, koji uskoro očekuju rođenje djeteta, žive u Donjecku, regiji u istočnoj Ukrajini nedaleko od granice sa Rusijom, oko kojeg su se vodile borbe u prvim danima rata u Donbasu. Njihovo nervozno iščekivanje rođenja prvoga djeteta nasilno prekida rastuća napetost usred rušenja aviona MH17 nedaleko od njihovog sela. Olupina oborenog aviona i parada ožalošćenih koji dolaze posjetiti mjesto nesreće naglašavaju nadrealnu traumatičnost trenutka. Dok Tolikovi prijatelji separatisti očekuju da se on pridruži njihovim naporima, Irkin brat je bijesan jer sumnja da su njih dvoje izdali Ukrajinu. Irka odbija da bude evakuirana čak i nakon što vojska okupira selo i pokušava izmiriti svoga brata i svoga muža tako što ih zamoli da zajedno renoviraju njihovu bombardovanu kuću.
July 2014. Expectant parents Irka and Tolik live in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine near the Russian border, disputed territory in the early days of War in Donbas. Their nervous anticipation of the birth of their first child is violently disrupted as the nearby crash of flight MH17 elevates the forbidding tension enveloping their village. The looming wreckage of the downed airliner and an incoming parade of mourners emphasise the surreal trauma of the moment. While Tolik’s separatist friends
Korset / Corsage
expect him to join their efforts, Irka’s brother is enraged by suspicion that the couple has betrayed Ukraine. Irka refuses to be evacuated even as the village gets captured by armed forces, and tries to make peace between her husband and brother by asking them to repair their bombed house.
Korset / Corsage
Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, France, 2022, Colour, 113 min. Režija / Director: Marie Kreutzer Uloge / Cast: Vicky Krieps, Florian Teichtmeister, Katharina Lorenz, Jeanne Werner, Alma Hasun
Imperatorica Elizabeta Austrijska slavljena je zbog svoje ljepote i uspostavljanja modnih trendova. Ali "Sisi" 1877. slavi četrdeseti rođendan i da bi održala imidž prisiljena je da sve više steže svoj korset. Dok je Elizabetina uloga, protivno njenoj volji, svedena na nivo dekoracije, zbog njene gladi za znanjem i strasti prema životu, sve manje joj odgovara život u Beču. Elizabeta putuje u Englesku i Bavariju, gdje posjećuje bivše ljubavnike i stare prijatelje u potrazi za uzbuđenjem i svrhom njenog mladog života. Svjesna da je čeka budućnost puna strogo ceremonijalnih obaveza, Elizabeta se pobuni protiv vlastitog prenaglašenog javnog imidža i smišlja plan kako da zaštiti vlastitu zaostavštinu.
Empress Elisabeth of Austria is idolised for her beauty and renowned for inspiring fashion trends. But, in 1877, "Sissi" celebrates her fortieth birthday and must fight to maintain her public image by lacing her corset tighter and tighter. While Elisabeth’s role has been reduced, against her wishes, to one that is purely performative, her hunger for knowledge and zest for life make her more and more restless in Vienna. She travels to England and Bavaria, visiting former lovers and old friends, seeking the excitement and purpose of her youth. With a future of strictly ceremonial duties laid out in front of her, Elisabeth rebels against the hyperbolic image of herself and comes up with a plan to protect her legacy. Serviam – ja ću služiti / Serviam – I Will Serve
Režija / Director: Ruth Mader Uloge / Cast: Maria Dragus, Petra Morze, Udo Samel, Anna Elisabeth Berger
Ženski katolički školski internat u predgrađu Beča, namijenjen bogatoj austrijskoj eliti. Škola opstaje, ali broj vjernika je u opadanju i prostorije na višim spratovima internata su prazne. Direktorica internata, mlada i energična časna sestra, strastveno se bori protiv te propasti. Jedna od njenih omiljenih učenica, dvanaestogodišnja Martha, posvećena je djevojčica koja želi ispaštati grijehe čovječanstva. Uz blagoslov direktorice, Martha dobija kaiš za pokajnike i odvode je na jedan od napuštenih gornjih spratova.
An all-girls Catholic boarding school near Vienna for the wealthy Austrian elite. The school is thriving, but faith is declining, and the upper floors are deserted. The head of the institution, a young, energetic nun, fights with ardour against this decline. Twelve-year-old Martha, one of the nun’s favourite pupils, is a devoted girl who wishes to expiate the sins of the world. Encouraged by the nun, she is given a penance belt and taken to the abandoned upper floor. Sigurno mjesto / Safe Place
Croatia, 2022, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Juraj Lerotić Uloge / Cast: Snježana Sinovčić Šiškov, Goran Marković, Juraj Lerotić
Traumatičan događaj, iznenadan pokušaj suicida, otvara procjep u svakodnevici tročlane obitelji. Njihov život mijenja se iz temelja, kao da su uvučeni u rat nevidljiv svima ostalima. Radnja se zbiva unutar kratkog perioda i reducirana je na ono najakutnije – spašavanje bližnjega. SIGURNO MJESTO temelji se na osobnom iskustvu autora Jurja Lerotića, ujedno i glavnog aktera filma.
A traumatic event, a sudden suicide attempt, tears the fabric of a family of three. Their life is turned upside down, as if they had been driven into a war imperceptible to anyone but them. The timeline of the film is very short, reduced to what is the most important – saving the one you love. SAFE PLACE was inspired by personal experience of the director, Jurja Lerotić, who also plays the main role in the film.