ELEVATE Magazine - RASM - June 2020 Issue

Page 12


How to Successfully Reopen for Business After the Ban is Lifted By: Liz Berry, Associate Advisor, SVN | Commercial Advisory Group


une is finally here, and most businesses are preparing to reopen if they have not already. First and foremost, the most important element of a successful reopening is having a firm plan in place to cover everything from sanitation to marketing and preparation for another outbreak. Below is a breakdown of how to reopen your property management business correctly and the necessary steps to maintain a profitable introduction to the new manners for conducting good business.

SANITATION Above all else having a sanitation plan documented and well understood is most important. This is necessary and of key importance to prevent the further spread of any virus or disease. Guests need to be assured they are safe. In addition to making certain guests feel comfortable, businesses must guarantee their employees feel protected as well. Having as little face to face to contact is key. Many cities, towns, and states are proving a framework for this, but it would be

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beneficial to take even further steps to ensure proper protocol is followed. If in doubt at all, always refer to the CDC guidelines for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

MARKETING Your marketing plan is the next most important element. Guests need to be made aware that your business has reopened, and they can return. They need to understand your safety measures and what protections are in place for their benefit. This can be successfully implemented online, through a local chamber of commerce, social media, and word of mouth. Another vital strategy is to contact all former guests and let them know your date for reopening. This can be done via email, postcards mailed directly to them, phone calls, or all of the above. Marketing agencies are open and prepared to help your business, as well.

SECOND WAVE PREPARATION It is highly likely there could be another outbreak of the virus, and businesses must be prepared to properly handle it. If there is an additional up-tick of COVID-19 cases, it is highly likely an infected individual will have come in contact with your property. Having a 14 to 21 day mandatory quarantine for all employees and a disinfection clean-up company already identified should be part of this plan element. Remaining diligent and committed to your sanitation plan will enable your company to remain proactive in the ongoing fight and minimize repercussions from a repeat surge. If ever in doubt, do not hesitate to contact a business attorney, they can review your plan and make recommendations from a legal standpoint since pandemics are unfamiliar to most. Overall, having a plan that combines at least these three elements will ensure your business is ready and prepared for a triumphant comeback. •

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