Sarasota Realtor Magazine - September 2009

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REACH THE REALTORS® OF SARASOTA Sarasota Realtor® Magazine provides the perfect opportunity for local businesses to bring their message to more than 3,000 members of the largest trade association in the Sarasota area. Our four-color monthly publication is produced on high-gloss stock, and sent by direct mail to our membership. We also distribute the popular magazine at organization events, and post an electronic version on the public side of our web site, providing an even broader potential audience through the Internet. Featuring a content-rich, comprehensive monthly synopsis of news, events and issues impacting the local real estate community, Sarasota Realtor® Magazine is widely read, and is a prime vehicle to give your business exposure to thousands of practicing Realtors® in your market. Call 941.328.1168 to speak with Ray Porter, SAR Director of Communications, or email at for more information about how you can start advertising today in Sarasota Realtor® Magazine.

Please Visit the SAR Realtor® Store 2009 Advertising Get 10 percent off the normal price for various items during September! Just bring in this page!



Sarasota Realtor® Volume 6, Issue 9 SEPTEMBER 2009

Sarasota Association of Realtors®, Inc. 3590 South Tuttle Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34239 Phone: 941/923-2315 FAX: 941/923-0191

2009 Officers


Are You Safe?

Knowledge, awareness, empowerment. These are the core components of Realtor® safety. Understanding the risks can mean the difference between life and death.


Power Marketing Returns!

SAR is once again hosting the Power Marketing meetings following successful negotiations with the local merchants at the Tuttle Bee Plaza.

We all know that health care reform is on the table, but where does the NAR stand on the issue? Marc Mansfield reviews the official talking points.

Volume 6 • Issue 9 • SEPTEMBER 2009

12 Hot Summer


Temperatures are rising both outside and inside at the Property Appraiser’s office, as the summer month’s have meant an upturn in activity and challenges this year.

15 Sales Up 29 Percent!

The July SAR sales statistics show a market in recovery, as sales in July 2009 were 29 percent higher than the July 2008 numbers.

Secretary David Clapp RE/MAX Alliance Group Treasurer Michael Bruno Prudential Palms Realty Immediate Past President Helen Sosso Prudential Palms Realty

Mission Statement The mission of the Sarasota Association of Realtors® is to advance members’ professionalism through delivery of education and resources while upholding the Realtors® Code of Ethics. We are committed to be the leading advocate of real estate in the communities we serve by protecting private property rights and expanding relationships with individuals and organizations both locally and worldwide. Sarasota Realtor® is published monthly by the Sarasota Association of Realtors® Inc. Editorial Staff Director of Communications Ray Porter Director of Member Services Dan Andrews Director of MLS Information Systems Jesse Sunday Director of Professional Development Catherine McCaskill

In every issue

Governmental Affairs Director Marc Mansfield

10- Governmental Affairs 12- Property Appraiser 14- Ethics in Action 15- Sales and Listing Statistics 18- CID Update 20- Education Programs 23- Broker Corner 26- Legal Q&A 28- WCR News 30- Membership News 32- Calendar of Education/Events


President-Elect Erick Shumway RE/MAX Alliance Group

Chief Executive Officer Kathy Roberts

10 A Healthy Debate

President William Geller Suncoast International Realty

Production Coastal Printing, Inc. Sarasota Realtor® Advertising: For information on advertising rates and deadlines, contact Ray Porter at 941/328-1168 or Subscriptions: The annual dues of every member of the Sarasota Association of Realtors®, Inc., includes a one-year subscription to Sarasota Realtor® magazine. A yearly subscription for Sarasota Realtor® magazine is available to non-members for $25, plus Florida sales tax. Editorial ideas and manuscripts are welcomed. Byline articles and columns express the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the policies or sentiments of the Sarasota Association of Realtors®, Inc. All submitted copy is subject to editing. 2009 Copyright© by the Sarasota Association of Realtors®, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

SAR seeks nominations for annual Realtor® awards

It is that time of year again - time to honor the volunteers who give so much to our Association and to the community. The SAR Nominating Committee is again seeking nominations for our three service awards (listed below). Nomination forms (you may self-nominate) are available on our website at, or you may e-mail or call 328-1169 to request a form. All forms must be received by Oct. 16, 2009.

Realtor® of the Year Award

This award is based on the members’ lifetime contributions to SAR, FAR, NAR, service in the community and business accomplishments. Although total contributions may be considered, activities over the past three years will receive priority consideration.

Humanitarian Award

The recipient of this award is honored for a significant contribution as a volunteer for an organization or project in the community.

Meritorious Service Award

The Realtor® selected for this honor is one whose service to the Sarasota Association of Realtors® and his/her fellow

Realtors® has been of such effectiveness and quality so as to deserve special recognition The members’ service must be both consistent and valuable, and their dedication to personal professional development must be both consistent and of high quality. The member must be held in high esteem by his/her fellow Realtors®.

Kathleen Strobel is SAR Affiliate of the Month for September Kathleen Strobel is the Regional Mortgage Manager for Liberty Savings Bank, and an Affiliate member of the Sarasota Association of Realtors®. She is also an Active Life Director of the Home Builders Association of SarasotaManatee, and has been active in the banking industry for many years.

Changing info is easy

Did you know you can change your personal info - email, etc., with SAR, FAR, NAR and My Florida Regional MLS online? To View/Update your personal information/email address, go to the SAR website: www.sarasotarealtors. com. Select “MY SAR ACCOUNT”. Log in, then under “My Services” select “View/Update Personal Information”. Enter your new info/email address. When finished, be sure to hit “Update Information” located at bottom of page. This information will automatically update your personal info for the SAR and also will be uploaded to NAR, FAR and My Florida Regional MLS. To update Firm/Company info, email Daniel Andrews with information you would like to be updated or changed at .


Sarasota Realtor® Magazine



Cover Story


Editor’s note: Throughout the month of September, we will provide Realtor® safety articles in our Weekly Update. We’ve also posted the information on the Sarasota Association of Realtors® web site under Hot Topics. The following articles are provided by the National Association of Realtors®, and are intended to inform our membership.

“Local Realtor® Attacked and Robbed on the Job” — that was the headline of a report on a local Sacramento news broadcast on June 4, 2007. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The exact same thing can happen to you if you are not prepared. Every day, Realtors® across the nation put themselves in positions where they can be victims of dangerous crimes. Whether it’s putting up signs along the highway or showing a house to a prospective buyer, their personal safety is often at stake. Yet, most Realtors® don’t think about the potential dangers until it’s too late. Empowering Realtors® to recognize risks and protect themselves — both on the job and off — can make the difference between life and death. We must work together to be safe and successful! This year, Sept. 13-19 marks the seventh annual Realtor® Safety Week. NAR has again provided local associations with a new Realtor® Safety Week Kit to help Realtors® learn about potential dangers and how to avoid them. NAR has also sent the Realtor® Safety Week Kit to the top 500 brokerages and asked them to help spread this important information to members. SAR has added much of this material to our web site ( under the Hot Topics area, and we encourage our members to visit and download this vital information. Here are two of the articles included in the kit:

Your First Safety Step: Meeting a New Client

How, when and where you meet a client for the first time is a crucial turning point in ensuring your



personal safety. For example, you should never, ever meet someone for the first time at a property—this leaves you vulnerable. Instead, take these 10 easy steps to help empower you: 1. Make sure you are not alone in the office when meeting someone. If you are alone, call a friend or colleague before the client is due to arrive and ask them to call and check on you 15 minutes into the visit. Then call them back when the person has left your office. 2. Ask every prospect or new client to stop by your office to complete a Prospect Identification Form (an example of this form is online at Safety), preferably in the presence of an associate. 3. Use a registration book for all clients and other visitors. Be careful to make sure that everyone signs in. 4. Introduce the prospect to someone in your office. A would-be assailant does not like to be noticed or receive exposure, knowing a person could pick him/her out of a police lineup. 5. Get the client’s car make and license number. Check this information yourself—don’t just take their word for it. You can do this discreetly by watching them drive up, glancing out at their car, or checking it when you leave the office. 6. Photocopy their driver’s license and retain this information at your office. Explain that this will be shredded when it is no longer needed. Legitimate clients do not mind you copying their driver’s license. We freely show our license to the clerk at the grocery store when we write a check and we show our ID to rent a movie. 7. Call references and verify their employment and

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

ActiveKEY Alert can make you safer Did you know that your Supra ActiveKEY can now help make you safer when conducting your real estate business? Let’s say you are holding an open house, or visiting a listing address, and you suddenly get a signal that you might be in danger. If you are using a Supra ActiveKEY, you now have the ability to send a pre-defined email, or customizable text message, from your wireless ActiveKEY to as many as three contacts. ActiveKEY Alerts Email Service is a FREE service for all ActiveKEY users. It allows you to send a preset email message, or customized text message, to as many as three email addresses or cell phones simply by pressing a button on your ActiveKEY. As you know, the ActiveKEY is the device used by most real estate agents to access properties. The text message or email is sent to a contact list defined by you - the real estate agent. This feature allows you to easily, quickly send a text message or email to your contacts in the event that their cell

phone is not available or easily accessible.

Setting Up ActiveKEY Alert

You must first enable ActiveKEY Alert and enter your contacts at

current address, and retain this information at your office. 8. Check county property records to confirm the ownership of a property before you go to a listing appointment or approach a for-sale-by-owner listing. The more information you have, the easier and faster it is for police to catch a perpetrator if you become a victim. 9. Always let someone know where you are going; leave the name and phone number of the client you are meeting. 10. When talking to any client or prospect, be careful not to share any personal information—specifically, details on where you live or information that can allow the person to pinpoint your home. (Sources: Louisiana Realtors® Association, Washington Real Estate, Safety Council, Nevada County Board of Realtors®)

When Marketing, Think Safety First

If you’re like most Realtors®, you put a great deal of thought and effort into your marketing materials, including advertisements, signs and business cards. You want to make every dollar count—but how much consideration do you give

KIMweb. To set up the Alert feature: Login to KIMweb (www.supraekey. com) with your ActiveKEY serial number and PIN. Note: If your ActiveKEY has not been upgraded with the latest changes, an Update Firmware link is shown on the left navigation bar. Click the Update Firmware link and then click Upgrade to upgrade your key wirelessly. It takes anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes for your key to complete the process. If your ActiveKEY has already been automatically updated with the latest changes, the Update Firmware link is not displayed. Select the ActiveKEY Alert Setup link. The first time you select the link you’ll need to accept the terms and conditions and license agreement. Verify your email address shown at the top. Important! If your email address is not correct you will not receive a notification if a contact opts out. Please make sure to update your email address by contacting SAR.

to the safety afforded by these communications? How much information are you giving the public that many people go to great lengths to keep private? Here are some very important steps that you should take to ensure your marketing pieces are both smart and safe: • All of your marketing materials should be polished and professional. Don’t use alluring or provocative photography in advertising, on the Web or on your business cards. There are many documented cases of criminals actually circling photographs of their would-be victims in newspaper advertisements. These victims were targeted because of their appearance in the photograph. • Limit the amount of personal information you share. Don’t use your full name with middle name or initial. Use your office address rather than your home address—or list no address at all. Giving out too much of the wrong information can make you a target. • Concentrate on your professional proficiency rather than personal information in newspapers, resumes and business cards.

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Continued on P. 9, See SAFETY



Power Marketing returns to SAR! Following successful negotiations with the Tuttle Bee Plaza merchants, the MLS Power Marketing sessions have returned to the Sarasota Association of Realtors® beginning Thursday morning, Aug. 20th. SAR members who are unable to find parking at our facility may use parking spaces at the eastern side of the plaza along Tuttle Avenue, merchants agreed. Note: On the first Thursday of each month, Power Marketing will continue to be held at the University Park Country Club, 7671 The Park Blvd. Zone 1 is the agenda. PLEASE DO NOT USE SPACES NEAR THE STORES, AS THIS COULD HINDER STORE CUSTOMERS AND JEOPARDIZE OUR AGREEMENT WITH THE MERCHANTS. Power Marketing is a dynamic forum for both young and veteran Realtors® alike. This unique platform provides a venue for marketing properties to your Realtor® colleagues, an excellent networking opportunity for Realtors ®and affiliates and a continual stream of relevant training and educational opportunities. While we highlight these three cornerstones of Power Marketing, there are also numerous other tangible and intangible benefits from participating in this unique program.

Marketing Properties

We often underestimate the importance of marketing our property listings to our fellow Realtors®. We do this despite statistics that show that a vast majority of properties that are sold are not sold by the listing agent. Power Marketing is a fantastic venue for showcasing properties including an opportunity to highlight the best features of your listings to other Realtors® and invite them to visit and tour your home at a convenient time. Power Marketing and broker tours may prove to be an essential tool for marketing and selling your listings not to mention the benefit of being able to learn about and tour multiple homes in a condensed setting. Don’t miss the benefits of including this tool in your next listing appointment. Realtor® and Affiliate Networking. Power Marketing also provides the perfect venue for networking with fellow Realtors® and Affiliates. There are obvious benefits such as meeting some of the most proactive and productive agents, learning about new properties on the market, and knowing about special circumstances and property opportunities that just cannot be properly communicated via the MLXchange system. There are also many not so obvious benefits. One is the opportunity to meet many of our affiliate members. These are the people you need to know to get things done whether it is title and mortgage services, home concierge services, staging services, painting and property maintenance vendors or property inspectors, etc. What better place to find this



group of proven vendors who have worked with many of your colleagues? SAR also uses this venue to talk about many of its programs and opportunities. Individual Realtors® have the opportunity to announce specific wants and needs of their individual clients. When it comes down to it we all know the importance of networking in the real estate business. The Power Marketing platform is an outstanding opportunity for new and veteran Realtors® alike to add value to their business.

Training and Education

Power Marketing is also an opportunity to learn both directly and indirectly. SAR has used this forum to present information on many timely topics affecting today’s market. These topics, programs and initiatives are presented and discussed in an open forum where individual Realtors® can participate and add value.

Parking Information

As noted, special arrangements have been made with Office Max and Dollar Tree to allow our members to park in overflow situations between 8 and 10 am on Thursdays, but only in the parking along Tuttle. Members must comply or our privilege will be revoked and we will have to move offsite again. Also, when parking in the SAR lot, members must not park in the reserved stalls. We encourage members who park at the shopping center to stop in to the stores for shopping once in awhile after a meeting, and you might even mention you were at our meeting and thank them for allowing us to park there.

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Make your next open house a safer one

Open houses can be a great sales tool—but hosting one also exposes you to numerous unfamiliar people for the first time. Take these steps to stay safe: • If possible, always try to have at least one other person working with you at the open house. • Check your cell phone’s strength and signal prior to the open house. Have emergency numbers programmed on speed dial. • Upon entering a house for the first time, check all rooms and determine several “escape” routes. Make sure all deadbolt locks are unlocked to facilitate a faster escape. • Make sure that if you were to escape by the back door, you could escape from the backyard. Frequently, high fences surround yards that contain swimming pools or hot tubs. • Place one of your business cards, with the date and time written on the back, in a kitchen cabinet. Note on it if you were the first to arrive or if clients were waiting.

• Have all open house visitors sign in. Ask for full name, address, phone number and e-mail. • When showing the house, always walk behind the prospect. Direct them; don’t lead them. Say, for example, “The kitchen is on your left,” and gesture for them to go ahead of you. • Avoid attics, basements, and getting trapped in small rooms. • Notify someone in your office, your answering service, a friend or a relative that you will be calling in every hour on the hour. And if you don’t call, they are to call you.

• Inform a neighbor that you will be showing the house and ask if he or she would keep an eye and ear open for anything out of the ordinary. • Don’t assume that everyone has left the premises at the end of an open house. Check all of the rooms and the backyard prior to locking the doors. Be prepared to defend yourself, if necessary. (Sources: Washington Real Estate Safety Council; City of Mesa, Arizona; Nevada County Board of REALTORS; Georgia Real Estate Commission)


From Page 7

• Be careful how much personal information you give verbally as well. Getting to know your client does not need to include personal information about your children, where you live and who you live with. • All agents in your office should use only their first initial and last name on their “For Sale” signs to conceal gender and prevent anyone other than a personal acquaintance or current client asking for you by name. (Sources: Washington Real Estate Safety Council; Louisiana REALTORS®Association; Nevada County Association of REALTORS®) Visit NAR’s REALTOR® Safety Web site at

Stay safe when showing commercial sites If you manage and show commercial properties, you should be aware that this may be one of the most potentially dangerous careers in real estate. Here are several steps you can take to protect yourself before you set foot on the property: 1. Communication plays a vital role when you’re showing vacant property. Know who you are dealing with. Insist that you have information recorded both at the office and with you about the client. 2. Notify a colleague of your schedule and whereabouts. Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

3. Be sure your cell phone is serviceable in the area in which you are showing the property. 4. When the property is vacant, be aware of the time of day you are showing it. Showing a property at dusk or after dark, with no electricity on in the space you are showing, is setting yourself up for trouble. 5. Get to know all prospective clients before showing the property. Use your intuition. If you feel uneasy, have someone else tag along or don’t show the property. SEPTEMBER 2009


Governmental Affairs

Health reform is important to Realtors®


By Marc Mansfield Governmental Affairs Director Health Insurance Reform has jumped to the top of the domestic political agenda in Washington D.C. and the nation.

While it is unknown whether Congress will pass a comprehensive solution to the issue, committees in both the House and Senate are drafting several different bills that ultimately will impact Realtors®.

What is the Issue?

According to NAR, 28 percent of Realtors®, more than 350,000 individuals, are uninsured. In addition NAR indicates that more than half of the reported 46 million uninsured Americans are self-employed, own small businesses or work for small employers. Additionally, rapidly rising health insurance premiums and small profit margins have made it increasingly difficult for small businesses and the self-employed to afford health insurance. Since the year 2000, small group health insurance premiums for single coverage have increased by 72 percent and small group family coverage premiums have increased 78 percent. While small businesses have found it difficult to find affordable health insurance, Realtors® have been even more challenged because of their employment status of self-employed or independent contractors.

NAR Policy

NAR supports the passage of health reform measures that will address the access and affordability problems that the self-employed and small employers face when looking for health coverage. Solving the problem of the uninsured must be a top legislative priority for Congress.

Issue Summary

For more than six years, NAR has advocated on behalf of a series of small business health reform bills targeted at the problems the self-employed face when seeking coverage. NAR has participated in the legislative drafting of two conceptual approaches to reforming the self-employed/small employer insurance markets. While each approach differed in its details, both built upon a common core set of principles which include giving the self-employed, like Realtors®, the ability to participate in the small group health insurance marketplace. According to the Realtor®-supported Small Business Health Options Plan (SHOP) the self-employed would 10


have access to guaranteed issue; modified community rated insurance products nationwide. By creating a national program, larger pools of participants could be created than is the case under existing state laws. These larger pools would, in turn, enjoy reduced administrative costs and spread risks over a larger number of individuals Because this issue is extremely important to Realtors®, NAR has created Talking Points to be used when visiting or speaking with your Congressional Representative or Senator. Please stress the following points regarding health care reform: • Health Care Reform must address the needs of the self-employed, independent contractors and small businesses. • A “single payer” health care system in which the government pays for and allocates health care services should be opposed. • Employers should not be required to offer employee health insurance programs. • Individuals should have the ability to choose their preferred health insurance plan from an array of policy options that offer choices in the scope of covered services and policy costs. • Individuals should have health care coverage that is continuous, i.e. allows for no gaps in coverage. • The nation and its health care system are best served by having all citizens covered by health insurance. • Health care coverage and/or insurance should be made available to all. • The health care delivery system must provide cost effective, quality care in an efficient and timely manner in order to be affordable and sustainable for society. Cost containment, therefore, must be a component of any reform effort. • Health care coverage should enhance health and well being by providing preventive health services and chronic disease management services. Be sure to follow this emerging issue in the weeks and months ahead, and check out the NAR opinion on

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

While small businesses have found it difficult to find affordable health insurance, Realtors速 have been even more challenged because of their employment status of self-employed or independent contractors.

Property Appraiser

Summertime is usually the busiest time of the year for the Property Appraiser’s office. Summertime is when we wrap up our investigations of possible homestead non‐compliance; complete our field inspections; finalize our determination of real and tangible property values; submit the By Bill Furst, GRI, CRS, CIPS assessment roll by July 1 for approval by the Department of Revenue; Sarasota County Property Appraiser prepare and mail over 280,000 Notices of Proposed Property Taxes, (TRIM Notices), by mid‐August; and, converse with thousands of taxpayers Summertime is usually the busiest In early July, we were able to post about their property’s valuation. The following illustrates why the time summer of 2009 was busier than most. of the year for the Property the preliminary 2009 values on our Appraiser’s office. website so that taxpayers would Summertime is when we wrap have more time to review them The Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) conducts an in‐depth review of up our investigations of possible prior to the TRIM Notice mailing the Sarasota County assessment rolls every other year and this was the year. The in‐depth analysis included randomly selecting samples of 1) homestead non-compliance; in August. residential parcels to validate our physical data collection practices, 2) complete our field inspections; At the end of July, this office exempt properties for a land use codes study, and 3) commercial finalize our determination of real initiated an Imported Drywall and properties for independent appraisals. In addition, for the first time this tangible property values; Survey as part of our research into year, a newly formatted Sales file and GIS map file was required and submit the assessment roll by July the possibility of value reductions 1 for submitted by April 1. We also met the July 1 deadline for submitting the approval by the Department for affected properties. We are 2009 preliminary roll to the DOR, which was subject to rigorous review of Revenue; and prepare and mail asking property owners who are and analysis, and resulted in Sarasota County’s roll being one of the first over 280,000 Notices of Proposed suffering from any disruption rolls approved this year. In early July, we were able to post the Property Taxes, (TRIM Notices), caused by this man-made calamity preliminary 2009 values on our website so that taxpayers would have by mid-August. to submit documentation of their more time to review them prior to the TRIM Notice mailing in August. We also converse with thousands Imported Drywall problems to our of taxpayers about their property’s office. We encourage you and your At the end of July this office initiated an Imported Drywall Survey as part valuation. The following illustrates customers to visit our website, of our research into the possibility of value reductions for affected why properties. We are asking property owners who are suffering from any the summer of 2009 was, or come to our offices for more information. busierdisruption caused by this man‐made calamity to submit documentation of than most. In addition to the challenge of Thetheir Imported Drywall problems to our office. We encourage you and Florida Department of implementing previously adopted Revenue (DOR) conducts an your customers to visit our website, www.SC‐, or come to our laws such as the 10 percent offices for more information. in-depth review of the Sarasota assessment increase limitation for assessment rolls every other County non-homestead properties, this In addition to the challenge of implementing previously adopted laws year and this was the year. year’s Legislature enacted a few such as the 10% assessment increase limitation for non‐homestead The in-depth analysis included more changes affecting the property properties, this year’s Legislature enacted a few more changes affecting randomly selecting samples of 1) appraiser’s functions. the property appraiser’s functions. One that you should be aware of is the residential parcels to validate our amendment to §196.015 F.S. expanding the factors for this office to One that you should be aware physical data collection practices, consider as evidence of permanent Florida residence. These factors are of is the amendment to §196.015 2) exempt properties for a land use now much more specific, including the production of documents F.S. expanding the factors for this codesmatching the homestead applicant’s mailing address to the property study, and 3) commercial office to consider as evidence of properties for independent address. In addition to the applicant’s social security number, this office permanent Florida residence. appraisals. requires the applicant to show a valid Florida Driver License or valid These factors are now much more In Florida ID card. Other documentation may also be requested. You will addition, for the first time specific, including the production this year, a newly formatted sales find these factors listed on the insert. of documents matching the file and GIS map file was required homestead applicant’s mailing and submitted by April 1. We … And, now we are gearing up for the 2010 tax roll cycle, including the address to the property address. In also met the July 1 deadline for January 1 qualification and March 1 application deadlines for 2010 addition to the applicant’s social submitting the 2009 preliminary homestead and other exemptions. Information on the exemption and roll toapplication process is available on our website, www.SC‐ Your the DOR, which was subject security number, this office requires customers and clients may need to allow a bit more time to acquire the to rigorous review and analysis, the applicant to show a valid Florida documentation needed to establish permanent Florida residency so don’t and resulted in Sarasota County’s Driver License or valid Florida ID delay. The January 1 qualification deadline will be here before you know roll being one of the first rolls card. Other documentation may also be requested. You will find it! this year. approved


For more information, contact the Property Appraiser’s office at 941.861.8200. 12

Summertime, and the living is easy? SUMMERTIME! And the living is easy?


Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Section 3, §196.015, F.S.: Permanent Residency “…the following are relevant factors that may be

considered by the property appraiser...” 1. A formal declaration of domicile recorded in the public record of the county in which the exemption is being sought. 2. Evidence of the location where the applicant’s dependent children are registered for school. 3. The place of employment of the applicant. 4. Proof that the previous permanent residency of the applicant in a state other than Florida or in another county was terminated. 5. Proof of voter registration in this state with the voter information address matching the address of the physical location where the exemption is being sought. 6. A valid Florida driver license or valid Florida ID card and evidence of relinquishment of a driver license from any other state. 7. Issuance of a Florida license tag on any motor vehicle owned by the applicant. 8. The address listed on federal income tax returns. 9. The location where the applicant’s bank statements are registered. 10. Proof of payment for utilities at the property for which permanent residency is being claimed.

In addition to the challenge of implementing previously adopted laws such as the 10 percent assessment increase limitation for nonhomestead properties, this year’s Legislature enacted a few more changes affecting the property appraiser’s functions. these factors listed on the P. 12 sidebar. Now, we are gearing up for the 2010 tax roll cycle, including the January 1 qualification and March 1 application deadlines for 2010 homestead and other exemptions.

Information on the exemption and application process is available on our website, Your customers and clients may need to allow a bit more time to acquire the documentation needed to establish permanent Florida residency, so don’t delay. The January 1 qualification deadline will be here before you know it!

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine



Ethics in Action

Avoid these three liability pitfalls By Howell Haunson Realtor® Magazine Online Be sure you can deliver on your promises, or you put yourself at risk. Given the current, challenging market, some real estate practitioners might feel so much pressure to close a sale that they promise things they can’t deliver. Making such remarks is dangerous. It can hurt your professional credibility, violate ethical standards, and possibly violate duties owed to buyers and sellers, leading to costly legal actions. Below are three potentially dangerous situations and suggestions on how to avoid future problems and litigation.

Situation #1: Disclosure Dilemma

The scene: You’re making a listing presentation and the seller says, “We had some problems with water leaking in the basement. I repaired it myself about a year ago, and it seems fine, although we haven’t had a heavy rain since I fixed it. I’m pretty sure it’s OK so I didn’t put it in the disclosure form. Is that OK?” Don’t say: “Sure, no problem.” The risks: Concealing a pre-existing property condition can be considered an intentional misrepresentation and could potentially lead to accusations of fraud. If a problem exists and has been corrected, point out the past problem and the steps taken to repair it so that buyers can make their own determination as to whether further investigation is requires. Because it’s your responsibility to give sound advice to your clients, it’s up to you to inform the seller that omitting past water leakage could cause charges of fraud or deceit by the buyer against the seller, you, and your broker. It also raises the possibility that the sellers might sue you for breach of duty because you didn’t advise them to include the information on the disclosure statement. Do say: “The disclosure statement should be an accurate description of what the sellers know. It should disclose past problems, but can also describe the repairs so that prospective buyers can make their own judgment.”

Situation #2: Predicting the Future

The scene: A potential buyer tells you that she likes the house but is unsure because she really wants a pool. She is also concerned that the land behind the home will be developed, resulting in more noise.



Don’t say: “You can always install a pool in the backyard. And don’t worry about a noisy school or shopping center being built, the property behind the house is all zoned for residential use.” The risks: Never make representations beyond your knowledge or control. Whether a yard can accommodate a pool requires examination of survey, zoning, covenants, easements, and rights-of-way. Unless you’ve checked these issues and are certain your information is accurate and current, don’t make assumptions regarding how the property may be used. Instead, you can offer to check with the current owners to find out what they know. You can also provide your clients with a way that they can obtain the information from an authoritative source. And even if you have checked, be extremely cautious since zoning can change. Do say: “There are several issues that can affect whether a pool can be built. You’ll want to have your attorney check the survey, deed, and zoning to make sure there aren’t any easements and restrictions that would prohibit a pool. Concerning the rear of the property, let me give you the phone number of the zoning office so that you can confirm whether the land behind the house is zoned for residential use only.”

Situation #3: What to Say About Stigmas

The scene: While you’re holding an open house, a potential buyer asks, “Did somebody get murdered or die of AIDS in this house?” You’ve never heard of a crime being committed at the property but you do know that the prior owner was an AIDS victim. Don’t say: “No, I’ve not heard anything like that.” The risks: State laws often provide guidance on how real estate licensees should respond to questions relating to the stigmatization of a property. Georgia is typical of the national trend. The Georgia Real Estate Commission states that under Georgia’s Stigmatized Property Law, the owner or agent must answer truthfully to the best of their knowledge when questioned about whether a property was the site of a homicide, suicide, or felony. You should be familiar with the laws of your state and structure your answer accordingly. However, disclosing information about a previous owner or occupant having AIDS is different. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons who have tested positive for HIV are “disabled” for legal purposes. Under the Federal Housing Act, disabled

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Continued on P. 24, See ETHICS

Sales in July 2009 up 29 percent over July 2008 in Sarasota real estate market

SAR statistics graphics, charts always appear on Pages 16-17

The Sarasota real estate market in July 2009 was substantially healthier than last year at this time, with total unit sales up 29 percent to 595, and the months of home supply on the market once again dropping to levels not seen in three years. There were 450 single family and 145 condos sold in July, compared to 331 and 130 last July. July 2009 sales were only slightly lower than the 610 sales in June 2009, when overall sales rose above the 600 level for only the second time in 26 months. The statistics all continue to point to a market in the initial stages of recovery. Inventory levels continued to decline. There were 4,067 single family homes for sale at the end of July, down from 4,477 at the end of June. Condos experienced a similar decline, to 2,447 from 2,587. Inventory is now at its lowest point in more than 5 years. The number of months of inventory – the time it would theoretically take to sell all the current properties on the market – now stands at 9.04 for single family and 16.9 months for condos. This is in stark contrast to last year at this time, when the figures were 26.2 months for single family homes and 35.4 months for condominiums. The trend is downward toward the figure of 6 months, which indicates a market in balance (anything below 6 months indicates a return to a seller’s market). Prices have also returned to more realistic, sustainable levels, with the median sale price for single family homes at $185,000 in July 2009, compared to $190,000 in June and $250,000 a year ago. The median sale price for condos was $212,000 in July, compared to $250,000 the previous month and $252,500 a year ago. Pending sales also remained at very high levels, with 802 properties going under contract in July 2009. Pending sales have dropped off slightly from the 929 reported in May 2009 and the near record 981 pending sales reported in April 2009. But the total of 802 was still 37 percent higher than the 584 pending sales reported in July 2008. Pending sales have now exceeded the 500 level for the 19th consecutive month, and the 800 level for the fifth straight month. Generally, pendings trend downward during the summer months, the slower sales season in our market. The statistic is a strong indicator for the next two or three months of sales, when many of these pendings will become

closed sales. Pending sales reflect contracts executed by buyers and sellers during the month. “Our local market is maintaining an encouraging level of sales volume and lower inventories,” said 2009 SAR President Bill Geller. “As we enter the traditionally slower season, we can expect some drop off in activity. But we still have the first-time home buyer tax credit of $8,000 on the table, and that expires on Nov. 30, 2009. We strongly encourage local Realtors® to keep their clients informed about this and get them started in the real estate buying process in order to close the sales prior to the expiration date.” Geller noted that as the national economy appears to be emerging from recession, according to most leading economists and the Federal Reserve Board, the local real estate market appears to be a leader in the recovery process. “I’m very optimistic about our local real estate market, because we’ve always emerged strongly from down times in the past,” explained Geller. “We have it all here – great weather, beautiful beaches and green spaces, amazing cultural amenities, and an incredible selection of homes and condos. There are very few places in the nation that have all that we have to offer.” The median price of all single family homes sold in the last 12 months was $172,000, compared to a median of $260,000 for the 12 months ending in August 2008. For condominiums sold in the last 12 months, the median sales price was $212,010, compared to last year’s figure of $332,000.* *A 12-month rolling median price is not as susceptible to the volatility that can occur within any particular month, which sometimes results in drastic statistical swings up or down from one month to the next.

John Kiernan Phone


Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

4007 39th Street East, Bradenton, FL 34208

941 748-1219 Cell

941 726-2318 Fax

941 745-2558



Sarasota MLSSM Statistics July 2009 Single Family Condo

Unit Sales 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jul‐08









Apr‐09 May‐09



Single Family Condo

Median Sale Price $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Jul‐08







Feb‐09 Mar‐09

Apr‐09 May‐09



Single Family




Average DOM

Median Sale Prices

Median Last 12 Months

Months Inventory

Pending Reported


# New Listings

# Off Market

This Month












This Month Last Year




























Oct 93.1 ‐

Nov 92.0 ‐

Dec 93.0 ‐

Last Month YTD

Jan 92.0 93.0

2008 2009

Single Family – Sale Price Vs. List Price % Rates Feb 92.0 93.1

Mar 93.2 92.5

Apr 93.3 92.4

May 92.0 93.2

Jun 93.0 93.8

Jul 93.0 93.2

Aug 92.0 ‐

Sept 93.1 ‐

Statistics were compiled on properties listed in the MLS by members of the Sarasota Association of Realtors® as of August 10th, including some listings in Manatee, Englewood, Venice, and other areas. Single-family statistics are tabulated using property styles of single-family and villa. Condo statistics include condo, co-op, and towmhouse. Source: Sarasota Association of Realtors® 16


Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Sarasota MLSSM Statistics July 2009 Single Family Condo

Inventory 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Jul‐08

Aug‐08 Sep‐08

Oct‐08 Nov‐08 Dec‐08


Feb‐09 Mar‐09 Apr‐09 May‐09 Jun‐09


Single Family Condo

Pending Sales 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Jul‐08









Apr‐09 May‐09



Condo This Month This Month Last Year Last Month YTD

2008 2009




Average DOM

Median Sale Prices

Median Last 12 Months

Months of Inventory

Pending Reported


# New Listings

# Off Market







































Oct 91.0 ‐

Nov 91.0 ‐

Dec 91.0 ‐

Jan 91.0 91.0

Condo – Sale Price Vs. List Price % Rates Feb 91.1 90.2

Mar 91.0 90.4

Apr 91.0 92.2

May 92.0 90.1

Jun 92.0 91.4

Jul 93.0 ‐

Aug 90.0 ‐

Sept 90.0 ‐

Median sales price is the middle value, where half of the homes sold for more, and half sold for less. Listings sold were closed transactions during the month, while pending sales account for contracts executed by buyers and sellers during the month, that may not have closed yet. DOM indicates the average number of days that sold properties were on the market before a contract was executed. Sarasota Association of Realtors® MLS

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine



Commercial Investment Division

Commercial CONNECT at annual confab

Join NAR for Commercial CONNECT at the 2009 Realtors® Conference & Expo, set for Nov. 13-16 in San Diego. You’ve charted your territory, now chart your future. What is Commercial CONNECT? Under the banner Commercial CONNECT, NAR’s Commercial division is bringing you educational sessions, events, networking and more – comprehensive commercial programming for all levels of commercial real estate. Whether you are an experienced commercial practitioner or someone just beginning to learn about commercial real estate, you can find a schedule that works for you.

NEW for 2009! The Commercial Block at the Expo, set for Friday, Nov. 13th through Monday, Nov. 16th. NAR has mapped out a central location where you’ll find the commercial real estate products and services you need to support your business. Located adjacent to the NAR Pavilion, the Commercial Block will feature exhibitors that have been selected for their relevance and quality – all in one place! Education sessions will be held Friday, Nov. 13 through Monday, Nov. 16. Navigate through a robust schedule. Friday sessions are geared towards the Realtor® who is thinking

Tuesday, Sept. 21 Program: Benderson rowing development Thursday, Oct. 8 CID Golf & Reception at TPC Prestancia Tuesday, Oct. 20 Program: Realtor®/Attorney Committee

Tuesday, Nov. 17 Program: Robbins Real Estate Wednesday, Dec. 16 CID Annual Holiday Breakfast (tentatively at Hyatt Regency Sarasota) Sponsor: Wachovia

Continued on P. 31, See COMMERCIAL

CID programs and events for 2009

Sarasota City Commissioner Terry Turner spoke at the Aug. 18th CID General Membership Meeting. Here, Turner discusses his views with CID Board member Mike Blaikie and CID Staff Liaison Marc Mansfield. 18


Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Commercial Investment Division Sarasota Association of REALTORS®

Golf & Reception at TPC Prestancia October 8, 2009 Golf:

at 11:30 a.m.

Shotgun start at 12:30 p.m.

Box Lunch Included Cash Bar opens at 5:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. Hors D’oeurvres & Raffle Prizes

Proceeds to benefit these CID Charities.

Detach & Return, with payment, to: CID, Sarasota Association of Realtors, 3590 S. Tuttle Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34239

Make your own foursome or we’ll place you.



Enclosed is my check for $

Golf—Reception- $99 After 9/24: $110

Reception Only $35 After 9/24: $45


made payable to the Commercial Investment Division.

Company Name:

Email: Mastercard

Credit Card No: Expiration Date:

Golf Only—$75 After 9/24: $85

Security Code:



Education Programs

Turn the Seven Keys to Real Estate Success

Dates: Sept. 9-Nov. 11, 2009 SAR Member Cost: $49.95 (entire series) or $10 per 3-hour session Non-SAR Members: $20 per session

So, you’re back from summer vacation and ready to gear yourself up for the selling season. The Professional Development Committee has prepared this backto-basics course with you in mind. It’s just what all the experts have been saying that everyone needs to tackle this challenging market. Learn how you can get back on the ladder to real estate success! This is a practical, hands-on course that will complement the more theoretical training received in license and post-license courses. The program is based on the time-tested “Real Estate Success Series” developed by the National Association of Realtors® and updated and customized for the Sarasota market by the Florida Association of Realtors® and the

Sarasota Association of Realtors®. Mark your calendar now! Classes will be held from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Sarasota Association of Realtors®: 1. Prospecting and Lead Generation—Wednesday, Sept. 9 2. Personal Marketing & Promotion—Monday, Sept. 21, Nick Figlow, Prudential Palms

Realty 3. The Professional: Goal Setting, Time Management, Successful Selling—Monday, Oct. 5, David Clapp, RE/MAX Alliance Group 4. Property Inspection and CMAs—Wednesday, Oct. 21, Kim Gilliland, Prudential Palms 5. Listing Presentation— Monday, Nov. 2, Georgina Clamage, Michael Saunders & Company 6. Marketing the Property and Servicing the Listing—Wednesday, Nov. 4, David Swenson, Exit Creative Realty 7. Buyers: Qualifying, Selecting and Demonstrating Property, Presenting Offers—Wednesday, Nov. 11, Laura Benson, Prudential Palms Complete instructor details will be forthcoming on the SAR web site ( Please note - there will be no Continuing Education credits from these courses.

Run a successful, consumer-friendly web site EasyRealty Web Sites Date: Wednesday, Sept. 2 Times: Noon to 4:30 p.m. Instructor: Craig Grant, EasyRealtySites Location: SAR Auditorium Cost: FREE; Credits: 3 hrs. CE SAR partner EasyRealtySites will offer its popular 3 CE class on how to run a successful consumer friendly website. Learn everything you need to know about how to have a successful website including: - How to plan, organize and run your website - Creating a good consumer user experience - Proper design and content - Offering services and generating leads - Building traffic to your site - Free or paid promotion/advertising options - Excelling on search engines with your free listing



- How to optimize your site yourself for free - How to re-register your site yourself for free - Building your reciprocal link network - Search engine pay per click (PPC) ads - Web rings, link networks, Google maps and more! After this 3-hour class, a second presentation will be made from 3-4:30 intended for those who already have or are considering signing up for a site with EasyRealtySites. You may also register for the class at

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Make MLXchange work for you! Pre-registration is required for all MLXchange classes at www.mfrmls. com. All classes are hands-on in the SAR Technology Center (except for Entering and Updating). Registration is limited to 18. Please be sure that you will attend if you reserve a spot!

MLXchange Basic Sept. 1, 9 a.m. to Noon Sept. 21, 9 a.m. to Noon Learn the basic tools of MLXchange. It does the work for you, emailing the listings that match your client’s criteria automatically through auto notification. Learn the quick way to find a listing or view your inventory with one click right from the home page or create a professional CMA in less time than it takes to drive to work. This is a mandatory session for all new users. - Review the home page features - Add a new client from the search module, saving a search and setting prospecting notification features - Searching and viewing listings, using the map, showing road, aerial, hybrid, and locator features - Adding additional search criteria - Viewing/printing/emailing reports, images, virtual tours, tax, map, driving directions and MLS listing history - Customizing hotsheet configurations - Search Tax - Creating a professional CMA - Personalize user contact information

data - Rules and Regulations - Review the profile sheet - Entering a new listing, using tax auto pop, reviewing the fields that have specific entries in the Rules and Regulations - Adding images, attachments, open house information, Supra Key and ShowingTime - Inventory watch - easiest way to modify the listings

- Measuring tool, pan and save map - Creating, viewing and downloading mailing labels - Illustrate the link to the tax appraiser website - Viewing and modifying the criteria for comparable properties - MLS and foreclosure searches

Creating a Professional CMA Sept. 10, 9 a.m. to Noon One of the most crucial components in today’s real estate professional’s day-toDesign Web Pages, Capture Leads day business is capturing and handling Sept. 3, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. leads along with time management. One of the most crucial components This course will teach you how to in today’s real estate professional’s day-to- set up your personal agent and client day business is capturing and handling web pages, contact management and leads along with time management. This scheduling features that go handcourse will teach you how to set up your in-hand with a successful real estate personal agent and client web pages, business. contact management and scheduling features that go hand-in-hand with a MLXchange Advanced successful real estate business. Sept. 10, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Take MLXchange to the next level! In this session you will learn how to iMapp - Interactive Tax customize a search & display screens, and Mailing Labels personal website links and setup & save Entering and Updating Listings in Sept. 3, 9 a.m. to Noon advanced searches. MLXchange In this class you will learn how to use - Creating a custom template, adding Sept. 1, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. the tax search features of MLXchange, fields, changing the display order Sept. 21, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. access iMapp’s interactive maps, tax This class is mandatory if you will data, comparables, auto-valuations, and - Foreclosure, fixer upper, and vacant be entering and updating your own easily create mailing labels for your listings with lockbox access - Customizing columns, adding/ listings. You will be taught how to input favorite area. removing fields, changing the column and modify listings, enter photos, and - MLXchange tax search, using map headers and changing the field sort add attachments along with valuable and field searches, printing mailing order tips and techniques. labels - Edit favorite reports, personalize - Listing maintenance authorization - iMapp tax search, viewing parcel, home page resource link and setting forms GIS, MLS listings, zoom levels, street, defaults - Explain the importance of accurate aerial and flood zones

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine



Transnational Certification course slated Transnational Referral Certification Date: Sept. 24 Time: 1 p.m. Cost: $99 Location: Hyatt Regency Sarasota Distinguish yourself among two million brokers and agents worldwide Learn how to integrate international referrals into your business plan. Increase your income, and receive hands-on training in using the ICREA referral system and related services at Market yourself worldwide as “TRC” (Transnational Referral Certified). Be part of a searchable database of certified professionals.

The TRC course prepares brokers and sales agents to make and receive cross-border referrals, using a system developed by the International Consortium of Real Estate Associations (ICREA). For more information on the TRC certification or ICREA, go to realtor.

org. This course will be taught on the first day of the third annual Sarasota International Real Estate Congress. See Page 25 in this issue for more details, and get the program schedule on P. 31. There’s still time to register!

Bankruptcy seminar fourth in series on distressed properties Bankruptcy Seminar Date: Sept. 30 Time: 9 to 11 a.m. Cost: SAR Members: $10; others, $20 The Realtor®-Attorney Joint Committee is developing a seminar that will bring Realtors® up to speed on the issues regarding bankruptcy in real estate sales.

Is it a good idea or not for an upside-down owner to file Chapter 7? Chapter 11? Chapter 13? This seminar is the fourth in a series on distressed properties presented by the Realtor®-Attorney Joint Committee, a joint committee of the Sarasota County Bar Association and the Sarasota Association of Realtors®.

Are You A Realtor® Emeritus? Any person who has held membership in the National Association as a Realtor®, for a cumulative period of 40 years in one or more Associations of Realtors® is eligible for Realtor® Emeritus status. Upon approval by the Board of Directors of the National Association of Realtors®, no further payment of dues is necessary to the National Association, Florida Association and Mid-Florida Regional MLS starting in the billing year 2010, following approval. The waiver covers NAR dues, NAR Public Awareness Campaign assessment, FAR dues, FAR Issues Advocacy assessment and Mid-Florida Regional MLS fees. A standard certification form (provided by NAR) is necessary to begin the approval process for a Realtor® Emeritus candidate, which is to be filled out by you and SAR. Any available documentation that would provide reasonable substantiation of 40 years’ membership should be attached to the form when it is returned to SAR. The deadline to apply is October 12, 2009. SAR must be in receipt of completed certification forms and supporting documentation for approval by Sept. 30, 2009. Please mail, email or fax completed certification form and supporting documentation (find posted on our web site) to: SAR-Membership Dept. ATTN: Daniel Andrews, 3590 S. Tuttle Ave., Sarasota, FL 34239 Fax to: (941) 923-0191 email: 22


Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

By Dirk Zeller REALTOR® Magazine Online As a sales coach, I offer three simple suggestions for anyone who’s trying to figure out how to survive the ups and downs of today’s real estate environment. Markets across the country have been fluctuating wildly on a monthly basis, and despite some signs of improvement, it doesn’t look like the turbulence will abate anytime soon. Brokers, sales associates, lenders, and any other professionals who make their living in real estate should face this new reality and prepare for a tumultuous environment for the foreseeable future. However, there are three specific steps you can take to ensure your success and income in this uncertain marketplace whenever you encounter low production, changing marketplaces, or falling short of goals.

Step 1: Re-price your listings to reflect real market value. With only 47 percent of listed homes selling last year, it seems clear that we have a problem in pricing. My own analysis shows that about 80 percent of homes for sale in most marketplaces are overpriced—that is, unlikely to be sold at anything like their listed price. In contrast, short sales and foreclosures in most marketplaces are selling because usually they are priced more competitively. The fastest and easiest way to a commission check is a well-priced listing. Price usually trumps all other factors—for you, the buyer, and the seller. What a property will actually sell for is dictated by the marketplace.

The only decision is whether to sell or not. In some situations, you’ll need to convince clients that they need to sell at a price below their expectations, painful though it may be. If you have a listing that is going to be a short sale but the seller just doesn’t know it yet, then tell him. If your client has to sell and can’t hold onto the home, then help her face the facts.

social networking, Web sites, call capture, squeeze pages, electronic newsletters, and other formats— the model of lead conversion has largely been unaltered. All leads still ideally need to be run through a fundamental sales channel of calling and face-to-face conversion. Think about it: What’s your conversion rate on a lead that you can’t get face-to-face with? If you got face-to-face with them, did you book the appointment using e-mail or a phone call? If you said e-mail, then how many leads did you need to create or interact with via e-mail to get one of them to finally meet with you face-to-face?

Broker Corner

3 steps for navigating a turbulent market

Step 3: Start prospecting now!

Step 2: Call all leads and ask for face-to-face appointments. We are less personal today than when I entered the business more than 20 years ago. We need to focus more on face-to-face presentations. I believe one of the problems we have in the real estate business is with the word “sales.” Too many agents have lost their way—or never even knew the way—in this industry. While new technology has altered lead generation—through the Internet,

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

I realize that once I use the “P” word, a lot of people in real estate immediately say, “He’s out of touch.” Am I? I don’t think prospecting will ever become obsolete or out of touch. Searching for sales leads systematically in a personal and direct manner will always have a place in sales—and especially real estate sales. If, when I used the “P” word, your mind went to a place where you are mindlessly dialing random numbers down a street or calling expireds or FSBOs, you really don’t understand what prospecting is. Sure, those are forms of prospecting, to be sure, but not all agents should do them. Being a top producer in real estate means having a personal system for making contact with prospects and doing it consistently. Not having that plan and discipline leaves you at the mercy of the market. If you don’t have it, you may find yourself having to learn new scripts and dialogues such as, “Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?” - Realtor® Magazine Online



SAR Annual Meeting set Sept. 16 at Troyer’s Dutch Heritage Please plan to attend the SAR Annual Meeting, set for Wednesday, Sept. 16 at Noon at the Troyer’s Dutch Heritage Restaurant, 3713 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota. Lunch and networking will be begin at noon, with a Call to Order for the business meeting and program at 12:20 p.m. The title of the program is “Banking: An Expert’s View,” presented by C. J Coury, Senior Vice President of Bank of America. Mr. Coury will be speaking on the following topics: - HVCC (Appraisal Regulations)

- Truth in Lending Act, “Regulation Z” - HASP /MHA( Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan, Making Home Affordable) - Fraud Prevention Programs - Health of the Local Banking Industry Prior to Mr. Coury’s presentation, there will be an SAR business meeting to include the election of SAR’s 2010 Officers and Directors (a quorum of members is needed). The vote will be a voice vote. Luncheon cost is $13.50, and you must register online by Sept. 11 at

Final SAR painting project planned Oct. 24

The final SAR Outreach Committee painting project will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24 as part of the Make A Difference Day annual event. Brush Up Sarasota will include various painting projects, with SAR organizing and promoting the painting of four churches located on Martin Luther King Boulevard in Sarasota. The scope of the painting project is daunting, and area brokers are being recruited to assemble teams to conduct the painting. SAR will release details by email in the coming days and weeks in order to inform members of this incredible opportunity to make a difference in our community. SAR Outreach Committee Chair Sandy McCourtney and her team of volunteers are confident that this will be the culmination of a great year of painting projects that have inspired so many of our members to contribute their time and energy.

Hylda Fenton of Innovative Agent Services and Sandy McCourtney, RE/MAX Tropical Sands, SAR Outreach Committee chair, at the July 25th painting project at the Senior Friendship Volunteer Center office.


From Page 14

individuals are protected from intentional or unintentional discrimination in regard to real property. The ADA also dictates that owners or agents not disclose information about a person dying from AIDS. Do say: “I don’t know of any murder on the property. AIDS is treated as a disability under federal law, so neither I nor any 24


agent can respond to your second question without breaking the law. If you believe that this information is relevant to your decision to buy the property, you must pursue that information on your own.” About the author: Howell Haunson has been practicing real estate law for more than 25 years. He’s director of education for Morris Hardwick Schneider, one of the largest real estate closing law companies in the United States, and LandCastle Title, which is MHS’ title company.

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Sarasota Association of Realtors®, International Real Estate Council

September 24 & 25, 2009 Hyatt Regency Sarasota 1000 Boulevard of the Arts Sarasota, FL 34236

     

SPONSORS Lennar Homes—Silver Neal Communities—Silver MoneyCorp—Silver Scarlatelli P.A.—Bronze Kerkering Barberio—Bronze Thomas C. Roberge—Bronze

For more information, contact Catherine McCaskill: 941-328-1167

September 24

 

Transnational Referral Certification (TRC) Networking—Happy Hour


Keynote Speaker: Dr. Lawrence Yun, NAR Chief Economist—”A Global, National and Local Look at The Economy”

September 25

Other topics, presented by a diverse group of authoritative international speakers, will include:

      

State of Real Estate in Florida The Challenges Facing REALTORS and Newspapers in the Information Age Recovery of Real Estate in the US & Overseas Sustainability and Green Issues in International Real Estate Connecting With Top Countries Doing Business With the West Coast of Florida The Changing Face of Immigration Financial Considerations/Foreign Buyers

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine



Legal Q&A 26

IRS changes may impact your clients By Renea Glendinning SAR Affiliate Member Prior to 1996, nonresidents could obtain a social security number issued by the Social Security Administration. This was not a true social security number, since it did not entitle the bearer to work in the U.S. without specific immigration approval. The social security card issued to the nonresident stated on the face of the card “not valid for employment purposes.” In late 1996, the IRS started a program to streamline the issuance of these tax identification numbers. This resulted in the IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, commonly known as an ITIN. The tax identification numbers issued by the Social Security Administration remained valid, but nonresidents wanting a number after that time could only obtain it from the Internal Revenue Service. At the beginning of the program, nonresidents could apply for an ITIN for any reason. We routinely encouraged our clients to apply for this number, even if they currently didn’t require it, knowing they would need it at some time in the future. Today, the IRS has taken a radically different view of who can obtain an ITIN and when they can obtain it. In order to currently obtain an ITIN, the applicant must show a specific reason for needing the number. From the viewpoint of the IRS, the only reason a nonresident needs an ITIN is for purposes of complying with IRS tax reporting requirements. If the nonresident states the reason for applying is to file a U.S. income tax return, the actual tax return must be attached to the ITIN application (IRS Form W-7). If the nonresident wishes to apply because he has a bank account in the U.S., a letter from the bank, stating that the bank is requiring a tax identification number from its customer so that it (the bank) can comply with IRS tax reporting requirements, must accompany the Form W-7. I am frequently asked if nonresidents must have an ITIN before they can sell their U.S. real estate. Since they don’t have a tax filing requirement until after the property is sold, they are prohibited from applying for a number before the sale of property, so the answer to the question is “no.” Once the property is sold, a number can be obtained in advance of the actual filing of the tax return the following year.


The fact that an individual possesses either an ITIN or a social security number issued before the inception of the ITIN program is no indication of the current U.S. income tax status of the bearer. An individual with a social security number could be a nonresident for U.S. income tax purposes and an individual with an ITIN could be a resident for U.S. income tax purposes. It is impossible to determine U.S. income tax status solely by the existence of a tax identification number, whether it is an ITIN or a social security number. An ITIN can only be issued to an individual who does not currently qualify to obtain a social security number. If the individual later becomes eligible for a social security number, then he must apply for that number through the Social Security Administration and the ITIN becomes invalid. This can be a very confusing and complicated situation, especially when trying to determine tax residency connected with the sale of U.S. real estate. I would be happy to assist you with any of your questions. Please call (941-365-4617) or email (rglendinning@

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

New mandatory field on My Florida MLS My Florida Regional MLS has made a change to MLXchange that will impact every MFRMLS subscriber. This modification is aimed at meeting current market conditions as they relate to short sales, bank owned and corporate owned properties. The MFRMLS Board of Directors, with feedback from multiple committees and individual members, has worked with MarketLinx to create a new mandatory field to better categorize these properties. The end result is intended to provide a more complete and accurate MLS database and simplify the search process for all users. The new field, called “Special Sale Provision” was launched on Tuesday, Aug. 25. 1. The following mandatory pick-list values will be: • Short Sale • REO/Bank Owned • None of the Above 2. All listings (active and off-market) will be remapped from the existing selections in the “Realtor® Info” field to the new “Special Provision” field. 3. In conjunction with the addition of the Special Sale Provision field,

the following pick-list values will be eliminated from the “Realtor® Info” field: • Corporate Owned • Bank Owned • Short Sale 4. Additionally, a new pick list value will be added to the “Realtor® Info” field to account for corporate-owned relocation properties:

• Corporate Owned Relo 5. Listings with “Corporate Owned” selected in the Realtor® Info field will NOT be remapped. What can you do to make sure that your listings are complete and correct? Remember to review your current listings. Questions? Call (800) 6867451

Sarasota Young Realtors® continue 2009 programs The following is the current 2009 schedule of events for the Sarasota Young Realtors®, subject to change. Meetings begin at 4 P.M. at SAR on the following dates: Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8. Socials begin at 5:30 P.M. (3rd Quarter at Cork & The Bottleshop, 29 N. Boulevard of the Arts -St. Armand’s Circle, Sarasota - on the following dates: Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16. Luncheons begin at Noon at SAR on the following dates: Sept. 25, Oct. 30 and Nov. (TBD)

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine



Super WCR fashion show set Sept. 23 By Janice Litke 2009 WCR President WCR is counting down the days until the Annual Fashion Show Extravaganza, “Hot Style in the City”. The show will take place at the elegant Michael’s on East, Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 11 a.m. WCR is teaming up with Sak’s Fifth Avenue and their designers, makeup artists, stylists; local models and sponsors, to make this delightful one day event a stunning fashion show with top notch entertainment. To join the count down and get the latest news on the highly anticipated event log onto www.SarasotaWCR. com. On the website you can read about the talented designer’s and their exceptional collections, get a first glimpse of the fashions, and check out the creative makeup artists and hair stylists. All the sponsors are listed and links to their websites are available. Advance tickets to the show can be reserved online at the website or by contacting Gail Shane at GShane@ (941) 713-8008. Pre-sold general admission costs $45 a ticket. To inquire about sponsorship opportunities for the fabulous Fashion show please contact Melia Favorite at (941) 807-0303 or via e-mail meliafavorite@americanfamilyfinancial. org. Vendors who are interested in renting a booth, donating a raffle item or just seeking more information about the event please call 941-807-0303 We were “FIRED UP” for WCR/NAR’s “Fire Up Your Brain, Florida’s Biggest, Baddest Brainstorm” Convention, held in Orlando, Aug 19-23. The convention promised to be Hot, Hot, Hot with educational Sessions and the largest Trade Expo in Florida. Women’s Council planned to have our very own National President Becky Hill as a keynote speaker, Thursday morning, August 20th. We had the renowned speaker Richard Flint -“How to Stand Tall When Others are Falling Down”, on Friday August 21. The AWARDS BANQUET were held on Thursday evening, August 20th. This year we decided to unmask the winners of the many State Award winners at our Masquerade Ball. We have several of our local chapter members up for awards and we wish them the best of luck. We will also be honoring our State Sponsors, for without them we would not be able to deliver such valuable networking opportunities and education. WCR teamed up with the Polo Grill in Lakewood Ranch for another “Fun” Fundraiser. Our Charity Celebrity Bartender Night was held on Thursday, Aug. 13. Our Celebrity Bartenders included Janice Litke, 28


2009 WCR President; Michelle Crabtree, 2007 WCR President and Gail Shane, Neal Communities. The Polo Grill’s great Happy Hour prices extended to late and included drink specials, $4.00 Martini’s, $5.00 menu items and other generous specials. The evening was complete with music and entertainment provided by Kim and Ronnie Jenkins. Proceeds from the tips collected was donated to My Community Makeover. WCR’s Distrcit Forum will be held at Teatro’s on Seventh in Ybor City on Oct. 9. Six WCR Chapters; Lakeland, Tampa, Pinellas, Manatee, Sarasota and Venice will join together to make this a memorable event. Watch your email for updates on this event or check out our website for the latest on all upcoming events. We welcome our newest members: Linda Sloan, Prudential Palms Realty; Alfreda (Fred) Smith-Odato, Cityscapes International Realty

THANK YOU TO OUR 2009 PROGRAM SPONSORS SILVER: Lakewood Ranch Communities, LLC and Neal Communities BRONZE: Alliance Appraisal Associates, Inc., Kelietza, Oswald Trippe-Joe Sikora, Regions Mortgage, Sarasota Costal Credit Union, and Silver Fox Pest Management.

AND OUR STATE SPONSORS PLATINUM:HomeTeam Inspection Service, Magnolia Insurance, North American Title Company, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage GOLD:Bank of America, Stewart Title Guaranty, X-Caliber Title SILVER: Anderson Auctions, Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund, Inc., Bright House Networks, Harper & Pinzino Island Realty, Hughes Exterminators, Paul Home , RE/MAX Alliance Group

Programs and Events Calendar 2009 Sept. 23 - Annual Fashion Show Oct. 9 - District Forum Nov. 10 - Emily Sperling, Community Relations Manager, EDC Nov. 11-16 - WCR/NAR Annual Conference – San Diego Dec. 11 - Installation & Farewell - Bird Key Yacht Club

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Membership News

The Association is pleased to welcome new members! Menager, Maurice, Michael Saunders & Company Designated Realtors® Buchanan, James, James Buchanan Realty Hunihan, David, Neal Communities Realty Inc. Kelly, William, RER International Owens, Joanne, Keller Williams On The Water Pepper, Cynthia, Indigo Group Real Estate LLC Russell, Jamela, Jamela K Russell RE Broker

New Members

Bennett, Jennifer, Sunset Realty Carney, Timothy, Waterside Realty LLC Charrett, Niall, Prudential Palms Realty Ebury, Jane, Murray Realty Falanga, Paul, Suncoast International Realty Grens, Sharyn, Florida Sun Realty Corp. Gurevich, Geoffrey, Bosshardt Realty Services Inc. Hazard, Kathleen, Florida Sun Realty Corp. Kummer, Karl, Allison James Estates & Homes Linsberg, Alan, Atchley International Realty Lorman, David, Michael Saunders & Company Morgan, Jennifer, EXIT Creative Realty Owens, Linda, Sandals Realty Pospisil, Ivana, Impulse Realty LLC Putnam, Michael, Coldwell Banker Res R E Qualls, E Dean, Blakeley & Associates Realty Rigby, E Lynn, Horizon Realty Roberts, Carolyn, Michael Saunders & Company Schwartz, David, Coldwell Banker Res R E Starr, Teresa, Coldwell Banker Res R E Taylor Barnhill, Susan, Rossi & Company Inc. Thompson, Eric, Waterside Realty LLC Verity, Danielly, Bosshardt Realty Services Inc.

Now With

Bassil, Bassil, Cristello and Co Real Estate Bowen, Beverly, Keller Williams On The Water Carte, Susan, Carte & Associates Caruzzo, Christine, Hook & Ladder Realty Inc. Chicoine, Adam, Wagner Realty Coppenrath, Martina, Coldwell Banker Res R E Cuffaro, Adam, Michael Saunders & Company Field, Timothy, Michael Saunders & Company Fuller, Michele, Ian Black Real Estate Funk, Charlotte, Keller Williams On The Water Girard, Dennis, RealtyOne Florida Greer, Kay, Zupa & Associates Grewal, Jag, Ian Black Real Estate Hastings, Margaret, Michael Saunders & Company Hendrix, Jacquelyn, James M Hendrix Broker Hunt, Butch, Engel & Voelkers Anna Maria James, Michael, Michael Saunders & Company James, Yolanda Jo, Coldwell Banker Res R E Janaczek, Gary, Signature Sothebys Internat’l Johnston, Steve, RE/MAX Alliance Group Jonsson, Paula, Michael Saunders & Company Lapasso, Francis, Prudential Palms Realty MacKenzie PA, Margo, Wagner Realty Madden, Lori, Mangrove Realty Associates Martens, Rose, Wagner Realty Martin, Peter, Katherine Ann Duggan McKenzie, Linda, Wagner Realty



Moore, E Georgie, RE/MAX Platinum Realty Olson, Margaret, Sandals Realty Ottewell, Karen, Engel & Volkers Sarasota Rlty Pittman, Heidi, Signature Sothebys Internat’l Prestamo, Ena, Horizon Realty Roberts, Carolyn, Michael Saunders & Company Rogers, Jacqueline, Brisas Del Mar Realty Inc. Rowland, Grace, Wagner Realty Starr, Anna Marie, RealtyOne Florida Thompson, Eric, Waterside Realty LLC Thorpe, Terry, Horizon Realty Tobiason, Alan, Sarasota Beach Rentals Unger, Joshua, Cityscapes Int’l Realty Grp

New Affiliates

JRB Grp/dba Sara Home Makeover

PO Box 15245 Sarasota, FL 34277 Phone Number: 941-953-7963 Representative: Rose Brasgalla Specialty: JRB Group, Inc.’s Sarasota Home Makeovers serves Sarasota and Manatee Counties with a variety of general contracting services. We specialize in fast, high quality restoration of “challenged” properties for new owners or for resale. Including FHA and 203K.

Mortgage Trust Company

2345 Bee Ridge Road Sarasota, FL 34239 Phone Number: 941-925-1990 Representative: Lydya Bordeleau Specialty: Mortgage Trust is “Florida’s Oldest Reverse Mortgage Lender”. Headquartered in Sarasota since 1984, Mortgage Trust was the first company in the State of Florida authorized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to offer these unique loans. Our many years of experience combined with the fact that Reverse Mortgages is our only business; we have attained a level of expertise that truly distinguishes us from other companies. It is our commitment to our nation’s seniors and our dedication to personalized service that has enabled Mortgage Trust to grow into one of the most respected Reverse Mortgage companies in the United States.

One Smart Mover

13624 Tamiami Trail #242 North Port, FL 34287 Phone Number: 800-401-8012 Representative: Mark Israel Specialty: Our services include helping you research everything from moving companies to packing materials to utility set-up in your new home. We can help you get quotes and compare offers so you have all of the information you need to select the best options for you. Your personal concierge can then coordinate the preparation and scheduling of all your home services so that your new house is ready the day you move in.

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine

Continued on P. 31, See MEMBERSHIP

Full schedule released for International Congress The following schedule has been released for the upcoming Sarasota International Real Estate Congress at the Hyatt Regency Sarasota: Sept. 24 1 to 4 p.m. - Transnational Referral Certification (TRC) - Instructor: David Wyant, CIPS, E-Pro, AHWD, Wyant Realty, Ormond Beach, FL 5 to 7 p.m. - Happy Hour Networking, Hyatt Lobby Bar Sept. 25 8 to 9 a.m. - CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST & REGISTRATION 9 to 9:15 a.m. - Welcome by Conference Chair(s) & SAR President 9:15 to 10 a.m. - Keynote Speech: A Global, National & Local Look at the Economy, Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist, National Association of Realtors® 10 to 10:30 a.m. - Recovery of Real

Estate in the US and Overseas, Julian Josephs, Former FIABCI World President 10:30 to 11 a.m. - Panel: State of Real Estate in Florida, Moderator: Harold Bubil, Herald Tribune RE Editor, Panelists: Drayton Saunders, Michael Saunders & Co.; David Hunihan, Sales Director, Neal Communities; Darin McMurray, President, Lennar BREAK 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. - The Changing Face of Immigration, Donna Scarlatelli, Esq., Scarlatelli P.A. 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - The Importance of Sustainability in International Real Estate, Roberta Hernandez, Planet Partnership & The Climate Project, Ian Handley, European Energy Consultant 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. - LUNCH 1:30 to 2:15 p.m. - The Challenges Facing Realtors® and Newspapers in the

• Dirt and Dollars


Commercial Caffeinated Networking Breakfast

From Page 18

about or new to commercial real estate. Saturday features programming aimed at those who are more experienced commercial practitioners. Sessions include: • Generating Leads for Commercial Real Estate Transactions • Transitioning from Commercial to Residential Real Estate • Commercial Real Estate: Restoring the Trust • Bringing Value to Your Client Through Lease Negotiations

From Page 30

Red Carpet Cocktail Reception

Saturday, Nov. 14 Set sail for an evening of networking and share conference highlights with your colleagues. For more information about this year’s Trade Show and Expo,

Total Control Termite & Pest Professionals

5797 Summerside Lane Sarasota, FL 34231 Phone Number: 941-539-8740 Representative: Eric Hilton Specialty: We are a Photography Company that supports

Saturday, Nov. 14 Start your day off with an energizing morning of learning and connecting. This ticketed event will provide numerous opportunities to meet other Commercial Realtors®, share best practices and rev up your creative juices to help strengthen your business. Afterwards, you’ll cruise through the rest of your day!

Realtors and Builders. We shoot Architectural and Real-Estate Photography and also produce Virtual Tours for the MLS and Websites.

MEMBERSHIP The Virtual Tour Pros

Information Age, John Tuccillo, JTA Inc. 2:15 to 3 p.m. - Finance Considerations for Foreign Buyers, Laura McLaughlin, MoneyCorp, Alain Forget, Royal Bank of Canada, Boca Raton BREAK 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. - Panel: Connecting with the Top Countries Doing Business with Florida West Coast, Moderator: Barry Grooms, RE/MAX Alliance, Panelists: Juergen Michael Schick, VicePresident, IVD (German Association of Real Estate Professionals), Mike Mattina, Florida Homes Magazine, Justine Assal, President, British/American Chamber of Commerce 4:30 p.m. Closing Remarks 5 p.m. - POOLSIDE COCKTAIL PARTY Please visit www.sarasotarealtors. com for registration and sponsorship details.

2650 Whitfield Ave Sarasota, FL 34243 Phone Number: 941-756-9078 Representative: Brian Quimby Specialty: Family owned and operated Pest Control Company. Pest Inspections and All Pest Control.

Sarasota Realtor® Magazine




9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Blackberry /Smart Phone


Labor Day Holiday

Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2

9 a.m. MLXchange Basic 1:30 p.m. Entering & Updating Listings

12 p.m. EasyRealty User Friendly Websites 3 p.m. EasyRealty Workshop



SAR Office Closed


9 a.m.– 4 p.m. New Member Orientation & Code of Ethics


Thursday 3

8 a.m. Power Marketing (University Park CC)

9 a.m. MLXchange-iMAPP 1:30 p.m. Design Web Pages


8 a.m. Power Marketing (SAR)

9 a.m. MLXchange Creating a CMA 1:30 p.m. MLXchange Advanced


8 a.m. CID Membership


7:30 a.m. Toastmasters

11:30 a.m. Membership Luncheon Troyer’s Dutch Heritage

Friday 4

9 a.m. CID Commercial Marketplace


9 a.m. CID Commercial Marketplace

17 8 a.m. Power Marketing (SAR)


9 a.m. CID Commercial Marketplace (Offsite)

9 a.m. MLXchange Basic 1:30 p.m. Entering & Updating Listings


9 a.m. MLXchange Creating Custom Report 1:30 a.m. Mongofax/Tools


24 8 a.m. Power Marketing (SAR) 1 p.m. Transnational Referral CertificationHyatt Regency





Oct. 1


9 a.m. Bankruptcy Seminar

8 a.m. Power Marketing (University Park CC)

9 a.m. International Real Estate Congress (Hyatt Regency) 9 a.m. CID Commercial Marketplace

9 a.m. CID Commercial Marketplace

Note: All events/classes are at SAR, except where noted

Mid-Florida Regional MLS Training

The classes E & U (Entering & Updating), Tools, Design Web Pages, MLX Intro, MLX Advanced, iMAPP, Custom Reports and CMA are all Mid-Florida Regional MLS training classes offered at no cost to MLS participants. All classes (except E & U) are HANDS-ON in the SAR Tech Center. Please register for all MLS classes at the MFRMLS website: Click on “Training,” then “Quick Class Registration” and follow prompts.

Sarasota Association of Realtors®, Inc. 3590 S. Tuttle Ave. Sarasota, FL 34239




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