Saxonwell Group Parish News - April 2019

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Saxonwell Group Parish News April 2019 50p where sold


SGPN April 2019 page 1


Contacts for the magazine Editor Davina Tyler - 01400 282279 Advertising Manager Joy Jordan - 01400 281355 Publication Jubilate Communications (Tony) - 01636 626899 Counting and Distribution Shirley Dalton - 01400 281493 Jean Higgs - 01400 281047 Treasurer Jill Froggatt - 01400 281204

Copy deadline for the May issue is 15 April. News should be sent to Davina Tyler, at 01400 282279 Advertising Enquiries for 2019 to : Joy Jordan, 01400 281355

Disclaimer All the information and times published in Saxonwell Group Parish News is provided in good faith and is for guidance only. The Parish News editorial team disclaim all responsibility for any inconvenience or loss of any kind which may result from this information being wholly or partly inaccurate, irrespective of the reason or cause. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team do not accept any responsibility for the quality of the products or services provided by advertisers in the Parish News. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team reserve the right not to publish articles or advertising, either of which is not considered appropriate. All articles which include the authors name are the views and opinions of that author and are neither supported nor representative of the Saxonwell Group Parish News. SGPN April 2019 page 2

Letter from the Editor I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. No sooner has the Christmas paraphernalia been packed away, it’s time for Easter. Has anyone else noticed that once the Christmas cards and decorations have been removed from the supermarket shelves they are replaced by hot cross buns and Easter eggs? (speaking of Easter eggs, did you know the UK’s first chocolate egg was produced in 1873 by Fry’s of Bristol?) It’s almost like the retailers want to hurry us through the year, by beginning to sell things a couple of months ahead of their due date. Unlike Christmas, Easter has a habit of moving around the calendar a bit. There is a reason for this but somewhat typically, it's not simple. The Gregorian Calendar system dictates that Easter is the first Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after 21st March. The date of Easter in the western churches falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. That means the earliest date Easter can be (a Sunday) is March 22, but the last time that happened was 1818 and the next will be 2285. See? Told you it was complicated!!!!!!!!! Just a reminder for you all regarding the new Parish Electoral Role, details and forms can be found in last months magazine or Forms can be picked up from Church services. Forms MUST be be returned by the 3rd April. Failure to return the form by 3rd April, means you wont be included on the electoral roll, and therefore you will not be eligible to vote for this years PCC. If you need a form emailing to you please contact me on I hope you have a wonderful Easter. I hope the Easter Bunny is kind to you, I hope you get to eat some Easter eggs,– but not too many! I hope those of you undertaking DIY tasks over the Easter break, do so without incident (or accident), but mostly, I hope you enjoy a break from work and from school and spend some quality time with family and friends. Davina Davina Tyler Editor Saxonwell Group Parish News SGPN April 2019 page 3

Letter from the Vicarage How is Lent going? This was the question I asked a friend recently. They had decided that this year they would give sweet treats up for Lent, and knowing it might be difficult for them I was enquiring how they were doing. I pray that your fasting during Lent is going well. The friend admitted that whilst they hadn’t had any of the aforementioned sweet treats, they had substituted them with other things (food stuffs) instead. This last week I have been on a course which talked about creating a Good Life so that when we are tempted to do something we know we shouldn’t, we remember the good things we will lose if we give in to the temptation. It is this “Good Life” that Jesus gave us when he came, died and rose again. On the course we used the delicious vegan cherry pie that was on on offer at lunch which the course leader (who is trying to diet), felt was “calling” to her. She began by defeating her own internal defences, with thoughts like, “I’m on my feet all day, I deserve a piece because I’m being ”Good”, I didn’t eat that pastry at breakfast, and I’ll only have a late light dinner” etc. Then she jumped over the external factors, by hanging around the table by the pie, and ultimately putting a slice on her plate. Then there is the repeating behaviour, no-one noticed, it was just one slice, so going back and having another!!!!!!. The problem I have with this model is that it keeps us thinking about the “Sin”, keeping it in view, and therefore it is harder to resist. The alternative model we bought about was the Good Life” Model, where, instead of thinking about the Sin, we build a positive life, which keeps our attention away from the sin and also means that there is too much that we would lose if we gave in to temptation. For example, instead of focusing on the cherry pie, and what the leader couldn’t eat, the focus would be on the friends and society, thus keeping her away from the pie. Plus also the benefits, feeling fit, so as not to want the pie. This year the church readings (The lectionary) mainly follows Luke’s Gospel, with the middle section being Jesus’ journey towards Jerusalem. It is from Luke’s middle section that we have many of Jesus’ wonderful stories like the Good Samaritan. Like Jesus we too are journeying towards the Cross (on Good Friday) and Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday we celebrate the new life that we receive, through Jesus’ resurrection. When we put our faith in Jesus we die to sin and are reborn. No longer are we held in the first model trying to resist sin on our own. Instead Jesus has given us LIFE, freedom from sin, all we need to do is keep our eyes fixed on him. I hope that you will all join us as we celebrate this new life, as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. Sunday 21st April: 9:00 am @ St Peter’s Church, Foston. 10:30 am @ St Lawrence’s Church, Sedgebrook. SGPN April 2019 page 4


7 April

14 April

21 April

28 April

Lectionary date

5th Sunday of Lent

Palm Sunday


Easter 1







Isaiah 43.16–21 Psalm 126 Philippians 3.4b–14 John 12.1–8

Luke 19.28–40 Psalm 118.1–2,19– end [or 118.19–24] Liturgy of the Passion: Isaiah 50.4–9a Psalm 31.9–16 [or 31.9–18] Philippians 2.5–11 Luke 22.14—end of 23 or Luke 23.1–49

Acts 10.34–43 † or Isaiah 65.17–end Psalm 118.1–2, 14–24 [or 118.14– 24] 1 Corinthians 15.19–26 or Acts 10.34–43† John 20.1–18 or Luke 24.1–12

Acts 10.34–43 † or Isaiah 65.17–end Psalm 118.1–2, 14–24 [or 118.14–24] 1 Corinthians 15.19–26 or Acts 10.34– 43† John 20.1–18 or Luke 24.1– 12


10:00 Holy Communion

10:00 Morning Worship (Lay team)


5:00pm Evensong

Long Bennington

10:30 Morning Worship

10:30 Holy Communion


10:30 Morning Worship (JR)

10.30 Palm Sunday Service

10:00 Morning Service (JR/BS) 0900 Easter Sunday Service

9:00 Holy Communion 10:30 Holy Communion

10:30am Easter Sunday Service

NB: Please note that as of March St Swithun’s Church, Long Bennington is closed to allow urgent repair work to be carried out. Services will be held in the Village Hall. Our thanks to everyone who has supported us to enable this work to be carried out, including Heritage Lottery Funding.

Advance warning: APCM’s St Lawrence Church Sedgebrook, Holy Trinity Church Allington. St Swithun’s Long Bennington St Peter’s Foston

Wednesday 24th April Thursday 25th April Sunday 28th April Monday 29th April

The APCM is the annual meeting of the church, it is open to everyone, though only those on the Parish (church) electoral roll are eligible to vote.

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World day of prayer: “Come Everything is Ready” This annual day of prayer began at dawn in Samoa, with services across the world praying throughout the day for an particular country. Members form across the benefice came together with local Methodists in the Long Bennington Chapel. This year the service was written by the women of Slovenia, with the readings shared out between the congregation. Hymns and songs were led by Ted and the address by Peter. The service leader was Janet Rogers and special Slovenian honey biscuits were baked by Gill. Everyone enjoyed refreshments after the service and our thanks go to everyone who helped make the service so memorable.

Jenny Bullock.

Grantham Association of the National Trust

The Grantham Association of the National Trust’s latest talk was introduced by Graham Secker and given by Karen Jobling the C.E.O.of the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance based at Waddington. They are celebrating 25 years of their existence from humble beginnings in 1994, when they only had a former police helicopter which could only fly when there were enough funds to do so. They are now on their fourth helicopter which was acquired in 2017, this is the largest and fastest to date. The Air Ambulance flies with two pilots, two paramedics and one doctor onboard and carries equipment that surpasses what an average A&E can provide. They cover 3,500 square miles and are airborne within five minutes of a call. They fly an average of three missions a day each costing £2,500.The Air Ambulance can provide their patients with pain relief, surgery such as emergency amputation, scans and blood transfusions with blood being provided daily - all of this whilst in the air. Road traffic accidents make up half of their callouts and Queens Medical Centre is the major trauma centre but as there is no helipad they have to land on an adjacent rugby pitch.The helicopter is on call 24 hours a day and at weekends. The aim is to extend this to 24/7 by the end of this year.They estimate this will cost £4m which is only made possible by constant fundraising in their shops, lottery, corporate events, legacies and the support of their 300 volunteers who tirelessly give their time. For details of forthcoming talks and membership please contact 01400 250905 meetings are at the Eden House Hotel, North Parade Grantham and commence at 2.00pm, the meetings cost £3 which includes refreshments. For details of membership please contact 01400 250905 Sandra Rosling

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Murphy Electrics

Local electrician based in Long Bennington. - installation and re-wires - maintenance and fault finding - inspection and testing Free estimates and all work certified to current IEE regulations. Part-P registered.

SGPN April 2019 page 9

Rotary International and The Villages Rotary was started over a hundred years ago in Chicago by a group of men who wanted to give back to their community in which they lived and worked. Their first venture was to build a public toilet! It has to be said that Rotary has made progress since that initial step. It is now an international organisation of like minded people who are at the heart of their own communities wherever they live. There are some misunderstandings about Rotary about which it has only itself to blame. The original concept was that it was for men only and of a kind of ‘superior’ clique. All finished! We all need to know what Rotary is - an open organisation with no secrets. What we do is in the public domain. Now and for over thirty years it has been open gender and accessible to people who wish to make a difference by using their expertise, knowledge and contacts for the benefit of those around them and farther afield. So the original purpose of the organisation is being fulfilled by volunteers working together, making friends, enjoying themselves, building relationships and improving their world. We are two well experienced Rotarians who wish to establish a club for the villagers of this part of the world, in Long Bennington, Foston, Dry Doddington, Allington, Marston, Sedgebrook, Claypole, Normanton, Stubton, Coddington, Fernwood, Westborough and all places enclosed. We have already established that there are women and men living here who wish to find out more and

to help in establishing a Rotary club and we will be setting out plans for this to happen with many more involved over the next weeks. We are looking for more. Businesses can become involved by sponsoring those who work for them. But first we need to explain to anyone who wishes to know what a club could bring to all of us. At basic level it will be a focus for development of the area that is not tied to bureaucracy; it will make its own decisions and plan its own future. It will be a hub for making friends with people of like minds and be at the centre of helping the whole community in which we live or work to develop, and to enjoy ourselves while we do it. We will set up an information meeting to go into more. Look out for information in the usual places;- notice boards, facebook, websites. This will give the place and time of the information meeting to give more detailed facts and figures about Rotary and what it will mean to the villages when the club is up and running. You should know from the start that members will also be part of a worldwide organisation of over a million others spread across the democratic world; that you will meet new and interesting people who will welcome you to their meetings across the globe, and that they will be there, in the hotel when you are on holiday, on your cruise ships, and be just standing next to you every day with their roundel badge telling you that they are a Rotarian. This could be you! For more information contact:Andy Foreman 01400282115; Norman Bertram 01400282361; .

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Allington News From The Pews Another busy month!!!!!!!!!!! Progress is being made with the Peace Garden. The bulbs which were planted last year are coming through and we have at last been granted permission to start the further planting plan. There are still one or two hurdles to go through before we get final permission to achieve our plans but we will get there. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Thursday 25th April at 7pm in Holy Trinity Church. Please come along. It will give you the opportunity to hear how we see our Church progressing in the future and it’s your chance to join the conversations. On the weekend of 14th/15th September we are taking part in the Heritage Open Days worldwide event. It is also the Churches Ride and Stride weekend sponsored cycling around local churches. Anyone wanting to take part in the Ride and Stride please contact Chris Dicken on 01400 281524. As part of this event we are creating an exhibition with the help of the School and the village. We want to create an Allington timeline in photographs. We need photos of past village events and happenings going back as far as possible. Can you please contact Mary McKinlay on 01400 281671 or email or contact any member of the PCC if you are able to help us. The School will be focussing on a bible timeline to be displayed in the Church. We will be serving teas/coffees/cakes over that weekend and the exhibitions will be open from 10.00 to 4.00 both days.

Services for April Sunday 7th 10.00am - Holy Communion Sunday 14th 10.00am - Morning Worship- Palm Sunday Thursday 18th 7.00pm - Maundy Thursday - Foston Sun 21st EASTER DAY 09.00 - Foston 10.30 - Sedgebrook Sun 28th - 10.00 - Morning Service

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FOSTON REGULAR VILLAGE DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Foston Coffee Morning First Wednesday of the month at Foston Village Hall from 10.00am to 11.30am. Come along to chat and make new friends, all welcome, cost is £2 per person for tea, coffee and cake. Any profit will be shared between the Church and the Village Hall. Foston Parish Council Meet in the Village Hall on alternate months. A fifteen minute period is set aside at the beginning of each meeting from 7.30 – 7.45pm, please note the meeting will commence at 7.30pm if no residents are present. Confirm with Christina Lees on 01400 281309. Exercise and Recreation Classes at the Village Hall Yoga Mondays Line Dancing Wednesdays Glow Fit Fridays

6.45 - 9.00pm 7.30 - 9.00pm 7.30 - 8.30pm

Uniform Groups Meet at the Village hall 1st Foston Brownies Thursdays 6.30pm - term time only. Register interest via Rainbows Tuesday 4.45 - 5.45pm Foston Tots - Baby and Toddler Group Every Thursday (Term Time Only) 9.30am - 11.30am Foston Village Hall £2 per family Facebook; Foston Tots - e-mail; Regular Foston Village Hall Events (1st Friday in every month) 8.00pm. Pub night Wednesday Lunch (3rd Wednesday of every month) 12.00 – 1.30pm. Coming up in Foston … Do keep an eye out for ongoing events and special occasions in Foston – maybe an Afternoon Cream Tea or more popular Wine Tasting, for now, here are some dates for the diary:

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Can you help? St Peter’s Church constantly needs help with ad hoc tasks (eg electrics, pruning, ground clearing) as well as regular duties. Please contact Lucy Bliss if you are willing to be added to the Helping Hands List. One specific need is an ongoing contact for the Church Floodlights, coordinating special requests for lighting up. Tel: Lucy Bliss on 282661 or email: Forthcoming Events 11 April 23 June 30th June 6th October 10th November

Village Hall AGM - 7.30pm - Village Hall Village Hall. Summer Fete - 2.00 - 4.00pm Celebrating St Peter’s Tide (10.30) Harvest Service & Supper Remembrance Service

We are also in the process of coordinating more social events – maybe an Afternoon Cream Tea or more popular Wine Tasting, so look out for more information on these!

Foston WI

The Annual General Meeting of Foston WI took place Foston WI The Annual General Meeting of Foston WI took place on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 where the Annual Report and Financial Statement were presented for approval. Past President, Kathryn Singleton, was nominated for President again and a Committee was formed. At next month’s meeting on Tuesday, 9 April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, the speaker will be Nigel Macknight, whose talk is called “Life as an author – Holding on Tight”. Do come and join us, and maybe bring a friend. If you would like to become a member, or would just like to visit for a couple of meetings, without obligation, please contact Kathryn Singleton on 01476 574954. We’d love to see you in 2019! Jose Medlock SGPN April 2019 page 15

LONG BENNINGTON REGULAR DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Mobile Library Service - Route 4 Monday 18th March - 11.15 am – 12.15 pm (Outside Long Bennington Village Hall) Enquiries to Customer Service Centre on 01522 782010 or Long Bennington Coffee Morning The Royal Oak every Thursday at 10.30am. All welcome. Methodist Coffee Morning Please join us every 3rd Saturday in the month, in the Methodist Chapel for coffee, cake and a chat. Tea and Chat On the last Friday of every month come and join us in the Village Hall for a chat over a cuppa with a slice of cake. Alternatively, you can join in a game of dominos or cards as well as other games and crafts to try. 2.30pm Long Bennington Vicarage Group Every Wednesday at 7.30pm at St Swithun’s Vicarage. For details call John or Harriet on 01400 281281. Long Bennington Afternoon House Group A friendly Tuesday afternoon group who seek to deepen their understanding of the Christian Faith through fellowship, study and discussion with tea and cake to finish. The meetings are fortnightly, beginning at 2.30pm. For more information contact Joy 01400 281355, or Rev’d Stella 01400 281395. Long Bennington Baby and Toddler Group St James Village Hall on Wednesdays 9.15 – 11.30am (term time). It is a small parent run group, where children can safely play, make new friends, join in with craft

activities and enjoy a snack. Everyone with children from birth up to school age are welcome. Each session costs £2.00 per family. Long Bennington Pre-School A registered charity offering a safe, secure and warm environment to educate your child. Qualified, highly experienced staff will support your child to reach their full potential. Based in the small hall at Long Bennington Village Hall we are open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 3.15pm during term time. Funding is available for all 3 & 4 year olds including the FREE 30 hours offered to those who are eligible. 15 hours funding also available for eligible 2 year olds, alternatively it is £3.50 per hour for fee paying parents. For more information or to arrange a visit call Julie on 07816 537242 or email

Newark Community First Aid Charity are delivering some free of charge courses to Long Bennington Residents on 2nd, 9th April and 2nd May. They cover using Defibrillators and how to successfully deal with a serious medical emergency in public places or in the home. They have delivered such courses to around 10,000 people so far to increase awareness that the man or woman in the street can save a life and increase public awareness of the availability and use of defibrillators.

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Children’s Corner


Main Street, Long Bennington Opening Times

Mon: 11.30am - 2.00pm & 4.00pm - 8.00pm Tues: 11.30am - 2.00pm & 4.00pm - 8.00pm Wed: 11.30am - 2.00pm & 4.00pm - 9.00pm

Thur: 11.30am - 2.00pm & 4.00pm - 9.00pm Fri: 11.30am - 2.00pm & 4.00pm - 9.00pm Sat: 11.30am - 2.00pm & 4.00pm - 8.30pm

01400 282387 SGPN April 2019 page 17

Long Bennington Twinning Association On 23rd February we held our 1940’s evening at the village hall Long Bennington, 92 people attended and were entertained by Jayne Darling who is a wonderful singer and entertainer. We had a delicious meal prepared by Gill Askew and Ros Scherler fortunately none of the food was rationed. Everyone who attended had made great efforts with their costumes, we had ‘sailors’ and soldiers through to land army girls we even had a spiv or two. Everyone said they had a wonderful time. All our events are open the everyone. For further information please contact Kim Roberts 01400 283370, Anne Laine 01400 292928 or Ian Askew 01400 282712

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LONG BENNINGTON POLICE OFFICE MAIN ROAD, LONG BENNINGTON OPENING TIME FOR APRIL SUNDAY 28th APRIL 11am - 2pm You’re welcome to call in and……………. Report suspicious activity. Express a concern. Ask our advice. Pick up information/door stickers. Or just to say HELLO! This is a service for you and your community, so if you haven’t already met Helen & Steve, Police Support Volunteers, pop by for a chat. A warm welcome awaits!

Long Bennington Methodist Church Charity Shop We would like to thank everyone who has supported our new venture – THE CHARITY SHOP. We were almost overwhelmed by the number of people visiting when the Shop opened for the first time on 6th March. It was wonderful, but wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work (and I mean hard work) of Jo and Helen and their helpers. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude. The Shop will open every Wednesday morning at 9am (during school term time only) and you are welcome to come along and browse - - - everything from second-hand clothing, toys, shoes, dvds (some still unwrapped!) You name it, it’s probably here! Then sit and relax with a hot drink and biscuit or piece of cake! SGPN April 2019 page 19

LONG BENNINGTON PARISH COUNCIL The last Parish Council meeting took place on 4th March 2019 with 5 members of the public present. Councillors provided an update on planning application S18/1922 Smith for a traveller site off Valley Lane, near the slip road onto the A1. It was confirmed SKDC has not received all the requested information from the applicant, with the given deadline of the end of February now passed. It was suggested and agreed to push SKDC for a decision to be made. It was confirmed that a representative from the Post Office has visited the village and confirmed the Post Office is looking to provide a temp service via a hosted service whereby an agent operates a set time slot on a set day(s) from a host location such as the village hall with portable kit or via a mobile van, again stopping in a location on set days & times. Further information will be provided as we receive it. Councillors agreed to support the Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean campaign. The Parish Council is now looking for support and involvement from residents. Please let me know if you can join in. Councillors have become increasingly aware of trees in the village being cut

down to facilitate development. A Tree Preservation Order is the legal mechanism to protect and preserve trees for public enjoyment, environmental and aesthetic purposes. Woodlands and non-commercial orchards are covered, but bushes, shrubs and hedges are not. Applications for TPOs can be made to SKDC and the Parish Council would like to invite residents to forward details of any trees they are aware of that may benefit from such protection. Date for your diary. This year’s Annual Parish Meeting will be on Monday 13th May at 7.30pm. Details of the agenda will be provided next month. Unlike previous years, this meeting will be immediately followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting. Residents are welcome to join us for either or both of the meetings. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE FOR NEXT MEETING - MONDAY 1st APRIL 2019. As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email parishclerk@ Jane Evans, Parish Clerk

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Long Bennington Medical Centre

Opening Times Reception Monday 08:00 - 18:30 Tuesday 08:00 - 18:30 Wednesday 08:00 - 18:30 Thursday 08:00 - 18:30 Friday 08:00 - 18:30 Weekend closed

10 Valley Lane, Long Bennington, Newark, Notts, NG23 5FR 01400 281220 Dispensary - 01400 282992

Morning and evening surgeries are held each weekday. Open surgeries are held every morning. Patients presenting between 08:30 and 10:00 will be seen in turn. Mondays and Fridays can be very busy, if your problem is not urgent and you feel the waiting time may be too long please feel free to attend on another morning. Evening surgeries are by appointment only. Urgent problems may be seen on the same day but not necessarily by the doctor of your choice. Appointments may be made by telephone, in person or by using our online service. If you wish to speak to a receptionist in private, please ask to use the interview room. If you require a chaperone please speak to a receptionist and they will arrange this for you. Branch Surgeries We no longer have branch surgeries at Allington Village Hall or Marston Village Hall. Cancellations If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to offer the slot to someone else. SGPN April 2019 page 21




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Compleat SGPN April 2019 page 22

St Swithun’s Church Repair Project After over 18 months of waiting, and 3 stages of grant applications, the essential works to repair parts of St Swithun’s Church finally commenced on Monday 4th March. Hopefully, they will be completed by early August; during the intervening months church services will be held in the Village Hall. The works are being undertaken by CSL, a Peterborough company, at a cost around £200,000. The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) is providing £142,800 of this sum, with the rest of the funds coming from other smaller grant providers (Marshall Trust, Lincolnshire Churches Trust, and hopefully the Garfield Weston Foundation) and funds raised by the Parochial Parish Council. A Press Day was held in the Church on Thursday 28 February to thank the HLF and all Lottery Players for their support of the Repair Project, this was attended by villagers (see picture) who enjoyed a selection of cakes and drinks whilst being given an overview of the planned works by David Andrews. There was also a demonstration of the Info Point System to be installed in the Church and the Village Hall on which a range of information, such as a number of walks from the village, a Village Trail, and a history of the village War Graves will be available for download. During the period of the works access to the 2 Memorial Areas and the graves at the front of the old churchyard will remain available, and every effort will be made to keep the area tidy.

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Long Bennington History Society “What have the Vikings ever done for us?” by Dr. Roderick Dale of the University of Nottingham: Before we start, “Viking” is a verb describing the journeying of the Scandinavian peoples which might involve rapine and pillage (the populist view) or voyages of discovery and trade (boring). Take the former; the first recording of the Norsemen was in the early 8th century. That ended badly for the village reeve who went to greet them and heralded decades of incursion and settlement which however was a bit more peaceful than TV and film would have us believe. Certainly there was conflict, as discovery of large scale burials (of Vikings-hurrah!) indicate but analysis of place names show that eventually native and invader often farmed side by side. Indeed, Dr Dale unwittingly perhaps, is a good example of this since “Dale” contains elements of Saxon and Norse. It could be argued that our parliamentary system evolved from the Norse “Thing” and taxation took off with the payment of Dane geld. Who would have thought giving money to bullies to make them go away was a good idea? It was the Norsemen though that had the last laugh with the invasion of the Northmen from Normandy in 1066. For your information: Members of the society and other interested parties are collaborating in the establishment of informative guides to this historic village, watch this space for further news of this exciting development.

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Long Bennington Gardening Club Spring Show

Don’t forget our colourful Spring Show on Saturday 6 April. As well as the many flower classes there are also classes for indoor plants, flower arrangements and the photography class - this year the subject is ‘A Winter Scene’ - and classes for children. Bring your entries along to St James’s Hall between 9.30am and 11.00am. All the details are on our website. And everyone is welcome to come to see the displays and have refreshments from 3.00pm to 4.30pm. Jackie Claxton would be grateful if winners from last year could return their cups before the Show.

February Annual General Meeting

fascinating slideshow by Colin Deeley and then enjoyed a fun gardening quiz.

April Meeting

Our next talk will be on 23 April at 7.30pm at St James’s Hall with Stuart Dixon coming to talk about how to achieve wonderful borders. Everyone is welcome to any of the talks and if you have any questions or would like to join the Club call Bev Gledhill on 01400 282239 or 07753 709513 or e-mail us at Our website is: Bev Gledhill, Secretary

Our Annual General Meeting took place this year on one of those glorious warm spring-like days we had in February - such a change from last year’s thick snow! We heard about the garden charity Nikki Applewhite has established then went on to the AGM business hearing the reports of the Officers, voting in the same Officers and Committee Members for the coming year and increasing the subscription to £15 per person or £25 for a couple. During the AGM business and refreshments we were treated to a SGPN April 2019 page 25

Giving you a warm glow inside this autumn ur 1 Free Ho ation! Of Cosyfic

It’s Autumn and the first nip of winter is in the air. You turn the key and the first thing you notice is the welcoming warmth, fresh scent and sparkling surfaces throughout your home. Bright & Beautiful® is an affordable regular, or oneoff, housekeeping service that ensures everything is beautiful, clean and tidy when you come home with the laundry done and the ironing crisp and stacked. Our professional domestic services can be tailored to your needs with the highest standards of security guaranteed.

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Long Bennington WI On 5 March we welcomed 49 members and 3 guests to a cheese and wine evening and our AGM. Retiring President Jeanne Lambert reviewed the special privilege of serving in office in the Centenary year of Long Bennington WI and thanked members for their support and friendship. Retiring Secretary and Vice President Beryl Holmes thanked the 8 members who had volunteered to serve on the new committee and assured her full support. Beryl is our longest serving member and has completed 19 consecutive years on the committee. Outings Organiser Joy Jordan also stepped down. Each received a flower basket and a thank you card in commemoration of their long and dedicated service as committee members. Our WI Advisor Liz Mcintosh organised the vote for our new President and Jan Leventhall was duly elected and formed the new committee. On Tuesday 2 April, a number of members will be at Newark Palace Theatre to see Newark Operatic Society's production of Oklahoma on WI night. The meeting will be held as usual and the theme is My Favourite Things. Members attending are asked to bring along something special to talk about and share. Why not come along and meet some of us? You will be made very welcome. For details of Long Bennington WI contact Contact Jan Leventhall on 01400 282403 for more information. SGPN April 2019 page 26

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Allington, Lincs NG32 2DZ

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From the Methodist Church Dear All, As we approach Easter, we have mixed images in our head. We have the story of Jesus in the last week of his life here on earth in bodily form – the entry into Jerusalem on a donkey with all the crowd singing praises to God, then preaching in the temple to the disciples and the crowds, later we have the Passover meal and the betrayal, then the brutal arrest and the denial by Peter, and finally the beatings, the whipping and the agonising death. All these are vivid images of the Son of God. Jesus was not diminished by what man could do to him and neither is he diminished today by a people who are apathetic to his call on their life. Whatever man thinks or says he is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God is not diminished by words that are said against him, neither is he threatened by science or reason, he was the creator of all these things. Is the ocean diminished by a child taking a bucket full of water out of the sea? Will God really be afraid of the zealous atheists and all they say about him? Is a lion afraid of a mouse? God may not be threatened by a society that ignores him or builds

their lives on temporal things: But God is not unmoved. He sees men and women striving for things that will not last. He tries to reach out to them in so many ways because he loves every single one of them. God is not someone in an ivory tower looking down on his creation caring little for their wellbeing. God by his very nature is love. He showed this when he allowed his own Son to be mistreated and killed by the very people he was trying to save. God the Father suffered when Jesus his Son was put on a cross to die. He suffered like any father would at the loss of a Son. But Jesus was resurrected and appeared again to the disciples before he returned to heaven. I can imagine now the saints and angels worshipping Jesus in all his glory. I can imagine Jesus walking the streets of heaven and everyone falling down to worship him as he passes. As we celebrate Easter let us know in our hearts the victory that Jesus wrought on the cross. God Bless you. Peter Bates

All SUNDAY Services begin at 10.30am 7th April 14th April 21st April 28th April

Rev Peter Bates Leah Turner Rev Barrie Morley (Holy Communion) Melanie Ward

On FRIDAY, 19th April our GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE will be lead by Rev Peter Bates at 6.00pm ALL ARE WELCOME

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Long Bennington Village Please insert Full Page Free Advert For Long Bennington Easter Sunday PDF

Easter Treasure Hunt

Sunday 14th April 1-3pm

Long Bennington Sports Pavillion

ÂŁ2.50 per child - Chocolate Egg for all participants

A short walk around the village, following the clues, collecting stamps

Hunts for younger and older children Refreshments available

All proceeds go to Long Bennington Pre-School - Registered Charity No. 1157300 Tel 07816537242

SGPN April 2019 page 29

Smile-lines for April Egg Church notice: This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs Cusworth to come forward and lay an egg on the altar. The bishop’s visit A bishop was visiting a small church in his diocese for Easter. He wanted the young people to understand what he had to say about the Good Shepherd, so he dressed up in his bishop’s long, flowing robes and carried his crook. “Now,” beamed the bishop, “do you know who I am?” After a moment’s silence, one child ventured “Little Bo Peep?” Quiet A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the way to Church service, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping."

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Sedgebrook Prayer and Bible Group Meets at 2 Whattons Close at 7.30pm until April. Contact Malcolm or Jenny Stuart 01949 842231 or if you have any requests for prayers, or leave them on the Prayer Board in the Lady Chapel in church. Sedgebrook Social Club Rainbows/Brownies Mondays 6.15pm Burlexercise Tuesdays 7.00pm Herbalife Healthy Eating Wednesdays 6.00pm Zumba Wednesdays 7.30pm Line Dancing Thursdays 10.00am Club Bar Opening times Monday 9.00 -11.00pm Friday 9.00 -11.00pm Sunday 12.30 -2.30pm. Membership fees for 2019 are £10.00. During the next 12 months the Club is running a 200 Club Village Lottery. If anyone wants to participate, please contact Alan Cook. The contact for booking the Club or any enquiries is Alan Cook 01949 842192 or SEDGEBROOK “CHEESE AND WINE EVENING”/ANNUAL PARISH MEETING THURSDAY 16 MAY 2019 AT 7 PM Sedgebrook will be holding a free “Cheese and Wine Evening” on Thursday 16 May 2019 at Sedgebrook Social Club. Your MP, Doctor Caroline Johnson will be coming. Local organisations/clubs have been invited to attend so do come along and have a chat. We look forward to seeing you.

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Sedgebrook Parish Council meets every 6 weeks – there are no meetings in August or December. You will be engaging with residents and speaking on behalf of the council to other bodies. Can I stand? There are only a few rules to stand for election. You must be: • A British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth, or the European Union • 18 years of age or older • Live in an area that is served by a local council How can I get involved? Contact Sedgebrook Parish Council at to find out more or visit Mrs J Bratton, Clerk to Sedgebrook Parish Council Tel: 01476 577175 Email:

MAKE A CHANGE, BECOME A LOCAL COUNCILLOR Sedgebrook Parish Council is calling on residents, passionate about their community to stand in the local elections in 2019. What do councillors do? Councillors are the champions of their community and give residents a voice on the decisions the council makes. Becoming a councillor will allow you to make a real difference in your community by engaging with residents, local groups and businesses to find out their needs; making decisions on which services and projects the council should take forward; and getting involved locally to ensure the services are meeting your community’s needs

ST LAWRENCE Alarm A new and upgraded alarm has been fitted to protect the church roof. Hopefully this will give a measure of peace after the numerous thefts in the Vale recently. Lent We are holding a Lent Course, which is based on Raymond Tomkinson’s book Christ the King – Icon of Love, this takes place every Tuesday in Lent at 7.30pm at 2 Whattons Close, Sedgebrook. Next Month There will be an article in the next magazine about the culture, history and heritage of St Lawrence, ahead of our Markham Exhibition - keep a look out for it!!!!! Planning ahead We have a long-term project to install toilets and a kitchenette in the church, together with eco friendly lighting and heating. A sound system with hearing loop, along with a guide book and proper display of archeological finds from the Abbey. SGPN April 2019 page 33

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Advertising The Saxonwell Group Parish News currently has space to include adverts in our monthly editions, and placing an advert costs as little as £11.00 per month! If you’re interested, please email Joy Jordan at We are also always looking for new and interesting articles to include. If you do something extraordinary, or something great has happened to you, then we want to celebrate it! Articles don’t cost anything, and please contact Davina Tyler, 01400 282279 if you are interested.

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Magazine Donations... Whilst the magazine is offered free to every home, and we try to cover all our costs through advertising, due to the new arrangements our costs have increased. If you would like to make a contribution to the magazine that would be very welcome, the suggested donation is 50p per issue or ÂŁ5:00 for all ten issues. Donations can be made at Sharricks chip shop, Long Bennington and at the village hall office, as well as being given to any church member to be handed over to the magazine treasurer, Jill Froggatt.

You can donate online to: Name: SGPN Sort Code: 60-09-09 Account: 72118695 You can post your donation to the Treasurer at: Mayfields House, Back Lane, Foston, NG32 2LA. Thank you.

SGPN April 2019 page 38

To Be Better

SGPN April 2019 page 39

Light it up! I love driving along and seeing our local churches (Foston and Sedgebrook) lit up, as a visible reminder of God’s presence in our community. For just £7 you can have the church floodlit for an evening (8-11pm) of your choice. This might be to celebrate a birthday, celebration, or to remember someone. For Foston please contact: Lucy Bliss 01400 282661 For Sedgebrook please contact: Malcolm Stuart 01949 842231

SGPN April 2019 page 40


Removals (any distance) l Garden clearance l House moves & clearances l Relocation l Packing service l Office moves l Loading/unloading services l Auction House deliveries l Odd jobs l Ebay/Gumtree pick ups We are a friendly, professional, reliable service. Local business. Big Luton Van & other vans available Great rates & Fully Insured Telephone 01636 823836 or 07752 634141 l

SGPN April 2019 page 41


30th June

SGPN April 2019 page 42

SGPN April 2019 page 43

GREEN and TIDY Garden and outdoor maintenance Long Bennington and surrounding areas Lawn cu�ng/maintenance Hedge cu�ng Lopping/pruning Tidy up/clearance Pa�o and drive cleaning Gu�er cleaning Outdoor pain�ng Odd jobs Andrew Green 07903 305723


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Rabbits from £4.50 a night Guinea pigs from £3.50 a night Hamsters, gerbils, birds and tortoises from £2.50 a night


DREW GROU AND PAVING C Find out more at SGPN April 2019 page 44

(Long Ben


PRAYERS Easter hope "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life." Creator God thank you - for the hope of a new life, seen all around us at this time of the year. The blossom buds, the flowers waiving in the breeze, baby lambs dancing over the fields. From a seemingly lifeless period breaks forth abundant life. Forgiving God thank you - for our hope of salvation. By sending your son and through his willingness to sacrifice his life on our behalf, we see in his blood stained body on the cross at Calvary, we are redeemed, set free to live joyful lives which you so desire for us. Loving God thank you with all our hearts - for the wonderful hope of eternal life. The miraculous life-giving force which broke the change of death forever by the rising of Christ on the first Easter day. Powerful God thank you - for the reassuring hope we are given that the power which raised Jesus from the dead is still working in the world today and, although our future may seem obscure to us we are safe within your caring hands. Listening God thank you - for the hope of answered prayer as we ask now for all who are sick to experience healing from our risen Lord. And all who grieve to discern to Christ’s resurrection the hope of life beyond the grave. Father as the risen Jesus walked in the Easter garden you brought each of us and amazing truth -our God crucified and risen for us. Let all the earth rejoice that we can leave behind our cross, our tomb and walk in the steps of Christ to eternity with you. Then seeing you there face-to-face become like you and at one with you. Thank you for your amazing Easter Hope. Suzanne

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Community Contacts Village Halls: Booking Secretaries Long Bennington Foston Allington Sedgebrook Social Club

Sue Mckinley Liz Sordy Joy Hart Alan Cook

Long Bennington Medical Centre

10 Valley Lane

07816 267927 282065 282948 01949 842152 281220

Prescription re-order line


Book Groups Long Bennington Foston

Moire Barnabas Lucy Bliss

283313 282661

Useful Contacts Long Bennington Girl Guides Pat Fryer

(Mon7pm-8.30pm -


Uniform Groups at Foston 1st Foston Brownies Thursdays 6.30pm

Village Hall

Rainbows: Scout Group Beaver Scouts: Cub Scouts: Scouts Explorer Scouts

Village Hall (all at Gorrie Hall, Chapel Lane, Foston) Adam Lashbrook Claire Collier 01636 626097 Les Romans 281217 Jenny Wynn 282301

Tuesdays 4:45pm -5.45pm Mondays 6:30-7:30pm Wednesdays 6:30-8pm Thursdays 7-9pm Mondays 7:45-9:30pm

Women’s Institute: (each meet monthly in their local village hall) Long Bennington Foston Allington

1st Tuesday 7:30pm 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm 1st Wed 7:45pm

Jeanne Lambert Kathryn Singleton Pam Jackson

281007 01476 574954 281320

Playing Fields Facilities Booking Manager: Long Bennington Playing Field Management Committee:

Gemma Walker Phil Owen

07790 759956 282471

Toddler Groups: Long Bennington. Allington

Kirsten Crutchley Dionne Mcmahon


Pre-school Playgroups: Long Bennington Bowls Club Doll Club Drama Group Friendship Club God’s Acre Peter Jordan Anne Scott Mrs Swarbrick Nicola Thorpe Gordon Scott

07816 537242 281708 282567 281130 07904 182752 282567

Junior Football Club History Society

Gary Clarkson John Jeffries

07971 784855 282606

Twinning Association Village Produce Assoc. Bev Gledhill Writing Group Exercise Classes

Kim Roberts Meg Dutton Blaise Thomas

283370 282239 318625 07918 165245

SGPN April 2019 page 46

The Saxonwell Group Ministry Team All numbers have the preÞx 01400 unless otherwise stated Parish Priest RevÕd Harriet Orridge RevÕd Stella Langdon-Davies (RetÕd) Parish Administrator Davina Tyler Parish News Editor

Davina Tyler Thursday mornings at the Vicarage

281281 281395 281281 281281

Church Contacts St Swithun’s, Long Bennington Church Wardens

Jill Froggatt

Bell Ringing Safeguarding OfÞcer

Shelagh Dunning Irene Adams

Treasurer Church Flowers

Dr Jane Cowley, Beryl Holmes

281204 282691 281437 282164

St Peter’s Foston Verger Treasurer Safeguarding OfÞcer

Jenny Bullock Andrew Blanchard Eileen Ross

281611 01476 979515 281932

Chris Dicken Chris Dicken Jill Storer/Linda Ryecroft

281524 281524 283542/281516

Holy Trinity Allington Church Warden/Treasurer Safeguarding OfÞcer Flowers

St Lawrence Sedgebrook Church Warden Church Warden Treasurer Safeguarding OfÞcer Flowers

Malcolm Stuart Barbara Farrow Geoff Farrow Brenda DeÕath Geraldine Strathern

01949 842231 283187 281387 01949 843399

Long Bennington Methodist Chapel Treasurer

Martin Gledhill


Parish Council Clerks Long Bennington Foston Allington


Jane Evans Mon

10:30-12:30 at Village Hall James Stanley Sharon Milne Jane Bratton

SGPN April 2019 page 47

282716 01522 889737 01476 577175

Love your floor

T: 01476 564718 W:

Unit 15 Partnership House, Withambrook Park, Grantham, NG31 9ST Just 400 yards from the entrance to Belton Park Gold Club SGPN April 2019 page 48

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