Saxonwell Group Parish News February 2016 issue

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February 2016 Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations come to Long Bennington

Window in Foston church taken by Paul Lees

February is the month of Love and Lent


Have a look …..


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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 3

Letter from the Vicarage

Happy New Year! I’m never sure when it is too late to wish someone we haven’t seen a Happy New Year. Now as we move into February convention seems to suggest it is time to stop saying it. But in those three words we are saying we wish you all the very best for the coming year. 2016 will be another full year, with the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations in June, and the Olympics in Rio for two weeks in August. Before all that though we have Easter, with Lent beginning (only one week after the end of the Christmas season) on the 10th February. Easter and Christmas are linked together, we cannot celebrate one without the other. Both are about God saying “I Love You”. On Valentine’s day people send each other anonymous cards with the message “I Love You”. Once when I was younger I had a first crush on a boy, and decided to send him a Valentines card. 4 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

My father and I walked round to his house to pop the card through his door. Unbeknown to me at the same time he was being taken round to mine to drop his card off. How far would you go to deliver the message “I Love You”? Or what lengths would you go to, to ensure that your special someone heard the message? The Proclaimers sang that they would walk 500 miles and then 500 more. In the beginning God created the world and saw that it was good. But we in our selfishness turned away from him. Throughout the ages God reached out to us with his message of love. He painted a rainbow in the sky, sent us messages through the prophets. Eventually God came across space and time, being born in Bethlehem as a baby. As an adult Jesus went about telling everyone how much God loved them, through stories, healing’s and miracles. Jesus embraced those who were outside society, (as years later Princess Diana embraced the AIDS patients, or Mother Theresa washing the feet of a leper), bringing them back into society. At Easter Jesus stretched out his arms on the cross and died, saying “I love you this much.” God loves each of us as we are. But he also loves us too much to let us stay that way, instead he wants us to be with him forever, hence he came as one of us to show us how to live.

Another connection between Christmas and Easter are the periods of preparation which proceed both, Advent and Lent. During Advent children enjoy counting down the days until Christmas, opening another window in their calendar’s each morning. During Lent many people prepare by not eating rich foods, remembering the time when Jesus went out into the desert as preparation for his ministry. The Nuns in “Call a Midwife” were abstaining from cake in the first episode this year. Others sometimes take something up, so this year I’d like to invite you all to take up sharing God’s love with the world. Just as Jesus came to say “I Love You”, I invite you to tell someone each day that they Copy deadline for the March issue is 15 February News, stories and advertising should be sent to Sue Baggaley at

are loved. Just as in Jesus day there are people on the outside of society, homeless, refugees, people being persecuted for their faith, this Lent reach out and tell them that they are loved. Sponsor a child, send a letter to someone in jail, give a homeless person lunch, visit an elderly neighbour, do a job around the house without being asked. Yours in Christ Harriet


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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 5

Methodist Church News Long Bennington Methodist Chapel The Sunday Service is at 10:30am The Minister: Rev Mark Roberts 01636 706264 Chapel Secretary: Mrs E Eggleston 01400 281439 Chapel Treasurer: Mr M Gledhill 01400 282239 A good soaking. Is there such a thing? ground in the desert. Nothing much I can certainly remember some bad grows amidst the burning sands. Nothing soakings. The wettest I have ever felt was much, that is, until the parched land is during a three week camping holiday in soaked by rain and the desert blossoms as Wales. It rained pretty much all the time flowers grow. In this image, Isaiah wants and particularly heavily on the day when to show us what things can be like when we were moving God’s love pours into our campsite. It was lives. Just as the desert my job to take needs a good soaking the tent down. from the rain, there are Unfortunately my periods in our lives when waterproof coat we need a good soaking turned out not to in the blessings that God be as waterproof as I would have liked. can offer us. By the time I had finished, every single Lent can provide an opportunity for part of every single item of clothing such a blessing. This period of 40 days was soaked through. I had to sit in those plus six Sundays that begins on 10th clothes for a good hour until we reached February this year, has traditionally somewhere I could change. been a time for reflection, prayer and Much more seriously, rain falling on study. By taking time with God, we can saturated ground, ground that is already experience his love, joy, hope and peace, soaked with water, has caused a lot of and be challenged in the way that these problems recently. We continue to hold experiences need to show in our lives. I those affected in our prayers. hope that you will be able to find some But there are also times when a good time to spend with God over the next few soaking is needed. A long soak in a weeks. hot bath can be a real luxury on a rainy So may you all be blessed by a good holiday in Wales, and the ground will not soaking in God’s love this Lent. always be as wet as it is now. Come the Mark summer and I’m sure there will be times when we will want rain in our gardens. In the Bible Isaiah writes about thirsty

6 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

What does Lent mean to you? Lent begins with Ash Wednesday - this year it is 10 February. But why ‘Ash’ Wednesday? The tradition goes right back to the Old Testament. When the Israelites sinned they could do nothing but repent in sorrow. As part of this repentance, they covered their heads with ashes. For the Israelites putting ashes on your head, and even rending your clothes, was an outward sign of their heart-felt repentance and acknowledgement of sin. In the very early Christian Church penitents had ashes sprinkled over them at the beginning of Lent. Soon other Christians wanted to take part in the custom at the very start of Lent. Ash Wednesday became known as the ‘beginning of the fast’ or ‘the day of the ashes’.The actual custom of ‘ashing’ was abolished at the Reformation, though the old name for the day remains. Today,

throughout the Church of England, receiving the mark of ashes on one’s forehead is optional. It reminds people of their mortality: “Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return...” (Genesis 3:19) The late medieval custom was to burn the branches used on Palm Sunday in the previous year in order to create the ashes for today. You have to smile... At the end of the vicar’s pre-Lent sermon he suggested, as an example to the rest of the community, that the congregation should worship in an unheated church for the whole of Lent. As they made their way into the chill Sunday air the vicar addressed one member of the congregation, asking what she had decided to give up for Lent. “Church,” she replied firmly.

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Prayers for February ‘Jesus returned from the Jordan full of the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the desert’ Luke Chapter 4 Verse 1

Almighty Father as we enter the month of February thoughts turn once again to the season of Lent when we remember the time our dear Lord spent tempted and tested in the wilderness and how, despite all the hardships he indured, he never lost his faith and trust and commitment to you and His calling. During our lives Heavenly Father we too, led by the Spirit spend times as if we were in a wilderness. We pray for ourselves and our families and communities experiencing such a time just now. We may feel we are in the wilderness of illness, pain or disability, perhaps facing the separation and isolation caused by bereavement and the prospect of the future alone. We think about the many who are already living alone and finding the loneliness hard to bear. We also bring before you the homeless and the bewildered refugee families having to rebuild lives in a different country. In times of testing Father

your Holy Spirit points us to a suffering Christ who empathises with each person’s individual needs, to Christ who, in His great love for us, was willingly prepared to give His life upon a cross that we may know your forgiveness and promise of eternal life. Through such an amazing act of love may we too gain strength and trust in you, acknowledging that at the time of our trial we too, like Jesus, will be triumphant and able to rejoice. For we will have followed your Spirit through our own wilderness - on into the glorious light of our risen Saviour which awaits us on Easter Day! Amen Suzanne Hartle Is your prayer on the right lines? Try adding “for Christ’s sake” at the end of each prayer. “Please let my marrow win the Gardening Club competition”? No. “Not my will but yours” is the key. So when praying, don’t give God instructions, just report for duty.

You have to smile: Seen in a church magazine: ‘Bring your old newspapers (and your neighbours), put them in a sack and tie them if possible.’


Contact: Mr R D Hall at Alma Farm, Long Bennington

Telephone: 01400 281813 Mobile: 07976 314734

8 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Saint Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine’s Day, many believe, was named after one or more Christian martyrs and was established by Pope Gelasius 1 in 496 AD. Valentine of Rome was martyred about 269, and this day usually ‘belongs’ to him. The first recorded association of Valentine’s Day with romantic love (1382) is from Geoffrey Chaucer. He wrote: ‘For this was Saint Valentine’s Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate.’

This poem was in honour of the first anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia.

Valentine’s Day is referred to by Ophelia in Hamlet (1600-1601): To-morrow is St Valentine’s day All in the morning betime And I a maid at your window To be your Valentine. The modern mention of Valentine’s Day can be found in a collection of English nursery rhymes (1784): The rose is red, the violet’s blue The honey’s sweet, and so are you. Thou are my love and I am thine I drew thee to my Valentine.


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The Parish Registers

Baptisms, Funerals and Marriages: (for December and January) Funerals: Alan Cartledge of Lilley Street - funeral was held on the 4th December Jean Mackman of Welbournes Lane - funeral was held on the 5th January Weddings: Sharon Louise Sadler married Graham Richard Cox on the 19th December There were no baptisms in December and January (to date).

Forthcoming Services 10th February 4th March 6th March

Ash Wednesday service of Holy Communion with imposition of Ashes 7pm at Foston Friday - Women’s World Day of Prayer - when women lead the world in praying for 24hr for a particular nation - this year is Cuba at 7pm, St Peter’s Church Foston Mothering Sunday - Morning Worship

Holy Week 20th March Palm Sunday Morning Worship reading of the Passion Narrative from Luke 23rd March (Wednesday) possibly a communal meal to remember/celebrate the Last Supper in Long Bennington Village Hall. TBC. 24th March Maundy Thursday Holy Communion with Stripping the Altar and Vigil Foston at 7pm. TBC. 25th March Good Friday 10-12pm Messy Easter activities for all the family at Long Bennington Village Hall 2-3pm Hour At The Cross at Allington Church 27th March Easter Sunday Holy Communion

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 11

Long Bennington VPA Gardening Club We hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and we wish you a fruitful 2016. Christmas Social & Christmas Tree Lights Switch-on It was our annual Christmas Social on 24 November when we were treated to a lighthearted trip down memory lane by Doug Stewart from Beverley, who shared with us his photos and memories of the pleasures and tribulations of gardening in times gone by. After lovely drinks and a delicious buffet we played a few fun games of Gardener’s Bingo and went home with a Secret Santa gift. We also met up with friends and neighbours at the Christmas Tree Lights switch on at St James’s Hall on 4 December where we were one of the village associations with a stand showing what we do.



01636 626510 OR 07757 086003 12 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Next Meeting On 24 February at 7.30pm in St James’s Hall it will be our Annual General Meeting. We will be electing our committee for the forthcoming year, hearing reports from this year’s officers and discussing the coming year’s programme. Afterwards there will be refreshments and a gardening related activity. Subscriptions will continue to be £10 a year for 2016/17. Members should have received the agenda by the end of January. If not, or if you would like to attend and are not a member, let me know and I can get an agenda to you. If you have any questions or would like to join the club call Secretary Bev Gledhill on 01400 282239 or 07753 709513.

J & R Cooper

Flat Roofing Specialists All garage & extension flat roofs renewed or repaired Traditional built up felt, high performance ‘torch on’ or long life ‘Firestone Rubber’ Also all types of Roofing and building works undertaken – tiling, slating, gutters, chimney stacks, pointing, upvc fascias etc Over 35 years’ experience For FREE ESTIMATES AND ADVICE Tel 01949 839672 or 07967 524183 Polite and friendly service

Foston Conservation Group Spring Village Walk and BBQ

We had such a good time last year on our Spring Village Walk that we’ve decided to do it all again! We would like to invite all walkers and strollers and occasional ‘let’s get some fresh air this afternoon folks’ to join with the Foston Conservation Group in a jaunt around the footpaths about the village and a well-deserved BBQ and refreshments at the end of the afternoon. The date will be Saturday April 2nd and we shall aim to set out at about 3.00ish – more details will be available nearer the time. Keep a look out on village notice

boards and next month’s Parish News for confirmed times and potential routes. Children and dogs welcome – please make sure you wear suitable, comfortable footwear and appropriate clothing for the weather - whatever that may be. There will be a nominal charge of £1.00 per head. Please bring your own drinks and water for during the walk if you wish. We hope to see you then! If you think you would like to join us on this walk, please let us know (for catering purposes!) by telephoning Janet on 282571 by Thursday March 31st, or by email to

During a church service my young niece had to go outside, as she did not feel well. She returned a few minutes later and admitted: ‘I have been a little sick. But it doesn’t matter, there’s a box at the door marked ‘for the sick’.


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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 13

Long Bennington Parish Council The Parish Council meeting on 4th January was attended by seven members of the public. A number of residents raised their concerns over planning application S15/2243 for the demolition of a bungalow and erection of 19 dwellings at land off Vicarage Lane. Specific concerns over the drainage were discussed, particularly in light of recent flooding on Vicarage Lane. Councillors discussed the application in detail, resolving to object to the application for a number of reasons, the main issues being regarding the concerns over the foul drainage, it being over-development of the site, there being no strategy for dealing with surface water (with reference to the recent flooding) and it being forward from the existing building line. The Parish Council was disappointed when Anglian Water failed to attend the public meeting in November, arranged to discuss the flooding that occurred in August. Further to this, a meeting has now been arranged this month to discuss the findings from investigations and proposed works by Anglian Water to prevent future similar incidents. Details of this meeting will be reported back to all Councillors at the February meeting. The budget has been agreed by the Parish Council for the next financial year and there will be no increase in the precept request submitted to SKDC. In addition to the regular expenditure/maintenance costs, the main projects planned

for next year include a contribution towards refurbishment of the pavilion, investigations into establishment of allotments in the village, final costs towards formation of the Neighbourhood Plan and further enhancements to road safety provisions. The Parish Council is currently working to try to establish a safe crossing area at the school. This has been supported by a petition organised by Kings Farm Day Nursery that has now been presented to Lincs County Council. Work is currently being undertaken to demonstrate certain criteria is being met to support progression of the request. COMMUNITY CLEANING – HELP NEEDED The Parish Council is still looking for a Community Cleaner to help keep our village clean and litter free. If you are interested in doing some litter picking in the village for around 10 to 15 hours per month, at a negotiable hourly rate, please give me a call or email me for more information. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE FOR NEXT MEETING - MONDAY 1 FEBRUARY As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email parishclerk@ (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS)

Collections for Grantham Food Bank

There is a collection in St. Swithun’s south porch for donations for Grantham Food Bank. You can also leave used spectacles, stamps, printer cartridges and mobile phones. There is now a Grantham Food Bank Donation Bin situated at the top of the drive under the canopy at Whitegates Farmhouse, Long Street, Foston. 14 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Long Bennington Local History Society The last meeting of the old year is eagerly anticipated by the members of the Society because it means a visit from Bob Neil and his wife who sets us a series of puzzles in the form of objects from the past. It is remarkable how quickly memories dim with regard to tools, instruments and utensils of even the quite recent; what looked like a fearsome instrument of torment was a haberdasher’s tool, the peculiar wooden piece with a mysterious hole through the centre was for maintaining billiard cues and

so on. It was, as usual, a very entertaining and educational evening enjoyed by all especially since it was rounded off with wine and nibbles. Next meeting is 25 January: Sir Isaac Newton and Woolsthorpe Manor with Janice Mould Followed on 22 February: Uncle Tom: The Life of Thomas Ferrens with Geoff Spencer.

Beaumond House Hospice

The Long Bennington Methodist Chapel Carol Service and the December coffee morning raised £400 in aid of Beaumond House Hospice? A good effort all round. Thank you to everyone who attended.

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01400 282064 07971 272452 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 15

Dates for your diary Allington Coffee Morning Welby Arms every Wednesday at 11am Everyone welcome

Foston Coffee Morning First Wednesday of month at Foston Village Hall. Next is on 3 February from 10am to 11.30am. Come to chat and make new friends. All welcome. Cost is £2 per person. Any profit will be shared between the church and village hall. Long Bennington Coffee Morning The Royal Oak every Thursday at 10.45am Everyone welcome Sedgebrook Afternoon Tea Held in Sedgebrook Social Club on the second Tuesday in the month from 2.30pm. Next is 9 February. As well as coffee, tea and cake there is a raffle and sometimes a book swap. Everyone welcome Methodist Coffee Morning Methodist Chapel on the third Saturday each month at 10am. Next is on 20 February. All proceeds donated to Beaumond House Hospice in Newark. Everyone welcome

Long Bennington Afternoon House Group A friendly Tuesday afternoon group who seek to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith through fellowship, study and discussion with tea and cake to finish. The meetings are fortnightly, beginning at 2.30pm. For more information contact Joy on 01400 281355, Rev’d Lilian on 01400 250729 or Rev’d Stella on 01400 281395. Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting Sedgebrook Parish Council are meeting on Wednesday 2 March 2016 at Sedgebrook Social Club, 8 pm. You are very welcome to attend. The minutes and agendas are put on the village green notice board and are also published on the Parish Council section of the village website: www. Long Bennington Parish Council Meeting Next meeting is Monday 1st February St James Village Hall 7.30pm All welcome Foston Village Hall Events Pub night: 5 February 8pm Wed Lunch: 17 February 12 -1.30pm

Allington Bible Study Group Meets fortnightly on Wednesdays at 2.30pm. A small, informal and friendly group and all are welcome. Contact Rev’d Stella Langdon-Davies on 01400 281395 or 07976 380659 or by email:

Future Events at Foston Village Hall Easter Fair: Saturday 19 March 12 - 3pm. To book a stall (£5) please contact Liz Sordy (01400 282065) Summer Fete: Saturday 25 June 2-5pm To book a stall (£5) please contact Liz Sordy (01400 282065)

Long Bennington Vicarage Group Held every Thursday at 7.30pm at St. Swithun’s Vicarage. For details call John or Harriet on 01400 281281

Foston Parent and Toddler Group Foston Village Hall every Friday 9.30-11am £2 per family

16 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Sedgebrook Social Club Keep fit every Monday at 7pm. £2 per session. All welcome Bingo last Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm £5 per book Line-dancing Thursdays 10.00 -11.30am Pilates Thursdays at 7.15pm £5 per session Yoga Fridays at 7.30pm £5 per session Club Opening Times Monday 9-11pm Friday 9-11pm Sunday 12.30-2.30pm Tel: 01949 842152

It is a small, parent-run group, where children can safely play, make new friends, join in with craft activities and enjoy a snack. Everyone with young children, from birth up to school age is welcome. Each session costs £2 per family Allington Village Hall The Café Saturday 27 February 12.00 – 2pm Enjoy a light lunch with friends in the Village Hall. On the Menu this month: Baked potatoes with choice of fillings. Homemade Soups (or Heinz Tomato for the children!) and crusty bread. Coffee/tea/squash etc and cakes.

Long Bennington Baby and Toddler Group St James Village Hall, Wednesday 9.1511.30am (term time)

A Special Light

Would you like Foston Church floodlights to shine? For just £5 you can have the Church Floodlit between 8pm and 11pm on an evening of your choice. Perhaps you would like to remember a special time or person. For details contact Pete Drury on 01400 281660.

Foston Local History Booklet

The excellent publication by Mrs Marjorie Brieant and Mr Gordon Parker, first published in 1988, has been re-typed and re-printed and is now available again at £3 each. To obtain a copy contact Pete Drury on 01400 281660.


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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 17

Long Bennington WI In December we entered into the Christmas spirit with an evening of music and drama. We were entertained by the Loveden Group WI choir. With Ted Gascoigne on the keyboard, members of Long Bennington drama group and the WI performed a series of monologues and poems on a Christmas theme. This was followed by wine and mince pies. We started the New Year on 5 January with a ‘Show and tell’ evening where members brought along items and shared their

stories. These ranged from some American Indian souvenirs to an embroidered picture, a rose made from volcanic lava, a doll and many more. Next month we meet on 2 February at 7.30pm when Dorothy Wood gives a talk entitled “At the drop of a hat”. Do come and join us. Jean Higgs For details of membership contact Jeannie Day on 01400 282873.

Long Bennington Village Hall Long Bennington Village Hall is run by a small group of volunteers. It is a responsible job, bearing in mind the size of the premises and the amount of regular bookings. However, our group desperately needs volunteers to join us. Have you time? We have just one meeting per month on the third Tuesday and we manage all activities at the Village Hall and the associated finances. If you would like to book any part of the premises for your function please contact Sue McKinley on 07816 267 927. We recently received a legacy from the estate of John Hambling and are planning a clock situated on the Village Hall roof as a thank you gesture. Have you time to join our Comittee? If so, please contact Margaret Elms 01400 281017 18 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Foston WI

Foston WI celebrated their December meeting in the village hall with a Christmas dinner prepared by all members, followed by a quiz. On 12 January 2016, our members were treated to an enjoyable evening of pampering by Susie, who gave an Indian Head Massage with Becky manicuring and painting fingernails.

The next meeting, on Tuesday, 9 February, is our birthday night and members are looking forward to a meal out at Paul’s Restaurant in Bottesford. Our Annual General Meeting will be held in the village hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 8 March 2016. Jose Medlock For details of membership, please contact Monica Winters on 281831.

Newark Branch 7 Ages of Man Tutor: Judith Hedley ‘All the world’s a stage’ says Shakespeare’s Jaques, and goes on to tell of the roles we play, from ‘mewling and puking’ infant to extreme old age ‘sans everything’. This course takes a closer look at the words not only of Shakespeare himself but of great poets from Chaucer to Carol Ann Duffy. No previous reading required, but if you have a favourite writer who chronicles the generations, we shall be happy to include your suggestions. 7 meetings, Tuesday 1:15 to 3:15pm Starting 2 February 2016 Long Bennington Village Hall, Main Road, Long Bennington, Newark, NG23 5DJ Fee: £53.90 (free to those on a means-tested benefit)

For more details contact Miss P Bennett on 01636 671350 or see the WEA County Brochure available from libraries Saxonwell Group Parish News I 19

Long Bennington Twinning Association VISIT TO FRANCE 1 -­‐ 5 JUNE 2016


STAYING WITH HOST FAMILIES IN OUR TWIN TOWN OF BRETTEVILLE L'ORGUEILLEUSE IN NORMANDY Everyone from Long Bennington and Surrounding Villages is welcome. ONLY £225 per person, less for children

On the way there we will spend the first night in a hotel in Montreuil-­‐sur-­‐Mer, a lovely small town about 50 miles from Calais. The next day we will visit one or two towns en route to Bretteville arriving about 6pm and will be met by our hosts who, based on past experience, will look after us extremely well. We are wined, dined and entertained for the full weekend. We will leave Bretteville on the Sunday morning, finally getting back to Long Bennington by early that evening.

Do come and join us for a great fun weekend (and get to know your fellow villagers better!) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KIM ROBERTS (283370), GILL ASKEW (282712), OR ANNE LAINE (282928).


St Patrick’s Night Dinner & Dance

Saturday 19th March 2016

Everyone Welcome Long Bennington Village Hall 7.30pm Three Course Irish Meal, Bottesford Irish Dancers, Cèilidh Band, Bar & Raffle

£22.50 per person (Dress code: Black Tie or Smart)

Tickets from Kim Roberts (283370), Gill Askew (282712) or Anne Laine (282928)

Long Bennington Twinning Association

Purpose built nursery in a rural location Offering quality care for children aged 3 months to 14 years. Fully qualified staff. Open Monday to Friday 8am-6pm Before and after school club School holidays and non-contact days also catered for. Open for 51 week of the year 15 Hours FREE funding available for 2, 3&4 year olds 01636 626067 Find us on Facebook. 20 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Long Bennington meet in the Village Hall in February

Church Service Times for February Foston




Lectionary date


10:30 Morning Worship

10:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Morning Worship (HO) (Lay team)

Exodus 34:29-end Psalm 99 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 Luke 9:28-36 [37-43a]


Sunday before Lent

7th Feb

10:30 Holy Communion 9:00 Said HC BCP 10:30 Morning Worship

4.00pm All Age Service 5:00pm Evening Prayer

Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Psalm 9:1-2, 9-end Romans 10:8b-13 Luke 4:1-13


1st of Lent

14th Feb

10:30 Holy Communion (JB)


2nd of Lent

21st Feb

9:00 Holy Communion

10.00 Holy Communion 10:00 Morning worship (SLD) (BS/JR)

Genesis 15:1-12,17-18 Psalm 27 Philippians 3:17-4:1 Luke 13:31-end

10:30 Morning Worship

Isaiah 55:1-9 Psalm 63:1-9 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Luke 13:1-9


3rd of Lent

28th Feb


Long Bennington

10:30 Morning Worship (JR)

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 21

‘Our family caring for your family’ The Gill family are proud to have provided care and advice to families in the Newark and District Area for 100 years For peace of mind we offer the E. Gill & Sons Funeral Pre-payment Plan

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House and office cleaning Regular and one-offs for carpet and upholstery cleaning Construction cleans Ironing service in your home or our free collect and return service Fully insured with a respectable 10 years of trading

Call Gemma on 01400281654 or 07946176034 22 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Queen’s 90th comes to Saxonwell St Swithun’s is to host an Arts and Music Festival in celebration of Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th birthday on 11 and 12 June 2016. Churches up and down the land will be organising myriad events in thanksgiving for the wonderful Christian service that the Queen has given, celebrating her commitment to God and the common good over ninety years. Official celebrations will take place in London between the 10th and 12th June, including a thanksgiving service at St Paul’s Cathedral, a Birthday Parade on Horse Guards Parade and a street party in The Mall. And we will be joining in here with an Arts and Craft exhibtion, music and a tea party. There will be a celebratory peal of church bells and it is hoped that Portrait of The Queen was taken in 2002 and is the Copyright of John Swannell/Camera Press the festival will fill our church with people of all generations and from across local communities as we come together to celebrate this important milestone in our national life. We hope to involve the schools and pre schools alongside village organisations and groups. We will be looking for lots of helpers so if anyone is interested in making this a truly memorable and spectacular event please email More details, flyers and posters will be available shortly.


There is an open meeting at the Saxonwell Vicarage in Church Lane on Monday 22 February at 7pm. If you, your club or group is interested in being involved please come along. We welcome your ideas. Email

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 23

What happened in December... In December at St Peter’s in Foston almost 50 different Nativity scenes were displayed in the church at the Nativity Festival. The scenes varied in size from one that fitted inside a matchbox to a human size scene. There were beautiful handmade sets, and intricate sets with a personal story behind them. There were scenes carved inside

24 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

candles and scenes with teddy bears. Some sets had travelled thousands of miles and some had come from the village. Groups in the village had set up scenes they had made at their group, like the ones produced by Cubs and Beavers. Long Bennington Academy sent six scenes the children had made in school. The weekend culminated in a special service where we collect items for the Grantham Toy Bank. The PCC would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped serving refreshments and raffle tickets. We would also like to thank those who attended and made the weekend fun for everyone.

On Sunday 4 December Santa switched on the Christmas tree lights in Long Bennington while locals sang carols. Mince pies, bacon butties and mulled wine followed in the village hall where local groups had set up stalls. Santa then returned a week later and toured the village in his sleigh. Long Bennington must be very special to have two visits from Santa just before Christmas. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously that night to Long Bennington church and its charities, as we raised a wonderful £762.15. Every year the church gives 10% of it’s income to charity. A massive thank you to everyone who helped in anyway, from the Co-op, who donated two tubs of sweets, the team who reassembled Santa’s sleigh (as it arrives in kit form from the North Pole), to Santa and those who walked round the village collecting.

Holy Trinity Church in Allington held a Christmas tree festival in December The Festival raised just under £500 and added to the Village Hall’s Christmas Fair efforts the total raised was approximately £1000 between the Hall and the Church. Thank you to everyone who took part in the tree festival from the different village associations and the children who decorated the trees. Also a massive thanks to Hazel Dodd and Edith North who coordinated the festival. Saxonwell Group Parish News I 25

Weather Report

The following extracts are from my Met Office records: In most years at least one month seems to have a deluge of rain. In 2012 June recorded 112.9mms In 2013 October reorded 101.5mms In 2014 May recorded 104.3mms In 2015 August recorded 122.2mms The average annual rainfall in this area in now 553.7mms but a decade ago it was higher at 700mms. I have been recording since 1993 and seen these changes. Is this climate change? We were promised drought and high winds in the East Midlands and East Anglia area. Rainfall in August 2015 was 122.2mms, October was 61.4mms and December was 62.2mms, well above average for those months, while November was lower with 45.2mms. Earlier in the year from January to April we averaged 26.4mms per month. So far this winter we have just seen our first frost and had a light dusting of snow perhaps there’s more to come. V.M. Richardson

Villages Holiday to North Yorkshire Monday 12th to Friday 16th September 2016. By Travel Wright coach to Ravenhall Hotel, Ravenscar, Near Scarborough. Beautiful sea views from cliff-top location. Indoor swimming pool, croquet lawn, spacious gardens. Dinner, bed and breakfast and transport Price: £378.50 per person. Single occupancy of double/twin room £60 supplement.

Itinerary is yet to be confirmed, but will include free time in York and Hull on first and last days. Other optional excursions at extra cost (suggestions welcomed). Most places are already reserved but there are a very few spaces still available, so if you are interested to have more information, contact Joy Jordan on 07899 900 352, e-mail Or contact Jeanne Lambert on 01400 281007.

Stoves & Chimneys Built on reputation

Local and reliable stove installation service HETAS registered installer Chimneys swept, lined and tested. Bird guards and pots fitted Any chimney enquiries welcomed

Call Tony: 01400 282477 or 07771546835

26 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Long Bennington Medical Centre 10 Valley Lane, Long Bennington, Newark NG23 5FR Tel. 01400 281220 Dr Pullinger













Dr Longfield

9.00 – 12.00 Routine Clinic 12.30 – 1.00 Marston 3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic 6.30 – 8.00 Extended Hours 8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

4.00 – 6.00 Routine Clinic


Dr Watson

Dr Montague


8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

8.30 – 12.30 Routine Clinic


1.30 – 5.00 Routine Clinic

3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

9.00 – 10.30 Routine Clinic 11.00 – 12.00 Minor Surgery OFF


8.40 – 2.00 HCA 8.30 – 12.00 INR Clinic

6.30 – 8.00 Extended Hours 8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

4.00 – 6.00 Routine Clinic

9.00 – 12.30 Routine Clinic

9.00 – 11.00 Allington

9.00 – 10.00 Routine Clinic

4.00 – 6.00 Routine Clinic

10.30 – 12.00 Women’s Health 4.00 – 6.00 Routine Clinic

1.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

9.30 – 1.00 Routine Clinic

3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

2.30 – 6.00 Routine Clinic

8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery 3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

Other Clinics



8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

6.30 – 8.00 Extended Hours 9.00 – 10.00 Routine Clinic

6.30 – 8.00 Extended Hours 8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

8.30 – 10.00 Open Surgery

8.30 – 1.00 Routine Clinic

10.30 – 12.00 Women’s Health 3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

3.30 – 5.30 Routine Clinic

No clinics

8.30 – 12.00 Routine Clinic


8.40 – 2.00 HCA 9.30 – 11.00 Midwife Clinic

8.40 – 2.00 HCA

8.40 – 1.00 HCA

2.00 – 5.00 Routine Clinic

8.40 – 1.00 HCA

Notes Long Bennington Medical Centre is open 8.30am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday Extended Surgeries Monday & Thursdays 6.30pm – 8.00pm (3 face to face & 3 telephone appointments) Mondays – Alternates between Dr Pullinger & Dr Montague Thursdays – Alternates between Dr Longfield & Dr Watson Branch surgeries (booked appointments only) Marston – Dr Pullinger visits on Mondays 12.30pm – 1.00pm Allington – Dr Watson visits on Tuesdays 9.00am – 11.00am Allington – Medication deliveries and prescription collections on Tuesdays 3.00pm – 3.30pm Dispensary Open 8.30am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday Available by telephone after 10.00am

Friday, 14 August 2015 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 27

Foston Book Club The Book Club very much enjoyed its annual post-Christmas dinner – the traditional Chinese takeaway was as good as ever and a big thank you to Tracy for hosting it so wonderfully! It was also a good opportunity to meet and welcome a couple of new members to the group. The February meeting doesn’t fit into the usual schedule due to half term, so please note the date is Tuesday 23rd February, with the normal 8pm start. The same two books from December have been carried over as no review was discussed at the Christmas Dinner! As a reminder these are: Slade House by

David Mitchell –a supernatural thriller with Mitchell’s clever storytelling apparently building tension and suspense. The second choice couldn’t be more different in its description: a heart-warming story a funny, moving and uplifting tale of love and community which leaves you with a spring in your step! It is A Man called Ove, Fredrik Backman’s debut novel. Generally the club meets on the third Tuesday of the month from 8pm and this should resume in March. The club welcomes all newcomers so if you would like to join, please contact Lucy on rnj. or (01400) 282661 for more details.

Pets stay in private homes (exclusively) Home routines maintained Co-­‐ordinated Collection & Delivery Perfect for older dogs, rescue dogs, puppies and medicated dogs Alternatively would you like to join the Barking Mad family and become a Host? Are you retired or at home during the day? Telephone: Alex Doy 01636 679888

28 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

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El Sueno (The Dream) Son Parc, Menorca Experience a blissful holiday! Near beach, golf course and local amenities Sleeps 8 in 4 bedrooms 3 bath/shower rooms Proper swimming and paddling pool Flexible dates Rentals from £595pw

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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 29

Answers on page 36. Crosswords reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99

Across 1 Success or wealth (Deuteronomy 28:11) (10) 7 Forbidden fruit for Nazirites (Numbers 6:3) (7) 8 Concede (Job 27:5) (5) 10 Look at (Psalm 48:13) (4) 11 Much in evidence after weddings (8) 13 Condense (Job 36:27) (6) 15 Breakwater (6) 17 Give a tan (anag.) (8) 18 More usually now called Pentecost, — Sunday (4) 21 After living for 365 years, it was said of him that ‘he walked with God’ (Genesis 5:23–24) (5) 22 Trampled (Judges 9:27) (7) 23 For example, Miriam, Deborah (Exodus 15:20; Judges 4:4) (10) Down 1 Arrogance (Proverbs 8:13) (5) 2 Roman poet from first century BC (4) 30 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

3 So rapt (anag.) (6) 4 Declare again (2 Corinthians 2:8) (8) 5 Paul’s ‘fellow worker’, to whom he sent two epistles (Romans 16:21) (7) 6 God’s foreseeing care and protection (Job 10:12) (10) 9 Traditional form of Roman Catholic Mass (10) 12 ‘The Lord... has given the — of Israel to David and his descendants for ever’ (2 Chronicles 13:5) (8) 14 ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my — ’ (Luke 1:46–47) (7) 16 The central element in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, identified and interpreted by Daniel (Daniel 2:31) (6) 19 ‘On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of — will not overcome it’ (Matthew 16:18) (5) 20 City where Paul was under house arrest for two years (Acts 28:16) (4)

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 31

Allington Village Hall News Lunchtime Special

fitted. The Easter holidays will be used to upgrade the electrics and refit the kitchen to give more storage cupboards, a fridge, a commercial dishwasher and new sinks. The WREN grant of £10,916 has made a massive contribution to the overall costs of these works, but as always we are grateful for all the financial support we receive from our community supporting Village Hall events throughout the year.

Allington Christmas Fair

Allington’s Great British Weekend 23rd-24th April 2016

The first lunchtime cafe took place in the village hall on Saturday 28th November. Friends of the Village Hall served jacket potatoes, soup, drinks and cakes to nearly 50 hungry villagers and visitors. The lunch raised an amazing £200 for village hall funds. The next café is on Saturday 27th February 12.00-2.00 in the village hall so come and join us. On Saturday 5 December, in spite of a cold and blustery afternoon, there was great turnout to support the Allington Christmas Fair in the village hall. Craft stalls, refreshments and a fabulous raffle were enjoyed by all, while younger visitors could call on Father Christmas in his Grotto. Thanks to all the stall holders and villagers who made the afternoon such a success, and especially all the individuals and local businesses who made such generous donations to the raffle and tombola. The afternoon raised £520 for village hall funds.

Village Hall Improvements

Following the successful WREN application last year, the Village Hall has been able to make a start on planned repairs and improvements. The outside sheds (once toilets and gents urinals) have now been reroofed, rewindowed and restored to create a clean, usable storage space. Work on the utility area behind the kitchen is now underway. The room is now damp-proofed and has been given a new roof, drain and floor. The cupboards, sink and kitchen units are being replaced and a new backdoor and lintel will also be 32 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Plans are already in hand for a village celebration on St Georges Day, just two days after Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday. Friends of Allington Village Hall are planning a weekend to present ‘A celebration of living in Britain’. There will be an Art and Craft Exhibition themed on the above title and entries will be invited from individuals and village groups. If you are a budding poet or writer, poetry and prose will also be welcome. More details to follow. So far the programme at the village hall includes a coffee morning with Wakelin’s coffees and a Spring Fair on Saturday, with a Punch and Judy show on Sunday. There will be dancing displays and live music and on both days. Come along and join the celebration! Everybody welcome – you don’t have to live in the Village. If you can offer help or ideas or for more information and to book stalls at the Spring Fair, please contact: Jane Anderson (Events Co-ordinator) 01400 281046 or Joy Hart (Bookings Secretary) 01400 282948 / 07703 771015.

M.J.FRYER 3 MAIN ROAD LONG BENNINGTON NEWARK, NOTTS Bathrooms, Kitchens, Boiler Replacements, Central Heating, All Plumbing Repairs

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LB Technology Solutions Computer or Laptop problems? Viruses, Malware, Spyware or Ransomware? Computer needs servicing? We are a professional company offering computer services at affordable prices Microsoft Certified with 18 years in the trade All our work is guaranteed Fixed Priced and NO FIX NO FEE! Not even an inspection fee ONLY £13 per 30 mins CALL US on Newark 01400 283251 or 0757 2102221

St James Village Hall, Wed 9.15-11.30am (term time) We welcome everyone with young children, from birth up to school age. A session costs £2 per family See Dates for your Diary for more details

G R A N T H A M R E – U P H O L S T E R Y W O R K S H O P S


(01400) 282704 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 33

Allington Pre School Christmas Fun The lead up to Christmas was an exciting time at pre school. Some of the highlights included making lots of decorations and presents to take home to their families, working together to create a nativity scene and on Monday 14 December all the pre-schoolers enjoyed a trip to Allington Primary School, where we had been invited to see the Christmas show. But the most exciting event must have been the visit to Santa’s grotto and the games in the Winter Wonderland.

New Year and New Challenges Looking forward to 2016 we have a few fundraising events lined up which we’ll publicise nearer the time but crucially we will also have a major change within the management committee. This year we will have the resignation of the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and will be looking for these posts to be filled half way through the year. All these posts have been held for several years and this change gives us the opportunity to bring new ideas, energy and a fresh perspective to the committee. If you would like to join the committee then please do get in touch or if you are interested in finding out more about the roles 34 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

then we’d be happy to talk to you in more detail. We think the pre school is a valuable asset to the village (and wider community), we have a fantastic Ofsted but we do need support if we want to keep a pre school in the village.

If you are interested in a place at pre school then contact Lisa on 07901 197931 or allingtonpreschool@

Local family business with over 20 years experience - New Build – Extensions – Conversions – Renovations - Landscaping – Repairs – Maintenance – Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen

Independent Guarantees & References Available Ring John Dawson for free quotation or advice 36 MAIN ROAD LONG BENNINGTON NG23 5DJ

TEL/FAX 01400 282020 MOBILE 07815 323708

Long Bennington Pre-School We provide a safe, caring, stimulating and fun environment for children to play, learn and socialise. Sessions run daily in Long Bennington Village Hall for children aged 2 to 4 years old. FREE places for 3 and 4 year olds and some 2 year olds Feel free to call in or phone us on 07816 537242 email - or visit:

OFSTED Report – June 2011 “Children are confident, settled and relate well to their peers and the staff. They excitedly arrive and immediately begin talking, giggling and socialising with their peers.”

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 35

We need your donations...

We have successfully completed our first year as The Saxonwell Group Parish News, that is delivered to all homes in the villages of Allington, Foston, Long Bennington and Sedgebrook. We would like to thank our many loyal advertisers for their continued support - we could not do it without you. We would also like to thank all of you who made a donation to the magazine. We are a Not-ForProfit organisation, run by volunteers, and we really appreciate every single one of you that February 2016 made a donation, and there were lots of you! Queen’s 90th Birthday We need your continued support to keep Celebrations come to producing a magazine month on month. The Long Bennington more money we have the more pages and colour we can add, making it a church and community publication for everyone. There are several ways you can make your donation: 1) Post a cheque (made payable to Saxonwell Group Parish News) To: Jill Froggatt, Treasurer, Mayfields House, Back Lane, Foston, NG32 2LA February is 2) By Paypal to: Photo taken by Paul Lees the month of 50p where sold Love and Lent 3) If you prefer to pay in cash please hand to your local church warden or post through the Saxonwell Vicarage door - clearly marking your envelope for Jill Froggatt, not forgetting to tell us who it’s from. 4) If you wish to make a BACS Transfer the account details are: NatWest Sort code: 60-09-09 Account number: 72118695

Your support is needed and very much appreciated! Answers to Crossword puzzle on page 30 ACROSS: 1, Prosperity. 7, Raisins. 8, Admit. 10, View. 11, Confetti. 13, Distil. 15, Groyne. 17, Navigate. 18, Whit. 21, Enoch. 22, Trodden. 23, Prophetess. DOWN: 1, Pride. 2, Ovid. 3, Pastor. 4, Reaffirm. 5, Timothy. 6, Providence. 9, Tridentine. 12, Kingship. 14, Saviour. 16, Statue. 19, Hades. 20, Rome. 36 I Saxonwell Group Parish News



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Saxonwell Facebook You can find the new Saxonwell Parish News Facebook page at timeline/ or by searching for Saxonwell Parish News Facebook in your browser. Here you will find the latest church information and a link to the online version of the Parish News. There’s not much content there at the moment but it will grow. Please ‘Like’ it!

You can now read the Saxonwell Group Parish News online Go to to find publications from February 2015 onwards - and view the pictures in colour You can even send it to your friends and family!


ry 2016 Queen ’s 90th Bi Celeb rations rthday come Long Benning to ton

Photo taken www.a by 1photo Paul Lees 50p wh library ere sol .com d

Februa the m ry is Love onth of and Le nt

Disclaimer All the information and times published in Saxonwell Group Parish News is provided in good faith and is for guidance only. The Parish News editorial team disclaim all responsibility for any inconvenience or loss of any kind which may result from this information being wholly or partly inaccurate, irrespective of the reason or cause. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team do not accept any responsibility for the quality of the products or services provided by advertisers in the Parish News. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team reserve the right not to publish articles or advertising, either of which is not considered appropriate. All articles which include the authors name are the views and opinions of that author and are neither supported nor representative of the Saxonwell Group Parish News.

SHARRICK’S FISH BAR Main Street, Long Bennington

Opening Times Mon: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm Tues: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm Wed: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Thurs: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Fri: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Sat: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm

01400 282387

38 I Saxonwell Group Parish News



Social media


Too nervous or don’t have the time to get to the gym? Then why not hire a personal trainer to come to the comfort of your own home (no equipment needed). Bespoke package to tailor every individual: -Weight loss/Toning -Muscle building -Strength -Power -Endurance -Nutrition advice - Group bookings available

Need to know stuff...... Bin Collections for February

Black bin collections week beginning Silver bin collections week beginning Green bin collections week beginning

8 and 22 February 1, 15 and 29 February 15 February

Post Box Clearing Times

Long Bennington Monday to Friday 4:00pm Saturday 11am Foston Monday to Friday 4.00pm Saturday 8:30am Allington Post Office is based in the Village Hall on Tuesdays 1-4pm, Wednesdays 9am-1pm and Fridays 9am-12pm

Mobile Library

Long Bennington Village Hall Allington Gardens Allington Green

22 Feb from 10:30 to 11:30am 2 Feb from 2.15 to 3.15pm 2 Feb from 1.30 to 2pm

Did you know....

There is a free Waitrose bus that leaves every Wednesday from Long Bennington? It leaves Church Street at 9.15 and the Royal Oak at 9.17 arriving at 9.50, leaving at 11.15 and arriving back at 11.50. Flyers with more details are available in store.

Foston PlayGroup Numbers are low at the moment and if we don’t get some more regular babies/toddlers and their parents/carers then the group will have to close in the New Year Please support your local Playgroup if you can

Foston Village Hall Fridays 9.30-11.30am Saxonwell Group Parish News I 39

The Saxonwell Group Ministry Team

All numbers have the prefix 01400 unless otherwise stated Parish Priest Rev’d Harriet Orridge Rev’d Stella Langdon-Davies (Ret’d) Administrator Jill Froggatt (works Thursday mornings at the Vicarage) Parish News Editor Sue Baggaley

281281 281395 281281 318135

Church Contacts St Swithun’s, Long Bennington

Church Wardens Joy Jordan Mary Dring Costa Row 281178 Treasurer Dr Jane Cowley, Chapel House Main Road 282691 Church Flowers Beryl Holmes 281437 Bell Ringing Brian Churchyard (Tower Capt) 281005 For wedding bells please contact

St Peter’s Foston

Church Warden & Sec Peter Drury Rose Cottage, Long Street 281660 Church Warden Jenny Bullock 281611 Treasurer Debbie Starr 15 Burgin Close 282719 Holy Trinity Allington Church Warden John Swallow 282627 Church Warden/Treasurer Chris Dicken 7 Park Road 281524

St Lawrence Sedgebrook Contact person Church Flowers

John Pike Sandi Violets

Long Bennington Methodist Chapel

01949 843386 01949 358075

Rev’d Mark Roberts 01636 706264 Secretary Eileen Egglestone 281439 Treasurer Martin Gledhill 282239

Parish Council Clerks

Long Bennington Jane Evans Mon 10:30-12:30 @Village Hall 282716 Foston Wendy McCallin 282001 Allington Sharon Milne Sedgebrook Jane Bratton 01476 577175

Community Contacts

Long Bennington Medical Centre 10 Valley Lane 281220 Prescription re-order line 282992 Book Groups: Long Bennington Moire Barnabas 283313 Foston Lucy Painter 282661 40 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Useful Contacts Village Halls: Booking Secretarys

Long Bennington Sue Mckinley 07816 267927 Foston Liz Sordy 282065 Allington Joy Hart 282948 Sedgebrook Social Club 01949 842152

Uniform Groups at Foston

Rainbows: (Village Hall Tuesday 4:45pm until 5:45pm) Scout Group (all at Gorrie Hall, Chapel Lane, Foston) Beaver Scouts: Jenny Wyn (Mon 6:30-7:30pm) 282301 Cub Scouts: Kim Roberts (Wed 6:3-8pm) 283370 Scouts Kim Roberts (Thurs 7-9pm) 283370 Explorer Scouts Adrian Roberts (Mon 7:45-9:30pm) 283370

Women’s Institute: (each meets monthly in their local village hall) Long Bennington Foston Allington

Jeanne Day Monica Winters Pam Jackson

(1st Tues 7:30pm) (2nd Tues 7:30pm) (1st Wed 7:45pm)

282873 281831 281320

Playing Fields Facilities Booking Manager:

Long Bennington Gemma Walker 07790 759956 Playing Field Management Committee: Phil Owen 282471

Toddler Groups: Long Bennington Foston Allington

Kirsten Crutchley 283290 Jenny Wynn 282301 Dionne

Pre-school Playgroups:

Long Bennington Sam Dell 0772396230 Allington Sarah Edwards Bowls Club Rob Miller 281209 Doll Club Anne Scott 282567 Drama Group Mrs Swarbrick 281130 Friendship Club Nicola Thorpe 07904 182752 God’s Acre Gordon Scott 282567 Guides Mrs N Redfern 281798 Junior Football Club Gary Clarkson 07971 784855 History Society John Jeffries 282606 Shirley Dalton 281493 Twinning Association Kim Roberts 283370 Village Produce Assoc Bev Gledhill 282239 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 41

Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis is widely promoted as a treatment for various long­term conditions and for breaking certain habits. It promotes deep relaxation whilst the client remains in total control. The benefits of hypnotherapy can have a lasting and profound impact on a persons wellbeing and is a gentle way of alleviating deep routed emotional trauma. Find out more today.



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Life Coaching: Life coaching can help with virtually any aspect of someones life, whether it is in their personal or professional life, or even if they don’t yet know what it is that they really want. Relationship coaching is also becoming one of the main growth areas in our fraught, busy, modern society. Book a free consultation today to see how coaching can help you.

Call Tina: 07825 525 008 to book your free 20 minute consultation.

Email: Web: Certified Life Coach and mBIT Coach, Practitioner in NLP, Practitioner in Hypnotherapy, Practitioner Time Line Therapy ™, Reiki Therapy. Emotional Wellbeing: Wellington House, Bottom Street, Allington NG32 2DT 42 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

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Whatever the occasion, let us make it unforgettable

CONTACT  US  FOR  FURTHER  INFORMATION  OR  TO  ARRANGE  A  VIEWING Allington  Manor,  Old  Manor  House,  Grantham,  Lincolnshire,  NG32  2DH  |  +44  (0)  1400  282  574  |  @AllingtonManor  |­â€?Manor

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