Saxonwell Parish News June Issue

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June 2015

50p where sold

Inside Colour pictures from the May Flower Festival


Have a look ….. Come and experience a new way to purchasing your glasses in a relaxed friendly environment that provides unrivalled quality and unbeatable like for like prices. We even offer you a cuppa! Our friendly family run business has over 37 years lens manufacturing experience - we pride ourselves on being your local lens experts. ● ●

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Frames & Lenses ‘Your vision, our care’ Visit us: Wellington Suite, Windsor House, Long Bennington Business Park, Main Road, Long Bennington NG23 5JR

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News from the Saxonwell Vicarage

Where disciples knew that feeling of being stuck. do you They too were caught ‘in between’ unable live? It’s a to move forward, but neither could they question I go backwards. Having spent around three frequently years with Jesus they had changed. They, ask as I go like each of us, had to make a choice visiting where to live (and I’m not referring to people. But their geographical location). They could my have chosen to live in the past, trying to go question to you today doesn’t relate so back to a time before they met Jesus, back much to the location of your home, but to their old lives. Instead they choose to rather to the state of mind in look forward with hope, which you live. Do you live 11 For I know the plans gathering together to in the past, always looking I have for you,’ declares pray, and sharing bread back over your shoulder, the and wine, anticipating the the Lord, ‘plans to present, or even the future moment when God would prosper you and not to pour out his Holy Spirit on dreaming of what might be? harm you, plans to Currently my daughter comes them; so that when it came home from school and if she they were ready. They give you hope and has had an exam proceeds a future. 12 Then you went out into the streets to dwell on it; often giving sharing the Good News will call on me and me a blow-by-blow account about Jesus with the whole come and pray to me, world; much like those of how it went. If all has and I will listen to you. awaiting exams results gone well it’s a thumbs up. But if not, the post mortem 13 You will seek me and will do come August on continues…… find me when you seek result’s day. Thankfully the exam season We can all choose where me with all your heart. we live. So today I pray doesn’t last for long but at Jeremiah 29:11-13 the end of it, she will have that you will choose to to wait for the results. As live in hope of the future, these results determine because… her next step momentarily she is caught 11 For I know the plans I have for you,’ ‘in between’ finishing one stage of her declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you education and moving forward to the next. and not to harm you, plans to give you Sometimes we get stuck too. Something hope and a future. 12 Then you will call ends and for a time that’s all we can think on me and come and pray to me, and I will about. We go through a period of grief, listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find mourning over the loss of what has ended. me when you seek me with all your heart. This might be the death of a loved one, Jeremiah 29:11-13 moving house and the loss of friends or God bless retirement from a fulfilling career. Harriet After Jesus ascended into heaven the Saxonwell Group Parish News I 3


All the information and times published in Saxonwell Group Parish News is provided in good faith and is for guidance only. The Parish News editorial team disclaim all responsibility for any inconvenience or loss of any kind which may result from this information being wholly or partly inaccurate, irrespective of the reason or cause. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team do not accept any responsibility for the quality of the products or services provided by advertisers in the Parish News. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team reserve the right not to publish articles or advertising, either of which is not considered appropriate. All articles which include the authors name are the views and opinions of that author and are neither supported nor representative of the Saxonwell Group Parish News.

Copy deadline for the July issue is the 15th June News, stories and advertising should be sent to Sue Baggaley at Tel: 01400 318135

4 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Foston News

St Peter’s Foston - 4pm

June 14 – Pet Celebration. Bring your pets for a special service to celebrate all animals. Please keep your pet on a lead or in a cage. All animals and owners are welcome. July 12 – Surprise service. Baggy the puppet will be there to help, so anything could happen! August 9th – NO SERVICE - SUMMER HOLIDAYS.

A Special Light

Would you like Foston Church floodlights to shine? For just £5 you can have the Church Floodlit between 8pm and 11pm on an evening of your choice.

Perhaps you would like to remember a special time or person. For details please contact Pete Drury on 01400 281660.

Foston Local History Booklet

The excellent publication by Mrs Marjorie Brieant and Mr Gordon Parker, first published in 1988, has been re-typed and re-printed and is now available again at £3 each. To obtain a copy contact Pete Drury on 01400 281660.

Foston Village Hall

Future Events: Summer Fete Saturday 27 June 2-5pm. A fun afternoon for all the family, many stalls. A competition for the children, a decorated mask, LB Technology Solutions which will be judged Computer or Laptop problems? during the afternoon. Viruses, Malware, Spyware or Ransomware? Another competition Computer needs servicing? We are a professional company offering computer for anyone with an services at affordable prices artistic flare, four Microsoft Certified with 18 years in the trade decorated cup cakes All our work is guaranteed (these will be judged Fixed Priced and NO FIX NO FEE! on the decoration Not even an inspection fee only). ONLY £13 per 30 mins Anyone wishing to CALL US on Newark 01400 283251 have a stall on the or 0757 2102221 day, at a cost of £5, contact Liz Sordy on 01400 282065. Ongoing events: Wednesday Lunch: 17 June Pub night: 5 June and 3 July Saxonwell Group Parish News I 5

Methodist Church News Long Bennington Methodist Chapel

The Sunday Service is at 10:30am The Minister: Rev Mark Roberts 01636 706264 Chapel Secretary: Mrs E Eggleston 01400 281439 Chapel Treasurer: Mr M Gledhill 01400 282239 It was all a little bit quieter when I got up think that this is true in other places and this morning. Something had happened not just on the roads. to the traffic noise as the normal rumble Each year members of the Methodist from the A1 was much reduced. The Church receive a little card that reminds reason for this became clear when I them that to be in the church is to be switched on the radio - the A1 was closed called to a life of worship, service, sharing in both directions. I spend a lot of time the good news about Jesus Christ, learning on that road. It’s a rare day when I don’t and caring. The calling does not change head North or South at least once. As it year by year, but the way that we express it happened I was due in Collingham for a may have to. Some things that worked very prayer meeting that morning. Thankfully, well in the past may not do so any more. after six years in the area I know what to Sometimes it feels as if we are not always do where there are road closures. I know getting to the place where we want to be. which back roads I can use to get where But I remain excited about the future and I’m going without using the A1 and while I am enjoying have lots of conversations avoiding traffic looking for a diversion. It about the things we are doing and could do takes a little bit longer but that’s fine. in the Methodist church here. So let’s keep As I drove along I reflected that there is exploring the things that God might want almost always a way to get to where we us to do. It may not be straight forward, it want to go. It may not be straight forward, may take a little bit longer, it may take a it may take a little bit longer, it may take bit of working out, but I believe God’s got a bit of working out, but there is a way. good things ahead of us. When the road ahead is blocked we may just have to do something different. I Mark


Do you want the best for your pet? Grooming Parlour Now Open

* Exercised daily over open fields, plus * First class accommodation regular breaks in exercise compound with central heating. * Fed their own diet. * The best care at sensible prices.

Then look no further – ring Lisa on:-­‐ 01636 626522

Inspection invited at any time during our normal opening hours of 8 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 5 pm, 7 days a week ( No need to phone)

6 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Allington with Sedgebrook School

Sedgebrook Annual Parish Meeting was held on 20 May. The meeting heard reports from various village organisations, including Allington with Sedgebrook School, St Lawrence Church, The Social Club, Allington WI and the Parish Council. Star Academy treated everyone to a reprise of “Annie”.

Children from Allington with Sedgebrook School taking part in the Race for Life on 21 May

Collections for Grantham Food Bank

There is a collection in St. Swithun’s south porch for donations for Grantham Food Bank. You can also leave used spectacles, stamps, printer cartridges and mobile phones. There is now a Grantham Food Bank Donation Bin situated at the top of the drive under the canopy at Whitegates Farmhouse, Long Street, Foston. Saxonwell Group Parish News I 7

Medical Centre News

I would like to introduce myself, Alison Lowerson, as the new Practice Manager at Long Bennington Medical Centre. I joined the Practice in February and have been made to feel very welcome by the patients I have met so far. There will be many changes for the NHS in the future and we will be working hard to meet those challenges and continue to provide a good service to all our patients and their families. Most of you will know by now that sadly Dr Caroline Lawrenson is retiring and will be leaving us at the end of June. Dr Elizabeth Montague will be joining us from July as our new GP Partner and we’re very much looking forward to her joining our team. Dr Lawrenson will continue to do some occasional locum work for us until the end of the year.

Our doctors have regularly provided weekly surgeries at Allington and Marston. Our contract to provide services to patients at ‘branch’ sites is currently under review and we will keep you updated. Our latest project is underway to set up our patient participation group. If you would like to know more please go to our website at www.longbenningtonmedicalcentre. and click on ‘Get Involved’. As always, we welcome your feedback so please don’t forget to complete a Friends and Family Test survey whenever you pop into the surgery, or click on ‘Friends & Family Test’ on our website to complete the survey online. There are only two questions to answer and your response is appreciated. Alison Lowerson, Practice Manager, Long Bennington Medical Centre

Long Bennington Medical Centre: 10 Valley Lane, Long Bennington Tel: 01400 281220 Open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Extended Hours: 6:30 – 8pm on Mondays and Thursdays Teenage Health Clinics: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 4:15-6pm. Branch Surgeries Allington Village Hall Tuesdays 11am-12:30pm and Thursdays 11:30am-12:30pm Marston Village Hall Monday 12:30pm Long Bennington Dispensary opening times: 9am-6pm Monday to Friday

8 I Saxonwell Group Parish News






Dr Lawrenson


9-10am Appt's 11am-12:30pm Allington

9-10am Open Surgery 11:30am-1pm Well Woman Clinic 2-3:30pm Appt's

Long Bennington Medical Centre



10 Valley Lane, Long Bennington Tel. 01400 281220 Dr Dr Dr Pullinger Longfield Watson 9-10am 9-10am Open Surgery Open Surgery 2-3pm 2-3pm Child Child Health 9-11am Appt's Health Appt's Appt's. (alt weeks) alt. weeks) 4-6pm Appt's 4-6pm Appt's. 9-10/10:30am Open Surgery/ 9-10/10:30am Appt's 9-10am Open Surgery (alt. weeks) Open Surgery /Appt's 11:30am-12:30 (alt. Weeks) pm Minor ops. 4-6pm Appt's 4-6pm Appt's Clinic 4-6pm Appt's 9-10am Open Surgery 4-6pm Appt's

Branch Surgeries

Practice Nurses

9-10am Open Surgery 9am-12:30pm &1:30-6pm Appt's

9-11:10am &1:30-6pm Appt's

9-11am Appt's 9-11am & 2-5pm Disease Management Clinics


1:30-3:30pm Health Visitor Child Health Clinic

4-5:30pm Commu-nity Midwife Antenatal Clinic Appt's

9-10:30am 9-10:30am 9-10:30am 9-10am 11:30am-1:30p 9-10am Appt's Appt's Appt's Open Surgery m Health Open Surgery 11am-12pm 11am-12:30pm 11:30am-12:30 Visitor Well Woman & 4:20-6pm pm Appt's 4-6pm Appt's Clinic 4-6pm Appt's Appt's Allington 9-10am 9-10am Appt's 9-10am OFF 9-11am Appt's Open Surgery 1:30-5pm Open Surgery 4-6pm Appt's Appt's Extended Hours: 6:30 – 8pm on Mondays & Thursdays Teenage Health Clinics rd &3 Thursdays of each month from 4:15-6pm. Call 01400 281220 to make an appointment st

Marston Village Hall Monday 12:30pm

Please ring the Medical Centre before 11am on the day you wish to attend Marston branch surgery so that the doctor can bring medical records.

Long Bennington Dispensary opening times: 9am-6pm Monday to Friday

Allington Village Hall Tuesday 11am-12:30pm Thursday 11:30am-12:30pm Dispensary

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 9

Long Bennington Parish Council The Parish Council meeting on 11th May was get involved with are planning matters (they attended by two members of the public. are statutory consultees), crime prevention, road Councillors approved the year-end financial return safety, managing open spaces and campaigning for and this has now been submitted to the and delivering better services and facilities. Long external auditor. Renewal of the Parish Council Bennington Parish Council also works in conjunction Insurance was discussed and it has been agreed with the Village Hall Management Committee and that cover is to be increased slightly following Playing Field Management Committee who ensure revaluation of some of the assets at the playing our facilities are maintained to a high standard. We field. meet once a month for the council ‘The Parish Following a request for financial meeting, to which members of the support from Saxonwell Group Parish Council resolved public are also invited. Meetings News, the Parish Council resolved to to provide a grant may last two or three hours, provide a grant of £500. This is to of £500. This is to depending on the agenda set for assist with ongoing production and the meeting to discuss. Parish circulation of the Parish News that is assist with ongoing Councillors have a dual role:- They production and regarded by Councillors as a benefit represent the views and concerns circulation of for our village. of the residents of the parish Whilst not on the agenda for this the Parish News to the parish council itself and, meeting, Councillors were advised a that is regarded through it, to the district and planning application has now been by Councillors as county authority and report back submitted to SKDC by Whirlwind to residents on issues affecting a benefit for our the parish. Renewables for the erection of six village.’ wind turbines with a maximum Applicants must be over 18 years height of 110m, at Thackson Well old and either • An elector of the Farm, Sewstern Lane, Long Bennington. parish • has during the past 12 months occupied Details of the application can be found on the SKDC land in the parish; as owner or tenant • has during website under application number S15/0862. the last 12 months worked in the parish • has It was agreed this would be discussed in detail during the last 12 months lived in the parish/area, at the next Parish Council meeting and resident’s within three miles of the boundary. comments/opinions will be very much appreciated If you are interested in serving on the Parish either at the June meeting or via the Clerk Council please put your application in writing/email beforehand. It is important to the Parish Council to the Clerk by the 25th June 2015. that views of residents are represented in such planning matters. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE FOR NEXT


Due to not enough candidates standing for the election, Long Bennington Parish Council has four vacancies that need to be filled by co-option. Parish Councils make all kinds of decisions on issues that affect the local community. Probably the most common topics that parish councils 10 I Saxonwell Group Parish News


As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email parishclerk@ Jane Evans Parish Clerk

Saxonwell Villages Holiday 2015 A happy band of Saxonwell villagers has just returned from a short holiday in North Norfolk. For those who shudder at the thought of a coach holiday (as I used to), think again. There is something special about going on holiday with familiar people, having the freedom to enjoy company or wander on your own. The biggest advantage is having someone else do the driving removing the headache of parking while you just sit back and enjoy the view. Travel Wright’s driver Mick, who couldn’t do enough to ensure we were all comfortable and happy, drove us to and from paradise. We were based in one hotel and took daily expeditions, meaning we only had to unpack and pack once. This year we stayed at The Links Hotel, West Runton, one of three family-run hotels, with its own golf course, gym and indoor swimming pool. The hotel has been extensively renovated; the bedrooms are like new, the food is superb and the staff well trained and for whom nothing was too much trouble. For years these holidays have been

organised by a succession of volunteers, originally members of the Friends of St James Village Hall. The Friends sadly closed down through lack of leadership but the holidays were so popular they carried on. Some brave souls took on the organising mantle with the latest being Sandra Barker ably assisted by Moire and Jim Barnabas. We are extremely grateful to them for their hard work, which has enabled a lot of people to have a most enjoyable time together. Sandra Barker is now retiring to take on new challenges, so we wish her well. We are hoping to continue these annual short breaks and are investigating new areas to visit in 2016. The holidays are open to ALL (we even had a Kiwi this time) so if you are interested in possibly joining us, please contact Joy Jordan for more information or keep your eye on the Parish News for more details. Joy Jordan Tel: 01400 281355 Email: Saxonwell Group Parish News I 11

Long Bennington VPA Gardening Club April Meeting

On 28 April Simon Croson from The Artisan Honey Company came to talk to us about bees and honey. Simon talked us through the annual life cycle of a hive with photos to illustrate how bees use pollen and nectar. He gave us an insight into the different types of bees and how honey is harvested commercially. He brought some products for us to purchase and the honey has proved to be excellent. Local honey is supposed to help hayfever sufferers so here’s hoping. Simon knows fellow bee-keepers from all over the world including in the Himalayas and he donated his fee for the talk to help those affected by the earthquake in Nepal.

June Visit

There is no meeting in June but we have an evening visit on 23 June to the gardens of some of our members who live in Allington. If you have any questions or would like to join the Club call Bev Gledhill, Secretary on 01400 282239 or 07753 709513.

Foston Conservation Group The Big Picnic

The next event for the Foston Conservation Group will be ‘The Big Picnic’ at Foston Village Hall on Sunday 7 June from 12.30pm. Just come along and bring a plate of food to share, and whatever you would like to drink. It will be a great chance to chat with your neighbours and meet new people. Everyone is welcome, young and old, to get together and share a meal and support your local community. Hopefully the sun will shine but if the weather is not so kind we will move indoors. We look forward to seeing you there. For further information please contact Janet on 282571 or at


Contact: Mr R D Hall at Alma Farm, Long Bennington

Telephone: 01400 281813 Mobile: 07976 314734

12 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Long Bennington Football Club

Long Bennington F.C. has received The FA Charter Standard Community Award, which is the highest level Charter Standard accreditation. This high accolade is awarded to clubs judged to be wellrun and sustainable and which prioritise child protection, quality coaching and implementation of the Respect programme. The redevelopment of the playing field is due to a substantial Sport England grant. The presetation of the Charter and the opening ceremony of the new pitches took

place on Sunday 26th April. The official ribbon cutting was at 9.30am followed by a number of football matches on all the new pitches with the U18’s christening the 11-a-side pitch with their last match as a team. Long Bennington F.C. have junior teams for boys and girls from Under 6 up to Under 18, plus a senior team and veterans (over 35) team. To get involved with the club contact Steve Rowley on 07909 857441.

HOUSE TO RENT IN LONG BENNINGTON 3 bedroom partly furnished detached house Kitchen includes fridge, microwave, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer. Garage. ÂŁ650pcm Available mid to late June. Enquiries 01400281204

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 13

More dates for your diary Concert for Charity Nottingham Symphonic Wind Orchestra is one of the leading amateur wind orchestras in the UK. Concerts are given in support of charity with over £100,000 raised since 1987. In 2015 NSWO are supporting the Cleft Lip and Palate Association. The next concert is East Meets West An exotic mixture from around the world, including Borodin’s Polotsvian Dances. Saturday 18th July 7:00 pm Djanogly Recital Hall, Nottingham Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door including wine and nibbles, from Windblowers 0115 9410543. Sedgebrook Social Club Keep fit £2 per session. Every Monday at 7pm. All welcome Bingo last Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm. £5 per book. Linedancing 10.00 -11.30am. Thursdays. Pilates every Thursday at 7.15pm. £5 per session Yoga every Friday at 7.30pm. £5 per session. Club Opening Times Monday 9-11pm Friday 9-11pm Sunday 12.30-2.30pm Contact telephone : 01949 842152 Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting The next Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 July 2015 at 8pm in Sedgebrook Social Club. The minutes and agendas are put on the village green notice board and are also published on the Parish Council section of the village website: 14 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Allington Coffee Morning Wednesdays at Welby Arms 11am. Sedgebrook Coffee Morning continues at the Sedgebrook Social Club on the second Tuesday of the month, to raise money for good causes (including Grantham Food Bank). All welcome.

Long Bennington Coffee Morning The Royal Oak every Thursday at 10.45am. Everyone welcome. Foston Coffee Morning 1st Wednesday of each month. Foston Village Hall. The next coffee morning is on 3 June from 10am to 11.30am. Come and join us for tea, coffee and cake. The cost is only £2 per person and there’s a chance to chat and make new friends. All welcome. Any profit will be shared between the church and village hall. Vicarage House Group Held every Thursday at 7.30pm at St. Swithun’s vicarage. The programme for June is Pilgrim - a course for the Christian Journey. For more information call 281281. Praise in the Park Please note change of venue A special afternoon service in Allington Green. Come and sing your favourite hymns. Sunday 19th July 3-4pm followed by afternoon tea. Allington Bible Study Group Meets fortnightly on Wednesdays at 2.30pm. Next meeting is 17 June at 2.30pm at 22 The Hawthorns, Allington Gardens. The topic is Meeting Jesus though the Gospels’ A small and informal group,

where everyone is friendly and new folks are always welcome. Very informal and good fun, not to mention tea and cake. It’s lovely to sit down with like-minded people and get to know Jesus better. You don’t have to bring anything. Contact Rev’d Stella Langdon-Davies on 281395 or 07976 380659 or by email: stellalangdondavies@btinternet. com

Jan’s Taxi

Long Bennington Your local community service

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Foston Parent Toddler Group Foston Village Hall every Friday 9.30 11am £2 per family

More than your village taxi – your community help!

Deanery Mid Summer Celebration Sunday 21 June Marston Village Hall 4-6pm

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Deanery Confirmation Thursday 18 June 7pm Hougham Church

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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 15

Last chance to sponsor pew cushion will be embroidered on to a Pew Cushion. Sponsoring a cushion costs £20. If you are interested, please speak to either Peter or Rita Drury at Rose Cottage, Long Street, tel: 281660 or Lucy Bliss at 2 Wyggeston Cottage, Main Street, tel: 282661, or visit St Peter’s Church stall at the Summer Fete on Saturday 27 June, from 2-5pm at Foston Village Hall. Foston church has been overwhelmed with the interest they have received in sponsoring the new pew cushions for St Peter’s Church. The cushions have arrived and are now in use, so come along to one of the services to test them out. (Service details found in the middle of the magazine.) The sponsorship will be closing at the Summer Fete so there’s only a few more weeks left. A lasting record of all sponsorship will be displayed in the Church for generations to see. It is anticipated that the names of the families or individuals who have contributed

Funds raised for Nepal Appeal at Foston Coffee Morning

A big thank you to all those who donated so generously for the Nepal Appeal at May’s Coffee Morning at Foston Village Hall. We raised £83 which is a fantastic sum, not to mention additional funds for St Peter’s Church and the Village Hall. These funds will help some of the desperate people as they fight disease and try to rebuild their livelihoods . Thank you to everyone who came. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Fresh Outlook Take a Fresh look at Carpet cleaning Carpets Dry within 30 Minutes

Carpets, rugs, Chairs, suites, Cleaned, Guaranteed not to stretch or shrink your carpets, Our system cleans and disinfects – carpets look not just good, but great Cleaning will enhance and maintain the appearance of your carpets etc leaving them clean and fresh

Free Quotes, friendly local service Leather suite cleaning Call Chris 01636 682508

16 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Accountant & Tax Adviser Tax Returns & Year End Accounts VAT Returns & Payroll Tax Planning for Sole Traders, Limited Companies, Landlords & Business Start-Ups Reliable & Efficient Service Fixed Fees Free Initial Consultation

Tel: Paul 01476 512379

Pets stay in private homes (exclusively) Home routines maintained Co-­‐ordinated Collection & Delivery Perfect for older dogs, rescue dogs, puppies and medicated dogs Alternatively would you like to join the Barking Mad family and become a Host? Are you retired or at home during the day? Telephone: Alex Doy 01636 679888

Long Bennington Pre-School We provide a safe, caring, stimulating and fun environment for children to play, learn and socialise. Sessions run daily in Long Bennington Village Hall for children aged 2 to 4 years old. FREE places for 3 and 4 year olds and some 2 year olds Feel free to call in or phone us on 07816 537242 email - or visit:

OFSTED Report – June 2011 “Children are confident, settled and relate well to their peers and the staff. They excitedly arrive and immediately begin talking, giggling and socialising with their peers.”

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 17

Church Flower Rotas For June St. Swithun’s Long Bennington 7th Mrs R Gamm 14th Mrs J Higgs 21st Mrs Hughes 28th Mrs Hughes St. Peter’s Foston 7th No Service 14th Mrs A Plummer 21st No Service 28th Mrs G Clayton

Potts Stores and Post Office CAR TAX CAR + HOME INSURANCE + TELEPHONE TOP-UPS + FOREIGN CURRENCY + TRAVEL INSURANCE + PLUS LOTS MORE ! Stuart & Sarah Forrester, 46 Main Road, Long Bennington

Tel: 01400 281942

Purpose built nursery in a rural location Offering quality care for children aged 3 months to 14 years. Fully qualified staff. Open Monday to Friday 8am-6pm Before and after school club School holidays and non-contact days also catered for. Open for 51 week of the year 15 Hours FREE funding available for 2, 3&4 year olds 01636 626067 Find us on Facebook. 18 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Midsummer Deanery Celebration


Sunday 21st June 2015 from 4 - 6pm

Featuring the Festival Singers and other choirs. This event for all the family includes crafts, games, quiz, creating a banner with a Midsummer theme and afternoon tea.

Do come and join us for this special event

El Sueno (The Dream) Son Parc, Menorca Experience a blissful holiday! Near beach, golf course and local amenities Sleeps 8 in 4 bedrooms 3 bath/shower rooms Proper swimming and paddling pool Flexible dates Rentals from ÂŁ595pw

Contact: Joy Jordan, F.P. Holidays Tel: 01400 281355 Email:

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 19

Church Serv June


7th June

Lectionary date

1st after Trinity

2nd after Trinity





Genesis 3:8-15 Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-end

Ezekiel 17:22-end Psalm 92:1-4,12-end 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14 Mark 4:26-34


10:00 Holy Communion (HO)

10:00 Morning Worship (Lay team)


4:00pm Family worship

Long Bennington

10:30 Morning Worship


10:30 Morning Worship (Janet Rogers)


Telephone : 01400 281214 Personal and friendly attention Daily exercise Individual runs to kennels and chalets Luxury block built heated accomodation Beautiful country location

Leigh Lesley, Hillcrest, Claypole Lane, Dry Doddington, Nr Newark, Notts NG23 5HZ Opening hours strictly 10-12 & 5-6 Daily 5-6 Only Sunday

10:30 Holy Communion



• • • • •

14th June


N.A.C.S. and H.E.T.A.S. Wide Area covered – Fully experienced in all types of solid fuel appliances Chimney pots, bird guards & stoves fitted A complete service from fireplace to chimney pot



We welcome your inspection and will cater for special requests All pets boarded must have current valid vaccination certificates

Tel: 01400 282778

20 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

vice Times 21st June


28th June

3rd after Trinity

4th after Trinity



Job 38:1-11 Psalm 107:1-3,23-32 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-end

Lamentations 3:23-33 Psalm 30 2 Corinthians 8:7-end Mark 5:21-end

10:00 Holy Communion

10:00 Morning worship (JR)


9:00 Holy Communion (HO) 9:00 Said HC BCP 10:30 Morning Worship

10:30 Holy Communion

10:30 Holy Communion (HO)



INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS ________________ ______________

Est 1930 Dignity and Discretion from a local business

Private Chapels of Rest Monumental Stonework Devon Ford, Devon lane, Bottesford Tel/Fax: (01949) 842401/842513 (24 Hours) Email: Contact us for information on pre-paid arrangements with Golden Charter

3 MAIN ROAD LONG BENNINGTON NEWARK, NOTTS Bathrooms, Kitchens, Boiler Replacements, Central Heating, All Plumbing Repairs

Telephone: 01400 281240 Mobile: 07860 267178

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 21

St Swithun’s Flower Festival Long Bennington 23-25 May

A massive thank you to everyone who helped with this year’s amazing festival; the flower arrangers especially, the cake bakers and the tea makers. The title “The Show Must Go On’ meant all the arrangments had a musical or show theme. The team of flower arrangers worked tirelessly in the days before and the many months of planning culminated in a truly wonderful festival. Hundreds of visitors enjoyed the breathtaking displays over the three day event. Many arrangements were sponsored or dedicated to loved ones. The total raised was £1,325.14 with £443.65 from tea and cakes and £881.49 from donations, which all goes to the church. One visitor said as she left “ It was utterly brilliant - thank you. I absolutely loved it - all my favourite shows as well...wonderful”.

Clockwise: River Dance by Freda Barnes, Singing in the rain by Pauline Hamshire, Great British Bake Off by Maureen Prothero, Chelsea Flower Show Arch by Di Ablewhite, Cabaret by Pat Kitchen and Swan Lake by Barbara Smith and Allyson Hogan.

The Show Must Go On....

There were far too many displays to feature them all here and the pictures do not do them justice sadly. Clockwise from top left: Woman in Black and doorway drapes by Di Ablewhite, Sound of Music by Elaine Dixon and Doreen Morley, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat by Freda Barnes, Mamma Mia by Beryl Holmes, Gondaliers by David Jarman, South Pacific by Rita Drury. Centre: Last Night of the Proms by Freda Barnes and My Fair Lady by Jeannie Day

Work of the Grantham Passage

Ruby Stuckey MBE set up the Grantham Passage in 2001. Sue Baggaley went to meet her.

Retired primary school teacher Ruby Stuckey was a member at Harrowby Lane Methodist Church and was troubled by the young people that used to hang around causing problems. The minister at the time, Reverend Tony Pick, struck up a rapport with the youngsters and would sit and talk to them outside on the steps. Rev’d Pick said to Ruby: “I need a lay pastor to help me with these young people and you’re it!” Ruby suggested opening the doors to them one night a week but soon she discovered there was little help to be found in Grantham for these young people. The grandmother of one of these boys was bringing him up single-handedly and he frquently stole from her to feed his addiction. All her jewellery and ornaments had gone and she finally had to ask him the leave. “There must be someone who can help these young people,” she said to Ruby. 24 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Ruby also discovered that many of the local clergy had similar problems, with young people turning up on their doorsteps with no food or money, cold and hungry with nowhere to go. Many of them had antisocial behavioral problems, some had addictions to drugs or alcohol, some had just been released from prison and others were homeless as a result of relationship breakdowns. Ruby said she prayed about the problem and God spoke to her. “When I opened my mouth the words that came out were not my own and I heard myself say ‘I will open a day centre’.” So in 2001 the Grantham Passage was born and Finkin Street Methodist Church opened up for lunch one day a week. offering a hot meal which, in those days, was beans on toast. She had help from volunteers and for 14 weeks they turned up every week but no one came. Finally a man who was sleeping in a car came in and word began to spread. They now open six days a week in various churches in Grantham and regularly serve over 40 meals a day along with pack up bags to people who are homeless or have lost their benefits for whatever reason. The idea is to provide food, shelter, a listening ear and where possible a signpost to further help. The average age is 25. Ruby says there is a gap in the benefits system, which can often leave people without money for weeks at a time. Things are particularly difficult at the moment. “It’s mostly down to benefit changes which can take up to eight weeks.

“One young man walked six miles every week from Corby Glenn when he was without money.” I asked Ruby if she ever felt threatened or did visitors ever cause trouble, “No” she said: “They are self-policing and I was a school mistress don’t forget!” Ruby knew the Passage would need back up from an established charity and it works under the umbrella of Grantham Poverty Concern. Representatives from both organisations meet once a month. Reports and accounts have to be sent to the Charities Commission for the Passage to maintain its charity status. The Passage is staffed entirely by volunteers and all costs are met by donations of food or money. There is a donation box at Sainsbury’s and supporters sometimes pack bags in the supermarket to raise funds. Much of the food comes from church harvest festivals. A list of the food most needed is available upon request. The Passage sometimes offers transport costs as there is no night shelter in Grantham, the nearest being in Lincoln; Nomad has just 10 emergency beds. The Passage can give homeless people a voucher for the swimming pool so they are able to shower, which is very helpful when they are going to interviews. The library is a good resource too as they can use the computers to send CVs. The Passage has begun a £50,000 project to create a permanent centre where the homeless can get hot meals, clean clothes and help to gain employment. This is to be in a building at the back of St Mary’s Church on North Parade. It will include a kitchen, showers and washing machines. Helping the homeless get back to work is one of their main aims, so computers, WiFi and tuition are also planned.

Ruby gave a thought provoking talk about her work during a service at St.Swithun’s Church in May and thanked some of our members who regularly help at the centres. Ruby, who is 75, is a truly inspirational woman and, in 2009, was awarded the MBE for services to the community in Grantham. Anyone wishing to help in any way can call Ruby on 01476 566628.

Opening times Mon and Fri: Finkin Street Methodist Church 9.30 - 11.30am Tues: Baptist Church, Wharf Road 6 7pm Wed: St Mary’s Catholic Church 1011.30am Thurs: St Wulfram’s Church Hall 121.30pm Sun: 7th Day Adventist Church, Dudley Road 9.30-11am

Friday 26th June 5.30 – 7.30pm St. James’s Hall Bar and snacks available

£2.50 per child under 2’s FREE All proceeds go to Long Bennington Pre-School Registered Charity No. 1157300

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 25

Prayer for June

Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest�. Matthew Chapter 11 Verse 28

Creator God, breath of life, divine love we thank you for being a loving and listening Father who longs to hear our prayers. So we pray for all who suffer in our world especially those devastated through the earthquakes in Nepal. Thousands of refugees fleeing their homes, lives torn apart by war and violence. Hunger on the faces of little children. And in this country Lord we pray for the plight of the homeless, victims of abuse and neglect, the unemployed and families facing financial hardship. We pray for people in our own community living with disabilities, illness or bereavement . Holy Father we reach out to all in need although overwhelmed at the scale of suffering but because you are such an amazing loving God we are given hope as we witness your love amidst all this pain, through doctors, nurses and aid workers, money raised and support given. We thank you for safe refuges for the abused, homeless centres meeting need and volunteer support within the community. Father God you have shown us in Jesus how to alleviate suffering with love. You have given us hearts which love and care so we continue we pray to work within us as we support one another and help everyone to recognise your unending love, willing to take on the burden of suffering and grant your people rest in Jesus Christ. Amen Suzanne Hartle

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Need to know stuff...... Bin Collections

Black bin collections week beginning Silver bin collections week beginning

1, 15 and 29 June 8 and 22 June

Post Box Clearing Times Long Bennington Foston

Mobile Library

Monday to Friday 4:00pm Monday to Friday 4.00pm

Long Bennington Village Hall Allington Gardens Allington Bus Shelter

Saturday 11am Saturday 8:30am

15 June from 10:30 to 11:30am 23 June from 2.15 to 3.15pm 23 June from 1.30 to 2pm

Did you know....

There is a free Waitrose bus that leaves every Wednesday from Long Bennington? It leaves Church Street at 9.15 and the Royal Oak at 9.17 arriving at 9.50, leaving at 11.15 and arriving back at 11.50. Flyers with more details are available in store.

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Long Bennington Twinning Association

On 14 May, 51 people arrived from Bretteville L’Orgueilleuse, to stay three nights with families in and around the village. Thursday night was spent with the hosts. Friday morning everybody went to The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight at RAF Coningsby, where people had the privilege of seeing and touching the Lancaster, Dakota and Spitfire aeroplanes. Thanks to Rich Gibby for arranging that. On to Woodhall Spa for the afternoon. In the evening we had a three course meal in the Village Hall, thanks to Gill and Ian Askew, which was attended by around 100 people including some of the RAF flight crew who did a fly past on the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy. They thanked the families who housed them at


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28 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

the time as that fly past would not have been possible otherwise. Then there was line dancing with the Foston Group which was great fun. Thanks to them. Saturday was a picnic in Rufford Park, and the evening was a three course meal and disco in the Wyndham Park Hotel, Marston. On Sunday, early morning, we waved our French friends goodbye. Both French and English felt it had been a very successful and exhausting weekend. I would also like to thank all the hosts, especially the first-timers, including Beryl Homes who said: “I was apprehensive at first but thoroughly enjoyed it and I would recommend it to anyone - the language difference was no barrier.” Anne Laine



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Long Bennington Bowls Club The Bowling Season is now underway, despite the indifferent weather. Coaching sessions continue on Tuesdays at 2pm, weather permitting. Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience. Please feel free to turn up at the club on the day or contact the club coach Peter Fordham on 01400 282530 for further information. Friday nights are club nights, again all are welcome, just come along for a drink and a chat to see how the club functions. If you are interested in the above or would like to know anything further about the club, please contact Peter Fordham – Club Secretary and Coach on 01400 282530 Rob Miller – Club Chairman 01400 281209

Foston Book Club

Recent book choices have been influenced by films. First we read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn which received mixed reviews. Whilst we agreed it was a clever style for a thriller, we couldn’t engage with the characters - far too shallow was the overwhelming view. More recently we read Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup which was never going to be a happy read. It certainly provided some good debate in the group. We questioned the style of writing as it retained a certain distance to the reader throughout - we concluded it was an account he wrote to distribute a message rather than to create a bestseller. We have two books for our June meeting, both lighter than our last read. First up is Not Quite Nice by Celia Imrie (and that is Nice, the city in France), marketed as ‘witty, warm, light-hearted and fast-paced’. We are looking forward to being entertained. The second book is Etta and Otto and Russell and James, a debut novel by Emma Hooper. This is said to be beautifully written and can restore one’s faith in life. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month from 8pm and our next meeting is 16th June. We welcome all newcomers so if you would like to join us, please contact Lucy on rnj.bliss@ or (01400) 282661 for more details.

30 I Saxonwell Group Parish News



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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 31

Women’s Institute Long Bennington

This month’s meeting was held on 5 May. This was the evening in the year when we discuss the resolution for the AGM which will be held on 4 June at the Albert Hall. This year’s resolution is the assessment of personal and nursing care and the distinction between them. We enjoyed a fish and chip supper. Next month the committee will have a rest and the supper and entertainment are to be organised by the members. This will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 2 June. Do come and join us. We have welcomed a number of new members already this year and would love to welcome more. Jean Higgs For details of membership contact Jeanne Day on 282873.


Foston WI met in the village hall on the 12th May for our Resolution Meeting. We welcomed eight visitors to the meeting. The resolution “This meeting calls on HM Government to remove the distinction between nursing care and personal care in the assessment of the needs of individuals, in order to advance health and well being” was discussed at length, and we then voted against the resolution. The meeting was followed by a jewellery demonstration by Leanne and Katherine on behalf of a web-based company called ‘Stella and Dot’. They displayed beautiful jewellery admired by all who attended. This was followed by members and guests enjoying a delicious supper. Our next meeting on the 9 June at 7.30 pm will be a talk on Heckington Mill by Jim Bailey and all are welcome. Liz Sordy For details of membership contact Monica Winters on 281831.

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32 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

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Letter from Bishop Christopher Dear Friends, Over the last few weeks our television screens and computer newsfeeds have been full of images of the most appalling human suffering, some as a result of natural causes, others driven by fear and conditions which are so intolerable or dangerous that it has led to individuals risking their lives, and those of their families, in attempting to escape across the Mediterranean in overcrowded and unseaworthy vessels. I am humbled by the tireless efforts of aid agencies and individuals across the world who work together to relieve their suffering. It is easy to feel helpless in the face of all this heartache, to imagine that anything we could do would be so small and insignificant in the face of such large-scale problems. But that is not so. All around us, in every one of our communities, there are people who need our help – and every one of us has the ability make a difference. God calls us to do what we can to help our neighbours and, as Christians, it should be our joyful duty to work hard to do so. I know that many of you already do so much to make a difference in your communities, helping those who are

SHARRICK’S FISH BAR Main Street, Long Bennington

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34 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

vulnerable, isolated and living in poverty, and building support networks for the young and the old. But there is always so much more to be done. And in greater Lincolnshire, more help is now available as the Diocese of Lincoln, in partnership with community organisations, has launched a £1m Social Justice Fund to provide grants to support projects that make the real difference in the lives of the people who need the most support. More information can be found at www. In the grand scheme of things, £1m is not a lot of money considering the challenge we face. The average person in the UK will earn more than £1m during the 40 years of their working life. If each of us takes up the call to help our neighbours, together we can help to build a more just society, transforming lives across greater Lincolnshire. We have an opportunity, however small, to live out our Christian discipleship and use our time, our skills and our money to support those for whom there is sometimes otherwise very little hope. Bishop Christopher



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The Saxonwell Group Ministry Team Parish Priest Rev’d Harriet Orridge Rev’d Stella Langdon-Davies (Ret’d) Administrator Jill Froggatt (works Thursday mornings at the Vicarage) Parish News Editor Sue Baggaley

281281 281395 281281 318135

Church Contacts St Swithun’s, Long Bennington

Church Wardens Joy Jordan 76 Main Road 281355 Mary Dring Costa Row 281178 Treasurer Dr Jane Cowley, Chapel House Main Road 282691 Church Flowers Mrs B Holmes 281437 Bell Ringing Brian Churchyard (Tower Capt) 281005 For wedding bells please contact

St Peter’s Foston

Church Warden & Sec Peter Drury Rose Cottage, Long Street 281660 Church Warden Jenny Bullock 281611 Treasurer Debbie Starr 15 Burgin Close 282719 Holy Trinity Allington Church Warden John Swallow 282627 Church Warden/Treasurer Chris Dicken 7 Park Road 281524

St Lawrence Sedgebrook Contact person Church Flowers

John Pike Sandi Violets

Rev’d Mark Roberts Secretary Treasurer

01636 706264 Mrs E Egglestone 281439 Mr M Gledhill 282152

Long Bennington Methodist Chapel

01949 843386 01949 358075

Parish Council Clerks

Long Bennington Jane Evans Mon 10:30-12:30 @Village Hall 282716 Foston Mrs Wendy McCallin 282001 Allington Sharon Milne Sedgebrook Jane Branton 01476 577175

Community Contacts

Long Bennington Medical Centre 10 Valley Lane Prescription re-order line Book Groups: Long Bennington Moire Barnabas Foston Lucy Bliss 36 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

281220 282992 283313 282661

Useful Contacts Village Halls: Booking Secretary’s

Long Bennington Sue Mckinley 07816 267927 Foston Liz Sordy 282065 Allington 281042 Sedgebrook Social Club 01949 842152

Uniform Groups at Foston

Rainbows: Emma Woguelin (Village Hall Tues 4:15-5:15pm) Brownies: (Village Hall Tues 4:45-5:45pm) Scout Group (all at Gorrie Hall, Chapel Lane, Foston) Beaver Scouts: Jenny Wyn (Mon 6:30-7:30pm) 282301 Cub Scouts: Kim Roberts (Wed 6:3-8pm) 283370 Scouts Kim Roberts (Thurs 7-9pm) 283370 Explorer Scouts Adrian Roberts (Mon 7:45-9:30pm) 283370

Women’s Institute: (each meets monthly in their local village hall) Long Bennington Foston Allington

Jeanne Day Monica Winters Pam Jackson

(1st Tues 7:30pm) (2nd Tues 7:30pm) (1st Wed 7:45pm)

282873 281831 281320

Playing Fields Facilities Booking Manager:

Long Bennington Gemma Walker 07790 759956 Playing Field Management Committee: Phil Owen 282471

Toddler Groups: Long Bennington Foston Allington

Katy Miller 07723 962300 Jenny Wynn 282301 Dionne

Pre-school Playgroups:

Long Bennington Sam Dell 0772396230 Allington Sarah Edwards Bowls Club Rob Miller 281209 Doll Club Anne Scott 282567 Drama Group Mrs Swarbrick 281130 Friendship Club Nicola Thorpe 07904 182752 God’s Acre Gordon Scott 282567 Guides Mrs N Redfern 281798 Junior Football Club Gary Clarkson 07971 784855 History Society John Jeffries 282606 Shirley Dalton 281493 Twinning Association Kim Roberts 283370 Village Produce Assoc Bev Gledhill 282239 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 37

Hello Grantham... As the weather warms up, our pets enjoy going outside more and inevitably end up getting into more mischief. Dogs with cut pads, grass seeds stuck in their ears and cats getting into scraps with the neighbourhood bully boy tom become everyday occurrences. Even more common however are parasite problems. Parasites are encountered all year round, especially fleas who love to migrate into our homes for the winter months. However, come Spring and Summer, all the potential creepies start to take notice of our pets joining them outside again. Parasites of note to look out for are fleas and ticks (which you can see with the naked eye), mange mites which are not visible to the naked eye but cause an intensely itchy rash, and lungworm. Lungworm is spread to our pets by ingesting snails and slugs, which are the carriers of lungworm larvae. Your vet will recommend keeping a strict regime of preventative treatment to help your pet shrug off any parasites that come their way. At Grantham Vets4Pets we advise monthly treatment against fleas, mange mites and lungworm and 3 monthly treatment for gastrointestinal worms in most cases.

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