Saxonwell Group Parish News March Issue

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Inside: 4-page pull-out for Spring Show 50p where sold

March 2015

News from the Saxonwell Vicarage Dear All “In like a lion and out like a lamb” is a traditional English saying used to describe the weather in March. As I write this article the rain is pouring down, and certainly, this February, the weather has roared like a lion, with the wind being so bad one day we had to postpone Long Bennington’s key stage 1 visit to church. March sees the changing of the seasons from winter to spring, with it the promise of warmer weather. Thinking of March as both Lion and Lamb reminded me that Jesus is both the Lion (the King) of Judah and the Lamb that is sacrificed on the cross paying the price for our sins. At the beginning of March we will be joining with people around the world as

part of the Women’s World Day of Prayer, in praying for the Bahamas. Bahamian women have written this special service entitled “Do you know what I have done for you?” Taking inspiration from Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. Jesus is the rightful King of the whole world, all things having been made through him. However in stark contrast to the way the world so often works rather than grasping power Jesus gave everything up, to come and save each one of us. At Easter Jesus gives us the promise of “New Life”, through his death on the cross and his resurrection. Throughout Lent and Holy Week (the week leading unto Easter Sunday) there are various things happening across the group of churches to help us all reflect on what Jesus has done for us. Yours in Christ Harriet

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 3

Cover picture: Segdebrook Church - February 2015 by Sue Baggaley Deanery Confirmation

There is a Deanery Confirmation Service on Thursday 18th June at 7pm. Anyone interested should contact Harriet (281281) or Stella. After Easter we will be running a Confirmation preparation course for anyone who is interested.


All the information and times published in Saxonwell Group Parish News is provided in good faith and is for guidance only. The Parish News editorial team disclaim all responsibility for any inconvenience or loss of any kind which may result from this information being wholly or partly inaccurate, irrespective of the reason or cause. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team do not accept any responsibility for the quality of the products or services provided by advertisers in the Parish News. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team reserve the right not to publish articles or advertising, either of which is not considered appropriate. All articles which include the authors name are the views and opinions of that author and are neither supported nor representative of the Saxonwell Group Parish News.

Copy deadline for the April issue is 15th March Send your news and stories to For editorial or advertising call Sue Baggaley on 01400 318135

4 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Family Worship at Foston Due to the roof being repaired, the “Family Worship service was in the village hall. We said prayers and sang songs. Baggy came to visit and told us not to be tempted.” Apparently he had been into school the previous week and been tempted to cheat on his spelling test, as he hadn’t practiced them. “We had pancakes and took a prayer home for Lent. It was excellent” said Ellen, Annie and Harry Corston. Our next Family Worship is at 4pm on 8th March when we will be celebrating Mothering Sunday. Also on Palm Sunday (31st March) there will be an Family Worship communion service using children friendly communion prayers. Everyone is very welcome. Picture: Debbie Starr with Baggy

St Peter’s Church Foston Coffee Mornings

The next monthly coffee morning is on Wed 4th March and 1st April from 10am to 11.30am in Foston Village Hall. Come and join us for tea, coffee and cake. The cost is only £2 per person and there’s a chance to chat and make new friends. All welcome. Any profit will be shared between church and the village hall.

A Special Light

Would you like Foston Church floodlights to shine? For just £5 you can have the Church Floodlit between 8pm and 11pm on an evening of your choice. Perhaps you would like to remember a special time or person. For details please contact Pete Drury on 01400 281660

Foston Village Hall Future Events: Easter Fair Saturday 28th March 12-3pm (light lunches will be served). To book a stall contact Liz Sordy on 01400282065, tables £5. Quiz Saturday 18th April 7.30pm, teams of 4 people, £3 per person to include light supper. Summer Fete Saturday 27th June 2-5pm, stalls can also be booked at this event. Ongoing events: Line Dancing every Wednesday evening from 7.30-9pm and all are welcome. Wednesday Lunch held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month 12-1.30pm (18th Mar). Pub nights are the 1st Friday in the month at 8pm (6th Feb and 6th March). Saxonwell Group Parish News I 5

Methodist Church News Long Bennington Methodist Chapel

The Sunday Service is at 10:30am The Minister: Rev Mark Roberts 01636 706264 Chapel Secretary: Mrs E Eggleston 01400 281439 Chapel Treasurer: Mr M Gledhill 01400 282239 Diamonds are not forever. At least, if you properly balanced and weighted and yes, don’t use them well. the diamond in the needle does wear out Last month I finally managed to tick off and can ruin the vinyl. a long outstanding item on my To Do It’s all been a reminder that we have to list. My record collection was in the attic work at the good things in life. This is true for well over a decade. In January a new of the church and not just the buildings. record player was purchased and I have Relationships in the church, as in all been rediscovering the joy of vinyl records. communities, need to be worked at. We all I’d not forgotten the songs because the have the equivalent of dust and scratches music is available over the internet on one and wear and tear. But it is worth of the many streaming services. I had persevering despite any flaws because when forgotten the experience of using a record you are part of a community that comes player. From the pictures on the sleeve, to together it is a wonderful, wonderful the black vinyl, to the way the needle goes experience. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul up and down, this is a physical experience writes to a church in Corinth that had its in a way that the bits and bytes of digital ups and down. He tells them to work at music can never be. The songs sound the relationships between them, to practice better too. My 18 year old daughter, who patience, kindness, hope, endurance and had never even seen a vinyl record before, forgiveness, for these are the signs of true was impressed. love. So I was enjoying my new toy. Then I thank God that I see these signs every I made the mistake of reading about day of my ministry as people try to live out what can go wrong with a vinyl record. Paul’s words. It isn’t easy and sometimes Suddenly it seemed like hard work. Dust, it does go wrong, but through it all we scratches, poor storage, can all permanently are surrounded by the love of God which damage the record. One of my LPs never gives up on us. Diamonds may wear won’t play because it’s got warped. You’re out, but the love of God never will. supposed to dust the record before and Mark after playing. The needle needs to be

6 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Medical Centre Times

Long Bennington Medical Centre

Dr Lawrenson




9-10am Appt's 11am-12:30pm Allington


9-10am Open Surgery 11:30am-1pm Well Woman Clinic 2-3:30pm Appt's


9-10am Open Surgery 11:30am-12:3 0pm Allington



10 Valley Lane, Long Bennington Tel. 01400 281220 Dr Practice Dr Watson Longfield Nurses 9-10am 9-10am Open Surgery 9-10am Open Surgery 2-3pm Open Surgery 9-11am 2-3pm Child Health Child Health 9am-12:30pm Appt's Appt's Appt's. &1:30-6pm (alt weeks) alt. weeks) Appt's 4-6pm Appt's 4-6pm Appt's. 9-10/10:30am 9-10am Open Surgery/ 9-10/10:30am Open Appt's Open Surgery Surgery 9-11:10am (alt. weeks) /Appt's &1:30-6pm 11:30am-12:30 (alt. Weeks) Appt's pm 4-6pm Minor ops. Clinic 4-6pm Appt's Appt's 4-6pm Appt's Dr Pullinger

9-10am Open Surgery OFF


4-6pm Appt's

9-10am Open Surgery 4-6pm Appt's

9-11am Appt's

9-10:30a m Appt's 11am-12 pm Well Woman Clinic 9-10am Open Surgery

9-10:30am Appt's 11am-12:30pm & 4-6pm Appt's

9-10am Open Surgery 4-6pm Appt's

Ancillary 1:30-3:30pm Health Visitor Child Health Clinic

4-5:30pm Community Midwife Antenatal Clinic Appt's

9-11am Appt's 9-11am & 2-5pm Disease Management Clinics

9-10:30am Appt's 4:20-6pm Appt's

11:30am-1:3 0pm Health Visitor Appt's

9-10am Appt's 1:30-5pm Appt's

Long Bennington Medical Centre 10 Valley Lane, Long Bennington Tel: 01400 281220

Open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Extended Hours: 6:30 – 8pm on Mondays and Thursdays

Teenage Health Clinics: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 4:15-6pm. Call 01400 281220 to make an appointment Branch Surgeries Allington Village Hall Tuesday 11am-12:30pm and Thursday 11:30am-12:30pm Marston Village Hall Monday 12:30pm

Please ring the Medical Centre before 11am on the day you wish to attend Marston branch surgery so that the doctor can bring medical records. Long Bennington Dispensary opening times: 9am-6pm Monday to Friday

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 7

Lent and House Groups Friday Night Talks during the Lent period

St Swithun’s Church in Long Bennington is holding a series of presentations during Lent. Each is a stand-alone event designed to raise our awareness of current social and theological issues, to stimulate debate and encourage us to think more deeply about what we believe and how we might put that faith into action. Each event is on a Friday, will start at 7pm and the formal part will last for about an hour. The format will vary, depending upon each organisation. All will be welcome and we encourage you to invite family and friends. Friday 13th March: Compassion UK, releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Friday 20th March: Answers in Genesis, discussing a modern view of Genesis. Friday 27th March: Mission Aviation Fellowship, Flying for Life; using aircraft for mission and aid.

Lent Groups

Lent is the time when we remember the forty days and forty nights that Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness when the devil tried to tempt him. To help us remember we often mirror his fasting by giving something up for lent. Many people give up chocolate or alcohol, occasionally putting the money that would otherwise have been spent, aside for a treat at Easter. If you would like to take some time out with God, just as Jesus did, then why not try one of our house groups. There are a range of things happening across the churches, all the groups are friendly and everyone is always welcome to come along. Please give the group leader a call to check dates and times of the next meeting. Long Bennington: Daytime group Joy Jordan 281355 Meeting Jesus in the Gospels Evening group Harriet or John Orridge 281281 Looking at the Lord’s Prayer Allington Village Group Stella Langdon-Davies 281395 York Course

Tuesday House Group Invitation

Here is an invitation to join our Tuesday afternoon housegroup. We’re a friendly, welcoming group who seek to deepen our understanding of the Christian faith through fellowship, study and discussion (with tea and cake to finish). We’re just beginning a new course on Meeting Jesus in the Sunday Gospel Readings, where we will take an in-depth look at the reading for the coming Sunday’s service and what it means for our lives today. The meetings are fortnightly, beginning at 2.30pm. The next one will be at 89 The Pastures, Long Bennington, on March 3rd. Why not join us? For more information contact Joy at 01400 281355, Revd Lilian at 01400 250729 or Revd Stella at 01400 281395. 8 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Get comfy and stuffed...

Over the years, many comments have been made about how much more comfortable the pews would be if there were seat cushions! The Foston PCC have had this in mind for some time, and have now invested in pew cushions for some of the pews. To support the cost of this, you can ‘sponsor’ a cushion. A lasting record of all sponsorship will be created and displayed in the Church for generations to see. It is anticipated that the names of families or individuals who have contributed will be embroidered on a Pew Cushion Sponsorship picture. Sponsoring a cushion costs £20. If you are interested, please speak to either Peter or Rita Drury (Rose Cottage, Long Street / 281660) or Lucy Bliss (2 Wyggeston Cottage, Main Street / 282661). We are going to commence the sponsor record at the Pudding Evening on 13th March at the Village Hall. Alternatively, names can be collected individually.

Do you love puddings?

Following the success of last year’s Pudding Evening, we are repeating it on Friday, 13th March. Doors at Foston Village Hall will open at 7.30pm. Tickets are priced £7 (£3.50 for children under 12) and can be bought from either Peter or Rita Drury (Rose Cottage, Long Street / 281660) or Lucy Bliss (2 Wyggeston Cottage, Main Street / 282661).All proceeds go to St Peter’s Church Foston. Also at the event, we will commence the Pew Cushion Sponsorship record.

Foston Local History Booklet - £2.00

The excellent publication by Mrs Marjorie Brieant and Mr Gordon Parker, first published in 1988, has been re-typed and re-printed and is now available again. To obtain a copy contact Pete Drury on 01400 281660.


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Inspection invited at any time during our normal opening hours of 8 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 5 pm, 7 days a week ( No need to phone)

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 9

Dates for your Diary Easter Egg Hunt for Preschool

Long Bennington Pre School are having an Easter Egg Treasure hunt on Sunday 29th March at Long Bennington Pavillion. 2-4pm. Collect a clue sheet from the Pavillion and once all clues have been found, come and collect your prize of an Easter Egg. Raffle and other stalls. £2.50 per child. All Welcome. Proceeds to Long Bennington Pre School.

Flower Festival

St. Swithun’s Church in Long Bennington will host a Flower Festival from the 23rd to 25th May 2015. If you would like more details call Beryl Holmes on 01400 281437.

Sedgebrook Social Club Events

March 6th Social Club AGM at 7pm April 5th Easter Treasure Hunt and BBQ 2-5 pm Greek Food Night on 9th May at 8pm. £10 per ticket Ongoing events Keep fit £2 per session. Every Monday at 7pm. All welcome. Bingo last wednesday of the month at 7.45pm. £5 per book.

Linedancing at 10.00 - 11.30am. Every Thursday. Pilates every Thursday at 7.15 pm. £5 per session. Yoga every Friday at 7.30 pm. £5 per session Club Opening Times: Monday 9-11pm, Friday 9-11pm, Sunday 12.30-2.30pm Contact telephone: 01949842152

Looking for somewhere to hold your event?

Long Bennington Pavilion is for hire for all occasions from parties to keep fit classes to business meetings. They also hire the multi suface areas outside, which are ideal for winter training, being flood lit and secure. To book call Gemma on 07790 759956.

SHARRICK’S FISH BAR Main Street, Long Bennington

Opening Times Mon: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm Tues: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm Wed: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Thurs: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Fri: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Sat: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm

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Tel: 01400 281942 10 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Foston AGM

Foston Village Hall Committee is having its annual meeting in April. Members of the public are encouraged to attend. You will discover what plans there are for the coming year. If you have some ideas for how the hall is or should be used, or if there is something you want to change about the fundraising events, then this is the time to do it. Thursday 9th April, meeting starts at 7.30pm. Tea and coffee will be served from 7.00pm. Contact Liz Sordy (vice chairman) for more information.

APCM Dates

Everyone who is a member of the church (or on the church electoral roll) is invited to attend their Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Here’s a reminder of the dates. Holy Trinity Church Allington Monday 16th March 7pm St Peter’s Foston Thursday 26th March 7pm St Swithun’s Long Bennington Sunday 26th April 12:00pm - after morning service St Lawrence’s Sedgebrook TBC

Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting

The next Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11 March 2015 at 8 pm in Sedgebrook Social Club. The minutes and agendas are put on the village green notice board and are also published on the Parish Council section of the village website:

Sedgebrook Coffee Morning

The Sedgebrook coffee afternoon continues at the Sedgebrook Social Club on the second Tuesday of the month, to raise money for good causes (including Grantham Food Bank). All welcome.

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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 11

Long Bennington Twinning Association Our Valentine’s Dinner Dance was a great success as you can see from the photo. Around seventy people enjoyed a delicious three course meal, good wine and good company and danced the night away to some great music. The buzz and laughter in The Village Hall was electric. Everyone who attended said they had a great time. We would like to thank everybody who supported us by attending, donating raffle prizes, and helping us in so many different ways. We really appreciate all your support. Our next event is The Brains of Bennington Annual Quiz to be held on Friday 17th April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Long Bennington. If anybody wishes to find out more about

the Twinning Association or to obtain tickets to any of our events, which are always open to everyone, contact Kim Roberts on 01400 283370 or myself on 01400 282928, or any committee member. Anne Laine

Letter from Rita Gordon who is now safely back from hospital… To all my dear friends, I would just like to say a big thank you for all the lovely Christmas cards and presents you sent. I would also like to thank everyone for the kind messages and prayers whilst I was unwell. Now that I am on the mend I look forward to catching up with each of you very soon. Love Rita

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12 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

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Long Bennington Pre-School We provide a safe, caring, stimulating and fun environment for children to play, learn and socialise. Sessions run daily in Long Bennington Village Hall for children aged 2 to 4 years old. FREE places for 3 and 4 year olds and some 2 year olds Feel free to call in or phone us on 07816 537242 email - or visit:

OFSTED Report – June 2011 “Children are confident, settled and relate well to their peers and the staff. They excitedly arrive and immediately begin talking, giggling and socialising with their peers.”

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 13

Why the Saxonwell Group Parish News? Long Bennington and Foston churches have been together almost since they were built. Indeed St Peter’s Foston was once the daughter church of Long Bennington, it was only separated out into it’s own parish last century. However in the early 1990’s Allington and Sedgebrook joined them, forming the group of four churches. The name is based upon the Saxonwell Salt Well which lies on the Sedgebrook outside Allington just past the entrance to Allington Gardens.

Allington Bible Study Group

Meets fortnightly on Wednesdays at 2.30pm. They will be looking at Meeting Jesus through the Gospels and will study the reading set for the following Sunday. This is a very informal discussion group and everyone’s opinion is valued. Contact Rev Stella Langdon-Davies on 281395 or 07976 380659 or by email: for dates and times.

Purpose built nursery in a rural location Offering quality care for children aged 3 months to 14 years. Fully qualified staff. Open Monday to Friday 8am-6pm Before and after school club School holidays and non-contact days also catered for. Open for 51 week of the year 15 Hours FREE funding available for 2, 3&4 year olds 01636 626067 14 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Easter in the Saxonwell Churches From Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday there will be a number of special services as we celebrate Easter. Palm Sunday 29th March Holy Trinity Allington: at the Green 10:00 for parading into church St Swithun’s Long Bennington: 10:30 in Church St Peter’s Foston: 4pm for Family Worship Holy Communion Maundy Thursday 2nd April Passover suppers - please see your local church wardens for further details. Good Friday 3rd April Hour at the Cross: 2-3pm Holy Trinity Allington Messy Easter 2-3:30pm Long Bennington Village Hall for crafts and games for all the family exploring the theme of Easter Easter Sunday There will be a service of Holy Communion in each of our churches, please see below for exact times. 9am St Peter’s Foston 10am Holy Trinity Allington 10:30am St Swithun’s Long Bennington 10:30am St Lawrence Sedgebrook

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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 15

Long Bennington Parish Council The Parish Council meeting on 2nd February was attended by 5 members of the public. During the Public Forum, Paul Wright, Restorative Justice Co-ordinator was invited to provide a brief overview of Restorative Justice to get a better understanding of how this works. Three of the residents present referred to a planning application (ref S14/3553) for 8 houses at the rear of The Royal Oak and requested that the Parish Council objects to the application. Reasons for their objections were heard and the Chairman confirmed the application is to be discussed in full at the March PC meeting. It is the new landowners of the Royal Oak Pub in Long Bennington who want to build 8 houses in the green area behind the pub, which has been used for many years for community events such as firework displays, steam rallies, football club events etc. The Parish Council feels that this valuable amenity land should not be lost without a fight, and has applied to register it as a village green. If anyone has evidence to support thisold family photos, notes of dates when events were held etc, please contact me as it will help us enormously when the County Council look to examine our application in further detail. The Parish Council continues to respond to comments and concerns of residents regarding the increasing number of HGV’s travelling through the village. Cllrs Wood and Fearn are to have a meeting at Roseland Business Park with a representative from the Highways Agency to voice these issues. This will be reported back at the March PC meeting. In an attempt to address a further concern of 16 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

residents relating to speeding vehicles, Councillors have agreed to fund the installation of two Speed Indication Devices in support of the Lincolnshire Community Speed Watch Scheme launched by the Lincs Road Safety Partnership. Once the initial assessment of locations has been completed, the PC will be able to provide more information of where these new mobile devices will be sited. Following an invitation to quote sent to three contractors and the subsequent receipt of three quotes, the grass cutting contract for the next three years has been awarded to BDG Mowing Contractors. James Britten and his team have been cutting the verges and open spaces in the village for the last year and a half and the PC has been happy with the service provided. As such, the PC is delighted to be working with them again to ensure our village continues to look well maintained and attractive. For your information, the contract commences in April. Significant progress has now been made with the Neighbourhood Plan for Long Bennington and a draft plan has been produced by the consultants employed by the Parish Council. For information, this was funded by a Department of Communities and Local Government Grant. In the near future, once final tweaks to the plan have been agreed, there will be a public consultation to allow all residents to inspect the plan and comment as appropriate. As always, if you have any issues or concerns you wish to raise with the Parish Council, please contact me on 01400 282716 or email parishclerk@longbenningtonparishcouncil. Jane Evans Parish Clerk




SATURDAY 28th March 3.00pm – 4-30pm RAFFLE TO BE DRAWN AT 3-45PM FOLLOWED BY PRESENTATION OF AWARDS JUDGES:- Mrs K Rhodes, Mrs C Braybrooke Mrs H.Taylor, Mr D.Shields, Mr G. Elms REFRESHMENTS RAFFLE COLLECTION AT DOOR Saxonwell Group Parish News I 17

CLASS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


4 Blooms Trumpet Daffodils (any one variety Yellow) 4 Blooms Trumpet Daffodils (any one variety White) 4 Blooms Trumpet Daffodils (any one variety Bi-colour) 4 Blooms Large Cup Daffodils (any one variety) 4 Blooms Small Cup Daffodils (any one variety) 4 Blooms Double Daffodils (any one variety) 4 Blooms Multiflora Double Daffodils (any one variety) 4 Blooms Multiflora Single Daffodils (any one variety) 4 Blooms Specie (miniature) Daffs Single Flower (any one variety) 4 Blooms Specie (miniature) Daffs Double Flower (any one variety) 4 Blooms Specie (miniature) Daffodils Multiflora (any one variety) 1 Specimen Bloom, Trumpet 1 Specimen Bloom, Cup 1 Specimen Bloom, Specie 1 Specimen Bloom, Double 1 Specimen Bloom, Multiflora 1 Specimen Bloom (miniature) Trumpet 1 Specimen Bloom (miniature) Cup 1 Specimen Bloom (miniature) Specie 1 Specimen Bloom (miniature) Double 1 Specimen Bloom (miniature) Multiflora 4 Blooms Pheasant Eye type (any one variety) 4 Blooms Tulips (single or double) 4 Blooms Tulips multi-headed 4 Blooms Pansies (any variety) 4 Blooms any other Spring Flower (non-bulbous) 9 Blooms any other Spring Flower (bulbous) 4 Blooms Hyacinths Pot grown Primulas Pot grown Auricular Flowering Pot Plant other than Orchid (Pot not to exceed 20cm) Flowering Orchid (Pot not to exceed 20cm) Foliage Pot Plant (Pot not to exceed 20cm) 3 Sprays any flowering shrub or shrubs. 3 Stems Helleborus Vase of garden Spring Flowers Cacti or Succulent Floral arrangement not to exceed 61cm Floral arrangement in a Tea Cup & Saucer. Photograph 15cm x 12cm approx. “My Garden in Spring” (Age over 14)

18 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

CHILDREN’S CLASSES Children 5 and under CLASS A. Novelty hard boiled decorated egg B. A Bug made from recyclable materials C. Painting of a spring lamb Children 6-9 CLASS D. Home made bird’s nest with eggs - max 20cms E. Floral arrangement in a teacup and saucer. F. A decorated plant pot Children 10-14 CLASS G. Floral arrangement in a tea cup and saucer H. A decorated plant pot I. Photograph “My Garden in Spring” CHILDREN’S CLASSES - STATE AGE ON EXHIBIT BUT NO NAME PLEASE (Children can also enter the main classes opposite if they wish) LONG BENNINGTON SCHOOL PAINTING COMPETITION (BY KIND PERMISSION OF MRS. S. EVELEIGH) Prizes for all Classes – 1st 50p, 2nd 40p, 3rd 25p SHOW SECRETARY: Mrs Jackie Claxton 1 Mills Close Long Bennington Tel : 282954 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 19


A.ARNOLD & SON CUP - For the most points in the show PENNELL CUP - For the best exhibit overall in adult classes DOREEN BENNETT CUP - For best floral arrangement in Class 38 H.MARTIN CUP - For the best exhibit overall in Children’s Classes A-I H.MAIN CUP - For the best exhibit in Children’s Art VICE-PRESIDENT’S PRIZE - For the most children’s points


1. Entry fee of 10p per exhibit must be paid at time of entry. Children’s Classes free.

2. Classes 1-28 inclusive, 34 - 36 – All exhibits must have been grown outside by the exhibitor. Flowers may be purchased for Classes 38 & 39. 3. Exhibitors must provide their own vases. 4. For the purpose of this Show the word “daffodil” will include any variety of daffodil or narcissus. 5. All exhibits must have been the property of the exhibitor for three months prior to the date of this Show. 6. The judges’ decision shall be final. 7. Exhibits must remain on show until 4-30pm.


20 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Prayer Page

Jesus said: “I am the light of the world� John Chapter 8 verse 12 Dear Father, the season of Lent provides us with an opportunity to set aside time in our busy lives to be still and reflect on your love for us shown through your son Jesus Christ. We recall how He was tried and tested in many ways yet placed his complete faith and trust in your love and power to strengthen him to resist temptation and endure suffering, to be the light of the world, transforming and renewing our lives. Give courage, we pray, to all who are experiencing difficult times. May those who are ill find your healing, any living with the pain of loss or loneliness sense your presence and those worried for the future, or wrestling with past hurts, know your peace and reassurance. Help us to face each day in the knowledge that the love and power you gave Jesus is ours to claim for ourselves. Almighty Father as the darkness of Winter changes into the lightness of Spring and the light March evenings begin to lengthen, may we allow the penetrating light of Jesus to shine in our lives, bringing hope as we wait for your ultimate power and glory to be revealed in Jesus at Easter.

Amen Suzanne Hartle

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Charter for Long Bennington FC

Long Bennington F.C. have been awarded the Charter Standard Community Club status by the Football Association. The FA Charter Standard Programme is The FA’s accreditation scheme for grassroots clubs. Its goal is to raise standards in grassroots football and support the development of clubs. The FA Charter Standard accreditation is awarded to clubs rigorously adjudged to be well-run and sustainable and which prioritise

child protection, quality coaching and implementation of the Respect programme. There are three levels of FA Charter Standard Awards for clubs, the FA Charter Standard Community Club status is the highest award and acknowledges the most advanced level of club development and football provision. The FA Charter Standard kitemark was launched in 2001 and now has 4,500 clubs, with 460 advanced level Community Clubs. Long Bennington F.C. have been working closely with the Lincolnshire FA to achieve this target and have recently submitted an



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22 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

aggressive Development Plan, which aims to provide the best football experience for all players. Allied to this, the FA will be providing LBFC with a coach mentor for the remainder of the season, who will work with all the team coaches in helping to deliver improved football coaching. On the back of the redevelopment of the playing field, courtesy of a substantial Sport England grant, these really are very exciting times for Long Bennington Football Club. Long Bennington F.C. have junior teams for boys and girls from Under 6 up to Under 18, plus a senior team and veterans (over 35) team. If you would like more details on how to get involved with the club, contact Steve Rowley on 07909 857441.



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Fundraising Golf Day The Annual Long Bennington Junior Football Club Fundraising Golf Day will take place on Friday 20th March 2015. It will comprise an 18 hole Am Am (4 man team) competition at the prestigious Belton Park Golf Club, followed by a hot buffet, presentation and much merriment at the equally prestigious Reindeer Inn, Long Bennington. This an excellent day and evening and is the main fundraising event of the year for the football club. If you would like to play but can’t get a team, drop Steve a line as there are many players in a similar position. For the non-golfers there are many ways in which you can get involved and help the cause, such as attending the evening event at just £10pp or you could donate a prize for the raffle. There are sponsorship opportunities too; you or your company could sponsor the “nearest the pin” competition by providing a prize and receive exposure in return. LBJFC would be unable to operate as it does currently without successful fundraising events so support this event either as a golfing competitor or a non-golfing socialite and promote this event to golfing friends and relatives. Contact Steve Rowley for the entry form and all other details on 07909 857441 or


Domestic ● Commercial ● Agricultural ● Installation Free Quotes Tel 01400 283 236 Mobile 07957 347 777 3 Vicarage Lane, Long Bennington NG23 5DN Saxonwell Group Parish News I 23

Church Ser Date

1st March

8th March

Lectionary date

2nd Sunday of Lent

3rd Sunday of Lent

4th Sund (Motherin






Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22:23-end Romans 4:13-end Mark 8:31-end

Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19 (or 19:7-end) 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 John 2:13-22

Numbers Psalm 10 107:1-9) Ephesian John 3:1


10:00 Holy Communion (HO)

10:00 Morning Worship (Lay team)

10:00 Ho

4pm All Age worship (DS) 5:00pm Evening worship (JR)


Long Bennington

10:30 Morning Worship

10:30 Holy Communion


10:30 Morning Worship (JR)



Telephone : 01400 281214 • • • • •

Personal and friendly attention Daily exercise Individual runs to kennels and chalets Luxury block built heated accomodation Beautiful country location

Leigh Lesley, Hillcrest, Claypole Lane, Dry Doddington, Nr Newark, Notts NG23 5HZ Opening hours strictly 10-12 & 5-6 Daily 5-6 Only Sunday


N.A.C.S. and H.E.T.A.S. Wide Area covered – Fully experienced in all types of solid fuel appliances Chimney pots, bird guards & stoves fitted A complete service from fireplace to chimney pot



We welcome your inspection and will cater for special requests All pets boarded must have current valid vaccination certificates

Tel: 01400 282778

24 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

9:00 Sai 10:30 Mo

10:30 Ho

vice Times

nd) 5


15th March

29th March

4th Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday)

5th Sunday of Lent

Palm Sunday




Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 107:1-3,17-22 (or 107:1-9) Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21

Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:1-13 or Psalm 119:9-16 Hebrews 5:5-10 John 12:20-33

Liturgy of the palms: Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16 Psalm 118:1-2,19-end (or 118:19-24) Liturgy of the passion: Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2:5-11 Mark 14:1-15-end or 15:1-39 [40-end]

10:00 Holy Communion (SLD) 10:00 Morning worship (JR)

p (DS) ship


22nd March

9:00 Said HC BCP (HO) 10:30 Morning Worship

10:00 Holy Communion (HO)

9:00 Holy Communion (HO)

4pm All Age Holy Communion

10:30 Holy Communion

10:30am Morning Worship

10:30 Holy Communion (HO)



INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS ________________ ______________

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Private Chapels of Rest Monumental Stonework Devon Ford, Devon lane, Bottesford Tel/Fax: (01949) 842401/842513 (24 Hours) Email: Contact us for information on pre-paid arrangements with Golden Charter

3 MAIN ROAD LONG BENNINGTON NEWARK, NOTTS Bathrooms, Kitchens, Boiler Replacements, Central Heating, All Plumbing Repairs

Telephone: 01400 281240 Mobile: 07860 267178

Gardener’s Corner and VPA What to do in the garden this month... Dig compost or manure into your beds. You can also work in a general-purpose fertiliser. Feed trees, shrubs and hedges with a slowrelease fertiliser by lightly turning it into the surface. Feed roses with a rose feed or a balanced fertiliser. Plant bulbs in the garden, which have finished flowering indoors such as hyacinths and daffodils. Plant summerflowering bulbs into beds and containers. Plant herbaceous perennials and divide established ones. Sow your flower seeds now so they are ready for planting out in June. Hardy annuals can be sown directly into the soil or in pots for planting out later. Prune fuchsias back to one or two buds on each shoot. Deadhead daffodils but let the foliage die back naturally. Dead-head hydrangeas, cut to about one third of last season’s growth. In the veg patch and fruit garden... Prepare beds by weeding and forking in compost and cover with sheets of black plastic to keep it dry and warm. Sow early broad beans and peas in trays. Chit your seed potatoes and towards the end of the month plant your early potatoes outside. Plant onion, shallot and garlic sets or pot up for transplanting outdoors later on. Sow vegetable seeds such as carrots, radishes and lettuce in greenhouses or under cloches. Plant new rhubarb crowns. Mulch with a thick layer of well-rotted manure. Take care not to cover

the crown. Plant apple, cherry and other fruit trees now. These fruit trees can also be planted now. Start sowing winter brassicas and bedding plants in seed trays in a cold greenhouse. Pot on rooted cuttings of tender perennial plants taken last summer. Sow tomato seeds in a heated greenhouse for early crops. Sue Baggaley Long Bennington VPA (Gardening Club) Our January speaker was Linda Smith from Waterside Nursery in Sharnford in Leicestershire. Linda’s talk was on “Creating and Planting a Bog Garden”. Waterside Nursery have been growing their own damp and water loving plants since 1995 and have accumulated some impressive awards over the years including 4 Gold Medals at Chelsea. Linda showed some marvellous photos of plants and gardens and the before, during and after photos of a stream and bog gar-den they created for a client. Next Meeting - After the AGM in February, March marks the beginning of our 2015/16 programme of talks beginning with “Clematis through the Seasons” on 24 March at 7.30pm in St James’ Hall. The talk will be by Chris Cocks of Taylors Clematis who are based in Sutton near Doncaster and as well as the talk and slides he will be bringing some lovely plants for sale.

Bev Gledhill -Secretary


Contact: Mr R D Hall at Alma Farm, Long Bennington

Telephone: 01400 281813 Mobile: 07976 314734

26 I Saxonwell Group Parish News



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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 27

Book Clubs Long Bennington

Meets in members homes with the venues and days to suit the group’s commitments, but usually meet every month. New members can phone Moira 283313 for more details. Summer meetings are in the evening and winter in the afternoon. The date of the next meeting is Thursday 26th March at 2pm at Ann’s house. The book choices are ‘Miss Carter’s war’ by Sheila Hancock and ‘Rescue’ by Anita Shreve.


We were split in our opinion on ‘The Rosie Project’ by Greame Simsion. Those who loved it had laughed out loud, really related to the characters and had already read the sequel ‘The Rosie Effect’! However, we unanimously agreed that ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’ by J.K. Rowling as Robert Gilbraith was disappointing. It was described as both shallow and clichéd.

Robert Ellis

Professional Vacuum Chimney Sweeping Service Established 1979 36 years experience HETAS Registered Master Member of NACS Stoves and Fireplaces also installed

Tel: 01636 702583

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 17th March 8pm at 2 Tow Lane. We will be reading ‘The Good Father’ by Noah Hawley, described as “an unblinking look at the ills of modern America” whilst also being a story of true love between a father and his son. Some of us are also going to tackle ‘Wolf Hall’ by Hilary Mantel. If you would like to join us, please contact Lucy on rnj.bliss@btinternet. com or (01400) 282661.

James Gleed

Experienced House Renovator Maintenance and Repair Available for both small and large projects Please call for a no obligation quote Staunton 01400 281261 Mobile 0794 1193396 Email

Stoves & Chimneys

Built on reputation Local and reliable Stove installation service HETAS registered installer Chimney swept, lined and tested. Bird guards fitted Pots fitted. Any chimney enquiries welcomed Call Tony: 01400 282477 or 07771546835

28 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Long BenningtonWI Long Bennington Women’s Insitute met in the village hall on Tuesday February 3rd and were delighted to welcome four visitors who it is hoped might join as members. The speaker for the evening was Alex Doy from Barking Mad who talked about homing dogs with hosts as an alternative to putting the dogs into kennels. To continue the doggy theme members were challenged to find as many everyday sayings that contained the word “dog”. Did you know that there are over 40 of these sayings? The next meeting will be on March 3rd when it will be the AGM followed by social time. Contact Jean Higgs on 282873 for more information.

Andrew Smith Painter and Decorator A professional finish every time Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Quality Paints & Material Used Reliable Service No job too small Over 20 years experience 10 Manor Drive Long Bennington 01400 282064 Mob: 07971 272452

Local family business with over 20 years experience - New Build – Extensions – Conversions – Renovations - Landscaping – Repairs – Maintenance – Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen

Independent Guarantees & References Available Ring John Dawson for free quotation or advice 36 MAIN ROAD LONG BENNINGTON NG23 5DJ

TEL/FAX 01400 282020 MOBILE 07815 323708 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 29

Foston Conservation Group Spring Village Walk and BBQ

Come and walk the village footpaths on Sunday March 22nd. We will divide the walk in two: 3.00pm start from the Village Hall, across the fields to Westborough and back, then on to Coach House Farm Paddock. 3.30pm start from the Village Hall on to Green Lane, along the beck and back and finishing at Coach House Farm for a bonfire and bangers. The first walk is more testing and we reckon will take around one hour 15 - 30 minutes. The second walk is easier and more suited to those with young children. It should take around 50 – 60 minutes. Children and dogs are welcome. Please make sure you wear suitable footwear and appropriate clothing for the weather.

We plan to finish in the paddock at Coach House Farm with a bonfire and hot dogs. There will be a nominal charge of £1.00 per head. Please bring your own drinks and water for the walk. If you would like to join us, please contact Janet on 282571 or email by March 20th,

Spring Plant Swop

There must be gardeners who find themselves with a surfeit of seedlings, seeds and cuttings so we have decided to hold a ‘Spring Plant Swop’ on Saturday May 16th in Foston Village Hall from 10:00 – 12:00 so we can dish out our surplus plants and try some new varieties passed on by our neighbours. Keep an eye on the Village Notice Board for a reminder nearer the time.

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30 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

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01636 626510 OR 07757 086003 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 31

The Saxonwell Group Ministry Team Parish Priest Rev’d Harriet Orridge 281281 Administrator Jill Froggatt (works Thursday mornings at the Vicarage) 281281 Parish News Editor Sue Baggaley 318135

Church Contacts St Swithun’s, Long Bennington

Church Wardens Joy Jordan 76 Main Road Mary Dring Costa Row Treasurer Dr Jane Cowley, Chapel House Main Road Church Flowers Mrs B Holmes Bell Ringing Brian Churchyard (Tower Capt) For wedding bells please contact

St Peter’s Foston Church Warden Treasurer

Rose Cottage, Long Street 15 Burgin Close

281660 282719

John Swallow Church Warden/Treasurer Chris Dicken 7 Park Road

282627 281524

Holy Trinity Allington

Peter Drury Debbie Starr

281355 281178 282691 281437 281005

St Lawrence Sedgebrook Contact person Church Flowers

John Pike Sandi Violets

Long Bennington Methodist Chapel

01949 843386 01949 358075

Rev’d Mark Roberts 01636 706264 Secretary Mrs E Egglestone 281439 Treasurer Mr M Gledhill 282152

Parish Council Clerks

Long Bennington Jane Evans Mon 10:30-12:30 @Village Hall 282716 Foston Mrs Wendy McCallin 282001 Allington Sharon Milne Sedgebrook Jane Branton 01476 577175

Community Contacts

Long Bennington Medical Centre 10 Valley Lane 281220 Prescription re-order line 282992 Book Groups: Long Bennington Moire Barnabas 281313 Foston Lucy Bliss 282661

32 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Useful Contacts Village Halls: Booking Secretary’s

Long Bennington Sue Mckinley 07816 267927 Foston Liz Sordy 282065 Allington 281042 Sedgebrook Social Club 01949 842152

Uniform Groups at Foston

Rainbows: Emma Woguelin (Village Hall Tues 4:15-5:15pm) Brownies: (Village Hall Tues 4:45-5:45pm) Scout Group (all at Gorrie Hall, Chapel Lane, Foston) Beaver Scouts: Jenny Wyn (Mon 6:30-7:30pm) 282301 Cub Scouts: Kim Roberts (Wed 6:3-8pm) 283370 Scouts Kim Roberts (Thurs 7-9pm) 283370 Explorer Scouts Adrian Roberts (Mon 7:45-9:30pm) 283370

Women’s Institute: (each meets monthly in their local village hall) Long Bennington Foston Allington

Jean Higgs (1st Tues 7:30pm) 282873 Kathyrn Singleton (2nd Tues 7:30pm) 07938 598388 Pam Jackson (1st Wed 7:45pm) 281320

Playing Fields Facilities Booking Manager:

Long Bennington Gemma Walker 07790 759956 Playing Field Management Committee: Phil Owen 282471

Toddler Groups: Long Bennington Foston Allington

Pre-school Playgroup:

Katy Miller 07723 962300 Jenny Wynn 282301 Dionne

Long Bennington Sam Dell 0772396230 Allington Sarah Edwards Bowls Club Rob Miller 281209 Doll Club Anne Scott 282567 Drama Group Mrs Swarbrick 281130 Friendship Club Nicola Thorpe 07904 182752 God’s Acre Gordon Scott 282567 Guides Mrs N Redfern 281798 Junior Football Club Gary Clarkson 07971 784855 History Society John Jeffries 282606 Shirley Dalton 281716 Twinning Association Kim Roberts 283370 Village Produce Assoc Bev Gledhill 282239 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 33

Need to know stuff...... Bin Collection Dates

Week beg 2nd March Silver and Dk Green Week beg 9th March Black and Lt Green Week beg 16th March Silver and Dk Green Week beg 23rd March Black and Lt Green April 3rd - Good Friday - collections as normal

Post Box Clearing Times

Long Bennington Monday to Friday 4:00pm Foston Monday to Friday 4.00pm

Saturday 11am Saturday 8:30am

Mobile Library

Long Bennington Village Hall 23 March from 10:30 to 11:30am Allington Gardens 3 Mar from 2.15 to 3.15pm Allington Bus Shelter 3 Mar from 1.30 to 2pm Foston Footers are Circuit Training At 6.30pm on 13th and 27th March. Meet at Foston Village Hall - £2 per person (£1 students). All levels of fitness are welcome. Foston Parent & Toddler Group meet on Fridays from 9.30 - 11.30 at Foston Village Hall. £2 per family.

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