Saxonwell Group Parish News May Issue

Page 1

May 2015

50p where sold

Flower Festival May 23-25 P 7 for details


Have a look ….. Come and experience a new way to purchasing your glasses in a relaxed friendly environment that provides unrivalled quality and unbeatable like for like prices. We even offer you a cuppa! Our friendly family run business has over 37 years lens manufacturing experience - we pride ourselves on being your local lens experts. ● ●

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News from the Saxonwell Vicarage Dear All, On Friday I watched two hours of gymnastics from the European

championships. A very special treat, I especially enjoy the women’s as they combine grace and elegance with power and dynamism. British gymnastics has come a long way over the years, now we regularly win medals (eight this time). To achieve this each of the athletes will have put in hours and hours of training so that when the pressure is on in a big competition they can perform. May brings with it the sunshine and for many exams, be they SATs, GCSE’s, A1 or A2’s or Finals. In preparation for these exams young people will spend hours everyday learning and revising so that in the exam they can show what they have learnt and can do. Most of us thankfully don’t have tests or exams each year, but we do all face moments when our character is tested, and how we perform in those moments can change our lives. One Christmas my

husband John gave me ‘Bee-attitudes’ (see picture) a play on words about the Beatitudes that can be found in Matthew 5 and are a series of proverb-like statements each beginning with “Blessed” (the Latin translation of which is “Beatitude” - hence their collective name). They are important attitudes for the way we should live our lives, attitudes for being. Like athletes we need to practise everyday, but for most of us this isn’t backflips and somersaults but instead the way we live our lives and the choices we make each day. How we do things everyday lay the foundations for how we will behave when the pressure is on. At the Last Supper Jesus warned his friends that He would be arrested and that they would all run away. His disciple Peter replied: “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.” However, within hours he had denied Jesus three times. After Jesus’s resurrection Peter stood up and despite facing persecution declared who Jesus was. Eventually Peter was crucified upside down, because of his faith.I pray that whenever we are tested we may know the peace of the Risen Christ so that we can stand up for what is right. God bless Harriet Saxonwell Group Parish News I 3

Cover photo: St. Swithun’s Long Bennington in April 2015 by Sue Baggaley


All the information and times published in Saxonwell Group Parish News is provided in good faith and is for guidance only. The Parish News editorial team disclaim all responsibility for any inconvenience or loss of any kind which may result from this information being wholly or partly inaccurate, irrespective of the reason or cause. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team do not accept any responsibility for the quality of the products or services provided by advertisers in the Parish News. The Saxonwell Group Parish News editorial team reserve the right not to publish articles or advertising, either of which is not considered appropriate. All articles which include the authors name are the views and opinions of that author and are neither supported nor representative of the Saxonwell Group Parish News.

Copy deadline for the June issue is the 15th May News, stories and advertising should be sent to Sue Baggaley at Tel: 01400 318135

4 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Foston News Family Worship

St Peter’s Foston - 4pm

May 10th – Ascension May 31st – Family Communion Service. An informal communion for all ages. Wear red for Pentecost June 14th – Pet Celebration. Bring your pets for a special service to celebrate all animals. Please keep your pet on a lead or in a cage. All animals and owners are welcome. July 12th – Surprise service. Baggy the puppet will be there to help, so anything could happen! August 9th – NO SERVICE - SUMMER HOLIDAYS.

Coffee Mornings

The next monthly coffee morning is on 6th May from 10am to 11.30am in Foston Village Hall. Come and join us for tea, coffee and cake. The cost is only £2

LB Technology Solutions

Computer or Laptop problems? Viruses, Malware, Spyware or Ransomware? Computer needs servicing? We are a professional company offering computer services at affordable prices Microsoft Certified with 18 years in the trade All our work is guaranteed Fixed Priced and NO FIX NO FEE! Not even an inspection fee ONLY £13 per 30 mins CALL US on Newark 01400 283251 or 0757 2102221

per person and there’s a chance to chat and make new friends. All welcome. Any profit will be shared between the church and village hall.

A Special Light

Would you like Foston Church floodlights to shine? For just £5 you can have the Church Floodlit between 8pm and 11pm on an evening of your choice. Perhaps you would like to remember a special time or person. For details please contact Pete Drury on 01400 281660.

Foston Local History Booklet

The excellent publication by Mrs Marjorie Brieant and Mr Gordon Parker, first published in 1988, has been re-typed and re-printed and is now available again at £3 each. To obtain a copy contact Pete Drury on 01400 281660.

Foston Village Hall

Future Events: Summer Fete Saturday 27th June 2-5pm. A fun afternoon for all the family, many stalls. A competition for the children, a decorated mask, which will be judged during the afternoon. Another competition for anyone with an artistic flare, four decorated cup cakes ( these will be judged on the decoration only). Anyone wishing to have a stall on the day, at a cost of £5, contact Liz Sordy on 01400 282065. Ongoing events: Wednesday Lunch: 20th May Pub night: 1st May and 5th June Saxonwell Group Parish News I 5

Methodist Church News Long Bennington Methodist Chapel

The Sunday Service is at 10:30am The Minister: Rev Mark Roberts Chapel Secretary: Mrs E Eggleston Chapel Treasurer: Mr M Gledhill I was doing a bit of DIY a week or two ago. The door to one of the kitchen units needed replacing so I duly trotted off to B&Q in Newark. They had doors in the right size, but not in the right colour (white maple apparently). I was in the mood to get things done so rather than order it, it was off to Lincoln to buy it there. Now I’d thought the branch in Newark was pretty good, but the one in Lincoln was enormous. I could barely see to the far end of the shop it was so big. Of course they had a white maple door (and just about every other type of fake wood you could name). Not only that, I suddenly had my eyes opened to all sorts of other things I didn’t know existed. I spent several minutes wandering the aisles looking at the things I could do, all the possibilities for DIY projects, before deciding it was probably best to make a quick exit. There are times in life when we are astonished by abundance, whether that be in a massive superstore or in a restaurant with an all you can eat buffet. Over the last few months I have been reflecting on God’s abundance as described in a verse from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. For a long time I had got the verse wrong. I thought that it said that God would do for us ‘more than we can ask or imagine’.

6 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

01636 706264 01400 281439 01400 282239

Now that sounds pretty good and it’s something which can encourage us whenever the going gets a bit difficult, but it doesn’t do justice to what Paul actually wrote. Ephesians 3 verse 20 says that God is by the power at work in us ‘able to do abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine’. So God can do not just more, but far more, and not just far more, but abundantly far more that we can ask or imagine. The early church learnt the truth of this 2,000 years ago. Not just Paul, but other disciples too, found that God was able to do wonderful things through ordinary people. On May 24th we celebrate Pentecost. The Bible tells us that on the first Pentecost the disciples found the confidence to tell people about Jesus. Miracles happened, lives were transformed and the church grew rapidly. They hadn’t expected it, but God had done abundantly far more than they could have asked or imagined. Maybe we need to allow ourselves to really believe that this might be true in our lives, communities and churches as well. If we do, and if we let our prayers and actions follow on from this, then maybe we too will be surprised by what God gets up to. Mark

St Swithun’s Flower Festival .....On With The Show

St Swithun’s Church in Long Bennington is busy preparing for it’s May Flower Festival. The theme is ‘On With The Show’.

All types of show will be represented - from local shows to best-selling West End shows. Some very ambitious ideas are taking shape and it promises to be a real show-stopper. There will be around 25 spectacular displays designed and put together by 10 local flower arrangers. One of the ladies has previously won two gold medals at The Chelsea Flower Show and The RHS. The flower arrangers have been hosting events such as afternoon teas to raise money for the flowers. The local Knitting Club has also helped raise funds. Some of the displays are sponsored by local families or businesses and if you would like to commemorate one to a loved one then contact Beryl Holmes on 01400 281437. The last Flower Festival held at St. Swithun’s was for the Queen’s Jubilee. A lot of time, preparation and thought has gone into this event so please support it. Refreshments will be available and admission is free but donations will be very welcome. Profits will go to the church. There is parking on site and in Church Street. For SatNav purposes the event postcode is NG23 5EN.

The Church will be open on Saturday 23rd and Monday 25th May from 10am to 5pm and Sunday 24th May from 12pm to 4.30pm.

Flower Rotas For May St. Swithun’s Long Bennington 3rd Mrs M. Hamblett 10th Mrs J. Bowes 17th Mrs A. Andrews 24th Flower Festival 31st Flower Festival

St. Peter’s Foston

3rd No Service 10th Mrs G. Baggaley 17th No Service 24th Mrs R. Drury 31st Mrs R. Drury Saxonwell Group Parish News I 7

Easter in the Parishes

Life out of Death

The Long Benningotn flower ladies did a beautiful job of decorating the church for Easter Sunday. The wooden cross which in previous years has been carried round the group on Good Friday was transformed, bursting with life. A fantastic reminder that the cross on which Jesus died gives us life. Thank you ladies - we can’t wait to see what you do at the Flower Festival on 23rd-25th May. For more details see page 7. 8 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Norma’s Farewell

The end of the Easter term saw the end of an era, as Norma Davies retired from Allington School’s Breakfast Club. Norma, has been a regular fixture of the school for many years. Her own children attended the school and later Norma became a dinner lady and breakfast club leader. The children used the letters in NORMA to describe what a wonderful person she is, and how much she has given over the years. Everyone at Allington School would like to say a big thank you to Norma for her years of dedicated service and to wish her well in her retirement.

Easter lily display for Sedgebrook church

OOn Easter Saturday children in Foston gat

On Easter Saturday children in Foston gathered to create the St Peter’s Easter Garden en

Messy Church

On Good Friday lots of children from Long Bennington and the surrounding villages met in St James’s Hall in Long Bennington They spent many happy hours colouring, painting and sticking, creating all kinds of Easter fun and learning the Easter message.

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 9

Long Bennington Parish Council The Parish Council meeting on 13th April in their fields. The Parish Council would was attended by 3 members of the public. kindly ask all dog owners to act responsiNo questions/comments were raised bly and clear up after your dog wherever during the public forum. the location. Please let’s keep all areas of Local elections were referred to and it our village a pleasant environment for all was confirmed only seven Councillors are to enjoy. standing again, resulting in four vacancies It was confirmed, following a telephone for Long Bennington Parish Councillors. conference with planning consultants, Councillor Wood advised he has now the Neighbourhood Plan requires a little arranged for monthly meetings with Linmore work before the formal consultation colnshire CC, Highways, Area Manager stage is met. It is hoped consultations will giving the Parish Council a regular vehicle commence in the near future and details of in which to raise issues. He also conthese will be communicated widely. firmed, following a number of complaints, The Annual Parish Meeting took place on that he has reported the increasing amount Tuesday 14th April and the Parish Council of litter on the outer edges of the village/ would like to thank all attendees, particuslip roads. A meeting has been arranged larly those who made short presentations. with Councillor Wood and SKDC to disInformative updates from various village cuss the planning application at the rear of groups/organisations were provided and the Royal Oak Pub and another Councillor the draft Neighbourhood Plan was disis also attending the meeting. played, showing the work done so far. The Parish Council has received comAs always, if you have any issues or conments regarding the increasing amount cerns you wish to raise with the of dog fouling, particularly at Witham Parish Council, please contact me on Meadow. This is an open space, to be 01400 282716 or email enjoyed by all of the community and not Jane Evans only is the increasing amount of dog mess an eyesore, also a health Saturday 9th May hazard. If you are a dog owner, you have 10am-1pm a legal duty to clean Foston Village Hall up every time your dog messes in a public £5/car (£7/large car or van) place. Dog waste Raising funds for Foston Playgroup is also a potential Foston Linked to Foston Conservation Group health risk to farmPlaygroup plant swap (10am-12pm) ers’ livestock if you Come and enjoy a cuppa, swap or buy a plant and leave allow your dog to foul with a clean car! 10 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

P - QUIZ All the answers in this Bible quiz begin with the letter P - can you find them all?


Do you know what happened on the first Pentecost? On that day what really amazed all the people was that everyone there heard the message of the Good News in their own language. You can read about this in Acts, chapter 2. How many languages can you speak? We all speak English but most of us know at least a few words in more than one language. I bet you know some French, even if it is only ‘bonjour’ or ‘merci’, perhaps you know some Urdu, Spanish or Polish too. There are so many languages in the world we couldn’t hope to learn more than a few of them – but Jesus knows our language… He can speak everyone else’s language too. His gospel can be translated into every possible dialect and tongue because, whatever words are used, that gospel is the same. It is for all people, everywhere. Jesus speaks to everyone in His own language.

1. Paul wrote to the people of this town. 2. The Roman Governor who washed his hands. 3. Where the last book in the Bible was written. 4. Short stories Jesus told. 5. Goliath was one. 6. What Amos and Hosea were. 7. To begin with he was called Saul. 8. The Egyptian ruler who argued with Moses.

 Where would you look for a lost vicar? The Bureau of Missing Parsons. What is wet, round, and taste of peppermint? Water Polo. What did the policeman say to the naughty frog? Hop it.

 ANSWERS: 1.Philippi 2.Pontius Pilate 3.Patmos 4.parables 5.Philistine 6.prophets 7.Paul 8. Pharaoh

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 11

Long Bennington VPA Gardening Club March Meeting

We hosted Chris Cocks from Taylors Clematis in Doncaster - a multiple award winning firm which grows high quality clematis and sells them all over the world. He showed photos of different kinds of clematis which flower at different times throughout the year and the different pruning groups they belong to. Chris explained how to plant and care for them and how his family firm had developed. Talyors had brought lots of clematis for sale - one of which was called “Congratulations”. Bev Gledhill bought one as a 65th birthday present and it went down really well.

Spring Show - Saturday 28 March

Our Spring Show was held in St James’s Hall on 28 March. With the recent weather not having been too kind entries were affected - with no-one having any tulips ready for showing - but the judges commented on the excellent quality of the entries. The awards were as follows: A. ARNOLD CUP Mary Tivey Most Points in Show PENNELL CUP David Clay Best Overall Exhibit Adult DOREEN BENNETT CUP Tracey Hesford Best Floral Exhibit Class 39 H MARTIN CUP Edward Wynn Best Children’s Exhibit PRESIDENT’S PRIZE Florence Wynn Most Children’s Points H MAIN CUP Daniel Stapleton Best Exhibit in Children’s Art (School) Plant Sale - Saturday 16 May - 10.00am to 11.30am The usual well attended Plant Sale will be on Saturday 16 May at St James’s Hall. Come early if you want to get the best selection of plants for your garden this Summer.

May Meeting

Our next speaker will be Janette Merilion on Tuesday 26 May at 7.30pm in St James’s Hall. Janette has many years of gardening experience and as well as an experienced speaker on a wide range of garden related topics she is also a garden advisor, radio and TV broadcaster, historian and designer. She is speaking on “101 of my favourite plants”. Any questions or if you would like to join the Club please ring: Bev Gledhill Secretary 01400 282239 or 07753 709513 12 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Long Bennington Charities Various Charities have existed in the village from as long ago as 1720. In 1974 these were amalgamated into The Lupton and Poor’s Land Charity and registered by the Charity Commissioners - “To relieve either generally or individually persons resident in the Parish of Long Bennington who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress by making grants of money or providing or paying for items, services or facilities calculated to reduce need, hardship or distress in such person.” Nowadays we serve those in the Parish “in need” by helping with grass cutting (once a fortnight from April to the end

of the September) and lifelines. We also have four wheelchairs which can be borrowed by residents of the village, together with the possibility of two access ramps. If you think we could help you or someone you know, then please contact any of the following people: Nicola Brown – 07901 574243 or email Ted Bates - 01400 281853 Gay Baggaley - 01400 281364 Linda Dunwoodie - 01400 318152

Collections for Grantham Food Bank

There is a collection in St. Swithun’s south porch for donations for Grantham Food Bank. You can also leave used spectacles, stamps, printer cartridges and mobile phones. There is now a Grantham Food Bank Donation Bin situated at the top of the drive under the canopy at Whitegates Farmhouse, Long Street, Foston. Look out next month for a full feature on the work of Grantham Food Bank.


Do you want the best for your pet? Grooming Parlour Now Open

* Exercised daily over open fields, plus * First class accommodation regular breaks in exercise compound with central heating. * Fed their own diet. * The best care at sensible prices.

Then look no further – ring Lisa on:-­‐ 01636 626522

Inspection invited at any time during our normal opening hours of 8 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 5 pm, 7 days a week ( No need to phone)

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 13

Dates for your Diary Gordon Kerr Memorial Lecture Friday 8th May 7:30pm in St Wulfram’s

Spring Plant Swop

Church Grantham. The Rt Revd Rt Hon Lord Rowan Williams (Former Archbishop of Canterbury) will be speaking on “Does Science tell us anything about ethics?”

Saturday May 9th in Foston Village Hall from 10–12noon. The aim is to exchange seedlings and plants and to meet fellow gardeners with hints and tips to pass on. For more contact Janet on 01400 282571 or email

Sedgebrook Social Club

Flower Festival

Greek Food Night on 9th May at 8pm £10 per ticket

Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting

was held on Wednesday 22 April 2015 at 8pm in Sedgebrook Social Club. The minutes and agendas are put on the village green notice board and are also published on the Parish Council section of the village website:

at St Swithuns Church Long Bennington from 23-25 May - see page 7 for more details.

Long Bennington Local History Society

will be held on Wednesday 20 May 2015 at 8 pm in Sedgebrook Social Club – you are very welcome to come along”.

Meetings are always the last Monday in the month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall on Main Street from September to April. The next meeting is on 27 April and is entitled 125 years of Raleigh bicycles. The speaker is Mr T Hadland. The society is looking forward to a friendly and informative evening. An outing to Doddington Hall on Monday May 11 is planned. Ring Liz Smith on 01400 282503 for more details.

Sedgebrook Coffee Morning

Allington Bible Study Group

Loveden Deanery Midsummer Celebration

Praise in the Park

SedgebrookAnnual Parish Meeting

continues at the Sedgebrook Social Club on the second Tuesday of the month, to raise money for good causes (including Grantham Food Bank). All welcome.

An event for all the family to be held at Marston Village Hall, Bridge Street, Hougham, NG32 2HL Sunday 21st June 2015 From 4 to 6pm See page 19 for more details.

14 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Meets fortnightly on Wednesdays at 2.30pm. Contact Rev Stella LangdonDavies on 281395 or 07976 380659 or by email: A special afternoon service in St James Allington churchyard. Come and sing your favourite hymns. Sunday 19th July 3-4pm followed by afternoon tea.

SHARRICK’S FISH BAR Main Street, Long Bennington

Jan’s Taxi

Opening Times Mon: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm Tues: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm Wed: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Thurs: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Fri: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 9.00pm Sat: 11.30am – 2.00pm & 4.30pm – 8.00pm

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(01400) 282704 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 15

LONG BENNINGTON PLAYING FIELD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE AGM Thursday 14th May 2015 at the Main Road Playing Field Pavilion at 8pm. This is a public meeting to which all Long Bennington residents are invited. Village sports and leisure clubs, and other interested organisations that wish to be represented on the Playing Field Committee during the coming year, are invited to nominate up to two representatives who, if possible, should attend this AGM. Most of the volunteers on the committee are now in their 50s, 60s, or 70s and have been giving up their free time for well over 10 years. It is now time for the next generation to step up and do their bit. So, if you use the facilities and want to help ensure their continued survival please attend our AGM. For further information please telephone 01400 281763. For those who are not aware of us, the Playing Field Management Committee is a Registered Charity that was originally set up in the early 1970s to manage the fields which the Parish Council had just acquired. The committee is currently made up of twelve members of the public, and two members each from the Tennis Club, the Football Clubs, and the Parish Council. The committee and its associated groups have themselves raised over 90% of the £450,000 that have been spent on the facilities to date, and the last major project, a program to reorientate and drain all the playing surfaces of the field, has just been completed at a cost of £70,000.

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Fresh Outlook Take a Fresh look at Carpet cleaning Carpets Dry within 30 Minutes

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Free Quotes, friendly local service Leather suite cleaning Call Chris 01636 682508

16 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Accountant & Tax Adviser Tax Returns & Year End Accounts VAT Returns & Payroll Tax Planning for Sole Traders, Limited Companies, Landlords & Business Start-Ups Reliable & Efficient Service Fixed Fees Free Initial Consultation

Tel: Paul 01476 512379

Pets stay in private homes (exclusively) Home routines maintained Co-­‐ordinated Collection & Delivery Perfect for older dogs, rescue dogs, puppies and medicated dogs Alternatively would you like to join the Barking Mad family and become a Host? Are you retired or at home during the day? Telephone: Alex Doy 01636 679888

Long Bennington Pre-School We provide a safe, caring, stimulating and fun environment for children to play, learn and socialise. Sessions run daily in Long Bennington Village Hall for children aged 2 to 4 years old. FREE places for 3 and 4 year olds and some 2 year olds Feel free to call in or phone us on 07816 537242 email - or visit:

OFSTED Report – June 2011 “Children are confident, settled and relate well to their peers and the staff. They excitedly arrive and immediately begin talking, giggling and socialising with their peers.”

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 17

Potts Stores and Post Office CAR TAX CAR + HOME INSURANCE + TELEPHONE TOP-UPS + FOREIGN CURRENCY + TRAVEL INSURANCE + PLUS LOTS MORE ! Stuart & Sarah Forrester, 46 Main Road, Long Bennington

Tel: 01400 281942

Purpose built nursery in a rural location Offering quality care for children aged 3 months to 14 years. Fully qualified staff. Open Monday to Friday 8am-6pm Before and after school club School holidays and non-contact days also catered for. Open for 51 week of the year 15 Hours FREE funding available for 2, 3&4 year olds 01636 626067 18 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Midsummer Deanery Celebration


Sunday 21st June 2015 from 4 - 6pm

Featuring the Festival Singers and other choirs. This event for all the family includes crafts, games, quiz, creating a banner with a Midsummer theme and afternoon tea.

Do come and join us for this special event.

E l Su e no (T he Dre a m) So n P a rc, M e no rca Experience a blissful holiday! Near beach, golf course and local amenities Sleeps 8 in 4 bedrooms 3 bath/shower rooms Proper swimming and paddling pool Flexible dates Rentals from ÂŁ595pw

C o nt a ct : J o y Jo r da n, F.P . H o li da y s T el : 0 1 40 0 2 8 1 3 5 5 Em a i l : jo y .j o rd an @f o ca l po i nt u k .co m

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 19

Church Serv May


3rd May

10th May

Lectionary date

5th Sunday of Easter

6th Sunday of Easter





Acts 8:26-end Psalm 22:25-end 1 John 4:7-end or Genesis 22:1-18 John15:1-8

Acts 10:44-end Psalm 98 1 John 5:1-6 or Isaiah 55:1-11 John 15:9-17


10:00 Holy Communion (HO)

10:00 Morning Worship (Lay team)


3:30pm Family worship (DS) 5:00pm Evening worship (JR)

Long Bennington

10:30 Morning Worship


10:30 Morning Worship (JR)

10:30 Holy Communion

Ascension Day service: 14th M Acts 1:1-11, Psalm 47, Ephesians 1:15-end



Telephone : 01400 281214 • • • • •

Personal and friendly attention Daily exercise Individual runs to kennels and chalets Luxury block built heated accomodation Beautiful country location

Leigh Lesley, Hillcrest, Claypole Lane, Dry Doddington, Nr Newark, Notts NG23 5HZ Opening hours strictly 10-12 & 5-6 Daily 5-6 Only Sunday


N.A.C.S. and H.E.T.A.S. Wide Area covered – Fully experienced in all types of solid fuel appliances Chimney pots, bird guards & stoves fitted A complete service from fireplace to chimney pot



We welcome your inspection and will cater for special requests All pets boarded must have current valid vaccination certificates

Tel: 01400 282778

20 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

vice Times 17th May

24th May

31st May

Sunday after Ascension Day


Trinity Sunday




Acts 1:15-17, 21-end Psalm 1 1 John 5:9-13 or Ezekiel 36:24-28 John 17:6-19

Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:26-36 Romans 8:22-27 or Ezekiel 37:1-14 John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 29 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17

10:00 Holy Communion (SLD)

10:00 Morning worship (JR)

10:00 Holy Communion (HO)

9:00 Holy Communion (HO + DS preaching)

4pm Family Communion (DS + HO)

10:30 Morning Worship with Baptism

10:30 Morning Worship

) 9:00 Said HC BCP 10:30 Morning Worship 10:30 Holy Communion (HO)

May 7pm at Sedgebrook or Daniel 7:9-14, Luke 24:44-end



INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS ________________ ______________

Est 1930 Dignity and Discretion from a local business

Private Chapels of Rest Monumental Stonework Devon Ford, Devon lane, Bottesford Tel/Fax: (01949) 842401/842513 (24 Hours) Email: Contact us for information on pre-paid arrangements with Golden Charter

3 MAIN ROAD LONG BENNINGTON NEWARK, NOTTS Bathrooms, Kitchens, Boiler Replacements, Central Heating, All Plumbing Repairs

Telephone: 01400 281240 Mobile: 07860 267178

Saxonwell Group Parish News I 21

Prayer for May

Then He breathed on them and said: “Receive the Holy Spirit” John Ch 20 v 22 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit Acts Ch 2 v 4

Holy Father, before your risen son Jesus Christ ascended back into Heaven to reign with you in glory, He met with his disciples and breathing His spirit upon them promised to be with them always. He sent them out to proclaim the joyful news of His amazing love, life, death and resurrection. At Pentecost, as the believers gathered together in Jerusalem, they too experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit which enabled them to spread once more the wonderful news of their risen Lord reaching out to all. Dear Father, as we prepare to celebrate Ascension Day and Pentecost may we be aware of Christ’s presence in our lives as we are blessed with the power of the Holy Spirit. Help us to allow Him to work through us as we reach out to families, friends and our wider community caring for those in need, comforting the sad, praying with one another and encouraging each other so that together we too can continue spreading Christ’s glorious message - He is alive - He is with us always - His endless love is available to all.

Amen Suzanne Hartle

A FAMILY FUNERAL SERVICE THROUGH FOUR GENERATIONS The Gill family are proud to have provided care and advice to generations of families in the Newark & District Area.


For your own peace of mind and to make things easier for your family, we offer the E Gill & Sons Funeral Pre-Payment Plan.

For further information please contact us for a brochure or no-obligation home visit Email: 55 Albert Street, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, NG24 4BQ Telephone 01636 677461 22 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Need to know stuff...... Easter week bin collection update

Black bin collections w/b 4th and 18th May but no collection on 4th Silver bin collections w/b 11th and 25th but no collection on 25th

Post Box Clearing Times

Long Bennington Monday to Friday 4:00pm Foston Monday to Friday 4.00pm

Saturday 11am Saturday 8:30am

Mobile Library

Long Bennington Village Hall 18th May from 10:30 to 11:30am Allington Gardens 26th May from 2.15 to 3.15pm Allington Bus Shelter 26th May from 1.30 to 2pm

Did you know....

There is a free Waitrose bus that leaves every Wednesday from Long Bennington? It leaves Church Street at 9.15 and the Royal Oak at 9.17 arriving at 9.50, leaving at 11.15 and arriving back at 11.50. Flyers with more details are available in store.

J. Tollafield Construction of Claypole A hole in the roof or a whole roof ? A few concrete slabs or a large patio ? A porch or a five bed roomed house ? A path or a paved drive ? JTC for all your construction needs. Please contact me for a quotation

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Long Bennington Twinning Association

On Friday 17 April the new Brains of Bennington were crowned at the Long Bennington Twinning Association quiz. They called themselves The Scrambled Eggheads. The winning team members were Ian, Ruth and Gregory Johnson, Ken Still, Julia Griffith and Oliver Hague. They received the engraved glass trophy and a hamper. It was a strongly contested quiz. In second place, three points behind, were The Friday Nighters and in third place only half a point behind them, were The Saga Louts.


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24 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

There was lots of laughter and banter and it was great to hear so many people enjoying themselves. Gill Askew kindly made an excellent chilli while her husband Ian did a great job of being quiz-master. Amy Barnett was the scorer for the evening. My husband Dick Laine set the written questions while Gill and Ian Askew arranged the picture round. Many thanks to everyone who attended and helped to make the evening a success. From 14 to 17 May we are expecting in excess of fifty French visitors and a full itinerary has been arranged for them. Full details of their visit will be in next month’s issue. If anybody is interested in hosting or being involved in anyway please contact Kim on 01400 283370, Anne on 01400 282928 or email Anne Laine



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Long Bennington Bowls Club LBBC is always looking for new members. If you would like to try your hand at a new hobby why not come down and give it a go. For anyone interested, the club currently offers Tuesday afternoon roll up’s with advice and tips from the club’s coach. The club also offers social membership for only £12 per year. This allows you to come down and enjoy Fridays nights, which is our ‘club night’. This involves a very friendly roll up and plenty of socializing in the club bar. Plus we have a number of open events on Saturdays which social members can take part in. If you are interested in the above or would like to know anything further about the club, please contact the following people: Peter Fordham – Club Secretary and Coach on 01400 282530 Rob Miller – Club Chairman 01400 281209



Social media


Too nervous or don’t have the time to get to the gym? Then why not hire a personal trainer to come to the comfort of your own home (no equipment needed). Bespoke package to tailor every individual: -Weight loss/Toning -Muscle building -Strength -Power -Endurance -Nutrition advice - Group bookings available


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26 I Saxonwell Group Parish News



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Saxonwell Group Parish News I 27

Women’s Institute

Long Bennington WI goes Continental... Our meeting on Tuesday April 4th had an Italian theme. Members were challenged on their knowledge of Italian pastas, language, people, places and foods. There was bread, pizza, gelato (ice cream to you and me) and Prosecco to taste and an opportunity to try making fresh pasta. A good time was had by all. Thanks must go to Marilyn Hood and Jeanne Day for their hard work on the evening. In February we entered the Lincolnshire South Federation of WIs competition with a wall hanging celebrating 100 years of the WI. We were delighted to have won the competition and a prize of £50. After a ballot Anne Laine and Eileen Eggleston were chosen to represent our WI at a Buckingham Palace garden party in June in the presence of The Duchess of Cornwall. Our next meeting will be on May 5th where we will discuss the resolution for the national AGM. This will be followed by a fish and chip supper. Contact Jeanne Day on 282873 for more information.

Robert Ellis

Professional Vacuum Chimney Sweeping Service Established 1979 36 years experience HETAS Registered Master Member of NACS Stoves and Fireplaces also installed

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Built on reputation Local and reliable Stove installation service HETAS registered installer Chimney swept, lined and tested. Bird guards fitted Pots fitted. Any chimney enquiries welcomed Call Tony: 01400 282477 or 07771546835

28 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Foston WI gets cheesey... Foston WI met in the Village Hall on Tuesday 14 April and welcomed one visitor and two members of Long Bennington WI to the meeting. The speaker for the evening was Ian Rogerson from Charnwood Fayre, who gave a humorous talk and general insight into cheeses. This was followed by members and guests enjoying a supper and sampling the large selection of the delicious cheeses brought by Mr Rogerson. Our next meeting, on Tuesday, 12 May at 7.30 pm, will be a discussion on Resolutions followed by a jewellery demonstration. Do come along and meet our members. Contact Jose Medlock on 01476 574992

Andrew Smith Painter and Decorator A professional finish every time Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Quality Paints & Material Used Reliable Service No job too small Over 20 years experience

10 Manor Drive Long Bennington 01400 282064 Mob: 07971 272452

Local family business with over 20 years experience - New Build – Extensions – Conversions – Renovations - Landscaping – Repairs – Maintenance – Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen

Independent Guarantees & References Available Ring John Dawson for free quotation or advice 36 MAIN ROAD LONG BENNINGTON NG23 5DJ

TEL/FAX 01400 282020 MOBILE 07815 323708 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 29

Foston Village Hall Committee Big project plans ahead, we need you! Who are we?

There are six people on the current committee that manage the Foston Village Hall.

What do we do?

We meet once a month on Thursday night at 7.30pm, usually finishing by 9pm. We are the management committee for Foston Village Hall, a registered charity. Our objective is to maintain the fabric of the building in good order and fit for the purposes of the villagers and other users from outside the immediate area. We also aim, over time, to deliver improvements to the hall and its facilities. For example we currently have bold plans to replace the building cladding, completely update the toilet facilities and the bar area. An application for Lottery Grant funding is underway and the next 12-18 months should be an especially exciting time for members of the committee. The committee is also responsible for renting out the hall to village organisations and private functions, either from Foston or the wider community. The committee organises the Foston Village Fete, which is our single biggest fund-raising event of the year. We run regular events, like the Village Hall Lunch and the Pub Night, each on a monthly basis. We also occasionally run other fun- raising events on behalf of the village hall. Collection of fees and the accounting of income and outgoings is another key function. The members support and assist at events organised by the Committee. We maintain contact with other village halls around the county to exchange ideas and expertise and with regional and national bodies that were created to assist communities like ours, to help with legal, financial and fundraising issues. We publicise events at the hall by a variety of means; Parish News, journals, posters, flyers etc.

What do we want?

We need additional members! Six people on the committee is much too small for comfort. We need energy, fresh ideas, new thinking and most importantly, more bodies. So if you like a challenge and are interested in helping us to maintain and improve this essential part of Foston village life, then please contact Liz Sordy on 01400 282065.

Anyone wishing to help with the design of the Saxonwell Parish News should contact Sue Baggaley on 01400 318135. If you have a few spare hours each month and can use InDesign we would like to hear from you 30 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

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The Saxonwell Group Ministry Team Parish Priest Rev’d Harriet Orridge Stella Langdon-Davies (Ret’d) Administrator Jill Froggatt (works Thursday mornings at the Vicarage) Parish News Editor Sue Baggaley

281281 281395 281281 318135

Church Contacts St Swithun’s, Long Bennington

Church Wardens Joy Jordan 76 Main Road 281355 Mary Dring Costa Row 281178 Treasurer Dr Jane Cowley, Chapel House Main Road 282691 Church Flowers Mrs B Holmes 281437 Bell Ringing Brian Churchyard (Tower Capt) 281005 For wedding bells please contact

St Peter’s Foston Church Warden Treasurer

Holy Trinity Allington

Peter Drury Debbie Starr

Rose Cottage, Long Street 15 Burgin Close

281660 282719

John Swallow 282627 Church Warden/Treasurer Chris Dicken 7 Park Road 281524

St Lawrence Sedgebrook Contact person Church Flowers

John Pike Sandi Violets

Long Bennington Methodist Chapel

01949 843386 01949 358075

Rev’d Mark Roberts 01636 706264 Secretary Mrs E Egglestone 281439 Treasurer Mr M Gledhill 282152

Parish Council Clerks

Long Bennington Jane Evans Mon 10:30-12:30 @Village Hall 282716 Foston Mrs Wendy McCallin 282001 Allington Sharon Milne Sedgebrook Jane Branton 01476 577175

Community Contacts

Long Bennington Medical Centre 10 Valley Lane 281220 Prescription re-order line 282992 Book Groups: Long Bennington Moire Barnabas 283313 Foston Lucy Bliss 282661 32 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Useful Contacts Village Halls: Booking Secretary’s

Long Bennington Sue Mckinley 07816 267927 Foston Liz Sordy 282065 Allington 281042 Sedgebrook Social Club 01949 842152

Uniform Groups at Foston

Rainbows: Emma Woguelin (Village Hall Tues 4:15-5:15pm) Brownies: (Village Hall Tues 4:45-5:45pm) Scout Group (all at Gorrie Hall, Chapel Lane, Foston) Beaver Scouts: Jenny Wyn (Mon 6:30-7:30pm) 282301 Cub Scouts: Kim Roberts (Wed 6:3-8pm) 283370 Scouts Kim Roberts (Thurs 7-9pm) 283370 Explorer Scouts Adrian Roberts (Mon 7:45-9:30pm) 283370

Women’s Institute: (each meets monthly in their local village hall) Long Bennington Foston Allington

Jeanne Day (1st Tues 7:30pm) Monica Winters (2nd Tues 7:30pm) Pam Jackson (1st Wed 7:45pm)

282873 281831 281320

Playing Fields Facilities Booking Manager:

Long Bennington Gemma Walker 07790 759956 Playing Field Management Committee: Phil Owen 282471

Toddler Groups: Long Bennington Foston Allington

Pre-school Playgroup:

Katy Miller 07723 962300 Jenny Wynn 282301 Dionne

Long Bennington Sam Dell 0772396230 Allington Sarah Edwards Bowls Club Rob Miller 281209 Doll Club Anne Scott 282567 Drama Group Mrs Swarbrick 281130 Friendship Club Nicola Thorpe 07904 182752 God’s Acre Gordon Scott 282567 Guides Mrs N Redfern 281798 Junior Football Club Gary Clarkson 07971 784855 History Society John Jeffries 282606 Shirley Dalton 281716 Twinning Association Kim Roberts 283370 Village Produce Assoc Bev Gledhill 282239 Saxonwell Group Parish News I 33

Hello Grantham... As the weather warms up, our pets enjoy going outside more and inevitably end up getting into more mischief. Dogs with cut pads, grass seeds stuck in their ears and cats getting into scraps with the neighbourhood bully boy tom become everyday occurrences. Even more common however are parasite problems. Parasites are encountered all year round, especially fleas who love to migrate into our homes for the winter months. However, come Spring and Summer, all the potential creepies start to take notice of our pets joining them outside again. Parasites of note to look out for are fleas and ticks (which you can see with the naked eye), mange mites which are not visible to the naked eye but cause an intensely itchy rash, and lungworm. Lungworm is spread to our pets by ingesting snails and slugs, which are the carriers of lungworm larvae. Your vet will recommend keeping a strict regime of preventative treatment to help your pet shrug off any parasites that come their way. At Grantham Vets4Pets we advise monthly treatment against fleas, mange mites and lungworm and 3 monthly treatment for gastrointestinal worms in most cases.

Call 01476 571773

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Vets4Pets Grantham 95 - 97 London Road, Grantham, NG31 6HS Opening times: Mon-Fri 8.30am - 7.00pm Sat 9.00am - 12.00pm 34 I Saxonwell Group Parish News

Be parasite aware!

Feel free to come down to our practice or telephone to discuss your requirements with one of our team. We have some great preventative care plans available including our “Complete Care� plan, which offers up to a 33% discount on the treatments your pet needs for year round protection.

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