Scan Magazine | Issue 58 | November 2013

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Scan Magazine | Contents





Tins, Bling and Cosiness It is not a word of a lie, as founder of Skandinavisk, Shaun Russell, says, that Scandinavians know how to make a moment last. Whether by lighting a candle, finding a one-of-a-kind piece of jewellery, or insisting that the perfect armchair for quality relaxation is out there, Scandinavians certainly know to put quality first – and so do the companies in this month’s extra large Design Section.

116 Business Columns & News


118 Christmas – Sorted

BUSINESS Wise up with our keynote, find out how maths teaching makes business, and read about how one ambitious Swede started selling Swedish tapas on London’s Portobello Road. This month’s business section pays tribute to a couple of Swedes who have made it their mission to make your Christmas that little bit more atmospheric and hassle-free.

From Racing to Children As the Euro Whelen NASCAR Series drew to a close, Scan Magazine thought it was high time to catch up with the charming Anglo-Swedish racing hero, Freddy Nordström. He insisted that you do what you do because you love it, something that rings true for the other organisations featured: IKEA, in planning Christmas with a conscience; Lapland Welcome, with its spectacular light show; and ICEC, a Finnish school offering the best of two very good worlds.


127 Scandinavian Business Calendar Find out where to meet like-minded Scandinavians at the highlights of this month’s Scandinavian business events.

CULTURE 130 Celebrating Munch, and a piece of Denmark in London

Made in Norway

Perhaps you were not aware that it is 150 years since the famous Norwegian painter Edvard Munch was born. It may also be news to you that London’s super trendy Wilton’s Music Hall has Danish links. Informing you of such trivia is simply what Scan Magazine’s Culture Section is for. That, and keeping you up to date with music releases, exhibitions, and festivals, of course.

The term ‘Made in Norway’ has become a quality trademark, a stamp of approval. Between generous natural resources and economic prosperity, Norway has a lot to offer, in addition to the ability to educate some of the world’s finest creatives and designers. Join Scan Magazine on a journey of exploration of the very best products made here.



Norwegian Schools If Danish schools offer something exceptional, do not expect that Norwegian educational standards are any lower. Putting personal development, solidarity and creativity first, the folkehøyskole concept is as forwardthinking as it is fun. If it is too late for you, make sure your kids do not miss out.


Danish Schools Everybody knows that some of the best schools in the world are in Scandinavia. But did you know that there are types of schools in Denmark that are hard to come by elsewhere? Time to delve into the efterskole and højskole concepts. Our annual school theme is back!

Viktoria Tolstoy Untrained but unavoidably talented, Sweden’s muchloved jazz star, Viktoria Tolstoy, is back with her tenth album, A Moment of Now. Together with award-winning pianist Jakob Karlzon, she has created a collection of beautifully calm yet uplifting jazz interpretations of old favourites – and she has no intention of stopping.



Swedish Industrial & Product Design


What is in a product? Well, weeks of research, years of experience and training, and plenty of love, sweat and tears – or, to use a different word, endless dedication. Behind everything from on-demand TV services to game-changing play helmets and ergonomical sewing machines, is an ambitious, loving designer. Scan Magazine looked to Sweden to speak to the very best of them.



We Love This | 14 Fashion Diary | 104 Hotels of the Month | 109 Attractions of the Month

112 Restaurants of the Month | 124 Conferences of the Month | 128 Humour | 133 Music Column 133 Scandinavian Culture Calendar

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 3

Scan Magazine | Editor’s Note

Dear Reader, The Christmas lights are up on Oxford Street, and though we are far from ready to fully embrace the festive spirit, we know that preparation is key if you want to experience the holidays without breaking into a sweat. Therefore, this month’s business section comes with a special Christmas spread, paying tribute to a couple of Swedes who help you get into the spirit and make spreading it easier – and more fun. In addition, we have made the design section meatier than ever, thinking that a piece of Scandinavian jewellery or some top-quality Finnish fashion makes the perfect Christmas gift. But there is more for design lovers: this month’s big industrial and product design special brings into focus some curious debates around sustainability, problem-solving and branding. The agencies featured are experts in their fields, many insisting that post-modernity, with mobile everything and radically decreasing attention spans, means that design must start with the user and build from there, forcing businesses to improve not just their communications but their products as well. Also adamant to meet the demands of an ever-changing world are the schools featured in our annual school theme, which returns this month. While Scandinavia is renowned for of-

fering some of the best educational opportunities in the world, our focus is on schools with a difference: those who venture far beyond sheer academic success and dare to ask bigger questions about politics, creativity, and students’ purposes in life. Those with an artistic streak will find countless tempting options here, as will those keen to improve their language skills and open academic doors. If, however, you are not inclined to start the Christmas shopping early, let alone think about what your academic future holds, take comfort in the fact that our cover lady, Viktoria Tolstoy, is more of a carpe diem kind of girl, too. Her brand new album, A Moment of Now, offers as much jazzy, Scandinavian tranquillity as her presence oozes warmth and contentment, in addition to exactly that: the perfect excuse to put off the festive preparations in favour of seizing the day.

Linnea Dunne Editor


Scan Magazine

Signe Hansen

Nicolai Lisberg Larsen

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Issue 58 | November 2013

Sophia Stovall

Ulrika Kuoppa

Kjersti Westeng

Maria Malmros

Stian Sangvig

Inna Allen

Published 07.10.2013 ISSN 1757-9589

Eleonoora Kirk

Hannah Gillow Kloster

Published by

Karoliina Kantola

Stine Sørensen

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Ingvild Larsen Vetrhus

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Thomas Bech Hansen

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Creative Director Mads E. Petersen

Joanna Nylund Didrik Ottesen


Emelie Krugly Hill

Linnea Dunne

Maria Smedstad

Graphic Designer Svetlana Slizova

Mette Lisby Helena Whitmore

Sales & Key Account Managers Emma Fabritius Nørregaard Mette Tonnessen Johan Enelycke Jonna Klebom

Sara Schedin



Karl Batterbee

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Cecilia Varricchio

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4 | Issue 58 | November 2013

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Scan Magazine | Contributors

Regular Contributors Linnea Dunne (editor) has been working as a freelance writer for almost fifteen years, contributing to Scan Magazine since 2010. A fan of coffee, politics and folk music, she is Swedish born and bred but now lives in north London. Mette Lisby is Denmark’s leading female comedian. She invites you to laugh along with her monthly humour columns. Since her stand-up debut in 1992, Mette has hosted the Danish versions of “Have I Got News For You” and “Room 101”. Swedish Sara Schedin is a freelance writer with a degree in journalism from City University London. She moved here in 2006 and is currently covering Scandinavian culture in the UK.

Kjersti Westeng moved from Norway to London to study journalism. She now finds it impossible to leave, despite having finished university two years ago. From 9 to 5 she works in PR, but in the evenings she writes her blog and plans her next holiday. Julie Lindén is half Swedish and half Norwegian, and came to London two years ago to pursue a degree in journalism and creative writing at Kingston University. When she’s not busy studying, she is travelling the globe, learning new languages and planning novels to be written. Hannah Gillow Kloster is a Norwegian freelance writer who came to London to study English literature on its home turf. With a BA from Royal Holloway under her belt, she is currently pursuing an MA in Digital Humanities in Chicago, combining her two favourite things: literature and the internet.

6 | Issue 58 | November 2013

Maria Smedstad moved to the UK from Sweden in 1994. She received a degree in Illustration in 2001, before settling in the capital as a freelance cartoonist, creating the autobiographical cartoon Em. She writes a column on the trials and tribulations of life as a Swede in the UK. Karl Batterbee is devoted to Scandinavian music and knows exactly what is coming up in the UK. Apart from writing a monthly music update for Scan Magazine Karl has also started the Scandipop Club Night and its corresponding website: Inna Allen is a freelance writer, translator and photographer whose passions lie in all things art and design. She moved to the UK from her native Finland in 2001 and has since developed a chronic yearning for sauna. Signe Hansen, MA graduate in Journalism, is back freelancing in London after travelling much of the world. She writes on everything Scandinavian and her main passions are: culture, travel and health. Emelie Krugly Hill has worked on a number of Swedish newspapers. After travelling extensively, she has been based in London since 2006. Her particular interests are news and current affairs within Sweden and the export of Scandinavian culture to the UK. Didrik Ottesen is back living in London after a carefree time travelling around the world. He is currently doing his MA Journalism degree while also working as a freelance journalist and trying to play as much football as possible.

Rikke Oberlin Flarup is a Danish freelance writer and publisher with a passion for thick novels and DIY zines. Still a newcomer to London, she spends her free time exploring the city's hidden gems. Maria Malmros is a freelance writer from Sweden, with a journalism degree from Ithaca College in New York (USA). She enjoys painting, learning foreign languages, and rummaging through London, looking for any areas of the city yet to be uncovered. Nicolai Lisberg has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the Danish School of Journalism. He has lived in both Denmark and Germany, before moving to London last year. When he is not busy learning a new language, he spends most of his time playing, watching or writing about football. Cecilia Varricchio is a Swedish freelance writer and translator who moved to London in 2009. Before moving to London, she spent more than nine years in different countries outside Sweden, including five ears in Italy. She has a strong passion for writing since her childhood years. Helena Whitmore moved to the UK from Sweden in 1989. She joined SEB Private Banking in the UK as a wealth structuring specialist in January 2013 and has extensive experience in cross-border tax planning having previously worked at a law firm.

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Photo: © ACT / Jörg Grosse Geldermann

Scan Magazine | Cover Feature | Viktoria Tolstoy

8 | Issue 58 | November 2013

Scan Magazine | Cover Feature | Viktoria Tolstoy Viktoria Tolstoy, dubbed Sweden’s best jazz singer, has worked with everyone from the late Esbjörn Svensson to Nils Landgren and Mauro Scocco.

Viktoria Tolstoy Untrained, un-Swedish and unavoidably talented The daughter of a musicologist and jazz pianist, Viktoria Tolstoy grew up immersed in jazz and Swedish folk songs – and though she has left her childhood hometown Stockholm behind in favour of a Malmö suburb, musically she has not ventured far off the path set out for her: the brand new release A Moment of Now is not just representative of an artist well able to seize the day and enjoy the moment, but also full of musical references to the long, illustrious list of Swedish stars she has collaborated with during a ten-album-long celebrated career. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: ©Jorg Grosse Geldermann

“I’m quite un-Swedish,” says the celebrated jazz singer who went to a singing lesson once, was told that she had to work on her ‘leak’, and decided never to go back. Born and bred in Sweden, where qualifications are key and everything has to be done a certain way, Viktoria Tolstoy certainly has carved her own path that way. “I’ve always been against all that, putting people in boxes, saying all the right things – I’m allergic to it.” Yet, her new album, A Moment of Now, has an unmistakably Swedish quality to it. A duo release with pianist Jakob Karlzon, with whom Tolstoy has been working for 15 years already, it is beautifully calm yet pacey, the harmonies and chord sequences at times reminiscent of other Swedish jazz stars like the late Esbjörn Svensson. “It’s only natural,” says the

singer. “Had I worked with an American pianist I’m sure it would have sounded completely different, but we’re both steeped in the same cultural heritage, and it shows: that characteristically Swedish airy, fragile sound comes automatically.” The album is a jazz-laden melting pot full of old favourites of the two musicians, with everything from Phil Collins’ Against All Odds to Cole Porter’s I Concentrate on You. Based on the same open-minded attitude that the singer applies to everything else in life, this collection of songs was never meant to fit a specific brief or be easily labelled. It was gut feeling all the way. “What does it matter who wrote the songs? We just picked material we felt excited about, songs that I’ve always wanted to sing,” Tolstoy explains. The re-

sult is an album of pieces by artists as different as Stevie Wonder, Peter Gabriel and Alanis Morissette, still with a coherently distinctive sound throughout. “There’s something for everybody,” says the singer, admitting that the pair have allowed themselves more space on this album, more calm and less swagger. Though Tolstoy is modest, insisting that “nobody is the best, everybody has their own sound” when I remind her that she was once dubbed the best jazz vocalist in Sweden, she most certainly could namedrop if she wanted to. Not only has Karlzon been awarded the Swedish Django d’Or and voted Jazz Musician of the Year in Sweden in 2010, but Nils Landgren, producer of their new album, is also a hugely celebrated trombonist who has played with the likes of ABBA and Herbie Han-

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 9

or five, singing songs from her favourite Astrid Lindgren children’s movies.

Viktoria Tolstoy and Jakob Karlzon have been working together for 15 years.

cock. And the list goes on. Most of the songs on För Älskad (Too Loved), Tolstoy’s only album in her mother tongue, were written for her by Swedish pop legend Mauro Scocco; the album that came after that, White Russian, was produced by multi-award-winning late jazz pianist Esbjörn Svensson of the trio by the same name, who also wrote material for the 2004 instalment, Shining on You. Since then, Tolstoy has explored her Swedish roots on My Swedish Heart (2005), a collection of Swedish jazz and folk songs; covered Paul Simon, Prince and Van Morrisson on Pictures of Me (2006); and recorded a celebrated tribute to Herbie Hancock called Letters to Herbie (2011). If there was any doubt about her standing in Swedish music circles, the proof is in the pudding, or, in this case, the discography. “I never thought about the fact that I’ve worked almost exclusively with men, but it’s true,” says Tolstoy when asked to reflect on the illustrious collaborations. Having grown up playing a lot with boys, being somewhat adventurous and toughening up as a result, she is convinced that working with men has

10 | Issue 58 | November 2013

given her thicker skin, something that happens to the majority of female singers in an otherwise male-dominated industry. But far from searching out collaborators based on gender, she insists that the mutual understanding and respect required is almost always immediate: “You’ll know pretty much straight away if you can work with someone. If you have to force it, it’s just not right. It’s like living with someone – it has to click.” One of the singer’s earliest and perhaps most important collaborators was her father, the musicologist, pianist and vibraphonist Erik Kjellberg. Not only did he inspire and contribute with songs to her first album, Smile, Love and Spice, but he very much played a key role in the development of her love of music. “He inspired me massively,” says Tolstoy. “There’d be music playing at home all the time: either he was playing the piano or the stereo was on.” Her father introduced her to everything from classical music to the Beatles, but it was jazz in particular that was his forte, and the two would sing and play together. There are recordings of Tolstoy from when she was as young as four

Still, according to the singer herself, her joy for singing is a larger-than-life kind of joy, something that cannot be attributed to just one person, and her answer to the question of whether she would have been a singer if it was not for her dad comes without as much as a millisecond of doubt: “Oh yes. It’s such an integral, inherent part of me, so it would’ve had to come out eventually.” And as she faces months on the road throughout Germany, Austria and Scandinavia as part of the A Moment of Now tour, she admits to hoping that the new album does well and brings exciting opportunities, but refuses to think too far ahead. “I don’t tend to plan ahead that much. It’s good the way it is – things are great now,” she says. And of course they are: few people would complain when recording music with prized pianists, touring Europe, and returning home to what can only be described as some sort of normality with a loving partner and son. And why plan things, why think of anything but a moment of now, when you have no intention of really changing it? “I will always keep singing. Or I’ll let the fans decide: I’ll keep on singing until they start booing and throwing tomatoes at me.”

Viktoria Tolstoy is back with a new album, A Moment of Now.

For more information, please visit:

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Scan Magazine | Design | We Love This

We love this... Autumn has settled in well in Scandinavia, synonymous with lots of cosy evenings in front of the fireplace. We let the beautiful palette of colours inspire our decorating ideas, and bring in just the right amount of light to set the mood… By Julie Lindén

We have completely fallen in love with Design House Stockholm and their clever mix of functional and minimalist design. Let these pendant lamps brighten up Eva Solo demonstrates its cool creativity by designing these little cupolas that show off your most

your duskier days.

valued possessions. A masterpiece made by your little one or a treasured family heirloom? Set up a

decorative personal exhibition! Price: £50 each.

sold in the UK through

Price: starting at approx. £159 each

Nothing says autumn relaxation quite as In need of an inspirational nap? Lie down on

much as lighting a good collection of

one of Svenskt Tenn’s quote cushions, and

candles. The classic candelabra designs of

Celebrating 100 years of innovative design,

dream of that land far, far away.

Svenskt Tenn are bestsellers that give your

Eva Solo has launched this family of limited

home that modern, chic feel.

edition carafes. Which one is your fave?

Price: approx. £150

Price: approx. £407.

Price: £90 each.

12 | Issue 58 | November 2013

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Scan Magazine | Design | Fashion Diary

Fashion Diary... The festive season is fast approaching, and we feel quite excited to gear up with statement pieces and closet staples that will stand the test of time. Aquatic colours were big winners on this season’s catwalks, and we’ll gladly admit: we don’t feel blue about it at all! By Julie Lindén

What’s the festive season without a statement jewellery piece? We love the bold and sparkly designs of Norwegian Cecilie Melli, and can’t wait to sport this necklace for our Christmas parties. £125 approx. sold to the UK through

Filippa K is known as the go-to brand for simplicity and refined, Scandinavian elegance. This dress offers all the above, BeckSöndergaard makes sure you’ll stay

and when winter melts away it will look just

fashionably warm this season. £39.

as great as a summer cocktail dress. £110.

sold in the UK through

The men’s coat now has a permanent Jennie-Ellen is one of Sweden’s newest and

place in every woman’s closet. Filippa K

This season made animal print an absolute

brightest-shining brands on the fashion sky,

made this season’s most desirable one,

must in any wardrobe, and we like that

making gorgeous shoes for women who

and its classic shape is sure to work well

Tiger of Sweden has added some leopard

dare. This pointy boot is named ‘Note to

for years to come. £357

to the feline family. £59.

Self’. £160.

14 | Issue 58 | November 2013

Scan Magazine | Design | Maria Nilsdotter

time abroad has greatly influenced the way she works. She recently visited the city to showcase her design during Fashion Week. “My time in London had a great influence on me – it was an amazing feeling of freedom being encouraged to do what you love and go crazy with creativity. It’s a very multifaceted city, constantly bursting with creative spirit. There is so much to inspire you – it’s a place where time will never stand still.” Dare we say the same goes for Maria’s success?

Magnificent Maria – Sweden’s golden girl When Maria Nilsdotter received a pair of bracelets from her jeweller grandparents as a little girl, it sparked an unwavering passion for jewellery design. Fast-forward to last year’s Super Bowl, and the design bearing her name adorned Madonna at a half-time performance watched by a staggering 167 million people. One thing is certain: Maria’s future is just as dazzling as her timeless designs. By Julie Lindén | Photos: Maria Nilsdotter

“I remember thinking ‘Wow, this will be fun!’ before realising I had to dive straight into the process of designing if I was to get it done on time,” Maria recalls of the day she learned that the uncrowned queen of pop plus 220 dancers would be wearing her custom-made tiaras at one of the world’s most-watched television events. “It was the greatest honour, and I love head pieces so it was extra fun creating that kind of design,” says the designer. Her exquisite craftsmanship is unmistakably creative, drawing inspiration from sagas, legends and mythology. Maria describes her design style as “imaginative and filled with contrast,” a combination that has won much praise from the Scandinavian design industry. The 2012 winner of Sweden’s most prestigious accessory award, Guldknappen Accessoar, Maria

would have good reason to sit back and enjoy her soaring success. But the jeweller herself remains irrevocably humble, always putting her clientele first. “Of course I get excited when people like our Crown Princess Victoria wear my pieces. She is absolutely stunning and wears everything so well, so I am thrilled that she likes what I do. Still, I find that it doesn’t matter who wears my jewellery – everybody has the power to make a piece into something of their own,” Maria says, adding: “The most wonderful compliment I get is when someone says they wear a piece of mine every single day – that it has become part of their person. I love that.” Although the brand bears a distinctive feel of a somewhat rebellious Swedish elegance, London-educated Maria says her

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 15

Scan Magazine | Design | Erik Jørgensen

Leather, textiles, wood or steel – whatever it is, Erik Jørgensen has the best of it, both from Danish renowned and up-and-coming designers and from carpenters from abroad.

Erik Jørgensen – designed for life Erik Jørgensen is synonymous with an aesthetic born out of a desire to combine the highest quality with exceptional design and innovation. Founded in Svendborg in 1954, Erik Jørgensen Møbelfabrik started as a small workshop. Within a few years, the company had developed into a well-reputed furniture upholstering company, and still today, in 2013, Erik Jørgensen Møbelfabrik continues to pursue perfection by remaining dedicated to quality craftsmanship, innovative design and comfort, overseen by the founder’s sons Niels and Ole Jørgensen. By Sophia Stovall | Photos: Erik Jørgensen Møbelfabrik

CEO Erik Jørgensen continues to be driven by the same ambitions of renewal and quality, celebrating Danish design tradition and craftsmanship while embracing contemporary design and supporting up-andcoming designers. Drawing on long-standing partnerships with highly-skilled craftsmen in leather, textiles, wood and steel affords Erik Jørgensen unrivalled insight into the fusion of design and comfort. By anchoring both design and production locally and nationally, Erik Jørgensen celebrates and champions Danish design and is in the unique position of supplying the very best of Danish design, both old and new, but also equally significant work by international designers. Hans J. Wegner One of Denmark's most recognised master carpenters and designers, Hans J. Wegner

16 | Issue 58 | November 2013

(1914-2007) came to define the post-war Danish Modern furniture concept as part of Arne Jacobsen’s studio. His designs still retain relevance today, characterised by his exquisite understanding of materials, high quality and superb design giving minimalism an organic softness.

Innovative Danish design As a staunch supporter of home-grown design talent, Erik Jørgensen runs a biannual competition aimed at promoting and supporting up-and-coming Danish designers. 1995 saw the first competition take place, which has gone on to shape numerous acclaimed careers, including Ernst and Jensen and Ditte Hammerstrøm. Erik Jørgensen is also involved in the annual Danish Cabinetmakers’ Autumn Exhibition, celebrating design created through an open dialogue between designer and manufacturer, rooted in Scandinavian design heritage. Whether it may be iconic pieces such as Hans J. Wegner’s Ox Chair or cutting edge Danish design, Erik Jørgensen delivers the finest furniture, informed by the oldest traditions.

Studio Hannes Wettstein Though Erik Jørgensen features predominantly Danish design and designers, the emphasis lies on the pursuit of excellence and innovation. Hannes Wettstein (19582008) is considered among the most innovative and acclaimed designers in Switzerland. Since his death in 2008, Studio Hannes Wettstein keeps his legacy alive and today employs around 10 designers who create everything from interiors and furniture to lighting and various other products.

Erik Jørgensen, founded in 1954, now runs a bi-annual competition aimed at promoting and supporting up-and-coming Danish designers.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Design | Skandinavisk

"No one would disagree that candlelight makes any moment softer, cosier, better,” says Russell, whose candle ranges come scented or unscented, beautifully-packaged in the stories and symbols of Scandinavian lifestyle, thus providing a moment, rather than just a block of high quality wax.

Light up for happiness When Londoner Shaun Russell first moved to Copenhagen, after falling in love with a Danish girl while living in Sydney, he couldn't understand what made the Scandinavians the happiest peoples in the world. But over the next decade, he got to know what the Danes call ‘hygge’ and realised that it was the Scandinavian priority of the small moments in life that revealed their happy secret – and so he went on a mission to spread the word. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: Skandinavisk

"Scandinavians burn more candles than any other nation on earth, they burn them all year round. An average Dane burns 20 times more wax than a Briton, so we thought this was the ideal symbol to start telling the story," says Russell. "There are a lot of things to admire about the Scandinavian way of life, but at the heart of it is ‘hygge’ and the small moments that come to life through the candles they light.” Together with a fellow Brit based in Stockholm, Russell founded Skandinavisk with the aim of spreading and celebrating the Scandinavian way of life, and in little over six months its products have spread to 12 different countries and some of the best design stores around. Skandinavisk has created ranges of both scented and unscented candles. For the scented range, Russell drew inspiration from the dominant characteristics of the region: from the calm of the boreal

forests with SKOV, to the freshness of the endless coastlines with HAV and the cosy, inclusive warmth of HYGGE. The unscented candles are sourced from the same small Danish company that produces candles for world-renowned Danish restaurant Noma, hand-poured into individual moulds and left to dry naturally – a painstaking technique that creates a candle that burns incredibly slowly and with a beautifully deep glow through the entire body of the wax, “like a lantern on the table” according to one Londonbased Norwegian blogger.

Shaun Russell set up Skandinavisk to spread the word about 'hygge' and the Scandinavian way of life.

You can buy the Skandinavisk candle ranges at: Skandium, London TwentyTwentyOne, London Wild Swans, London Nord, Cambridge Found, Bath Moleta Munro, Edinburgh Stilleben, Copenhagen Norrman-Copenhagen, Copenhagen Danish Design Museum, Copenhagen

All the candles are then carefully wrapped and beautifully packaged, again to evoke the real stories of the Scandinavian lifestyle. “No one would disagree that candlelight makes any moment softer, cosier, better,” Russell insists. “But lighting candles is sadly overlooked as a daily habit outside Scandinavia. We want to change that – for good reason.”

NK, Stockholm DesignTorget, Stockholm

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 17

Founder and designer Charlotte Nørgaard

Nuts about packaging At Utopia Design, packaging is not just wrapping to be ripped off and tossed away – it is an extension of the product and an expression of style; in other words, it is a gift to both the buyer and the seller. Among Utopia Design’s own exclusive products is a recently launched 100-per-cent soya candle offering a soot-low, stylish alternative to the Northern countries’ stearin obsession. By Signe Hansen | Photos: Utopia Design

Founded by designer Charlotte Nørgaard in 2007, Utopia Design’s unique, highquality packaging today encases an array of products, from gourmet sausages and chocolate to lip balm and candles. The company’s stylish designs are inspired not only by the product and its buyers but also very much by the continuously changing fashion trends. “Our products are bought mostly by women, and women, at least many of us, take a great interest in fashion, trends, and tendencies. That means that we can increase the appeal of our packaging a lot if we can match the design to current trends,” explains Nørgaard and adds: “Fashion reflects society, and in

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essence that’s why we find it so interesting. But, when it comes to predicting trends, fashion is usually a couple of years ahead of the rest of us mortals, and that’s why we at Utopia spend a lot of energy on staying updated via trend reports, experts, research and mystery shopping. We need

Scan Magazine | Design | Utopia Design

to know what will happen within the next two to three years so we can ensure that our packaging is out when something is trending and not a year later.” Packaging that stays around Though Utopia’s designs usually reflect the latest trends, they are not short-lived. On the contrary, Nørgaard likes to work with enduring materials such as tin. The result is that the encasing is often in itself a product worth keeping. “The thing about metal packaging, especially stylish boxes such as ours, is that people very rarely throw it away – and if they do they are really good at recycling it. They reuse them for all kinds of things: to keep their hairbands, pain killers, and office supplies in. And of course producers have to consider the brand value entailed when their name is printed on a box which, for instance, ends up sitting on an office desk,” Nørgaard stresses. The production of Utopia’s tin boxes, which are manufactured in China, is quality controlled by Gemini, a company ensuring that work and quality standards live up to the clients’ expectations. Among Utopia Design’s biggest clients is the American lip balm brand ChapStick, for which Nørgaard and her team have designed several limited edition tins, sold, among other places, in Boots: “We have made a range of fantastic tin boxes for ChapStick. It’s a regular lip balm, really good for dry lips, and we just thought it would be fun to put it in this stylish metal packaging. We are really proud of the boxes, which ended up at the front desks

of many Boots shops and beauty departments,” says Nørgaard. The design of the colourful boxes, which will soon be found in the American Walmart chain, was created to reflect the brand’s long history. It represents just one of the many specifically tailored designs that Utopia Design create. New ventures Though the designers at Utopia Design are self-proclaimed packaging fanatics, the company also produces, or co-produces, a select range of its own products, all exclusively packaged, of course. One of the newest and most exiting products is a soya candle, produced with a partner under the brand ByRansborg, which is 100 per cent biodegradable, produces 100 times less particles than normal candles and almost no soot, and is completely free from chemicals. This means that the nonscented candles in the range are even tolerated by patients with COPD and MSC. In Denmark, there is no legislation dictating the accuracy of content tables on candles, many of which contain highly polluting materials that can create discomfort and air pollution within the home. But Utopia Design ensures that they can guarantee that their candles are indeed 100 per cent soya. “Our partner on this project has a background in engineering. It might seem a bit untraditional for an engineer to work with aroma candles, but his approach has been very beneficial. He wants to know what is in the candle and what exactly happens when you light it, and with his background we can ensure that what we are told by producers is 100 per cent true,” stresses Nørgaard. The candles, which are so far available throughout northern Europe, are scented with natural oils and presented in tempting and elegant packaging with a Scandinavian touch of minimalism.

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Issue 58 | November 2013 | 19

Scan Magazine | Design | Features

Wonders of nature Jewellery designer Jenni Rutonen almost became a biologist. Luckily, she changed her mind, and she now transcribes the tales of nature in her creative work. Strong, showy pieces of jewellery are Rutonen’s hallmark. “I design for the individualistic, aesthetic person who wants to stand out with their accessories. My design has a typical Scandinavian cleanliness of shape, but I am no minimalist,” Rutonen says.

From an early age, Rutonen found nature her biggest inspiration. “My line Shy Dragonfly, came into life after a fleeting moment in the reeds where I saw a dragonfly. It flew away when I moved towards it but returned for me to marvel at it as I stood still. All my design has a similar encounter as a background story, and every piece comes with a written tale that has a bit of mystery to it,” Rutonen says. Jenni Rutonen Design also offers customisation and has just opened a webshop. Enquiries now come from afar,

Small is beautiful Helsinki-based Linda Toye’s jewellery offers a cornucopia of colourful and versatile hand-made jewellery, fit for any occasion. After a move to Helsinki some twenty years ago, Detroit-born artist and jeweller Linda Toye has carved a niche for herself with a popular range of hand-made cocktail rings, beaded bracelets, and necklaces. As fashion transitions to a darker winter palette, Toye’s pieces promise an injection of colour to suit any mood or outfit. “My clients seem to be good at mixing and matching their own fashion with my jewellery,” says Toye of her work, which has accrued a loyal customer base and is also a favourite of fashion stylists; her kaleidoscopic designs have been featured in popular Finnish magazines such as Anna, Elle Finland, Gloria, Me Naiset and Trendi. At the heart of Toye’s work is the desire to have fun whilst also remaining consistent in quality and committed to using

20 | Issue 58 | November 2013

By Anna Taipale Photos: Jenni Rutonen Design

By Eleonoora Kirk Photos: Charlotta Boucht

high-quality materials. In each limited edition piece, Toye’s artistic eye has imbued character and beauty using materials ranging from colourful acrylic beads and natural stones to glass, Swarovski crystal, sterling silver and 14-carat goldfill, allowing each piece to retain that special feeling of uniqueness. Hilla, a new eco collection inspired by the cloudberry, incorporates silver and beads sourced from ethical manufacturers in Japan, the United Kingdom and America. With plans to launch an online store to reach new markets by next summer, Linda Toye jewellery can be found in Helsinki at Design Museum Finland, Asuna, Gaudete, 2or+, and at Televisio Lifestyle Store in Turku. Prices range from B40 to B220. For more information, please visit:

since the clothing brand Ivana Helsinki accessorised its show with Jenni Rutonen Design jewellery during New York Fashion Week. “Whether it is custom work or my own line, I want to create items that empower their bearer. Channelling the carefree mood of a warm summer’s day to my design makes it versatile. The pieces can be worn with a fancy evening gown or a pair of jeans. I root for harmony instead of formality.” For more information, please visit:

Scandinavian design for the choosy It sounds like a Scandinavian fairytale come true. In 2008, legal advisor Ann Ulrich and self-taught designer Kamille Vibekke Østergaard founded Izabel Camille Jewellery. The business concept is based upon the idea of producing trendy but affordable trinkets with an exclusive but distinctive design, making the various parts combinable and interchangeable. By Marjorie de los Angeles Mendieta | Photos: Izabel Camille Jewellery

The company’s jewellery has been featured in trend magazines for teenagers as well as lifestyle periodicals for people separated from them by two generations, testifying to the fact that whatever it is, the design has struck a common chord with its broad audience. Originally catering mostly to the Scandinavian consumers, the company is now ready to take the leap further abroad. The common thread of Izabel Camille’s collection is the colour palette, featuring the sand-blasted light matt gold and oxidised silver mixed with tenderly tinged semi-precious gem stones. The main source of inspiration for the choice of colours has been the characteristic Midsummer light of the Scandinavian summer days around the solstice. Flowers, leaves and geometrical forms are the mainstay of the shapes assigned to the various pieces of jewellery. The aim is to

produce a distinctively and visually appealing Scandinavian look. “It is all about finding the ornament’s harmonic equilibrium,” says the company’s designer Kamille Vibekke Østergaard, who is the creator of the company’s collection and always carries a sketch-book with her in case inspiration should strike.

With around 100 retailers in Denmark and 20 in Sweden, the company now strives to gain a foothold in Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States and perhaps even open an own-brand shop. It sounds like quite a handful for the two entrepreneurs, but family comes first. “It was originally our intention that the company should only consume the equivalent of a 25-hour working week to give us time for the children,” explains Kamille, so despite the size of the business, which is actually named after Kamille’s daughter, it is only recently that the two have had enough time to spare for the effort of launching the business across Europe.

Izabel Camille has its jewellery produced by goldsmiths in Thailand. The company markets its wholesale products online and through various retailers, mostly local goldsmiths’ shops and department stores.

Ann Ulrich and Kamille Vibekke Østergaard

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 21

successfully designed products for the Chinese lifestyle market. “With a growing wealthy middle class in China, people are increasingly spending money on designer furniture, lifestyle products and fashion. Scandinavian designers have a great potential in this market, because we can create and innovate things that the Chinese haven’t mastered yet,” Seidenfaden says. Seidenfaden Design has just entered a strategic partnership with the leading Chinese design firm, LKK Design Group. With more than 300 employees, LKK Design is China's largest design firm. In January, the new partners will open a studio in Shanghai, where Danish and Chinese designers together will innovate and create high-quality products with an emphasis on Scandinavian values.

Scandinavian design – a hit in China Made in Scandinavia, sold in China. A rather unusual label, but it is reality for the designs of Seidenfaden Design Copenhagen, whose products have become popular around the world, especially in China. Now the designers are opening their first office abroad – in Shanghai. By Sanne Wass | Photos: Seidenfaden Design

Ten years ago, the two Danish friends Troels Seidenfaden and Jonas SverdrupJensen founded a small design studio in Copenhagen. Today, Seidenfaden Design is a major player in both the Danish and international markets, designing and

Troels Seidenfaden and Jonas Sverdrup-Jensen

22 | Issue 58 | November 2013

In China, the deal is a big scoop. Last month, Seidenfaden and Sverdrup-Jensen visited Shanghai to sign the business contract with LKK Design, and a full camera crew from Chinese National TV was ready to film the entire three-day visit. “It was a great surprise, and amazing to see how big the Chinese consider this project, since they are filming a 50-minute documentary about us for national television. Hopefully we can help increase the awareness of Scandinavian design in China,” Seidenfaden concludes.

manufacturing solutions for big international lifestyle brands. A vital foundation of Seidenfaden Design is the Scandinavian design tradition and its values. Co-founder Troels Seidenfaden explains why this approach makes their products so popular: “We have a strong design culture in Scandinavia. The design is simple, aesthetic, innovative, and most importantly functional. The products express a story that makes people love them. As a result, they become iconic and long-lasting.” The story about Seidenfaden Design has even reached China, where the demand for the unique Scandinavian simplicity and functionality is higher than ever before. Seidenfaden Design has for several years

Weber BBQ

Mefa Mailbox

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The practical and the beautiful Finnish clothing brand Aïno designs clothes for petite, medium- as well as plus-size women. Individual colours, light but high-class natural-fibre materials, fitting cuts – that is how Aïno clothes are recognised.

ditionally, we can be found on social media, such as Facebook and Pinterest – because that is where the women are,” Kotilainen unfolds.

By Karoliina Kantola | Photos: Aïno

Aïno is a 20-year-old Finnish family business that has the antenna shop in Helsinki city centre and a couple of hundred retailers around the world: from Iceland to Mexico, from Canada to Japan. The women’s clothes are designed by two Finnish women, and made in Europe. “We put lot of effort into choosing the colours. We want to find colours of our own, not colours everyone else uses,” says Liisa Kotilainen, owner and designer. No matter the woman’s body type, she can find a unique dress, tunic, coat or jacket in Aïno’s collection. That is why the brand is such a hit with women and can be found in so many renowned fashion shops around the world. Another reason why customers love Aïno’s clothing ranges is that they are eye-catching – and other people will like them, too. And when someone compliments you on the clothes you are wearing, those particular clothes become your favourite ones. As Kotilainen

puts it: “Hearing compliments and other nice things always makes the day nicer, doesn’t it?” Making your day nicer is indeed one of the principles of Aïno. The ideology that brings together the quality clothes and accessories is that life does not have to be too serious. Specialising in everyday wear, Aïno brings joy to every weekday. The aim of Aïno is to embellish women. “Finnish design in general is known as functional but beautiful – and so are we. Besides being fashionable, our clothes are practical and nice to wear,” Kotilainen says. Moreover, these days Aïno is a creator not only of design business and boutiques, but also of a multimedia journal: the first issue of the Aïno Magazine was published this autumn. The magazine includes both articles about and pictures of fashion, as well as video content of photo shoots and fashion shows, among other things. “Ad-

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 23

Freddy Nordström is currently seventh in the overall standings and fourth in the Junior Championship standings.

Life is a race A lover of high speed and keen on winning, it is no wonder that Anglo-Swede Freddy Nordström has become a fixture on the racing scene, voted the most popular driver of last year’s NASCAR series. But the driver himself is modest: “Someone once said that if you give something 10,000 hours, you can become a pro. I think that’s true – if you put your mind to it, you can succeed at anything.” By Linnea Dunne | Press Photos

Anglo-Swede Freddy Nordström was seven years old when he got jealous watching his brother drive a go-cart, so when, about a year later, he finally got to have a go on Michael Schumacher’s track in Germany, he was so excited that he crashed right into his brother and was kicked off the track. Still, the experience was enough to confirm that he had found his thing. “I was 14 when I did my first proper race,” says the now 24-year-old. “It was

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the T-Car Championship, open to 14- to 17-year-olds. I did it for two years and came in fourth place both times.” In 2005, Nordström moved onto the Mini Challenge, which he won the year after, and subsequently to the SEAT Cupra Cup with its over 30,000 spectators. “When the Championship went bankrupt, I followed it to Spain. It was lovely – I got to continue racing, and I loved the sun and heat.” Post-Spain, he got a taste of racing more expensive cars as he competed in the British GT in 2011 before moving

The successful Anglo-Swedish race driver is now looking for sponsors for an assault on the title in the pan-European NASCAR series for 2014.

Scan Magazine | Feature | Freddy Nordström

on to his current gig of the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series. ‘I always wanted to win’ With the racing such a natural part of his life, Nordström cannot quite say when things got serious. “I always wanted to win,” he says. “But I guess I knew for real when I was about 17 or 18 that I really, really wanted to win. You know, in the beginning, I mainly really wanted to drive fast. I watched motorsports on telly as a kid and always thought that if they can do it, why couldn’t I?” With hindsight, everybody knows that indeed he could – and he did. Yet, Nordström knew that no matter how good you are and no matter how hard you work, making a decent living off racing is incredibly difficult. “So many people try, and there are so many good drivers out there. Without a sponsor, you get nowhere. At the end of the day, the chances of making it are quite small, and I realised that maybe that wouldn’t happen for me.” Keeping his cool on the track and in business Nordström decided to study towards a BA in International Business and French at the European Business School in London’s Regent’s Park. Together with a friend, he then set up a stock and currency trading business, which he now runs on his own. “Trading with huge amounts of money like that isn’t too different from race driving in some ways,” he says. “If you’re not used to it, you can get quite nervous, and then you have to be able to keep your cool – you need to know what’s the right thing to do and not hit the brakes too late.” Gifted not only as a sportsman and business owner, Nordström has proudly kept his Swedish impressively well-polished, despite having never even lived in Sweden. Born in the UK to parents from Malmö, he values his cultural heritage and has his mother Monica, who is also his agent, to thank for a lot of his success. For example, it is not pure fluke that he was voted the most popular driver of the 2012 NASCAR series.

Freddy Nordström was voted the most popular driver of last year’s NASCAR series.

NASCAR 2013: a dramatic roller-coaster This year’s series has had its ups and downs and came to a conclusion last month at Le Mans, where Nordström came with his mind set on the podium. He started out strong and qualified in third place ahead of the first race, but all in all the weekend was a dramatic rollercoaster: Nordström picked up pace and did well, but after being dragged into an incident that led to his wishbone and rim being broken, he was forced to retire. “There is something to smile about,” the driver admitted, with five top-five finishes and eight top-10 finishes making him seventh in the overall standings and fourth in the Junior Championship standings. With other people’s incidents causing trouble for Nordström on four different occasions in this series alone, some people look at the risks involved and think he is mad. But the driver remains calm: “Statistically, rugby is more dangerous. And anyway, you do it because you love it – and sometimes you have to take risks in life.”

Be a part of the excitement: SPONSOR FREDDY NORDSTRÖM! Freddy Nordström is currently looking for sponsors for an assault on the title in the pan European Nascar series for 2014. Please visit his website or call him on +447900894184 for further information on the partnership packages available.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 25

Scan Magazine | Feature | IKEA soft toys

Christmas with a conscience – and cuddliness IKEA may be most closely associated with great-value flatpack furniture like BILLY bookshelves and KLIPPAN sofas, perhaps with the odd meatball thrown in, but most customers will probably also recall having read at least once or twice that the Swedish retailer thinks that children are the most important people in the world. If you agree, this Christmas you can put your money where your mouth is, thanks to the Soft Toys for Education initiative. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: IKEA

They come in all sizes and shapes, but they all have something in common: they are soft, and they do good. With a brand new collection of soft toys, containing irresitible finger puppets from just £1 and a unicorn hobby horse for £9.50, IKEA hopes to help its customers celebrate Christmas with a conscience, bringing presents for the smallest family members and good to those in the developing world all at the same time. Since 2003, the Soft Toys for Education campaign has raised B57 million for UNICEF and Save the Children through the IKEA Foundation, helping to provide a better education to children in Africa, Asia

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and Europe. More than 10 million children have benefitted from over 90 projects throughout 46 different countries. At the heart of the campaign is a belief that all children have the right to a healthy, secure childhood with access to quality education, and by donating B1 for every soft toy and children’s book sold until 4 January 2014, IKEA is encouraging you to share its vision. The campaign is now in its tenth year, and you can help make it the biggest and most successful yet. Choosing from elves, fairies, goats, dragons and everything in between, you can get your children soft, cuddly Christmas presents at IKEA and

by extension give an invaluable gift to a child far away at the same time. If that is not Christmas with a conscience, we do not know what is.

Scan Magazine | Travel Feature | Lapland Welcome

Enjoy magical Lapland By Inna Allen | Photos: permission by Lapland Welcome

From an all-inclusive four-night break in Rovaniemi to a winter safari trip in Kemi, there are also several ready-made packages to choose from. Particularly popular with visitors is the Aurora hunting activity, a guided tour where you go out chasing the Northern Lights. Lapland Welcome offers Northern Lights trips every evening from September to April, taking you to some of the very best places for searching for this incredible phenomenon, where the likelihood of seeing the Aurora Borealis can be as high as 70 per cent.

Lapland Welcome offers a wide variety of holiday packages, programmes and accommodation all over Finland and Lapland. From the Northern Lights and Arctic Circle to the Santa Claus village, the company arranges unique and unforgettable experiences for both individuals and groups. Located in Rovaniemi, the capital of Finnish Lapland, Lapland Welcome is a registered package tour operator and an incoming travel agency, a destination management company (DMC) and a programme service provider. Whether you wish to visit the Arktikum museum, Ranua Zoo, the Sampo Icebreaker or the SnowCastle, or try out snowmobile safaris or husky dog and reindeer sleigh rides, Lapland Welcome will arrange all the elements of your package holiday with care, leaving you to concentrate on having fun.

Lapland Welcome has recently opened a new online shop for winter safaris in Rovaniemi. Experiences such as the Northern Lights sleigh ride, cross-country skiing and ice fishing trips or an overnight stay in a snow igloo can now easily and conveniently be booked online with just a few clicks of a button.

For more information, please visit:



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Scan Magazine | Feature | ICEC

Enraptured by lessons in the Forest School.

British curriculum boosted by a Finnish touch Across Helsinki, there are around 400 children under the age of seven following the English National Curriculum at the eight International Childcare and Education Centres (ICEC). These centres offer your child a first-rate early years’ education based on the broad English National Curriculum but with the added benefit of the Finns’ generous teacher-child ratio. By Emmie Collinge | Photos: ICEC

Taking a creative approach to pre-school teaching and with an emphasis on learning through play, these centres, set up in 1989 by experienced early years’ practitioner Sharon Auri, are unique within Finland: “We’re really proud to follow the English National Curriculum. I completely believe in the Early Years’ Foundation Stage: I see the results of it every day in my daycare centres.” The favourable ratio of seven children to one qualified educator ensures that each child can be treated individually. Auri continues: “No one is held back, nor are they pushed forward. Each child’s own individual development is key, and fortunately we are able to differentiate thanks to the number of staff that we have, so you really see the children bloom.”

28 | Issue 58 | November 2013

Autumn comes alive in the classroom.

The ideal balance Owner and founder Auri originates from Britain and moved to Finland with her husband after training in the UK. She has 30 years of experience working in early years’ education, allowing her to refine her unique approach to daycare in Finland. Ever-conscious of the fact that children require the right balance of learning and play, Auri ensures that each learning activity is introduced and carried out in a playful manner, taught through topics and themes that appeal to the children. Emotional, social, physical and academic skills are all considered equally important. Auri expands: “Whilst the day may seem long, running from 8am to 5pm, we’ve created the ideal balance of activities and rest, meaning everyone keeps focused.” Exploration and discovery are central to the enjoyment children have at ICEC, and the centres’ pets and animals contribute to the wider experience too. Additionally, Auri and her husband own an expanse of forest, some 50 kilometres outside of

Top left: Outdoor playtime is a core part of the children's day. Below left: The children really enjoy their trips to the forest school.

Helsinki, where reindeer, racoons and skunk roam free. “We take frequent class trips here,” says Auri. “These trips are really great for the older kids: they learn how to cook on an open fire, pitch tents and discover nature. The seasons in Finland are so unique, making each trip to our forest such a wonderful experience for our children.”

Top right: Working together creatively. Below right: Hands-on experience with a range of exciting pets.

idates the learning experience. “This concept of learning through play, while common in the UK, is unique to us in Finland,” the founder explains. The prominence of constructive play, rather than prescriptive learning, is what sets ICEC apart from other early years’ establishments. High standards and multiculturalism

Inside the classroom, numeracy and literacy are fundamental parts of the British curriculum for children aged five to seven. Auri ensures that the children enrolled at these centres receive this same level of teaching: “We start broadly, having fun and learning through play, and we gradually introduce the older children to more structured lessons.” She cites Jolly Phonics as one of her preferred teaching methods to introduce children to literacy: “This method incorporates everything from visuals and sound to dance: the whole body is involved in producing the sounds that we see on paper.” From an educational perspective, such a method serves to further develop a child’s senses and consol-

The centres vary in size, with the largest welcoming 75 children through its doors every day, catering for children aged from one to seven. While the teaching language at ICEC is English, with teachers from all over the world, there is also a bilingual programme available, which is centred mainly on Finnish. Auri recognises the need to reinforce the Finnish cultural elements and believes it is important for children to “retain their mother tongue and its associated culture.” She is particularly proud of the multiculturalism of the centres: “The teachers, parents and pupils come from all over the world and our centres operate a foreign curriculum, so the multicultural benefits are huge.”

ICEC also act as approved satellite training centres for early years’ teaching, offering NVQ, BTEC and HND qualifications. This ensures that the quality of teaching at ICEC remains of the highest standard. Auri is proud that ICEC has educated around 40 people so far in Finland to be early years’ educators according to the UK standards. “Following the English National Curriculum, in combination with the generous child-to-adult ratio that we have here in Finland compared to the UK, guarantees that each child receives an increased share of attention.” Proud of its unique fusion of the British and Finnish pre-school daycare systems, ICEC’s creative approach to learning aims to enhance your child’s social and educational development at this crucial point in a child’s life, ensuring the best start as they head into the world of academia.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 29




Meet the future with Norwegian Industrial Designers associated with NID Good financial sense, sustainable development, universal design and aesthetics are all incorporated into a successful product or service – all to be achieved by means of design thinking. Text & photos by NID

To develop successful results, industrial designers use a holistic body-and-soul way of thinking, known as design thinking, based on the needs of the end users of a product or service. Successful traders and businesses have during the last few years matured and recognised the need for having industrial designers on their team in order to release the maximal innovative

potential in a development process. After three decades of industrial design training available at university level, there is now a higher number of experienced and educated, professional industrial designers in Norway than ever before. In addition there are plenty of competent industrial designers educated abroad.

NID is the association for professional industrial designers in Norway. The industrial designers comprise professionals working within product, interaction and service design. The focus of the Board of NID is to create a fruitful network of professional industrial designers in Norway, in order to strengthen its influence as an important contributor to trade and business both in public and in private. Our work being intertwined with that of graphic designers, fashion designers and interior architects means that it is favourable for us to cooperate with their associations: Grafill, NFI and NIL. NID organises Design Magnets for members in several regions in Norway. These are local groups that engage the professional industrial designers and their associates in networking, meetings and social events. NID’s philosophy is that a strong local engagement makes a sustainable, national association and network. If you are a business manager interested in making contact with an industrial designer for an initial discussion of a development process, please visit, and look for a member of NID.

For more information, please visit:

30 | Issue 58 | November 2013

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

Top left: Krabat AS (page 38). Below: Hamax (page 46). Right: Wik & Walsøe (page 44).

A quality trade mark With its sacred natural resources and economic prosperity, Norway has developed sectors that aim to be world-leading knowledge hubs. Unparalleled expertise derived from Norwegian conditions has pushed companies to become pioneers across the globe within research and creative design. ‘Made in Norway’ has become a quality trademark, not necessarily aiming for low-cost production but value-creation and excellence across the entire supply chain. By Kathrine Friis Schjetne, Nortrade

In a global market with increased competition, Norwegian companies are becoming more innovation-driven and sophisticated. International players now look to Norway to find the latest in technology, skills and knowledge. Our natural resources have always been at the core of our development, thus making us leading within sectors such as maritime, energy and marine industries. However, collaboration across sectors is becoming more

and more important, fostering new industries with a competitive edge. Norway is leading by example Sustainability and innovation are important key drivers for economic growth in Norway, and design is emerging as a major component to gain international visibility. Doing a search at, it becomes evident that Norwegian design is prominent across a wide

range of global sectors, from award-winning ship design within the maritime sector to Norwegian branded seafood packaging, offshore turbine design, and high-quality interior design. Giving insight into the Norwegian market and its leading companies, Norway Exports and Nortrade continue to push forward to promote Norwegian companies internationally, ensuring global presence and visibility for competencies ‘made in Norway’ at major exhibitions worldwide. Keeping updated information on more than 8,000 Norwegian companies, Nortrade gives a complete overview of Norwegian export and import companies. The publication series Norway Exports gives you an overview of Norwegian trends, innovations and cutting-edge companies.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 31

Lobster Trailer. Photo: Lobster.

A multifaceted approach to industrial design Working closely with a multitude of businesses, Odd Thorsen Industrial Design is skilled in several areas of creative and functional expression. From kitchen faucets to car trailers, there is no limit to the company’s pursuit of truly great everyday solutions. By Julie Lindén

The company, founded by Odd Thorsen in the early 1980s and now run by his son, Halvor Thorsen, believes in a solid combination of experience and collaboration, emphasising the value of seeking thoroughly for the expertise required in each project.

ucts designed for mass production aimed at serving a functional purpose, will serve as a general description. The items are in-

“It’s important to realise that you can’t be the best at everything – you perform better when cooperating with people who are experts in their fields. We bring experience to the table in our role as an industrial design company, but the best results are reached when we collaborate with the knowledge present in the companies hiring us,” Halvor Thorsen says. A wide definition Exactly what types of product are contained in the industrial design term? Prod-

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Odd Thorsen staff. Photo: Odd Thorsen.

dustrially manufactured, and usually make up part of a larger unit. Though the term might be tough to define because of

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

its wide scope, Thorsen says the very width is what makes the field so intriguing and multifaceted. “Together with an architect and a landscape architect we recently designed a number of subway stations, a project that describes what we do rather well. In this project we had to erase all barriers between the components making up the platform – that is, creating everything from a bench to a railing in a streamlined way, without losing focus on functionality. The platform should appear as one unit, serving its purpose without disrupting the expression,” Thorsen says.

Combining areas and renewing perceptions Odd Thorsen AS has many years’ experience of combining disciplines in design, working in-depth with material and form alike. One of the current projects involves a stainless steel washbasin, developed for Intra, to be used in public and semi-public restrooms. The idea was to utilise the already well-used material in a new way, thereby revitalising its look. “We asked ourselves how we could use the steel to create an interesting form, something people had not already seen. We worked closely with the client to overcome this challenge, and I think we succeeded,” says Thorsen.

Siding with the consumer Odd Thorsen AS aims to always stand on the consumer’s side, focusing heavily on the usability of the design. Whether a bathroom faucet or car trailer, one of the company’s newest and most anticipated product developments, the goal is to match the expectations of all users. This naturally shows in the commercial success of the products. “The best feedback we can receive upon completion of a project is a good sales result. This means we have hit a spot with the audience, thereby bringing in revenue for our collaborators and clients – revenue they depend on to survive. If we are then called back to work with the company again, that is a definite dream result. Everyone wins.”

IntraIcon Sink. Photo: Intra.

He explains that the reward in working with established forms is surprising the market and renewing perceptions of what everyday items can be. A good example of this notion is the company’s collaboration with Lobster Trailers, a trailer manufacturer based in Kongsvinger, Norway. Together, the companies worked to develop a car trailer that would extend the use of a car – through both practical usage and the unified expression of the two vehicles. The trailer has received plenty of acclaim and has been sold to a number of dealers in Norway and Sweden. “The interesting aspect here was developing a product that many people see as purely practical; that is, a product that hasn’t really embodied an expression of aesthetics. In Norway you see the design

SafeBike bicycle storage unit. Photo: SafeBike.

of ski carrier boxes changing year by year, but trailers have stayed one shape all along. We wanted to see what we could add to the form, and how we could integrate this form with the car. It’s a highly functional trailer presented in a new and exciting form,” Thorsen says. SafeBike storage – thinking ahead Elaborating on the idea of perception and how it can be altered through revitalisation of a known form, Odd Thorsen AS recently participated in the development of SafeBike storage boxes for bicycles. SafeBike works as a garage for your bike and any equipment you want to store with it, and has received great praise for its combination of dependability and forward thinking. “This product serves a very current need,” Thorsen says, adding: “People are using their bikes to get to work, and they’re too pricey to leave chained openly on the street. The SafeBike box secures your bike and serves as weather protection, and can be arranged in different ways depending on where it’s situated.” “We constantly look for ways to challenge known expressions. We represent a fresh take on design without pushing the boundaries of usability.”

For more information, please visit:

SafeBike bicycle storage unit sketches. Image: Odd Thorsen

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 33

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

GeriljaWorks offers a multi-disciplinary design process for physical products to Norwegian and international clients. This includes a thorough eight-step process with a great emphasis on the initial identification phase to really get to know and understand the client’s market. “Our ability to interpret the market was crucial for a project we did for a client in our establishment phase,” says Sandemo. “This client needed to strengthen its market position and we were hired to identify the problem and develop a new and more sellable product. Our solution for this assignment became a huge sales success for the client, who awarded us with two additional projects – and this was also a strong contributing factor in winning new clients.”

Here in action, the team behind the best-in-class agency that offers an ability to visualise and freehand drawing skills beyond the ordinary.

Visionaries with a passion for aesthetic product design GeriljaWorks came to life in 2005 when five ambitious students from Oslo School of Architecture and Design gathered over a beer shortly before graduating. They planned to secure their place on the market using an aggressive guerrilla tactic. In practice, though, their market entrance was much lower key than that, and this may have been for the better as, since then, they have established themselves as best-in-class and worked with household names such as Jordan, Helly Hansen and Rottefella. By Anette Fondevik | Photos: GeriljaWorks

“This is a tough industry with fierce competition, so starting your own company will always be challenging,” says Vibeke Sandemo, manager and senior designer. “Being fresh out of school and completely unknown in the market place with limited resources makes it even harder. It was a steep learning curve and we worked extremely hard to get visibility and build relationships with the decision makers of potential clients.” The team of six designers, including two of the original five, is located in new offices at Groenland, Oslo. They all share a com-

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mon vision and approach to the creative process, and Sandemo says that this has been important in the development of the company. “We are visionaries with a focus on conveying aesthetic values; we want to create products that inspire emotions, that transmit passion and that people can fall in love with without compromising on the design. Our strengths are our ability to visualise and our freehand drawing skills. This makes the process more efficient and enables us to quickly prepare drafts and introduce these to clients at an early stage rather than purely relying on CAD.”

For more information, please visit:

Showing off Lillunn’s most famous designs: the Marius sweater and the wool coat with reindeers.

Poncho with the Marius pattern.

Beautiful scarf for the cold winter months.

With warm feelings for the planet Winter is fast approaching and many of us are looking to update our winter wardrobe. With wool back in fashion, it is now easy to look amazing despite the sinking temperature. Using only pure wool of the finest quality, Lillunn Design of Norway has been keeping people warm for sixty years with its beautiful jackets, coats and famous Marius sweaters. By Kjersti Westeng | Photos: Lillunn Design

The Marius sweater has become very popular and is often referred to as Norway's national sweater. The pattern was designed in 1953 by Unn Søiland Dale, who started Lillunn Design of Norway the same year. Lillunn quickly found its niche: pure and elegant designs made from the very finest wool. In 2002, Unn received the King’s Medal of Merit for her lifelong work of renewing traditional Norwegian textiles and making them famous worldwide, and her iconic garment designs will now be featured in the brand new knitting exhibition opening at Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo on 24 October. Unn’s daughter, Vigdis Yran Dale, took over the company in 2002, continuing her mother’s legacy of putting Norwegian design on the world map. Aside from the Marius sweater, Lillunn is famous for its

beautifully-designed wool coats and jackets. Its collection also consists of scarves, hats, waistcoats, ponchos and blankets. “Once you have gotten used to wearing this kind of wool, everything else becomes less interesting,” says Vigdis, who designs everything herself. She believes that pure wool is the most comfortable and healthy way of staying warm, while also being good for the environment. “25 per cent of all pollution comes from the textile industry. Wool, however, is very environmentally-friendly, which is one of the reasons we insist on using it,” she explains. Lillunn’s collection can be bought in several branches of the Norwegian handicraft chain Husfliden, as well as in a number of tourist shops across the country. “Traditionally, most of our customers were tourists looking to buy Norwegian wool textiles to take back home,” Vidgis ex-

plains. The largest of the brand’s own shops is therefore located at Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf in Bergen, a very popular tourist spot. However, Lillunn’s designs are becoming increasingly popular among Norwegians too, which is why they recently opened a new shop at Grünerløkka in Oslo. This is also where the evidence of Lillunn’s success becomes the most obvious, as every other person walking down the street is wearing a Marius sweater.

Lillunn’s new shop at Grünerløkka is open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

For more information, please visit: LILLUNNDESIGNOFNORWAY

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 35

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

MOOving leather bags and shoes “Unboring products for unboring people!” is the vision behind MOO, a Norwegian company designing and selling leather bags, shoes and accessories online and to retailers across Norway, Benelux and Sweden. By Stian Sangvig | Photos: Tine Poppe

Owner Karianne Sæther founded MOO in 2005, having worked as a graphic designer following a degree from Saint Martin’s School of Art and Design in London and an internship with Martha Stewart Living in New York. She discovered that she wanted to add a third dimension to design. “In graphic design, the world seemed flat to me,” explains Sæther. “I formed MOO after a holiday in Argentina, when I fell in love with leather. I also realised that I had never found a laptop bag I liked. A friend who went to work in Argentina introduced me to local companies that sew and pro-

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practical and beautiful, I want my products to put a smile on people’s face – by having a distinct smell, message or even sound within them. That’s what I’m working on now,” says Sæther.

duce what I design,” continues Sæther, who also works with sewers from Italy and Turkey. “I sold my products to shops I liked in Oslo, and MOO grew with a reputation for quality products and unique design developed,” she explains. “I want to grow MOO in a controllable manner,” she replies when asked about expansion plans. “Fashion is often perceived as pretentious and superficial. Whilst I love people with interesting personalities, I like products and brands that have something to say. Besides being

For more information, please visit:

Special Theme | Made in Norway

With a combination of structural understanding and careful planning around people’s everyday lives, Re Arkitektur’s grounded, down-to-earth approach has been getting things done for 15 years, and will not stop anytime soon.

For more information, please visit:

Strømsbuasen Kindergarden

Understanding Spaces When Norwegian architecture firm Re Arkitektur starts a project, there are a lot of variables. But one thing that is steady throughout, regardless of these variables, is the staff’s dedication to the integrity and perfection of each and every individual project – that, and a persistent no-fuss approach to getting things done. By Hannah Gillow Kloster | Photos: Re Arkitektur

“We don’t really have an epic founding myth,” laughs manager Håvard Trosterud. Yet, the gradual but steady growth of the now 15-year-old company has clearly set the bar high for the way things are done at Re Arkitektur. “We get things done,” as Trosterud explains. ‘Doing things’ seems to be somewhat of a mantra for the staff of Re Arkitektur. As Trosterud stresses, they are not simply concerned with the conceptual or the ideas side of a project. With structural engineers among their staff, and solid background knowledge in carpentry and construction, the architects at Re Arkitektur understand every detail of their projects from start to finish. In addition to a focus on completion, Re Arkitektur has a unique approach to creating spatial understanding for the end users of each building. Not limited to any one type of project, the company’s portfolio ranges from apartment buildings and

private homes to nurseries and schools. “We do a lot of schools, and we’re good at them,” says Trosterud unequivocally. Perhaps the reason the company has such a long history of designing learning spaces for children is its three-directional approach of combining energy and area efficiency with end-user focus. “We focus on creating a space that is easy to understand for the children,” Trosterud explains. “Somewhere they can quickly grasp the underlying structure and workings of the place, a space that is easy to read.” He continues to explain that if the architecture of each part logically reflects its function in the larger scheme of the learning institution, the children and staff feel comfortable, at ease, and can make their part of it their home. Or as Trosterud puts it: “There will be no endless identical corridors.”

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 37

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

Krabat – proud to be different When Tom-Arne Solhaug’s son was born with cerebral palsy, the new father was immediately confronted with the reality of trying to find good assistive tools for his boy. Frustrated with the limited amount of products on the market, he teamed up with friend and business partner Fredrik Brodtkorb to change the industry. Today, their company has taken its first steps on the international market. By Julie Lindén | Photos: Krabat AS

“Our ambition is to become the best in the world within our field. It’s important to emphasise that we’re not talking size here, but reputation and innovation. We’ve worked incredibly hard to make this happen, and we hope that sometime in the future the parents and guardians of children with disabilities will think primarily of Krabat when choosing means of aid for them,” says Brodtkorb, engineer and cofounder of Krabat AS.

ers, while physiotherapists and ergotherapists work with children in order to optimise their use of the tools. All in all the company boasts the competence needed to create truly life-changing equipment. Within its skillset, Krabat emphasises a good combination of design and function as vital. Instead of producing another

chunky and difficult wheelchair too heavy to be used in a flexible manner, Brodtkorb says, Krabat wants to develop products based on innovative and realistic thinking – today’s wheelchair must blend functionality, flexibility and a well-considered design that makes the product cool rather than stigmatising. “Very few do this today,” Brodtkorb says. “We offer an aesthetically fun design that adds something to the product, while providing functions that we have yet to see elsewhere on the market. It can be a unique sitting position in a chair, or a dynamic rising function to our crawling product, allowing children to get up by themselves while crawling,” says Brodtkorb.

The competence to change a life

Removing the stigma

The company, which has received honours such as the Red Dot Design Award and the Rehacare award for Best Design, works widely with a line of professionals to ensure that the needs of every child are met. Engineers and technicians develop tools in close collaboration with industrial design-

The company aims to remove the stigmatic effect associated with many other assistive tools on the market. The recipe for success focuses on erasing limits caused by the disability and bringing the individual skillset to life. “The minimum requirement is of course that the product

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Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

“We asked ourselves what happens to a disabled child when the other children go swimming in the summer. And what about the children learning to crawl on their own? We saw many opportunities to alter the way these rites of learning affect the lives of children with physical challenges. We found niches nobody was tending to, and we have come radically closer to giving these children a 24-hour day similar to that of a friend without a disability,” Brodtkorb says. A global venture Last year, Krabat struck a deal with global assistive tools developer Ottobock, pulling the world market close enough to touch. In August this year the first products were launched for distribution in America. “Launching through Ottobock in America is a major opportunity, and a way for us to grow. Still, it’s important for us to grow slowly and organically. We are very pleased that Ottobock saw the uniqueness of the Krabat products and wanted to make them available for even more families,” Brodtkorb says. works well in the everyday life of the child. Beyond that we believe that a pleasing look helps greatly, as it makes the product cool with the other kids, a factor that cannot be underestimated when the child is still young. If these two factors are in place, the child will automatically make progress.” “We call this ‘hidden training’,” Brodtkorb explains. “When the product is easy to use it will be used that much more, leading the child to train his or her physical

skills without being aware of it. Moving with the tool becomes a pleasurable experience.” Filling the gaps To Krabat it was important to fill holes in the market, helping disabled children live as freely as possible all hours of the day. Solhaug and Brodtkorb saw the need for products helping children in situations outside the ordinary day schedule, and quickly made plans for tools enabling a life with even fewer limits.

With many a project in their portfolio and even more in the pipeline, what does Brodtkorb make of the journey Krabat AS has experienced? “The greatest satisfaction you can feel is when you travel around to countries like Germany or Italy, and meet families who have struggled to find suitable tools for their children for a long time. They’ve found a Krabat product that has changed the way they live, making every day easier for their child. That feeling goes unmatched,” Brodtkorb says.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 39

tion is undoubtedly reflected in the company portfolio. “A fantastic example is the new University College here in Bergen, which we have nearly completed after years of hard work. We won the contract for the project through a competition, and the first time we visited the land we were going to work with we were all struck by the same detail: the rustic railway buildings that were already in place,” Lekven says. She explains that these buildings became a fundamental aspect of the project vision – as well as a potent symbol of the HLM identity. “We wanted to keep these buildings but shine a new light on them, and eventually create a common identity between new and old on site. The aim was to connect – connect the past with the present and the people with the location. Just as trains are connected to each other, so we are deeply connected and committed to our work here at HLM.” A successful method

A sustainable take on inspirational architecture With a vision to create intriguing connections between architecture and its use, HLM Architecture boasts a deep understanding of both expression and functionality. Tradition meets innovative thinking on a common ground, never sacrificing the company’s unyielding belief: unique projects demand unique solutions.

Lekven points out three components that are vital to the company’s approach to new projects. The first is experience, closely followed by knowledge, and thirdly communication. Only when all components appear together in the planning process, can the full potential of an idea be reached. The objective is to let one plus one equal three, allowing individual elements to converge optimally, considering aspects such as functions and dimensions, materials and light, scaling and construction.

By Julie Lindén | Photos: ARK

Founded in Bergen in 1999, HLM has spent nearly a decade and a half tailoring its competence, resulting in a vast portfolio of acclaimed work. The company has grown to employ 12 committed members of staff from various educational backgrounds and parts of the country, offering clients a wide range of sought-after experience. Marlies Lekven, manager and co-founder at HLM, explains that the company has always strived towards a multifaceted and interconnected approach to work. This no-

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“The ultimate goal is always to create inspirational architecture that will last for a long time,” Lekven says, adding: “But you need to have a conscious strategy to get there. Our method combines what we have done before, our experience, with our educational qualifications and a continuous dialogue with the client. It’s a method that works, and it very much defines us as a firm.” Complementing unique surroundings Much of HLM’s architecture can be found within the education sector. In addition to University College Bergen, the firm has

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

Housing for young people at Kringlebotn, one of many projects where HLM has faced working with challenging Norwegian topography.

Egenes Park, a large-scale housing complex in Stavanger, famed for its unique wood construction.

Sustainable building in dramatic landscape and climate.

completed several school projects in various parts of the country. Tromstun secondary school in Tromsø, a 10,000 square metre building situated in spectacular northern Norwegian surroundings, is a splendid example. The building not only showcases a distinct design, but also how various conditions and challenges can be met and overcome.

Uniting landscapes with inherent values Landscapes are important to HLM, who have found themselves dealing with challenging Norwegian topography on numerous occasions. From a housing centre built on steep ground in Kringlebotn to Egenes Park, a large-scale housing complex built in Stavanger during its time as the 2008 Capital of Culture, no piece of land has proved too demanding for the HLM team. The latter construction is also interesting from a material perspective, as this building is famed for its unique wood construction.

Aging well Experienced within architecture ranging from smaller private homes to large structures and more time-worn buildings, HLM offers solid knowledge in sustainable and environmentally-conscious constructions. A common goal is to build spaces that age well in terms of both form and material, all to minimise negative environmental impact. This also means putting effort into rehabilitating and revitalising existing constructions.

“First of all, the nature of Tromsø is absolutely stunning, and that had to be incorporated into the execution of the project,” Lekven says. “We let the surrounding area and climate provide us with a theme, and subsequently a number of questions: how does the snow position itself during the most intense winter months; how can we best complement the sun, wind and mountains? It was very much a matter of careful consideration and planning, heightening the uniqueness of the location.”

“With Egenes Park we wanted to develop the concept of wood structures, and create a showcase for wood as an historically important material in Norway. The area aligns the old part of the city with a large stadium area, so the challenge was to unite the two spaces seamlessly, showing something new and different in architectural thinking,” Lekven says.

Alexandra bath and spa, where warm materials meet fresh blues and dark shades.

A school with room for everything.

“We care for tradition as well as new content. You need to work within a lengthy perspective in order to be successful in architecture today. We are passionate about the present, but we are equally excited to see what the future has to bring!”

For more information, please visit:

The HiB project saw HLM shine a new light on old, rustic railway buildings. Photo: Bent R. Synnevaag

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 41

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

Designed to put a smile on your face Designers Maja Jacobsen and Helene Strand are two university friends who, after years following different paths, reunited to create a product inspired by their Norwegian roots and made to spread a little joy and humour.

knocked on retailers’ doors and drove around delivering the orders ourselves. We had a lot of positive feedback and it seemed that our product was stirring the right kind of feeling in people’s hearts,” explains Strand. From its humble beginnings, the Waf-

After studying in London, they dreamed of starting up an independent design business together. Aspiration eventually became reality in 2010, when Jacobsen and Strand crossed paths again to create their very own start-up: BARK Bazar AS. The result was ‘Waffle’, silicone trivets shaped just like the iconic Norwegian dessert and imbued with striking colours. After making several prototypes to find the perfect form, the designers decided to go ahead with a small shipment just before Christmas 2010. “We

By Maya Acharya Photos: BARK Bazar

fle now has international reach. In addition to its online shop, Jacobsen and Strand’s two-woman business has signed deals with retailers all over Norway, gaining favour among tourists as a Norwegian souvenir. The pair has also had several other retailers and customers around the world express interest. The popularity of the product is self-evident. It is functional and homely, but its playfulness is what makes it unique. “The Waffle is the perfect gift for someone who has everything,” Strand asserts. “And even if you already have a trivet, you won’t have one quite like this!” For more information, please visit:

Delicious chocolate with Nordic character Using solely organic products and traditional manufacturing methods, Meium chocolate factory produces mouth-watering treats for any occasion. Sharing a bottle of red with your friends or indulging in a coffee break out of the ordinary? Meium takes flavoursome experiences one step further. “Our concept is to take general combinations of flavours that extra bit further, and lay a foundation for a special kind of food experience,” says Terje Løkås, chocolatier and owner of Meium. Meium’s customers are advised on what chocolates go well with coffee, beer, red, white and port wines, as well as how to properly maintain the freshness of a gourmet product. The factory is adamant in choosing organic and natural, fresh ingredients in its confectionery – the twist being the uniquely Nordic flavour combinations. Everything from blue or brown

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cheese to whiskey, cloudberries, birch, juniper and carrots are chosen to test the palate. “Maintaining our Nordic character is very important to us as a company,” Løkås says. “Still, we are adventurous and innovative in our field, and the response to confectionery with real Nordic flavours is overwhelmingly positive.” According to Løkås, chocolate’s reputation for being unhealthy is wholly unwarranted. Completely free from additives and produced using chocolate manufacturing methods from the early 19th century, Meium chocolate can surely help in restoring a good reputation. “Cocoa itself is very nutritious – without too much added sugar, it can benefit you greatly,” Løkås adds. Expanding on the concept of natural confectionery, Meium is currently in the process of launching both desserts and liquorice made with only organic ingredi-

By Julie Lindén Photos: Charlotta Boucht

ents, underlining the company’s uniqueness. You can also look for Meium in the local food shop at Gardermoen and Værnes airport. Tempted? Naturally. For more information, please visit:

White gold rings with 0.25 carat diamond, with or without gold heart

Silver or 14 carat yellow gold ball rings

The sterling silver and zirconia ring “Anne” with heart in 14 carat gold or silver

Huldresølv Huldresølv jewellery is designed by goldsmith and diploma gemmologist Elise Thiis-Evensen and crafted in our goldsmith workshop in Telemark, Norway. We are famous for our high-quality jewellery, designed and made to last forever. Our jewellery has delighted women all over the world since 1994.

A fairytale in crockery Once upon a time there were two Norwegian designers who cared about dreams, visions and Scandinavian heritage. They left their jobs in the design industry to come up with a new Norwegian brand that would embrace everything they loved about Nordic culture. The year after their first collection of crockery was born, it became an instant success. Seven years later, the women behind Wik & Walsøe have been crowned the ‘queens of crockery’ – and they don't appear to plan on stepping down any time soon.

immediate: “The desire to build a Norwegian brand fundamentally rooted in our own nature and culture.” Since presenting their very first collection in 2007, the rise of Wik & Walsøe has been meteoric. “I think the timing was very good. Norwegian design is in such high demand; people are asking for local design on a completely different scale than just a few years ago,” says Wik about the factors contributing to their success. “Oh, and Alv.”

By Hannah Gillow Kloster | Photos: Siren Lauvdal

When asked about what triggered her and her co-founder, Linda Svedal Walsøe, to

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leave their secure jobs to start up their own venture, Ragnhild Wik's answer is

‘Alv’ means the angel of the forest in Norwegian and is the name of Wik & Walsøe's very first collection of crockery. The

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

remake of the traditional design, rendering her in gold.” The designers’ fairytale inspiration is not limited to the best-selling Alv series. This year, the company has decided to branch out and start working with a new material: glass. The Dugg series (‘dugg’ meaning condensation in Norwegian), is inspired by water’s play with light, and features four drinking glasses: for red and white wine, beer, and sparkling wine. The simple, organic design is enticing, like a light breath on the glass.

simple lines of the light and elegant porcelain pieces paired with the intricate design in subtle shades of grey made Alv instantly popular. “Visuality and eyecatching design were our keywords, and we wanted something immediately recognisable in a world that is inundated with information.” With the keywords in place, where did the inspiration for the instantly successful design come from? “The angel of the forest makes the impossible possible, and I guess in a way that is what Linda and I were trying to do – the impossible. The angel has been so good to us, good as gold, actually,” Wik laughs. “That is why we have launched a five-year anniversary

During the process of its expansion, Wik & Walsøe has incorporated not only a new material, but a whole new set of producers. In keeping with the delicate and beautiful approach that underlies all their crockery series, the designers have teamed up with artisan glass-makers in the small Tuscan town Colle di Val d’Elsa, widely renowned for their glass production skills. The company responsible for producing the Dugg series, RCR, has developed a brand new type of glass called Luxion®. Not only gorgeous and of extremely high quality, Luxion® is also produced in an environmentally-friendly manner, again in line with Wik & Walsøe’s ideals. With the Dugg collection, Wik & Walsøe has created a series of glasses to complement and complete its crockery series.

For, as the designers themselves say: “Beautiful crockery deserves the most beautiful glasses.” And there is no doubt that the Dugg series consists of just that: the most beautiful glasses. Since its first collection in 2007, Wik & Walsøe has become an important voice within Scandinavian design. Indicative of its success, the company was named a Gaselle Company by Norway’s leading financial newspaper in 2011, due to the stability and growth it has experienced ever since its inception. Furthermore, attesting that its formula for success continues to work, Wik & Walsøe was named Entrepreneur Woman of the Year in 2013 by Innovation Norway. Seven years on, Wik & Walsøe’s efforts to bring Norwegian design to the world have not gone unnoticed, with mentions in The Times Magazine and Wallpaper. The brand’s designs are being sold all over Norway, as well as in Japan, America and Germany, to name a few. Celebrating the company’s foray into a brand new field, while keeping its designs as organic, beautiful and other-worldly as ever, there can be no doubt that the fairytale adventure of the design duo has only just begun.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 45

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

The mini ski became popular in the sixties. The small size, fun colours and easy use made it a favourite amongst children. You use your own shoes, strap the skies on, and off you go!

Encouraging a safe, active lifestyle for children – no matter the season Norwegian company Hamax has over 50 years’ experience of promoting an active lifestyle and leisure activities for children. With quality and innovation, the company creates products aimed at making an active lifestyle for children safe. By Anette Berve | Photos: Hamax

As soon as the snow covers the ground, one of the most fun activities for children, and adults, of course, is sledding. Riding a sled down the snow-covered hill will probably never go out of fashion. In Norway, Hamax is a household name when it comes to producing quality sleds. “We focus on what we like to call ‘Scandinavian safety’, meaning that a product should be functional and fun, with safety as an undisputed priority,” says Silja Notø, spokesperson for Hamax. Originally founded in 1958 under the name Plast&Form, the company specialises in winter products such as mini skis, toboggans and sleds. The company became known as Hamax in 1978 and expanded its business to include bike seats in the eighties. “The mini ski is one of the most

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well-known winter products in Norway, and the skis are almost as popular today as they were during the sixties. Alongside the classic mini skis, many sledges have been developed over the years and Hamax today has a modern and appealing range of playful products.” Safety first Hamax works closely with a development department in the Netherlands on new design and innovative products for the road and sledding slopes. For the winter season, Hamax supplies a wide range of steerable sleds and toboggans, simpler sleds with handbrakes, surfers and sledding mats. Notø explains that the steerable sleds are very popular. Since sledding is a winter activity that can reach quite high speed, it is important that the products are solid and

safe. “All of our products are subject to thorough testing. They are developed and tested in consultation with target groups and external test institutions. It is important to us to ensure that the safety, design and functionality of our products are maintained throughout the development process.” Biking with children Although Hamax is a brand most commonly associated with winter activities, the company expanded its business in the 1980s to include child bike safety equipment in order to encourage outdoor family activities in all seasons. Cycling as a means of transport is becoming increasingly popular around Europe: it is environmentally-friendly, quick, cheap and of course has plenty of health benefits. There are several options for biking with smaller children, but the detachable child seat is a popular classic. Since Hamax started producing them, it has been a leading manufacturer in Scandinavia and has become a well-renowned brand in the rest of

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

With the CARESS bike seat and the front seat you can easily transport two children. Both seats are easily manageable, with only one hand needed to fasten your child.

Hamax develops and produces bicycle and ski helmets under the brand name ETTO. The brand has long traditions and has been part of the helmet-making history since the start in the early eighties.

wear. Also the adult helmets are carefully designed both for the professional cyclist, the city user and those who choose to challenge nature and themselves in speedy downhill terrains. The common factor for all is the need for a safe and comfortable activity.”

Design and functionality

innovative safety functions while also being practical and easy to use. “The product needs to be practical for the parent to use. One thing that we focused on was that the seat needed to be operational with one hand. Opening and fastening the harness as well as adjusting the foot rests can be done with one hand only. In addition, the back can be adjusted as the child grows so that the seat becomes a product that you have for a long time.”

The seat has already won several design awards, including the TAIPEI CYCLE d&i gold award and the Red Dot design award, both this year. Its appeal is in the clean design and the integration of functionalities such as a reclining position, an adjustable back, and foot rests. The seat includes

Hamax is about to introduce a new child seat that attaches to the front of the bike, allowing the child to enjoy the view even better. The seat is expected to be especially embraced in the Netherlands, known as one of the bike capitals of the world.

Europe. Earlier this year the company launched the CARESS model that set a new standard for bike seats. “The CARESS seat is a model where we focused more on design than ever before. The safety and functionality that characterise a Hamax product are still there, only this time we opened our eyes more to the design aspect of the product.”

ETTO helmets The CARESS bike seat was launched in early 2013 and has already won several design awards for innovation and functionality. The seat has a reclining position as well as being adjustable so that it grows with the child.

Hamax develops and produces bicycle and ski helmets under the brand name ETTO. The brand has long traditions and has been a part of helmet-making history since the start in the early eighties. “When it comes to helmets, safety, quality, functionality and design come first. We are glad to see that the trend nowadays is to wear a helmet when biking, skiing and sledding. The ETTO child helmets have a fun and colourful design that appeals to the young user and makes it more fun to

Hamax is part of the Norwegian HTS Group, which carries well known brands like BeSafe, Voksi, Swisseye and Packline. All Hamax child bike seats are approved and labelled in accordance with European standard EN14344. The products are also phthalate-free. The child bike seats are made of recyclable polypropylene (PP). Seats can be used from 9 months (or when the child can sit upright on its own). The weight limit is 22 kg.

Top tips using bike seats - If it is chilly, dress your child in warm clothes. It can get cold sitting still on a bike. - Make sure your child is fastened tightly. - Make sure they have their feet on the foot rests. - Do not leave the bike with the child still in the seat. - On a hot day, check that the seat is not too warm before placing the child in it. - Check the weight of your child regularly, so that the max weight of the seat is not exceeded. - Cycling with a child in the seat will change the stability of the cycle when steering and braking. Practise before entering traffic!

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 47

Janus Sportswool is a popular collection for children, women and men.

The new Janus Designwool line, launching in 2014.

Janus – embedded in Norwegian textile history One of Europe’s leading manufacturers of underwear and wool garments, the Janus factory has a wide network of loyal clients. Managed successfully through five generations, the business and its name are associated with a remarkable history – upholding the brand’s identity 118 years after its birth. By Julie Lindén | Photos: Janus Factory

“We would never have been able to create some of our best-sellers had we not valued our own history as deeply as we do,” says Janne Vangen Solheim, CEO of Janus. “Things such as knitting methods and patterns, not to mention the underlying knowledge, have been passed down from mother to daughter and father to son for all these five generations. It’s a beautiful example of how old works with the new.”

flame-retardant protection. A great part of the company’s product development strat-

egy consists of participation in research projects looking at the benefits of nan-

Wool clothing for multiple purposes The factory, established in Espeland, Bergen, in 1895, employs around 130 people and produces everything from robust wool underwear to anti-flame garments for people working in conditions requiring

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Managing director Arne Fonneland and CEO Janne Vangen Solheim by the cutting machine that prepares large fabric pieces before they are sewn together.

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

otechnology, monitoring people in situations of extreme impact. “The anti-flame products are very important to us as a brand, as they are meant to save people in extreme conditions such as fire, cold, heat and electric shocks. In 2008, we received the innovation award from The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, Norway’s main representative organisation, on the grounds of our work to develop flame-retardant textiles completely free from chemicals. It is a profoundly great feeling being able to take care of people working in dangerous milieus while also caring for the environment and our own employees,” Solheim says. Green thinking and the tide of history Environmental care is of immense importance to Janus, who carry the OECOTEX® certification on all their products. Every garment is coloured in clean Norwegian water, ensuring a mild colouring process and a beneficial outcome for both customers and employees at the factory. Scrap textile is reprocessed to yarn, and other materials fully recycled down to every last bit of paper. The journey from the first spun thread to the present day’s international presence spans nearly 120 years, an attribute much appreciated by Janus’ customers and industry colleagues alike. The factory offers so-called ‘factory tours’, allowing visitors to come see the fabrication process for themselves at Espeland.

The Janus knitting factory around year 1900, when the machines were powered by water paddles placed in the river. The factory has been operating uninterruptedly since 1895.

The facilities also incorporate a cultural centre, housed by the very oldest of the factory buildings that saw the birth of Janus’s industrial adventure in the late 1800s. In this centre visitors can rummage through what is likely to be Europe’s largest factory outlet selling wool clothing. Offering everything from adult apparel to baby clothing, Janus is a natural stop on the way to Bergen for locals and tourists alike. “Whether the purpose is to use the garment at nursery, school, playing sports, at work or just lounging at home, we have something to suit every need and desire. The outlet is not advertised, but it has remained very popular since its opening. If you wish to take a relaxing break, you can have a cup of coffee or tea in magnificent surroundings by the adjacent river – nature’s own foundation for our business. You may even spot some wild salmon,” says Solheim. A growing international basis Janus is established internationally with a wide network of offices in countries such as Sweden, Iceland and Russia, and partners in Finland, Spain, France and Croatia. Solheim explains that the company’s long history and knowledge of textile production and design have touched more people worldwide than she ever thought possible.

Janus makes clothing out of sophisticated wool materials for young and old.

feel as well taken care of as always. Beyond that we look forward to spreading more knowledge and creating jobs in the times that lie ahead. Our philosophy is that anything is possible if you want it badly enough – and we certainly want to continue growing,” says Solheim.

“We are welcomed with such warmth in each and every country we come to. It’s indescribably important to be aware of the competence Europe possesses in the field of textile production, and we need to protect and manage that competence in an effective and worthwhile manner. If not, all the knowledge worked up through generations will be lost.” The current goal for the company is to establish individual Janus shops in most European capitals. Furthermore, emphasis will remain on staying loyal to all customers and participating in future research projects to help the brand grow. “Some of our customers have been with us for more than 80 years. The most important thing for us is to make sure they

The new Janus Babywool series is made out of the softest wool, keeping babies warm and dry.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 49

Internationally awarded as this year's most stylish way to stay dry, Norwegian Rain’s garments offer some of the highest level of weather protection available. The hi-tech fabrics from Japan are made of 100 per cent recycled fibers and organic cotton.

Raindrops off your shoulder Norwegian Rain is a sartorial take on extreme rain-protection outerwear inspired by Japanese sensibility and life in the rainiest city of Europe, Bergen. The driving forces behind it are Alexander Helle, founder and creative director; T-Michael, bespoke tailor and designer; the graphic design studio Grandpeople; and photographer Bent René Synnevaag. By Anette Fondevik | Photos: Bent René Synnevaag

“We like the calm in Japanese design, the harmony and the tranquility. There is a good balance between technology and tailoring, tradition and innovation. We can identify with the Japanese sensibility,” says Helle, and T-Michael continues: “Kintsugi, the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with a lacquer resin sprinkled with powdered gold, is a good description of Norwegian Rain: preserving the old but representing the present and the future. We constantly promote these contrasts.” Norwegian Rain started as part of Helle’s master’s project, aiming for urban dry living. He explains: “As part of my master’s degree I spent time in Milan, and it was such a welcome change not walking around being cold and wet all the time. I wanted to transfer this comfortable feeling going back to Bergen but wearing clothes suited to a modern city life.”

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Back home, he teamed up with T-Michael and the idea started to materialise. The result was raincoats inspired by traditional men’s tailoring with a classic but modern edge to it, made using hi-tech, recycled fabrics from Japan and seam-sealing, creating some of the highest level of weather protection available. Every little detail has a purpose and everything they do builds on their

values. “It is more than just a piece of clothing; the concept is not about fashion and trends but solid craftsmanship and the story behind it. We have created something brand new. When shops in LA are interested in selling our clothes, we know we have done something right and achieved what we wanted: to show that our clothes are applicable regardless of weather, and that the hi-tech functions and water protection are just an added advantage,” says Helle. Norwegian Rain is sold worldwide from its online shop and in 17 countries. The brand has two flagship stores in Bergen and Oslo respectively, and a third store is opening mid-November in London. The latter is a collaborative effort between Norwegian Rain and a group of creative friends – a gathering of expertise in various fields of handcraft, including handmade hats from Florence and handmade eyewear from Japan, all of which complement each other. In addition, a very exciting collaboration is coming up with a high-profile Japanese designer, part of the official fashion week in Paris. For more information, please visit:

T-Michael and Alexander Helle

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Made in Norway

Top left: This candle holder is one of Tveit Smie’s most popular products. Above right: The brand’s handcrafted products are made to fit the décor of the traditional Norwegian home.

50 years of beautiful craftsmanship It has been 50 years since John Tveit first opened the doors to his forge Tveit Smie in Gudbrandsdalen Valley in Norway. One-of-a-kind, handcrafted products of the very best quality have led the small business to great success, which was confirmed when it received the BIRKA award for Craftsman of the Month this October. By Kjersti Westeng | Photos: Tveit Smie

When John Tveit was asked to make some furniture fittings for Krogenæs Furniture in 1963, he didn’t know that it was the beginning of his very own successful forge and family business. The interest in handcrafted products rose quickly and John had to expand in order to meet the demand. Today, Tveit Smie is run by John’s granddaughter Hege, who is proud to have continued her grandfather’s legacy. “My dad was the manager when I started as a saleswoman in 1994. I took over in 2004 and really enjoy running the business my grandfather and dad built,” she says. Located at Hundorp in Gudbrandsdalen Valley, Tveit Smie has a small shop next to its workshop for locals and tourists to visit. The company produces a wide range of handcrafted products, from larger industrial items to ornaments and decorations. Made with great attention to detail, the products are found in many Norwegian

homes and cabins and are available to buy from a number of distributors across the country.Tveit Smie has succeeded in the very challenging task of combining Norwegian tradition with modern contemporary design. “We want to take our traditions into the future. Our products have obviously changed somewhat throughout the last 50 years, but our focus will always be on the craftsmanship and the quality of our products,” Hege explains.

The staff at Tveit Smie, which has remained a small business, are undoubtedly proud of their workplace as it is one of very few operative forges left in Norway. Since the inception of the business, nine Tveit Smie employees have received The Royal Norwegian Society for Development's Medal for Long and Faithful Service, while three have received the King’s Medal of Merit. “This says a great deal about the pride our employees feel towards their workplace. Our craftsmanship and work ethics are things we plan on taking with us into the future,” Hege finishes. For more information, please visit:

Above left: Hege Tveit, founder John’s granddaughter, took over as a manager in 2004. Above right: The staff at Tveit Smie are proud of their workplace.

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 51



Global warming is an acute problem. Though global, it very much brings the sustainability issue close to home, involving materials, quality and the need for a society accessible to everyone. Increasing numbers of manufacturers base their work on environmental policies that generate more added value and international competitiveness.




Swedish design, with its long tradition and humanistic perspective, is today perhaps more in demand than ever.

Anna Elzer Oscarson, Dusty Diamonds. Photo: Elstudio

Swedish design – more in demand now than ever The hallmark of contemporary Swedish Design is vital diversity. The deeply rooted perception of excellent Swedish design with simple stylistic consistency is no longer taken for granted. The conceptual process behind the final result is the decisive factor: designers are not tied down to one country, but work around the world, sharing international references and contacts. By Ewa Kumlin, Svensk Form

This global outlook prompts designers to seek their personal roots, identity and craft, fulfilling a need for affiliation and continuity. Small design-led businesses with unique identities are enjoying a renaissance, telling their own stories and producing their products locally on a small scale. Several young designer collectives have emerged on the Swedish scene and helped to displace the highly individualistic trend of just a few years ago. The international success of Swedish design is also due to the many bold manufacturers who are willing to build their

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futures on new young talents, yet without compromising on long-term quality. Viable long-term developments are the biggest challenge of our time. We have no other choice: everyone has to work for sustainable development. Designers are a natural link between manufacturer and consumer. They can influence the integration of social, environmental and economic aspects into a product’s design, manufacture, marketing and communication.

Per Soderberg, Noearlybirds

SVENSK FORM (the Swedish Society of Craft and Design)

is a membership society, the oldest society of design in the world, founded in 1845. Historically, Svensk Form has always been working at the forefront of new ideas and visions in the design and craft field, and has initiated several movements and milestone exhibitions throughout its time. Svensk Form publishes the design magazine FORM, produces exhibitions, and works under the motto “A better life through good design.” Svensk Form is the founder of the Swedish Design Awards.

For more information, please visit:

Daytona. Photo: Lars Lindwall

Š Maze Interior

Design for sustainable growth Today we stand before great challenges that will forever transform our society. Our present problems, surely, will not be solved with the same logic that created them: we need new methods of creativity and attractive offers that give private enterprises and the public sector a competitive edge in creating a sustainable future. By Karin Stener, Director of communications, SVID

Design can play a part in creating this future. As a method and development process, design is based on the customer’s needs – irrespective of whether it involves goods, services, processes, messages or environments. When the user perspective is incorporated right from the start, we often achieve totally different solutions than those first anticipated. A strong Swedish design tradition has the potential to further broaden design into a true driver of societal change. Studies show that investments in design can boost innovation, growth, and job creation. When design is regarded as a cor-

nerstone of all innovation, in both the private and the public sectors, Sweden will be positioned as a nation that takes design seriously and acts accordingly. All companies and organisations want to provide their customers with attractive offers. To do nothing is easy, but to ask the right questions and solve the right problems is difficult. Locating the user at the centre of development creates offerings that are needed, wanted and attractive. It benefits companies, public services and society. But above all, it benefits the user.

SVID (the Swedish Industrial Design Foundation)

has been working since 1989 to disseminate knowledge about design as a force for competitive development. We work to promote the use of design in all innovation and change processes. We want businesses to grow and organisations to develop and we strive to spread knowledge, create platforms and strengthen the opportunities for sustainable development.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 53

Cliff Design serves a wide range of clients at home and abroad, offering everything from conceptual design to fully industrialised products.

Multi-disciplinary design: identifying synergies to enrich the end result Cliff Design is a Swedish design agency using a multi-disciplinary approach. Constantly developing, the agency adds dynamism to its projects by using tools from different areas. This allows them to quickly adapt to new trends in order to promptly apply them to different projects.

The exploration phase is about defining the goal, making sure that the end result corresponds with the client’s brand values and their market expectations. The definition phase is about defining the vision, which is done by wide ideation through everything from workshops to form studies. The realisation phase is about making it all happen, guiding the design intention all the way to the final product.

By Cecilia Varricchio | Photos: Cliff Design

Building a knowledge-based culture Anders Nordlund is managing director and designer at Cliff Design. With great passion, he tells Scan Magazine that the agency is working across a range of projects with the goal of developing processes and models that help push creativity to the next level. Working in different fields allows the agency to develop new expertise and to broaden the creatives’ minds. “We breed where the automotive industry, a holistic philosophy and the diverse nature of product development interact,” says Nordlund. With a long history in the auto-

motive industry, Cliff Design today serves a wide range of clients at home and abroad, offering everything from conceptual design to fully industrialised products. “Zooming out, the design process is similar between projects of a different nature and complexity, and we aim to identify the synergies,” Nordlund explains. Explore, define, realise The macro process is very clear and applicable to widely different projects, products, services and marketing activities.

For two and a half decades, Cliff Design has worked with some of the largest brands and smallest entrepreneurs. Every project has its unique set-up, but the goal is clear: “Cliff Design’s philosophy is to prosper through every parameter of the set-ups, building a knowledge-based culture where every connection and new experience is included in the design offer,” Nordlund concludes.

CLIFF DESIGN Objective: Design Founded: 1988 Employees: 17 Located: Gothenburg, Sweden E-mail:

For more information, please visit:

54 | Issue 58 | November 2013

Top: Jabra sport headset and stand Below: Reference project Toul Meditach Operation Table

Elbjörn 8-metre tripod

Top: Hörby Bruk tool trolley Below: Sandvik lifting tool

Market-oriented product development Scalae is a product development agency located in Skåne, in the south of Sweden. The agency focuses on product development, from the very first stage of developing an idea to the product launch. This year, the agency celebrates ten proud years at the top of its sector as well as its widely-recognised approach to work. By Cecilia Varricchio | Photos: Scalae

According to Peter Arndt, founder of Scalae, his agency always aims to create a perfect, complete end product. To be able to make a product a market success and give it high market value, all competences are important, and as such it is key that the knowledge of every staff member within the firm, from industry designers to engineers, is utilised. During the initial phases, the team shapes the form of the product to assure its value. These steps involve a lot of design research, market studies and concept studies and are all crucial to obtaining a result that will provide good value for the end users, subsequently giving the product itself high market value. “An analysis of the link between market demand and technological development in combination with competent management is what we, today, call market-oriented technological development,” Arndt says.

10 years of success In September 2013 Scalae celebrated 10 years as a successful company that clearly distinguishes itself from its com-

petitors. “We are the only complete development agency in southern Sweden offering a diversified full package of services this way,” Arndt explains. The agency has worked very hard to get its recognition, and so far it has been able to increase its turnover fourfold four years in a row, 2008-2011. The achievement was awarded by Sweden’s renowned business paper Dagens Industri. Growing internationally Scalae is growing internationally and has over the years also worked with large, global companies. For example, the agency completed an important medical technology project across America, Switzerland and Sweden. The name Scalae means ladder in Latin, and the vision that has permeated Scalae since its inception is to make its clients achieve important goals. And now, ten years later? The agency is giving its clients success with a rocket rather than a ladder.

For more information, please visit: Design S - Magnus Göransson and Mårten Fornander

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 55

And shaking things up is important in the field of industrial design, according to the agency owners. One of Struktur Design’s strengths is its tendency to get involved in every step of the process, from the ideas stage to the product launch – nothing is left to fate. “We are perhaps a bit more involved with the nitty gritty details than your average industrial design agency. The holistic approach is key to us: if it helps that we come in and train a client’s staff to make the thought process coherent, we will.”

Arts campus at Umeå Institute of Design. Photo: Johan Gunseus

Design that works – all the way

Indeed, the internal process is one of the aspects Struktur Design can help with, be it to involve internal staff in the creative process or teach technicians about the needs of a product. But that is not to say that the agency takes over completely – unless they are asked to. “The clients always decide exactly to what degree they want us involved. We offer everything from design sketches to complete projects,” says Berggren. “The thing is that once a client sees what we are capable of, they often ask us to get more involved. They know that we will deliver, and they know

With almost 20 years of experience and a portfolio boasting everything from snow cannons and demolition robots to custom guitars and a celebrated vacuum cleaner nozzle, Struktur Design is the industrial design agency in Umeå in northern Sweden that gets that little bit more involved and is that tiny bit more dedicated – all in the name of creating design that works. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: Struktur Design

“It has to work all the way,” say Johan Gustafsson and Tord Berggren, founders of Struktur Design. “We have to end up with a product that the client will make money from, and one that is a pleasure for the consumer to use.” As such, the development process always involves users, and rather than listen to what the users say they do, the agency studies what they actually do – a crucial part of the recipe for success. The slogan ‘design that works’ has followed Struktur Design since its inception in 1994, and with the agency being the largest of its kind in the north of Sweden, it is a slogan that clearly works, still.

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The two founders studied together at Umeå Institute of Design before deciding to set up shop, and their link to the university remains close. Teaching model building courses and taking on the supervision of dissertations, Struktur Design still has a steady foot in the door of the educational institution, and it is a relationship that involves as much taking as it does giving: “It’s a real kick to spend time with the students,” says Gustafsson. “It’s borderline as beneficial as going to a trade show. The students come from all over the world and bring brand new ideas and ways of thinking to the table. It shakes things up.”

Above: Play helmet, Jofa 715LS for Reebok-CCM. Below: Sketching helmet ideas in the office. Photos: Johan Gunseus

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Swedish Industrial & Product Design

that our involvement is a guarantee of a safe investment.” Struktur Design’s first ever client, Konftel, has been massively important to the agency – but the 20-year-long collaboration has been invaluable to the conference telefon manufacturer as well. Developing everything from the first ever conference phone, Konftel 100, in 1994, to the globally successful Konftel 300 series 13 years later, Struktur Design helped the now renowned company grow a whopping 288 per cent between 2005 and 2010 – not to mention that its phones were seen in everything from Bond films to the Wallander series and won the industrial design agency the prestigious Frost & Sullivan award for Product Differentiation Innovation. The latest Konftel product is Konftel 55W, a Bluetooth-equipped, extra-microphone enabled conference unit with exceptional sound quality, which can be hooked-up to your computer, smartphone, landline or tablet. More recently, the agency was commissioned by Reebok and CCM Hockey AB to

James Shaw from the Canadian band Metric playing the Bartlett Retrospec guitar. Photo: Nate Burrell

develop a brand new multi-purpose helmet for children. With an easily-adjustable size, an integrated hat for the winter season and a cool look, the helmet not only fits better and lasts longer – the aim is that it will make helmet wearing more popular as well. Struktur Design has had a lot of clients within the heavy industry sector, developing forestry equipment for clients like Komatsu Forest AB and a demolition robot for Brokk to name a few. But at the heart of every project is a commitment to creating a prod-

uct that delivers, and that goes regardless of project size and sector – and with clients in Sweden as well as internationally. “We may be working on a huge, complicated robot, but it’s still all about design that works,” says Berggren. “We’re not in this for self-realisation; the goal isn’t to create the most exclusive and unnecessarily advanced product possible. The secret is to know where to stop – to know when you’ve reached that place where everything just works. Creating products that represent value for money for manufacturer as well as end user – that’s our goal.”

Tord Berggren, left, and Johan Gustafsson, right, outside the office. Photo: Johan Gunseus.

Above: Konftel 300W. Below: Konftel 55W. Photos: Gösta Wendelius

Above: Brokk 60, the smallest remote-controlled demolition machine in the world. Photo: Paulina AB. Below: Forwarder 855, for the forest machine company Komatsu Forest. Photo: Jostein Skeidsvoll

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 57

SVT Play, the on-demand service that taught Swedes to watch TV on demand.

The First Aid Kit is a service that provides help for those suffering from mental illness.

How service design will ease our everyday life In the era of the ‘empowered consumer’ we expect smart and personalised services from the companies and brands we interact with. Design agency Doberman offers services for a dynamic and rewarding customer experience – whether you want to travel with the New York Subway, calculate your health insurance, watch TV on demand or read an e-book.

Oscar helps Americans choose affordable health insurance.

By Sara Mangsbo | Photos: Doberman

At the very beginning, in 1998, Doberman was one of only a few agencies on the Scandinavian market to focus on designing digital solutions for frequent use rather than simply producing short-lived digital web campaigns. Today, however, with the Internet a natural and integral part of our lives, we expect our digital services to be both bespoke and on-demand. Lisa Lindström, managing director, explains how Doberman matured in this: “Today we are strategic partners to our clients. We have moved from being a web agency into the boardrooms.” Designing overseas In 2012, Doberman decided to follow the dream of opening an office in New York. It has now established itself as an up-andcoming service design agency that has been recognised by the vibrant scene of digital start-ups. The Manhattan office

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has presented numerous exciting projects of late: new interactive touch screens will help New Yorkers get real-time traffic information on the subway, and for the many people who are now in the process of choosing health insurance, online service Oscar will guide them to the best and most affordable option. Making hard decisions in a playful way Passion and hard work are the keys to designing all these great services. But as Doberman’s philosophy promotes a sound balance between profitability, quality of services and the well-being of co-workers, a fun work process is a promise. “We make our clients spend time with the end users to gain empathy for their needs and an understanding of the entire customer journey,” says Magnus Bergmark, business strategy director at the agency. As a result, Doberman creates an eco system of

Co-creation with kids for SVT, Swedish public service television.

seamless services and products that could improve everyday standards for us all. Do you want to learn more about service design and meet the people behind Doberman? Attend the Global Service Design conference in Cardiff, UK, 19-20 November.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Swedish Industrial & Product Design

so we simply decided to speak to everyone,” says Hedin Persson. To come to important new insights, the team interviewed school children, PE teachers and sports pedagogues and observed physical education classes. After careful analysis of its findings, the team created a solution it thought would do the trick. The concept is currently brewing and developing, and the future is looking bright for school kids around Sweden. “We want to catalyse innovation, hence our name Catino,” says Amosy. “We want to help companies look at themselves and their products in a brand new way. We believe that our external outlook, combined with the knowledge within the company, is the perfect formula for truly radical innovation!” Helping sports company Rantzows figure out what the future school gymnasium might look like involved everything from the overall concept to the smaller detail, such as the sports equipment itself.

The perfect formula for radical innovation Catalysing innovation is what the three guys behind the exciting new business Catino do. With their ingenuity, curiosity and unique approach to problem-solving, they find new ideas for companies set in their ways – a eureka moment at university has turned into big business. By Ulrika Kuoppa | Photos: Catino

Industrial design engineers Petter Polson, Jonatan Hedin Persson, and Daniel Amosy met at one of Sweden’s most prestigious Institutes of Technology, Chalmers in Gothenburg, about four years ago. It all started during a design competition where their concept went all the way to the final. “One of the judges made us see the potential of our design process, showing us that there was a market demand for what we were offering,” says Hedin Persson in a happy-go-lucky way. They all thought it seemed too good to be true: a real demand for the thing they loved doing so much? A true win-win situation! “We started our business in November 2011,” says Polson. “We want es-

tablished companies to approach innovation the same way start-ups do. We all get set in our ways – a mutual way of thinking might become ingrained, and it’s a common challenge to think outside the box. Our business idea is to use design thinking to help companies think in brand new ways and re-imagine their products and services.” Catino recently collaborated with well-established sports company Rantzows on an exciting project. The young team was hired to apply its innovation process to imagine the future school gymnasium, a context in great need of new ideas. “Defining the needs of all the key stake holders surrounding the gymnasium was crucial,

Catino catalyses innovation to help companies set in their ways. Photo: Jonas Kristiansson

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 59

Client-of-three-years TV4 got its on-demand service a radical facelift including a new freemium concept and migration to platforms such as tablets and mobile.

Dedication to digital: transforming business Take a six-phase process, an admirable passion for all things digital, and endless dedication to a happy end user. What you get is Stockholm-based digital design studio Daytona. Oh – and a reputation to die for, of course. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: Lars Lindwall

When Martin Ragnevad and Rasmus Sellberg set up Daytona in 2002, they were adamant that they wanted to do something different. “We didn’t want to do the old internet advertising thing that everyone else was doing – we wanted to create digital services to transform businesses. We wanted to work with customer benefits and core product and service offerings,” says Ragnevad. 11 years on, this insistence on putting the end user first appears to have paid off, and the studio has been voted amongst the top-three

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digital agencies in Sweden three years in a row. The Agency of the Year stamp of approval is one voted for by clients, and Ragnevad is particularly pleased that Daytona’s clients keep giving them top scores for dedication. “Dedication is one of our most important values, so it means a lot that our customers can feel it.” Making life easier for users During the eight years Daytona worked with its first ever client, Nokia, it designed a brand new loyalty scheme and was highly involved in creating a strategy for the brand's online customer support offering, both heavily intertwined with the fabric of the internet. “Things are so much

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Swedish Industrial & Product Design

less static these days, and so much more service-oriented. With social media and mobile, one-way communication is redundant – your service has to be where the customer is.”

allow bloggers, agency professionals and other internet enthusiasts to learn from speakers with a revolutionary thing or two to say about how the world wide web disrupts business.

Similarly, the environment in which clientof-three-years TV4 Play operates has changed dramatically, as people’s television watching habits are nothing like what they used to be. Giving on-demand service TV4 Play a significant facelift, Daytona produced a complete redesign based on TV viewer categories discovered through extensive web analysis, enabled desktop, mobile, tablet and connected TV platform use, and helped the client develop a brand new freemium concept. To say that watching TV in the same place at the same time is a thing of the past would be an understatement.

Then there is Daytona Library. “We like books, so we buy books. But then they just sit there. We thought it was a bit of a waste, so we created a search tool on our site so that people who want to read our books can reserve them and come and borrow them for free,” the founder explains. Oh, and did we mention the Swedish Podcast Award? Fans of podcasts, Daytona’s staff decided to initiate an award for the best podcasts around – something that, when it all started about eight years ago, did not get a lot of attention. “Now, suddenly, it’s everywhere – everyone loves a good podcast. So I guess we take pride in having played a part in making visible this new medium,” says Ragnevad.

Rasmus Sellberg and Martin Ragnevad founded Daytona in 2002 to create digital services that transform businesses.

of so-called Shopping Missions, or reasons to go shopping, helped the designers make the service experience more userfriendly than ever, with intuitive product categorisation, recipe inspiration and weekly meal plan suggestions. Innovation gone mad

If the process that puts the consumer first seems blatantly obvious in the aforementioned examples, it is possibly even more evident in Daytona’s work with Coop, the co-operative supermarket brand. “Our work with Coop is all about helping the customers,” says Ragnevad. “The aim was to make their everyday life easier, to help them make good choices.” Making the most of the mobile interface, the studio took the co-operative ideals and pushed them to their extremes, allowing users to submit proposals for improvements, stock wish lists, and other requests. A handful

With a distinctive design process, based on the lessons learned during a decade and a bit of highly successful digital work, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Daytona is a haven for innovation. But there is plenty more beyond the covers of the studio’s impressive portfolio – and this is where it shows that the people of Daytona are not just dedicated to innovation, but absolutely mad for it. Take for example YABA, the studio’s own live-streamed awards ceremony celebrating Sweden’s best blogs on all things digital, or Daytona Sessions, the inspirational seminars that

“These projects are our babies. We’re all geeks, and we can’t get enough of digital stuff. This way, we get to share some of our geekiness.” And we can all take part of it, Daytona clients or not. Some people are just too amazingly generous, right?

For more information, please visit:

Daytona’s work for supermarket chain Coop took the co-operative values and pushed them to their extremes, allowing customers to create wish lists and contribute to making the service the best it can be.

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 61

Darja Isaksson's keynote lecture on the maker movement at IDG's ‘Webbdagarna’. Photo: Niklas Hildén

Transform your business through responsive reality “Companies trying to be unique through brand communication alone will not last,” says Ziggy Creative Colony. While having the right brand and communication is crucial to any business, understanding the innovation potential and then acting upon it is strategically wise. By Cecilia Varricchio | Photos: Ziggy Creative Colony

Today’s customers have become increasingly demanding. A widely adopted mobile lifestyle has dramatically increased customer expectations of service, availability and transparency, and most businesses are improving in these areas. However, it is still rare to actively explore the possibilities of innovating the core experience, but the potential of innovating any service or product has probably never been bigger. “In fact, many businesses are about to reach a point where, if they do not change their market, someone else will,” says Darja Isaksson, CEO of Ziggy Creative Colony, and tells a cautionary tale from the TV industry.

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By using an in-house 3D printer and new sensor technology, Ziggy is able to do rapid prototyping and iterative testing of concepts where the physical meets the digital world.

Game-changing for the TV industry The consequences of constantly-connected consumers started to have an impact on the TV industry early on: customers were downloading content rather than paying for it, and an unhappy industry talked about immoral customers. Then came Netflix. The company was eager to respond to what it understood as the future of TV entertainment: streaming. Netflix was far from alone, but it was the one brand that did not compromise on what the ultimate consumer experience would be: quality TV anywhere, anytime and hassle-free. This meant use of multiple devices, remembering past behaviour and releasing all episodes of TV-series at once. The result? Millions of true fans signing up for their services, resulting in an impact on the TV market so tumultuous that The Economist claimed that Netflix might just end up ‘killing cable TV’

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eventually. “It is important for all business leaders to understand that Netflix is not an exception, but the rule, in the sense that most sectors will start facing game changers. What set them apart was not their technology and consumer insight, but their timely actions,” says Isaksson. Business advantages in a ‘responsive reality’ The mobile explosion has made advanced electronics cheap and readily available. Consumers of tomorrow will live in a world where more things are connected, and the environment is smart and responsive towards them, something Ziggy calls a ‘responsive reality’. Ziggy’s concept development experiences range from the mobile phone sector to cars, kitchen appliances, insurance companies, banking and utilities companies, and Isaksson uses a few of those examples to show the potential of what lies ahead. “Insurance companies are beginning to change. Instead of basing fees on driver demographics and car model, they are experimenting with using data from cars to determine a fee depending on how a person is actually driving,” Isaksson says. The revolutionary pricing model aside, the most important improvement of this change can be counted in human lives: research has proved that a driver provided with appropriate feedback will drive more safely, and this is a long-lasting change in behaviour. New opportunities “Becoming a game changer is often possible through applying existing technology in a new context,” Isaksson explains, and gives a fictitious example: “Today, highend gyms compete with personal service and physical availability through location

and long opening hours. Lower-end gyms try to match them in location and availability, but cut down on staff costs and therefore personalised service. Today, it would be possible to deliver a gamechanging personalised experience through innovative digital services. Imagine walking into a gym where you first face a body scanner, measuring your body fat and muscles, analysing your posture, resting pulse and so on. Based on this information, you could receive a personalised training schedule, available through your mobile phone. Wearing sensors, such as the next-generation Nike Fuelband, it would consider your real-time physical status, pulse, sweating and so forth to make sure that you don’t overdo it. A former low-status budget gym could through this service become a highend gym brand, without scaling costs in staff. It is all about understanding the business potential of a responsive reality that is now just waiting to happen,” Isaksson says. Customer expectations are increasing, and so is the overall speed of innovation. Still, many companies are not truly aware of just how radically they could improve their products and services. Ziggy was founded to work with those who want to make an impact. Ziggy's concept for a smarter car experience, making the driver safer, the environment better and the insurance premium based on actual driving behavior.

About Ziggy Creative Colony Voted Best Digital Agency in the Strategy category by annual customer satisfaction survey Regi, Ziggy is most appreciated by its clients for strategic work that is always based on a thorough understanding of customer drivers, in combination with knowledge of which actions are required to seize the best opportunities.

For more information, please visit:

With the sensor revolution, adding customer value based on personalised feedback will drive many businesses towards a digital core.

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 63

Axis collection

Fun on an industrial scale: Zenit Design is in the business of curiosity An electrical wall switch that doubles up as a picture frame. A medical auto-injector that communicates wirelessly. A biometric fingerprint reader for iPhone. Thinking outside the box is often just tired business jargon – but every now and then, you come across someone who does just that. Swedish industrial design company Zenit Design, with offices in Malmö and Gothenburg, puts creativity first. For its customers, it is a convenient one-stop shop that offers a wide range of services: from strategy, design and manufacture all the way to packaging and product launch. It comes as no surprise that this award-winning company’s motto is ‘Turning vision into value’. By Joanna Nylund | Photos: Zenit Design

At Zenit Design, the horizon is wide. How else do you explain a design portfolio that ranges from computers to heat pumps to office chairs? Earlier this year, Zenit Design received the prestigious Red Dot Design Award for their PFAFF®passport™2.0 sewing machine, ergonomically designed for small spaces and travel. Another project that the Zenit team is very

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PFAFF®passport™2.0 sewing machine

proud of is the creation of a comprehensive design identity for the products of Axis Communications, a company in the business of digital network video solutions. For this achievement, and for thorough collaboration over the years, Zenit Design received the Swedish Grand Design Award in 2009.

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Swedish Industrial & Product Design

CLS. Photos: Martin Martinsson

Zenit Design emphasises the visual aspect of the design process. When trying to capture the client’s needs and visions, dialogue alone is not enough. The company has a holistic approach to product design, which helps create strong brands. “In the beginning, before anything else happens, we bring everyone to the same table: the client representatives, the designer, the constructor and the producer. Instead of writing up a proposal, we might make a model of the design or bring pictures and mood boards into the meeting. This way we achieve a kind of visual consensus about how to move forward. Everyone involved in making the product will stay involved, every step of the way. This is a seamless way of working that suits us to a tee, and greatly benefits the client,” explains Jonas Svennberg, CEO at Zenit Design. The company itself was built with patience and a long-term strategy in mind. “We started in 1994 with just four people, and slowly built the company over six years before we began recruiting,” says founder and creative director Johan Lundgren. Zenit Design currently employs some twenty-five people in two offices, among them designers and engineers representing multiple disciplines. Their shared com-

petence is the company’s most important asset. “These days, the company stands on three strong legs: the product design, the mechanical engineering, and our medical technology know-how,” Lundgren adds.

Lundgren adds: “In addition to curiosity, joy is also very important. I believe that without that, we would be committing slow suicide as a company.” Hearing the pair talk, these company values ring true.

This last leg is what makes Zenit Design unique. It is a rare design company that not only has the product design aspect down pat, but can also boast of specialised medical device expertise. This particular advantage has led to some interesting collaborations in the past, and Zenit Design is just about to wrap up a large project for a medical giant in Europe. The vast field of medical device development is also where the excitement is most palpable at the moment.

So what is next for Zenit Design? Something exciting – that much is evident from the enthusiasm that the Zenit Design team expresses for its latest medical project, for Swedish company Clinical Laserthermia Systems. The industrial design company has created a user interface for a ground-breaking new laser technology that carefully heats up cancerous tumours, thereby releasing antigens that activate the body’s own defence system to start attacking cancer cells. The method, called immunostimulating laser thermotherapy, has been developed by Professor Karl-Göran Tranberg and serves as both an alternative and a complement to surgery.

In this atmosphere of no-limits creativity, what is the driving force that keeps the company moving forward? “Pathological curiosity!” laughs Svennberg. “That is always present in everything we do. There is a lot of buzz about designing consumer products. For obvious reasons, everyone can relate to them. People tend to think that developing B2B products is boring, but we get to make things that have to be both functional and appealing, in so many different ways. That is always an interesting challenge.”

Curiosity, joy – and a great deal of heart. Now that is what good design is made of.

For more information, please visit:

Zenit Miljö. Photos: Lars Owesson

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 65

Above: Solifer

Above: Polar

Design on demand drives change Considering the manpower behind every cutting-edge industrial design team, it is not surprising that businesses look for ways to cut their costs. Ivar Frischer, chief designer at Yovinn, one of Sweden’s leading product development and industrial design firms, says design as a service is about to change the way companies do business. The design-on-demand solution means companies have access to the world’s leading designers at their fingertips, for a fraction of the price. By Maria Malmros | Photos: Yovinn

Increasing competition in the industrial design market means that many companies can no longer afford to have their own in-house design teams, as it has become more costly to hire the best in the business. Design on demand is a relatively new concept that means businesses can not only purchase individual solutions, but access entire concepts tailored to fit their companies, with the on-going serv-

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“Good industrial design solves all aesthetic and functionality issues. In terms of product development, you look for a holistic approach, taking into account the client’s history, competition, and aspirations for the future; this is absolutely crucial in order for a business to gain an understanding of their standing in the market place.”

ices of top designers and product developers at their beck and call. Yovinn has been instrumental in breathing new life into numerous well-established brands. The firm is also regularly approached by start-up businesses that attempt to enter a new market. One recurring issue it sees in its line of work is companies having lost their brand DNA. Skilled designers and product developers can help them find a way back to the original concept, albeit with a new twist, or, when called for, they may take a more radical approach and embark on a total brand rediscovery. While the word design brings to mind creativity and artistry, it is only one part of

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Swedish Industrial & Product Design

what goes into making an industrial design endeavour a success; a team of engineers and mathematicians operate behind the scenes, seamlessly solving all technical issues. Strategist at play Frischer explains that they take an analytical and strategic approach, rigorously examining the brand from a product point of view, while asking themselves: how does this brand differ from the competition, and most importantly, will they thrive? Frischer says: “Good industrial design solves all aesthetic and functionality issues. In terms of product development, you look for a holistic approach, taking into account the client’s history, competition, and aspirations for the future; this is absolutely crucial in order for a business to gain an understanding of their standing in the market place.” Yovinn frequently works with companies that have design teams of their own, but lack the resources to reinvent their brands on a larger scale. In such instances, they look at colour, shape, and graphics, and come up with design manuals that the company uses as a blueprint for future reference, while relying on their own inhouse designers for the upkeep.

the past, and most importantly, ask how their businesses fare. While there is no one fit solution across the board for all companies, it is safe to say that the numbers do not lie. One of Yovinn’s clients, Solifer Polar, had such an intense response following its collaboration with Yovinn, that it found itself in the rather pleasant predicament of having to hire more staff to meet the increasing demand.

clients have gone on to perform after a collaboration with the designers in mind, will save money in the long run and make sure your new partner offers a nice return on that investment.

Yovinn is well on its way towards becoming one of Europe’s top industrial design agencies. The company is spearheaded by CEO Markus Hallberg, who has a stellar background in mechanical engineering. He works alongside two power houses in their own right, Frischer, and Matias Cindric, creative director, who share a past as chief designers at Saab. Yovinn has become one of the most sought-after design and product development agencies; when it comes to its strategy, innovation and product development expertise, it has proved itself to be second to none. What makes Yovinn so competitive is its subsidiary status as a part of Vinngroup, and the subsequent easy access to some of the best designers and engineers. Above: Pyro

A numbers game Frischer advises that when choosing a design agency to work with, one must look at the brands they have teamed up with in

Regardless of your budget and needs, doing your homework on agencies, asking some tough questions, while looking for specific examples that showcase how

Ivar Frischer

Matias Cindric

For more information, please visit:

Markus Hallberg

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 67

Creating the design of the future – ranked No. 1 in the world Umeå Institute of Design, part of Umeå University, has recently been ranked the top design school in the world. What is the secret behind this prestigious school in the north of Sweden and its massive success? Scan Magazine decided to talk to rector Anna Valtonen to find out. By Cecilia Varricchio | Photos: Umeå Institute of Design

Valtonen tells us that most of the school’s achievements are ascribable to its fantastic students, and of course to the teachers and staff. Students come from 31 different countries, which enables the school to offer an incredible diversity and mix of people and experiences. Two-thirds of the teachers are from the industry, both nationally and internationally renowned. Altogether, the school has 140 students and specialises in industrial design, offering studies at bachelor and master level in the fields of product design, interaction design and transportation design. “It’s a friendly and special atmosphere at the school. The students don’t just learn from our teachers but also from each other. We recruit from the best of the best, which gives us a fantastic opportunity – the students build a network for life. Our students work in teams and learn the same methods and software that are used by professionals.”

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Projects entrenched in reality Every term, each student undertakes a collaborative project together with the public sector or a business, locally or internationally. This way, students learn how to solve problems in reality while at the same time providing a priceless contribution to these companies, which get the opportunity to work with driven and motivated students who bring different perspectives and a fresh approach. “Some of our students worked with the largest bank, Itaú, in South America to help them to develop services for people who cannot read; our transportation design students recently collaborated with Volvo to propose city truck concepts aiming at changing society’s negative perception of a kind of vehicle that is invaluable to support our future way of living,” says Valtonen. Great collaborations for everyone involved These collaborative efforts give great

value to everyone involved and have resulted in several awards for both Umeå Institute of Design and its students. For example, the institute just won an IDEA, International Design Excellence Awards 2013, and is ranked the best school in Europe and America on Red Dot’s list and the second best according to European iF.

For more information, please visit:

Swedish Industrial & Product Design

Above left to right: Hold L Crome; Anyone Black; Beside White.

Proudly made in Sweden Maze Interior is the Swedish furniture and accessories designer that focuses on smart and practical design suitable for any home and any style. With more than 90 per cent of the entire production realised in Sweden, the brand offers high-quality products with attention to materials and functionality. By Cecilia Varricchio | Photos: Maze Interior

With growing concern for sustainability, the number of customers starting to pay attention to how and where a product is made is constantly increasing. Maze Interior made a conscious decision in this regard already ten years ago, when the company was founded, by locating the production facilities mostly in Sweden, thereby making design and production close. This decision was driven by two main factors: the environmental impact of producing abroad, and the will to control the production process thoroughly; by putting designers close to production the objective could easily be achieved, ensuring that the finished product respects perfectly the quality standards set by the company.

design, without too many frills. It aims to design products with a unique style that the buyers will not tire of in the long term. “Before deciding what to design we always ask ourselves what is needed in our homes and missing on the market. This is the starting point from which we derive our first inspiration,” she continues. Furniture appreciated worldwide

ular furniture worldwide and recently acquired a new client in South Korea. Customers can also order directly from the online shop. The company gained a lot of attention for its new pieces shown at the Stockholm Furniture Fair earlier this year. The stool ‘Anyone’, made from naturallytanned leather from the Swedish region Dalarna, was hugely successful and received a lot of praise. This type of leather is very durable, and the more it is used the more beautiful it becomes. “Thanks to our functional design and the close work with our producers, just in the last three years we have grown dramatically and more than doubled our production,” De Visscher finishes. For more information, please visit:

Maze Interior sells and distributes its pop-

Design with roots in national engineering Sweden is famous for its engineering heritage, and Maze Interior has benefitted from this national knowledge in having access to skilled professionals. Lotta De Visscher, CEO and partner, says that the company always strives to make furniture with great functionality and a simple, beautiful

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 69


Discover knowledge and make friends for life The ‘Efterskole’ is a unique Danish independent residential school for young people between 14 and 18 years of age. Currently, some 27,000 students attend one of the approximately 255 schools throughout Denmark, and the schools are open to students from abroad. By Efterskoleforeningen | Photos: Faaborgegnens Efterskole

Historically and culturally, the Efterskole is related to the Danish free school movement, and the Efterskole is often regarded as a junior form of the Danish Folkehøjskole (Folk High School), closely related to the educational ideas of N.F.S. Grundtvig (1789-1872) who wanted schools to provide enlightenment for life rather than formal vocational training. The first few Efterskoler were founded about 150 years ago. Most Efterskoler offer the same subjects and final examinations as state schools, but many focus on special subjects like

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physical education, music or theatre, or offer various kinds of special education. Compared to regular state schools, the Efterskole has substantial freedom in terms of, for example, the choice of subjects, the teaching methods and the educational approach. These vary in accordance with the school’s political, religious or pedagogical orientation. The freedom of the Efterskole is assured by substantial state subsidies to both schools and students. Each Efterskole is a self-governing independent institution, and they all deal with

both the educational and personal development of the students. They embrace a common educational focus on enlightenment for life, general education and democratic citizenship. The Efterskole has something to offer both educationally and socially, because the students live together. It can perhaps be said that the teachers who work at an Efterskole are not entirely ordinary. They are prepared to involve aspects of themselves other than the professional, so that the pupils have a positive relationship with the teachers. The teacher is responsible for both teaching and supervision outside of school hours. This means that teachers and students are together all day from the time the students wake up until they go to bed. This often engenders a close, personal and non-formal relationship between students and teachers.

For more information, please visit:

The Danish Højskole: a haven of equality and free speech By Jakob Rasmussen, Association of Folk High Schools in Denmark | Photos: Rasmus Rask Eriksen

What is a Danish ‘Højskole’? ‘Højskole’ is a unique Scandinavian tradition. In Denmark, it is like a popular university with non-formal adult education. The Danish theologian, writer and philosopher N.F.S. Grundtvig was the founding father. The first school was built in 1844, but a lot has happened since. The courses last between 4 and 10 months. There are no academic requirements for admittance and no exams, but you will get a diploma as a proof of attendance. The average cost is 1,300 DKK (B175) per week, which covers full-board, lodging and all teaching. Why attend? One of the core benefits of the Højskole is the intercultural meeting of people with common interests. Young Danes and foreigners use the Højskole as a jumpingoff ground to further education. The international milieu of the schools provides

a solid network as well as friends for life: for instance, you will meet 18-year-olds just leaving high school, university students taking a year off, and 25-year-olds facing a cross-roads.

schools is characterised by free thinking and debate about the meaning of things, values, democracy, citizenship and freedom. Expect long nights of debating, informal but serious studies, and lots of fun with your new friends.

A special kind of education One of the core ideas of the Højskole concept is equality and mutual learning between teachers and students. The classes are characterised by freedom of speech, dialogue and an open curriculum that can be altered throughout the duration of the course. Some schools have specific prerequisites for admittance and the schools do expect you to either know some Danish or speak good English.

Short courses Many højskoler also offer short courses lasting one or two weeks. They are often used as an inspirational break from daily life, as an adventure or an opportunity to meet new people and do some networking. Since it is the theme of the course that usually determines the target group, you will find people of all ages. Most short courses take place during summer, but some are available throughout the year.

Day-to-day life at a Højskole Students live together and get to know each other through a number of different situations. Many højskoler offer both shared and single rooms. Life at the

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Issue 58 | November 2013 | 71

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

Special Theme | Danish Schools

The forefront of international secondary study in Denmark In August 2014, Ranum Efterskole becomes the first international college in Denmark. Over the past 165 years Ranum has developed a rich legacy, delivering the very best opportunities and scholarly scope for its students. Ranum Efterskole College will be the first Efterskole in Denmark to act as a seamless bridge between Danish and further international study, offering internationally recognised qualifications as a Cambridge International School. Combining Efterskole with an international recognised exam, it gives the students the best possible preparation for their future life and study. By Sophia Stovall

Ranum has the perfect balance of tradition and modernity, championing innovative education with an international outlook. As a self-governing independent institution concentrating on the educational and personal development of its students, Ranum focuses on personal and academic growth and democratic citizenship within a global context. Ranum Efterskole College is the ‘perfect combination’ according to Joakim Philipsen, Head of International Department, combining the Efterskole with a thoroughly modern approach to international academic opportunity while still being connected to Denmark’s cultural heritage. Emphasising the living word N.F.S. Grundtvig (1789-1872), founder of the Folkehøjskole movement, and Kristen Kold (1816-1870), who translated this vision into the educational practice of the Efterskole, understood the strong cultural impact the learning environment would have. Kold emphasised the encouragement of what she called ‘the living word’, creating in young people a receptive attitude, and

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Photos: Ranum Efterskole

bringing students into a concrete relationship with the practical aspects of life. Ranum Efterskole College will be doing just this, by combining the Efterskole tradition with the optional opportunity to broaden personal and educational horizons with an internationally recognised exam. Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) The combination of the Efterskole philosophy with a supportive network of teachers and the global approach of an integrated international department allows Ranum Efterskole College to offer its students the best of both worlds, providing the individual with the social and academic skills needed for success in a vibrant and dynamic global society. Student life Ranum Efterskole College’s focus is the international preparation of Danish and international students alike, encouraging a broader focus and opportunity for higher education. This is not only encouraged through studies and academic pursuits, but through travel and active engagement through language and understanding. Students enjoy frequent study trips, travelling to a wide variety of locations throughout the world three times a year. Ranum offers two strands of education: Danish secondary education in compul-

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sory and extracurricular subjects in the public 9th and 10th grades from the Danish curriculum, and international education through Cambridge International Examinations at IGCSE, AS and A levels. By studying IGCSE, students have the option to continue their studies through the Danish IB system, international study, or the internationally recognised Cambridge International AS and A levels that many universities now set as entry requirements.

Ranum Efterskole in numbers • 300 students • 62 employees, 40 teachers • 16,000 square metres – teaching and boarding facilities • Boarding facilities for 325 students • Students live in 1-,2-,4-, or 6 student apartments • Assembly hall (400 seats) • 12 classrooms all equipped with ActiveBoards • 4 fully-equipped science laboratories • 3 fully-equipped music classrooms • 4 specialist classrooms: design/art, craft, multimedia and IT • 4 gyms + 1 full size gym (46m x 30m) • Outdoor sports centre

IGCSE The IGCSE is the natural first year of international study and the foundation for further international study. Students choose five of the following subjects to combine with compulsory subjects: English First Language, English as a Second Language, International Mathematics, Coordinated Science, Geography, German First Language, German Foreign Language, Chinese Mandarin, French First Language, French Foreign Language, Spanish First language, Spanish Foreign Language, Global Perspectives. AS and A Levels AS and A levels are the advanced studies, extremely flexible with no compulsory subjects. Students choose three or four subjects according to interest and skills, focusing the student’s individual study to enable concentrated and prioritised education: English Language, French, German, Spanish, Marine Science, Mathematics, Media Studies, Music, Physics, Physical Education, Travel & Tourism and History (AS). All students study Danish, which is incorporated into the student’s study to encourage a Danish grounding and appreciation of the culture and country of study. International study trip destinations: USA, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Turkey, Ireland, Greece, Nepal, Ghana, Malaysia, China, Nicaragua, Peru and Cambodia.

Contact information: Ranum Efterskole Kærvej 6-8, 9681 Ranum, Denmark E-mail:

For more information, please visit:

Pushing the boundaries of physical and personal achievement Utilising Brøderup’s excellent facilities and grounds, students are able to access a huge variety of sports and activities, exploring personal and physical development through shared experiences. By Sophia Stovall | Photos: Brøderup

Brøderup remains ever faithful to Grundtvig, the founding father of the Efterskole, in offering young people the opportunity to develop through the knowledge and shared experiences offered through teaching, fellowship and practical work. Brøderup’s distinctiveness lies in the scope and range of opportunities for development through outdoor pursuits. Horse riding By delivering a specialist horse-riding programme, Brøderup encourages greater self-awareness, natural confidence, intuitive communication and leadership skills, all the while fostering deep personal fulfillment. The programme includes group classes and bespoke oneto-one tuition in both dressage and show jumping, alongside care of the horses. Through an extensive programme of horse-riding activities, students enjoy positive psychological interaction with an animal, something that very few sports

can offer. Being outdoors and in contact with nature is an important motivation. Extreme sports Brøderup offers students the opportunity to test their various physical and mental limits, and to try out different sports and activities at the somewhat rough and extreme end of the spectrum. Students are pushed to reach their full potential through a diverse and extensive range of sports and activities, such as abseiling, mountain biking, climbing, a survival course, canoeing, kayaking, kayak polo, shooting with a hunting shotgun, swimming, underwater rugby, an obstacle course, triathlons, time trials in cycling, night orienteering, Natural Resource Management and much more. Natural Resource Management provides knowledge about the balance of nature. Emphasis is placed on training in order to pass the Danish Hunting Society Hunting

Test. Many of the modules taught engage in wider tournaments and events, such as the Danish Polo Kayak Championships and the Danish Climbing Federation’s tournament, in addition to interaction with local club teams and regular weekend trips. Student life When looking at Brøderup’s Facebook page you will quickly come to realise how much students and parents alike enjoy the school and the opportunities it offers in terms of developing life-long interests, skills and expertise. While offering an extensive weekend activity programme open to different fields of interest such as horse riding, kayaking and other outdoor activities, perhaps the school’s perhaps most popular event is the annual ski trip. Brøderup Ungdomsskole Karlshøj 40, 4733 Tappernøje Phone: +45 55 56 41 33 E-Mail:

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 75

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

Left: A rugby class taught at Svankjær, the first boarding school in Denmark to offer this sport as a main subject. Middle: Horseback riding is by far the most popular pathway at the school. Top right: The International Class on their annual trip abroad.

Sports-oriented learning and innovative teaching in scenic surroundings Located in the middle of the beautiful and distinctive nature of Denmark’s west coast, Svankjær Boarding School offers students of the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades a unique and sports-oriented learning experience based on solid values and an innovative teaching approach. By Stine Gjevnøe Sørensen | Photos: Svankjær Boarding School

With a strong international and sportsoriented profile, Svankjær Boarding School attracts students with different backgrounds from all over the country. Neighbouring the spectacular North Sea and National Park Thy, the school aims to guide its students on their journey to becoming skilled, mature, and responsible young adults. Svankjær Boarding School was founded on principles long-rooted in Danish culture and Christian tradition, but as headmaster Thomas Arvad Meier explains, the school and its philosophy of teaching is mainly based on “our approach to young people”. “We believe in the good in people,” he says. At Svankjær Boarding School the students choose between three sports-oriented

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pathways: horseback riding, adventure, and rugby, as well as the engineering-focused pathway: motor/metal. Horseback riding is by far the most popular, attracting more than 50 per cent of the students, but rugby, a fairly uncharted sport in Scandinavia, is quickly gaining new ground as Svankjær is the first boarding school in Denmark to offer it as a main subject. Furthermore, the school offers a number of electives, including International Class, in which the students study English language and culture at a higher level and qualify for the internationally recognised Cambridge International Examination. “The International Class offers a number of exciting opportunities different from what a normal state school can offer,” Thomas Arvad Meier says. Among other things, the stu-

dents go on an annual trip to an Englishspeaking country. With approximately 80 students a year, Svankjær Boarding School emphasises a safe and nourishing environment with plenty of time for each individual student. In order to prepare the students for their further studies and future working life, the teaching is often project and theme based. Health, democracy, and energy are among the themes this year’s students have explored. This innovative teaching approach gives the students experience of working and studying in a changing environment. With mandatory trips abroad and crosslevel teaching, Svankjær Boarding School aims to endow its students with a skillset that will help them further excel in their personal and professional lives. For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

Together we are stronger If you are looking for a continuation school where you can be challenged and brought out of your comfort zone and learn more about life itself, take a closer look at Baunehøj Efterskole. By Nicolai Lisberg | Photos: Jørgen Nielsen /

While many continuation schools brand themselves as creating a great sense of community among their students, Baunehøj Efterskole focuses on what they like to call a committed community. “At our school, we don't consider it a community if only 24 out of 25 students are having a good time. We teach the kids that it is important to take responsibility not only for yourself but for everyone around you. They have to show tolerance at all times, be-

cause equality is one of the key values upon which this school is built,” says Ulrik Goos Iversen, principal of the school. Other key values of the school are credibility, proficiency and mysteriousness. Exploring life Mysteriousness in particular is something that makes Baunehøj Efterskole different from other continuation schools. “We want our students to be aware of the fact

that the world is so much bigger than we think. It is our wish to open their eyes and broaden their horizons, and therefore we have a subject called life education. Here, the students get the opportunity to see the connection between different philosophies, practices and ideologies, and to reflect on the greater meaning of life,” says the principal. Even though the general idea is to challenge the students and get them to try new things, Goos Iversen stresses the importance of letting the students do what they do best: “When the students come to our school they face a transition from childhood to adulthood. During this phase most people define themselves by what they are good at, so our ambition is to make the students even better at doing what they already do well. That also fits well with making them better at the things they are not so good at, so that they add more shades to their personality. When we talk about proficiency, this is what we mean.”

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 77

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

Students at Rydhave Slots Efterskole are offered subjects included in the University of Cambridge International Examinations.

An international outlook Though located in a historic castle in idyllic western Jutland, Rydhave Slots Efterskole offers both a modern and an international approach to learning and life. The school’s diverse programmes of international studies, design, and elite and popular sports attract youngsters from all over Denmark – and the rest of the world. By Signe Hansen | Photos: Rydhave Slots Efterskole

Founded in 1956 as a boys-only school, Rydhave Slots Efterskole is today the home of approximately 75 9th and 10th grade boys and girls. Through the years a significant number of international students have shaped the school’s international profile which has in recent years become one of the school’s greatest attractions. “Our school has always been a natural choice for international families and that has inspired our teachers to take a more international approach, resulting in many international activities including

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numerous study trips abroad,” explains school principal Ole Conrad Kondrup who, a year ago, took on leadership of the school to further its international profile. Voluntary work within a global framework is one of the main focuses of the school’s international programme. “Our values are built on a strong emphasis on democracy and understanding and we want that to reflect all of our work. It’s no secret that we wish to create a contrast to the many activities and trips for youngsters focused

purely on fun and entertainment; we want to give young people an opportunity to use their time differently,” Kondrup says. During a normal school year all students participate in intercultural trips to Berlin and Holland and a smaller number choose to participate in a separately funded development project in countries such as Tanzania. The annual trips also include a skiing trip for sports students to Austria or Sweden. Besides, sports courses, in particular the elite badminton course, which attracts some of Denmark’s best young players, see students travelling far and wide to participate in international tournaments. International exams Rydhave Slots Efterskole is one of 36 schools in Denmark to offer the University

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At a glance: Rydhave Slots Efterskole offers three main programmes within the official 9th and 10th grade curriculum: • The Design course offers students the opportunity to explore the subjects of: Motor and Metal, Tailor and Design, and Wood and Forging.

of Cambridge International Examinations. Many bilingual students choose this option, which provides them with qualifications recognised by universities and employers all over the world. “Our school is very solidly based on the Grundtvigian school tradition and coloured by our origin within the local church. Today, we focus on positive reinforcement and modern subjects, and we are one of 9,000 schools all over the world offering subjects from the University of Cambridge curriculum,” says Kondrup. The school offers courses such as Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Management. In these classes students are encouraged to develop or participate in social and private enterprises and create perceptible change and results. Like all other classes, these subjects are taught in line with the 4MAT teaching principle, one based on a holistic approach to learning with focus on the stu-

dents’ individual approach to acquiring knowledge. History and renewal Located in Rydhave castle, a castle dating back to the 1300s, Rydhave Slots Efterskole oozes history. The old castle is located right next to Rydhave forest and is just a short walk from the Limfjord. “We are located next to what I believe is the most western beech forest in Denmark, which was used by the local freedom fighters during the Second World War. We use it for numerous activities, and many events take place in what is referred to as ‘the Weapon Cove’,” says Kondrup, adding: “Also, very nearby we have Limfjorden’s new marina, which will soon be directly connected to the school, providing rich opportunities for yachting activities.” The youngsters at the school share rooms with one or two fellow students, with the female students living in the old

• The Sports course offers students the opportunity to build on their strengths within Football and Badminton. • The International course gives students the chance to travel, interact with students from abroad and take part in global development projects. On top of the three major programmes the school offers a wide range of optional courses such as English, Fitness, Music and Cooking as well as a number of elective evening classes. The school is located 14 kilometres from the town of Holsterbro and 100 kilometres from Aarhus.

castle’s main buildings and the boys in adjoining wings. Many of the school’s teachers are also residents at the school, creating a strong bond among students and teachers.

For more information, please visit:

Rydhave Slots Efterskole is located in a historic castle dating back to the 1300s, next to Rydhave Forest.

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 79

Many students from abroad, with or without Danish backgrounds, are attracted by SKALs’ International Project Class as well as the Cambridge-approved IGCSE classes.

Prepare for an international future It is no coincidence that as many as 97 per cent of students continue on to a post-secondary education after a year at SKALs Efterskole (SKALs International Boarding School). The school, which offers the International General Certificate of Secondary Education, strives to give its Danish and international students both a personal and educational journey. The approach has earned it the highest grade average of its region. By Signe Hansen | Photos: SKALs Efterskole

Founded in central Jutland in 1990, SKALs Efterskole had the ambition to provide an alternative to the then majority of free boarding schools focusing on personal development and social interaction. SKALs Efterskole’s founders wanted to combine these traditional efterskole ideals with more tangible preparation for students’ continued professional and academic lives. From this ambition the schools current international profile nat-

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urally germinated, captured in the slogan ‘the world must be conquered every day’. “What we mean by this is that we have to relate to, and choose how to relate to, the world every day. As a young person today, you have to realise that you are part of a generation that, to a much greater extent than previous generations, must be able to conduct themselves professionally and socially all over the world,” principal Sven Primdal explains and adds: “A cultural

ABC, the ability to move in, and understand, different cultures will be essential, and requires two sets of competences: the academic – the languages, knowledge and so on; and the social – the ability to interact as an individual with people different from yourself. We want to give our students both.” An international set of skills Of the approximately 120 students enrolled annually at SKALs Efterskole, one-third choose to study and take the examination in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). The class, which is approved by the University of Cambridge, gives access to the International Baccalaureate (IB), which is offered by 14 Danish gymnasia as well as numerous educational institutions all over the world. Furthermore,

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if students take the 10th grade IGCSE, the exam qualifies them to skip one year of the Danish three-year version of the IB. The majority of IGCSE subjects are taught in English, and the course is attended by both Danish and international students with global ambitions. Most of the school’s growing number of non-Danish students, however, enrol in SKALs’ International Project Class, an exam-free, project-based class taught in English. “This class attracts students of high academic levels from both Denmark and abroad, students who want to explore other ways to work with their competences and improve their media, communication and presentation skills,” explains Primdal, adding: “Our aim is to prepare our students not just for their further education but also for their role as global citizens.” The different programmes all take annual study trips to Cambridge, UK; Limerick, Ireland; or Nepal. Students from all classes travel together to Berlin. Wanting to learn Students enrolled on SKALs Efterskole’s regular 9th and 10th grade programmes are divided into several smaller subgroups of varying academic levels and teaching styles across different subjects. All classes have a strong academic focus and aim to prepare students for the specific line of post-secondary study they wish to pursue. This does not, however, mean that it is all about books, stresses Primdal. “SKALs Efterskole is not a rigidly academic school where we pace our students through hard subjects. On the contrary, it’s about involving both your head and your heart. Being a student here is not about being academically strong: it’s about wanting to be.” All students have to spend at least one hour daily doing homework, but the school, which is located just a 15-minute bus ride from the regional capital Viborg, also offers an array of possible afterschool activities such as swimming, kayaking, and tennis. For more information, please visit:

At a glance: SKALs Efterskole is located in Skals, a town of approximately 2,000 inhabitants, 14 kilometres from Viborg and 78 kilometres from Aarhus. SKALs Efterskole’s approximately 120 students share four-bed dormitory rooms; students can choose between single- or mixed-gender floors. SKALs Efterskole offers a 9th and 10th grade education based on the students’ different learning approaches and academic levels as well as an English-language, project-based 10th grade with no examinations, and two Cambridge classes (9th and 10th grades). SKALs Efterskole is among just a handful of schools in Denmark offering the entire IGCSE curriculum and, furthermore, is the Danish headquarter for IGCSE approved education in Denmark.

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 81

A continental approach In a sleepy town in Southern Jutland, there is a thriving school community, nurturing politically-savvy, tolerant and well-rounded individuals. Students choose Rejsby Europæiske Efterskole not just to learn in-depth about Europe on the one-of-a-kind social studies course and improve their European languages, but also to interact with other cultures and put their language skills into real-life action.

have a European project week, during which we invite journalists, politicians and people who are involved with the European Union to give talks and presentations.”

By Stephanie Lovell | Photos: Rejsby Europæiske Efterskole

English, Danish and German and/or French are compulsory subjects that are taught by native speakers. Students can take internationally-recognised language exams in English (Cambridge IGCSE), German (Goethe) and French (DELF). On top of this, the school also offers its own Elite English class, which challenges students with more advanced areas of English, not normally offered at this stage of education. The school’s hands-on approach to language learning is what attracted Carsten, an articulate and wellspoken current student, to the school: “If

For those unfamiliar with the term, an efterskole is a residential school that students, between the ages of 14 and 17, can choose to attend before going on to upper secondary education (the gymnasium in Denmark). Founded in 1994, Rejsby Europæiske Efterskole has built a strong reputation in a relatively small amount of time, making it one of the top efterskoler in the country. Students come from all over the country, and indeed the world, to spend one year here, honing their lan-

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guage skills and following a specially-developed social studies course that focuses predominately on Europe. A unique social studies course “We have our very own course book for social studies, which builds upon the compulsory elements set out by the government,” explains Alex Mason, the deputy headmaster. “We look at the workings of the European Union and the topics that concern us as Europeans. In March we

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I end up living somewhere else, I want to be able to adapt, communicate in another language and generally blend in without any problems.” Although the focus is very much on European studies, students also choose from a variety of optional subjects, from football to philosophy, music to jewellery making, ensuring they receive an all-round education. The school is known for the high standard of its pedagogical practices, which encourage students to get involved, be critical and express their own opinions. The young meeting the young Cultural understanding is an integral part of the school’s values. There are two European volunteers living at the school, this year from Britain and the Czech Republic, who assist in classes and engage the students, sharing their different cultures and experiences. “They have totally different ways compared to us, so we can really learn something new from them,” enthuses current student Katrine. Every single student will go on three trips over the course of the year. First, they visit the European Institutions in Belgium to get a feel for how the European Union really functions. In February, they go on a ski trip to Sweden, and in April they take part in a like-for-like exchange, spending a week with a European family and attend-

ing lessons at their exchange partner’s school. “We call it the ‘young meeting young principle’, which is at the heart of everything we do,” says Mason. “Students don’t just get to learn about Europe, they also get to experience Europe. They have lots of opportunities during the year to meet authentic language and culture both within and outside the classroom.” ‘Freedom with responsibility’ “Rejsby Europæiske Efterskole is not quite a boarding school in the classic British or American sense. It’s a boarding school that also focuses on social skills and building community,” explains Mason. “The school develops trust, cooperation and mutual respect amongst students and staff, whilst also giving students responsibility for numerous practical and social tasks throughout the week. This in turn promotes students’ independence and sense of entitlement. We call this ‘freedom with responsibility’.”

“We have a lot of responsibility in the sense that you have to buy your own toothpaste and shampoo, you have to make sure your room’s clean and that you have toilet paper!” agrees Katrine. “You become really independent.” The variety of skills and knowledge acquired in just one year at Rejsby Europæiske Efterskole opens up many doors for the future. Former students have gone on to forge successful careers in politics and journalism, or work in other countries. Carsten is extremely optimistic about his prospects: “Coming here has broadened my horizons. Now I realise there are so many more opportunities than I ever even thought possible. This one year will probably make a big difference towards my future.” For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 83

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

Mixing social life with ambitious education Vardeegnens Gymnasieforberedende Efterskole, also known as VGE, believes it has found the recipe for providing the best possible link for young people between primary school and the upper secondary school. By Marjorie de los Angeles Mendieta | Photos: VGE

“Preparing for one’s further education is a matter of combining personal maturing, friendships and proper literary education,” says Rasmus Andersen, the school’s headmaster, who takes great pride in referring to the frequent letters and e-mails he receives from former pupils who recall their time at the school as a major contributing factor to their preparedness for their later field of study. With a grade average well above the national level, VGE, situated in the western part of Jutland, is a continuation school that emphasises an ambitious level of literary education without neglecting the social and creative aspects. The school offers a wide range of subjects, from the strictly literary to the more creative, always stressing the link between the the-

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oretical part of the subject and its practical use. For example, the school’s art class has assisted in the restoration of a sailing ship in the nearby port of Esbjerg, and as part of a project management class, the pupils have worked with local businesses and councillors on various projects, which were later implemented in practice. VGE strives to give its students an international outlook. So far, the school has established a formalised cooperation with other boarding schools in Italy and France for the purpose of offering exchange student trips between the schools. The school also employs foreign guest teachers, and it aims to attract students from abroad to always maintain a certain international community on the school prem-

ises. On top of this the school offers advanced language classes in Cambridge English and even Chinese. But, according to Andersen, the educational boost is merely icing on the cake. The primary feature of the continuation school is, of course, the social life associated with a boarding school. Most subjects integrate some sort of teamwork, and in the spare time most, if not all, students build lasting friendships that are all part of the special experience of a one-year stay at a continuation school. The continuation school is a phenomenon home-grown on Scandinavian ground. Like the ‘folk high school’, it has its roots in Denmark, and via the rest of Scandinavia its ideas have spread throughout all of Europe. It is a type of boarding school, catering mostly to 14to 18-year-olds who want to spend one or two years between the compulsory nine-year primary school and the upper secondary school or simply at an educational institution away from home, meeting new friends and considering their future choice of study.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

Get set for life in a global world Risskov Efterskole is a boarding school located on the outskirts of the Danish city of Aarhus. The location is ideal, as pupils are able to enjoy the surrounding nature but at the same time are close to the city, which is just 10 minutes away by bicycle. Last year, Risskov Efterskole started up a new international programme as part of the school’s curriculum. Students in years 9 and 10 learn about different cultures, globalisation, and various other aspects of society. On average, there are 15 students in every class. The idea behind the international programme is to show students the world and to bring the world into the classroom. There are three excursions every year, usually to Brazil, Strasbourg and Copenhagen. On top of this, pupils visit exhibitions, go to the theatre and participate in political debates. They also benefit from various guest lecturers throughout the year. “We’re one of very few efterskoler that are located in the city, which gives us easy access to cultural happenings and a

global life,� says head of the international programme, Lasse Soerensen, who joined the school two years ago. “This really makes us stand out from the crowd.� Students following the international programme have eight sessions a week focusing on different themes relating to international studies. The rest of the week they study the same subjects as other students in years 9 and 10. The aim of the programme is to spark an interest in a global world. “I want to show my students the cultural diversity of the world,� explains Soerensen. “When students leave the school, they are able to make their own decisions in a global world.� For more information, please visit:

By Maria Mandia Photos: Risskov Efterskole


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Sports School SINE: giving young people a taste of Danish culture and sports Sport, culture and academic studies bring together students from across the world to experience life at a Danish boarding school. By Else Kvist | Photos: Sportsefterskolen SINE

Sports School SINE (Sportsefterkolen SINE) in South Jutland offers young people the chance to combine year 9 or 10 of their secondary education with a sport they are passionate about at a high level. From football, handball, basketball, badminton, dance and golf, students choose one sport to immerse themselves in while studying all the academic subjects the Danish education system offers.

mark. For those already living in Denmark, it is an opportunity to study towards the internationally recognised Cambridge International Examinations, giving them access to educational institutions abroad. “We aim to be a global school, and more and more students are coming from places like France, Holland and Switzerland, as well as the other Nordic countries,” says headmaster René Jacobsen.

A global school

“Typically it is students with Danish parents working and living abroad. We currently have a New Yorker with Danish parents, who unlike his older siblings didn’t speak Danish. His parents wanted him to

Both years are taught in Danish while an international class given in English is also available for year 10, offering students from abroad the chance to study in Den-

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learn the language and give him the cultural experience of the country they come from,” Jacobsen explains. “We give them all an intensive two-month language course to get them speaking Danish.” Summer courses are also held. International travel and famous students Classes include trips to destinations famous for the sport in question. For example, boys following the school’s football programme visit Liverpool, home to Liverpool FC, while the football girls travel to Atlanta. Badminton pupils fly to Beijing and dance and basketball students go to New York. The school has 210 students and was founded by a group of people with a background in Danish sports and an interest in education. Since its first intake of pupils in

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1997 many have gone on to play in the Danish football and handball leagues, including for the national teams. Among them is footballer Andreas Oggesen, now a midfielder for Sønderjyske in the Danish Superliga, who played for the club’s under-17 team while still at the school. Another is Astrid Jacobsen, who aged 17 was selected for Viborg in the Danish handball league and later the national team. Some may also remember athlete Kim Christensen from last year’s London Olympic Games, where he participated in the men’s shot put. But whether students are interested in pursuing a professional career in sport, become a sports teacher or simply enjoy exercise at a high level, the school allows them to combine their chosen sport with academic life. Lack of sport schools Jacobsen, who represented Denmark as an athlete, explains why he originally came up with the idea: “There weren’t a lot of schools in the Nordic countries offering young people the chance to link sports, other than athletics, with their studies. The idea was to create a modern sports school that would appeal to students interested in a particular sport.” And rather than sport hindering their education, Jacobsen believes exercise can improve pupils’ academic achievements.

“There is no direct proof, but I believe there is a connection. I think it is the discipline students get through exercise that makes some of them more interested in academic subjects.” With the average grades of the pupils at the school among the top-ten in the country and 90 per cent going on to take part in advanced secondary education, Jacobsen may have a point. Perhaps it also helps that students have an intense schedule from Monday to Friday, following a set programme from 10am to 10pm, including time set aside for homework with teachers on hand to assist with questions. Life changing experience at modern school So what is it about boarding schools that often makes people come away with life changing experiences and lasting memories? “I think it is the intensity of the whole day with both academic and sporting activities, along with the social life,” Jacob-

sen suggests. Situated in Løgumkloster, the school is surrounded by some of the country’s most beautiful nature. Its facilities are modern and well-equipped with four sport halls and games pitches, along with an outdoor swimming pool and tennis courts. Students live in four-pupil rooms, aimed at creating a warm and homely atmosphere, while three teachers are associated with each house to provide a contact to parents. Trips abroad go to: - Liverpool for the football boys - Atlanta for the football girls - New York for basketball and dance students - Beijing for badminton pupils - Budapest for handball students - Texas is planned for pupils starting the latest golf programme

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 87

Creating citizens of the world The International Danish Academy of Vedersoe is an international efterskole, incorporating a fully integrated English programme of study and working to deliver an international education. By encouraging use of the English language, the school gives its students the tools to navigate in a world characterised by possibilities, complexities and cultural differences. By Sophia Stovall | Photos: The International Danish Academy of Vedersoe

There is no doubt that the future job market requires strong linguistic skills and intercultural competence. As the working language in many parts of the world, English has become an essential tool. “We offer something completely new because we give the students a 100 per cent international study environment. We go the whole hog and create an international environment from the outset. It is an inter-

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national school set within an efterskole framework – not a traditional efterskole with a taste of the international,” says Rolf Ebbesen, head of the International Department. An integral part of The International’s thinking is that access to international environments develops students’ confidence, linguistic skills, and cultural appreciation

in a lively learning environment where the students can really experience the benefits of excellent linguistic skills. “In my opinion, the language is important and the approach is important. Students need to be prepared to study with a university approach and work with people from every part of the world,” Liuba Napoli, Cambridge teacher at the efterskole, insists. A first-class education The International Danish Academy of Vedersoe teaches the IGCSE, International Certificate of Secondary Education, level for 14- to 17-year-olds. This level is the equivalent of the Danish 9th and 10th grades. Thousands of schools in 140 different countries throughout the world

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

teach and examine using a common curriculum, and as a Cambridge student you receive an internationally accepted education and qualification that can be used worldwide, leading directly to AS/A levels. The IGCSE subjects are put together to satisfy the criteria recommended, from both Cambridge and the Danish International Baccalaureate (IB) institutions, for international students. Fantastic facilities Every evening, The International’s creative workshop is open to students working in digital media, film and media, with excellent equipment and expertise. Creativity is supported throughout academic study. The setting of The International is ideal for students who enjoy nature, with walking distance to the lake that borders on the school grounds if they fancy a boat trip. Students can bicycle along the West Stadil Fjord, where wildlife is thriving thanks to a recent nature regeneration programme. Furthermore, only five kilometres away is the beautifully raw nature of the North Sea. For more information, please visit:

“Cambridge International Examinations is the world’s largest provider of international education programmes and qualifications for 5- to 19-year-olds. We are part of the University of Cambridge, trusted for excellence in education. Our qualifications are recognised by the world’s universities and employers.” Cambridge International Examinations (Cambridge)

At a glance: The International Danish Academy of Vedersoe offers, among other things: - A brand new international department. - An English speaking efterskole. - Three annual trips abroad – 28 days per year. - Five Cambridge IGCSE subjects. - Linguistic focus including Latin, Chinese, Spanish and English at an advanced level. - Modern fitness room. - Sports such as gymnastics, tumbling, handball, football, volleyball and badminton, as well as international sports such as rugby, lacrosse, netball, field hockey and cricket. - 6–10 themed weekends, including English Christmas, Highland Games, Dead Poet’s Society, American Cooking, Life Balance, and Adventure Challenge.

“An efterskole stay is about forming oneself, not just about education. The students work on being conscious of themselves as human beings. This, we all have the need for: interpreting one’s existence – the meaning of life.” Finn Tarpgaard, headmaster at The International and Vedersoe Idraetsefterskole

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 89

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

Above: Parkour is one of the most popular courses at Gerlev. Bottom right: A group of students from Gerlev Sports Academy jumping on the Great Wall of China (Photo: Lars Mogensen).

Shape up and have fun with people from all over the world Just south of Slagelse on Zealand you will find Gerlev Sports Academy, a school for young people who wish to improve their fitness, develop and mature through challenge and experience while making new friends from all over the world. By Rikke Oberlin Flarup | Photos: Jo Kyrre

“Over the course of the semester, I realised that I was not only part of the particular class of students that I went to school with, but I had also become part of the greater Gerlev community, a much larger family united by the values and ideas so central to the Gerlev experience,” former student Blake Evitt explains in his article in the book published to mark the 75th anniversary of Gerlev Sports Academy this year. Evitt is a 26-year-old American and one of the many foreign students who choose to study at Gerlev Sports Academy every year. Evitt and many of his fellow students are already studying sports at universities in their home countries and have come to Gerlev to discover a different and untraditional sports pedagogy, to develop

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as both athletes and instructors and to shape up. At Gerlev, students have the opportunity to test themselves and be challenged in new ways. By eating, sleeping, laughing and crying together, they become part of each other’s lives and help create the energetic and positive atmosphere that characterises Gerlev Sports Academy. In recent years the academy has enjoyed having students from most of Europe and countries as far away as Brazil and China. A lot of them come for the autumn semester and as a result most of the teaching at Gerlev Sports Academy during this term is in English.

ditional European games dating back more than 400 years. A wide selection of these games can be tried by anyone – not only students at the academy – at the unique games centre Gerlev Play Park. Headmaster Finn Berggren is also behind the world’s first Parkour park intended for educational purposes. The Parkour park and Berggren’s love for movement in urban spaces have together contributed to making Parkour one of the most popular courses at Gerlev.

Above: Gerlev offers 11 different main sport subjects to choose from.

An innovative approach to sports Gerlev Sports Academy has developed an innovative teaching concept, called the Playful Approach, which is based on tra-

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

An educational melting pot NGG International School in North Zealand provides 210 four- to 16-year-olds from 28 different countries with an international education emphasising responsibility, independence and respect. As a state-supported institution, the school’s fees are well below those of many other international schools. By Signe Hansen | Photos: NGG International School

In 1996, NGG International School was founded as a department of NGG (Nordsjællands Grundskole og Gymnasium), Denmark’s largest private school. Founder and headmaster Jan Thrane’s ambition was to provide the area’s many expatriate families with an affordable, challenging and morally sound international education option: “Our main ambition is to equip students with a solid work ethic, teach them to respect other people, their opinions, colour and culture. We want them to be able to talk to each other on an equal footing. As a school we see it as an important duty of ours to enlighten them on the rules and structures of a democratic society,” explains Thrane, who also earlier, in 1992, established the Danish School in London (which is today a department under the Norwegian School in Wimbledon).

Today, 210 students from kindergarten to 10th grade study at NGG International School. The students and their educators originate from over 28 countries all over the world and all lessons are taught in English. The school offers the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and Cambridge International Exams (CIE) for secondary students. “We started out with another programme, but we wanted to ensure that our students came out with the same high academic level that we have at our Danish school, and through Cambridge’s tests we have been able to confirm that we have achieved that,” explains Thrane. The International School now functions as a separate unit from the adjoined Danish school, with its own international traditions, environment and parents’ groups.

“We only accept students from expatriate families or Danish families who have been and expect to be expatriated, not students who just wish to go to an international school. We do this because we wish to preserve the special international atmosphere that being around like-minded international students creates,” explains Thrane. Students do, however, still take part in some shared events and Danish traditions, and, as a state-supported private school, it offers all students four weekly Danish lessons at their individual levels.

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Issue 58 | November 2013 | 91

Bjørn’s International School – encouraging the individual Not only is it normal to be different – at Bjørn’s International School in Copenhagen, diversity is encouraged. By catering to each student on an individual basis, the school has manifested its supremacy in teaching, inspiring and motivating students of all backgrounds.

currently teaching a body of 165 students from over 50 nations. Pupils can be taught in either English or Danish, and will follow the academic plans set by their respective country.

By Julie Lindén | Photos: Jørgen Fynsø

The English-speaking department caters to children and youths who are based in Denmark for a period of six months up to a maximum of four years, aiming to continue their education in an English-speaking school abroad after leaving Denmark. The Danish-speaking department is devoted to students expecting to continue their studies within the Danish education system after the age of sixteen.

“Our students are all extremely smart learners,” principal Pia Drabowicz says affectionately, continuing: “Therefore it’s only right that we approach each and every one of them on an individual basis. Each person learns in a different, and to them optimal, way – something we as educators must understand in order to offer them a learning experience of the highest quality.” A multicultural identity Established in 1967, the school has a long-standing tradition of teaching stu-

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dents of all nationalities, ages and backgrounds. The school accepts students between the ages of six and sixteen, and is

Pia says that the ever-present mix of students calls for a hard-working and dedicated staff of educators. “We have some children who stay at the school little more

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

“Each person learns in a different, and to them optimal, way – something we as educators must understand.”

than half a year, and in those cases it’s especially vital that the teachers differentiate between that student and another. We need to make sure he or she is given the right kind of material belonging to a level suitable for his or her learning curve,” she says. Learning and playing combined Upon successful completion of the academic programme, students who have studied in Danish will receive the Danish School Leaving Certificate. Still, they will have studied English from the very beginning of their time at BIS. Likewise, students at the English-speaking department will have studied Danish from the get-go, but can take the International General Certificate of Secondary Education when reaching the age of sixteen. Though belonging to different parts of the school, all students come together for sports and music lessons. The teaching style puts great emphasis on comradeship and collaboration, a mission evident in the decision to join departments and classes for feature weeks, field trips and school camps. “Playing and learning can be combined, and both form part of our school identity,” Pia explains. “We put our pupils at the very heart of this school. They are the important people – we merely facilitate their learning and development – but they learn great things when they have to work together.”

learning and teaching the system, aiming to involve all children in play. We do not want anybody to sit alone during recess or feel unhappy in any way – that’s simply intolerable,” Pia says. She adds: “I think it’s a matter of knowing each student and taking care of conflicts that may arise in a thorough and dependable manner. This is one of the reasons why we keep our classes to a maximum of twenty students. You will never be able to care for the individual in the same way when classes are massive and disorganised.” Strong links to the home The idea of qualitative collaboration transfers to all elements of the BIS mission statement. Parents are expected to work closely with the school to follow up on their children’s learning, and are also encouraged to organise meet-ups outside class hours to get to know each other better.

Parents also take part in the BIS global learning initiative, requiring students to learn from a wide variety of sources from all over the world. The multicultural school environment is an excellent resource in this field, Pia explains, as parents can inform students about the cultures, religions and practices of numerous countries. “We are adamant in going beyond the books when teaching. Different sources and people will shed different lights on events and topics – so the parents are an invaluable resource for the school,” she says. There is no doubt that BIS is equally important in its students’ lives. “I’m very proud when we have former students returning to us years after they graduated, wanting to enrol their own children. It warms my heart,” says Pia. For more information, please visit:

A collaborative spirit Working together is a school mission in several ways. The much-admired buddy system implemented at the school continuously strives to make each and every student feel included – and accepts no form of bullying. “Our students take turns

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 93

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

Jutland’s first international school continues to grow Skipper Clement School in Aalborg offers 220 students a comprehensive international education from year one to year eleven. Through his more than 20 years as school leader, Per Lyngberg-Andersen’s focus on globalisation and good manners has been warmly received by parents and children with total student numbers growing from 350 to 750.

dents, has 180 students in ten full classes. One class still covers two years, but Lyngberg-Andersen, who is, after 23 years of leadership, retiring next year, anticipates that he will see his work completed with 11 complete classes before his departure.

By Signe Hansen | Photos: Skipper Clement School

The foundation of Skipper Clement School dates all the way back to 1876. But despite its long heritage, the private school has managed to stay on top of the changing demands of the world. Having established the first international department on the Jutland peninsula over ten years ago, Per Lyngberg-Andersen has today gathered a core of established international teachers. As a registered CIE centre, the school offers exams towards FSA, FS10, and the IGCSE curriculum to international students as well as Danish students in the school’s Euro Classes. “Even long before

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our international department our school had an international approach. It began with the creation of international relationships with schools across the Baltic Sea, and since then we have had links to, and visits from, schools as far away as South Africa,” explains Lyngberg-Andersen. He adds: “This is quite simply just the way the world is developing. In ten years, I believe, all schools will need to have some kind of international element beyond the usual annual trip abroad.” Today, the international department, which started out with less than 40 stu-

Multiple opportunities but one set of manners Of the students at Skipper Clement International School, approximately half are international students with no previous experience of living in Denmark. Many are children of expatriates working at Aalborg’s two major international workplaces, Aalborg University and Aalborg University Hospital. One-fourth of the children have mixed Danish and international backgrounds or another Danish connection, and the remaining 25 per cent are children of local families who wish for their kids to reap the benefits of an inter-

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Danish Schools

national qualification. “We see a clear increase in internationally-minded parents who want their children to be able to study and work all over Europe. Our parents don’t think of school as what it was when they were children; they think of what the world will look like in five to ten years when their children are finishing school,” says Lyngberg-Andersen. Danish students can choose between Danish classes, the international classes, and the Euro Classes in which the majority of classes are taught in Danish. Other languages taught in the school include German, French and Spanish. The Euro Classes are equivalent to the Danish 10th grade and focus on language acquisition and Denmark’s connection to Europe. By the end of the year, the students can take the FS10 and/or the IGCSE exam in English as a second language. Solid good manners Supported by Aalborg Municipality and the local business community, Skipper Clement International School has played an important role in the increased internationalisation of Aalborg as a regional capital. “Aalborg is a city, which, in line

with the demands of the world today, has re-launched itself as an international city open to the global society we are part of,” Lyngberg-Andersen explains, adding: “Our goals are to support the development of our students as citizens of a global world and to facilitate the integration of them and their families into Danish society if they choose to stay in Denmark.” Skipper Clement School’s parents and students are not just attracted by the international focus, which saturates all of the school’s departments. Lyngberg-An-

dersen’s focus on high academic standards and good manners has also played a significant role in the school’s growth since his commencement over 20 years ago. “Of course all schools are academic, but what we very clearly stress is that our schools are for students who want to study and who want to improve,” says the school head and rounds off: “We always tell parents that we will educate their children in what we believe are good manners. Our norms saturate the entire school and we maintain them with a loving but firm hand.”r

At a glance: Skipper Clement international department can cater for 220 students from all over the world. Skipper Clement International School is a state supported private school with 750 students. The school offers exams towards FSA, FS10, and IGCSE in 9 subjects, including the International Certificate of Education. FSA and FS10 exams give access to Danish gymnasium or equivalent. IGSCE English is accepted by most educational institutions as proof that the student masters enough English to attend an English or American college.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 95


Left: Elverum Folkehøgskule (page 100). Top middle: Bjerkely FHS (page 98). Bottom middle: Solbakken Folk High School (page 103). Right: Lundheim Folkehøyskole (page 102).

Mind the gap: a life-changing, life-affirming gap year Figuring out what you really want to do with your life is no mean feat, and more and more secondary school students decide to take a gap year before enrolling on a university course. In Norway, the concept of the folkehøyskole is the perfect opportunity to grow inward as well as out and consider who you really are – and what you have to give to the world. By Linnea Dunne

Scandinavia is known for its world-class education system, yet few people outside of its borders have heard about these post-college, pre-university institutions. Allowing students to hone their skills within an area of their choice, the socalled folk high school concept puts more emphasis on personal development than on academic achievement. Additionally, many folkehøyskoler have a thing or two to say about their societal responsibilities, and students are often encouraged to ask the big questions that are sometimes too complicated to fit into

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traditional higher education. Respect, understanding and solidarity are key words, as are creativity and exploration. While a gap year spent back-packing or working abroad can indeed bring about long-lasting friendships, a year at a folkehøyskole is in a league of its own in this regard: based around a less traditional boarding school ideal, these schools are often said to give students a second family, with students and teachers living together on campus and many friendships lasting for life. Private but publicly funded, the year is affordable, too, with the basic

fee covering everything from tuition to accommodation, food and other expenses. Whether your thing is dance, snowboarding or international relations, one of Norway’s many folkehøyskoler may well be the right choice if you want to spend a year figuring out where you fit into society. The added bonus is that you are bound to have an endlessly fun, unforgettable year. For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Norwegian Schools

Top left: Bømlo FHS is a perfect base for young adults who want to make a real difference in the world. Below left: Magne Grøneng Flokenes, principal at Bømlo FHS. Middle: The social environment is absolutely fantastic, says former student Majken Arnesen.

Bømlo FHS – in dialogue with the world Emphasising values such as peace, solidarity and creativity, Bømlo Folkehøgskule has doubled its number of applicants in five years. Its mission? Making the most out of rewarding learning environments at home and abroad, educating young adults who want to make a real difference in the world. By Julie Lindén | Photos: Bomlø FHS / Nils Tore Sele

“The school takes great care of its students,” says Majken Arnesen, who studied the musical and theatre programme at the school last year. “The social environment is absolutely fantastic. Teachers and students are warm and welcoming from the moment you set foot on campus, providing the best foundation you could ever have for a great year of study.” Bømlo Folkehøgskule, located on the idyllic island of Bømlo on the west coast of Norway, was founded in 1983 and welcomes students from 18 years of age. All courses are yearlong, and students live on campus surrounded by a stunning archipelago landscape. Magne Grøneng Flokenes, principal at Bømlo FHS, notes the splendid nature as a valuable asset for young people choosing to study at the

school: “Students who might have been sceptical of moving away from cities and urban environments highlight the nature as one of the most positive features of the school when they leave. It creates a different bond between students.” Social bonds matter greatly to Bømlo Folkehøgskule, a value reflected in all the programmes offered. One of the most popular courses at the school is called Peace & Solidarity, and concentrates on international communication and understanding with a focus on developing countries. On this programme, students take a truly lifechanging trip to either South America or Africa, living and breathing foreign cultures. “We show these young adults the whole picture,” Grøneng Flokenes says. “We may

visit an African orphanage, but we also highlight the splendour of the culture. Students go on safari trips or rafting experiences on the Nile – the balance is extremely important. The same goes for destinations visited on other courses, like China, New Zealand and New York. We show a rounded image of the destination, and interact with locals on their terms.” Students longing to satisfy their taste buds as well as an inquisitive mind will find the course Food with a Taste of the World extra tempting. Using the school kitchen to cook new and exciting dishes, students learn about diversity and tradition within the culinary field – all crowned by a tasty trip to Veneto, Italy. “I am immensely proud of the opportunities our school offers, and the students who seize them,” says Grøneng Flokenes. “We are here to bring out the best in you!” For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 97

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Norwegian Schools

A focus on individual talent Established in 1918, Bjerkely FHS bears a long history of educating young adults in a range of creative fields. Today the school focuses greatly on visual subjects, allowing like-minded students to benefit from each other’s expertise and ambition. By Julie Lindén | Photos: Students and teachers at Bjerkely FHS

“It’s so important to see each individual student for who he or she is,” says Per Kristian Hammer, principal at Bjerkely FHS. “We realise that even though these young adults come here with similar interests, they’re all individuals who deserve a course adapted to their specific needs.” Located in tranquil Hedmark, Norway, the school offers more than an inspiring academic calendar. Oslo is only a couple of hours away by car, while the local community offers activities ranging from serene nature hikes to bowling and shop-

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ping. If you are keen to explore, Bjerkely offers the whole range of experiences. From shoebox to portfolio One of the most popular courses at Bjerkely is photography, where students, intriguingly, start out by creating their own camera out of a shoebox. Further training involves both analogue and digital treatment of photographic material, including editing. As students delve deeper into the world of photography they are able to choose a line of specialisation, for instance art photography or fashion shoot-

ing. The academic year also includes a trip to New York, where the group participates in workshops and gallery visits and get to roam freely around the Big Apple with cameras at the ready. “This course is a great example of how an interest can be developed and nurtured at Bjerkely, before growing further after the student has left us. Many choose to continue their studies abroad after a trip like this, something we find very rewarding to see,” says Hammer. For students more comfortable holding a pen than a camera, the well-liked cartoon drawing programme is a splendid opportunity to cultivate new skills. Learning of different drawing techniques is an integral part of the course, which teaches

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Norwegian Schools

numerous styles: from Japanese Manga drawing to newspaper sketches and humorous illustrations. “The cartoon programme helps students develop skills supplementary to their artistic ones,” Hammer notes. “Independent work is a big part of the course, as is working purposefully towards a portfolio or finished product. It teaches tenacity and concentration, all while students get to practice what most of them find is the most wonderful hobby in the world – art.” Valuing respect and diversity Both photography and cartoon students work closely with students belonging to a third, equally popular programme: animation. This course takes you through twelve steps of animation production, all leading to the creation of a final product of your choice. Hammer explains that all students work actively to carry out each other’s projects, joining forces to make the best out of their talents. It is an advantage that will grow further in the autumn of 2014, when Bjerkely welcomes its first students in game design. “We are very excited about the new programme, and it’s brilliant to see students collaborate across courses. We work hard to join positive learning experiences with a prosperous social environment, and I think we’ve really succeeded. We aim to recognise students and thereby teach them to see each other for who they truly are. Values such as respect for individual characteristics and tolerance are vital to us, and it shows in our students when they leave,” says Hammer. Going global Similarly, respect and tolerance are paramount to the Global course, focusing on intercultural understanding and interaction. Travel, foreign cultures, global news and the world form the heart of this profoundly varied academic programme – naturally incorporating travel as a vital part of learning. For one month, students are treated to an array of challenging and fulfilling experiences while travelling through India, carefully documenting their trip in photos.

“Travelling is becoming more and more popular among young people, but they don’t want to take a long trip alone. When going to India they get to experience a vastly different culture from their own, getting in touch with the local population through aid work. When they simultaneously document these moments to share with others upon their return home, it creates powerful memories that will stay with them for a lifetime,” Hammer says. All students at Bjerkely travel to St. Petersburg, a trip included in the school fees. Travelling together is an important part of forming lasting relationships, prin-

cipal Hammer explains – relationships he has seen last far beyond the year spent at the school. “One of my proudest moments of every year is when students leave us saying ‘I’ve had the best year of my life’. It never fails – I see it in every graduating class. It makes me even prouder when the friendships fostered here last for years and years and students meet up for jubilees just as close as when they left.” For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 99

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Norwegian Schools

Photo: Eivind Høimyr

A year you will never forget Elverum Folkehøgskule offers an impressive breadth of programmes, ranging from rock and soul to snowboarding and Norwegian culture. This is the perfect place to spend a year doing what you like the most. By Anne Line Kaxrud | Photos: Elverum Folkehøgskule

Spend a year doing what you like the most The school is a boarding school for students who have finished college and fancy a year to explore their interests before university or work. While the majority of students come from Norway, the school

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also has students from all over the world, including the United Kingdom, Nepal and the United States. “We have experienced a remarkable growth in the past few years, and most of the students come after hearing recommendations from friends,” Andersen says. The school has nine programmes: Backpacker, Norwegian Culture, Snowboard, Theatre, Band, Photography, Africa, Outdoor Life, and Arts and Crafts. Additionally, it offers more than 25 elective modules, seminars and theme weeks. “The students appreciate the great mix of people and options,” Andersen notes. Introduction to Norwegian culture and language Unique to the school is that it offers a Norwegian language and cultural pro-

Photo: Åsmund Mjelva

Unique to the Nordic countries, folkehøyskoler, or folk high schools, offer adult education that grants its students the opportunity to study absolutely anything they fancy, including snowboarding, theatre and music. Elverum Folkehøgskule offers a broad variety of programmes, giving their students a year they will never forget. “We take great pride in offering a broad variety of programmes, so people interested in extreme sports come together with aspiring actors from the theatre programme,” vice chancellor Per Egil Andersen says.

gramme. It lasts a year and gives the students hands-on experience with the language from the very start and includes no less than three trips around Norway during the year. “There are at least two trips in all the programmes, but this is special as they get to see 17 out of Norway’s 19 counties, as well as the other Scandinavian capitals, Stockholm and Copenhagen,” Andersen says. “Elverum is perfectly situated near both Oslo and Trysil, one of the country’s finest ski resorts, so there is plenty to explore nearby too.”

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Norwegian Schools

Norwegian schooling in all the corners of the world Every year, around four to five thousand Norwegian children of compulsory school age move abroad for varying lengths of time. Since 1998, Globalskolen, or The Global School, has been offering internet-based education to students who are spending six months or more away from Norway – and this is its 15th jubilee year. By Karin Modig | Photos: Globalskolen

Globalskolen’s innovative approach to teaching has proved a great success, and the number of both students and teaching staff is growing every year. At the beginning of the current school year, around 1,600 pupils had registered, and only in the last couple of years five new teachers have been hired. “The aim of the school is to make it easier for children and teenagers to return to Norway and the Norwegian school system after a period of time abroad,” says head teacher Lilli Brenne Røv. An officially recognised Norwegian school, Globalskolen follows the Norwegian curriculum and the guidelines set by the Department of Education. The school teaches Norwegian, Social Studies, and Religion and

Ethics and has a clear focus on events in Norwegian society and media as an important part of the teaching. “The schooling complements whatever local school children go to. Being 100 per cent Internet-based, it is more or less

available all over the world, making it easy for students to stay with the same school when moving countries.” The school is based in the small community of Volda, where a few members of staff work. The teaching staff are based in different parts of Norway, and this year’s students are spread out across 102 different countries. Teachers stay in touch with colleagues via Skype, Internet forums, e-mail and telephone conferences, and meet twice a year for courses and seminars. "One of the most important factors for learning is the interaction between teacher and student, and our teachers always focus on how to establish a good relationship with their pupils,” says Brenne Røv. “As we teach online, this is even more important, and our teachers follow up with the students very thoroughly every week.”

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Issue 58 | November 2013 | 101

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Norwegian Schools

Left: Bo Phakinai Kraisornchroen together with his fellow students on top of the Chinese Wall during a school trip to China. Bo Phakinai Kraisornchroen impressed everyone by getting really far along the wall in his wheelchair. Top middle: Lundheim Folkehøyskole, established in 1949. Bottom middle: The school arranges its own bike race every year, called Lundheimsrittet. Top right: Hiking the highest mountain in the area around the school, locally known as Naså. Bottom right: SitSki is one of the activities offered to the students during the winter. Here, teacher Dag Kaland takes students snowboarding and skiing.

Challenging yourself in ways you never thought possible At Lundheim Folkehøyskole, students get to challenge themselves in order to achieve goals that they never even thought were possible. By Camilla Brugrand | Photos: Lundheim Folkehøyskole

Every year, the students who attend this Norwegian folk high school get the opportunity to travel to China, where they get to experience one of the most populated countries in the world. “As we all know, China is one of the most significant countries at the moment, and I believe it’s important for the students to get to experience the rich and colourful culture that China has to offer,” says Ole Petter Hansson, principal at the school. One person who especially enjoyed the view from the Chinese Wall was Bo Phakinai Kraisornchroen, who attended the school last year. “Even though Bo is in a wheelchair, he is one of the most ener-

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getic people I have met this year. He is an amazing dancer and basketball player. The chair does not put many limits on what he can accomplish; I think sometimes he even surprises himself when he realises what he can manage. He has been such an inspiration to the teachers and other students,” says Hansson. Lundheim Folkehøyskole was established in 1949 and is best known for its huge variety of students. What makes this place even more attractive is that the students get to combine two different subjects throughout the year; pupils can choose between exciting subjects like theatre, media, sports, events, photography and

cooking, to mention some of the 14 options available. “We are aiming to create a good and healthy environment among the students and to encourage them to get involved in activities and create good values. Lundheim is a school for life. Our goal is to focus on creating happiness and joy over what life has to offer,” says the principal. The main purpose of taking a year at Lundheim is finding yourself and learning from others while at the same time having the time of your life. “No matter what preconditions a person may have, we want to make them understand that there are no limits to what a person can achieve,” says Hansson. For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Special Theme | Norwegian Schools

An unforgettable year The option to take a gap year instead of heading straight off to university has become increasingly popular among youths today. A lot of people need a break in order to figure out what they really want in life. A year at Solbakken Folk High School is the perfect choice for those feeling unsure of what their next step should be. Folk high schools are one-year boarding schools where you study an area of interest, such as dance, theatre, sports or travel. All students live on campus and the focus is on personal development almost more so than the academic. Solbakken Folk High School is a popular choice among those wanting to pursue a career on stage. Located in Skarnes, an hour outside Oslo, it is one of Norway's smallest folk high schools, and principal Endre Haukland says: "To us, being small is only a good thing as it means that we get to know our students well and are able to create a close and safe environment for them."

ing acting techniques, singing, movement, choreography, stage fighting and clowning. The school year runs from August until May and includes a school trip abroad. Solbakken is the only folk high school in Norway that gives its students the opportunity to come back for a second year, where the focus is more on academic work. The students receive feedback and guidance from many different teachers throughout the year, and all teachers at Solbakken come from a professional background within theatre, singing and dance. "We also have international guest teachers coming in, which is always exciting," says Haukland.

Throughout the year, students at Solbakken cover a variety of subjects, includ-

By Kjersti Westeng | Photos: Solbakken

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The perfect conference requires more than just technological equipment. At Djurönäset, you will be well looked after and always feel right at home.

Hotel of the Month, Sweden

A Swedish retreat for conferencing bliss One of Sweden’s largest conference hotels, Djurönäset certainly has the capacity to deliver for groups of any size. But this four-star superior hotel and venue offers much more than just physical space. Having helped organisations plan and run conferences for decades, Djurönäset offers expertise way beyond coffee brewing and equipment provision. By Linnea Dunne | Photos: Bosse Lind

“There are many hotels out there who offer conferencing services as added value, but for us it is so much more than that,” says sales manager Anthony Heads, whose resume boasts experience of hospitality and events from numerous other renowned companies, such as Hilton, Scandic and Münchenbryggeriet. “This is what we do. This is our main source of income and our main focus – in fact, 90 per cent of our turnover comes from conferencing alone.”

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To make sure that guests benefit from the extensive experience at hand, the venue decided to create a selection of conferencing packages to suit the different needs of organisations large and small. Based on the idea that booking and planning a conference should be easy, even at the most financially difficult of times, a number of different all-inclusive packages with per-person prices were designed, including everything from venue hire and technical equipment to coffee

and snacks and, of course, first-class service. Still, no matter how good the service and beneficial the expertise, by far the most important and impressive aspect of Djurönäset, if you ask CEO Ulf Johnsson, is the feeling. “Saying that we’re a conference centre is so limiting,” he says. “We’re so much more than that – we’re a resort. You can really feel that you’ve left the city behind, that you’ve packed up and headed for the country and the archipelago. The fresh air really does something: suddenly you feel full of energy.” Refurbished to perfection Founded as a training centre in the 1970s, Djurönäset has undergone a significant facelift over the past few years. Everything

Scan Magazine | Hotel of the Month | Sweden

from the hotel itself to the conferencing facilities and the surrounding area has been worked on to create what is now an exclusive but unmistakably Scandinavian resort. And it may have been designed with careful attention to the finest detail, but Djurönäset has remained down to earth; that guests feel at home is absolutely paramount. Visit Djurönäset to experience the archipelago and feel the country air energise you.

So much so, in fact, that the staff refer to the hotel rooms as bedrooms and the collective spaces as living rooms. Every building has its own living room with couches, armchairs and comfortable rugs, as well as a kitchen equipped with fridge, freezer, coffee maker and dishwasher – just like home. “It’s meant to feel homely,” Johnsson insists. “In Swedish, we call it ‘hemma hos’, which can most closely be translated as ‘at home with’, and that’s exactly what we want: for our guests to see this as a home away from home.” Djurönäset has come a long way since its inception, and many of Stockholm’s residents are stunned at what they find when they arrive. As such, it is still somewhat of a hidden gem – but that is about to change. “We’ve got some really exciting plans in the pipeline, but I can’t reveal too much just yet,” says the CEO. “All I can say is that a lot of time and money has gone into what’s to come.”

Photo: Fredrik Rollman

Photo: Pia af Rolén

indoor pool, a relaxation area, and a wood burning sauna, and there is a charming archipelago pub with its own jetty, serving up à la carte meals every day as well as live entertainment a couple of nights a week. You may have escaped the hustle and bustle of the city – but you will not be bored.

spa to archipelago packages to choose from. Likewise, getting here will be a breeze: just hop in the car or on a bus in central Stockholm, and within 45 minutes you will feel the country air re-energise you. “Simply put, it’s easy to get to Djurönäset – but it’s hard to leave,” Heads concludes.

The ease with which you can book and plan your conference goes for the private trip as well, with everything from weekend

For more information, please visit:

Experience the archipelago While conferencing is indeed Djurönäset’s forte, there is a lot on offer for private holiday makers and weekend retreaters as well, especially on a day when the weather is clear and sunny. Djurhamn, an area first mentioned during the 15th century, is now a protected heritage site and situated only a stone’s throw away from Djurönäset, and guests can borrow bikes to head off and explore the area. “People come here not just for our hotel, but to be in and explore the surrounding area and the archipelago,” says Heads. “We’ve got our own sandy beach, tennis courts, football pitches – there’s endless things to get up to.” Not that bad weather should put you off: Djurönäset has its own

A home away from home: with comfortable living rooms and well-equipped kitchens in every building, Djurönäset wants its guests to make themselves at home.

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 105

Scan Magazine | Hotel of the Month | Denmark

Hotel of the Month, Denmark

Samsø – home of the Vikings, rare beetles and Denmark’s best potatoes Pristine beaches, idyllic villages and world-leading energy innovation – Samsø is more than your ordinary holiday destination. In picturesque Nordby, Hotel Svedskegyden, Denmark’s smallest three-star hotel, offers a relaxed, rustic and comfortable gateway to the island.

technologies and ideas behind the achievement in, among other places, the island’s newly opened Energy Academy. Peace and inspiration

By Signe Hansen | Photos: Line Kongsted

The beauty and serenity of Samsø is enchanting and with its mild coastal climate, mouth-watering produce and peaceful atmosphere the island has become one of Denmark’s favourite holiday destinations. Outside Denmark, the tiny island has, in recent years, become known for a more unusual feature for a holiday island: its energy policy. Samsø’s community sources 100 per cent of its energy from 21 wind turbines, and 70 per cent of its heat from renewable sources such as straw,

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solar energy and wood chips. “We get a bunch of visitors from all over the world who are interested in us because of our energy profile. We are much more famous for that in the rest of the world than we are in Denmark where we are just seen as a beautiful holiday destination,” jokes hotel owner Erik Bay Jensen. The island, which was one of the first industrialised places on the planet to become fully energy selfsufficient, was appointed the EU’s ‘Best Practice’ in 2012. Visitors can explore the

As the island of Samsø is merely 28 kilometres long, almost all attractions, such as the island’s beautiful 18-hole golf course, the Energy Academy and the historic and cultural Eco-museum Samsø are within less than half an hour’s drive from each other. If you stay at Hotel Svedskegyden, you are just a stone’s throw away from one of the island’s most beautiful undisturbed beaches as well as the captivating and geologically extraordinary landscape of Nordby Hills. The area’s unique hills and deep valleys, which were formed during the last glacial period, from

Scan Magazine | Hotel of the Month | Denmark

15,000 to 100,000 years ago, were granted special preservation status by the Ministry of Forest and Nature in 2009. All over the island the green landscape, quiet roads and short distances offer plenty of opportunities to explore on foot or bicycle. But what most people come for is still, stresses Jensen, the island’s serene atmosphere. “People come here to relax, unwind and watch the stars; a lot of people from big cities marvel at how bright the night sky is here. Besides, we don’t have any noise from highways, trains or anything, just the sound of nature fertilising.” Due to its geographical isolation, Samsø is home to a number of unique species of plants, beetles and other insects. The island’s location also made it a popular meeting place during the Viking age. Among the most prominent Viking constructions, still visible on the island, is the Kanhave canal, which, creating a then sailable passage through the island, is widely considered one of the Vikings’ greatest engineering works. A taste of Samsø When it comes to the scenery, Samsø in many ways comprises a miniature version of Denmark: coastal stretches, hilly landscapes, deep valleys, moorland and fertile farmland. The landscape is dotted

with idyllic villages, 22 of them in total. In the villages, guests will find numerous traditional farmhouses, townhouses and pretty churches to enjoy as well as charming hotels and bed and breakfasts. Restaurants are also, despite the island’s small scale, plentiful; many serve the island’s own produce fresh in from the fields, vegetable gardens, sea, and farms. And, if in season, visitors are sure to have a taste of the island’s famed potatoes.

Year. In addition to seven hotel rooms, the hotel offers a four-person self-catering holiday apartment connected to the hotel.

Depending on the season, Hotel Svedskegyden’s immediate surroundings offer three or four dining opportunities. Breakfast is served at the hotel and, of course, includes all the best of the island’s local produce. The hotel also provides free tea and coffee all day and self-service refreshments, which can be enjoyed on the charming patio in front of the hotel. Hotel Svedskegyden is open during Christmas and New

The island of Samsø is 114 square kilometres and houses approximately 3,900 permanent inhabitants. The island is connected to mainland Denmark via two regular ferries to Jutland and Zealand. Hotel Svedskegyden is located in the picturesque Nordby on the north end of Samsø.

For more information on Hotel Svedskegyden please visit: For more information on Samsø please visit:

Breakfast guests are spoiled with local produce and hotel owner Erik Bay Jensen’s homemade bread.

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 107

Scan Magazine | Hotel of the Month | Norway

Arendal Herregård Spa & Resort is located in beautiful surroundings on the island of Tromøy in the southern part of Norway.

Hotel of the Month, Norway

Scenic hotel and spa weekend On the island of Tromøy in the southern part of Norway, Arendal Herregård Spa & Resort offers an idyllic resting place with a spectacular view of the stunning Skagerrak coast. The award-winning spa resort and hotel welcomes you to relax in the peaceful atmosphere of the Norwegian Riviera.

mahogany. The walls are decorated by Norway’s largest private collection of naval paintings by the well-known maritime painter, Carl B. Hestmann.

By Ingvild Vetrhus | Photos: Arendal Herregård Spa & Resort

The spa, which was awarded Spa of the Year by Health and Beauty in 2008, allows you to relax in southern Norway’s scenic surroundings and offers high-quality treatments by experienced beauty therapists, including pedicures and manicures. If you fancy a swim, a dip in the open outdoor heated salt-water pool, Jacuzzi or steam bath are only some of the many options Arendal Herregård has to offer. A part of the Culinary Hotel group, the resort is one of Norway’s most modern and attractive conference places. Reward yourself with a quiet and peaceful weekend at Arendal Herregård Spa & Resort.

“This is where you come to rest and recharge your batteries,” says Oddgeir Frette, general manager at Arendal Herregård. Located by the seaside at Hove, the home of a beautiful protected moraine area, the charming old-fashioned resort was built in 1928 by three local merchants. The location, close to one of Europe’s largest ports, the comfortable climate and the beautiful landscape made the hotel an immediate success. Today, families, couples, friends and colleagues visit Arendal Herregård Spa & Resort to enjoy peaceful spa weekends, weddings and conferences at its charismatic venues. The resort, which consists of an old maritime hotel, spa facilities, a restaurant and

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conference and party venues, is located only ten minutes away from the maritime town of Arendal and argues that food, drink and majestic surroundings are essential features to make a day special. “When swimming in the pool, you have a view of the beautiful Spornes beach,” explains Frette. Guests can also dine in the resort’s restaurant which serves local dishes of fine quality. Arendal Herregård Spa & Resort focuses on maintaining its maritime charm. For an exclusive conference experience, businesses can use the hotel’s renovated conference rooms with old log walls. The hotel’s interior is inspired by Arendal’s seafaring traditions with ships’ floors and

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Attraction of the Month | Sweden

Bottom left: Swedish singer Sarah Dawn Finer will take on the role as Sally Bowles in Cabaret (Photo: Klara Granberg). Top left: Uppsala Stadsteater is located in the centre of Uppsala, only 15 minutes away from Arlanda Airport (Photo: Patrik Lundin). Middle and right: Come Together has played 200 sold out shows in Copenhagen.

Attraction of the Month, Sweden

Come Together and Cabaret in Uppsala In a couple of months, John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s songs will revive and Sally Bowles will once again perform at the Kit Kat Klub. And best of all – it will happen only 15 minutes away from Arlanda Airport by train. By Sara Mangsbo | Photos: Kasper Jack Larsen

The city of Uppsala, north of Stockholm, can look forward to a sensational spring as Come Together and Cabaret take to the stages of Uppsala Stadsteater. Both shows will treat their audience to first-class entertainment including song, dance, theatre, acrobatics and live music. Legendary Beatles songs Have you ever been to a theatre concert? According to director Nikolaj Cederholm, a theatre concert encourages and interprets cultural heritage, and in Come Together, The Beatles’ legendary songs get new life in unexpected shapes. We can expect a mix of fabulous costumes and spectacular acrobatics without storyline, dialogue or plot to interfere with the music.

Come Together is exclusive as it is the first time Sony Music, the owner of The Beatles’ songs, has agreed to this type of show. The show had its world premiere in Copenhagen in 2009 and has since been performed over 200 times. “We are very happy to announce that the original cast from Denmark will come to Uppsala for 20 very special performances,” says Camilla Bjelkås, PR officer at Uppsala Stadsteater. Sarah Dawn Finer in Cabaret A city of dreams and opportunities is at the heart of Cabaret, set in 1930s Berlin. The musical is a celebrated Broadway classic and the 1972 film adaption gave Liza Minnelli an Academy Award. In Uppsala Stadsteater's assembly, Sarah Dawn Finer plays cabaret performer Sally

Bowles and the audience will act as spectators at her workplace, the Kit Kat Klub. This production is exclusive as the set incorporates original 1930s aesthetics into a 1980s punk scene as well as the present. Bjelkås explains why she thinks the mix works well: “Cabaret isn't just fabulous entertainment, even though we'll have a fantastic cast. The political issues featured in Cabaret are frighteningly present in Europe today.” A community theatre Come Together and Cabaret are not the only productions at Uppsala Stadsteater in 2014. Each year, nearly 500 shows take place on its four stages and entertain approximately 70,000 people. As a community theatre, Uppsala Stadsteater cherishes the public conversation and wants to be a present function in the city. For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 109

Scan Magazine | Attraction of the Month | Denmark

Attraction of the Month, Denmark

Cultural coolness at North Atlantic House For North Atlantic culture past, present and future, from ancient masks to boundarypushing installation art, this is the place to visit. Look out for Sarah Lund’s sweater and culinary superstars next door. By Thomas Bech Hansen | Photos: North Atlantic House

Take a short bike ride from Copenhagen’s centre, cross Knippel Bridge, enter the Christianshavn neighbourhood and turn left past the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A beautifully preserved 18th century warehouse emerges at the end of the street. It is a very Nordic scene indeed. Originally a busy hub for sea travel between Denmark and the North Atlantic, the building now houses Icelandic, Greenlandic and

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Faroese representations, double Michelinstarred Noma, and has a 60-million-yearold volcanic rock on its forecourt. Another main resident is North Atlantic House. Step inside and the scene only intensifies as Sarah Lund’s sweater from The Killing greets visitors. Did anyone say Nordic cool? Cutting edge Tupilaqs, folk costumes, mask dances, fishing communities, woolly sweaters.

These are perhaps some of the images and concepts that traditionally come to mind when imaging North Atlantic culture. The director of North Atlantic House, Karin Elsbudóttir, believes these traditions are important to showcase. But she is also keen to present the region as nuanced, cutting edge and cool in the nonclimatic sense of the word. “The North Atlantic is a multi-faceted area. Each of its countries has its own culture. We want to show that and present a wide range of genres, artists and time periods,” she explains. With up-andcoming young artists such as Randi Samsonsen and Bárður Oskarsson on show

Scan Magazine | Attraction of the Month | Denmark

right now, North Atlantic House is putting the region’s talent in the spotlight. “Several young artists from the region are now internationally educated; they are innovative and creative and push boundaries. We want to show that modern side too.” Celebrating 10 years November 2013 marks the first decade of existence for North Atlantic House. Since 2003 it has stuck to its purpose of bringing the cultural past, present and future of Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands to life, and successfully so. “We have enjoyed really good public interest right from the beginning. I think part of our success is down to the fact that we try hard to make people feel welcome,” says Karin Elsbudóttir. “The exhibitions and concerts have proved particularly popular over the years, and in addition to different cultural events we have succeeded in building up several

functions such as a business club, a buddy association, and the schools’ service is really a success too.” The project enables school groups to visit the cultural centre and learn about topics such as Nordic myths, maritime history and Christmas traditions. On 30 November, the whole house, including office areas, opens to the general public as North Atlantic House marks its 10th anniversary. Here, visitors will be able to take part in cultural arrangements and workshops, experience interactive installations, and go behind the scenes.

catering. All in quite atmospheric surroundings. “This is a truly special place for culture and for meetings and conferences. There is that maritime charm and North Atlantic soul, which you do not really find anywhere else,” says Karin Elsbudóttir.

What’s on There’s Something in the Air... Knitted pieces represent the feelings stirred when textile designer Randi Samsonsen returned to her native Faroe Islands where she has experienced both creative growth and creative frustration.

Modern conference facilities North Atlantic House not only offers topdrawer cultural experiences. The beautiful 5-storey building also boasts modern conference facilities for up to 180 participants. Whether the occasion is a meeting, conference, session, presentation or kickoff, the venue offers the possibility of audio-visual equipment set-up as well as

Overboard The work of Faroese artist, illustrator and award-winning children's author Bárður Oskarsson focuses on the body in all its aspects. He releases them from their physical "normal state" and throws them overboard, both literally and figuratively.

Remembering Blok P Blok P, knocked down in 2012, was the largest residential building in Nuuk, and the largest in all of Greenland. Although habitually hated, many residents have fond memories, as illustrated in this installation and filmic experience.

Travels in Iceland 80 years ago, famous Danish painter Johannes Larsen travelled around Iceland. These are the drawings he made. Originally made to illustrate the Icelandic sagas, this is the first time they have ever been exhibited in Denmark.

Gay Greenland Featuring photos and texts by 61 gay Greenlanders, this exhibition gives a silent and invisible minority a face and a voice.

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 111

Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Finland

Restaurant C is run by two food connoisseurs: sommelière Christina Suominen and chef Ilkka Isotalo.

Restaurant of the Month, Finland

C is for charm: Restaurant C goes the extra mile Few restaurants have a reputation that goes before them, and few can claim to be the place that customers book for evenings that have to be perfect. In the heart of the city of Tampere, a real food lovers’ gem is tucked away: Restaurant C successfully combines food and wine, cosiness and creativity into a dining experience out of the ordinary. By Joanna Nylund | Photos: Restaurant C

Restaurant C is run by two food connoisseurs: Christina Suominen, a distinguished sommelière with a match-making talent for wines and gourmet dishes, and Ilkka Isotalo, a young and inventive chef whose favourite thing is creating kitchen magic. This winning combination has given birth to the success story that is Restaurant C. Want great food? Forget short-cuts. ”We make absolutely everything from scratch – the bread, all kinds of sauces and jams, everything,” says Suominen. “The ingredients are locally-sourced from small farms, and our menu changes according to what is in season and available that day, for example from the butcher.” The

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restaurant relies on organic, biodynamic and ethically-produced food. The setting is small and intimate, promoting the warm atmosphere the owners strive for. “Dining here is not a formal affair. We encourage people to come and spend the entire evening with us. This place is run from the heart, so it’s natural for us to be there to welcome guests and provide great service throughout the evening,” says Suominen, whose active involvement is part of what makes the dining experience special. Wine lovers come to be spoiled. The wines that accompany the meal are selected

with utmost care, and it is also possible to pre-order a wine of your choice and have the entire meal built around it. “Ilkka is fantastically inventive, and his style of cooking is very pure and straight-forward. If there is beetroot in a dish, for example, you can be sure you will recognise it. It won’t have been puréed or changed into something less than what it is,” Suominen asserts. Restaurant C also hosts a few annual food events, and the next one up is unique in Finland. ‘Truffles weekend’ is an extravaganza with a menu of ten dishes, all containing truffle. “Ilkka really goes all out for this one,” laughs his business partner. Running this successful restaurant is clearly a passion for them both, and based on the praise, they are getting it right.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Sweden

Årstiderna, co-owned by Wilhelm and Marie Pieplow (above left), is dedicated to bringing traditional food with a modern twist to southern Sweden.

Restaurant of the Month, Sweden

Seasonal innovation and tradition Malmö’s oldest landmark is now home to Årstiderna i Kockska Huset, an awardwinning restaurant dedicated to finding originality within the confines of tradition. By Emmie Collinge | Photos: Årstiderna

Situated in the listed building, once the home of Jörgen Kock, Årstiderna, coowned by Wilhelm and Marie Pieplow, is dedicated to bringing traditional food with a modern twist to southern Sweden. Wilhelm, who first stepped foot in a kitchen in 1958 at the tender age of 15, explains: “Locally-produced, ethically-sourced seasonal produce is central to our menu. We adapt our menu depending on the seasons, just like our ancestors did.” Three years after that first foray into the kitchen, Wilhelm had already gained recognition and praise from his peers. He continues: “I’ve been running Årstiderna and its sister restaurant Årstiderna by the Sea since 1980. I’m proud of my staff here; my head chefs are both highly revered within the industry and we’ve welcomed

national and international starred chefs to guest, cooking in our very specific style.” One quick look at the menu and you can see that there is a vast array of food on offer that is rarely seen in other top restaurants. Wilhelm explains: “Often when I go out I am disappointed by the lack of choice on menus. This motivates me to offer a wide and varied selection on our menu. Attitudes to food are changing and this is something we have to be aware of. For example, people nowadays want ethicallysourced fish and vegetarian options – we ensure that we meet demand. We pick many vegetables locally and source our meat from local hunters.” For November, Wilhelm recommends his Svartsoppa, a regional black soup tradi-

tionally eaten before a main course of goose, followed by apple cake and vanilla sauce. Also keep your eyes open for new shellfish dishes inspired by Wilhelm’s recent trip to Scotland. Årstiderna has the ability to cater for large groups, hosting conferences, weddings and business meetings. Wilhelm elaborates: “Our menus are tailored to work for groups of up to 140 people, which we really enjoy hosting.” For anyone heading to southern Sweden, Årstiderna is a restaurant not to be missed with a variety of menus and a lunchtime special offering great value for money. When posed the question: ‘Tradition or innovation?’ Wilhelm hesitates for a short moment before concluding: “For me, the ambition for Årstiderna is to continue to innovate and develop our menus without losing touch with tradition.” For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 113

Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Denmark

The perfect restaurant for both romantic dinners and an evening in the company of friends or family.

Restaurant of the Month, Denmark

An atmosphere that makes you feel at home Located on Frederiksberg in Copenhagen, only a stone’s throw from Fasanvej metro station, you will find Sale e Pepe, a small Italian restaurant full of heart and soul.

the summer months guests can enjoy their meals outside at the tables in the small square in front of the restaurant.

By Rikke Oberlin Flarup | Photos: Sale e Pepe

Close to theatres and concert venues In this small and cosy restaurant, the Italian chef prepares a delicious selection of home-made pasta, hearty meat dishes, mouth-watering fish dishes and, of course, different types of antipasti for you to enjoy. Everything is home-made from fresh ingredients on a daily basis. You can chose from classics such as vitello tonnato, carpaccio, and fillet of veal with a creamy gorgonzola sauce, or select one of the house specialities such as lamb with rosemary, mint, olives, lemon and toasted pine nuts. As for choosing a wine to go with your dinner, all parts of Italy are represented on the wine menu and prices are reasonable. A calm and quiet atmosphere Sale e Pepe is known for its calm and quiet atmosphere and the restaurant is

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the perfect place for an intimate, romantic dinner or a nice, peaceful evening with your friends or family. Beautiful murals depicting groups of people from a time gone by wining and dining complement the cosy mood along with 50 candles carefully placed around the restaurant. The always friendly and service-minded staff make you feel right at home, and during

Sale e Pepe is located just outside central Copenhagen in the beautiful and sophisticated area of Frederiksberg. The metro station at Fasanvej makes it easy for both tourists and locals to get here, and many visitors take advantage of the restaurant being so well-connected in terms of public transport by dining here before going to the theatre or a concert. Big concert venues such as Forum, Falkonersalen and Koncerthuset are located nearby, as is the theatre Betty Nansen Teatret. If you plan to visit Sale e Pepe at the weekend, booking your table in advance may be a good idea. For more information, please visit: For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Norway

Restaurant of the Month, Norway

Jazz, organic vegetables, and fresh-by-theminute seafood Spectacularly located with the Atlantic Ocean as the closest neighbour and stunning, creatively-designed facilities delicately integrated with the surroundings, Stokkøya Sjøsenter offers a vast variety of year-round activities and entertainment. By Didrik Ottesen | Photos: Stokkøya Sjøsenter

Perfectly suited for both conferences and holidays, the centre consists of several coastal houses and sub-terrain cabins for accommodation as well as a beach bar offering luscious food and entertainment, all surrounded by remarkable nature. “We want to challenge our guests’ senses and make them really experience our four pillars: nature, architecture, food and experiences,” says Torild Langklopp, founder and manager of Stokkøya Sjøsenter.

gramme, including Christmas parties, courses in preparing lamb, and several concerts. “We’ve booked The South, one of Norway’s best live bands, for February, and during Easter we will host our annual Easter Jazz, which will feature Erling Aksdal, Bjørn Alterhaug, and Pål Inderberg, all legends of Norwegian jazz. This has become a tradition for us and is something we do every Easter,” Langklopp explains.

Having been described by CNN and Travel + Leisure as one of the best affordable beach resorts in the world, the centre, which opened in 2006, also has an impressive autumn, winter and spring pro-

Located by the sea, with a view towards Halten Lighthouse, Stokkøya Sjøsenter, which has been in constant development since it was opened, uses its location for what it is worth, including offering its

guests tremendous and exclusive seafood. The centre has also started growing organic vegetables and herbs in its own food lab, and Roar Svenning, co-owner of the centre, previously made a living as a scallop and sea urchin diver and now subsequently sources quality seafood to serve in the glass-fronted beach bar. “We try to provide all the ingredients ourselves. This includes lamb from our own farm, fish and our very famous mussels. At one stage we sold approximately 1.3 tonnes of mussels in one month,” says Langklopp proudly. “We write a new menu every day based on ingredients from the area – this is just one of the many advantages with this place.”

For more information, please visit:

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 115

Scan Business | Key Note | Helena Whitmore

Scan Business Key Note 116 | Swedish Christmas app 118 | Fun greeting cards 119 | 120 | Lisa’s in London 122 Conferences of the Month 124 | Business Calendar 127




Thinking of bringing money to the UK for a business investment? By Helena Whitmore, Senior Wealth Structuring Adviser, SEB Private Banking UK

The UK tax system is widely seen as generous to wealthy foreign nationals who live in the UK, known as non-domiciliaries or ‘non-doms’, because they are able to use the remittance basis of taxation. Unfortunately, these rules also discourage investment into the UK, because of the potential tax loss on the way in. With effect from 6 April 2012, the UK Government has attempted to address this problem by introducing a new Business Investment Relief. This can potentially be very valuable, particularly when combined with other tax incentives such as the Enterprise Investment Scheme, entrepreneur’s relief and business property relief. As the Business Investment Relief is now only in its second tax year, so far its uptake has been limited, and it remains to be seen if it will give the UK economy the desired boost. However, those who are thinking of investing in a UK business, or raising money for a new business venture, may well find that it is worth looking into. The effect of a claim for the relief is that a qualifying remittance of funds to the UK can be made tax free. The relief is un-

116 | Issue 58 | November 2013

capped, so can potentially create a tax saving at up to 45 per cent on very large amounts. A number of conditions must be satisfied in order for the relief to be available, and a breach can lead to the complete withdrawal of the relief, leaving the taxpayer with an unexpected tax bill. Professional advice should therefore always be taken before deciding if using the relief would be appropriate. In brief, the main conditions for the relief are as follows. The investment must be made in a qualifying company, broadly a private limited company which carries on a commercial trade or is preparing to do so within two years, alternatively an eligible holding company. All or substantially all of the company’s activities must be trading, which in this context includes a business of generating income from land. The investment may be in the form of shares or loans, and must be made within 45 days of bringing the foreign income or gains to the UK. No ‘relevant person’ may receive a benefit directly or indirectly linked to the investment. The relief may be lost if certain events occur. Potentially

chargeable events include disposing of the investment, the company ceasing to be eligible, the company breaching the twoyear start-up rule, or a breach of the extraction of value rule. If any of these occur, appropriate mitigation must be taken; otherwise the remittance will become taxable. The extraction of value rules can be particularly troublesome, so it is essential to read all the small print.

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Bringing Swedish Christmas to your pocket London-based Swedish expat Mia Karlsson is the creator behind the charming and innovative Advent Calendar app for smartphones entitled Swedish Christmas. By Emelie Krugly Hill

Having lived in the UK for a couple of years, Mia Karlsson, a professional soprano singer, realised how much she missed Sweden during the festive season and how difficult it can be to hold onto much-loved traditions. ”I felt that there must be lots of Swedes around the world who feel the same way. The idea came to me when I was playing the Angry Birds Advent Calendar,” explains Karlsson, previously an opera and musical theatre professional who has played roles such as Christine in The Phantom of the Opera, Belle in Beauty and the Beast, and Cosette in Les Misérables. Karlsson decided to take a leap into the unknown and create her own Swedish Christmas Calendar on a new platform. Although pioneering smartphone apps is not what she usually does with her time, having grown up in an IT-oriented family there was a connection. She decided to principally focus on high-quality audio and

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video, and as such, the music is performed by some of Sweden's best musicians, including Malmö Chamber Choir and musicians from Malmö Symphony Orchestra, Mats Edén on the violin, and the entrepreneur herself on vocals. She also managed to get onboard sound engineer and filmmaker Paul Suchanek; and musician and musical director at Helsingborg City Theatre, PO Nilsson, took charge of the arrangements and recording. Recognised app developers Johan Pihlgren and Bill Mårtensson also joined in, as did graphic designer Åsa Skans. Once downloaded, the Swedish Christmas advent calendar makes available a new window every day from 1 December until Christmas Eve, taking you one step closer to a traditional Swedish Christmas. There is a video for each day showing everything from the baking of saffron buns to traditional dancing games. The app was originally released in 2011.

Since then, a few updates have been made and the plan for the future is to carry on developing the calendar with new footage and songs. The app has received great reviews, with one reviewer remarking that “it’s painfully beautiful,” and would make the most cold-hearted expat long for Sweden. “There were a few memorable moments during the recordings. Some were produced during a particularly hot summer, and I remember how we had to go and find a Christmas tree in mid-July when it was 27 degrees,” Mia says, laughing. The app is available with Swedish or English subtitles at the iTunes App Store for only £1.49 and on the Android market for £1.70. The Swedish Christmas Advent Calendar is also available on DVD.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Business | Christmas Special

Send Christmas cards with a difference this year and make someone giggle.

Greeting cards with an edge to make you giggle Unsure where to get this year’s Christmas cards? So was Gabi Froden, the creative London-Swede who gave up on buying greeting cards long ago in favour of making her own. “There are never enough nice-looking, fun cards in the shops that aren’t overly cute,” she says. “I love simple images that make people laugh but are at the same time visually pleasing, and since I always make my own cards for friends’ birthdays, I thought it made sense to create my own collection of cards that make people laugh.”

talks with some London shops who want to sell them – while working on that book, writing a new album, and planning a much-delayed honeymoon trip, that is. “It’s highly likely that I’ll have a nervous breakdown before Christmas, but that’s that – I do love to work.”

By Linnea Dunne | Photos: Gabi Froden

Occasionally jealous of skilled teachers and nurses, whose vocations bring in a more steady and reliable income, Froden has accepted that such a path is not her fate. “You have to do what you believe you’re here to do. While it’s a gift to be creative, it can feel a bit like a curse at times – but this is what I do best,” she says. And that is old news: her brother was always drawing, and she wanted to be like him – so she ended up spending a lot of time both writing and drawing at an early age. Unsurprisingly, Froden is also a writer and currently in talks with a Swedish publisher about writing and illustrating a new children’s book. Additionally, music fans know her as Foreign Slippers, a quirky folk-pop singer with a voice that can only be de-

scribed as a godsend. But while writing and music production alike are art forms where it is hard to remain fully in control, the illustration is Froden’s very own baby. “It’s just so much easier – I feel in control of the entire process. I’m nowhere near as technically skilled in regards to music as I am as an illustrator, so with the music I have to put my art in somebody else’s hands,” she explains, adding: “Actually, the music and the drawing complement each other quite well. The music is very emotional and therapeutic, but the pictures and the books allow me to avoid having to grow up.” Gabi Froden’s cards are now available in a couple of Swedish shops, and she is in

Buy Gabi Froden´s greetings cards here: Etcetera, Norrköping Etcetera, Malmö

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 119

Scan Magazine | Business |

1 + 1 = If you sum up the Finnish knowledge of education with that of technology, what do you get? The answer is Finnish e-learning company The compact 5-member firm was established a couple of years ago to answer the question of how technology could be used efficiently in schools. Today, it offers the enthusiasm of learning to pupils and the joy of teaching to teachers. By Karoliina Kantola | Photos:

“Technology in the schools as such is not a new thing, but earlier in primary schools the computers have been used more for playing and having a break between the lessons than as an integral part of the teaching,” explains Katri Björklund, managing director of The company makes maths-learning tools and games for primary-school-age children. Its web learning tool works as a cloud service, and can be used on private computers and tablets as well as different interactive platforms. With the application, the children can practise their maths individually and the teachers can gauge the children’s level of maths skills better. Maths – a universal language The bright, colourful and exciting tool, in which cute monkeys play the lead roles, is easy to use and includes 200 different types

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of arithmetic practices. Internationally, the tool was launched at the world’s leading learning technology event, BETT Show, in the UK this year. Since then, has been growing its international reselling network. “The tool is universal, because mathematics is a universal language. Besides that, the tool works in Finnish, English and Spanish, and there are more languages yet to come,” Björklund says. From the beginning, the tool has been developed together with education professionals, and therefore the consumers have

been satisfied with it. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and more and more schools, homes and tuition centres have chosen to use the tool to help their children learn maths. In addition, the company offers a mobile application, 10monkeys Multiplication, which children, and indeed adults, can use on their own smartphones to practise multiplication while playing a game. Was learning maths really this fun when we were kids?

To try out the tool, visit:

Enabling E real

aachievement Man Mannaz is an international frontrunner in leadership development. A do Adopting innovative and efficient learning methods and approaches, wee empower people development and business success. w

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Scan Magazine seeks Freelance Journalists We are currently looking for qualified journalists on a freelance basis. We are looking for journalists with Danish, Swedish, Norwegian or Finnish background. You need to be confident in English as well as at least one of the Nordic languages. To apply, please email your CV to Linnea Dunne at

Lisa Wallén, owner of Lisa's. Photo: Monika Agorelius

Swedish tapas in an intimate, cosy setting Lisa’s Kitchen and Bar is a new exciting addition to the world of Scandinavian cuisine in London. Located on Portobello Road, this intimate, cosy restaurant serves traditional Swedish fare with a modern twist, presented in tapas format. Authentic food, music and art goes the formula behind Lisa's success. By Emelie Krugly Hill | Photos: Emiliano Capozoli Biancarelli

After more than 10 years in the restaurant and events industry, Lisa Wallén dreamt of opening a restaurant of her own. The 29year-old entrepreneur moved to London’s Notting Hill two years ago and fell in love with the vibrancy and diversity of the area, and since Lisa's Kitchen and Bar opened in May, it has been warmly welcomed by both local residents and London's evergrowing Swedish community. The menu consists of seasonal Swedish tapas, where key ingredients such as horseradish, dill, lemon, salt, pepper, fennel, beets and red onions play a great part in the end result. ”There are too many restaurant chains these days, serving their customers without feeling or flexibility,” says Lisa Wallén, who believes that there is a demand for personal service and an intimate atmosphere. She adds: ”I wanted to create an intimate and cosy place with atmosphere where we can truly care for our guests, so that they might

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feel like they are coming home when walking through the door.” Lisa, originally from Gothenburg, has a BA in marketing, sports and entertainment from the Glion Institute of Higher Education in Lausanne, Switzerland. She travelled around most of Europe before arriving in London, but it did not take long for her to fall in love with the city, and after a few weeks on a friend's sofa bed she found herself a home in Notting Hill. Nearby, she discovered for sale what are now the premises of her bar and kitchen. Marching in, she announced her intention to buy the premises; shortly later, she left her job and began the renovation that very same day. After a complete transformation, the result was minimalistic décor with a retro flair.

the restaurateur. Her plan is to develop cooperation with local producers and entrepreneurs, but also to take advantage of her team's skills and interests. Her Italian colleague Sarah, who studied art history in Paris, is about to bring in a photography exhibition by Emiliano Capozoli Biancarelli. Wallén is also planning numerous other events, such as single nights and live band performances as well as a Swedish-inspired Christmas market that will run throughout December.

Swedish tapas

”I didn’t want to go over the top with a Swedish style interior – I want our guests to just naturally feel like they’re taking a step into a kind of summer house,” says

For more information, please visit:

Your Shortcut to Scandinavia Bergen


Oslo Stockholm Bromma

SWEDEN Aalborg







London City

GERMANY Brussels





S n a cks

Me als


Pap ers



Spectacular design by architect Staffan Premmert of Sweco. Photo: Felix Gerlach

Conference of the month, Sweden

An arena of opportunities Are you planning to organise a conference or an event? One of the most promising Scandinavian arenas, Helsingborg Arena, celebrates its first birthday in a few weeks. By Sara Mangsbo

In 2005, the planning of a new arena began as Helsingborg decided to profile the city as The City of Sport. The aim was to become something exceptional, and by

linking the previous main arena of the city, Idrottens Hus (The House of Sport), to the new building, it could provide fantastic opportunities with five full-size courts under

The spectacular, rounded conference room is the most extraordinary conferencing space at the arena. Photo: Håkan Dahlström

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one roof. In November 2012, thousands of people watched fireworks and entertainment as the opening ceremony took place. The building, designed by Staffan Premmert for Sweco, proved to be so much more than just a sports arena. Superb location Helsingborg, attractively situated by the sea in the southwest of Sweden, has all the advantages of a small town while being able to offer the wide variety of amenities expected in a large city. With 3,000 hotel beds and everything you could possibly need within walking distance, Helsingborg is a perfect destination for both business and pleasure. Conveniently, being only an hour away from three different airports – Copenhagen Airport, Sturup Airport and Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport – helps companies and organisations with big geographical differences to meet more easily.

Scan Magazine | Conference of the Month | Sweden

Creative thinking and imaginative solutions Organising a conference at Helsingborg Arena is another easy alternative. Jonas Lundström, project manager for conferences and meetings, is proud of the flexibility on offer and how the venue helps companies to realise their expectations. “We have managed to create an environment that can be re-designed according to the client’s requirements,” he explains. One practical example is the curtains in the grand hall, which can be moved around so that the same space can be used for a big banquet one day and intimate meetings the next. The unique, rounded conference room with its glass partitions, which holds 200 people sitting, is Helsingborg Arena’s most spectacular space. With its waving appearance and location above the entrance, it is part of a spectacular façade design that invites people to use their imagination and creative thinking. “This room has been used for everything from exhibitions to movie showcases and sitdown dinners,” says Lundström. A bespoke experience Regardless of the type of company or organisation, Helsingborg Arena will make the visiting experience bespoke. An all-inclusive conference package can be prepared through close relationships with the city centre hotels and tourist agencies.

large capacity. All the meeting rooms and halls were in use simultaneously and Lundström describes the importance and challenge of creating an overall impression: “The technology had to work seamlessly, as did the logistics involved due to the large number of guests. But as our arena was built with this in mind, we did not have to compromise on sound, light and video, nor on the extremely important food and coffee breaks.” Swedish delicacies by Per Dahlberg Helsingborg Arena has its very own restaurant and proudly introduces guests to top head chef Per Dahlberg’s masterpieces. Dahlberg is renowned for his restaurant Gastro in central Helsingborg, which has been nominated as one of the best restaurants in Sweden numerous times, and Dahlberg himself has been recognised by the Gastronomic Academy for his exceptional contributions to Swedish food culture. The Arena restaurant, suitably named Dahlbergs, offers a well-composed menu of Swedish delicacies and caters for 180 people in the restaurant area, also making sure that guests at big conferences leave feeling full and satisfied. The restaurant in combination with the spectacular conference room next door caters for a total of 350 people. Another exclusive place to dine at the Arena is the A-hall terraces – sit close to the action and enjoy the fantastic food from Dahlbergs.

Recently, one of Sweden’s political parties held its annual party conference in Helsingborg Arena, taking advantage of its

Entertainment and sport

The arena has an audience capacity of 5,500 people. Photo: Sara Vaughn

Robert Wells playing at the opening ceremony. Photo: Sara Vaughn

When Helsingborg Arena is not being used as a conference hall, live music en-

tertainment and sport events fill the agenda. Earlier this year, the production of Thriller Live visited the city and the arena hosted the European Championships in twirling, where 17 countries participated. Looking to the future as the holiday season is fast approaching, Helsingborg Arena will welcome mezzo-soprano Malena Ernman on December 7. In 2014, PMI Sweden Chapter will arrange a conference called Passion for Projects, and Eurogym, the biggest gymnastics festival in Europe, will take place in July. 2014 is also the year when Helsingborg arranges a marathon for the very first time, and it goes right through Helsingborg Arena. Bringing the marathon indoors as well as outdoors makes it unique for Europe.

Helsingborg Arena offers the following rooms The A-hall – 1920m2 The B-hall – 940m2 The C-hall – 940m2 The Press room – 80m2 The Press conference – 80m2 The Restaurant – room for 350 people sitting Large Conference room – 250m2 Small Conference room – 200m2 Idrottens Hus A-hall – 1200m2 Idrottens Hus B-hall – 800m2

For more information, please visit:

Helsingborg Arena is the perfect place for your next conference or event.

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 125

Various events are hosted at Oslo Science Park; this is from Grunderdagen.

Top: Almost 2,000 people rent offices at The Science Park. Below left: You can choose between 25 meeting rooms of different sizes. Below right: The auditorium seats 150 people.

Conference of the month, Norway

A place of growth and innovation Oslo Science Park Conference Centre is no ordinary conference centre. Using Oslo Science Park as its venue, its events stimulate innovation, creativity and growth. It is the perfect alternative for those wanting to host a conference with one main goal: to make people feel inspired. By Kjersti Westeng | Photos: Oslo Science Park Conference Centre

Oslo Science Park is located in one of Oslo’s most exciting areas, just ten minutes from the city centre and with the University of Oslo and several science institutes as its closest neighbours. The Science Park was built in 1985 with the purpose of stimulating economic growth by establishing commercial companies within the science industry. Today, it serves as a meeting point between science and commercial business as more than 160 companies and research organisations rent offices and labs here. At the same time, the conference centre continues to attract clients looking to host conferences in an exciting environment. Service manager Toril Røssaak says: “Our conference centre is the perfect alternative for those wanting to host events in a different and in-

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novative environment. There is always something exciting going on here.” Oslo Science Park Conference Centre has 25 meeting rooms of different sizes, all equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology. It also has an auditorium that seats 150 people and a cinema which is often used during product launches. Between seminars and meetings, participants are offered a range of hot and cold food from the in-house catering company, as well as delicious treats from Parken Bakery. The centre offers tailored conference packages for all its clients, as Røssaak explains: “We are happy to help them customise their own conferences, all depending on what they want to achieve,” she says.

For those wanting a slightly more exclusive experience, the top floor is a popular choice. The upstairs conference room fits 80 people and has a private lounge and roof terrace offering a stunning view of the city centre and the Oslo fjord. This area is perfect for those wanting to finish the day off with tapas and wine with a view. “We want people to have the opportunity to mingle and network during and after the conference. The opportunity they have to take part in the innovative and inspiring environment is exactly what makes us stand out,” says Røssaak.

Participants enjoy treats from the bakery between meetings.

For more information, please visit:

Scan Business | Scandinavian Business Calendar

Scandinavian Business Calendar – Highlights of Scandinavian business events

Customer Experience & Loyalty Conference With an increased focus on the individual customer, customer experience and customer loyalty are becoming an essential part of business. But how can you relate to your customers, and what are the latest thoughts and developments? This and much more will be discussed at this Danish Chamber event with speakers including The LEGO Group, Virgin Active, KONE Corporation and more. Date: 15 November

Christmas Party with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce The Young Professionals will host this traditional Swedish Christmas event for all the SCC


members and their London-based friends. Date: 23 November

Aberdeen Christmas Drinks The Norwegian Chamber of Commerce is behind this social event in Aberdeen. Date: 27 November

Nordic Thursday Drinks Network with other Scandinavian business professionals at this regular drinks get-together, organised by the Norwegian, Danish and Finnish Chambers, this time at Republic of Fritz Hansen. Date: 28 November

Aberdeen event with Great Stavanger Attend this lunch seminar organised by the Norwegian Chamber to discover more about the many business opportunities available in Stavanger and Aberdeen.

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The Swedish Chamber’s Exclusive Fashion Event The Swedish Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to an exclusive fashion event. Please visit for more information. Date: 13 November

Date: 28 November Christmas dinner for young professionals and students Get your Norwegian Christmas kicks and meet other like-minded young professionals and students at this Norwegian Chamber of Commerce Christmas dinner at the Norwegian Church. Date: 29 November

Scan Magazine | Column | Humour


By Mette Lisby

Who has been flirting with the enticing thought of ‘making money while you sleep’?

I’ve just always found headlines like ‘let your money work for you’ very agreeable. My fascination with this thought started years ago, upon receiving a letter from my bank, which introduced that very idea in a bombastic headline. In those days, any letter from the bank not including the word ‘overdraft’ was considered good news. After years on the economic low side as a poor student, I loved the thought of ‘passive income’ since I had just learned that ‘active income’ was considerably more demanding than studying. And apparently the word had spread that I was done studying, now holding a real job, making actual money – because my bank invited me to a meeting! At the bank I wasn’t met with the usual frowns and discouraging looks. There were no sighs about my ‘tendency to over-

spend’. This was different. I was offered coffee and chocolate. I was in a new league! I was accountable. I was an adult! My bank person gave me a serious look and said: “We need to get your money to work for you.” I nodded eagerly. The relatively bland-looking bank person, it turned out, was a bundle of great ideas. Pension savings, stocks, bonds and currency! In this hurricane of economic opportunities, I agreed to invest my money. Okay, maybe I was high on the sugar rush from eating all the chocolate, but I did find the thought of my money making money very alluring. However, already on my way back home, I got cautious. Why did we agree to invest MY money? If the ideas were that great and a guaranteed success, why did we not invest the bank workers’ money too?

Working in the UK

My first job in the UK was as a barmaid in the local village pub. As someone new to the country, new to beer and positively unacquainted with the world of British pub grub I was absolutely awful at the job. I remember pausing with dread the

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first time someone ordered ‘piccalilli’, uncertain as to whether they were just messing with me. Surely this ridiculous word couldn’t actually be a real thing? I also remember the fury of the man whom I had just served a pint of lager, after he ordered an Amontillado. (Honestly, say them quickly and they sound the same.) I made a lot of men furious during those days. This was a pub where loyal customers of a certain age expected the barmaid to understand their grumpilymuttered: ‘The usual and one in the wood.’ I didn’t. Neither did I serve them pickled eggs or take kindly to them calling me a stupid foreigner. In all honesty I have no idea why the landlord kept me on. I remember him calmly putting a cold towel to my face one night as I was particularly flushed with stress and telling me that surely I would get the hang of it at some point. He was right – eventually I did improve.

This worry ended my adventure as a Wall Street Mogul even before it properly began. Having my money working for me while I was sleeping, was stressful. Keeping up with NASDAQ indexes is worrisome. I figured the only way to get a good night’s sleep was if my money slept too. So my money got a lullaby and is now sound asleep again – but on the bright side, I sleep at night too. Mette Lisby is Denmark’s leading female comedian. She invites you to laugh along with her monthly humour columns. Since her stand-up debut in 1992, Mette has hosted the Danish versions of “Have I Got News For You” and “Room 101”.

By Maria Smedstad

Several years later I applied for a job in a bar in London. This swanky place was very different from the village pub and I worried that I would once more be useless. However, during my trial shift it just so happened that my first customer was an old, grumpy man asking for a pint of bitter. Then he accidentally spat his false teeth at me. Just like back home! My new boss watched me expertly hand the teeth back and I was hired on the spot.

Maria Smedstad moved to the UK from Sweden in 1994. She received a degree in Illustration in 2001, before settling in the capital as a freelance cartoonist, creating the autobiographical cartoon Em. Maria writes a column on the trials and tribulations of life as a Swede in the UK.

the swedish church

christmas fair Swedish food and handicrafts for sale at the Swedish Church Swedish gingerbread, homebaked bread, knäckebröd, christmas sausages and cheese, ärtsoppa med punsch, elk, reindeer, löjrom, gravad lax, sandwiches, cookies & cakes, glögg, hot dog, candles, christmas cards etc.

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Lucia 6 Harcourt Street, London W1H 4AG 020 7723 5681 @SvKyrkanLondon

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8 december at 8 pm

Scan Magazine | Culture | Munch Anniversary

The Scream 1893

Self portrait with cigarette 1895

Starry Night 1922-24

Celebrating a lonely genius 150 years on Mention the name of Edvard Munch and who does not think of that ageless, genderless face in The Scream, trapped in a terrifying state of isolation? Perhaps to avoid the power of the painting, it can be tempting to dismiss Munch as a solipsist beloved of angst-ridden adolescents. But as the celebrations around the 150th anniversary of the painter’s birth approach their climax in Oslo on 12 December, the profusion of exhibitions reveal a complex artist who speaks to our generation more than ever. By Colin Nicholson | Photos: Munch Museet

The Scream was painted on the eastern shore of Oslo’s beautiful fjord at a time when the city was, to many of its inhabitants, rapidly turning into an anonymous, Kafka-esque metropolis. It is easy to forget that where we now see cute trams rolling down quaint cobbled streets, they saw a technological dystopia that was as isolating to them as the disembodied virtual reality world that we live in today. Many believed that Munch’s blood red sky was the result of the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, which plunged the world into a mini-Ice Age with its ash cloud. But is our central character tormented by the fear of a coming apocalypse and climate change on a grand scale? Or is he or she feeling abandoned as two friends walk off in the distance? Probably the answer is a disturbing combination of the two. The Munch effect You can see two versions of The Scream at

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the Munch Museum and one at Oslo’s National Gallery, as there are actually four versions of the painting. They are rarely exhibited abroad, two having been stolen, and recovered, while the fourth was sold to a private buyer last year for $120 million. “It was because the huge retrospectives of Munch’s work can confirm him as the ‘lonely genius’ that we wanted to show the other side of him and his importance for later generations of artists,” says Lars ToftErikson, who is curating a new exhibition at the Stenersen Museum, looking at his effect on other Norwegian artists. Although, as Toft-Erikson says, his influence stretches much further – to the German expressionists and post-war Cobra artists. This much we know: whether you go to see the Scream originals in their native context, or the breadth of Munch’s artistic reach, a museum visit while you are in Oslo is a must.

Self Portrait 1886. Photo: Richard Jefferies / Munch Museet

Oslo without the angst: our top tips Avoid paying separately for Oslo’s many museums and attractions as the popular Oslo Pass (£30-£55 for 24-72 hours, gives you access to most plus unlimited travel on local transport. Most museums are closed on Mondays, so take the T1 tram on a 35minute ride to Voksenkollen and have a blast on Oslo Winter Park’s 18 pistes served by 11 lifts, which stay open until 10pm (, rental plus pass from £67). Go to the unique Wallman’s dinner show ( Entry with four-course dinner costs from £84.


22- 24 November 2013

Albion Street, Rotherhithe, London

Come soak in the festive atmosphere at the Scandinavian Christmas Market, taking place outside the Finnish and Norwegian Churches in Rotherhithe, London, on the 22-24 November 2013. Browse through the different stalls for Scandinavian gift ideas and decorations, and sample some hearty Scandinavian food together with a good mug of hot mulled wine.

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The Scandinavian Christmas Market is the perfect place to pick up some unique Christmas presents for your friends and family. All stallholders will have well-stocked stalls, so visitors can rummage through, taste and purchase some of the best Scandinavian food, gifts, design and decorations at the Scandinavian Christmas Market. We hope to see you at the Scandinavian Christmas Market on 22-24 November 2013!


Media Partner



The Finnish Church in London

Scan Magazine | Culture | Wilton’s Music Hall

Main entrance to the trendy east London Wilton’s Music Hall, which, as it turns out, has old Scandinavian connections.

Top: Auditorium. Below: Mahagony bar

Danish roots in shabby-chic east London Famous cabaret actors such as Champagne Charlie once trod its boards, but one of London’s best kept secrets also has some surprising Nordic connections.

in front of them, they vividly participated in the performances on stage,” he wrote.

By Else Kvist | Photos: Wilton’s Music Hall

Today, the theatre is undergoing major restoration works to stabilise the crumbling building after securing £1.85 million in lottery funding. Its shabby-chic look and romantic ambience now captivates new audiences, as the venue provides a location for fashion shoots and weddings. The recent Sherlock Holmes movie sequel was also filmed here. Music, dance, theatre and historic tours are regularly put on and the bar is buzzing on most nights.

Tucked away down a small alley in east London is one of the capital’s hidden gems, the world’s oldest surviving grand music hall, which was once home to the original can-can dance. But what is perhaps even more surprising is that the area around the now decadent Wilton’s Music Hall was once home to Danish and Norwegian maritime communities, who had settled here more than a century earlier. Following the Great Fire in 1666 the demand for timber to rebuild the capital created a lucrative trade for Scandinavians, working out of St Katharine Docks near Tower Bridge. Norwegians were said to have ‘warmed themselves comfortably by the Fire of London’. Wilton’s was built on the site of The Prince of Denmark pub, also known as the Mahogany Bar, situated close to the then nearby Danish Embassy and Danish-Norwegian church in Wellclose Square,

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Whitechapel. It may have served the Scandinavian sea captains and wealthy merchants living nearby. About 1850, the bar came into the ownership of John Wilton, who later had the music hall built on the pub’s concert room and at the back of terraced houses. Its atmosphere was captured by Carl Steen Andersen Bille, the editor of an influential political Danish newspaper, in his travel memoirs, Sketches from England, published in 1857. Wilton’s own historian, Carole Zeidman, says: “Because of the date, he must have seen Wilton’s first small music hall, built in 1853, and not the larger second hall from 1859. So he was probably the first journalist to write about Wilton's.” Bille describes musical, acrobatic and dramatic performances: “The whole room was tightly packed with men and women who lovingly clung to one another; with the Bible in their mouth and a filled beer glass

For more information, please visit:

Scan Magazine | Culture | Scandinavian Music

Scandinavian Music

After the Global success of Wake Me Up, and the not-too-shabby results of followup single You Make Me, Avicii has announced what will be the next single from his debut album True. It is Hey Brother. Hey Brother is of course the song from True that sounds most in tune with the aforementioned Wake Me Up – American roots music infused with Scandinavian house music. In other words, it seems a bit of a no brainer that it gets released as the next single worldwide. Well, I say a descendent of Yank country music, but let’s

be honest here: for all intents and purposes, Avicii’s next single to become an international smash hit is basically a Swedish dansband song. It is pure dansband. And I love him for that. Hitting the UK in December, and thus right in time for party season, it will be another huge hit for him on these shores. Danish synth duo Electric Lady Lab are back with new single Open Doors. The multi-layered electronica that forms the basis of all of their productions is still present and correct, but this time, even more than ever, the melody is a masterpiece in itself. It is one of those heartwrenching melodies that just oozes a pleasurable sadness with every note: intricately-formed, and then delivered to perfection by Stine, who is sounding better than ever. They have managed to come out with their best single to date, which is no small achievement when you consider their back catalogue. Electric Lady Lab, whose biggest hits have sampled electronic classics, have now themselves turned out a song which deserves to become an electronic classic in its own right. Danish electro-rock outfit Carpark North has caught my attention by teaming up with the lead singer of one of my

By Karl Batterbee

favourite Danish non electro-rock outfits, Alphabeat. It is Miss Stine Bramsen, and she joins the band on their quite splendid new single, 32. This is a thundering dose of melancholia with grim lyrics and a bleak outlook on life – on first appearance, at least. But then it is all uplifted, however, by an anthemic melody for the chorus, a “we’re rising up” middle eight, a “we’re badly bruised but we’re not broken” post-middle eight thing, a great big key change, and, lastly, a final minute of euphoric ridiculousness playing out as an almighty crescendo. It is a triumph of every kind of emotion. And you might need a lie down after it. Denmark’s number 1 young pop chap Christopher returned last month with brand new single Told You So. If you’re a fan of Justin Timberlake, then it is recommended you seek this one out. Because with Told You So, Christopher is doing a better job of sounding like Justin Timberlake when he was good, than Justin himself is doing these days. Imagine that.

Scandinavian Culture Calendar – Where to go, what to see? It’s all happening here!

By Sara Schedin

Tonbruket and Ane Brun on UK tour (Nov) Swedish band Tonbruket is touring the UK together with Norwegian singer Ane Brun this month. For more info visit: and Modern Panic featuring Swedish artist Pernilla Iggström (9-17 Nov) A unique and powerful collection of over 60 surreal, controversial and provocative international artists. 11am-7pm. Apiary Studios, London, E2.

Emmelie de Forest

Issue 58 | November 2013 | 133

Scan Magazine | Culture | Scandinavian Culture Calendar

Emmelie de Forest in Copenhagen (17 Nov) This year’s Eurovision Song Contest winner is taking to the stage in Copenhagen with her debut album Only Teardrops. Scandinavian Christmas Bazaars (21 - 24 Nov) Dansk KFUK 43 Maresfield Gardens London, NW3 5TF Sat 23 Nov. 11am-5pm Sun 24 Nov. 12noon-4pm The Swedish Church 6 Harcourt Street London, W1H 4AG Thu 21 Nov. 11am-8pm Sat 23 Nov. 11am-6pm Sun 24 Nov. 12noon-5pm The Scandinavian Christmas Market Albion Street, Rotherhithe London, SE16 7JB Fri 22 Nov. 10.30am-6pm Sat 23 Nov. 10am-6pm Sun 24 Nov. 12noon-6pm London Symphony Orchestra featuring Matti Salminen (28 Nov) Daniel Harding conducts Schubert’s Eighth Unfinished Symphony, before diving straight into the heart of Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde. Finnish operatic bass singer Matti Salminen sings the part of King Marke. Barbican Centre, London, EC2Y. Amorphis on Europe tour (Nov/Dec) Finnish melancholic dark rock/metal band Amorphis is on tour with the 2013 album Circle. Björn Abelin in Berlin (Until 14 Dec) The concept of nature and how we interact with it is a major interest for Swedish photographer Björn Abelin. His latest work, Apocalypse, is a critical social commentary on how disrespectfully man treats the earth. It deals with hubris and uses references from the escapist worlds depicted in video games and fantasy

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Verner Panton, Swimming Pool, 1969, Spiegel Publishing House (Hamburg) © Panton Design, Basel. Now part of the Barbican’s Pop Art Design exhibition.

movies. Wed-Sat 12noon-6pm. Swedish Photography, Karl-Marx-Allee 62, Berlin. Inge Lise Westman Hertz and Emil Westman Hertz (Until 19 Dec) The exhibition Star Sailor presents Danish artists Inge Lise Westman Hertz and her son Emil Westman Hertz. Both of them find great inspiration in nature, which comes across in their artworks. Inge Lise is not a landscape painter in the traditional sense but depicts her motifs at close range, and in her early works with a wealth of detail, bearing resemblance to tradition-bound naturalism. Emil uses actual sticks and leaves for his installations along with natural products such as bees wax. Mon-Thu 10am-4pm. The Danish Cultural Institute, Edinburgh, EH3.

Pop Art Design (Until 9 Feb) Brash, colourful and playful, Pop Art was a movement that signalled a radical change of direction in the post-war period. From the late 1950s to the early 1970s, Pop was characterised by an intense dialogue between the fields of design and art. Pop Art Design is the first comprehensive exhibition to explore the origins, motives and methods of this exchange. Pop Art shaped a new sense of cultural identity, with a focus on celebrity, mass production and the expanding industries of advertising, television, radio and print media. Pop Art Design brings together around 200 works, by over 70 artists and designers including: Peter Blake, Andy Warhol, Marie-Louise Ekman, Eero Aarnio and Gunnar Aargaard Andersen. Sat-Wed 10am-6pm, Thu & Fri 10am-9pm. Barbican Centre, London, EC2Y.

Scan Magazine | Culture | Scandinavian Culture Calendar

KjARTan Slettemark: The Art of Being Art in Oslo (Until 23 Feb) Norwegian-Swedish artist Kjartan Slettemark was a pioneer in many areas and one of Norway’s most beloved artists. He was one of the first Nordic artists to work with performance and activist art. He has been and still is a major role model for political street art and performance art – though he effectively drove a cleft through the arts scene in Norway and the art press. The Art of Being Art is the first comprehensive retrospective since

his death in 2008. Mon-Fri 11am-5pm, Thu 11am-7pm, Sat & Sun 12noon-5pm. Museum of Contemporary Art, Bankplassen 4, Oslo. Mika Taanila in Helsinki (Until 2 Mar) The exhibition Time Machines presents major works by Finnish film-maker and artist Mika Taanila from the past 10 years. The themes of Taanila’s art stem from technology, although the works themselves do not take a stand either for or against it. The artist dwells in an intermediate zone between documentary film and experimental video. Tue 10am-5pm, Wed-Fri 10am-8.30pm, Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 10am-5pm. Kiasma, Mannerheiminaukio 2, Helsinki.

Kjartan Slettemark, Det måste løna sig att motarbeta, 1974. Photo: Nasjonalmuseet / Frode Larsen

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