Evaluare grow 0 9 2012

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evaluation 0.9 2012

GROW in Numbers

countries cities




international trainers

126 highschools


International trainers Curriculum


Train the Trainers &

Outside class activities

10 Analysis Pocket Money Session, by Kruk Impact on trainers 16 Testimonials & Conclusion 17 Partners & Contact details 18 Worldwide weekend

9 14


Analysis of the impact


3 Coordinators 5 Highschools 8 Grow program




The program offers high school students a professionally designed educational curriculum that complements the formal education system. It has been developed with the support of an Educational Board, gathering personalities, top-notch experts in education and adolescent psychology, especially to address key needs of the development of teenage participants. GROW 0.9 2012 took place between 16th of January and 1st of April 2012 in fourteen cities across Romania: Arad, Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj, Constanta, Craiova, Iasi, Oradea, Ploiesti, Pitesti, Sibiu, Suceava, TarguMures and Timisoara. The project involved more than 100 high schools, 1001 participants and 27 international trainers. The courses took place around the entire country and included trainings like presentation skills, public speaking, personal awareness, personal effectiveness, project management skills, Romanian values. The main goal of this program is to build up a constructive attitude for a sustainable change in the Romanian educational system. GROW aims to be the number-one national education program addressing high school students as it is unique among any other program: • it is a long term program (2010-2015), • it has the magnitude of a nationwide project, • it has a specific approach for each high school level: 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders, • the courses are delivered in English by international trainers, • the courses were designed professionally by consultancy and adolescent psychology specialists.

GROW Program

GROW represents a long term, non-formal educational engagement designed to improve the quality of education in Romania. It is a program organized in partnership Scoala de Valori - AIESEC that addresses high school students in Romania (age 14-18). Through the GROW program they can follow a complementary four-year educational cycle.

Woei Lin

Adeline Guiban

Anelise Jordao

Anvar Amonov

Aryo Dharma

Ravshanbek Abdurahimov

Asano Shimizu

Berengere Herve

Chenglin Li

Dagmara Szszepaniec

David Ulloa Chacon

Dobre Daniela

Gullar Imamverdiyeva

Imologomhe Opeyemi Udukhokhai

Jurgen Sarmet

Katerina Setelova

Ljubomir Iovanovic

Lucas Mazzoco

Mari-An Santos

Martin Holeck

Muhammed Arslan

Nicolas Baron

Simoni Teruko

Victor Ivan Santo

Vu Thi Hang Nhung


International Trainers

The international trainers involved in the project came from 21 countries across the world like People’s Republic of China, Estonia, Columbia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Poland, Japan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, France, Serbia, Costa Rica, Nigeria, Mexic, Philippines, Indonezia, Vietnam or Malaysia.


Train the Trainers is also a motivational conference gathering altogether a f a large number of international people, combined with the idea of being a part of a movement which leads to the creation and deepening of common directions and values, shared by all the people involved in the GROW project. Train the Trainers and Train the Coordinators conferences took place in Predeal between 27th of February and 2nd of March 2012 and gathered together over 70 participants. They came in Romania via the international volunteer program initiated developed and facilitated by AIESEC. Train the Coordinators is the preparation conference for local project managers.There, the vision of the project is both discussed and shared. Everybody creates action plans, brainstorms and aligns the strategies. All the projects’ details are defined for a smooth implementation. Also, each of the local project managers who have already implemented the project during the conference get to know each other better and share their experiences with the local project managers of the future GROW edition. They can also meet all the international trainers present at this conference.

Train the Trainers & Coordinators

Train the Trainers is the preparation conference for GROW trainers, where local project managers and international trainees, together with the School of Values and AIESEC members, discuss the curriculum, how the trainings align to the delivery standards of the project, and ways to implement the project.

1. Intro to Grow 0.9 – The participants meet the students, get to know the countries they come from and communicate for the first time. 2. Communication abilities – How to communicate politely and make yourself understood, how to bring arguments in order to make a point, how to surpass shyness and emotions. 3. Feedback abilities – How to tell things to people without hurting them, in a polite manner, helping them, not offending them. 4. Bad habits in alimentation – Students will create and hold a debate pro/ against healthy alimentation vs. fast food. 5. Ecology – A lesson about the small things that can matter very much in order to live in a cleaner, less consuming, less poluting community. 6. Self-knowledge – Participants will try to discover their strenghts and weaknesses and will make a plan to straighten their weaknesses.


7. Team work – Participants will organize together a two-hours event for the 31st of March – 1st of April, thus having the chance to work together, to understand what others’ opinion means, to respect eachother, to listen eachother and to be creative with a common purpose: presenting by choice the typical characteristics of a country 8. Discrimination does not advantage anybody – At the age of adolescence, students can be discriminated for any reasons (ex: weight, physical aspect, etc.). This discrimination can make them turn shy, timorous, complexed and prevents them from learning and becoming valuable people for the community. In this session students go through a group exercise in which preconceived ideas are dismantled. 9. European citizenship – We all know Romania is a member of the European Union but few young people know what advantages the membership holds for them, beyond politics and economic measures. In this session, the participants will learn what are these advantages (e.g. mobility, acces to various services, universities, etc.). 10. Closing session and ceremony – The participants will each come out in front and will say what they have learnt from the 10 sessions they attended. Talking in front of the others will help them assimilate better what they have learnt and they will surpass shyness.


Outside class activities

Participating Cities & Highschools


Colegiul National “Elena Ghiba Birta”, Colegiul National “Moise Nicoara”, Colegiul National “Vasile Goldis”, Colegiul Tehnic “Aurel Vlaicu”, Grupul Scolar “Iuliu Maniu”, Liceul de arta”Sabin Dragoi”, Liceul Pedagogic “Dimitrie Tichineal”


Colegiul National “Andrei Saguna”, Colegiul National “Unirea”, Colegiul National “Emil Racovita”, Colegiul National “Mesota”, Colegiul National “Nicolae Titulescu”, Colegiul National Economic “Andrei Barseanu”, Colegiul National de Informatica “Grigore Moisil”, Colegiul National Pedagogic “Andrei Muresanu”, Liceul de Arta


Colegiul National “Mihai Viteazul”, Colegiul National “Sfantul Sava”, Colegiul National “I.L.Caragiale”, Colegiul National “Gheorghe Sincai”, Colegiul National “Iulia Hasdeu”, Colegiul National “Elena Cuza”, Colegiul National “Cantemir Voda”, Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu”, Scoala Europeana Bucuresti, Colegiul National “Gheorghe Lazar”, Colegiul National Bilingv “George Cosbuc”, Liceul “George Calinescu”, Colegiul National “Spiru Haret”, Colegiul ERconomic “Virgil Madgearu”, Liceul “Sfantul Cantemir”, Liceul Teoretic “Eugen Lovinescu”, Liceul Teoretic “Ion Neculce”, Colegiul Tehnic Media


Colegiul National “Gheorghe Baritiu”, Colegiul National Pedagogic “Gheorghe Lazar”, Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentara “Raluca Ripan”, Liceul Teoretic “Avram Iancu”, Liceul Teoretic “Onisifor Ghibu”, Liceul Teoretic “Gheorghe Sincai”, Colegiul National “George Cosbuc”, Liceul Teoretic “Nicolae Balcescu”, Colegiul Telecomunicatii “Augustin Maior”, Liceul Teoretic “Mihai Eminescu”, Liceul de Coregrafie si Arta Dramatica “Octavian Stroia”, Liceul de Informatica “Tiberiu Popoviciu”, Colegiul National “Emil Racovita”


Colegiul National Pedagogic “Constantin Bratescu”, Colegiul National “Mircea cel Batran “, Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu”, Liceul Teoretic “Ovidius”, Liceul Teoretic “Decebal”, Liceul Teoretic “Traian”, Liceul Teoretic “George Calinescu”, Colegiul Tehnic “Tomis”


Colegiul National “Carol I”, Colegiul National “Fratii Buzesti”, Colegiul National “Elena Cuza”, Liceul Teoretic “Tudor Arghezi”, Colegiul National “Stefan Velovan”, Liceul Teoretic “Henri Coanda”


Colegiul National “Costache Negruzzi”, Colegiul National Iasi, Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu”, Colegiul National “Emil Racovita”, Liceul Teoretic “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Colegiul National “Garabet Ibraileanu”, Liceul de Informatica “Grigore Moisil”, Liceul Teoretic “Miron Costin”, Liceul cu Program Sportiv, Colegiul Economic Administrativ, Scoala Normala “Vasile Lupu”, Colegiul National “Petru Rares”, Grupul Scolar Economic de Turism


Colegiul National “Emanuel Gojdu”, Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu”, Liceul Teoretic “Aurel Lazar”, Colegiul Teoretic “Train Vuia”, Colegiul Teoretic “Mihai Viteazu”, Colegiul National “Iosif Vulcan”


Colegiul National Liceal “Zinca Golescu”, Colegiul National Liceal”I.C.Bratianu”, Colegiul economic ”Maria Teiuleanu”, Liceul de arta “Dinu Lipatti”, Liceul Teoretic”Ion Barbu”, Colegiul National “Al.Odobescu”, Liceul Teoretic“Ion Cantacuzino”


Colegiul National “Ion Luca Caragiale”, Colegiul National “Nichita Stanescu”, Colegiul National “Nicolae Grigorescu”, Colegiul Tehnic “Elie Radu”, Colegiul National “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Liceul de Arta “Carmen Silva”, Colegiul National “Jean Monnet”


Colegiul National “Octavian Goga”, Colegiul National “Gheorghe Lazar”, Colegiul National “Samuel von Brukethal”, Colegiul National Pedagogic “Andrei Saguna”, Liceul de Arta Sibiu, Liceul Teortic “Onisifor Ghibu”, Colegiul Economic “George Baritiu”, Liceul Teoretic “Constantin Noica”


Colegiul Militar Liceal “Stefan cel Mare”, Scoala Crestina Filadelfia, Colegiul National “Petru Rares”, Colegiul National “Stefan cel Mare”, Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu”, Colegiul de Arta “Ciprian Porumbescu”, Colegiul National de Informatica “Spiru Haret”, Colegiul Economic “Dimitrie Cantemir”, Colegiul Tehnic “Samuil Isopescu”


Colegiul National “Alexandru Papiu Ilarian”, Colegiul National “Unirea”, Colegiul Economic „Transilvania”, Liceul Pedagogic “Mihai Eminescu”, Liceul Teoretic “Bolyai Farkas”, Colegiul Agricol “Traian Savulescu”, Grupul SColar “Electromures”


Colegiul National “C. Diaconovici Loga”, Colegiul National Banatean, Liceul de Arte Plastice Timisoara, Liceul Teoretic “Jean Louis Calderon”, Liceul Teoretic “Nikolaus Lenau”, Liceul “Grigore Moisil”, Liceul Teoretic “William Shakespeare”, Colegiul Tehnic “Emanuil Ungureanu”


World Wide Weekend

World Wide Weekend was an entire weekend where GROW participants from all over the country were a part of an international cultural fair. They had the opportunity to mix internationalism, cultural sensitivity, creativity and team work while having fun and practicing some of the skills gained during the project. The participants, along with the international trainers, presented their assigned culture in many creative ways. The fair was open to many visitors, parents and students that had the opportunity to “taste� this international experience.

Impact report

Evaluation response rate, Before & After Grow Respondents

The main goal of this report is to show the impact of GROW 0.9 on its participants. Results of data analysed show that there is a positive change in the students’ answers before and after the project, especially in the areas of self esteem, sense of direction and information at fingertip.

City Before After Arad 42 0 Brasov 46 14 Bucuresti 87 26 Impact Measuring Method Cluj Napoca 8 29 Data for the analysis come from First and Final Evaluation Constanta 48 37 Form, which the participants were required to fill out Craiova 8 4 online at the beginning and at the end of the project. Galati 0 1 For this report were used only responses from the participants who have filled out both First and Final Iasi 52 35 Impact Evaluation Form. In this way, it is possible to Oradea 29 36 observe how/if the answers have changed after the Pitesti 50 80 project. Ploiesti 29 18 Both of the Forms contained the same questions divided in 5 groups. Each of the groups investigates another area of Sibiu 37 1 the participants’ personal development (so called the five Suceava 24 12 pillars of the “Internal Structure”): self esteem, sense of around successful people. 1. I feel comfortable around successful people. Targu Mures 1 1. I feel 0 comfortable direction, self awareness, exposure to the role model, and Timisoara 42 27 information at the finger tip. In both Evaluation Forms, there were three types of TOTAL 485 320 Before GROW 0.9an open question (exposure Before GROW 0.9 After GROW 0.9 GROW 0.9 collecting data: to the After role model), a polar question (sense of direction), and 16 statements (self esteem, self awareness, and information 1 6 4 25 Legend: 4 25 1 1 1 at the finger tip). For each statement, there were five 44 1 : Never 72 44 67 72 67 2 usually, sometimes, rarely, the2answer (always, 119 options of119 2 2 : Rarely 117 117 90 and never), from which the participants had to choose 90 3 : Sometimes 3 3 3 the one which best describes them. 4 : Usually 132 4 4 132 4 217 5 : Always 217 5 5 5 6 : No answer

Self-Esteem Self-Esteem

Analysis of impact

Self-Esteem Self-Esteem

1. I feel comfortable around successful6people. 1. I feel comfortable around successful 6people.









Before GROW 0.9 After 0.9 Before GROW After GROW 0.9 GROW Never, 2around = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 5= Always, Legend: 1=1.0.9 Never, 2 = 1= Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, 5= 4=Usually, Always, I Legend: feel comfortable successful people. 117

72 119


119 2 3

After GROW 0.9


Before GROW 0.9


Participant did notquestion answer this question 6= Participant6= did not answer this 4 25

4 25




2 390






132 4












217 2. I feel comfortable trying new things. 2. I feel217 comfortable trying4 new things.4 5





Legend: Never, 2 = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 5= Always, Legend: 2 = 1= Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, Always, 1 0 2 10 1= Never, 1 5= 2 10 0 4=Usually, 1 Participant 1 1 this did notquestion answer this question 6= Participant6= did not answer








3 185 4 5

After GROW 0.9


Before GROW 0.9

Before GROW 0.9 GROW 0.9 After GROWAfter 0.9 GROW 0.9 Before 2. I feel comfortable trying new things.

2 3 4 5

2. I feel comfortable trying new things. 2. I feel comfortable trying new things. 6

Before GROW 0.9 GROW 0.9 Before










3 127 4


5 6

After GROWAfter 0.9 GROW 0.9

1 2 3 4 5 6

3. I believe that 3.181 I believe I can handle that I anything. can handle 4anything.4 181 5










Legend: 1= Never, 21== Never, Rarely, 4=Usually, 5= Always, Legend: = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, 5= Always, After GROW After 0.9 GROW 0.9 Before GROW Before 0.9 GROW 0.923=Sometimes, 6= Participant did6 not answer thisanswer question 6= Participant did 6not this question

3. I believe that I can handle anything. 7 7 Sense of Direction Sense of Direction 47 47

2 19

2 19

1 44 44 72 58 72 58 Legend: 1= Legend: Never, 21= = Rarely, Never, 2 = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 5= 4=Usually, Always, 5= 2 3=Sometimes, 2 4=Usually, 89Always, 892 51 51 4. I have an my life ismy going to look like in 5 years. 4. Iidea havehow an idea how life is going todid look like in 5this years. 6= Participant 6= Participant did not answer not this answer question question 3 3 3 189 189 181 181 4 4 4 135 135 Before GROW 0.9GROW 0.95 After GROW 0.9 Before After GROW 0.9 5 5

Sense of Sense Direction of Direction Yes

No Yes


After GROW 0.9

Before GROW 0.9






No Yes

2 3 4 5



4. I have an 4. idea I have how an my idealife how is going my life toislook going like toin look 5 years. like in 5 years.



Legend: 1 : Never 264 264 2 : Rarely 212 212 218GROW 0.9 Before GROW Before 0.9 After GROW After 0.9GROW 0.9 3 : Sometimes 218 81 81 Legend: 1= Never, Legend: 2 = 1= Rarely, Never, 3=Sometimes, 2 = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, 5= 4=Usually, Always, 5= Always, 4 : Usually Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 6= Participant 6= did Participant not answer did this not question answer this question 5 : Always 4. I have an idea how my life is going to look like in 5 years. Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 : No answer No No No No

Sense of Direction




After GROW 0.9

Before GROW 0.9

218 218 Sense ofSense Direction of Direction




I know already which studies I want II know already which studies want 4. I 5. have an 5. 4. idea have how an my idea life how is going my life to to look isIchoose. going liketo to inchoose. look 5 years. like in 5 years. Yes








Before GROW After GROW GROW 0.9 Before GROW0.9 0.9 After GROW 0.9 0.9 Before GROW Before 0.9 0.9 GROW After After 0.9 GROW 6. have already begun planI want my career. 6. I have already begun plan myto career. 5. II know already which to choose. Yesto No Yes No Yes No Yes studies No Yes No studies Yes I want No 5. I know already 5. I know which already which studies to choose. I want to choose. 235


No 235 264begun 6. I have already 6. I have already to plan begun my0.9 to career. plan Before GROW Before GROW 0.9career. Yes Nomy Yes264 No Yes







Before Yes GROW Before 0.9 GROW 0.9 247









Yes Yes No 165




Before GROW 0.9

BeforeYes GROW 0.9 GROW 0.9 No No Before

Self Awareness Self Awareness Yes No Yes

After GROW 0.9

Yes Yes 247 247 No 165 Nowhich 5. I know already 5. I know which already studies I want studies to choose. I want to choose. 303 303 179 179 Yes


81 Yes




Yes After GROW After 0.9 GROW 0.9 194




After 0.9GROW Yes 0.9 No Yes212 No 212After GROW

Yes Yes No No No No 235 235 303 6. I have my career. 303 to plan 179 179already begun Yes Yes No



After After GROW 0.9 GROW 0.9

After GROW 0.9

Before GROW 0.9




Yes 165


99 No

Yes 165 No 128


No 128



Analysis of impact

Before Before GROW 0.9 GROW 0.9






Yes After GROW 0.9 GROW 0.9 No After No






asked tomyself describe myself in one Isentence, notdifficulties. have any difficulties. 7. If asked 7. toIfdescribe in one sentence, would notI would have any

Awareness No No 235 Self Awareness Self Self Awareness






After After GROW 0.9 GROW 0.9 Before GROW 0.9sentence, I would not Before GROW 0.9 7. If asked to describe myself in one have any difficulties. Yes YesI have Yes 7. If askedYes 7. to If describe asked to myself describe in one myself sentence, in oneIsentence, would not wouldany not difficulties. have any difficulties. 32


Before GROW 0.9

1 71 67 67 Before GROW Before GROW 0.9 2 81 0.9 81 3 157 157 32 32 144 144 1 4 71 67 71 67 2 5 81 81 3 6 157 157 144 144 4 71




After GROW 0.9


1 2 3 4 5

2 3 74

4 5 6





194 1

49 After GROW After 0.9 49 GROW 0.9 632 63 74



49 74 115

15 24 24 115 1 115 49 63 632 3 115

4 5

3 4





2 4 5

194 1 2 3 4 5 6

Legend: 1=Rarely, Never,3=Sometimes, 2 = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, Legend: 1= Never, 2= 4=Usually, 5= Always, 5= Always, 6= did Participant did this not answer 6= Participant not answer questionthis question

8. I know I am good atis and what is 8. I know what I am what good at and what difficult fordifficult me. for me.

Self Awareness


7 12 144


67 71 221

7 12

67 221

1 3 2 4

After GROW 0.9

Before GROW 0.9

Legend: 1 : Never Before GROW 0.9 After 9. Before I learn my mistakes from my and mistakes experiences. and experiences. After GROW GROW 0.9 0.9 GROW 0.9 2 : Rarely9. I learn from 8. I know what I am good at and what is difficult for me. 3 : Sometimes 4 : Usually 7 24 03 3 24 Before Before7 GROW 0.9GROW 0.91 After0 GROW After 0.9GROW 0.9 1 1 5 : Always 49 34 71 49 34 85 85 71 6 : No answer 2 2 2 13 24


3 35 9. I learn from 9. I learn my mistakes from my and mistakes experiences. and experiences. 5 209




4 6








24 91 35

After GROW After 0.9GROW 0.95 6

2 91 91 Legend: 1= Never, Legend:2 1= = Rarely, Never, 2 = Rarely, 4=Usually, 5= 4=Usually, Always, 5= Always,3 3 3=Sometimes, 3 3=Sometimes, 186 209 186 6= Participant 6= Participant did not answer did not this164 answer question this164 question 4 4 4 5

2 5





Information Information at the Finger at the Finger Tip Tip


13 118

2 95= Legend: 1=Rarely, Never,3=Sometimes, 2 = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, 25 2 95= Always, 7 12 1= Never, 7 12 2 = 25 Legend: 4=Usually, Always, 1 1 1 6= Participant did not answer this question did not answer this question 71 49 49 67 716= Participant 67 After GROW 0.9

Before GROW 0.9




29 118



Before GROW Before 0.9GROW 0.95 5 9. I learn from my mistakes and experiences. 6







35 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Information at the Finger Tip

Analysis of impact

10. I know 10. where I know to look where for to thelook information for the information I need. I need. Legend: 1= Never, Legend:2 1= = Rarely, Never,3=Sometimes, 2 = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, 5= 4=Usually, Always, 5= Always, 11. I feel informed 11. I feelabout informed the topics aboutrelevant the topics to relevant my age. to my age. 6= Participant 6= Participant did not answer did not thisanswer question this question

Before Before 0.9 GROW After GROW After 0.9GROW 0.9 10. I knowGROW where to look for0.9 the information I need. Before GROW Before 0.9 GROW 0.9 After GROW After 0.9 GROW 0.9

22 18 22 18 0 11 0 11 1 1 1 14 14 60 64 97 4 17 64 97 4 17 60 1 1 2 21 2 97 97 63 46 63 46 100 100 2 2 2 120 120 10. 3 information 10. I know I know to where for to thelook information for the I need. 3 I need. 149 1493 77 where 77look 109 109 262 3 262 3 4 43 78 4 78 148 148 4 259 259 Before GROW Before GROW After GROW After 0.9GROW 0.945 11. I feel informed 11. I feelabout informed the 0.9 topics about relevant the0.9 topics my age. 5 to relevant 54 to my age. After GROW 0.9

Before GROW 0.9

Information Information at the Finger at the Finger Tip Tip

5 6 6 Before GROW Before 0.9 GROW 0.9 1 0 11

65 16

0 11

5 6 After GROW After 0.9 GROW 0.961 22 18

11. I97 feel informed about the topics relevant to my 60 age. 64 97 64

22 18


2 2 2 4 17 4 17 14 14 120 1 1 3 31 3=Sometimes, 3 Legend: 1= Never, Legend:2 1= = Rarely, Never, 3=Sometimes, 2 = Rarely, 4=Usually, 5= 4=Usually, Always, 149 5= Always, 149 109 109 1= Never, Legend: 2 = 1= Rarely, Never, 3=Sometimes, 2 = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, 5= 4=Usually, Always, 5= Always, 97 97Legend:100 63 46 63 46 2626= Participant 2626=2 100 did not answer thisanswer question this question 2 4Participant 42did not 4 6= Participant 6= did Participant not answer did this not answer questionthis question 77 3 3 5 53 78 5 78 148 148 4 4 6 64 6 259 259


After GROW 0.9

Before GROW 0.9


12. I share the 12. knowledge/information I share the knowledge/information I have with Iother have people with other (e.g.people friends, (e.g. family). friends, family). 5





Before GROW Before 0.9 GROW 0.9


After GROW After 0.9 GROW 0.9

12. I share the knowledge/information with3=Sometimes, others (e.g. friends, family). Legend: 1= Never, Legend:2 1= = Rarely, Never,3=Sometimes, 2I have = Rarely, 4=Usually, 5= 4=Usually, Always, 5= Always,

6= Participant 6= Participant did not answer did not thisanswer question 0 15 4 question 1this 14 1 1 Legend: 1= Never, Legend: 2= 1=Rarely, Never,3=Sometimes, 2 = Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Usually, 5= 4=Usually, Always, 5= Always,1 97 35 60 35 60 85 85 97 2 not answer 2 this 2 6= Participant 6= did Participant did not answer questionthis question 156




After GROW 0.9


Before GROW 0.9

0 15





3 117

4 4 4 12. I share the 12. knowledge/information I share the knowledge/information I have with Iother have people with other (e.g.people friends, (e.g. family). friends, family). 5

6 Before GROW Before 0.9 GROW 0.9

5 6


12 After GROW After 0.9 GROW 0.96

1 21 32 43 54 65 16 2

31 42 53 64 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Final Conclusions The goal of this report is to show impact of the Grow 0.9 on its participants. This analysis clearly illustrates several points. The teenagers know more about their future plans . There is an 37% increase in the number of those who knoe how their lives are going to lool like in 5 years and trust themselves that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to achieve. Also, the percentage of the ones who know what they want to study has increased with 42 %. Overall the teenagers know themselves better. The trainings on personal values and self-awareness helped the teenagers to become capable of understanding who they are and who they want to be. Approximately 28% more of the students are now more aware of what they are good at, can describe themselves and are more capable to learn from their mistakes.

Final Conclusions

The teenagers are more informed. After GROW 0.9 , the teenagers are more capable of becoming independent learners. They are more capable to find the information they need by themselves, they have the tools to stay informed about the topics they are interested in and they are more opened towards sharing the information they have with other people (~28%).

“I liked the pocket money session even if I think we should had talked more about how to make money”

Being asked the following question: “What are 3 most important things for you which you have learned in the last 5 sessions of GROW?”, the GROW participants answered:

Analysis Pocket Money

• “to plan my pocket money” • “that the way I manage my pocket money is perfect” • “I loooved the pocket money session :) very useful :P” • “how to properly use the pocket money” • “I didnt like talking about pocket money... at all!!” • “Theoretically I learned how to manage my pocket money but also I knew that before GROW, when you don’t have so much money you learn by yourself how to manage them because money doesn’t grow in trees.” • “that I can’t manage at all my pocket money” • “how to save my pocket money” • “how to spend my pocket money” • “I liked the pocket money session even if I think we should had talked more about how to make money” • “I liked very much Session 10 with the Pocket Money plan, because I just adore to make plans and be responsible with my money.”

What impact do you think GROW had on your students (e.g. increased their communication skills, openness, self-confidence, self-awareness, more clarity about their future etc.)? “They learned many things for me is was a privilege to see them grow personally and discover who they are and what they want in life. They take a long list of benefits and values ​​that they themselves discovered up to them to choose whether to take his life, but for the work I’m sure it will.” “I think their communication skills and the openness. All of them improved somehow in different things but at least at the end of the project they were able to talk in public and to see things from different points of view more than the one that they had before.” “I do think the GROW project was a milestone for the majority of my students. They’ve had the chance to grow and I’ve had the chance to grow once again with them. Grow was the perfect context for them to share one great principle: OPENNES. From the beginning of the project we’ve stated this golden rule - every single idea it is actually a great idea, you just have to open yourself and speak it out loud. I’ve seen a constant increase of the freedom and the opennes with which they were trying to express themselves and these gave a boost to their self-confidence. I think the conclusion was brightly set up by all the participants at the closing session when they agreed that Grow was


like a mirror in which they’ve had the chance to see themselves as they are and have the courage to shout: ‘This is me. And I’m damn proud of it!”

INTERNATIONAL TRAINER’S OPINIONS ABOUT “THE POCKET MONEY PLAN“ SESSIONS SUPPORTED BU KRUK INTERNATIONAL, ROMANIA. • 80% of them consider that the story of the British Kids and Teenagers and the group activity about the budget were very well received by the students, while 20% consider it either “a bit too complex for the students” or say that “it should be more interactive”. • 70% of them consider that the session is “very useful”, 24% consider it “useful” and 6% consider it “not so useful”. Nobody said that is “not adequate” In the qualitative feedback most of the trainers say that is indeed a delicate topic to discuss about and should not be removed even though sometimes is not as much fun as for example the “debates about fast food versus healthy eating”. At improvement suggestions, most of the trainers suggested that the session would be more dynamic and the working groups should be advised from the manual to be smaller (this of course is not precise because some groups had 15 people while others had 26).

Session Powered by Kruk

“Basically all the kids have improved in communication skills. Some of them more some less. I was glad that self-confidence was risen in kids that really needed that. That they realized, they are worth the same as the others. Some of the kids were already decided what and where they want to do. Others in session 6 realized their potential strengths and maybe it will be easier for them to decide in the future.” I think this question is something really subjective, but I want to share something with you. A student of mine gave me a letter, and I want to share this with you: “I can’t say that it (GROW) actually changed my whole perspective of the world, but that made me realize who I really am and, furthermore, who I want to be. (...)Thank you for giving me and my life a new sense, a new purpose” Maybe this seems not that important, but for me Grow unfold new ways for them to think and to act more aware and responsible. And of course, Grow not only impact our students, I can say that as a trainer, the impact that I had was much bigger than you can imagine. You made me realize that we really can do something to make the world a better place! Thank you!

40% of the participants considered “The Pocket Money Plan” session is being one of the top 3 most useful ones and the rest mentioned it as being in the top 6 sessions for usefulness.

“What amazed me the most in Grow is that, in this process, we have to inspire students and we end up inspiring and changing ourselves. This experience really made me see how great we are as human beings, and what great things we can do together, even with all our differences, because in the end, we are just one. | Grow made me realize that when we help other people to Grow, we also Grow together!” » Simoni Teruko, Brazil, Trainer “Most of all, this project shows to the youth that it’s time to take their future in their own hands and start shaping it, without being pushed or constrained from outside. After working five weeks with my trainees, I strongly believe that the ones who decided to join the program have a great future ahead and not because what I taught them, but because what THEY decided to LEARN from this experience. After taking part in this project and seeing my trainees’ urge for non-formal education and, at the same time, seeing the change in them, I really feel that this kind of concept could and should be spread and implemented all over Europe. | Go and make a difference, go and GROW the future for them and for yourself.” » Jürgen Sarmet, Estonia, Trainer “In these times when human value loses serious points in the battle with day to day life, it’s wonderful to find determined young people willing to create beautiful things and to add value to their time. All I can offer as a feedback is my admiration for what you do and a renewal of the invitation to turn to us anytime you feel the need to put into practice an idea or a project!” » Chiru Carmen Virginia, Center Manager Tomis Mall


“My son was able to enjoy an experience which he describes as unforgettable, and I completely agree, no doubt about that. For him, GROW was a place where he felt great by being himself.” » Raicu Robert, Parent “GROW was a special experience thanks to the interaction with the kids. I had the chance to observe the next generation and I can truly say I gained hope for the future.” » Alex Anghel, OC Finance Grow 0.9 2012 “I started this project with the thought I was going to make a change around me, through my work, through the example I was going to offer to the beneficiaries of this interesting initiative. I have never imagined the impact GROW will have on me, that it would strengthen my vision and my values through the unique moments spent with the team, challenges that came up throughout time and the incredible people I had the chance to meet.” » Madalina Stoica, OC Promo & Trainer Grow 0.9 2012 „You taught me that failure does not define a person, only success does and the way a person gets up smiling and says: „That was all?” while he’s dusting himself off. GROW is an indicator on the road of life, saying: „This is who you are. Be proud of it!” » Stefan, Participant „Through this project I learnt how to personally develop in a society that apparently doesn’t have much to offer and actually grow along with these wonderful people.” » Stefania, Participant


“GROW helped me have manier perspectives over things and I learnt that it doesn’t matter if what I have to say is right or wrong, I just have to say it. I realized that after this wonderful experience I have changed. I have more trust in myself, I say out loud what crosses my mind without being afraid it’s wrong or that it will be laughed at. GROW helped me rediscover myself and have more confidence in myself.” » Ionela, Participant „Now, when I look back on my experience with GROW 0.9, I realise that the enormous amount of fun I’ve had during the sessions is probably the least important thing I’ve gained. It took me short to learn that this project is all about „never stop”, so I am definently looking forward to any single experience I’ll be able to have with GROW from now on. Because of it I’m a more tolerable person, but also a more tolerant one!” » Alin, Participant

According to their feedback, the teenagers are strongly interested in acquiring practical skills which are at the core of the activities during the sessions. They learn how to express their own ideas, create arguments to defend their points of view in front of the others, respect other people’s ideas, know how to give feedback, etc. In the short term, this program helps them become more self-confident, get involved or initiate extra activities and be more aware of their strengths and weaknesses. In the long term, they will be well-prepared to choose the right career path and follow it. As the participants are now more open-minded and aware of other people’s problems, they will not only contribute to their community, but will also have the skills required to bring their ideas to life.


The goal of the four-year GROW program is to shape up a new generation of Romanian teenagers who will have the skills and courage to make a positive change. GROW 0.9 is the first step to make this possible.


“Here I’ve learnt that each person has the same rights and that we are all equal. Now I can speak freely and I even started to like to express my opinion about something. If at first I was shy and nervous about speaking in public, now I’m proud of me. Real progress has been made!” » Eva, Participant



Contact details

Contact details evaluation

Dragos Belduganu 0.9 2012

Head of Social Engagement

0745 267 871 dragos.belduganu@scoaladevalori.ro

Dragos Belduganu

Head of Socialwww.scoaladevalori.ro Engagement

str. Ion Nistor nr. 2, ap. 1, sector 3,0745 Bucureşti, 267 871 România dragos.belduganu@scoaladevalori.ro


GROW 0.9 2012 Evaluation

www.scoaladevalori.ro str. Ion Nistor nr. 2, ap. 1, sector 3, Bucureşti, România

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