Raportul anual 2013 Scoala de Valori

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Annual Report 2013

Contents Școala de Valori 3 Message From The President 4 About Us 5 Our Timeline 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Our Activities Butterfly Event Transmaraton Pendo Grow Think Ahead Drum sigur Zentiva Inventica Transmaraton - Gândește pentru tine Adoptă un liceu Team Work Decalogue of The Passionate Teenager Values of Romanian Teenagers Financial Summary 2013 Our Team

16 17 18 19 20 Partners

Școala de Valori


Message From The President

One of the most powerful experiences in 2013 for me, was revisiting Paris after 10 years. I travelled moderately in recent years, but during this period I have never stepped in the French capital. One of the deepest impressions of this visit was the magnificent XIV century building Notre Dame du Paris. The sensations experienced in the contemplation of the cathedral, both inside and on the mosaic of shapes, symbols, ideas and messages on its facades were simply baffling. I felt overwhelmed by the details, the French Gothic style, statues, decorative stained glass, the giant pipe organ, the arches, the sizes. Everything. There, you feel like you are near one of the wonders of the world and it is difficult to imagine that the construction of this edifice took place more than 700 years ago. You are curious to find out who could imagine that… Who then used this vision to persuade others to attract resources - money, sophisticated expertise (at the time), work and a lot of time to turn that vision into reality? In contrast, I admit that I was thinking at the history of the Romanian states and their level of evolution in the 1300s.

Romanian society. We will take years, perhaps decades, to our entire experience to turn into a real organizational cathedral in which and through which thousands and tens of thousands of teenagers from Romania will discover their passions, talents and values, making choices for their lives that eventually will turn them into persons of character in a society that we all want. So far, over 16,000 teenagers that took part of our educational programs, the dozens of teen volunteers who worked with us in the office or in the territory, the dozens of proposals and invitations from the media, businesses, education institutions, all encourage us to go forward and to continue our growth and impact. I eagerly await to live the moment in which I will admire, like the Notre Dame du Paris, the details, portraits, individual successful stories, refined educational programs which were built with ingenuity by a small but passionate team of people that managed to create for their country a true Școala de Valori in Romania. Ștefan Pălărie

I left there reflective but decided to loose myself in this state of mind and to continue to wonder the streets of Paris. The answer to my obsessive questions came after some hundreds of meters later after seeing the Saint Mary Parish on the Saint Martin Street, the Saint Etienne du Mont, then later Sainte Chappelle from the heart of the Île de la Cité. All these buildings had so much in common. I understood then that somehow Notre Dame du Paris is the most imposing and impressive result of hundreds of years of experience in architecture, construction, design and innovation. It was not built from scratch but it represents an improved version of a long line of good options continuously improved. "And what has this to do with Școala de Valori " will probably ask some readers. I believe that the overall activity developed by Școala de Valori in the last four years is the first version of an organization and a course of action in our 3

Școala de Valori


About us. Mission, Vision and Values

Școala de Valori is a nongovernmental modern non-profit organisation whose vision is to transform Romania into a society based on strong values and people of character.

We exist because Romania is a country that needs role models and we believe that the power of transformation of a society lies in the Youth EducationWe believe and promote: Integrity We keep our promises to ourselves and to others. We responsibly develop relationships based on trust and honesty with all of those we work with.

Trust At Școala de Valori we invest trust in youth and in nonformal education, in our staff and in our partners. We trust that Romania can be the country that we all want. Courage We do and say only what we believe to be correct. Giving young people values and character building motivates us to act with strength and courage. Freedom We do not indoctrinate people. We let young people to choose. We offer individual freedom to think. 4

Č˜coala de Valori


Our Timeline


Our Activities


Butterfly Event - Annual Partners Reunion

In March, we reunited 60 people who work in the business and education field, but also mass-media, and shared with them the tale of education in Romania using real teenagers’ stories. The whole event was built based on a game from the Butterfly Room (decorated with over 300 black butterflies), providing a different perspective into what it means to work for the future of Romanian teenagers. The challenge for those attending the event was a role play where each guest was asked to leave a mark in the Book of The Life of Ionuț, Ella, Aria, Mădă, Lory, Flo,

Doru and Ana, eight highschool students with real stories and a question: What does the Future bring? The guests found ingenious solutions to support teens in discovering and achieveing their potential with adults, or by helping each other through common activities. This game represented the foundation of a discussion about education in Romania and the ways in which we can make it better. This awareness event about education aimed to bring together those persons that support education of Romanian youth and Școala de Valori’s activities.


Our Activities



In the Autumn of 2013, our president participated at the Tranfăgărășan Marathon as a runner in this amazing sports competition. Ștefan story sounds like this:

to get to 21 km of mountain track), nor is the long term goal of my NGO in changing the youth education, which is not easy, but I intend to do it for more than 35 years.

“This year in July I turned 35 and I decided to run in a sports competition, more specific the half-marathon mountain competition of 21 km, on the 7th – 8th of September. I ran because I believe I can offer the highest value in the field of education and training of people with character among the younger generation.

Since I started running I can say that my world has changed! Every sign of encouragement, every kind word, every “you go, Ștefan!” made a big difference in my training for the race, but also there at the competition.

As this marathon is not like a run through the parks of Bucharest (although there I’m training for the flat 2-3 km

Along with the challenge of physical training, each runner had to participate at the competition for a cause and a lot of my friends, business partners or ordinary persons supported me as I managed to fundraise 120,8% of the

settled target, money that were invested in education projects. I ran to overcome myself and I also ran for 300 of young generation representatives who have before them a lifetime of self-improvement. Only this way, along with many young people exceeding their condition imposed of our environment, our nation will be able to overcome the given destiny of history.”


Our Activities



This workshop is a Kingdom simulation with costumes, time pressure and unique game mechanics. This helps participants internalize the importance of personal values, working together, assuming responsibility, leadership and getting out of the comfort zone. All of this while having fun and play role games. The Pendo workshop has two versions intended for teenegers or adults, both of them having the same main objective.

After this marvelous workshop in which we connected and had a lot of fun, the working environment within the company changed! I sensed that I discovered my role and I got to know my colleagues better by knowing each other’s values and way of acting in a team. Also, it had a great flow and trainers. Can’t wait to be part of another Č˜coala de Valori project! Maria Pendo participant from an IT company

Read more here


Our Activities



Our national youth development program, organized with AIESEC. It is addressed to high school students from 16 cities of Romania (age 14-18) and offers them a professionally designed educational curriculum to complement the formal education system. Through PRACTICE, LEARNing and STEPing UP, GROW project has a unique approach offering: • International Perspective, involving international student trainers, delivering workshops in English

I believe my trainers became role models for me! They taught me a lot of things and I just loved what they did. I saw their work and in a few years I want to do the same thing, be part of something really great and inspire. Right now I know exactly what my values are and I know that I should try to do my best because everything is possible if you work for it! Alexandra GROW participant from Bucharest

Being one of the trainers from GROW program was the most wonderful experience that could have happen to me. I loved every moment in Romania and for that I must thank the people who brought me here, organizers and students. This project has changed my life and has challenged my previous perspective about life. In Romania Rafael GROW trainer from Brazil

• Nationwide program with high accessibility of teenagers to educational centres • Professional curriculum designed on teen psychology, consulting professional and educational processes audited by an Educational Council • Long-term objective with a long unitary educational program of 5 years, aiming to impact 11,300 participants by 2015 • Expertise based on previous projects developed by Școala de Valori and AIESEC Read more here

Four years of partnership with GROW and Școala de Valori, were an opportunity to see the added value we can bring to high school students, and to change preconceptions by delivering unique courses to a new generation of leaders. It’s important that participants find this early in their life a professional way to make a decision when choosing a path and GROW facilitates this for our high school students in many cities.

So, this collaboration with GROW helps us to contribute at the development of youth employability nationwide. Adela Jansen Executive Director of HR BRD Groupe Societe Generale


Our Activities


Think Ahead

Formed by a series of three workshops, Think Ahead is a project based on a nonformal learning experience, in which high school students are tasked to go through a self-knowledge process.

having as objectives the development of some clearly defined life skills through interactive, non-formal activities and the shaping of some independent thinking teenagers who invest in their future.

The project includes the necessary amount and proportion of information and techniques designed for a learning process with medium and long term impact for teenagers: 40% theory, 30% experiential learning, 20% peer-to-peer learning and 10% learning exposure to role models.

The three workshops were:

The project responds to adolescents’ personal development needs,

1. Think about yourself – workshop about career orienting and life guidance 2. Argument – workshop about reasoning, decisionmaking processes and problem solving techniques 3. Pendo – workshop about personal values Read more here It was an innovative project! I came to understand some things about myself that I was missing or not wanted to see. I was able to communicate with people I hadn’t met any time and share with them the same values and expectations about life. Mircea Think Ahead Participant

It was a welcomed experience for me that helped me figure out my path, as I am in my senior year. It made me realize find my values, strengths, and my potential. If I could repeat this experience I would, it’s hard to express in words how important it was to discover myself through this project. Now I’m sure I’ll succeed in life! I hope that Școala de Valori will do what they are doing because it is extraordinary! Ana-Maria Think Ahead Participant


Our Activities


Drum Sigur

Starting from the well-known Alvin Toffler’ wise words: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”, we developed “Drum Sigur” project. The project set out with the objective of preparing students from technological high schools so they are able to acquire the vocational certificate that will provide them with job opportunities in their specialized field. “Drum Sigur” was implemented throughout the national project “Alegeți drumul” organized by the Ministry of Education. The innovation of the project

consists in associating each technical high school with an economic operator that supports the specialized training and offers students employment opportunities after the end of the program. For a period of two years, the project has, as an objective, ensuring of the continuity of production operations through acquisition of young technical high school graduate talents. By investing in the quality of technical education of the young generation, our team managed to develop a custom-made educational project for a group of technical high school (THS) students. The partnership has achieved all its objectives and had a great impact on students; they are seriously involved in the project. The project effectively impacted all beneficiaries as both teachers and students that were fully involved.

trainings held by Școala de Valori has developed in them a sense of responsibility, now students are punctual, they respect the program seriously and there were not reported any misconduct behaviors.

Second year vocational high school class was considered at the beginning a class problem, students showing inclinations toward misbehavior, high absenteeism and increasing dropout rate coming from disadvantaged and uneducated parents. The monthly practical

Trainings offered our students real opportunities to discuss and analyze various situations they will face in the labor market Ion Neagu Teacher and Director Mechanical High School Bucharest


Our Activities


Zentiva Express

The project aimed to respond the Zentiva company’s need to integrate in 2014 pharmaceutical production operators having technical abilities and growth potential, but also to teenagers’ need to experience a professional working environment. Zentiva Express adresses to 3rd year high school students from vocational high schools from Bucharest interested in future career in pharmaceutical production. In partnership with Zentiva S. A. Romania through this project we assume the role of delivering education to their own future professionals. Read more here Taking part to Zentiva Express program was the best and most beautiful experience I’ve had so far. Apart from being the first relevant step for my future career, this program represented that specific experience I needed in order to fully discover myself. Răzvan Zentiva Express Participant

Zentiva Express is a unique program that targets high school students and which brings, the first time in many years, our company closer to teenagers. We chose to contribute to the education of these young people and to develop a program tailored to our needs. As the pharmaceutical production operator profile is a very niche one, we aimed to create a bridge between generations by involving our seniors as mentors. Cătălina Marinescu HR & Services Manager, Zentiva


Our Activities



For 5 days teenagers from PiteČ™ti took part of Inventica project which offered them relevant education to support their development in the areas of: Innovation, Team work, Leadership and Entrepreneurship. The aim of the project was that in teams, participants had to create an invention (product / service) and then convince the jury of Euroaps and Č˜coala de Valori that the invention is useful and worth buying. Read more here

This was one of the best things that happened to me! First, I learned interesting things that certainly will help me in the future, in an extremely pleasant way. I made new friends, I developed my communication skills and now I know how to keep emotions under control and to have more confidence in myself. Andrei Inventica participant

It was a super cool project! I was able to overcome my fear of speaking in front of a jury, knowing that I would receive criticism. I learned that you can test your skill and confidence through only a few games which before seemed childish If I would have the chance to participate again in such a project, I would accept with great pleasure. Georgiana Inventica participant


Our Activities


Transmaraton - Gândește pentru tine

From the desire to educate as many teenagers as possible and to guide them when they are still in high school in an area in which later they can develop a career, in the summer of 2013 we had a solid fundraising campaign. With a team of 33 runners and the major sponsor SIEMENS company, we managed to raise donations of 55,000 RON for the “Gândește pentru Tine” workshop for teenagers by running at the Transfăgărașan Marathon 2013. The workshop took place in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Brașov and Pitești, where around 600 high schools students applied and more than half of them graduated the program. Read more here

Honestly, I cannot express in words the energy of these two days workshop and nothing compares to your own experience in such learning courses. I am convinced that what happened here is not accidental. You truly planted wonderful seeds in my soul and mind.

This workshop represented a big step I have made for my career. Now I know exactly who I am, what I want to do next and where am I going. Andrei participant

Ștefania participant


Our Activities

10 Adoptă un liceu During 2013-2016, five high schools from the countryside will benefit from team building programs, non-formal education for students, teachers and parents, constant involvement of the board of directors from a member of the business community, scholarships and internships and renovations of spaces. All is undertaken, led and implemented by students, teachers and parents through a continuous process of coaching. The program is developed from the past experiences of Č˜coala de Valori in partnership with the Ministry

of Education, Youth and Sports. Virtually anyone can have access to the methods used, to the analysis of the results, the elements of success of the program and also they can implement in the future the same method of helping a high school in their local community. All interviews and public interventions will be filmed and after these three years we will end up making a documentary film that will be made public on national television, presenting the story of those five high schools transformed. Read more here


Team work


The Values of Romanian Teenagers

This survey was answered by 10.066 GROW participants, aged between 14 and 19. For all teenagers, both first and second year of high school and third and fourth year of high school, the value of Honesty was on the first place and other 18 values were common for both groups. The only difference that appeared was with the values of Patience and Responsibility that are only for first and second year of high school students, and the values of Humor and Perseverance that are only for third and fourth year of high school students. Other differences occurred for the values of Friendliness and Sociability that were more popular for first and second year of high school students, and Love and Trust that were more popular for third and fourth year of high school students.

The importance of other values was approximate the same for both groups of high school students. Comparing to the top 20 of 2012, in 2013 appeared values like Friendship, Honesty, Trust, Patience, and Working. Values Honor, Education, Communication, Courage and Caring were no longer found in the top 20 of 2013, with a low frequency of occurrence. The major change occurred between 2012 and the results obtained in 2013, was entering in the top 20 the value Honesty, this winning, too, the highest frequency of occurrence.


Team work


Decalogue of The Passionate and Performant Teenager

There is neither a definition of young talent, nor a sketch to identify them all, but there are things they have in common. For each teenager, the source of self-confidence and his passions, but also the roots of his performance, lie in the family. Therefore, it is important to support learning and to understand teenagers who seek themselves through several activities, friends, online and offline. This guide offers 10 Commandments part of the EUROEDU research conducted with 30 performing and passionate high school students from Bucharest.


Team work


Financial Summary 2013 23%







Educational Products

54,9% Corporate Engagement

56% Social Engagement


Team work


Our Team

Creating Values That Last 19

Team work




We have accomplished all of this together. Thank you for supporting the projects started by Scoala de Valori


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