Raport "Drum sigur" - editia a patra (2016 - 2017)

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drum sigur spre o


Evaluation report for the 4 th edition (2016 - 2017)

At present, only 20% of Romanian students choose to go to a technical high school or learn arts and crafts. At the same time, companies all across the country face a severe lack of qualified individuals due to the workforce exodus that took place over the last 20 years. However, aside from national and international studies, we have teenagers who are looking to pave the way towards a future job and this quest becomes increasingly difficult in a country where school fills them up with theory without giving them a hint of the skills they need to master in order to work efficiently with other people and to form strong teams. With Drum Sigur, we want to stir the waters and create lasting change in this regard.

Drum Sigur is the project through which Școala de Valori and Carmeuse help Romanian teenagers rediscover their innate Toate fotografiile, imaginile și declarațiile folosite în acest document au fost publicate cu acordul scris prealabil al subiecților și/sau al reprezentanților legali ai acestora. Școala de Valori este înscrisă la Autoritatea Națională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal (ANSPDCP), în registrul de evidență a prelucrărilor de date cu caracter personal, sub nr. 27171.

Editing, Design and English translation by Bogdan V. Hotea | bogdanhotea.com Photos by Lucian Cerbu, Tiberiu Andrei, Cristina Cojocaru, Florin Ofileanu and Valentin Duminică ©Școala de Valori 2016


potential, gain trust in their abilities and use said abilities to pave the way towards a future job. During this program, students from partner high schools take part in personal development workshops and maths workshops centered on nonformal education and then undergo professional practice in Carmeuse locations all across the country.

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Școala de Valori

02 04 06 08 12 14 16 18

About the project Objectives Location Structure Elements of success First edition | highlights Second edition | highlights Third edition | highlights

20 22 24 26 30 34 38 42 48 50

52 56

Current Edition | 4th edition Student Highlights Soft Sklills workshops overview Statistics for Câmpulung Statistics for Simeria Statistics for Târgoviște Maths workshops overview Work placement overview What students say What the mentors from Carmeuse say

Meet the Carmeuse team Meet the team at Școala de Valori


o b j ect i v es

Identify talented teens

Build their character

Develop their technical skills


We want to identify young people that not only have a passion for electromechanics, but also the attitude and values that would make them fit within the culture of Carmeuse.

Participants identify their personal values and take the first step towards continuous personal development through the nonformal education workshops delivered by Č˜coala de Valori.

The employees at Carmeuse become mentors for the students, teaching them the ins and outs of their job through theoretical workshops, as well as apprenticeships on the factory floor that take place every week for the entire school year.

Drum Sigur | powered by Č˜coala de Valori & Carmeuse

Students see a different approach to learning. They see a different kind of maths teacher. They see maths as something grounded in real life. They see specialists interested in them developing their skills. They learn by doing, supervised by mentors. They evolve into adults with lots of work experience and character.


lo cati o n Drum Sigur was implemented for 2 years in Fieni, Dâmbovița county. Starting from 2015, the project has expanded to three new locations with important Carmeuse communities, namely Câmpulung, Târgoviște and Simeria.

„Aurel Rainu” Technical High School Fieni, Dâmbovița Câmpulung Technical College Câmpulung, Argeș

Simeria Câmpulung

Fieni Târgoviște


„Anghel Saligny” Technical College Simeria, Hunedoara „Voievodul Mircea” Nr. 2 High School Târgoviște, Dâmbovița

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Școala de Valori


st ru c tu r e Drum Sigur is an educational program specially designed for high school students in the 10 th and 11 th grades from technical high schools throughout Romania. Currently, the program is at its fourth edition.

1 st E d i t i o n 2013 - 2014


2 nd E d i t i o n 2014 - 2015


3 rd E d i t i o n

4 th E d i t i o n







2015 - 2016

Târgoviște 8

2016 - 2017

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori


participants over 4 editions 9

st ru c tu r e Introductory visit students visit the Carmeuse plants and find out some details about the project

nonformal education technical apprenticeships on-the-job learning


project opening

Nonformal education 9-15 days of nonformal education workshops throughout the school year

2-5 days of maths workshops scattered throughout the school year

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori


Research & evaluation

an edition is structured

Mentor training 1 day of workshops meant to help the mentors create an apprenticeship program tailored to the students’ needs

we analyze the data gathered from formal or informal feedback in order to improve the quality of Drum Sigur Apprenticeship program

6 hours / day 1-2 hours / week

students gain work experience at the Carmeuse plants throughout the school year

project closing


e l e me n ts o f s u ccess

1 2 3

wo r k p l ac e m e n t f o r st u d e n ts i n ca r meuse factories

n o n f ormal education wo r ks hops centered on the d eve lo pment of sof t skills

f u n m aths workshops with e x a mp les anchored in reality Here at Č˜coala de Valori, we believe that building a successful career is a process that requires one small step at a time. As such, the students that took part in Drum Sigur benefited from math workshops focused on nonformal education that ensured they understand basic mathematic principles in a fun and relaxed environment. This initiative is called Atelierele Plus (en. Math Plus) and was implemented by Silvia Bogdan - trainer at Č˜coala de Valori - and math teacher Marian ChiČ›u.


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori


apprenticeship guides mentors and students


turning high schools into best practice examples


In order for students to get the most out of their apprenticeship at Carmeuse and end up with knowledge that will propel them towards a successful career, we decided to create an apprenticeship guide for each participant. Moreover, the mentors also received a version of this document featuring tips and tricks on how to communicate with teenagers in order to guide them towards achieving their full potential.

By implementing the project in 4 different locations in Romania at the same time, we not only increase the visibility of the project, but also prove that it’s possible to connect technical high schools to the realities of the job market. Thus, the high schools where Drum Sigur is implemented become best practice examples, showing interested parties that close partnerships between the public education sector and private businesses is beneficial for Romania.


f i rst e d it i o n

15 4 16 1 338

h ighlights

days of soft skills workshops Carmeuse mentors for the work placement stages participating students

The second edition of Drum Sigur was held in Fieni again, at the „Aurel Rainu” Technical High School. Just like in the first edition, our nonformal education workshops took place between the periods of apprenticeship and focused on improving teamwork, discovering one’s potential and developing solid personal values.

partner high school hours spent in the factory

1 st e d i ti o n 2013 - 2014 14


During the nonformal education workshops delivered by Școala de Valori, participants made their first steps towards discovering and cementing their personal values, they worked together in teams and they learned to communicate their ideas.

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori


s eco n d e d i ti o n




days of soft skills workshops


Carmeuse mentors for the work placement stages

15 1 284

participating students

The second edition of Drum Sigur was held in Fieni again, at the „Aurel Rainu” Technical High School. Just like in the first edition, our nonformal education workshops took place between the periods of apprenticeship and focused on improving teamwork, discovering one’s potential and developing solid personal values.

partner high school hours spent in the factory

greater emphasis on developping communication

2 n d e d i ti o n 2014 - 2015 16

and collaboration skills

Aside from helping participants discovering their values, we wanted the second edition of Drum Sigur to have an additional component. As such, we built on the experience of the previous edition and offered participants the chance to learn how to communicate effectively with other people.

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

Today, I learned what my values are, I learned that it’s not ok to judge people. I also learned how to better communicate with my team mates and a few tricks on how to save my money. Alex - participant 17

t h i r d e d i ti o n

36 4 80 4 1085


days of soft skills workshops Carmeuse mentors for the work placement stages participating students partner high schools

Because of the positive feedback received from the participants, mentors and trainers, we decided, together with Carmeuse, to replicate the success of Drum Sigur in 3 additional locations in Romania where Carmeuse has an established community presence: Târgoviște, Simeria and Câmpulung. We also implemented a system to track the progress made by students during the apprenticeship and nonformal education workshops in order to help Carmeuse representatives easily spot teenagers with high potential for employment.

hours spent in the factory

3 r d e d i ti o n 2015 - 2016 18


Carmeuse mentors undergo a training session with trainers from Școala de Valori before they receive the students into the factory. The aim of this session is to help the future mentors understand the particularities of the new generations and grasp a few techniques that will make working with them easier.

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

85 % of participants claim that the project fulfilled all their initial expectations (i.e. to take part in interesting activities from which they can learn something useful)

We are very pleased with the project so far as we’ve all learned to better cooperate with the people around us. We got a few life lessons and some milestones to guide ourselves by. Bogdan - participant 19

cu rren t e d iti o n 20

80+ 8 42 4 12 10 8

hours of soft skills workshops Carmeuse mentors for the work placement stages

4 t h edition


october 2016 Project opening 1st soft skills workshops

participating students

1st maths workshops 1st week in the Carmeuse plant

partner high schools students in the factory in Câmpulung

2nd soft skills workshops

students in the factory in Fieni

2nd week in the Carmeuse plant

2nd maths workshops

students in the factory in Simeria

4 t h e d i ti on 2016 - 2017

1 visit to the factory for assessing the students progress report

july 2017

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

The 4th edition of Drum Sigur builds on the success of the previous editions by adding a full week of non formal education workshops (soft skills and applied maths) and one full week in Carmeuse plants each semester. With this structure, students get to learn more from the Carmeuse mentors and also get to meet a different type of approach to learning thanks to the trainers of Č˜coala de Valori. 21

f o u rt h e d i ti o n


student highlights

” s r a e f r u o e “We overcam

I realize now that I successfully made a change in my life - every morning, I manage to get up before the alarm rings and go to school, whereas before I only woke up after I heard the alarm. Ever since I understood that change begins right now, I thought about changing things in my life and I want to get to school earlier to learn new things. I view going to school in a different light and I am more confident in my abilities.

Emanuel Tont participant from Simeria 22

te a e r c o t w o h “We learned .” t e g d u b l a n o a p e rs

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori I learned that either you make your own plan, or someone else will plan your life for you. I learned that unity, collaboration and teamwork are the key to success and that our thoughts can shape our destiny, if we manage to put them into practice.


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


sof t skills workshops

Abilities improved through the soft skills workshops. Teamwork and collaboration

We facilitated the bonding of participants through group activities with strict deadlines which required them to delegate tasks and improve their efficiency.

Active listening and communication

Students took part in exercises through which they learned how to craft speeches and received feedback on improving their public speaking.

Personal efficiency

The teenagers learned to better organize their work spaces, to schedule their activities using tools such as to-do lists and to monitor their diets all the way to success.

Adaptability and decision making


Students learned to adapt to difficult situations and make decisions in the heat of the moment through fast-paced exercises such as them building a hydraulic robot arm.

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

We worked as a team and we learned about money and how to overcome our fears. I think this project helps us think things through and be more creative - I can’t wait for us to construct the robotic arm tomorrow. Robert - participant 25

f o u rt h e d i ti o n


stats for câ mpulung


53.8% 15.4% 30.8%

more than half of the participants like working in a team quite well one sixth of the participants neither like, nor dislike working in a team a third of the participants like working in a team really well




% 8 . 30

before the project

after the project

Most of the students in Câmpulung say they enjoy working in a team more after Drum Sigur, with more than half of them saying that they find it easy to express their thoughts, ideas and opinions in a team. Unlike at the start of the project, when about 63% of the teenagers stated that they can easily work with other people, the precentage dropped to 30%, which shows that the students better understand the difficulties of working with other people and the compromises one has to make when working in a team.

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

69.3% of participants say that, after taking part in this edition of Drum Sigur, they

can persuade others to follow their lead.

Before the project, 91% of the students stated the same fact, which shows that they became more aware of the complexity of the techniques required to persuade others.


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


stats for câ mpulung


before the project

after the project

20% organize their time very well

30.8% organize their time very well

40% organize their time quite well

38.5% organize their time quite well

40% organize their time neither well, nor poorly

30.8% organize their time neither well, nor poorly


68% said they were very useful 9% said they were quite useful 0% said they were “so and so” 9% said they weren’t that useful 18% said they weren’t useful at all


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

92.3% of participants say that, after taking part in this edition of Drum Sigur, they can

easily present their thoughts to others


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


stats for simeria


half of the participants like working in a team quite well





36% of the participants neither like, nor dislike working in a team 14% of the participants don’t like working in a team that well


13.3% before the project


% 6 . 28 after the project

Most of the students in Simeria say they enjoy working in a team more after Drum Sigur, with 69% of them saying that they find it easy to express their thoughts, ideas and opinions in a team. According to data colected before and after the project, the students in Simeria think they can work just as easy in a team after the project as they did before the project began. After the project, the percentage of students which declared that they are confident in themselves grew to 93%, as opposed to only 75.2% before the project.

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

64% of participants say that, after taking part in this edition of Drum Sigur, they

can persuade others to follow their lead.

Before the project, 69% of the students stated the same fact, which shows that they became more aware of the complexity of the techniques required to persuade others.


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


stats for simeria


before the project

after the project

6.3% organize their time very well

21.4% organize their time very well

43.8% organize their time quite well

50% organize their time quite well

25% organize their time neither well, nor poorly

14.3% organize their time neither well, nor poorly

24.9% organize their time poorly or very poorly

14.2% organize their time poorly or very poorly


79% said they were very useful 14% said they were quite useful 0% said they were “so and so” 7% said they weren’t that useful 0% said they weren’t useful at all


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

57% of participants say that, after taking part in this edition of Drum Sigur, they can

easily present their thoughts to others


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


stats for târgoviște


77.8% 22.2%

almost 4 out of 5 participants like working in a team quite well

22% of the participants neither like, nor dislike working in a team


50% before the project


33.3% after the project

4 out of 5 students in Târgoviște say they enjoy working in a team more after Drum Sigur, with 77% of them saying that they find it easy to express their thoughts, ideas and opinions in a team. If, before the project, 66% of the students stated that it is very hard to work with other people, only 33% declared the very same thing after the project, which shows that the exercises during the project helped them overcome their fears and facilitated their adjustment to a team-working environment.

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori


of participants say that, after taking part in this edition of Drum Sigur, they

can persuade others to follow their lead.

Before the project, only 49% of the students stated the same fact, which shows that they became more relaxed when speaking in public and have assimilated some of the persuasion techniques taught in the workshops.


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


stats for târgoviște


before the project

after the project

33.3% organize their time very well

55.6% organize their time very well

0% organize their time quite well

33.3% organize their time quite well

50% organize their time neither well, nor poorly

11.1% organize their time neither well, nor poorly

16.7% organize their time poorly or very poorly

0% organize their time poorly or very poorly


100% said they were very useful 0% said they were quite useful 0% said they were “so and so” 0% said they weren’t that useful 0% said they weren’t useful at all


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

88.9% of participants say that, after taking part in this edition of Drum Sigur, they can

easily present their thoughts to others


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


maths workshops overview

TOPICS COVERED Proportions We talked about the age of the Universe, the Earth and the Moon, putting all the data into proportions in order to find out the value of an unknown element.

Calculating surfaces We talked about distances and measurement units, then figured out how to calculate the surface and diameter of a circle, as well as calculating the surface and perimeter of irregular shapes.


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

Ancient mathematicians We discussed the story of Eratosthenes, an Ancient Greek mathematician that calculated the circumference of the Earth using just a stick and his brainpower, trying to figure out how he did it. We also discussed Pithagoras and Aristotle to see if we can still use their knowledge today.

The Rule of Three We brought the Rule of Three closer to students by using it in real-life situations such as buying something from the store or figuring out the amount of paint one would need for a wall.


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


maths workshops overview

TOPICS COVERED Volumes Students had to calculate the volume of the room they were in and then they were tasked with calculating how much power an AC would need in order to cool it down.

Arithmetic sequences We helped students better understand arithmetic and geometric sequences by reenacting the ways in which chess pieces move on a chess board.


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

Probabilities With the help of a pair of dice, students had to calculate the odds of them rolling the same number twice in a row. Then, we talked about the wider implications of probabilities and the industry built them.

Unit conversions We converted from Celsius to Kelvin and Fahrneheit in order to find out the temperatures of Venus and Mercury, then we tried to find out the distance between two islands in feet, inches, sea miles and land miles.


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


work placement overview

WHY WORK PLACEMENT IS IMPORTANT The main purpose of Drum Sigur helping students figure out exactly what career options they have and what working in a factory means so that they can make an informed decision upon graduating from a technical high school. Carmeuse was involved in this project not only with its assets and production facilities, but also with human resources that were the students’ mentors throughout their apprenticeship program. As such, students could learn a craft from seasoned professionals. 42

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

5 out of 5

apprentices claim that they liked the tasks they had to perform in the factories1


of apprentices believe that this experience will help them in the future2

1, 2 - According to evaluation forms given by Č˜coala de Valori to the students carrying out their practice at the plants in Simeria, Câmpulung and Fieni in December 2015.


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


work placement du ring the

WHAT STUDENTS WERE TASKED WITH THIS EDITION: All activities during the work placement period were conducted with the students being supervised by Carmeuse mentors at all times. Students were split into two teams, mechanical and electrical, then learned to disassemble and reassemble an electric gear motor. In the process, they found out more about the components of a gear moto, learned to properly measure them and saw how they all fit together into a working mechanism.


4 t h edition

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori Although it might not seem like much of a task to a trained professional, this was a beautiful first step towards the students being able to repair full-scale industrial machinery of the sort, as the smallscale model doesn’t differ by much from the large-scale model in use in the factory.

all students in all locations

claim that the things they did while working in the Carmeuse factories will prove very useful for their future career


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


work placement du ring the

4 t h edition



Students began with disassembling and reassembling motors and gear motors, a process during which they learned about the different components of each item and analyzed their usage.The students also learned what tools they can use to measure the different components of an item - ruler, caliper, ampermeter, voltmeter etc.



Elements studied:

the gear motor was disassembled, the parts were cleaned, the wear was identified, measurements were made on the components (with calipers), the type of oil used in the gearmotor was analyzed (type of oil used, oil level), different types screws, nuts and threads were put in their rightful places, students drew sketches of the components (gears, shafts, housings), the gear motor was reassembled

reductor, gears, shafts, cases, bolts, screws, threads, oil analysis, measuring with calipers, reading sketches of the components


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

TEAM ELECTRICAL Elements studied:


how electric motors work, control and signaling equipment (electric panels), cross section of an electric motor, calculating the differetnt parameters that influence the rotation of an electric motor, bearings, rotor, stator, coils.

The electric motor was disassembled, the bearings were identified, the rotor and stator construction was analyzed, the winding measurements were taken, the motor was cleaned, then it was reassembled and the exterior was given a fresh coat of paint


The second stage of the work placement had students centralizing all gathered data about the studied elements and researching types of gear engines and gear engine producers online. After doing a practical experiment on running a gear motor, they had to present their findings to the mentors.

BOTH TEAMS Had to create a working electrical circuit and control panel which would enable them to control the movements of a gear motor.


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


what students say

All of us who participated in this project learned very nice things. We learned how to work as a team, how to manage our money, we talked about what it’s like to work in different fields and we chatted about life in general. It was a nice week.

Gabriel 4th edition participant


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

The activities during the workshops helped us expand our thinking and develop some abilities we always had, but weren’t always aware we had them. At the factory, all tasks were well thought out. The mentors showed us around the entire factory right from the get-go and taught us how to do everything they do.

Robert 3rd edition participant


f o u rt h e d i ti o n


what the mentors say

I highly appreciate their effort because they gave up on their free time (during school breaks) to come to the factory. I think they understood that this experience would help them in the future.

DragoČ™ Nistor Carmeuse mentor Mechanical Maintenance Manager


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

It was a pleasure working with the students; they became an active part of my production team. Some even proved their worth as good team leaders, taking responsibility both for themselves and their colleagues. I hope this project will continue and that some of the participants will join our team here at Carmeuse.

Costel Nicu Carmeuse mentor Production Manager


pa rt n ers


m e e t the carmeuse team

Mihaela Obeada HR Specialist communication & development

Carmeuse Romania is part of the Belgian conglomerate Carmeuse, a worldwide leader on the lime production market with over 140 years of experience in extracting and processing limestone and producing derived products for both commercial and industrial clients. Carmeuse has had an important presence in Romania since 2000, having its local headquarters in BraČ™ov and boasting three production plants in Câmpulung, Fieni and Deva.

Albert Sala

Plant Manager, Câmpulung & Fieni

Daniel Stoi

Plant Manager, Deva


Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

The changes generated by our Drum Sigur programme might seem insignificant on the surface, but we deeply believe in them echoing for the long term. These teenagers will take what they learned during the non formal education workshops with Č˜coala de Valori and during the hours worked in Carmeuse plants all across Romania and use this knowledge to lead better lives. We saw tremendous gratitude on their part and we too are grateful to them for being involved in the program. We are glad to see that they are one step closer to finding their way through life. The teenagers today will have to support tomorrow's economy, so it's our duty as well to train them for life and the job market. We will continue to support the Drum Sigur program by extending it to other high schools and crafts' schools in communities close to our production centers. We also plan to launch new programs dedicated to the teachers as well, helping them better prepare students for the future.

Lorena Felder HR BP 53

pa rt n ers


m e e t the carmeuse mentors

Dragoș Nistor

Mentor, Fieni Mechanical Maintenance Manager

Vasile Rizea

Mentor, Fieni Team Leader


Cătălin Ionescu

Mentor, Câmpulung & Fieni Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance Manager

Silviu Botezatu

Mentor, Fieni Production Manager

Dan Isache

Mentor, Câmpulung Mechanical Maintenance Manager

Costel Nicu

Mentor, Câmpulung Production Manager

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Școala de Valori

Traian Andrei

Mentor, Deva Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance Manager

Ion Tudor

Mentor, Câmpulung Team Leader

Sandu Radu

Mentor, Deva Electrical Maintenance Manager

Marius Mihăeș

Mentor, Deva Production Manager

Florin Ghita Mentor, Deva Team Leader


pa rt n ers


m e e t the team at școala de valori

Silvia Bogdan Head of Corporate Engagement & Trainer

Școala de Valori is a modern nongovernmental and non-profit organization whose vision is to transform Romania into a balanced, trustworthy and daring society. As such, we aim to shape the character of young people and create a community of independent teenagers who work together guided by values, ethics and responsability.

Florin Ofileanu Trainer

Cristina Cojocaru Trainer


Marian Chițu Math Teacher Maverick

Valentin Duminică Trainer

Drum Sigur | powered by Carmeuse and Č˜coala de Valori

This is the second year I've worked with these teens and I'm very proud of how they're evolving. It's hard to describe what it actually means to work with students from technical high schools. You have to experience it for yourself. They have a very practical type of intelligence. So what if they don't know a math formula? That can be taught. They're much better at immediately using the theory they've learned. After all, that's what life is all about - using what you have to its full potential. That's what we aimed at teaching them during our non formal sessions and maths workshops - and they now seem more interested in learning stuff in school. They grow fast - from teens, to almost adults, ready to face life's challenges. Some have already been working for years, but still have that child-like innocence in their eyes. They like playing, being competitive and building stuff, but they also like their work to be appreciated, to be told that they can do things, to be believed in. This is our role here - to support them until they can ride without the training wheels. I believe in their potential - that's why I come back to them year after year. Their ambition is contagious.

Tiberiu Andrei Project Manager 57

drum sigur spre o


A project which gives meaning to high school students and helps them transition to adults. It shows them that they can surpass their limits and that they have the potential to squeeze more out of life. Drum Sigur is the project in which you can see the personalities of high school teens blossom and evolve. Cristina Cojocaru trainer on the 4th edition

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