Raport evaluare zentiva express 2013

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Zentiva Express 2013 „The best recruitment and selection project for 2012” HR CLUB Awards, 2013

Project Summary About Zentiva Express II Project phases Impact and results Media exposure Testimonials

Zentiva Express 2013 Recognised by the Romanian HR Community, HR CLUB, as „The best recruitment and selection project for 2012”, Zentiva Express is an initiative which aims to respond to the company’s need to integrate in 2014 pharmaceutical production operators having technical abilities and growth potential. After a successful start, the second edition of the project came both as a best practice and a challenge to overcome last year’s results.

Zentiva Express 2013 The ideal candidate was identified as: 3rd year student @ technical highschool good communicator having technical abilities team player study profile: chemistry, mecanics, electromecanics, mecatronics, electrical engineering, automatics, science.

Project Phases Promotion campaign and Applications collection Group interviews and Selection Zentiva Express Summer School Zentiva Express Internship 1 Year Scholarships Employment opportunities after graduation

Impact and Results


Promotion campaign and Applications collection Starting mai 2013, 19 technical and vocational high schools and 1 medical school in Bucharest were approached. 248 students applied for the opportunity (166% of KPI), 2.5 times the no. of applicants of the 1st edition. Total Reach: 470 high school students

*Please find here more information about media exposure.

Impact and Results


Group interviews and Selection - June 12-21st Group interviews with Zentiva’s HR representatives were organized at the company’s premises. 144 students took part to interviews (118% of KPI), out of which 55 were selected for the next phase.

Impact and Results


Zentiva Express Summer School (1/2) Zentiva Express Summer School, 1st-5th of July, was conceived as an educational experience for the students involved in Zentiva Express Program, whose objectives were both personal development and evaluation.

Impact and Results


Zentiva Express Summer School (2/2) The personal development sessions for the 53 finalists were delivered by Scoala de Valori, one of the top 3 educational organizations in Romania that provides character building experiences for teenagers! The curriculum aimed to identify and develop the following skills and competencies: Communication Interpersonal skills Creativity Dexterity Teamwork 5 days fully customized agenda, 8 trainers and assistants, an event manager, coaching one -onone, these were only part of the resources invested in this program.

Impact and Results


Zentiva Express Internship – 2nd-6th of September The 33 finalists participated to a one week internship in Zentiva Romania production plant. The 3 areas where activities took place were: Solid Dosage Forms Packing Maintenance 9 mentors were involved in the program from within the organisation.

Results: The final evaluation revealed the 15 high school students who will benefit from a one year scholarship and the possibility to become Zentiva employees in 2015.

Media exposure – direct promo Presentations in 19 technical and vocational high schools and 1 medical school

Direct interaction with 470 students 248 high school students applied for the opportunity 35 online applications

Media exposure – online & offline

Media exposure – exclusive chanels Dedicated section on http://scoaladevalori.ro/proiecte/zentiva-express/

Dedicated Facebook campaign: Facebook page – 133 likes Closed group for the Summer School participants Facebook badges campaign

Testimonials Zentiva Express


We are aware that education is essential in teenagers’ personal and professional development. We chose to become partners with organizations and institutions that care about the future of Romanian youth and to develop at their side educational projects which give high school students the opportunity to acquire technical knowledge, but also to discover and develop themselves as people - with personal values ​ aligned with those of a company that shows respect for life, for health, with responsibility and dedication. We consider oursleves a practical school, where people who appreciate work develop, a place where there is investment in people, encouraging innovation and performance. Angela POSDĂRĂSCU, Manager Resurse Umane, Operaţiuni Industriale Zentiva. Zentiva Express is a unique program that targets high school students and which brings, the first time in many years, our company closer to teenagers. We chose to contribute to the education of these young people and to develop a program tailored to our needs. As the pharmaceutical production operator profile is a very niche one, we aimed to create a bridge between generations by involving our seniors as mentors. Cătălina MARINESCU, HR & Services Manager, Operaţiuni Industriale Zentiva

Testimonials Zentiva Express


Zentiva Express is a project that has noticeably changed the young participants. They have more confidence in themselves, are more aware of the importance of a job well done, of work responsibility and teamwork. Those young people, involved, curious and competitive, managed to impress through skills and determination. After the final results, most of the participants expressed their intent to apply for a job at Zentiva after graduation. Larisa ȘERBAN, Project Manager, Școala de Valori While attending the program this year I experienced two very strong feelings. On one hand I admit I was nostalgic after ZENTIVA EXPREESS first edition and its participants, (they say you never forget your first love). Knowing these days that the participants from last year now have the first days of being employees of ZENTIVA is really a dream coming true. But my second feeling was PRIDE. I was continuously proud to see that this year we have extended every single indicator – partnering high schools, applicants, participants, number of session. We communicated loudly outside the project, we had press releases and we had even a business journalist (Financial Newspaper) attending the closing ceremony of the project. We took the lessons from 2012 and we kept on improving what we delivered for all the parts involved – we included personal coaching sessions, deep conversations with the participants, advanced learning processes. I need to admit: in the end the PRIDE overcame the first edition NOSTALGIA because ZENTIVA EXPRESS 2013 was larger, better and more impactful. Ștefan PĂLĂRIE, President, Școala de Valori

Testimonials Zentiva Express


I would like to thank Zentiva and our mentors for helping me achieve all the knowledge I have achieved during the 5 days spent in the production area. After high school graduation, I have a strong desire to come back to Zentiva, this time as an employee. Camelia LEAHU, Participant, Zentiva Express 2013

Taking part to Zentiva Express program was the best and most beautiful experience I’ve had so far. Apart from being the first relevant step for my future career, this program represented that specific experience I needed in order to fully discover myself. Răzvan VRÎNCEANU, Participant, Zentiva Express 2013 Zentiva Express Summer School was a life-changing experience. I got to know myself better, I learned and experienced new things, I met new people. I loved it! Gheorghe ACASANDREI, Participant, Zentiva Express 2013

About Scoala de Valori The School of Values is a modern non-governmental organization that aims to contribute to the develop of a value based society in Romania through innovative education. The organization’s mission is to push the boundaries of traditional education by efficiently providing individuals with valuable information, powerful shaping experiences, interaction with role models and international exposure in order to increase personal accountability and control over life choices. The primarily beneficiary target group is represented by high school students. Our values:

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