Raport ME project 2013-2015

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Overview 4 Objectives 5 Structure 6 Train the Trainers 7 Stage 1 8 1.1 Men of Steel 8 Agenda 9 Feedback 10 1.2 Dreaming forward 11 Agenda 12 Outline 14 Feedback 18 Stage 2 20

2.1 The road ahead


Agenda 21 Feedback 23

2.2 The hero’s journey


Outline 26 Feedback 30

Impact analysis 32 What our team says


What our partners say


Project partners 44

3 years

OVER VIE W ME project is a non-formal education program designed by Scoala de Valori, Strauss Group Romania and World Vision Romania for underprivileged Romanian teenagers in hopes of shedding some light on their personal and professional development. During the 3 years of the program, a total of 127 high school students from both rural and urban areas took part in 14 non-formal education workshops in which they learned to identify and capitalize on their personal values, boost their self-esteem and develop a set of important abilities which would help them throughout their lives: teamwork, problem solving, public speaking, self-management, critical thinking and interpersonal communication. The workshops were designed to include 30% theory and 70% practice, enabling the participants to learn by doing.

127 teenagers

14 workshops

Countless new perspectives


OBJEC TIVES A rigid educational system and the lack of educational reforms have left Romanian teenagers in dire need of role models, people that would help them make sense of the world around them and enable them to shape their future by unlocking their true potential. In order to help them in their time of need, we designed ME Project, a long-term self-improvement program with the following objectives: • Allowing teenagers to identify their personal values • Increasing self-awareness • Boosting self-esteem • Helping teenagers develop a set of skills which are crucial in today’s job market: teamwork, interpersonal communication, problem solving, public speaking, self-management, time management, critical thinking • Enabling teenagers to successfully face the challenges that lie ahead (such as the Baccalaureate exam)


STRUC TURE ME project was split into two major stages, each covering the length of one school year. In turn, each stage featured a 2-day event in which the participants were hand-picked by World Vision Romania and a series of 6 non-formal education workshop sessions provided by the trainers at Școala de Valori. Each new step of the program had different groups of participating students.

Men of Steel June Stage 1

20 students

2-day event with students picked by World Vision Romania

2013 - 2014 Dreaming forward October - March

40 students

A series of 6 non-formal education workshop sessions with students from the “Nicolae Teclu” Technological High School in Bucharest and the “Ion Ghica” Theoretical High School in Răcari.

The road ahead June Stage 2

30 students

2-day event with students picked by World Vision Romania

2014 - 2015 The hero’s journey October - March

37 students

A series of 6 non-formal education workshop sessions with students from the “Ion Ghica” Theoretical High School in Răcari. 6


Strauss Romania happily embraced the idea of a project that would help young minds navigate the paths that lie ahead in their personal and professional lives. As such, the company gathered a group of 11 volunteers who decided to dedicate their time and energy to the success of ME project. However, before the volunteers got to roll up their sleeves and work together with the teenagers and the trainers from Școala de Valori, they took part in a “Train the Trainers” event. During this event, the Strauss Group volunteers were given a complete rundown of what Școala de Valori stands for, as well as the goals and structure of ME project. They received comprehensive training on the various techniques used to sway today’s teenagers, with a special focus on presentation and facilitation skills. At the end of the event, they transitioned from individuals to a well-bound team ready to serve as the ambassadors of Strauss Group in helping teenagers make sense of the realities that surround them. 7



M en of Ste e l

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ME project kicked off on June 27, 2013 with a 2-day event involving a group of 20 high school students from Urziceni (city in Ialomita County, Romania) and the surrounding areas. The students were hand-picked by World Vision Romania based on their academic performance and the current status of their families, most of them belonging to families with financial struggles or single-parent households. The first day of the event started early in the morning, as the students were welcomed by a smiling team of volunteers and trainers ready to take them to Bucharest so that they would experience just how life is like in a big city. Once they arrived, they hopped into 7 hours of non-formal education workshops:

They gained unique insights into the process of coffee production at the Strauss factory – The students got to see how coffee beans are roasted, processed and packaged into the coffee bought and enjoyed by millions of people. They went to see a 3D movie – Students saw “Man of Steel”, a 3D movie about the origins of Superman. At the end of the day, students were asked to think about what having superpowers would mean in our daily lives. Some of their answers were truly surprising. For example, one student said that his superpower would be seeing through walls, and that, in his daily life, this would translate to looking forward no matter the obstacles. They went bowling – Most of the students have never been bowling before, so this experience was entirely new to them. They visited the “Grigore Antipa” Natural History Museum – On the second day of the event, students visited The Human Body Exhibition at the “Grigore Antipa” Natural History Museum and discovered how the human body works. 4 hours of non-formal training – Students learned the importance of values, responsibility and sharing one’s personal opinions.




M en of Ste e l

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Agenda Departure from Urziceni

8:00 AM

Non-formal education workshop

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Visit to a factory owned by Strauss Group

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

3D movie

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Dinner in the “Regie” Student Complex

8:30 PM - 11:30 PM


10:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Reflection seminar

12:00 AM - 1:00 AM

Visit to the “Grigore Antipa” Natural History Museum 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Non-formal education workshop Closing ceremony. Departure towards Urziceni

2:00 PM - 5:30 PM 6:00 PM

Day 1

Day 2




M en of Ste e l

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Feedback On analyzing the feedback forms received from the participants at the end of the event, we found that 78% of the participants feel like they have a better understanding of themselves, while 35% declared that they feel more confident as a result of the training sessions. 90% of the participants found the difficulty level of the training sessions to be appropriate.

feel more confident

have a better understanding of their future

Only 20% of the participants would like to make changes to the event agenda, half of them stating that they would like the training sessions to last longer.

15% found the difficulty level of the training sessions appropriate

60% of the participants stated that they have learned and experienced new things during ME project. 15% of them have identified their personal values, all while 15% of the students declared that they have a better understanding of their future.

have a better understanding of themselves

78% 10


90% have identified their personal values


would like the training sessions to last longer


STAGE 1.1 M en of Ste e l

“ “ “


e 20 13

We’ve experienced lots of new things: we saw how coffee is made, how the human body works, we saw a 3D movie and we went bowling. It was a fun and interesting experience. I enjoyed working in teams. I think we all had a great time. Daniel, participant Did you notice that, in the movie we saw, no character was 100% evil? If you looked at each character from different perspectives, you could find something good in them, something they believed in, something that determined them to do the things they did.

discovered new things


Silviu, participant The trainers radiated positive energy and we absorbed it all. I liked the movie, but I also liked the workshops very much. Andreea, participant


STAGE 1.2 D rea mi ng for ward

October 201 3

014 2 h c Mar

The next step in ensuring a successful project was choosing the right high school to partner with, so that the students involved in the project would benefit from a maximum amount of added value. As such, this stage of the project was designed for the students at the “Nicolae Teclu” Technological High School in Bucharest, a high school whose students only had a 3% chance to pass the national Baccalaureate exam according to a study done in July 2013. Școala de Valori also signed a partnership with the “Ion Ghica” Theoretical High School in Răcari, a small city in Dâmbovița County. A group of 40 Junior year students from both the “Nicolae Teclu” High School and the “Ion Ghica” High School rose up to the challenge and began their journey of self-discovery.


STAGE 1.2 D rea mi ng for ward

October 201 3

014 2 h c Mar

Agenda Given that the students were all seniors and were about to step into what is probably the most important exam of their lives, we wanted the workshop sessions to tackle issues that would not only help them better prepare for the exam, but also give them the confidence, tips and tricks they needed in order to apply what they’ve learned here throughout their lives. As such, we based the design of the 6 non-formal education workshop sessions on the following structure:

Session 1 – Self-discovery

October 2013

Session 2 – Teamwork

November 2013

Session 3 – Cultural diversity & Budgeting

December 2013

Session 4 – Ethics and values

January 2014

Session 5 – Communication

February 2014

Session 6 – Presentation skills

March 2014



October 201 3

D rea mi ng for ward

014 2 h c Mar

O utl ine Session 1 – Self-discovery Students got to know one another, the trainers from Școala de Valori and the volunteers from Strauss Group. They played games based on teamwork, they found out their intelligence type by filling in the Howard Gardner multiple intelligence test and they correlated the results with the fields in which they might get the chance to work in.

Session 2 – Teamwork Students were made aware of the similarities and differences between them, and how these vary depending on one’s personal perception. They learned about Kolb’s theory and found out which learning style suits them best, a well-needed exercise considering the tough national exam they were about to face in the future. They learned to adjust their learning style depending on the type of intelligence they had discovered in the previous workshop, all in order to achieve their learning objectives more efficiently. The next part of the workshop took them to the Strauss factory, where they learned about the group’s products and they saw firsthand how coffee is made. 14

STAGE 1.2 D rea mi ng for ward

October 201 3

014 2 h c Mar

Session 3 – Cultural diversity & Budgeting The students split into two teams and took part in a roleplaying game, Derdians and Architects, in order to learn about cultural diversity and managing one’s personal budget. The goal of this exercise was to enable them to work together in spite of their differences in order to build a building out of paper. The second part of the workshop was centered on analyzing hypothetical case studies on the financial situation of various families. Once they analyzed each situation, they worked in teams and tried to find the best ways in which they could reduce the family’s expenses. This exercise enabled students to better understand their family’s financial situation and raised awareness as to how they’re spending their own pocket money. Today you have taught me that we must think before spending money. And, the most important thing, to understand my parents better. Thank you and I can hardly wait to see you again and take part in new challenges. Ioana, participant


STAGE 1.2 D rea mi ng for ward

October 201 3

014 2 h c Mar

Session 4 – Ethics and values Students learned about the differences between ethics, morals and laws. Once all has been made clear, they paired up in teams and worked on case studies which tackled morality. The second part of the workshop was dedicated to the game of Pendo (which stands for “Value” in Latin), a game in which several tribes with different values and needs try to ensure their success through collaboration. After the game, the students talked about the importance of personal values in their lives and the consequences of straying away from those values.


STAGE 1.2 D rea mi ng for ward

October 201 3

014 2 h c Mar

Session 5 – Communication Students learned about the different types of communication and how they can be used to communicate effectively with other people. Then, they played roleplaying games in which they learned about feedback: what it is, how to give it and how to receive it. The second part of the workshop they learned to craft and give a speech in front of an audience. Their homework for the day was to prepare a speech for the following workshop and to write an essay based on one of the subjects for the Baccalaureate exam at Romanian Language and Literature.

Session 6 – Presentation skills The students were brought out of their comfort zone and asked to give a speech in front of an audience and an evaluation committe comprised out of teachers, an exercise which most agreed will prove helpful on the oral part of the Baccalaureate exam to come. They received feedback on the structure and content of their speech, as well as on their posture and presentation skills. Students were then asked to sum up the experience of ME project and, in turn, to give us feedback concerning the impact the project had on them.


STAGE 1.2 D rea mi ng for ward

October 201 3

014 2 h c Mar

Feedback At first, it wasn’t easy for the students to open up and talk about their plans for the future. However, once they got to know themselves and form a cohesive team, they successfully and enthusiastically tackled each item on the agenda. With the support of the trainers from Școala de Valori, the Strauss Group employees and the World Vision volunteers, they broke out of their cocoon and set out on a path of self-discovery filled with values, intriguing questions about the future and lots of analytical thinking. 80% of the participants stated that their experience in ME project helped them figure out new things about themselves, while 55% stated that they now have a clearer understanding of the skills they need to succeed on the job market.

This project meant a lot, both for me and the rest of the participating students. Its agenda was serious and tackled the learning of new things, but also light and joyful enough to make us feel good and laugh. The topics discussed in each session were very useful and I don’t think there’s someone who didn’t manage to learn something useful here. I took part in many different workshops which used to last for about three hours which seemed like an eternity. However, during ME project, the eight hours alloted to each workshop passed by almost instantly. Time passed so quickly sometimes that we would become sad that we had to leave. Alexandru, participant


STAGE 1.2 D rea mi ng for ward

October 201 3

014 2 h c Mar

Change is like the butterfly effect - all you need is one small nudge in order to feel its full effect. As such, this stage of ME project proved useful not only to the students involved, but also to the volunteers, Strauss Group employees, teachers and parents.

Gaining students’ trust and keeping that glitter of curiosity alive in their eyes throughout the project was difficult for me at first. However, shortly after ME project began, we became a community driven by the passion for educating teenagers. The topics of the workshops, the interactive games, as well as the open attitude and tenacity of the trainers and volunteers all blended into a cocktail that allowed students (and us, as well) to become aware of their strengths, personal values and the importance of these values in their lives. Personally, I believe that the goals of ME project were reached and that the project proved useful for the students involved.

Ileana Ștefan, Payroll & Personell Specialist, Strauss Group Romania

Școala de Valori taught my daughter that the world isn’t filled with careless people, but with people who strive to make a change for the better, people one doesn’t often get to meet in person. They were lucky to have the honor of meeting such people. Their perspectives on life, people and good things suddenly changed. The fact that they were rewarded for their involvement and hard work with laptops and other prizes helped them gain more confidence in their own abilities. Life often pushes us to the extremes and all we can do if we want to change something for the better is to fight back. This is what my children learned during this project, and I thank you all for theaching them that! Eugenia Neagu, parent

From what I’ve noticed, the students which have been involved in ME project are more united when they’re in school. Their behaviour changed and they became much more careful and attentive to one another. Mihaela Rusu, Deputy Director, “Nicolae Teclu” High School




The roa d a he ad

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In the summer of 2014, World Vision gathered a new group of 30 high school students from the Urziceni area following the same selection criteria. As such, the group featured students with good academic results that have previously taken part in events organized by World Vision who come from financially disadvantaged families or single-parent households. They embarked on a 2-day journey of self-discovery which was designed to give them the confidence they need to not only improve their personal lives, but to adjust to the changing needs of the job markjet as well. The main focus of this stage of ME project was to help participants: Define who they are

Work in a team environment

Plan their future

Define personal success and highlight the road to getting there

Improve their presentation skills and self confidence




The roa d a he ad

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Day 1 Opening ceremony

10:00 AM

The students get to meet their trainers and find out the goals and expectations for this project

1st Workshop

10:30 AM

Students get to know each other in an interactive fashion

2nd Workshop

11:30 AM

Discussion on personal life goals, self-reflection and identifying personal values

Lunch break

1:00 PM

3rd Workshop

1:30 PM

Presentation skills and their usefulness in the current job market


3:00 PM

Students get to visit a factory owned by Strauss Group and find out more about coffee


4:00 PM

Students are taken to see a movie




The roa d a he ad

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Day 2



10:00 AM

Students are asked to recall the things they’ve learned in the previous day and are prepared for the activities to come

4th Workshop

10:30 AM

Discussion on what success means for each person and how one should plan ahead in order to reach their goals

Lunch break

1:00 PM

5th Workshop

1:30 PM

Discussion about talent, passion and employer demands. Students got to figure out their own talents and passions, then correlate them to employer demands in the current job market

Ending ceremony

3:00 PM

Students are asked to think about how they plan on applying the things they’ve learned in their daily lives


3:30 PM

Visit to the Art Museum



The roa d a he ad

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Feedback Judging by the feedback forms collected from the participants, this stage of ME project seemed to have quite an impact on their self perception, their values and the career paths that lie ahead of them. 90% of the students agree that they can apply the things they learned during the 2-day event in real-life situations, all while 80% of them feel more confident as a result of this project. 75% of the participants fully agree with the fact that ME project has opened up new perspectives and 50% declared that their expectations have been fully met.

agree that they can apply what they learned in real-life situations

found the difficulty level of the training sessions appropriate

feel more confident as a result of this project


90% declared that their expectations have been fully met


90% agreed that ME project has offered them new peerspectives





The roa d a he ad

e 20 14

Feedback All of the participants have declared themselves grateful to have been a part of this project and offered sincere thanks to the organizers for putting the spotlight on them for a few days. 95% of the students stated that their trainers were friendly and helped them understand difficult terms and concepts when needed, always lending them a helping hand when they found themselves being stuck on something. 40% of the participants stated that their favorite activity was the visit to the coffee factory and found the experience enriching, while another 40% declared that the exercises involving teamwork were the highlight of the project.

Not only did I get to know interesting people during ME project, but I also learned new things about myself. I look forward to other similar projects. Alin, participant

“ 24

The trainers from Școala de Valori truly managed to surprise me. They surprised all of us and got us out of our comfort zone. Georgeta, participant

In order to reward their involvement in this stage of ME project, Școala de Valori awarded 3 girls from this group with an invitation to the August 2015 edition of Bootcamp, a signature project specially designed for the personal development of teenage girls.

STAGE 2.2 Th e he ro’s jour ney

October 201 4

015 2 h c Mar

For the next phase of ME project, Școala de Valori signed a partnership with the “Ion Ghica” Theoretical High School in Răcari, a small city in Dâmbovița County. However, unlike the previous phase of the project, which was centered on getting students to improve their results in hopes of achieving success on the national Baccalaureate exam, this edition was focused on raising their self esteem and confidence. A group of 37 students, spanning from Freshman to Junior year, rose up to the challenge and decided to spend their free time learning about what defines them and others around them over the course of 6 non-formal education workshop sessions. The workshops began on November 7th, 2014 and spanned all the way through March, 2015, with at least one workshop being held each month.


STAGE 2.2 Th e he ro’s jou r ney

October 201 4

015 2 h c Mar

O utline Session 1 - Personal values Students got to know each other through interactive games based on teamwork, an exercise which bound them together into a strong and cohesive team. Afterwards, they defined personal values based on Schwartz’s list and talked about the importance of values in one’s life. Students were then tossed into a game in which they shared their passions and talents, which will be later analyzed in Holland’s test of 6 personality types.

Session 2 - Future work skills Students engaged in a conversation about the 5 key competencies which can make or break a job interview: work ethics, positive attitude, communicational competencies, time management and self-confidence. They then split into 5 groups and analyzed their own competencies by correlating them with a few well-chosen case studies.

lifelong learning, analytical thinking, problem solving, innovation and teamwork. They then split into groups and were given the task of imagining a machine that would represent each competency.

Students were then encouraged to guess the competency defined by each group’s machine, seeing which one would best fit them and how The groups were then given a rundown of an they would plan on developing this particular article defining a few competencies sought competency in the future. by Romanian employers, such as: passion,


STAGE 2.2 Th e he ro’s jour ney

October 201 4

015 2 h c Mar

Session 3 - Problem solving The students were encouraged to rethink about what they plan on achieving at the end of ME project based on the things they learned in the previous workshop sessions. They were then split into groups and challenged to tackle a problem-solving exercise. During this exercise, each team took on the role of a flat owners’ association which met to discuss dealing with a bunch of loud neighbors. At the end of the exercise, they learned firsthand about what critical thinking entails and figured out the steps of problem-solving: identifying a problem, defining the problem, brainstorming, analysis of possible solutions, decision making. Afterwards, students were given a decision-making exercise in which they were split into groups and challenged to plan out their lives, making important decisions. For example, they were asked to think about what they were going to do once they finished high school: go to college, go to work abroad or take a year off. Based on the previous exercise, students learned to correlate their decisions throughout life with the journey of a hero, following in certain patterns such as: the call to adventure, crossing the threshold, the forces of good, the forces of evil, the road of trials, the return etc.


STAGE 2.2 Th e he ro’s jou r ney

October 201 4

015 2 h c Mar

O utl ine Session 4 - Strategic thinking

Session 5 - Communication

The fourth session started with a visit to one of the factories owned by Strauss Group.

Students learned about the different types of communication and how they can be used to communicate effectively with other people. Then, they played roleplaying games in which they learned about feedback: what it is, how to give it and how to receive it.

Then, students took part in a strategic thinking exercise aimed at developing their team spirit and analytical skills. They were basically split into teams of 3, each team member having a different role, and charged with building a tower out of a limited amount of Lego pieces. In this exercise, they learned about the implications of strategic thinking in a reallife work environment: reaching targets with a limited amount of resources, doing the best job possible in your current role. For the next exercise, students were tossed into a business simulation in which they were split into teams and put in charge of a lemonade stand. During this exercise, they learned to deal with outside factors that might affect production (such as weather) and they also learned about the importance of discipline and conduct rules in a production environment.


STAGE 2.2 Th e he ro’s jour ney

October 201 4

015 2 h c Mar

Session 6 - Argumentation skills Students were reminded of the communication techniques they learned in the previous workshop session and were charged with applying them during a debate. They were split into 3 groups and given a debate topic from the following list: European values and their role in today’s world How can volunteers change the world we live in? Renewable Energy. Steps to encourage sustainable development Freedom of information. Risks and opportunities provided by today’s communication technologies. Democracy and citizenship. How could one convince citizens to become actively involved in EU debates The Future of Europe. Your ideal version of the EU and the ways in which it could become true. Two groups would debate the topics at hand, while the third group would act as a jury and analyze the solutions the other two groups have proposed. During the debate, students learned more about critical thinking and were encouraged to step up, share their opinions and back them up with strong arguments.

Closing ceremony At the end of the project, students were asked to define the things they’ve learned throughout the 6 workshop sessions and state the relevance of these things in realworld scenarios. They were asked to think about their personal goals and to create an accurate plan of achieving these goals once ME project has ended.



October 201 4

Th e he ro’s jou r ney

015 2 h c Mar

Feedback On analyzing the feedback forms collected from the participants, we managed to find out that 70% of the students feel more confident as a result of this project. The participants filled in lots of positive messages and encouragements, thanking the organizers for allowing them to be a part of such a magnificent experience. Students truly felt like they learned something useful during the 6 months of ME project and 72% of them agree that they can apply what they’ve learned in real-life situations. 67% of the students found the difficulty level of the training sessions appropriate and most of them agreed that they wouldn’t do anything different if they were to organize the project themselves.

feel more confident as a result of this project


found the difficulty level of the training sessions appropriate

67% agree that they can apply what they learned in real-life situations



Taking part in ME project has not only changed me for the better, it changed the entire group of participants. I feel as if everybody learned something from this experience. Using the things I’ve learned here, I feel confident in my ability to move forward and further develop my skills.

Ioana, participant

STAGE 2.2 Th e he ro’s jour ney

October 201 4

015 2 h c Mar

The main strengths of ME project were identified as being the interactive games based on teamwork and collaboration. Students appreciated the fact that they learned by doing and 67% of them agreed that the project has fully met their expectations, with the remaining 33% stating that the project has met at least half of their initial expectations. Most of the students agreed that the 6 workshop sessions allowed them to develop their self-confidence and communication skills, which enabled them to gain new perspectives from both an academic and a social point of view.

I’m glad to have taken part in this project. It truly was a wise choice. Although I was a bit worried when I heard there would be lots of challenges involved, I think I handled each one just fine. I really came to terms with the fact that debating isn’t one of my strengths and I will do everything it takes in order to change that and take my first step on the path to success.

Ștefania, participant

Thanks to ME project, I learned that, if you want to change the world, you have to start with yourself. I’d like to thank the organizers of this project from the bottom of my heart! This place was like a second home to me. I felt accepted and encouraged to share and do everything I feel is good for me. Thank you all!

Magda, participant

agreed that ME project has offered them new peerspectives


declared that their expectations have been fully met

67% 31


Once all stages of ME project had reached an end, we decided to follow up on our participants by contacting them via telephone and asking them to take a few minutes and answer a survey that would help us analyze the impact that ME project had on them. Between July and August, 2015, we managed to reach a number of 20 teenagers who had previously taken part in ME project.

35% 65%

SEX 65% of the respondents were female and 35% were male.


HIGH SCHOOL Respondents that currently learn at or graduated from: “Mihai Bravu”Technical High School in Bucharest - 90% “Nicolae Teclu” Technical High School in Bucharest - 10%



In what way did ME project prove useful to you?


I’ve made new friends


I learned things that will definitely help me get a job


I learned what personal values are and this helped me discover my own values


I am more sociable as a result of this project


I learned about the skills that make a good employee


I discovered new things about myself


I now have a better understanding of my future


I gained more self-confidence


ME project helped me perform better at the Baccalaureate exam



10% 5%

I didn’t learn anything new I don’t know 33


When asked why they chose to give ME project a shot, the majority of respondents stated that they wished to learn new things, to enrich their lives with a new experience and kick their personal development into high gear. Most respondents also decided to take part in ME project because they saw it as an opportunity worth sharing with their friends or classmates. Among other answers, the teenagers also mentioned the fact that they thought ME project would improve their chances at employment by increasing their awareness of the job market. The 20 teenagers that responded to our post-project survey declared that they learned new things during the workshop sessions, improving their communication skills and teamwork, as well as learning how to craft a CV or how to tackle a job interview. A high number of respondents declared themselves satisfied with the structure of ME project and told us they would do it exactly the same if they were in our shoes. However, there were a few teenagers who stated that their experience might have been enriched by more information on colleges and the state of the job market today, while others believed that including more games and fun activities would help ME project become an even greater success. The teenagers were then asked to state the skills which they believe suffered a great deal of improvement during ME project and rate this improvement on the following scale (their answers can be found on the following page):

very high



very low



How would you rate your improvement of the following skills?

organizational skills 20%







time management 25%



public speaking 31.6%




communication 55%



critical thinking 35%




problem solving 35%




teamwork 60%


5% 5% 35

IMPAC T ANALYSYS Educational path Our follow-up survey revealed that 52.6% of respondents decided to supplement their high school education by going to college or by following the courses of a post secondary / vocational school after ME project ended.


went to college


went to a post secondary / vocational school

On choosing their educational paths, students mostly opted for schools that offer nursing education or pharmaceutical studies such as the “Fundeni” or “Carol Davila” Post Secondary Schools in Bucharest. The teenagers that decided to go to college after graduating opted for the courses offered by the Bioterra University, “Spiru Haret” University and the Academy of Economic Studies, all of which are located in Bucharest.

21.1% of respondents stated that they decided not to pursue any form of higher education, while another 21.1% declared that they haven’t graduated high school as of yet. The remaining 5.3% did not provide an answer in this section of the survey.



are still in high school

How ME project affected their choices 60% of the teenagers who pursued a form of higher education stated that their choices were influenced by their participation in ME project.


stated that ME project had a very high influence on their choices stated that ME project had a high influence on their choices

10% 30%

stated that ME project had a medium influence on their choices

stated that ME project had no influence on their choices

10% 10%

stated that ME project had very little influence on their choices

20% stated that ME project had little influence on their choices




managed to find a job


did not manage to find a job

45% were not actively looking for a job


did not respond in this section

A total of 45% of the respondents have begun actively searching for a job since ME project ended. Those who did not actively look for a job decided to focus more on education.

Out of those who did manage to find a job, almost half stated that the things they’ve learned during ME project help them land it.


ME project and the job market

15.1% 23.1%

said that the things they learned during ME project proved very helpful in landing a job said that the things they learned during ME project proved helpful in landing a job


said that the things they learned during ME project proved neither helpful, nor unhelpful in landing a job

didn’t provide an answer or did not know whether what they learned during ME project applied in their case said that the things they learned during ME project helped very little in landing a job

23.1% 15.4%


What our team says

We designed ME project to be ahead of its time. Our goal was to impact participants beyond their mere personal development. We aimed at continuously bringing them value by helping them develop new skills, discussing plans for the future and by aiding them prepare for challenges such as the Baccalaureate exam. We also wanted to bring value to the teachers from partner high schools that. By involving them in this project, we hoped that the positive attitude and lively dialogue in the workshops would transfer to the classrooms.

Ștefan Pălărie, President, Școala de Valori

It was very interesting to see how each participant evolved until the end of the project. Those who were shy at the beginning were now developing a desire to stand out. Those who lacked self confidence or were afraid of the unknown were now gaining self-respect and becoming curious. Another thing that made this project unique was the fact that there were two groups of students involved: one group from a rural area and one group from an urban area. As such, participants constantly challenged one another to go outside of their comfort zone.

Alexandra Pârlogea, Trainer, Școala de Valori

I think that ME project helped the participating students discover their true potential. In each workshop, I witnessed how these teenagers cast their prejudices aside, shared stories and discovered new things about themselves. This project helped them realize what their values are, helped them figure out what are the things that truly matter to them and gave them the confidence to succeed regardless of the path they choose.


Silvia Floarea, Project Manager, Școala de Valori

What our par tners say

I kind of regret ME project not being around while I was a teenager. All the meetings with the students and the trainers of Școala de Valori were unique in their own way. I learned something from each one of them - sometimes new things, sometimes things that I already knew but couldn’t express. I saw firsthand how the students began on their path of self-discovery by opening up and changing their way of thinking. The students, however, weren’t the only ones that changed. I changed too.

Andreea Dragomir, Integrated Management System Specialist, STRAUSS Group


What Wor ld Vision says

I feel like my mind turns into a sponge every time I come into contact with Școala de Valori. Not only do I really enjoy the style and the notions taught by the trainers, but I also enjoy the life stories and emotions they share with us. Once the experience ends, I feel as if I could fly, as if I could do everything I can imagine; my head is teeming with new ideas and I can always think of something clever to say. What I liked most about the three years of ME project is that the minds of the teenagers also turned into sponges – just like mine! I watched them grow, I saw them burst out from their cocoons and transform into magnificent butterflies. At World Vision, we were in charge of the selection process, Strauss Group took the selected teens and gave them the chance to fulfill their potential (which they couldn’t have done otherwise due to them being part of financially disadvantaged families) and the trainers of Școala de Valori worked their magic, squeezing years of personal growth into only 2 days. As each year rolled by, I met lots of different types of teenagers – some were shy, some were rebellious, some were afraid to open up in front of their peers and some were afraid of being made fun of. At the end of each 2-day training session, these teenagers tapped into those wonderful experiences and emerged stronger, with a boost of self-confidence, with a desire to commit themselves to personal development and an unquenchable thirst for life.

Ioana Cordoș World Vision Romania


What the schools say

There’s been a shift in education trends lately – from merely presenting students with new information to helping them reach their full potential. Today’s society is highly complex and ever changing. Because of that, teenagers often have a hard time fitting in. I’m glad that 50 of our students here at the “Ion Ghica” Theoretical High School in Răcari took part in Strauss Group and Școala de Valori’s ME Project. During the six non-formal educational workshops, our students learned many skills that will not only prove useful when building a career, but throughout their lives: values, personal learning styles, communication, teamwork, time management, basic financial management, presentation skills, public speaking skills and a sharp awareness of their strengths and weaknesses. With all said and done, I believe that our students have a better understanding of what their options are going to be after graduating. We accepted the ME project challenge in order to give students a chance to learn some of the tools they need in life, to learn how to be creative, to discover new ways of solving problems, to learn to communicate, work together and stay motivated. Did it work? Maybe we’re not the ones to tell. However, I think that, judging by how the students describe the experience, one can easily deduce the answer.

Alexandru Mitru Headmaster “Ion Ghica” Theoretical High School ,Răcari


PR OJEC T PAR TNERS Școala de Valori Şcoala de Valori is a modern non-governmental and non-profit organization whose vision is to turn Romania into a value-based society through innovative education. The organisation’s mission is to push the boudaries of traditional education by providing individuals with valuable information, powerful character-shaping experiences, interaction with role models and international exposure, all in order to increase personal accountability and control over life choices. Școala de Valori guides Romanian teenagers on the path of self-discovery that takes place during their high-school years and helps them develop a strong moral compass. We help them find out who they are and what they like, believe in themselves and the choices that they make and trust their inner voice.

Strauss Group Strauss Romania, a branch of the Israel-based Strauss Group, operates in Romania since 1994 and is one of the most important coffee producers on the local market. Strauss Romania is a company which offers its customers both coffee and complementary products. Being active on the retail market and featuring Away From Home solutions (HoReCa Traffic Offices & Locations), Strauss Romania has acquired a strong expertise in the coffee segment over the years. The company now owns iconic coffee brands on the Romanian market such as Doncafe, Amigo, Tea Tales, Fort, Choco Divino and Totti Caffe, turning Romania into one of the leading market players in the coffee segment and occupying top postitions in the ranking of market shares.


Implemented with the help of

World Vision World Vision is a Christian organisation which carries out programs of urgent humanitarian intervention, community development and advocacy, placing children’s best interests at the center of its activity. The organisation focuses on working with children, families and rural communities, with the aim of fighting poverty and injustice. Inspired by Christian values, World Vision works with the most vulnerable people in the world, regardless of their religion, race, ethnic background or gender.


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