Raportul anual 2014 Scoala de Valori

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2014 was perhaps the most important year in Scoala de Valori so far ,

First of all, we managed to surpass a barrier: the age (which many experts consider critical in organizational development) - we celebrate, now, 5 years of transformation in education in Romania, we celebrate our accomplishment through hard work and a bit of fun. This threshold of 5 years indicates the transition from a simple idea and dream that started in 2009 to a team of 25 people, working for a year for a total of approximately 4 000 young beneficiaries across the country. 2014 brought the implementation of the most ambitious and innovative new approaches shaped as "Bani de buzunar" - where we designed and tested for the first time a process of "blended-learning" - a learning venture between face-to-face learning, online learning - by resources made available - and remoteness learning implemented through technology. The privilege of connecting with groups of teens, videoconferencing participants in the most intimate and personal retreat environment - their own room, was absolutely amazing and at the same time an honor for us. I learned about the reality of teens more than I could have in dozen of programs or in many hours of training done in a classroom. In 2014 we had a fascinating autumn, our teens, participants in our previous programmes came (literally) over into our office asking us to share some tasks with them. Between October and the end of December, Școala de Valori was filled with teenagers that arrived immediately after school to our headquarters in order to support us by volunteering. They helped us in organising ”The Color Run” races in Romania. 2014 brought the first national research conducted by Școala de Valori in partnership with IPSOS Research, bringing to light unsettling facts about teens nowadays. More details can be found on our website at the section IMPACT / RESEARCH. During the same year we had our first investment in technological infrastructure covering over 100 schools, bringing technology closer to students and promoting online education. This way we managed our first 1 000 000 EURO project. But most important of all, in 2014 we have finalised our 2020 organisational vision. We let ourselves dream again. And we dream to build ”Școala celor 5 000” a national school for teenagers in Romania which will teach neither physics nor geography (there are plenty of schools that can do that), but which will provide learning experiences meant to build collaboration, autonomy, responsibility and ethical behavior between teenagers. A school which in order to accommodate 5 000 teens across the country simultaneously, will not have a building, but will have a materiality through resourceful online technology and valuable face to face learning programs such as GROW program, Excepționalii or STAR, and many other experiences that are brought through life in collaboration with our partners. It will be a school where things "happen" not only through simultaneous programs, but in the 10 volunteer centers that we plan to open around the country to support a strong need that we have identified in 2014. It is the need of teenagers to be useful, to put all their available resources for a greater cause. We can only be happy that the cause is EDUCATION, the education of youth that will build a better Romania, as we all want it.

Scoala de Valori ,

Č˜coala de Valori is a non-governmental modern non-profit organisation whose vision is to transform Romania into a society based on strong values and people of character. We exist because Romania is a country that needs role models and we believe that the power of transformation of a society lies in the Youth Education. We believe and promote:

Integrity We keep our promises to ourselves and to others. We responsibly develop relationships based on trust and honesty with all of those who we work with.

Freedom We do not indoctrinate people. We let young people choose. We offer individual freedom to think.

Courage We do and say only what we believe to be correct. Giving young people values and character building motivates us to act with strength and courage.

Trust At Č˜coala de Valori we invest trust in youth and in non-formal education, in our own organization and in the people with whom we work. We trust that Romania can be the country that we all want. We invest trust in people of character.

practice, learn, step up!

is the nationwide youth development program that represents a long term, non-formal educational engagement designed to improve the quality of education in Romania. The project addresses high school students in Romania (age 14-18). The program offers high school students a professionally designed educational curriculum that complements the formal education system. It has been developed with the support of an Educational Board, gathering personalities and top-notch experts in education and adolescent psychology, especially to address key needs of the development of teenage participant, all the educational sessions being delivered by international trainees. GROW aims to be the number one national education program addressing high school students for its unique features such as: • International perspective – involves international student trainers, delivering workshops in English • Nationwide program – high accessibility of teenagers to the educational centers • Professional curriculum design – based on training expertise, teenager psychology, professional consulting and an education process audited by an Educational Council • Long-term approach – GROW is not a summer camp or a weekend training seminar, but a long unitary educational program (2010-2015) • Expertise – previous projects developed by members of Școala de Valori and their partner AIESEC between 2005-2009

When I first heard about GROW project, I did not have many expectations. At that time, I was not interested in much and thought my life could not get more boring. Soon after joining GROW project, I found out that I was wrong! I had the chance to meet amazing people from various places in the world and together we had the time of our lives! We shared our experiences so far and got to know each other better. What I am trying to say is that GROW has changed my life. I became more sociable, communicative and begun to see beyond the screen of my computer. It was like a helpful hand that drags you out of the water when you are drowning and think everything is lost. Participating in this project is something you really should not miss! It will give you the opportunity to improve yourself as a person and you will also make new friends. And then you will be happy. Exactly as I am now! ” Lucian Gabriel Mărginean - 9th grade student, Gheorghe Lazăr, București I spent six weeks in Romania in the city Cluj-Napoca with the GROW project. I went through inner and outer journeys as well. I learnt a lot about myself, about other cultures, I heard a lot of life stories and made many good friends. My main learning outcome was to learn from the mistakes that I have done or others around me did. The project was very well prepared and I am really grateful that I could be part of it. I took some ideas and motivation on how to do work on similar projects and in teams. I would recommend everybody to visit this amazing country and be part of this wonderful project. Lucia, GROW Trainer, Slovakia

Results in 2014: GROW was organized in 16 cities: Arad, Bistrița, Brașov, București, Câmpia Turzii, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Iași, Galați, Pitești, Sibiu, Suceava, Tîrgu-Mureș, Timișoara, Curtea de Argeș, Râmnicu-Vâlcea.

7302 high-school students applied to participate in GROW project 2730 students graduated GROW 88 international trainers from 31 countries were involved in the project (Albania, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Estonia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Montenegro, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Portugal, Slovakia, USA, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uganda).

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high schools were involved in non-formal education with GROW and volunteers from AIESEC (Coordinators and their team members) organized the local projects;

Among the educational sessions, GROW participants were involved in the following events: • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Color Run in București and Cluj-Napoca Visits at Coca-Cola factory from Ploiești Personal Budget with Cetelem Sport event with Decathlon Reading events with Rock FM Freeze Mobs Flash mobs Culture nights Cooking nights Movie nights Karaoke nights Treasure hunt around their city

Media impact:

• 1 Radio spot distributed nationally • 7 TV Shows – Digi 24 Craiova, Antena 1 Cluj, TVR 1 Craiova, TVR Iași • Over 120 online & offline articles In 2014 we have celebrated 4 years of partnership with GROW and Școala de Valori, 4 years in which we have felt that we are strongly contributing to the future of teenagers, 4 years in which we filled our “batteries” with enthusiasm while reading the feedbacks from the participants, changed misinterpreted ideas and “fed” a new generation of amazing leaders through innovative workshops. Moreover, GROW is a great development opportunity for our colleagues, both professionally and personally, through direct involvement in delivering trainings for the participants. So, for BRD, the collaboration with Școala de Valori brings benefits regarding the contribution for preparing the youth to enter bravely in the national labor market and regarding the motivation of our own employees. We are looking forward to continuing this partnership, which can already be called a tradition. Adela Jansen, Human Resources Executive Director, BRD Groupe Societe Generale

BootCamp for girls is a project born out of the desire to help young girls to know themselves better, boost their self-confidence, discover their values, identify their life purpose and how they can contribute to the world in which they live BootCamp for girls is a project born out of the desire to help young girls to know themselves better, boost their self-confidence, discover their values, identify their life purpose and how they can contribute to the world in which they live . Because girls are different in terms of personality, fashion sense, appearance, dreams and goals, the project’s concept takes into account their genuine manifestation in the world. The camp creates the perfect setting for each of the these young women to reveal their uniqueness, to receive useful information about healthy eating and the importance of practicing sports. Participants learn how to face challenges, how to capitalize on their strengths and how to become autonomous . The ideal participant is a high school or first year college student, concerned about self-knowledge and her own development, interested in her health and open to meet new people and make contact with as many life perspectives as possible . BootCamp for girls was held from 3 to 8 August 2014 in Bran, Romania. For 23 participants, the project was an opportunity to invest quality time in themselves and to broaden their comfort zone by assuming commitments and facing the camp’s multiple challenges .

The BootCamp experience was very revealing. Here, I found myself in the people around me and, especially, in the trainers. With all the activities I managed to increase my self-confidence. I discovered that differences make us interesting and unique, that there is no correct or wrong behavior, but only sets of values that do not correspond to another person. I started out with the intention to find myself, not to be afraid of my future and to interact more easily with those around me. In these six days, I can guarantee that each of these wishes was fulfilled.� BootCamp Participant

Results in 2014: 23 participants 40 applications submitted 11 girls participated for free with help from external 6

sources of financing days of personal development sessions and


4 trainers from Şcoala de Valori 5 guest speakers 2 partner companies 10 media partners 19 donors I have dreamed of this camp for more than two years. I like to think that this edition will be the first in a long line. If before actually going through such an experience, I just suspected young women needed it, we now have the confidence that we can radically change their perception about themselves and about the world. Alexandra Pârlogea, Trainer, Şcoala de Valori If I were to sum up my Boot Camp experience in a word, it would be “REVELATION”. Thanks to the self-discovery sessions, private lessons and games, I found answers to the questions which for me were deeply taboo and my path was somehow lit (thanks to the guests) regarding what I want to do in the future and, most importantly, how to do those things. BootCamp Participant Whenever I interact with you, my energy increases and my mind clears. You are special and I’m glad I had the opportunity to participate with you in this beautiful beginning. Paul Badea, BADSI, Project Partner

Software Talent Academy Romania is a project for IT passionate high-school students The project aims to make the participants familiar to the SCRUM methodology, providing them at the same time with support for creating an IT project application. The project has given students the opportunity to learn through experimentation software application development techniques, under the careful guidance of mentors from our partner company, 1&1. For 6 weeks, 30 IT enthusiastic high school students from 6 high schools of București worked in teams for the development of 5 software applications. The five groups of participating students have developed various applications like: browser game Tower Defence, a shopping cart for Android, an application that helps you hide a text within a photograph, an Expensive Manager in order to manage personal costs and revenues and also an application that tracks real-time virtual increase or decrease of stocks from the stock market by the price change. When writing applications, the participants used SCRUM methodology learned from the software company representatives involved in the project. Moreover, they gave them the opportunity to visit them at a regular day of work and learn more information about how work is getting done in an IT&C company The visit at 1&1 helped me to figure out that most definitely I want to work in a computer science company; we understood how to work in a large company in this domain and I really want to come here again, maybe for a job someday. I found the things seen here very interesting and I am glad I was part of this project. I learned a lot of new things! Alexandra, STAR Participant, Ion Neculce, București In order for this learning experience to bring participants both experimental and personal development, our team was also involved in delivering three workshops on teamwork, leadership, ethics and values, which helped the participating students to overcome practical challenges in order to achieve the desired results of the STAR program. This was the second Şcoala de Valori project that I was part of and I am really pleased with this experience. STAR project helped me discover how IT employees actually work in real life, I learned more about teamwork, new technologies and how I can work together with new and different persons. Diana, STAR participant, Tudor Vianu, București

I have to admit that working with the participants of the STAR project gave me a lot of energy and sense of accomplishment. Not only were the high school students exceptionally wellprepared, extremely intelligent and self-reliant, but also we were happy to see that the project was impactful for all the parts involved. Ştefan Pălărie, President, Şcoala de Valori

“Bursele stART” is an educational program developed in partnership with Provident. Through this program, 50 talented students from 3 different domains regarding arts music, drawing and painting - will benefit from a monthly scholarship for 12 months. The purpose of this project is to implement a private scholarship program for music, drawing and painting, which is planning to support the development of a certain student between 1st of November 2014 and 31st of October 2015. The participants were selected regarding their files sent by post or by email, in the limit of the 50 available places. The minimum conditions in order to apply were: being a student between 14 and 18 years old in a Romanian high school, having diplomas or certificates in one of the artistic domains mentioned before and proving the existence of a small/medium income in the family.

Results in 2014: Initially, 235 teenagers signed up for the project from 48 different high schools in 28 counties. After the selection, only 50 of them were chosen: 15 drawers, 15 painters and 20 musicians. Up until now, everything went more than fine, they respected all the conditions provided and a strong communication was maintained by phone or by online networks. Besides their monthly scholarships, the artists had the possibility to acquire money in advance from a 1000/2000 RON per person account, in order to buy all the materials needed for personal development and participation at contests and events. 33 participants got their money in advance in January, February, March. All the participants had the chance to participate in January 2015 at 2 one-hour online sessions held by 2 trainers from Școala de Valori in which they have discussed issues regarding the personal development of the artists, creating an individual plan for the future and how to obtain financial support. This scholarship means a lot to me and offers me the peace and safety that I can buy all the things I really need for my musical career. Also, this program gave me the opportunity to meet other people who also like to progress and develop their talent furthermore. I will definitely use a part of the money to buy more components for my instrument, components needed for the accuracy of the sound. Now I’m looking for a mouthpiece for my clarinet - an elementary component which makes the vibrations of the sound to be clear. A goodquality mouthpiece is pretty hard to find, so I don’t want to rush into buying something wrong. Sebastian Antoneac, stART scholar, Botoșani

“Bani de Buzunar 2.0 “ is the first project in Romania dedicated to teenagers, based on the methodology of “blended learning”, an innovative educational system that combines online learning with face to face workshops The project was designed by Şcoala de Valori in partnership with ING Bank. The first edition of Bani de Buzunar 2.0 took place at the end of 2014 in five cities: Bucureşti, Piteşti, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Braşov and Cluj-Napoca. For nine weeks, over 460 participants had an unusual journey through the world of finance, guided by a team of well-prepared facilitators. After opening workshops in each city, the work moved to www.escoaladevalori.ro, an online platform that provides access to a range of online interactive resources.

Results in 2014: 468 participants enrolled on the site, of which 370 students participated in online courses; 10 opening and closing face to face workshops were held by the trainers from Şcoala de Valori in 5 cities attended by over 300 teenagers; 12 trainers were involved in the project and conducted the 114 online sessions with 58 groups having an average of 5-6 participants; 5 teams won a prize for their involvement in the program, one from each city, receiving wallets with money in their pocket, the total sum of the prize was 2,500 euro. Bani de Buzunar 2.0. made me become more aware of the value of money and also more responsible. So I started to pay more attention to consumption versus the income, so that I can save and multiply money and not spend on unnecessary things. I also learned that with a little effort, repeatedly, we can bring in more satisfaction when it comes to saving. By putting aside an amount of money, no matter how small, we can make big savings . Iustina Rădulescu, Participant Bani de Buzunar For me, Bani de Buzunar 2.0 was much more than simply a financial educational project. During this project I had the opportunity to discuss with the participants their plans for the future and what they can do (concretely) to become a better version of themselves. Bogdan Hotea, Trainer, Şcoala de Valori

“Raftul cu experiente” , was made as a complex practice-based program for 11th grade high school students at an economical, technical or technological profile The project come from the strong desire of Kaufland Romania to offer a complete professional experience for the future generation of workforce, in an organized environment, with specialists in Romanian trade. For Școala de Valori, “Raftul cu experiențe” is the project which is offering teenagers the most suitable environment in order to discover personal and professional values, the knowledge about future careers and alternatives, all for a safe, optimistic and sustainable future for Romania . “Raftul cu experiențe” is aiming to become the project of the year regarding modern trade for the economic actors who are activating on Romanian market, for the teenagers interested in a future job in this domain and also for the educational institutions which are hoping to prepare future specialists in trade.

Results in 2014: 30 students from 8 different high schools from both urban and rural areas. 13 mentors, all being representatives of Kaufland București, leaded the students. All the mentors were carefully selected from the staff and passed through a 2-day training in which they have found out from Școala de Valori trainers more details about the project, its objectives and what working and interacting with the teenagers from the Generation Y actually takes. I signed up for this project because I really like to try new things. From all the activities I have done at the Kaufland headquarters in Barbu Văcărescu, I have learned to communicate better and to be aware of my values. Also, I have learned a lot of new things regarding sales, I even practised many of them. Many friendships created during this project will definitely continue even after its ending. Florina Ioana Preda, Dragomir Hurmuzescu, București I have joined the project to spice even more my daily life at Kaufland. I was very curious about the students’ opinions and questions because I knew that they will offer me a fresh and new perspective, seeing Kaufland from the outside. It is a good idea for this project to continue in the future to consolidate the principle - children today, our customers tomorrow, and why not, our future employees later. If now with only 30 participants we have the satisfaction that we have done something for the youth education through this extracurricular activity, when there will be 300 or 3000 all over the country, we can step up the ladder, investing at a national level, not only at a local one, doing something for România. Claudia Drăgușin, Kaufland Mentor, București The students were fascinated by this collaboration, being the first time when they actually got involved in a practical activity held in a commercial area which follows domains like trade and services. They have encountered a new approach regarding teaching of all these activities, a very dynamic and modern approach, different from the classic way of teaching-learning-evaluating that is applied in the traditional Romanian school. In the future we really hope to extend this project and to increase as much as possible the number of students involved because they will have the great opportunity to see the transition from school to work. This thing will help them in the future to know what it really means to work in a big corporation and what responsibilities this kind of job has. Liliana Isfran, Principal, Costin D. Nenițescu Technical College, București

ME Project was created in order to assist teenagers in the process of self-knowledge, we have organized ME Project, a non-formal education project through which high school students discover more about their personalities, developing their skills both in general - to be used in everyday life, and in particular - to be used in their future career. In interactive workshops, exercises, role-plays, simulations and debates, young people acquired a clearer idea of what they want to do in life, the fact that they have options after high school and what path they would like to follow in the future

ME Project helped me get courage, boldness and be worthy to come. I learned how to get out of a difficult situation, to focus on myself and especially to be responsible for certain things. Thank you! Valentina Rojojinaru, participant

Our partner in this project was the company Strauss Group, which hosted workshops and provided a pleasant setting for young participants. ME Project was held for 6 months in the period October 2014 - March 2015. In total, there were 50 hours of non-formal education, facilitated by four trainers. The participants were 40 students from the Ion Ghica High School of Răcari, Dâmboviţa, who took part in six workshops on various topics like: identifying values, public speaking, debate and argumentation, learning styles, types of intelligence, problem solving, decision making etc. To better understand the ideas discussed, relax the participants and change the environment in which the learning occurred, during the project they went to see the movie “Hero’s Journey”, movie which highlighted the idea of overcoming challenges in life, topic found also in their workshops. Another meeting was held at the Doncafe factory where young people have learned the story of coffee its whole process, starting from the green grains to the roasting techniques and ending with the packing.

Results in 2014: Finally, the 40 ME Project teenagers said they were greatly involved in workshops, have more confidence in themselves and improved their communication skills and teamwork. Now they approach life with greater enthusiasm and are motivated to learn new things, so they can build a future based on their dreams. Also, the trainers and their experience have been appreciated and recognized by all students enrolled in this program. I believe that participation in ME Project was an opportunity to change for the better, not only for me, but for the whole group, everyone leaving with something after this project. With the experience and information gained here, I know I can develop, I can have more confidence in myself and frankly, if I could be part of this project, as a trainer, I’d do it with great pleasure. Ioana Cute, participant Involving in ME Project was a wise choice, which I’m glad I did it. Although at first I was reluctant, thinking about how I should react to hearing challenges, I think I did ok against them. I realized that the debate is not my forte, no expression in general, so I’ll do my best to change something and to have, finally, success. Stephanie Cătălina Ionescu, participant

Zentiva Express 2014 was a project dedicated to the teenagers from 11th and 12th grades from technological high schools Implemented in partnership with Zentiva, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in Romania. The objective of the project is to prepare and select these teenagers in a program designed by Şcoala de Valori in order to be hired at Zentiva after they graduate. Starting May 2014, 15 technical and vocational high schools and 1 medical school in București were approached. The project was divided in two parts: one week Summer School for the selected participants from 281 students and two week practice in Zentiva plant. Zentiva Express Summer School, 15th-18th of July, was conceived as an educational experience for the students involved in Zentiva Express Program, whose objectives were both personal development and evaluation. The personal development sessions for the 52 finalists were delivered by Şcoala de Valori, one of the top 3 educational organizations in Romania that provides character building experiences for teenagers. Zentiva Express Internship – 2nd-12th of September: after the Summer School, 30 students participated for a two week in the internship in Zentiva Romania production plant.

Results in 2014: The final evaluation revealed the high school students from 11th grade who benefited from a one year scholarship and the possibility to become Zentiva employees in 2015 and also the 12th grade students who got hired at the end of the internship.

For me, the ‘’Zentiva Express’’ project represents a unique and memorable experience. During this project I’ve learned a lot of useful things like teamwork, responsibility as well as technical expertise inside the factory. I believe the whole experience was very productive and insightful into how medication is made, packaged and stored. I am very delighted to have been part of the ‘’Zentiva Express’’ project. Andra Osiac, Participant, Zentiva Express 2014

I was a member of the project team in each of the previous editions, 2012 and 2013. The program “Zentiva Express” means to me a lot of energy, emotions and creates a strong bond between the company and the young teenagers. It represents also a nice partnership with Școala de Valori. Each edition we have exceeded expectations, and it certainly happened this year, too. Daniel Tănase, Managing HR Partner Zentiva

Adoptã un liceu During 2013-2016, five high schools in communities from the country will benefit of team building programmes, non-formal education for students, teachers and parents, constant involvement of the board of directors of a member of the business community, scholarships and internships, renovations of spaces, all undertaken, led and implemented by students, teachers and parents through a continuous process of coaching. The program is developed on the past experiences of Școala de Valori in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The project consists in a 3 year program in 5 high schools from Brașov, București, Cîmpulung-Muscel, Cluj, Iași, Sibiu, Zalău, Pitești, Ploiești, that are passing through a transformation process, the project aiming to create a national network of experts in educational transformation based on coaching and non-formal methodology. As other Școala de Valori projects, its objective is to improve the educational system in Romania. Adoptă un liceu project has 4 principles by which it is lead: • The principle of autonomy and independence of the project stakeholders, applied through minimal involvement of the initiators and coordinators of the project and continuously encouraging local communities to take ownership of the process: teachers, students, parents, business environment. They are the ones who will assess the situation, set goals, suggest solutions and find resources - coaches will be facilitators of this process, which will make their involvement to be at the same time, a deep one. • The principle of continuous scalability of the project: the budget of the project at the high school level should be as small as possible and covered by local environmental resources. The quality of the documentation and accessibility of information and expertise developed are vital elements in the success of the program even if it means significant investment. • The principle of collective power (crowdsourcing): all resources (expertise, financial resources and logistics) involved must belong from as many sources as possible (individuals or organizations) for a shared responsibility, even at the risk of making it more difficult for resource management. • Integrated intervention principle: several organizations are involved in a high school, the organizers will coordinate these activities so that resources are used efficiently with maximum impact, learning taking place in optimal conditions, and the change sought to be sustainable.

Adoptă un liceu education program aims to increase the quality of those five schools, in a continuous, irreversible and sustainable way for a period of over 3 years. In addition, we aim to ensure scalability intervention project, methodology and experience that can be extended over and accessible to other schools (not only at the high school level) and national communities.

Drum Sigur The project gets together Aurel Rainu Technological High School of Fieni and Carmeuse Company from Fieni (chalk factory). 16 students from the 10th grade got internships in the company and benefit from workshops of non-formal education held by Școala de Valori. The purpose of the project is to guide the students in order to (re)discover their potential, to trust their qualities and to build a suitable future, future based on their abilities sharpened in school, during the internship and the workshops. The project’s objectives are: personal development of the participants, testing and increasing teamwork, developing creativity at both individual and group level, awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses, individual uniqueness and the fact that everyone belongs somewhere in this world, openness to new and sharing opinions, perceptions and beliefs inside a group.

Results in 2014: 16 participants from the 10th grade (year II professional) 4 mentors: Silviu Botezatu, Dragoş Nistor, Cătălin Ionescu, Vasile Rizea 3 trainers 1 sponsor: Carmeuse 15 days with workshops of non-formal education, divided on 5 sessions of 3 days (90 hours) 4 sessions at which participated mentors from the company (Mihaela Obeada - representant of HR Head Office Brașov, Nicolae Cezar Crăciun - General Executive Carmeuse), high school representatives (Carmen Frățilă - Principal Assistant, Cristinel Răduță - Principal), class master (Roxana Marcu)

Aparentã , ,si esentã ,

It’s Monday. The Sun is shining and heating up the earth as it is already half of May. Gheorghe Lazăr High school’s yard is full of students talking, exchanging notes or texting. One group stands out. They are volunteers and, for the next hour, hosts of the event organised that day for the Școala de Valori project’s partners, NGOs and friends. 2014’s theme was Aparență și esență - debunking the myths regarding adolescents. Inspired by the quality research done in April on more than 1000 Romanian teenagers, the event wanted to confront adults with teenagers and their real problems. Organized as such as for the first one hour, the guests would only interact with the teenagers, the event offered adults the opportunity to discover the real face of today’s young generation. 4 teenagers from 4 different projects were chosen to tell their stories and help us debunk myths that surround them. Each corner of the hall hosted one story told through images

Lectura de Vacantã ,

A campaign for book lovers and outdoor fans. With the great support of ROCK FM, we managed to start LecTura de Vacanță, a campaign for the ones who are eager to share their passion for good books and to practice their hobbies out in the summer air, in the park or in the central square, taking a break from the daily routine and getting lost in magical lands behind the pages of their favourite book. This summer event took place in București and reproduced the idea of a library but in an outdoor location, where the participants could read, exchange books, play games, win prizes, laugh and relax. The visitors could bring their own books or borrow one from our shelves, have access to the exchange zone in order to exchange one of their old books with a new one, write down what happiness represents for them in The Book of Happiness or what love represents in The Book of Love and engage in a variety of games and workshops, such as storytelling, improvisation, painting, how to make bracelets, bookmarks and learning a foreign language (Chinese, Urdu, Turkish, Estonian, Spanish/Mexican) with the support of our GROW trainers.


teenagers chose to take a break, join us, read and exchange enough books to keep them inspired for a pretty long time. Reading is a form of happiness, the last that we will let go of...

Transmaraton Held on one of the most beautiful roads of the world and on the highest driveways of Romania, Transmaraton represents a running competition with a double challenge. With its 21, 42 or 64 km that must be covered by the participants, performed on a course with a level difference of 1000m, Transmaraton represented a challenge even for the most experienced runners. Except for the sport component, the event has also a social one, being a race dedicated to the fundraising for 3 causes, every year. 43 runners enrolled at all 3 races and they supported the project by training and fundraising for its proper progress. After I had run in Antarctica, at the North Pole and in other isolated places, in September, I decided to participate at the Transmaraton, the race on the Romanian Transfăgărășan. I came across a lot of difficulties at the registering and at getting to the start point, but after all, the Transmaraton was one of the most amazing experiences that I had as a runner. I was attracted by the race for many reasons. Firstly, participating at the Trasmaraton gave me the opportunity to continue the path of running in the most spectacular places on the globe. Secondly, according to the prestigious tv show BBC Top Gear, The Transfăgărășan is “ the most beautiful road in the world”. I started climbing down and then I realized why the Transfăgărășan is known as the most beautiful road in the world. The road winds making endless curves, which seem to be drawn by a child with an engineer’s mind. With such an impressive and twisted view, the road was everything but boring. Only at the end the road became monotonous, as I was surrounded by pine forests and amazing views of the plains. In spite of the amazing road of Transfăgărășan and of its spectacular views of the water falls and high peeks. If I were to choose only one memory from this race it would be the hospitality and the warmth that I received from the other runners and from the organizers - Școala de Valori, Irina, Mirela, Cristina, Ileana, Lilica, Alna, Gabriel, Andrei, Adriana and Aris: Thank you for the hospitality! Jorge Gonzalez de Matauco, Transmaraton Runner

The Color Run Where can you find a couple dressed in rabbit costumes, a young man running like crazy with water goggles on, and other 3000 residents of București all dressed in white on a Saturday morning? Three words: The Color Run. That’s just where I was on Saturday morning, on the 26th of April. No, I didn’t go as a runner, but as a volunteer for Școala de Valori, ready for what was to be the greatest event in the city that spring! If you didn’t know, The Color Run supports social causes, that being the national GROW project, organized by Școala de Valori in partnership with AIESEC, for young high school students eager to acquire more knowledge and have fun, which contributes to their self-development and encouragement towards making a change in today’s society. In September, I choose to run at The Color Run for two reasons: • GROW project was, for me, a step forward. It’s that kind of project where you learn while having fun with the most physically and psychically beautiful people. Long story short, speaking of The Color Run, GROW was for me a speck of color, and that’s why I want to support it in any way I can. • For me, The Color Run was happiness. In its truest and most innocent form. The explosion of color, the happy people, the good spirits and the positive energy, they all encourage you not to stay aside! I hope I’ve sparked your interest and your appetite for sport and a good time. That being said, see you at the autumn edition of The Color Run! Jessica Tiron, Grow participant, Școala de Valori volunteer, The Color Run runner


Because being a teenager in highschool does not come up with instructions, we have decided to create a special place for them and for the ones who miss their highschool years at this event of branded entertainment. We have put our creativity at use and gather all our greatest ideas at the Cultural Days during ADfel the unconventional advertising event, place where we have let our young spirits run wild and turned ourselves back into students, inviting the participants to dress up in the well-known uniform and take a picture next to the map of Romania, just like in the good old days. So, if you were around Fabrica on 19th and 20th of August, you would have the chance to meet the hard working crew from Școala de Valori, and you would not have regretted it! “Do not skip the sports class! When you will be in college you will get fat and you will have neither the time nor the money to go to gym.” or “Get involved in extracurricular activities! The world starts beyond your classroom seat.” are just a few examples of Advice asked by nobody from the famous bowl of wisdom. Our beloved team shared smiles and high school tips, letting everyone receive and write down another lesson from their restless age. Didn’t want to share your advice? No problem! Maybe what you needed was to get your head in your high school cloud! Școala de Valori brought artificial clouds made from cotton candy, balloons or cardboard, where you could write about your high school experience, add photos and share memories. Moreover, the clouds were not settled in the sky, but in a lovely set-up, with classroom seats to make everyone feel like a good student. Last but not least, your adventure in this great back-to-highschool land of youth and freedom could have ended with a stunning look-alike drawing of your teenager personality, in order to keep your inner student forever young, because we all know that you miss being reckless, full of energy and dreams about the future.

The values and models of the teenagers In 2014, Şcoala de Valori conducted its first national research project which aimed to portray Romanian adolescents with ages between 14 to 19, from urban areas. Conducted in partnership with the market research company, the study aimed to determine the respondents’ future educational path, exploring their intentions regarding their future career and what the concepts of value and role model means for them and to determine how they spend their free time. The need to conduct this study was born after observing a lack of information regarding these teenagers, associated with the existence of many myths and misconceptions regarding values, models, and how these individuals address their own education. The importance of the research was to provide a clear picture of this segment of Romanian teenagers and analyze both how they define their own set of values, as well as the agents that influence the formation process of these values. The research took place from March to May 2014 and included approximately 1000 students from over 50 high school all over the country. For these teenagers, school has a formal role and is a mandatory step, needed for passing exams and future success. Continuing education is more than just an option, it becomes an obligation. Young people feel like school has a functional role, not an inspirational one. What differentiates them, their talents and skills aren’t valued in any way by the educational system. School does not prepare them neither as individuals nor as professionals. We found out that the role of parents is very important in the life of high school students. For most teenagers, parents are the people they consider models. Public figures, “stars” are in a very small extent considered models by high school students. We also found that a significant proportion of the studied population doesn’t have a coherent image regarding the concept of value. Even when presented with a clear definition, teenagers have a difficult time to appoint their most important values and a significant part of them were not able or didn’t want to declare theirs. Also, it was discovered that the most often declared values were honesty, ambition, respect and correctness (moral integrity). The research helped us identify trends and segments, providing insight into the extent in which educational institutions, family and entourage can provide a framework for the development of values that guide the teenagers’ lives. The results can help design non-formal educational programs customized specifically to supplement education, contributing to the personal development of the teenagers.

The profile of the teenager participant in ,Scoala de Valoris projects If you know about Č˜coala de Valori, you definitely know some information about at least one of our projects. But have you ever considered the fact that you never emphasize one very important thing: WHO participates at all these projects? Well, we would better solve this problem right away! At a first sight, it may appear that our projects are aiming for many different types of teenagers - talented, exceptional, artistic, creative, insecure, passionate, IT-lovers, technologically oriented and so on... But in all this variety, they actually have one great thing in common, one goal that makes them fit perfectly in our profile: they all want to make a change, they all want to be the change. Therefore, one main feature in the profile of the teenager who participates at our projects is the motivation that can bring out the best in everyone. Our wonderful participants are looking for knowledge and skills in order to become a better person and are eager to discover their potential. They are already thinking about the future and they certainly want to be prepared for it, so they are expecting to find out how to pick the best fit for themselves when searching for a future job. Moreover, they want to meet new people, make new friends, and, last but not least, to have fun and be happy. How do we help them in this aspect? Well, we engage them in our projects, that can last for 2, 5 or 10 days. We strongly recommend them to join a 5 day learning immersion in our workshops with our methods for a maximized impact and best results. This journey will fulfill their expectations and inspire the participants to be the best version of themselves, to get out of their comfort zone and change the world. Also, a very powerful consequence in the profile of our teenagers is definitely in the communication area. They become more sociable, they can express their ideas more easily, hold a speech in front of an audience with no fear and, most importantly, they get an amazing self-confidence boost! The results? Well, after following one of our paths, the participants will not only have the skills, but also the courage to be a part of a community with strong values, community that can change our future society. Also, their new profile will put a point on professionalism and authenticity. They will step out of the crowd, dare to dream the biggest, be the open-minded teenagers of today who will achieve success tomorrow.

Learning model One of the greatest things that make Școala de Valori so important is represented by our learning model. Built

Practice, Learn, Step Up

and constantly updated since 2010, our model called

incorporates ef-

ficient learning techniques with innovative ideas and skillful trainers prepared quarterly in internal trainings. Following Dale’s Cone of Experience and using all its 6 levels, our workshops combine: • applied theory (20%), • facilitated communication and activities in a real educational context (65%) • and debrief (15%), the follow-up being rarely used. From a 90 minute workshop, we have allocated only 20 minutes for the actual presentation, the rest of the time being left for the active involvement of the participants. After evaluating the needs and the current status of our participants, we customize the trainers preparation conferences for a best fit to the profile of the teenagers. While Practice and Learning parts pursue an active learning approach, engaging the participants in team work, simulations, role plays, presentations, demonstrations, mentoring and processing the experience, the Step Up part succeeds to bring a 90% assimilation ratio with a “practice by doing” technique, where the teenagers are doing the real thing, applying what they have learned or are teaching someone else.

Practice, Learn, Step Up

includes a variety of different learning models and uses certain “tools” in order to increase the learning level, such as peer-to-peer learning, group talks, long debriefs, self-evaluation, friendly relations between the trainer and the participants, all of them developing skills like self-awareness, responsible decision making and relationship skills.

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