Rezumat Raport Anual 2014 - Scoala de Valori

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and media appearances

4 radio shows

covering Școala de Valori’s projects

All of our programs are designed to offer unique experiences, experiences which build strong characters, that help people muster the courage to turn their ideas into reality… experiences that allow them to follow their dreams and make responsible life choices when it comes to their studies and their careers

279 articles

in national or local media


It is our strong belief that, by implementing such projects and, thus, by offering unique educational experiences, we are forging Romanian teenagers into a new generation of agile, adaptable and strong-minded individuals who will usher us into the world of tomorrow.

2014 Annual Report

Școala de Valori is a modern non-governmental and non-profit organization, whose vision is to contribute to the transformation of Romania into a society that is built on harmony, trust and courage.



98% Partner companies

85% Projects

as sponsoring or support for projects implemented in partnership

4% Administrative costs

1% Corporate grants

4% Bank reserves

1% Donations

7% Money received

from individuals, sport events and 2% campaign

in advance for 2015 projects


Thank you for supporting our educational effort!


Our plan is to shape strong values in order to forge a community of strong-minded, independent teenagers who are willing to collaborate both responsibly and ethically. We believe that, in a society, evolution starts by investing in the education of our youth. As such, we have decided to dedicate our work towards helping Romanian teenagers succeed.


We promote and believe in the following values:


Software Talent Academy Romania is a project for 30 high school students with a passion for IT. The project aims at familiarizing the participants with SCRUM methodology, while also providing them with the support required in creating 5 IT applications (using the same methodology).

It’s been 4 years since we had our 1st edition of GROW, a project that has influenced the experience of teenagers in 403 Romanian high schools resulting in 30.000 training hours sustained by 400 foreign students,1000 volunteers and counting more than 10.000 graduates. GROW is a nation-wide youth development program that represents a long-term & non-formal educational engagement designed to improve the quality of high school education in Romania. GROW taught me how to be more spontaneous, open-minded and optimistic. As a result of this project, I became a better, more cheerful person. I am very grateful to have met some wonderful people during GROW and I hope we will keep in touch in the future. Nadine El-Shaer, GROW participant

The stART scholarships program is basically a scholarship program meant for young artists in the making, which provides them with the financial support they need to be one step closer to the spotlight, to a record or to an international art gallery and fosters their talents for drawing, painting or music. Working with the teenagers in the STAR project was an experience that gave me a whole new perspective on today’s youth. Their ability to absorb the process and requirements while still bringing their own creative tweaks has forever changed the way I used to view software development. Tudor Marciu, S.T.A.R. mentor 68 high school students applied • 30 S.T.A.R. participants • 5 IT team applications created

This scholarship has helped me a lot. I managed to buy paints, painting brushes, canvases and hardback paper using the money, tools which are extremely useful for me to grow in this field. I’m also going to take courses and some private tutoring on the matter, because I know that there’s always room for improvement. Laura Greaca, stART scholarship for painting

Bani de buzunar 2.0 is a financial education project based on a “blended learning” approach. This approach involves a balanced combination between e-learning and face-to-face learning, an approach which requires higher amounts of time, educational talents and financial resources, but yields better results. Boot Camp is a girls’ camp that creates the perfect setting in which teenagers can get to know each other, boost their confidence, discover their values, identify their purpose in life and decide upon their contribution towards the world. If I were to sum up my Boot Camp experience in a word, it would be “REVELATION”. Thanks to the self-discovery sessions, private lessons and games, I found answers to the questions which for me were deeply taboo and my path was somehow lit (thanks to the guests) regarding what I want to do in the future and, most importantly, how to do those things. Boot Camp participant 6 days of workshops • 23 participants 4 trainers • 5 role-models in the camp

Information about the Project

Bani de buzunar 2.0 taught me to be more responsible and now I know the true value of money. I started paying more attention to my expenses and began managing them in a way that would help me save money instead of wasting them on things I don’t need. I learned that it only takes a drop of effort to be more content with your financial status. By repeatedly setting small amounts of money aside, one can end up with considerable savings. Iustina Rădulescu, Bani de buzunar participant 468 students signed up online, out of which 370 attended online courses • 10 face-toface workshops in five cities in Romania, 300 students attended • 12 tutors involved in the project and lectured 114 online sessions for 58 groups with an average of 5-6 participants each.


Results in 2014

In 2014, 20 technical and vocational high schools and 1 medical school in Bucharest were part of the program, 421 students applied for the opportunity and 106 finalists participated in a two-week internship in a production plant that included one week of non-formal education workshops sustained by Şcoala de Valori.

50 annual scholarships

16 cities: Arad, Bistrița, Braşov, București, Câmpia Turzii, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Iași, Galați, Pitești, Sibiu, Suceava, Târgu-Mureş, Timișoara, Curtea de Argeș, Râmnicu-Vâlcea • 7.302 applicants 2.730 graduates • 88 international trainers from 31 countries • 189 high schools • 142 volunteers

Bani de buzunar 2.0

Now at its fourth edition, Express is a project meant for the graduates of theoretical and technical high schools, as well as technical upper-secondary schools in Bucharest and Craiova. The project was implemented in Bucharest in collaboration with Zentiva and in Craiova with the support of 4 local companies: Cummins Generator Technologies, Popeci, Kirchhoff Automotive și Sitco.

A program with an entrepreneurial agenda which combines internships and useful information with energetic self-development workshops. 30 high-school students who study Economics in Bucharest • 1 week of non-formal education • 3 weeks internship in Kaufland stores • 3 days of role-models trainings in commerce.

ME Project is a long-term project aimed at high school students in their sophomore and junior year, but also at teachers and schools. It is designed for a period of 3 years, starting in 2013 and the participants are teenagers who live both in urban and rural areas. For those lucky 100 high school students involved in this project, an amazing adventure continues involving challenges, new friends, fun, leisure time and unique learning experiences.

drum sigur spre o


adevărată Drum sigur is a project that brings together companies and high schools in an attempt to rediscover the potential of the teenagers studying in technical and vocational high schools improving skills learned in high-schools but also in the factory. The project is designed to help them be more confident in their skills and show them the ways in which they can build a better future, a future where they use the skills learned in high school for a career that suits their needs. 15 workshops for students 1 workshop for teachers

Energy, fresh mountain air and the burning desire to run… This is what Transmaraton was - a harsh race on Transfăgărășan in order to support the Excepționalii project, an innovative program designed for high school students with outstanding academic achievements. I’m running because I want to push myself beyond my limits, and I’m also running for the 100 representatives of the younger generation who have a lifetime of testing their limits ahead of them. Thus, the more young people who overcome the limits imposed by their environments, the better our chances, as a nation, to overcome our historically set destiny. Ștefan Pălărie, Transfăgărașan Marathon 64 km runner

In Think Ahead, high school students embark on a journey of self-knowledge based on non-formal learning during a series of three workshops. In order to have the highest short-term and long-term impact on teenagers, Think Ahead features a balanced blend of 40% theory, 30% experiential learning, 20% peer-to-peer learning and 10% learning via exposure to role models. Think Ahead was held in București during June 14th and 15th • 34 students from București, Răcari and Pitești took part in 2 days’ worth of workshops in which they learned the difference between choices and decisions, as well as tips about debating and public speaking • The workshop was held with the money raised by 5 education-passionate fundraisers who ran at Maratona di Roma in March. Two of them - Radu Atanasiu and Cristian David Matei – came in as guest speakers during the workshops and spoke to the students about their life’s journey: career, personal life and what’s it like to run for a cause. It was a really good experience, it helped me open up more and express myself better in public. I learned many useful things, one of which is that my opinion counts as much as anybody else’s. And I also learned that it’s important to express yourself. Thank you! Ştefania Ionescu, Think Ahead participant

During 2013-2016 5 high schools in Romanian communities benefit of: team building programs, non-formal education for students, teachers and parents, constant involvement of the board of directors (members of the business community), employees from operational and support including financial support, scholarships and internships, renovations of spaces. All are undertaken, led and implemented by students, teachers, parents with companies support. The program is developed on the past experiences of Școala de Valori in partnership with ROI Association, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and in partnership with local employers. The program aims to increase the quality of the five schools, in a continuous, irreversible and sustainable way for a period of over 3 years. In addition, we aim to ensure the scalability of the intervention project - methodology and experience that can be extended and accessible to national communities, in other schools (not only at the high school level). 24 high schools participated in the “Adoptă un liceu” Camp

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