Romania’s gifted teens: where from &
where to? - Qualitative research Teaser -
-Research to inspire – 2013 - 2014
Research objectives
Nowadays gifted kids are seen as the “rising suns” of the Millennial generation Articulate, self-confident & uber-smart, they are able to change the world with
their huge enthusiasm & creative power
Still, before being “gifted” or a statistic data of their generation, they are simple individuals, needing to be placed in time (adolescents) and space (Romanians) in order to be properly decoded Basically, while reaching the “hot stuff” about how they live, think & act, or what truly motivates their road towards performance, we must see thirst what makes them tick, we must dive into their colorful brilliant world and look inside-out
For this purpose, we ran a thorough qualitative research, consisting in two phases detailed in the following slide
Research methodology
Sample details What
Phase 1 Get to know them better
• 30 in-depth interviews with gifted kids, boys & girls attending high-end high schools in Bucharest, part of EuroEdu project • Conducted in relevant/ comfortable spots: their room/ favorite spot in the house, a pub/ terrace near school • Kids also got involved in different creative games describing their values, motivation, world
Phase 2 Co-creation groups
Why • The flawless in-depth qualitative methodology allowed us to deep-dive into kids universe, to see what their world is made of, to be part of their reality and see it as they live it • Making them feel “part of the team” not only subjects of a study: feel free to open-up & share ideas, go beyond the surface of things into revealing the ups & downs of being gifted
• 3 focus-group discussions with part • The dynamic of the sessions, kids capacity to of the kids we interviewed in the adapt & high curiosity allows us to see them first phase at work: if & how they work together, what • Meet them in a special designed are their rules, which are their triggers & place (two-way mirror rooms), offer barriers in communication, how they for them logistic support for co-creation teams & express their individuality, how games they decode the passion & performance concepts
Meeting the core of the Romanian culture: TALKers than DOers
Individual ME
Collective WE
Romanians form a collective & passive culture, hoping for an easy and outgoing life (living the American dream) but investing minimum efforts into reach it Relying on external anchors – need for security/ a protective shelter to grow under
Fundamentally, youth contradicts local cultural background
Youth: is ACTIVE Functions on rules of courage It is about exploration & collecting new experiences Assuming individual risks, taking things to extremes in order to define self
overprotective, passive, resigned, driven by fears and insecurities About avoiding risks, assume less and follow those who dare in a quiet yet self-replenishing way
Hot truth
Youth in Romania needs to dare to explore
Being a gifted teen makes you different?
Giftedness = is a natural way of being; it means reaching out own
potential and make it continuously grow - to have your mind always tuned-on, never in stand-by What makes gifted kids different is their constant interest, capacity & devotion towards taking this intrinsic value to the next level. A constant fight over own boundaries: assuming & developing their potential, never failing own expectations
Still, giftedness involves a lot of tensions (both inside and outside in), thus it is perceived as a blessing and a burden in the same time “Once starting being a success, must always be a success�
Regular vs. gifted in a nutshell
Gifted kids
: Walk the talk! : Why bother?
Most kids
Hot truth
Live in the future, “what would I do, if …” • Laid-back & assumed, need encouragement to act • Rely on external anchors - the group power, comfortable collective identity, support & validation
Live in the present – “act now” • Self-committed to build a spectacular future • Individual characters - restless cultivators of their inner potential, creators of experiences rather than collectors, accurate sense of both failure & success
Myth-busters of gifted kids paradigms
Gifted kids should be…
But in reality….
…un-cool geeks, major concerns are school related …socially unavailable, no life after school, no friends …snobbish elitists …mama’s boys, burden by their own success …living for the fame Mythbusting the Olympics
School is not enough. Simply a doorway towards information & easy access to social life (people, events, training) Charismatic characters, dedicated social skills creators Kaleidoscopic integrationists, various groups, multiple activities (learn many things from diverse people) Independent characters, own-success administrators. Investing in their passions even if not receiving external validation Twitters not preachers, not show-off or braggarts. Trying to encourage others not to influence them
Olympics equal an artificial external measure of their talent evolution In fact, Olympics are a good reason to meet interesting people, to share & collect experiences = HUGE COMMUNICATION PLATFORM
Decoding passion and performance
Turning passion is to be!
into performance means to do
is a mix of something you are and something you will become
Something you hold within and gradually make it grow
External measure of something you “have to become�
Cultural codes declination within investigated targets passion vs. performance
Negative (-)
Turning SELF
Passion is highly emotional Relies on cultivated talent – emerges, grows, sparkles, burns-out
Performance is built on tensions, it always has a stake in it – be better, do the best, be the first
Hot truth Performance without passion has no charm, is sterile & meaningless Passion is the constructive “hot spot” of creative energy, but it sometimes needs performance in order to be validated & valued
What motivates them towards performance
Emotional triggers
Functional triggers
Passion regimentation
Needing to see a clear/ measurable output
“Mercenary” performance
Short term – collecting diplomas Long term – owning ones future
Inspirational performance
Having a role model in the domain they are genuinely fond of
Own Gallery performance
Performing for the sake of performance
Philanthropic performance
No need for material outputs, just doing it for a cause
Demonstrative performance
Needing to make a point to self/ parents/ colleagues or teachers
By-default performance
Seeking for continuity, attachment to subjects
Duty performance
Ambition & determination, to be the best in everything
Is there only one type of gifted kid?
Actually, there are more sub-types of translated giftedness based on lifestyle, values, motivations & triggers towards performance *
Research decoded 5 subtypes of gifted kids, defined by the relation they have with the idea of performance = 5 subtypes of performers
The activist
The demanding
The achiever
*Full details are available in Final Report Presentation
The cool-bohemian
The reflexive
IS… • A challenger • Always connected • Civic thinker • Resourceful • Team player HAS… • Strong moral values
*Full details are available in Final Report Presentation
IS… • Disciplined • Organized • Dependent • Task oriented HAS… • Strict life principles
*Full details are available in Final Report Presentation
IS… • Determined • Autonomous • Confident HAS… • Tangible outcomes • Inside drivers for performance
*Full details are available in Final Report Presentation
IS… • Profound • Inquiring • Questing for self knowledge • In search of meaning HAS… • Increased sensibility
*Full details are available in Final Report Presentation
IS… • A restless character • Highly sociable • Colorful & vibrant • Eager to explore & innovate • Self-critic HAS… • Strong artistic side
*Full details are available in Final Report Presentation
Need to know them better? Full profile - Interests, lifestyle, relation to school, competition profile, sharing potential, passion & performance decoding within each segment, ways to address them – is available in Final Report format
Please contact: Dragos Belduganu Oana Cândescu
Now you know!