2014 snap troop user guide

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Welcome to SNAP! Getting Started…. WEBSITE: www.abcsnap.com USER NAME: Troop Cookie Coordinator’s email address (as listed on their Troop Product Sales Coordinator Agreement) PASSWORD: gssgc plus your troop number (example: gssgc123) VERY IMPORTANT: Do NOT share your User Name and Password with anyone. If someone else in your troop needs access to SNAP, contact your District/Region’s SNAP Coordinator.

“Snapshot” Screen Be sure to check the “Messages” every time you log into SNAP. • If you are the Troop Cookie Coordinator more than one troop, click “Select Account” to go back to the start-up screen. • The “Snapshot” Icon takes you back to this start-up screen • The “Cookies” Icon allows you to transfer cookies within your troop, view your orders, schedule booths, and manage your sale. • The “Recognitions” Icon is used at the END of the sale to order each girl’s rewards that she qualifies for. • The “My Troop” Icon is used to add and delete girls and to enter your Troop information. • The “Reports” Icon allows you to view and customize a variety of pertinent sales reports. • The “Finance” Icon is used to enter girl payments and view Troop financial information. • The five pull-down menus allow you to find important information at a glance. These are only available from the “Snapshot” screen.

The FIRST time you log into SNAP, click on “Edit My Profile” in the upper right-hand corner.

Add or edit all profile information and click “Edit User.” Be sure that all information on the screen is accurate and complete.

The FIRST time you log into SNAP, click on the “My Troop” Icon and click “Edit Troop Information.”

• Add or edit all Troop information. • Be sure to confirm your email address. • Select your Troop “Level.” If you have a multi-level troop, even ONE girl at a different level, select “Group” • Be sure to add an “Alternate Contact” especially if you are NOT the troop leader.

Entering Girls in SNAP Girls must be confirmed in SNAP by January 24th.

• Click on the “My Troop” Icon and then click on “Add/Edit/Delete Troop Girls” • All girls registered in your troop (as of the date of the Personify upload) should be listed. Confirm that all names are included and accurate, FIRST NAME FIRST, LAST NAME LAST.

NOTE: If you utilize “Booth Girl” as a holding place in SNAP, be sure to name her “BOOTH SALE GIRL” or “I-CARE GIRL” or “CUPBOARD GIRL.” Once the sale has concluded, we need to be able to identify these as holding places and not actual girls, so that they don’t affect your PGA. Please refrain from using names such as “Lopez Stock” or “Cookie Crisp” as these are easily overlooked when reviewing PGA’s for rewards. If a girl is listed that is no longer in your troop, she should be deleted from SNAP by clicking on the RED X. Be sure to follow-up with Council so that she will be permanently removed from Personify. Remember, removing her from SNAP only removes her from the sale, not from your troop. Add all girls that are in your troop but are not appearing in SNAP. Be sure to enter names EXACTLY as they have registered, so that you don’t cause duplicates when the second Personify upload occurs. Add FIRST AND LAST NAMES ONLY, and click “Add Girl.” Disregard all other boxes. The USUSAID box will be used for current grade, later in the sale.

Functions of the “Cookies” Icon • • • • •

Reorder~ Used to order I-Care Cookies at end of sale Planned Order~ Used to place large Cookie Cupboard Orders Transfer Orders~ Used to transfer cookies Manage Orders~ Lists all transactions made Booth Scheduler~ Used to schedule Cookie Booths

“Cookies” Icon ~ “Planned Order” Before the sale starts: The Planned Order function is used by troops who miss the Initial Order deadline. During the sale: The Planned Order function is used when troops want to pick up 50 or more cases from a Cookie Cupboard (100+ at the Burgess Cupboard).

• Click on the “Cookies” icon and then click on “Planned Orders.”

Order by the CASE, not box!

. • When finished, Click “OK” to submit your order.

NOTE: Planned Orders MUST be placed a minimum of 48 hours in advance to insure that enough cookies are available for pick-up.

“Cookies” Icon ~ “Transfer Order” When ordering cookies, you will order CASES, not individual packages. However, they will show up in your troop inventory as PACKAGES. (Example~ If you order 5 cases, they will appear as 60 packages in your troop inventory.) Although you order your cases per variety, they are not listed by variety in your troop inventory. All cookies that you receive from your initial cookie order and Cookie Cupboards, will be added into SNAP for you. DO NOT enter them yourself as this will result in a double entry. However, confirm that the SNAP entry matches the cookies received. Please allow 24 hours for cupboard cookies to be transferred from the Cupboard into your troop inventory. Your Troop Inventory should reflect all unsold cookies as well as cookies that are not checked out to individual girls. These become your booth cookies and extra cookies used to fill orders.

• Click the “Cookies” icon and then click “Transfer Order” • Click on “Type” in the pull down menu

NOTE: All cookies received by the girl and not returned to the troop by the deadline, become the financial responsibility of the individual girl.

Transfer Options • Girl to Troop Transfer~ Cookies the girl returns to the troop • Troop to Girl Transfer~ Cookies the girl has checked out to sell and cookies that she gets credit for selling at cookie booths • Troop to Troop Transfer~ Used when transferring cookies between troops

Troop to Girl Transfers Whenever you give cookies to girls (with the exception of booths which are transferred at the end of the sale), do a “Troop to Girl Transfer” • Click “Type” and then “Troop to Girl Transfer” • Click “Select Girl” and a list of all girls in your troop will appear. Select the girl that you are transferring cookies TO. • Type the number of PACKAGES that you are transferring to a girl in the corresponding boxes and click “Save.” NOTE: GIRLS BECOME FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE UNLESS RETURNED TO TROOP BY THE DEADLINE Remember to write a receipt for every box that you distribute. • Use the “Booth” box only if giving the girl credit for cookies sold at a booth. NOTE: GIRLS ARE NOT FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE PACKAGES

Indicates # of unsold packages your troop has in inventory

Girls listed here

• • • • • • • •

TAL = Thanks A Lots CCC = Cranberry Citrus Crisps LEM = Lemonades SB = Shortbread TM = Thin Mint PBP = Peanut Butter Patty CD = Caramel deLites PBS = Peanut Butter Sandwiches

NOTE: Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies must be assigned using a different variety.

Other Transfer Options Girl to Troop Transfers Reverse the process. Click on the girl’s name, enter the packages being returned, click “OK” and then click on your troop.

Troop to Troop Transfers This method is used when transferring packages out of one troop and into another. The receiving troop assumes financial responsibility for the packages and should be the one to create the transfer. NOTE: BE SURE THAT ONLY ONE TROOP CREATES THE TRANSFER!

“Cookies” Icon ~ “Reorders” The “Reorder” option is used at the END of the sale to order extra I-Care cookies, also known as Cookie Share or Cshare. When troops sell more cookies meant for donation than they have in their inventory, they are ordered virtually through “Reorder.” • Click the “Cookies” icon • Click “Reorder” on the pull down menu • Enter the number of additional PACKAGES that you sold • Click “Save” or “Commit” • Packages will be added to your troop inventory • Transfer packages to appropriate girls

“Cookies” Icon ~ “Manage Orders” The “Manage Orders” function to shows all transactions that have occurred during the sale. You can filter out unwanted transactions and only view the information that you are looking for. This is especially helpful when viewing Troop to Girl Transfers.

“Cookies” Icon ~ “Booth Scheduler” • Click on the “Cookies” icon • Click on the “Booth Scheduler” in the dropdown menu • Click on “Schedule a Booth or Lottery Request” • The “Booth Scheduler” screen will appear

• The list of ALL booths available in our Council will appear. • You can sort for specific store locations, regions, or cities by typing in the “Search” box and typing enter • You can sort by specific zip codes and the number of miles from that zip code using the “Search by Zip” box and the “Miles” dropdown menu • Jump from page to page or view multiple lines on the screen by changing your selections • The booths that your troop has already selected will show up on the bottom of the screen

• Find the location that you are interested in and double click to view the calendar

• Click the arrow to find the month you need • If ALL time slots on a particular day are filled, then that date will say “Booked” • If there are time slots that are still available, then that date will say “Available” • Some locations may have both, if some time slots are already filled but others are still available

• Hold the mouse over an “Available” spot to see which time slots are still available

• Double click on the appropriate “Available” • The “Schedule” box will appear • Double click on the time slot that you want to schedule • When the confirmation box appears, confirm your selection • You will receive an email confirming your approved booth. Print out your confirmation email and take it with you to your booth in case there are scheduling conflicts between troops. • To CANCEL a booth, follow the same process listed above. Once the “Schedule” box appears, double click on the time slot that you wish to cancel. • You will receive a cancellation email

Cookie Booth Reports • Click the “Reports” icon • Click on “Reports” • Click “Summary Reports” in the “Report Categories” box • Click “Available Booth Sale Summary” in the “Reports” box • Click “Add to Favorites” for future use • Click “OK”

• To view the report, click on “Available Booth Sale Summary” • Select all of the criteria for your report in the “Report Criteria” window • NOTE: Sometimes it is necessary to click “Reset”

• Select a desired location or select “All” to view every location in Council • Select “Begin Date” and “End Date” for your report. No dates will result in giving you every date, past and present • If you would like to view your report in an Excel spreadsheet, change the “Select View Type” to “Excel” • Click “View Report”

Example of Available Booth Sales Report Remember… • Troops can schedule a MAXIMUM of 30 booths on the schedule at a time. • Be sure to delete any booths that you decide not to use. • Use the same procedure for the • “Booked Booth Sale Summary” report.

Functions of the “Finance” Icon • Click on the “Finances” icon • Used by TROOP to enter payments made to troop by girls • Used by COUNCL/ TEAM to enter payments made to Council by troop • Used to search for various financial transactions • All financial transactions will be listed here

“Finance” Icon ~ Girl Transactions

• • • • •

Click on the “Finances” icon Click “Add New Girl Transaction” Insert all requested information Click “Save” The transaction will show up here

“Finance” Icon ~ Filter By Bank • P.I.P.~ Will be added as a payment made to Council at the end of the sale • SAGE~ Mobile Credit Card Swipper payments made to Council • Swoop and Sweep~ Automatic Debit payment made to Council • Wells Fargo Credit Card~ Credit Card payment made to Council • Click on “Troop Balance Summary Report” to view all troop financial transactions

• Complete all requested information. NOTE: It may be necessary to click “Reset” prior to set report criteria • Click “View Report”

Sample “Troop Balance Summary” Report

“Troop Balance Summary Report” is also available through the “Reports” icon • All cases received are listed here • All cases transferred in and out from other troops or Cookie Cupboards are listed here • Amount of troop proceeds plus amount due to Council equals total amount that should be collected from sales • All payments made to Council (i.e.: credit card payments, swoop & sweep payments, P.P.P. bonus) are listed here • Indicated remaining amount due to Council. At end of sale, this amount should be ZERO!

Functions of the “Reports” Icon • Reports~ Lists all report options • SNAP Archive Reports~ Search for reports from past history • Favorite Reports~ Lists the reports that you have selected as “favorite” for easy access

• My 10 Favorite Reports~ You select these for your convenience • Popular Reports~ The two most useful reports are the “Girl Balance Summary” and the “Troop Balance Summary” • Additional report options can be found here

Sample “Girl Balance Summary” Report

• Booth Transfers IN~ Received credit for selling 62 boxes in booth sales • Non-Booth Transfers IN~ Picked up cookies from troop twice for a total of 209 boxes • Non-Booth Transfers OUT~ Returned 24 boxes to the troop prior to the authorized return date • Financial Transactions~ Made one payment to the troop in the amount of $808 • Account Summary • This report can serve as a receipt so girls/ parents know their cookie accounting

Functions of the “Recognitions” Icon • AT THE END OF THE SALE, click on the “Recognitions” and then click on “Create Recognition Order” • When the screen appears, click on “Create Order”

• All girls will appear on the left side in RED • Click on EACH girl to confirm that all information and rewards for are correct. All rewards that the girl qualifies for will be listed. • If there are discrepancies, then check the “Girl Balance Summary” reports and/ or “Manage Orders” in the “Cookies” pulldown tab.

• As you review each girl, the RED name will change to BLACK and her reward will change to GREEN. • Whenever the girl has a choice of rewards be sure to click on her choice. • When everything changes from RED to BLACK or GREEN, click “Save and Exit.”

Walkabout and Glow Party Rewards If you have girls who qualified for the Walkabout or Glow Party rewards, run a “Girl Balance Summary” report to confirm that transfers and payments confirm their reward.

NOTE: Girls must sell and pay for 200 boxes during the Walkabout period in order to qualify. Payment of $800 must be received, entered under Financial Transactions, and deposited in bank account. Girls must sell and pay for 400 boxes by the deadline in order to qualify for the Glow Party.

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