Fft cookies2015 web

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National Convention News Pg.08

Rewards See whatรข€™s




Dear Juliette...

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Welcome to another

fabulous edition of the Food for Thought Magazine! You hold in your hands information about many different aspects of Girl Scouts and the yearly life cycle. This winter edition presents a great deal of information about the Cookie Program. People ask me all the time why I love the Cookie Program so much. I always tell them, โ€œThere is magic in that box.โ€ I can think of no other program we do that can impact a childโ€™s life so completely. Where else are you given such a successful business model? Where else can you focus on bettering yourself, creating and achieving goals and broaden skill setsโ€”all while earning what you need to fund your programming? The Cookie Program is a microcosm of lifeโ€”survival, personal fulfillment, team work, community involvement and personal assessments all in a box of cookies!

I love this quote from the Plowden report: โ€œThe best preparation for being a happy and useful adult is to live fully as a child.โ€ Being a Girl Scout gives you the opportunity to participate in many programs, where you interact with people from many different walks of life. Where else can you find such diverse programmatic opportunities? How many new experiences can you create for your girls? How will you open their eyes to new ways of thinking or spark a talent that was undiscovered in them by offering diverse opportunities? A box of cookies funds those possibilities! A box of cookies allows our girls to learn bravery and selfassuredness, to take those steps to try new things. That box, hand-inhand with programming, truly makes a difference.


Why do I love this Cookie Program? I know first-hand how powerful it is. Let me tell you about me as a shy child growing up with few friends. I doubted my abilities, feared what people thought of me and certainly did not make waves or speak up in public. It is hard to believe since that is absolutely not me now! It took Girl Scouting, the Cookie Program and a lot of work on my self-esteem to create the person I am today. The Cookie Programโ€™s focus is the five core skills: money management, people skills, budgeting, goal setting and business ethics. These skills rest on a foundation of self-esteem and self belief. There is a dynamic relationship between self-esteem and skill development. As a Girl Scout or leader raises her self-esteem, her skill sets and abilities grow stronger. When your abilities grow and develop, your selfesteem continues to grow as well.

Are self-confident people more successful? Or do successful people become more self-confident? In this chicken-or-egg argument, one thing is certain: every study conducted in the past 50 years on self-confidence and success has proven that the two are inseparably related. That is, selfconfident people are more successful in all areas of life. And successful people have a high level of self-confidence. So working on goal setting and achieving those goals, or working on people skills and improving them, or becoming more financially skilled and learning that whatever you do relies upon your own grit and determination are all great things that will help you achieve greatness. In the sidebar on the facing page you will find a few things we can all do to raise our self esteem. Why do I love the Cookie Program so much? It gave me the courage to love myself and taught me how to lift others up to explore the world and life around them.

I am so excited for the 2015 Cookie Season! Every year our girls continue to amaze me with their innovation and dedication. This year is already raising the bar, with multiple new and exciting components. The new rewards and levels voted for by our girls are super fun and offer many new experiences and opportunities. COCO Direct is opening up even more doors for our girls and teaches them to navigate the world of ecommerce. And, of course, we are thrilled that the gluten-free pilot is continuing for its second year with a brand new delicious cookie. GSSGC girls and volunteers are so incredibly confident and inspiring, and I can see it in all of the extraordinary things this program allows them to fund and accomplish for themselves, their troops, and their communities! It is such an honor for me to support this program and witness our Girl Scouts reach for their goals and find success year after year.


Exercise makes you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. It provides a sense of control over your health and vitality. This is why we are doing a Colorful Dash before Cookie Kick-Off. Letโ€™s get ourselves focused on getting out, laughing and raising our heart rate. It just makes you feel wonderful!

r Voluntee

When we serve and support other people, we feel uplifted and valued. We have found a way to show empathy and connection through service. We are gifted with so many wonderful volunteers here at GSSGC, but we can volunteer in other parts of our community. Oftentimes doing something outside the norm can lift your spirits and warm your heart. Go serve food at a shelter, read books to children at the library or play with the animals at the animal shelter.


Care about your appearanc

When you look your best you feel better. You project an outward image of self-esteem and confidence โ€” even if you donโ€™t feel that way. But when you act โ€œas ifโ€ you have selfesteem, eventually your feelings will catch up. This year we are changing the statement that we โ€œsuggestโ€ you wear your uniform or a GS fun shirt at cookie booths to you โ€œmustโ€ wear your uniform or GS Fun shirt to cookie booths. When we look our best we are viewed differently and we behave differently. Putting our best foot forward is important.

Do something creative Being creative draws on a separate part of the brain. When you are stressed or sad, doing something creative like building LEGO structures, painting, singing, dancing or playing with clay stimulates the brain and potentially leads you to a more peaceful state of being.

Spend time with a friend

Good friends accept us as we are, love us for who we are and provide an outlet for fun and companionship. Our best friends are a reflection of the good in ourselves.

Write down your accomplishments

Think back through your life to all that youโ€™ve accomplished as a child and an adult. List everything you have done that you feel proud of. We need to focus more on the good we do rather than constantly beat ourselves up for our mistakes. We learn and grow from our stumbling. But the real value of falling down is picking ourselves back up.

Teach someone

You have skills and abilities to share with others regardless of your age. Teach someone who is interested in learning. Offer your knowledge and experience as a gift.

Contents Cookies & Jouneys ..................... 2

National Convention News ....... 4 The Girl Scout Cookie Menu ..... 6

Coco- Cookie Command & ....... 7 The New Gluten-Free Cookie

Girl Rewards ................................ 8

PGA Rewards &............................ 12 Scholarships

Troop Proceds & ......................... 13 How the Cookie Crumbles

Cookie Dough .............................. 14 School Package ........................... 15

STEM-azing! ................................. 16

Cookie Training: .......................... 18 Troop & Juliette Juliette Cookie Program ........... 19

Why Sell Cookies?....................... 20 Cool Council Activities .............. 22

The Road to Gold & .................... 23 Presidentโ€™s Volunteer Award

Donors ........................................... 24 Girl Scouts Inspire ...................... 25

From Your .................................... 26 Training Department Geocaching & Cookies .............. 27

Dear Juliette: ............................... 28 Your Questions Answered

Council Patch Programs ........... 30 Gold & Silver Gala &.................... 32 Annual Meeting

Cool Council Activities .............. 33

Shop ............................................... 34

Practice affirmations

Keep an affirmation journal in which you write positive, loving statements about yourself. Repeat those affirmations daily when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Telling yourself, โ€œI am enough,โ€ and believing it, is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Camp ............................................. 36 Camps on-the-Go ...................... 39

Colorful Dash & .......................... 40 Cookie Kick Off

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s Daisy Grade Level Itโ€™s Your Planetโ€”Love It!

Revisit the Blue Bucket of words. After each cookie booth, girls add โ€œfeelingโ€ words or phrases. The discussion might also lead to ways of talking to customers in more positive ways in order to improve sales and public opinion of Girl Scouts.

Itโ€™s Your Storyโ€”Tell It!

Take a look at the Power of a Postcard in Session 6. Make their postcard a picture of a cookie-selling theme. The words on the back can explain the safety involved in the picture.

Itโ€™s Your Worldโ€”Change It!

The goal in Session 2 is to discover how Girl Scout values are a part of their daily lives. As you do the activities in Session 2, you can use cookie safety, rules and procedures to compare them with the values of Girl Scouting.



Tying Cook Journe Brownie Grade Level Itโ€™s Your Planet โ€“ Love It!

The cookie booth can be an avenue to display and share what they are doing in the Journey with the public. Communicate It! (Page 78 in Leader Guide). After playing the charades game as described in the leader guide at a meeting, give the girls a chance to come up with posters to display at their cookie booth.

Itโ€™s Your World โ€“ Change It!

Healthy Living Family Activity (page 63 in Leader Guide). As a troop, emphasize the healthy aspect of some of our cookies by making posters or slogans that would call attention to these cookies. Display your posters at your cookie booth.

! s y e n ur


kies and eys Together Junior Grade Level Itโ€™s Your Storyโ€”Tell It!

In Session 4 come up with sales tactics involving the Media. Develop ads to help sell your cookies.

Itโ€™s Your Worldโ€”Change It!

In Session 1, Looking Back at Her Story, decide on exploring top sellers in the area as local heroes. They might develop a questionnaire or conduct interviews on why they are successful sellers of Girl Scout cookies. They may collect information on paper, as trading cards or on a video.

Itโ€™s Your Planetโ€”Love It!

The Packaging Puzzle in Session 2 could be done with the various types of cookies we sell. Have girls design new packaging for our cookies. They may even want to research and eventually send the cookie baker their ideas.

Older Girl Journeys Itโ€™s Your Storyโ€”Tell It! Cadette Age Level

Unmasking Media Stereotypes in Session 2 can be to find and evaluate how the media has portrayed Girl Scouts. For example, the girl going door to door selling donuts, the movie Troop Beverly Hills, and others.

Senior Age Level

In Session 4, play the modern game of telephone and relate it to how rumors start. Go further and talk about what messages you are sending if you are on the phone at a cookie booth all the time. Then go into Body Language Charades and what body language can say about you. Relate the outcomes of both of the games to the messages you send to the public when you are at a cookie booth.

Itโ€™s Your Planetโ€”Love It! Senior Age Level

In Session 2 there is an activity called Do It Up Iron Chef-Style. In this activity a Girl Scout cookie can be the โ€œmystery ingredient.โ€

Ambassador Age Level

In Session 3, Guilty Habits, complete the activity the way it is written and then bring in some of our environmentally friendly packaging. This can be extended throughout Do the Math.


National Convention The best part of being a national delegate for Girl Scouts was being able to spend time with some of my favorite friends! Being an Ambassador Girl Scout, I have made amazing friends along the way. To think that out of all the Girl Scouts I know, being able to travel with some of my favorites made this experience a truly special one. Being a part of changing the world came with perks: making memories with those whom I love. KK

Attending the 53rd National Girl Scout Convention in Salt Lake City this year was both fun and educational. As a voting delegate, I witnessed meaningful dialogue from both girl and adult delegates. I also had the opportunity to attend several interesting and informative sessions. One of the highlights was a Conversations of Consequence panel discussion on diversity, where I met Michele Norris, who started an NPR program called Project Race Card. I am very thankful for having the opportunity to represent the San Gorgonio Council at this awesome event! Cynthia Before arriving at the convention in Utah, I felt honored to have been chosen out of many other applicants who applied. I did not expect many of the unique experiences I had. I met beautiful people from hundreds of backgrounds and soon became friends with some of these girls. The people who spoke on stage walked me through their life experiences and challenges and told me I can change the world for the better. I met young girls who were already putting their talents out for the world to take in, and adults who were still making their marks on the world. Going to the convention made me feel like a leader among leaders. It is something I would not want to miss out on because, before traveling there, I did not realize how powerful Girl Scouts can be. Cassidy

I loved talking and hearing girls from around the worldรข€™s opinions on national problems and finding solutions to problems that are also close to home. Bailey (Squeeks)


โ€œBe a sister to every Girl Scoutโ€ was truly the theme of the GSLI program. While the topics we worked on were incredibly interesting, speaking and working with girls from all over the world was my big take away. I loved sitting with Girl Scouts from different cities, states and countries at lunch and dinner. It was as if we had known each other forever. People were talking to one another, engaging in meaningful conversation and making lifelong memoriesโ€”this was hands down my favorite part of being a GSLI girl for GSSGC. Making new friends and keeping the old. Meeting Anna Maria Chรกvez was pretty spectacular, too. Emma

GSLI isnโ€™t just about planning a Take Action project or listening to speakers. Itโ€™s about finding some of your passions, having your voice be heard and getting to know others. I became good friends with many in my group. We had fun during breaks and meals, went to a dance, and walked around some of Salt Lake City. In our topic groups, people were friendly, helpful, and wanted to have fun while doing some hard mental work. This trip would not have been fun without all these amazing young girls. In the end, we came home with new ideas, many friends, a wonderful time in our past, and a desire to help others and make the world a better place. So I want to thank Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council and the adult volunteers for making this awesome journey possible. Rebecca (Mustang )

I learned so much at the National Girl Scout Convention and at the Girl Scout Leadership Institute! I got to choose from one of several important world issues to discuss and I chose gender equality. In the GSLI, I got to plan my Take Action project, listen to amazing guest speakers, and meet girls interested in changing the world from all over America. Some of my ideas for my Take Action project include filming a documentary for all to see and hosting a small film festival. At the Hall of Experiences at the National Convention, I got to check out really cool areas and booths with cool people and topics. I felt right at home! Salt Lake City had a lot of things to see, from Temple Square and the beautiful architecture there, to even some of the best Japanese food I have ever tasted. I made good friends and liked the people I got to travel with. Iโ€™m glad I got to go. I will always remember the experience I got to have. Kaelyn (Stargirl)

The Girl Scout Cookie Menu

Nine NineWays Waysto toHelp HelpaaGirl GirlLead Leadthe theChange Change







Thanks-A-Lotยฎ Thanks-A-Lotยฎ

Cranberry CranberryCitrus CitrusCrisps Crisps

Lemonadesโ„ข Lemonadesโ„ข

Heart-warming Heart-warmingshortbread shortbread cookies cookiesdipped dippedininrich richfudge fudge and andtopped toppedwith withan anembossed embossed thank thankyou youmessage messageininone one of of55languages. languages.

Crispy Crispycookie, cookie,made madewith with whole wholegrain, grain,full fullof oftangy tangy cranberry cranberrybits bitsand andzesty zesty citrus citrusflavors. flavors.

Savory Savoryslices slicesof ofshortbread shortbread with withaarefreshingly refreshinglytangy tangy lemon lemonflavored flavoredicing. icing.

โ€ข โ€ขNut Nutfree freeโ€ข โ€ขDairy Dairyfree free

โ€ข โ€ขNut Nutfree freeโ€ข โ€ขDairy Dairyfree free

โ€ข โ€ข9g 9gofofwhole wholegrain grainper perserving servingโ€ข โ€ขMade Madewith with real realfruit fruitโ€ข โ€ขNo Nohigh highfructose fructosecorn cornsyrup, syrup,

fructose fructosecorn cornsyrup syrup

Shortbread Shortbread

Thin ThinMintsยฎ Mintsยฎ

Peanut PeanutButter ButterPattiesยฎ Pattiesยฎ

Traditional Traditionalfavorite favoritewith with aabuttery, buttery,light lightflavor. flavor.

Thin Thinchocolate chocolatewafers wafers dipped dippedininaarich richchocolaty chocolaty coating coatingwith withaaburst burstof ofpure pure peppermint. peppermint.

Crispy Crispyvanilla vanillacookies cookies layered layeredwith withreal realpeanut peanut butter butterand andblanketed blanketedwith withaa chocolaty chocolatycoating. coating.

โ€ข โ€ขNo Nohydrogenated hydrogenatedoils oils

โ€ข โ€ขNut Nutfree freeโ€ข โ€ขDairy Dairyfree free

โ€ข โ€ข100% 100%pure purepeanut peanutbutter butter โ€ข โ€ขVirginia-grown Virginia-grownpeanuts peanuts

fructose fructosecorn cornsyrup syrup


Caramel CarameldeLitesยฎ deLitesยฎ

Peanut PeanutButter ButterSandwich Sandwich

Vanilla Vanillacookies cookiestopped topped with withcaramel, caramel,sprinkled sprinkledwith with toasted toastedcoconut, coconut,and andlaced lacedwith with chocolaty chocolatystripes. stripes.

Deliciously Deliciouslysmooth smoothpeanut peanut butter buttersandwiched sandwichedbetween between crunchy crunchyoatmeal oatmealcookies. cookies.

Chocolate Chocolatechips chipsnestled nestledininaa gluten glutenfree freepeanut peanutbutter butter oatmeal oatmealcookie. cookie.

โ€ข โ€ขVirginia-grown Virginia-grownpeanuts peanutsโ€ข โ€ขNo Nohigh high fructose fructosecorn cornsyrup syrupโ€ข โ€ขWhole Wholegrain grainoats oats

โ€ข โ€ขNo Nopalm palmoil, oil,hydrogenated hydrogenatedoil oilororhigh high fructose fructosecorn cornsyrup syrupโ€ข โ€ขMade Madewith withreal real

โ€ข โ€ข100% 100%homemade homemadecaramel caramel โ€ข โ€ข100% 100%real realcocoa cocoaโ€ข โ€ขReal Realmilk milk

Trios Trios

oats oatsโ€ข โ€ขMade Madewith withreal realpeanut peanutbutter butter

For Forallergen allergeninformation, information,please pleasevisit visitabcsmartcookies.com/cookies. abcsmartcookies.com/cookies.


By Byeliminating eliminatingthe thecarton cartonon onThanks-A-Lotยฎ Thanks-A-Lotยฎ, , Lemonadesโ„ข Lemonadesโ„ขand andCranberry Cranberry Citrus CitrusCrisps Crispsand andby bypurchasing purchasingGreenPalm GreenPalmOil OilCertificates Certificatesto topromote promote C C GirlScouts Scoutsofofthe theUSA USA and andABC ABCBakers Bakersare areenhancing enhancingtheir their ssustainability,Girl REUS REU REUS REU SSEE ssustainability, RECYCL RECYCL YY EE commitment commitmentto tosustainability sustainabilityand andpreservation preservationofofcritical criticalnatural naturalresources. resources.

Log in and Register BEFORE Colorful Dash Cookie Kick Off and receive this awesome patch at the event

COCO is your online โ€œCookie Commandโ€ center for your cookie business. COCO helps you: โ€ข Set your goal of how many packages of cookies you want to sell this year. โ€ข Make plans for how you will reach your goals. โ€ข Check how youโ€™re doing along the way. โ€ข Send eCards to your friends and family to tell them its cookie time and ask for their support. โ€ข You can also see what your friends are doing and even send them cheers to help them along.

Ready? Letโ€™s get started by going to http://www.abcsmartcookies.com/COCO-1. Remember, itโ€™s always best to work online with an adult. NEW ONLINE FEATURES โ€“ COCO now offers an online sale component where girls can send emails to friends and families

and cookies can be purchased online and delivered directly via the mail to their customers. When creating the COCO account girls MUST use the same name and spelling as what you use in SNAP to insure they are credited for the sales. We suggest you create COCO accounts at parent/ girl cookie training for all your girls then use the names from COCO for SNAP.

NEW MOBILE APP โ€“Thereโ€™s also a free mobile app for girls participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program through ABC Bakers.

To use this app, Girl Scouts must have a valid username and password on COCO (ABC Bakersโ€™ Cookie Command Center), available exclusively at www.abcsmartcookies.com. COCOmobile allows girls to sell Girl Scout Cookies and track sale progress right from their mobile device!

Features: โ€ข Girls can set and track goals. โ€ข Take and manage cookie orders. โ€ข See a summary of orders and item totals. โ€ข View nutritional information with product images. โ€ข Track order payment and delivery status. โ€ข Email confirmations automatically sent to customers upon new order or updates of order. โ€ข View recognitions, identify level achieved, track sales needed for next level and celebrate recognition achievement along the way. โ€ข Automatically sync with their online COCO information (available at www.abcsmartcookies.com).

The New Cookie for 2015 is the Gluten-Free Trios Chocolate chips nestled in a gluten-free peanut butter oatmeal cookie.

Millions of Americans canโ€™t tolerate eating food with gluten โ€“ so ABC bakers has created a delicious cookie just for them! Made with real chocolate chips, real peanut butter and certified gluten-free whole grain oats, Trios will be available in a number of test markets this year, including GSSGC.

NOTE : The gluten-free cookie is a pilot program and the supply is limited. We are very excited to be chosen to participate in this pilot program. When the cookies are gone โ€“ they are gone โ€“ we are not able to order more.

45+ Boxes Proud To Be a Girl Scout Pin

Patches and Rockers Every girl who sells a MINIMUM OF 12 BOXES OF COOKIES will receive a theme patch.

NEW LEVEL! This year we have added a lower level between the base participation patch and the plush. Our graphics department has created a bold and vibrant Proud to Be a Girl Scout Pin for our girls to wear wherever they go. This level includes walkabout sales, direct sales and booth sale cookies. We just know you can achieve this!

โ€ข Girls will receive an Achievement Rocker in the largest 100 box increment they achieved. โ€ข Girls receive ONE Rocker only. Rockers are not cumulative.

85+ Boxes Plush Polar Bear

200+ Boxes

During Walkabout Period Patch and Paid Membership Girls who sell 200+ boxes of cookies between January 25th (first day of sale) and February 5th (last day before official start of booth sales) will receive a special Walkabout patch and have their 2015-2016 Girl Scout membership paid for by GSSGC. Girls will receive a coupon along with a detachable commemorative certificate to be used to register for their 2015-2016 Girl Scout membership during Early Bird registration. The 200+ boxes must be sold and paid for through direct sales. Booth sales during Super Bowl Weekend count towards the girlโ€™s overall sales, but do NOT count towards Walkabout. Refer to the โ€œWalkabout and Glow Party Reportingโ€ section of the 2015 Cookie Sale Toop Guide for Troop Cookie Coordinator instructions. TROOP COORDINATOR NOTE: Your first sweep will be for all Walkabout money. This means if you report 10 Walkabout girls, your troop account will be swept for all $8,000. The report created and submitted by the coordinator via the online form is what we will pull the Walkabout report from. If you, the coordinator, have not completed the online form, your girls have NOT earned the Walkabout reward. This will NOT be corrected later in the sale.

This yearโ€™s theme animal is the polar bear. Girls who sell 85+ boxes of cookies throughout the sale will receive the polar bear. This includes walkabout sales, direct sales and booth sale cookies. Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin.

300+ 300+Boxes Boxes Camp CampAzalea AzaleaTrails Trails75th 75th Anniversary AnniversaryCommemorative Commemorative Personal PersonalTent Tent

ryry vava ayay rm rm lolo ct oco t nn tete

AAsuper supercool coolkeepsake keepsakecommemorating commemoratingour ourGSSGC GSSGC Camp CampAzalea AzaleaTrails! Trails!This Thisdurable durablepersonal personaltent tentisis both bothuseful usefulas asititisiscute cuteininits itsbright brightand andfestive festivecolors. colors. Girls Girlswho whoearn earnthis thislevel levelwill willalso alsoreceive receivethe theGirl Girl Scout ScoutPin, Pin,the thePlush PlushPolar PolarBear Bearand andWalkabout Walkaboutpatch/ patch/ membership membership(if (ifearned). earned). The The300+ 300+boxes boxesinclude include walkabout walkaboutsales, sales,direct directsales salesand andbooth boothsale salecookies. cookies.

400+ Boxes Glow Party Admission


A reward for reaching 400+ boxes through mid-sale! Girls who sell 400+ boxes of cookies between January 25th (first day of sale) and February 15th (mid-way through the sale) will receive an invitation to attend an awesome Glow Party: Cosmic 4 Party patch at the end of the Bowling designed especially for them and hosted in their own regions, plus girls receive a Glow sale. The Glow Party will be held in each region, date dependent on area, during the cookie sale. Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), 6 and the Commemorative Personal Tent. The 400+ boxes must be sold and paid for through direct sales; booth sale cookies count towards the girlโ€™s overall sales, but do NOT count towards Glow Party. Refer to the โ€œWalkabout and Glow Party Reportingโ€ section of the 8 2015 Cookie Sale Troop Guide for Troop Cookie Coordinator instructions. COORDINATOR NOTE: Glow Party money will be pulled on your second sweep. All Glow Party earners must be reported on the online 10 if you, the Troop Coordinator, form filled out by YOU. If it is not reported on time there is no going back and adding girls. Furthermore, have not completed the online Glow Party form, your girls have NOT earned the Glow Party reward. This will not be corrected later in the sale. We will be sweeping $800 per Glow Girl. If you report 10 Glow Girls then we will sweep $8,000 in that second sweep.



Roller Skates or Skate Board BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! A reward for selling 500+ boxes! Girls who sell 500+ boxes of cookies throughout the sale through direct sales AND booth sales will receive their choice of super cute Roller Skates or a Skate Board. Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal Tent, and Glow Party (if earned).

PLEASE NOTE: Rewards are cumulative with the exception of Cookie Dough Cards. Cookie Dough Cards are NOT cumulative. Boxes sold includes: Individual Sales, Walkabout Sales and Booth Sales unless indicated.

of your Choosing


500+ Boxes



600+ Boxes


22 Programming Credits NEW THIS YEAR IS AN ADDITIONAL LEVEL! A reward for selling 600+ boxes of cookies 24 throughout the sale, through direct sales AND booth sales! Girls who sell 600+ boxes of cookies will earn Programming Credits to be used 26 lesson, a guitar lesson, a to pay for things such as a scuba horse back riding lesson, computer programming class, etc. There will be a list of vendors from which the girls can 28 choose to redeem their fun programming credits. This will be an individual reward, meaning each girl will receive 0 programming credits, the a voucher. To redeem the 3 fun parent will call a business from the prearranged list of vendors and make arrangements and an appointment. The 32it occurs when the earning girl beauty of this reward is that is ready (within set time frame) and based on her passions. Girls who earn this level will3also 6 receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal Tent, Glow Party (if earned) and the 8 Board. choice of Roller Skates or a3Skate

40 44


1000+ Boxes littleBits Electronics Kit

750+ Boxes Cali Girl Goes to Knottโ€™s Girls who sell 750+ boxes of cookies throughout the sale, through direct sales AND booth sales, will be invited to attend an all expenses paid trip to Knottโ€™s Berry Farm for themselves and an adult chaperone of their choosing. The trip will include: (2) one day park admission tickets, (2) seats on the bus (if interested and registered within set time frame), (2) all you can eat meal vouchers (restrictions apply), awards ceremony admission, character interactions and fun SWAG. Plus, the exclusive Cali Girl After Party for two hours (Girl Scout and chaperone only)! The adult chaperone must be 18 years or older, and if not registered as an Adult Member Girl Scout, must pay the $15 registration fee in order to attend. Check in and SWAG pick up will take place at all 4 regional offices based on where the troop/juliette has chosen to attend. OPT OUT people need to attend SWAG pick up to receive all the items at the same time. Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal Tent, Glow Party (if earned), the choice of Roller Skates or Skate Board, and Programming Credits.

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! A reward for selling 1000+ boxes throughout the sale! Girls who sell 1000+ boxes of cookies will earn this amazing S.T.E.A.M based reward (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). littleBits has one mission: to turn everyone into an inventor by making electronics accessible as a material. How? By bringing the simplicity of the classic building block to the world of electronics. littleBits modules are tiny, color-coded circuit-boards that snap together magnetically. Their simple, unique functions like power, light, sound and more allow users to create simple circuits in seconds. No soldering, wiring or programming required just snap and play, snap and create. The 1000+ boxes include direct sales AND booth sales. Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal Tent, (Glow Party if earned), choice of Roller Skates or Skate Board, Program Credits, and Cali Girl.

1250+ Boxes Safari Park or Wii U Girls who sell 1250+ boxes of cookies throughout the sale through direct sales AND booth sales, will earn their choice of the Wii U + a pre-selected Wii U game or the Safari Park and Ropes Course: (2) one day park admissions for the girl and an adult of her choice. To participate in the ropes course, the Girl Scout must be 7+ years and between 50-275 lbs and the adult must be 18 years or older, a registered Adult Girl Scout Member and less than 275 lbs. The Safari Park Adventure will be a fun day not escorted by GSSGC, but rather by the adult of the Girl Scoutโ€™s choosing on a day of her choosing. Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal Tent, Glow Party (if earned), choice of Roller Skates or Skate Board, Programming Credits, Cali Girl, and littleBits.

โ€ข Cookie Dough Cards may be used toward the fees of any San Gorgonio Council sponsored events such as, day camp or resident camp listed in the Southern California Girl Scout Councilโ€™s Camp Brochure, Destinations, Older Girl Extended Troop Trips, Bridging Junior to Cadette Trips.

2000+ Boxes

Underwater Camera โ€ข It can also be used by High School students to purchase their Cap & Gown and Class Ring from Jostens, ASB package, and lettermanโ€™s

Girls who sell 2000+ boxes of cookies throughout the jackets, graduation invitations, books at University for graduating sale through direct sales AND booth sales will earn NEW this year ACT proof and SAT tests this seniors. amazing underwater and shock camera, asas well as boot camps to for these School Packageโ€ forms. wellprep as receive the Girltests. ScoutSee Pin, โ€œHigh the Plush Polar Bear, Azaela Trails Camp Session or Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal 1 Cookie Dough Additional $500 โ€ข Cookie Dough Cards may beofused purchase Girl Scout uniforms, Tent, Glow Party (if earned), choice Rollerto Skates or sportswear, handbooks, Girl Scout accessories, from the San Skate Board, Programming Credits, Cali Girl, littleBits and etc.,BRAND NEW LEVEL! A reward for selling 2750+ Gorgonio Council Retail Shops, and via the San Gorgonio Council 4 choice of Safari Park or Wii-U. boxes! Girls who sell 2750+ boxes of cookies will

2750+ Boxes

online system. Cookie Dough Cards cannot be usedearn to purchase giftopportunity as we celebrate the this amazing certificates. 75th anniversary of 6 our historical campsite, Camp

3500+ Boxes MacBook Pro Girls who sell 3500+ boxes of cookies throughout the sale through direct sales AND booth sales will earn a MacBook Pro laptop. Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal Tent, Glow Party (if earned), choice of Roller Skates or Skate Board, Programming Credits, Cali Girl, littleBits, choice of Safari Park or Wii U, Underwater Camera, and choice of Azalea Trails Camp Session or Additional $500 Cookie Dough.

Azalea Trails. For those who would like more cookie dough for travel, instead of a camp session, you 8 $500 in cookie dough. can choose the additional This is incredible for our traveling girls! Girls who earn this level will also 10receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal Tent, Glow Party (if earned), 12 or Skate Board, Programming choice of Roller Skates Credits, Cali Girl, littleBits, choice of Safari Park or Wii U and Underwater Camera.


20 22

5500+ Boxes Hawaii

4500+ Boxes Disney Cruise Girls who sell 4500+ boxes of cookies throughout the sale through direct sales AND booth sales will earn a Disney Weekend Cruise to Nowhere for themselves and the adult of their choice. The adult must be 18 years or older and a registered Adult Girl Scout Member with GSSGC. This reward offers a wide range of delightfully themed activities ranging from Arts, STEM and conservation. Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership (if earned), Personal Tent, Glow Party (if earned), choice of Roller Skates or Skate Board, Programming Credits, Cali Girl, littleBits, choice of Safari Park or Wii U, Underwater Camera, choice of Azalea Trails Camp Session or Additional $500 Cookie Dough and MacBook Pro.



6 who sell 5500+ boxes of BRAND NEW LEVEL!2Girls cookies earn a trip to Fabulous Hawaii for themselves and an adult of their choice. Adult must be 18 years or 28 older and a registered Adult Girl Scout Member with GSSGC. This incredible 4 day, 3 night trip includes amazing educational and 30 programmatic elements that will delight and entice any Girl Scout in the beauty and intrigue of the islands! This trip is created around 32 our GSLE (Girl Scout Leadership Experience). Girls who earn this level will also receive the Girl Scout Pin, the Plush Polar Bear, Walkabout patch/ membership 36 (if earned), Personal Tent, Glow Party (if earned), choice of Roller Skates or Skate Board, Programming 38 choice of Safari Park or Wii Credits, Cali Girl, littleBits, U, Underwater Camera, choice of Azalea Trails Camp Session or Additional $500 Cookie Dough, MacBook 40 Pro and Disney Cruise. 44

โ€œPGAโ€ = โ€œPer Girl Averageโ€ To determine if your troop qualifies to earn the PGA Rewards, you will need to determine your troopโ€™s per girl average. To do this, divide the total number of boxes that your troop has sold by the number of girls in your troop who are participating in the Cookie Sale. *Participation means the girl has earned the theme patch by selling 12 boxes of cookies. Example: 5250 boxes sold รท 15 girls in troop participating in sale = 350 Per Girl Average

350+ PGA Troop Hats Troops with 350+ PGA means every girl in your troop who participated in the Cookie Sale will receive matching Troop Hats with this yearโ€™s amazing design and logo. These hats will be perfect for any time your troop is out and about. The girls who are not participating in the sale will not be added into the PGA calculations and will not receive PGA rewards.

600+ 600+PGA PGA Troop TroopT-shirts T-shirts Troops Troopswhose whosePGA PGAreaches reaches600+ 600+boxes: boxes:every everygirl girlininyour your troop troopwho whoparticipated participatedininthe theCookie CookieSale Salewill willreceive receiveaaTroop Troop T-shirt T-shirtdesigned designedby byour ourGSSGC GSSGCgraphics graphicsteam. team.In Inaddition, addition, you youwill willreceive receivecredit creditwith withaalocal localvendor vendorto totake takeyour yourt-shirts t-shirts and andhave havethem themcustomized customizedwith withyour yourtroop troopnumber numberon onthem. them. What Whataaway wayto tostand standout outas asan anexceptional exceptionaltroop! troop!The Thegirls girlswho who are arenot notparticipating participatingininthe thesale salewill willnot notbe beadded addedinto intothe thePGA PGA calculations calculationsand andwill willnot notreceive receivePGA PGArewards. rewards.

visit gssgc.org to see last yearโ€™s recipients!

Top Seller Scholarships GSSGC will continue helping girls with their higher education plans. This year, we once again will have a scholarship rewards program. This money will be held in trust in the girlโ€™s name and can be used for postsecondary education (i.e., college, university and/or trade school). The money is not a cash prize and cannot be cashed out. Rather, once she applies to school and is accepted, we will send the scholarship money directly to the school in her name. Scholarships will be held in a trust a maximum of two years after high school graduation. Girls do not have to remain in Girl Scouts to utilize their earned scholarships.


โ€ข For every 500 boxes of cookies sold, the girlโ€™s name will be entered into a random drawing for several college scholarships. โ€ข A total of $12,000 in scholarships will be awarded. Girls Girlscan canwin win โ€ข Two $500 scholarships will be awarded per grade level, for a total of $6,000. the thescholarship scholarship โ€ข Councilโ€™s three Overall Top Sellers receive a combined total of $6,000: drawing, drawing,as aswell wellas as โ€ข Third Place Overall Top Cookie Seller will have $1,500 placed in a trust in her name. earn earnthe thetop topselling selling โ€ข Second Place Overall Top Cookie Seller will have $2,000 placed in a trust in her name. scholarships scholarshipsyear year โ€ข First Place Overall Top Cookie Seller will have $2,500 placed in a trust in her name. after afteryear. year.ItItpays paysto to participate! participate!

ox sol d

one b

for each $4 box of cookies

70ยข โ€ขTroops earn $0.70 for every box sold. โ€ขTroops also earn additional proceeds through the Progressive Proceeds Plan (P.P.P.). Refer to P.P.P. for details.

for each $5 box of Gluten-Free cookies


k o o

h g u o D ie

The more you sell, the more you receive! Cookie Dough can be used for a variety of Girl Scout opportunities. You begin earning Cookie Dough at 300 boxes of cookies sold!

*Cookie Dough is NOT cumulative

How can I use my Cookie Dough?

โ€ข Cookie Dough Cards may be used toward the fees of any San Gorgonio Council sponsored event, such as day camp or resident camp listed in the Southern California Girl Scout Councilโ€™s Camp Brochure, Destinations, ACA accredited camps, Older Girl Extended Troop Trips and Bridging Junior to Cadette trips. โ€ข It can also be used by High School students to purchase their cap & gown and class ring from Jostens, ASB package, letterman jackets, graduation invitations and books at university for graduating seniors. NEW this year: ACT and SAT tests, as well as boot camps to prep for these tests, can be paid for using Cookie Dough. โ€ข Cookie Dough Cards may be used to purchase items such as Girl Scout uniforms, sportswear, handbooks and Girl Scout accessories from the San Gorgonio Council retail shops. Cookie Dough Cards cannot be used to purchase gift certificates.


e L g O S C H O Packa HOW DO WE DO THIS? Super easy, thatโ€™s how! 1. Bank It!

Complete and submit the Banking Cookie Dough agreement form. Once it is banked, Girl Scouts have four years to use it!








2. Spend It!

Complete and submit the Cookie Dough Check Request form with an invoice attached with information on who GSSGC is paying. โ€ข Be sure to submit the Check Request form a minimum of 30 business days prior to the due date as it can take several weeks for processing. โ€ข No Invoice = No Check! We pay businesses, not people. This means we cannot reimburse individuals.

Product Sale


Email: Produ ctsales@gssg c.org Mail: ATTENT ION- Produc t Sales 1751 Plum La ne, Redlands , Ca. 92374

Yearbooks Cap & Gown Letterman Jackets Driving Lessons ASB Packages Senior Photos ements Graduation Announc Class Rings College Books Prom Tickets Grad Night 8th Grade Trips


(subject to GSSGC st

Did you know that women are underrepresented in all STEM fields? The world needs more girls to pursue careers in computer science, engineering, mathematics and the natural sciences. Weรข€™d like to challenge each and every Girl Scout to consider how they can make a difference in the world using STEM.

So whatรข€™s STEM anyway?



Marissa Mayer


Vicki Sato Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at Harvard University

Youngest President and

Maryam Mirzakhani

CEO of Yahoo

First woman and first Iranian

Engineering Ajilli Hardy

First African American female PhD in Mechanical Engineering from MIT

honored with the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics

Girls Rock STEM at the Colorful Dash

Show off your STEM skills at GSSGCโ€™s first GIRLS ROCK STEM Science Fair. Do you have a great idea to make an everyday item even better? Have you always thought there was an easy solution to help reduce pollution? Do you have a cool app youโ€™ve always wanted to create? There will be 4 categories: Make the World a Better Place, Amazing Innovation, Discover our World and Digital Mania. The winner in each category will receive credit for 100 boxes of ICARE cookies. Bring your entry to the Colorful Dash. Projects will be viewed and evaluated that day. Have questions about your project? Contact Claire at cjefferson-glipa@gssgc.org.

Try this at home: Make your own snow! All youโ€™ll need to get started is: โ€ข 1 box of baking soda โ€ข 1 can shaving cream โ€ข Glitter โ€ข Vinegar In a large bowl, mix baking soda and shaving cream. Add 2 tablespoons of your favorite color glitter and mix together. Lastly, pour in vinegar a little at a time.


Make your own balloon powered car! All youโ€™ll need to get started is: โ€ข Cardboard โ€ข Straws โ€ข Scotch tape โ€ข Marker โ€ข Paper plates โ€ข Scissors โ€ข BBQ skewers (any straight stick will work) Fold your paper plate into a triangle and use tape to ensure it doesnโ€™t unfold (This will be the body of your racer). Use two straws as wheel axels and tape them securely to the bottom of your plate. Now use your cardboard to cut out four wheels for your racer. Make a hole in the center of each wheel with a skewer. With your wheels ready, place a skewer into each straw axel and attach all the wheels. Your racer is almost complete! Now take three straws and place them inside your balloonโ€™s opening. (This will be your engine!) Tape the opening shut, being sure your straws are properly secured with an airtight seal. Lastly, place your engine (three straws) inside your racerโ€™s body (paper plate), inflate the balloon by blowing through the straws and โ€“ let her rip!

2015 Cookie Sale Troop Training DATE



Tuesday, December 9, 2014

6 - 9 pm


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

10 am - 1 pm Redlands

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

6 - 9 pm


Thursday, December 11, 2014

6 - 9 pm

High Desert

Friday, December 12, 2014

6 - 9 pm

Low Desert

Saturday, December 13, 2014

6 - 9 pm

Central West

Saturday, December 13, 2014

10 am - 1 pm Redlands


The Bridge Church: 38801 Calistoga Dr, Murrieta, CA 92563 Council Administrative Offices: 1751 Plum Ln, Redlands, CA 92374 Council Administrative Offices: 1751 Plum Ln, Redlands, CA 92374 High Desert Service Center: 17189 Yuma St, Unit 1, Victorville, CA 92395 Low Desert Service Center: 75180 Mediterranean Ave, Suite A & B Palm Desert, CA 92211 Ramona High School Theater: 7675 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92504 Council Administrative Offices: 1751 Plum Ln, Redlands, CA 92374

2015 Cookie Sale Juliette Training DATE


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

6 - 9 pm

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

6 - 9 pm

Thursday, December 11, 2014

6 - 9 pm

Friday, December 12, 2014

6 - 9 pm


Low Desert Service Center: 75180 Mediterranean Ave, Suite A & B, Palm Desert, CA 92211 Southwest Service Center: 26855 Jefferson Ave, Suite B, Murrieta, CA 92562 High Desert Service Center: 17189 Yuma St, Unit 1, Victorville, CA 92395 Council Administrative Offices: 1751 Plum Ln, Redlands, CA 92374


Information & Opportunities Q: Whatโ€™s a Juliette? A: A Juliette is an Independently Registered Girl Scout. Q: What is the Product Sales Juliette Program? A: The Product Sales Juliette Program is certainly different than that of a traditional Girl Scout troop. Without a troop leader/ coordinator, a Julietteโ€™s family accepts the responsibility to help the Juliette run her sale. The Juliette Product Sales Specialist, (Council employee) guides them through the sale with training, deadlines, emails and tool kits. However, it is the Juliette and her familyโ€™s responsibility to find success. Q: Do Juliettes have the chance to learn and practice the five key skills of our entrepreneurial program in the Product Sales Juliette Program? A: Of course! Juliettes are still running and/or learning how to run their own sale through the Product Sales Juliette Program and are encouraged to attend training with their parents to learn the responsibilities. Q: What do Juliettes earn by participating in the Product Sales Juliette Program? A: Juliettes earn Juliette Pathway credits and individual rewards for their participation. Q: What can a Juliette use her Juliette Pathway credits for? A: Juliette credits give a Juliette the opportunity to fund her own Girl Scout programming. She can pay for her programming supplies, events, camps and travel opportunities! Q: What should you do if your Juliette is interested in participating in the 2015 Cookie Sale Juliette Program? A: Attend 2015 Juliette Cookie Sale training! If your Juliette will be participating, parent (Juliette Coordinator) attendance is mandatory. You will be responsible for your Girl Scoutโ€™s Cookie Sale. You should register for the training so we are prepared for you! Remember, the Juliette Coordinator (parent/guardian) and the Juliette must be a registered Girl Scout for the 2015 Girl Scout membership year in order to participate in the sale. To register for the Cookie Sale Juliette Training visit http://bit.ly/2015juliette . Registration will end December 5th, 2014 at 3 pm. Walk-ins are welcome, but will not be receiving a ticket towards the opportunity drawing nor will they be guaranteed that they will receive their Cookie Sale materials on the day of training. Q: Who should you contact if you have questions about the Juliette Program? A: Genesis Godoy, the Juliette Product Sales Specialist, is just the person to talk to! The best way to reach her is via email at JulietteProductSales@gssgc.org. You can also contact her at 909-307-6555, ext. 250.


New Experiences

r our agenda included two On our trip to New York this yea uld enjoy this at all and, instead, n wo museums. I didnโ€™t think Carso would have never taken the time e. I tim e would have preferred fre nt to New York, because I didnโ€™t wa in ms nce to visit any of the museu rta po im the g win r team kno you for en be t no it d Ha f. sel go my known h an amazing display of well of our young girls seeing suc nity to rtu po op t tha have been given artists, Carson would never ver ne s wa I se cau work. Why? Be experience such beautiful art ild. given that opportunity as a ch MA or visiting a museum like the MO m I didnโ€™t think she would enjoy seu mu er oth the e and respect see the beauty, let alone behav sed when we walked into the first pri sur y ntl guests. But I was pleasa that rose. shouted โ€œWow, Mom look at she and ng ildi bu the of rt pa Isnโ€™t it beautiful?โ€ a picture with her Grandmaโ€™s She was also able to pick out inting d me that I should buy that pa favorite flowers. She even tol a y bu to me d e that she wante for her Grandma (Got to lov ht at azing! By the end of that nig am ly Rembrandt.). It was tru and to y rar Lib blic Pu to go to the NY h the MOMA, we couldnโ€™t wait suc e hav I t tha ul int, I was thankf The Metropolitan. At that po had I ngs thi ter teach my daugh wonderful people helping me nt. rta po im never considered to be

High School Help

As a single mom, having a senior in high school is overwhelming somedays. The thought of college expenses, graduation expenses, all the โ€œextraโ€ expenses build up to the point of feeling broken. The ability for my daughter to sell cookies, earn cookie dough and bank that cookie dough over the last 3 years has allowed for 100% of her high school needs to be paid for. How proud I was as we stood in line with the other parents to pay for the graduation package, knowing that every penny was earned through the cookie sale and our personal finances were not taking a hit. There are not enough words of gratitude I can express. There is no greater lesson I could have taught my child about work ethic than what she has learned in Girl Scouts. This entrepreneurial program not only gave my child business skills that will allow her to find work in any economy, it also showed her the value of a โ€œpaycheck.โ€ That when you work hard you can achieve great things. Paying for every senior activity, photos, yearbook, cap and gown, grad night, etc. โ€“ all from selling cookies โ€“ was a priceless lesson for her to learn! It was amazing how many people said, โ€œI wish my daughter had stayed in Girl Scouting. If only we had known about this opportunity.โ€ Obviously my daughter stayed in scouting for many reasons like leadership through the CIT I and II programs, travel, community service and, above all, she loves it. But, what an added benefit this high school cookie dough program is!

Feeling Valued

Iโ€™m not sure anyone re ally knows about the de dication this Council has for its girls. These girls are not jus t cookie sellers to this team. They are th eir family. There is no ot her way to describe their dedication. How else can you expla in what they do? Such as, due to my fear of large masses of water, E stepped right in to be Anaiyahโ€™s partner in the open ocean wh ile kayaking. She took Anaiyah right out into the water and kept he r calm, as Anaiyah is a bit frightened of the ocean too. E was ou t with her for hours wh ile I stayed on the boat, sea sick as can be . I can honestly say, ha d it not been for E, Anaiyah would not ha ve been able to go kaya king and snorkeling. It felt so good to see sm iles on Anaiyahโ€™s face while being able to enjoy this high adve nture trip. Without their guidance and assistance, Anaiyah co uld not have participat ed in most of the events. This team, this Council , believes in their girls so much that they never think twice abou t going the extra mile to insure our girls have the time of their lives. We feel valued an d appreciated. Above all, my daughter has learned that hard wo rk does not go unappreciated. What a life lesson this coun cil has taught my daughter! Being value d is priceless.

Exciting Rewards

When you have girls that are working very hard running their cookie businesses, attending school, carrying community projects and working on their Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards โ€“ isnโ€™t value for their time important? Arenโ€™t the experiences that teach every girl how important she is absolutely priceless? They are! They each work hard to achieve such great heights! They touch the stars! What all of these girls do, from 5 boxes sold to 6,000 boxes sold, is nothing short of amazing. The rewards GSSGC provide acknowledge this, and that is what motivates each one of these girls to improve their business plans. It is the amazing rewards, council support and belief in each and every one of their girls that drive each girl to set such amazing goals and reach them.


rkleโ€ team for you and your โ€œSpa to n ai ag u yo k an ial she feels Th nโ€™t tell you how spec loving my child. I ca d time with you and your staff. en when she gets to sp wards our girls earn and quality re g in az forward to. It is all the am that she truly looks time with your team Disney VIP trip last year for e Elizabeth earned th cookies. She rode the Cars of s xe bo ntain selling 2000+ yce and Space Mou s so Jo d an n e ride with Devo t sh wa happy and though with E. She was so use of Elizabethโ€™s Asperger ca cool. I know that be metimes be overwhelming to so n ca e Syndrome sh f never judge. t you and your staf โ€œnormal people.โ€ Ye her unconditionally. I cannot love You all accept and this. r fo gh ou thank you en

Rock Solid Confidence

Our fourteen-year old daughter already has plans for college! As a freshman in high school, she has dreams of owning and operating a business in the near future. That dream has come from everything experienced with GSSGC. Her confidence is rock solid! That is why we have returned to the council that has continued to teach her all of those values. Values that we hold high as a family.


Save the Date!

Pink P i n e w o o d y b r e D

9 pm to 8 am March 28-29, 2015

Leaving from the Southwest Service Center and finishing at the Dennyโ€™s in Temecula Ever wonder what happens in the rest of the city when you fall asleep at night? Where do people go and what do they do when they leave for work after the sun goes down? Does it somehow benefit you during your waking hours? Join us for an all-nighter where weโ€™ll find out the answers to these questions and more! We will visit various businesses in the Southwest region and explore what happens after dark in our community. Many activities will work into the journeys youโ€™re working on right now. Ambassadors can even use this event to work on the Research and Development Badge. Donโ€™t miss out on this unique opportunity to see how things work While the City Sleeps. Space is extremely limited, so secure your spot now! SAVE THE DATE: WILL BE ON E-BIZ IN JANUARY 2015

March 14, 2015 9:00 am to March 15, 2015 12:00 pm

Stater Bros. Heritage Field 12000 Stadium Way, Adelanto, CA

April 18, 2015 10 am to 3 pm

High Desert Mavericks ball game tickets included in price of registration. The ball game follows the derby.

Race your car to victory Location: Coming Soon!


at our amazing Pink Pinewood Derby! Bring your own creation to life and test your engineering skills on our racetrack. This event is open to the public and registeration includes: attendance at one of the prep classes listed below, a patch, snacks, a water bottle, a certificate of participation or trophy (if you win a race) and two tickets to the ball game following the derby. You can stay at the park prior to the game and tailgate or enjoy ballpark food while watching the players warm up for the game. Hope to see you there!

Registration opens January 2015 Come try your hand at surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in a game of skill and fun. Will you keep your humanity intact or become a bloodthirsty zombie? Learn and practice skills on Saturday and compete on Sunday to find the heroes and survivors! Depending on age, skills may include opening cans without can openers, creating snares and traps, knife safety, knot tying, fire building, finding/cleaning water, basic first aid, building/finding shelter, safety skills, compass use, bargaining skills and sewing. Open to all Girl Scout ages, but recommended for 4th grade and up. Girls can participate as a troop, chaperone/girl or on their own. Girls 3rd grade and younger are recommended attend as parent/daughter. Girls will be grouped according to age (multilevel groups will be grouped according to largest number of girls). Girls (anyone under 18) may attend alone for an additional $60 fee (a group chaperone will be provided).

Pink Pinewood Derby Prep Classes Learn what makes a car go fast and test your own ideas at our Pink Pinewood Derby Prep Classes. Join us on Thursday, April 2, 2015 in the High Desert or Thursday, April 9, 2015 in Redlands to work with actual Engineers and Engineering students to discuss aerodynamics and how to make your derby car go faster. Purchase a car kit at your local Girl Scout shop or any craft store to work on at your prep class.


Girl Scoutsโ€™ highest award by attending the mandatory Gold Award Workshop. There

100 for the 100th!

Head in the right direction on the road to

you will get the itinerary for making yourTake Action project successful. You can find workshops near you on www.gssgc.org in

the Calendar under the Activities tab. Rest areas along your trip will include the toolkit, proposal and final report, that can be found on our website in the Just for Girls tab.

Click on the Highest Girl Awards then Gold

Award. Fill out the Gold Award Proposal and send to girlawards@gssgc.org two weeks prior to your local volunteer regional Gold Award Committee Meeting, or any other

Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio is pleased to announce our participation in the Presidentโ€™s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) program as a Certifying Organization. The Presidentโ€™s Service Award recognizes individuals, families and groups that have achieved a certain standard measured by the number of hours served over a 12-month period or cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime. To qualify, volunteers simply submit a record of their service hours to Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio through the PVSA site, which will then verify the service and certify the hours. Service hours can be accumulated through work on a variety of projects throughout the year. The only requirement is that the hours be completed within the 12 month membership year; recipients can qualify for a new Award each year. To earn a Presidentโ€™s Volunteer Service Award, individuals must keep a record of their activities and hours of volunteer service. The service hours must be submitted to a Certifying Organization who certifies the hours served. Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio is a Certifying Organization. HOURS BY AWARD




committee listed you wish to attend. To be

Kids (5-10)

26 โ€“ 49

50 โ€“ 74

75 +

recognized for the 2015 year, final reports

Teens (11โ€“15)

50 โ€“ 74

75 โ€“ 99

100 +

need to be turned in to Council before

Young Adults (16-25)

100 โ€“ 174

175 โ€“ 249

250 +

Adults (26 and older)

100 โ€“ 249

250 โ€“ 499


Families and Groups*

200 โ€“ 499

500 โ€“ 999


February 1st, 2015 to girlawards@gssgc.org.

New route currently open:

Regional Gold Award Committee Meetings.

Keep in mind the following pitstops: โ€ข 2015 graduates and after will have until September 30th of their graduating year to finalize their projects and turn in their Final Reports. โ€ข Any questions regarding the Gold Award, project reviews, paperwork or deadlines for Gold Award, please contact Volunteer Services at girlawards@gssgc.org.

Presidentโ€™s Lifetime Achievement Award: Individuals who have completed 4,000 or more hours in their lifetime * Two or more people, with each member contributing at least 25 hours toward the total


Log on to www.presidentialserviceawards.gov to sign up. Once you have set up your online account, update your profile with the following key code (ZDN-9107) to link you to our database. You can sign up anytime! You can also sign up as a troop if you donโ€™t think that any one individual will can reach a particular level on their own. Questions? email Cindy Chapman at cchapman@gssgc.org.


Donors Special thanks to our donors for their generous support. CORPORATE DONORS Diamond Circle | $10,000.00+

AT&T California Irene W. and Guy L. Anderson Childrenโ€™s Foundation San Bernardino Community College District Time Warner Cable United Way of the Inland Valleys Vera R. Campbell Foundation

Platinum Circle | $5,000.00+

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Edison International Girl Scouts of the USA Macyโ€™s/Bloomingdaleโ€™s San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Southern California Gas Company US Bank Wells Fargo Foundation

Gold Circle | $2,500.00+ The Annenberg Foundation Coachella Music Festival, LLC Seven Point Inc.

Silver Circle | $1,000.00+

American Camp Association

Bronze Circle | $500.00+

Desert Communities United Way JPMorgan Chase Target United Way California Capital Region

INDIVIDUAL DONORS Diamond Circle | $10,000.00+ Cynthia H. Breunig Vera R. Campbell

Platinum Circle | $5,000.00+ Elizabeth Sutherland

Gold Circle | $2,500.00+ Debbie Barrera Chuck MacKinnon Sandra Mayo


Silver Circle | $1,000.00+ Karen Bell Tim Burgess Kristina A. Falkner Debra Gradias Dougherty & Keck Families Knea Hawley Captain J.C. Hayes Kimberly Lessing Kit Mac Nee Virginia Marquez Dawn Meade Patricia L. Nickols Michael M. Schreter

Bronze Circle | $500.00+ Richard Aquino Kathleen Barth Cindy Chapman Tony Draper Raul Garcia Joyce Knoll Elizabeth Locke-Thomas Stephen Mata Cheryl A. Pearson Mary Perry Irene Rodriguez Joseph P. Sanford Katheryn E. Sari

Girl Scoutspire Ins The one person I know of that wants to inspire people is

. The youngest in Dakota Olive. She is a Junior in troop 340 l conditions and is the troop, Dakota has numerous medica combination of the only female in the world to have her re are 16 people in the genetic conditions. As of right now the osome 15q13.3) world to have the genetic deletion (chrom of our friends, which that Dakota has. In August we lost one life to this devastating makes the fourth member to lose their ing that get in her medical condition. But, Dakota is not lett Houston, Texas as way. The summer before last she flew to the deletion. Her part of a research program for those with tify what medicine purpose was to inspire geneticists to iden cts of 15q13.3 may be able to help the psychological effe ditions. This summer Microdeletion Syndrome and similar con t is taking place in she was a part of a research program tha be flying to Wales for Wales. We are waiting to hear if we will the top geneticists in the study. There she will inspire some of 15q13.2 deletion and the world on how to treat chromosome drome. She is a chromosome 15q13.3 Microdeletion Syn true inspiration to us all.

For more Inspiring Stories, please visit our Blog at: m/

ress.co http://gsfriends.wordp

From your training department! ๏€

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Basic classes for adults with 3 years or less of leadership.

๏€๏€‚๏€ƒ๏€„๏€…๏€†๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€ƒ๏€†๏€…๏€‰๏€Š๏€†๏€„๏€ƒ๏€‡๏€‹๏€Œ๏€๏€Ž๏€๏€„๏€๏€†๏€‹๏€๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€†๏€Œ๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€ƒ๏€๏€†๏€‘๏€ƒ๏€‰๏€…๏€ƒ๏€๏€’๏€† ๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€๏€Œ๏€“๏€๏€ˆ๏€Œ๏€“๏€‡๏€†๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€ƒ๏€†๏€”๏€Œ๏€“๏€„๏€•๏€๏€‘๏€–๏€† ๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€๏€Œ๏€“๏€๏€ˆ๏€Œ๏€“๏€‡๏€†๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€ƒ๏€†๏€”๏€Œ๏€“๏€„๏€•๏€๏€‘๏€–๏€†

sentials, Basic Outdoor Weโ€™ll have Volunteer Essentials Journeys Sparkle Training, Ceremonies, Grade Level Journeys, training and lots more.

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Great weekend to get the basics out of the way and meet lots of new leaders like yourself. Come for the day or the weekend in the beautiful mountains of Idyllwild at Camp Azalea Trails ๏€๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€‰๏€Š๏€‹๏€…๏€‡๏€Œ๏€…๏€‚๏€๏€Ž๏€Š๏€‡๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€…๏€„๏€๏€๏€‰๏€‰๏€‹๏€… ๏€๏€‚๏€‚๏€ƒ๏€„๏€…๏€†๏€…๏€๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€‰๏€Š๏€‹๏€…๏€‡๏€Œ๏€…๏€‚๏€๏€Ž๏€Š๏€‡๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€…๏€„๏€๏€๏€‰๏€‰๏€‹ ๏€“๏€•๏€–๏€…๏€•๏€—๏€“๏€˜๏€… ๏€‘๏€’๏€ˆ๏€๏€‰๏€…๏€“๏€“๏€”๏€“๏€•๏€–๏€…๏€•๏€—๏€“๏€˜

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ABC Classes Basic All September 25-27, 2015

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During this yearโ€™s cookie season we are challenging all of you to try something newโ€”Geocaching! What is Geocaching? It is a real-world treasure hunt using satelites and a GPS. Why be a geomuggle when you can be a cacher extraordinare! GSSGCโ€™s own Jaime K. will be placing a number of caches throughout the council jurisdiction and close to some cookie booths. Try your hand at modern-day treasure hunting in between cookie boothing. Not only will you earn a great Geocache patch, found right in the cache, but also the opportunity to win some great prizes like:

oreven Once you learn to Geocache you may find yourself doing it all the time!


Dear Juliette...

your quest io

ns answere


If you have o ther questio ns you wish to ask privately please email , us at askjuli ette@gssgc.o rg ETT (Extended

now two different Q: I noticed that there are ilab le. Whatโ€™s the difference and Trip Travel) classes ava h? am I required to take them bot

ps planning

e many inquiries Throughout the year we receiv t reflect a commonality about certain situations tha e. In many instances among our troops, Council wid not to share their the person inquiring prefers for all to see. So, for all questions on our social media vacy, we have created those that choose a bit of pri tinue to function a Dear Juliette; which will con .This email address under askjuliette@gssgc.org s forwarded to the will be monitored and question may expect a reply appropriate department. You we will answer a few within 2 business days. Today questions to Juliette.

Junior level troo A: ETT-Bridging Series, is forncis co Bridging and only troop

I have to figure

frustrated when Q: I am really busy and getmy question(s). Why canโ€™t I speak out who to contact for my questions? to just one person to answer all

ing. Letโ€™s

this can be frustrat A: We can understand howplu mber about your vehicle

equate it to asking your an area of expertise that repairs. Each department shares and current information. will be able to provide accurate have been created with a With this in mind, group e-mails er or parentโ€™s need. Here title that is relevant to a volunte are a few of them: Training: training@gssgc.org @gssgc.org Accounting: accountspayable gssgc.org les@ tsa Product Sales: produc g E-Biz: helpdesk@gssgc.or gssgc.org Properties: sitereservations@ gssgc.org. g@ nkin Troop Banking: troopba Leads who can ship ber Also available are your Mem st, Kirsten TamuraWe l ntra -Ce assist you: Ashley Hudson ert, Michele Penn- Low Central, Jewel Wilmoth- High Des West. If you forget any of Desert and Regina Todd- South r to our Council website: the above contacts always refe Gorgonio) โ€“Linda www.gssgc.org (Girl Scouts San n Volunteer Services, Registratio Dominguez, VP Membership, and Community Development

on attending the San Fra 2 hour training. The leaders are required to attend this for everyone planning on full ETT, is a 3-hour class and is for the San Francisco attending extended trips. Except re nights and/or in excess bridging, extended trips (3 or mo ) are limited to Cadette of 700 ground miles, round trip e the ETT-Bridging and grade level and above. If you tak re extensively, when they your troop decides to travel mo l as girls/adults attending are older girls, the leaders as wel class. โ€“Cindy Chapman, the trip, need to take the full ETT Director Volunteer Services on a limited

for a long time Q: Journeys 101 has been out l ned that there will be grade leve

basis. Itโ€™s been mentio en will those be available? specific Journey trainings. Wh hard on

been working A: The training department has y into grade level specific Journe breaking out Journeys 101 it the best and most useful trainings. We wanted to make g these trainings it could be. We anticipate releasin : Journey-Daisies, by Januar y 2015. They will include Journeys- Cadettes/ Journeys- Brownies/Juniors and Chapman Seniors/Ambassadors. โ€“ Cindy rd several

and have hea Q: I am fairly new to Girl Scouts about my troop meetings

different pieces of advice should I, stop having troop during cookie season. Do I, or on the cookie sales? meetings so I can concentrate gram in

excellent pro A: While our cookie sales are an nning/decision making,

financial literacy, team pla the continuance of presentations, etc., we encourage of you and your troopโ€™s troop meetings. In the interest etings tosemi-monthly time, you could adjust your me . Why not take it a step or monthly during cookie season kie box? Most of our further and think outside the coo t can be completed before, Journeys have components tha th sales; integrate instead during or after your cookie boo ught issue some of our of separate. In this Food For Tho

Trainers have come up with some exam ples of how to incorporate your Journeys with your cookie booth sales. โ€“Linda Dominguez

Q: I heard that as a troop registered during product

sales time, if I donโ€™t sell council product, Iโ€™m not allo wed any other type of money earning for my troop. This yea r I donโ€™t have the support to get involved in the sale. What can I do?

A: You are correct in that our policy reads: All troops/g

roups having money earning activities MUST also part icipate in both council sponsored product sales in ever y mem bership year. There are two pieces I will address with this policy. Firs t, this applies to registered troops during the time of our council product sales. That means if you started your troop after the prod uct sales was over you are not penalized and can absolutely do a MEA, but remember you will be obligated to participate in the next two as that is our policy. The programmatic piece of the Fall and Cookie programs are why we ask you to โ€œparticipateโ€ vs. just raising money which has nothing to do with programming. Nex t and even more importantly, is the word โ€œparticipate.โ€ Participate indicates earning the โ€œParticipationโ€ patch for the sale; with the amount of product sold changing in conjunction with the curr ent product participation level. Your troop โ€œparticipationโ€ is one girl in your troop earning these patches. For the 2014-2015 sale that consists of: 10 nuts or candies and 12 boxes of cookies. The re are some requirements: The girl must be in your troop at the time of the sale to count. Your troop must show up as registered to sell, indicating you were trained in both Nut and Snap. A girl with dual registration in two troops cannot count as having participa ted in both troops, unless she did truly participate in two troops, and reach the patch level in both troops. For any additional requirem ents, our โ€œMoney Earning Activityโ€ form is available on-line and at your local Girl Scout office. โ€“Elizabeth Locke-Thomas, Exe cutive Vice President

Q: Recently it was decided that our troop will be disb

anding and I am not sure if other troops will be crea ted or if the girls will continue in Girl Scouts. How do I han dle the troop funds?

A: Per our Policies: โ€œAll funds are the property of the Girl

Scouts of San Gorgonio and never become the property of an individual girl or adult.โ€ The troop leader will noti fy the membership and accounting departments and complet e the Disbanded Troop form. In addition she/he will make a che ck to our Council in the amount of the troop funds and provide a Troop Financial Report. Council will maintain those funds and allow one year for the girls to merge into other troops, whereupon an equal amount split will follow the girl into her new troop and be given to the new troop. As an example, if there is $100.00 in troo p funds and there are 10 girls, and girls go into another troop, $10.00 will be given to the new troop.โ€“Nancy Perdue, Chief Financia l Officer, VP of Operations

Q: I am a mom and my daughterโ€™s troop is splitting.

She sold a lot of cookies and I want the money she earned to go to her new troop.

A: Once again our Policy states: โ€œ All funds are the prop

erty of the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council and never become the property of an individual girl or adult.โ€ โ€œAll mon ey earning funds are Troop funds and not individual girl monies.โ€ With that said, Council does have the authority to review troo p splits on a case by case basis. This is covered in our policy โ€œIf a troop/splits or separates

into multiple troops/groups, the CEO or designated council staff retains the right to mediate an equitab le division of assets.โ€ โ€“Nancy Perdue

Q: I am a troop leader who is managing my troop effe

ctively and providing a well-rounded Girl Scout experience for our girls. My problems are a set of parents who are discontent with the program I am providing and will con stantly criticize me in front of others, yet refuse any suggestions I give about transferring their daughter into another troop that wou ld be a better fit for them.

A: Please contact your local Membership Lead to share

your concerns and frustrations so mediatio n can occur between yourself and the parents. Do this soo ner rather than later so a resolution can be achieved. If the misc onduct continues after mediation, we will support your decision in moving the girl into a Juliette program or another troop, if the new troop leader is in agreement. โ€“Linda Dominguez

Q: I am a troop leader and have a girl in my troop who

constantly misbehaves, causing me to stop our troop meetings so I can speak to her about her expected beh avior. I have spoken to both parents about their daughterโ€™s beh avior. I get mixed messages from them; one will agree with a solu tion weโ€™ve come up with then the next thing I know the other parent is demanding to know why I handled things the way I did. This is affecting the rest of the troop and our activities. I also worry about safety issues since part of my attention is taken from the troop, even with my co-leader present.

A: Your question is twofold since it appears you are atte

mpting to assist this girl in learning accepted beh avior. First and foremost, contact your Membership Lead. A beh avior improvement plan can be developed for the girl and pare nts; outlining guidelines, expectations, etc. Your Lead will walk you through the process to assure we are meeting your troop needs and expectations are being met. If the parents cannot adjust their behavior and interaction that support the girlโ€™s imp rovement; we will support you in your suggested resolution. โ€“Lin da Dominguez


s our ctive strength lle co d n a s rt ing 12,052 combined effo r goals by serv ei Through your th ed ed ce g this ership ex lunteers, durin vo lt u Council Memb d a 58 8 5, nio as pport of ed San Gorgo iz n g co girls with the su re A S U rive ship year. GS continues to th t a th , 2 11 f past member o t u you for e 9 Councils, o pment. Thank o being one of th el ev d d n a ies and growth our communit in ts u in membership co S l ir assion for G t to so many. sharing your p is reaching ou t a th le p p ri a creating ices, , Volunteer Serv ip sh er b em M . uez-V.P Linda Doming ommunity Development nd C Registration a


Visit g for A ssgc.org LL ou prog r patch rams !

Diversity Program Food Is Your Friend! Discover the NERD food pyramid, the standard USDA pyramid, the vegetarian and the vegan pyramid. Learn how important hydration is, how to read labels, how to understand what you are actually eating and how to make healthier choices! Learn the basics of cooking good food your body deserves: herbs and spices, power foods and food safety. Youโ€™ll even make a healthy meal to share with your family or friends. And finally, learn TABLE ETIQUETTE. What fork or spoon are you supposed to use? This is a lost art in todayโ€™s society.

From Daisy to Ambassador, come celebrate the diversity of our world! Expose yourself to the differences that make us unique. Learn customs, traditions, different cultures, different beliefs and different ways of doing the same thing. The beauty of our world is all around us, why not learn to appreciate what we see. This would be a good program to complete before or during our National Thinking Day on Feb. 21. Start with the simple differences in your own group of friends. Learn to respect others and to appreciate the differences that make this world so beautiful.

Community Builders Learn all about public relations in action! Write news articles for your Councilโ€™s blog or Facebook! Be a part of whatโ€™s going on in your area and learn how to share it with your fellow citizens! We can help you learn to do it right! Be a GS reporter!


Girls On Target

Creepy Crawley Critters of Camping

Handling firearms are part of our American history, whether youโ€™re a man or a women. Learn the safety, the history, the technology and our rich heritage. Can you name some famous women in history associated with firearms? You have to be at least 12 years old and get special permission to participate in this patch program. Watch for our summer programs and keep an eye out for a group program offering on this one!

Camping is FUN! Want to camp but afraid of what might be out there? Well then this is the program for you. Learn to live with the critters of California. What to do when you find one and how to avoid the ones you donโ€™t want to find! Learn about things with multiple legs, wings and stingers, things that slither, things with 4 legs and stuff that grows. Be Prepared, donโ€™t be afraid, and CAMP, CAMP, CAMP!

Girlโ€™s Rock Exploring Mysteries of the Nightโ€™s Sky How did women contribute to history in space? Did you read about the first American moon landing? What jobs are needed to get you into space? What is astronomy? What are constellations? How did our ancestors view the nightโ€™s sky? Learn the answers to these and more by completing this patch program!

This program is designed to help you grow as an individual. Whether youโ€™re a Daisy or an Ambassador, you will discover new things about yourself and grow to understand yourself in new ways. Be healthy inside and out, eat right, get exercise, develop friendships that will last a lifetime.

Hiking Etiquette for Girl Scouts All About Me! This program helps you discover your own unique beauty! You will learn how to nurture yourself, take care of your body and mind and to connect with others about what is truly important. Learn to encourage your friends and family to appreciate their bodies as you learn how to take action against those media standards that are all around us. Hear new messages about beauty and love your own unique beauty! Learn how to pick the right clothes, the right make-up, the right things overall to enhance YOUR natural beauty.

You have heard about the โ€œrules of the roadโ€ so now learn the rules of hiking. Go over the basics of proper hiking etiquette. Find out what kinds of fun hikes you can take and be properly prepared to take them all.

Emergency Preparedness Are you ready for an emergency? Well you should be! We live in California and are subject to wildfires, flash floods, environmental emergencies and earthquakes. This program will guide you through preparing you and your family for any foreseeable emergency! Every Girl Scout should be prepared for any emergency! This is quite a detailed program and may take several meetings to complete, but itโ€™s so worth the time and work to be prepared!

College 101 Youโ€™re a Freshman, where should you start with this college planning thing? Here is a step by step program to help you start on your journey to success. Things to think about, goals that you need to set, how to navigate all that paperwork, what kind of a college is for you? Know the language of college. Like Girl Scouting, there is a language all its own!

Lovely Ladies of Literature Remember libraries? Well, with the internet, libraries of books are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Learn all about your library and about the many places around the globe and beyond that a simple book can transport you too.

Gold & Silver G A L A

Honoring Gold and Silver Awards, Graduating Seniors, Ten-Year Recipients, the Girl Scout of the Year and the Margaret Scout Service Award Recipient.




9, 2015

10:00 AMโ€“2:00 PM




โ€œJ U S T









you want to share your

knowleDge of programs ,

know the ins - anD - outs of

girl scouting?


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journeys , camping , awarDs

โ€ข Tequila Su p nr ro



Lemon Drop

Tequila Sunrise

Regional Mentoring Panels are being formed now! The mentoring panel events

Long Island Ice Tea



will be in the late summer 2015, before the 2016 membership year begins. Share your stories, passions and more with new, sometimes nervous, leaders. ContaCt speCial events at specialevents@gssgc.org for more information and an appliCation !

Learn to make five cocktails with your friends and peers! Cut loose and enjoy heavy hor d'oeuvres, cocktails and adult time! Questions? Contact special events at specialevents@gssgc.org.


Cookie Signs Aprons

Car Magnets

New! Marketing Kit

Yard Signs

Eco Totes

0 0 . $15


Table Cloths

Marketing Kit Includes... Roll of thankyou stickers, cookie hand fans (set of two), thankyou bags (set of 25) and the brand new รข€œRollabanaรข€? hand-held sign. All for $15.00, a savings of $4.00 off the regular price!

COMING SOON to your local


Girl Scout Shop! HAVE A Items available December 2014. While supplies last. Look for shop details on the back cover.

Mak own e yo u



for that!

Reversible Tote

Two Colors






Azalea Trails Camper Alumni Weekend For all past campers (girls and adults)

May 29 โ€“ 31: $160 per person Location: Camp Azalea Trails

Come relive your camp memories. All past campers welcome. If under 18, you must bring an adult (approved by your parent). All the traditional camp activities (except horses), will be available. Sorry, pine needle skiing no longer exists โ€” not enough needles!

Registration Open Now! http://bit.ly/campAT2015

Azalea Trails Staff & CIT Alumni Weekend For all past staff & CIT

July 31 โ€“ August 2: Sliding Scale* Location: Camp Azalea Trails

Come relive your camp memories. All past camp staff and CIT welcome. If under 18, you must bring an adult (approved by your parent). All the traditional camp activities will be available. Sorry, pine needle skiing no longer exists โ€” not enough needles!

Registration Open Now! http://bit.ly/campAT2015Alum * See registration page for details about our sliding scale pricing.


SummerCamp ! ens Jan. 10th p O n o ti a tr is Reg pAT2015 http://bit.ly/cam

Camp Azalea Trails is located in the San Jacinto Mountains near Idyllwild, CA, and is owned and operated by Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council. At an elevation of over 6,400 feet, the camp is surrounded by beautiful canyons, a tranquil stream and hundreds of pine trees providing the perfect outdoor resident camp setting. For over 75 years, thousands of girls have experienced the magic that is Camp Azalea Trails. Camp is open to all girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Camp is designed to give every girl the chance to succeed, build friendships, challenge herself, build leadership skills and have fun. Highlights of the camp program include archery, arts and crafts, outdoor education, camp skills, biking, games, drama, outdoor recreation, campfires, fun and more! Just pick the theme week that is right for you and your camper. Try some of the following new and old camps. General Camps are $500 and Horse Camps are $525. Leadership Camp Prices vary.


โ€ข Adventure Girl โ€ข Ahoy Matey โ€ข Art to Use โ€ข Artrageous โ€ข Camp Chef โ€ข Construction โ€ข Crime Science โ€ข Fairies, Princesses, & Villiansโ€”Oh My! โ€ข Get Moving โ€ข Minute to Win It! โ€ข Night Owls โ€ข Pioneer Life โ€ข Harry Potter: The Science of Magic โ€ข Cowgirl Up โ€ข Giddy Up โ€ข Saddle Up โ€ข LEAP! โ€ข Counselor-In-Training 1 (CIT1) โ€ข Counselor-In-Training 2 (CIT2)


Transportation to Camp?

For summer camp a school bus from the Redlands office is provided.

More Information?

Visit our website at http://www.girlscoutssangorgonio.org/ Call (909) 307-6555

How to Register Discuss โ€“ยป with camper and select camp. Complete โ€“ยป sign registration form (either hard copy or online at www.gssgc.org). Mail Form* โ€“ยป Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Camp A.T. Registration 1751 Plum Lane Redlands, CA 92374 Or Deliver โ€“ยป To Council at address above *No faxes accepted.



3 days $400 per couple; $200 each additional person; 4 days $600 per couple

Take advantage of this opportunity to spend time with your adventurous daughter(s). Campers participate in all the fun activities together as a pair, including horses. Youโ€™ll enjoy awesome food, sing songs, make Sโ€™mores over a campfire and sleep in a yurt! . โ€ข All โ€œgalsโ€/โ€guysโ€ must be an adult Girl Scout member and background screened prior to attendance. โ€ข Camperships are not available for My Favorite Guy/Gal sessions. โ€ข Transportation is available at no expense upon request. โ€ข These sessions sell out quickly so register early! โ€ข Adults are responsible for girls except during โ€œDad & Meโ€ camps when sleeping/preparing for bed, which are supervised by female staff.

& M O M E M DAD & ME


Entering grades K-12, June 26-28; $200 per person Entering grades K-12, July 7-10; $300 per person Entering grades K-5 , July 10-12; $200 per person Entering grades K-5, July 24-26; $200 per person Bring your mom, grandma, aunt or favorite adult female role model to camp (See above for details).

Entering grades K-12, July 17-19; $200 per person Bring your dad, grandpa, uncle or favorite adult male role model to camp (See above for details).

Camps on-the-Go

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Check CheckOut OutThese These Weekend Camps Weekend Camps

(d(d ouou ble cupancy ro bleococ ). ). om AAn adult cupancy room

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Zombiepocalypse: Zombiepocalypse:the theGame Game College CollegeTours Tours

For Forgirls girlsentering enteringgrades grades6-12 6-12

Teddy TeddyBear BearTea TeaParty Party Mom & Me Mom & Me

June 17-19, 2015 June 17-19, 2015 Spend 3 days rafting and relaxing this summer.

From FromDreams Dreamsto toReality Reality Career Discovery Career Discovery

Spend 3 days rafting and relaxing this summer. Donโ€™t Donโ€™tmiss missout outon onthe thefun! fun!Screened Screenedadult adult Girl Scouts are also welcome. Girl Scouts are also welcome.

$500 $500

Native NativeAmericans Americans The TheFirst FirstCampers Campers

EXTENDED HORSE TRIP EXTENDED HORSE TRIP Girls entering grades 6-12 & Adults

Girls entering grades 6-12 & Adults

July 15-18, 2015 July 15-18, 2015 Spend 3 days being taken care of as we leisurely

Spend 3 days being taken care of as we leisurely wind windour ourway wayalong alongwilderness wildernesstrails trailson onhorseback horseback with friends to the most remote lakes, with friends to the most remote lakes,streams streams and andmeadows meadowsinincentral centralCalifornia. California.Our Ourguides guides will cook and support us as they share will cook and support us as they sharetheir their knowledge knowledgeofoffishing, fishing,natural naturalhistory historyand andhorsemanship. horsemanship. Must have a minimum of 5 participants. Must have a minimum of 5 participants.Screened Screenedadult adult Girl GirlScouts Scoutsare arealso alsowelcome. welcome.

$1325 $1325



Entering Enteringgrades grades6-12 6-12

July 10-12, 2015 July 10-12, 2015 Spend a full weekend hanging out in sunny Los

Spend a full weekend hanging out in sunny Los Angeles. Angeles.Explore Explorethe thecity cityand andenjoy enjoyshopping, shopping, dining and adventure. Early Friday dining and adventure. Early Fridaytotolate lateSunday. Sunday.

$480 $480

gssgc.org gssgc.org 800.400.GIRL 800.400.GIRL

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! s Plu Cookie CookieKick KickOff Off Amazing AmazingActivities Activities Register Registerfor forCamp Camp Taste Tastethe theCookies Cookies

R Reeggiissttrraattiioonn IInncclluuddeess

SWAG โ€ขโ€ขCCoolo lorf rfuullDDaash shBBaagg โ€ขโ€ขEEve vennttTT-SShhirirtt โ€ขโ€ขRRaace ceBBib ib โ€ขโ€ขCCoolo lorf rfuullDDaash shPPaatc tchh OOffi ffica callCCooookkie ie SSaale lePPin in isisteterreeddggirirl l forrrreegg ((fo lyly)) mbbeerrssoonn m meem

Live LiveMega MegaDrop DropRelay Relay Fun FunFinancial FinancialLiteracy LiteracyActivities Activities Color ColorThrow Throw Fall FallTop TopSeller SellerAwards Awards

COCO COCODigital DigitalCookie Cookie Rad RadHatter Hatter Super SuperFun FunCamp CampActivities Activities and andso somuch muchmore!!! more!!!


Q A F Is the race hard?

No, thatโ€™s no fun! Hard races arenโ€™t fun. Hard races are hard! We are a fun race with lots of super fun color and we have people bringing wagons or scooters for their Girl Scouts. A Colorful Dash is the best way to be healthy and have fun with sister Girl Scouts, new friends, family, or if youโ€™re just a person who loves a color run and loves a great deal even more and is joining in with us for the day โ€“ laugh out loud! We donโ€™t time this race โ€“ itโ€™s a fun run/walk for a reason

Whatโ€™s the price and how do I register?

The registration prices for the Colorful Dash are: Early Bird registration for GIRL SCOUTS is 10/8/14 โ€“ 11/30/14, and the cost is $20 for any registered Girl Scout (Girl or Adult Member.) After 11/30/14, the Girl Scout price increases to $35. General Admission Registration is $35. The last day for Online Pre-Registration is 12/15/14. After that, the only way to register is On Site at the event for $50

What is the color made of?

The magical color powder we use is custom manufactured and produced right here in the United States. It is made from food grade quality cornstarch using an advanced manufacturing process that has been custom developed for the โ€œColor Vibe Race Series.โ€ It is non-toxic, 100% safe and also biodegradable. As with any substance, you will want to keep it out of your eyes and lungs. If you are overly sensitive, you may want to wear glasses or goggles for your eyes and use a bandana or dust mask for your mouth. (This is especially recommended for our younger runners/walkers.)

What are the bubbles made of?

Good old fashion dish detergent. That makes the prettiest bubbles and is 100% nontoxic.

Can I take pictures, film video, or post to my Facebook/ Pinterest/ Snapchat?

Of course! We will also have a couple photographers on hand! If you do bring your camera, phone, or video camera, we suggest keeping it in a plastic bag to keep the dust out! We will not be held liable for a phone full of cornstarch. Of course your registration is also a photo release meaning we can use your photos as well for publicity purposes. We will have an instagram for the Colorful Dash. Upload your pics immediately to #colorfuldashgssgc and see other peopleโ€™s pictures too.

Are Tag-a-Longs or non-Girl Scouts allowed?

Yes, everyone loves to get colorfied! This event is open to the public. For insurance purposes, all non-Girl Scouts must register as General Admission.

Can my family/friends just come and watch?

Everyone pays the same fee, regardless of if you want to watch, run, walk, skate, scooter or bypass the race entirely and only go to the cookie Kick Off event. โ€œWatchingโ€ the race means not getting to come into the Cookie Kick Off, so if they want to watch but not race, but still want to join you on the field, then everyone needs to register.

Colorful Dash packet pick-up day?

Thursday January 8, 2015, at all 4 GSSGC offices 10:00am-8:00pm. A reminder email will be sent out with specific instructions the week of packet pick up, so you can easily get your packet and be ready for race day. Donโ€™t forget to bring your Eventbrite ticket(s) to obtain your packet. You can pick up other peopleโ€™s packets as long as you have their ticket.

What is included in my Colorful Dash race packet? Every pre-registered race packet will contain: โ€ข Colorful Dash bag โ€ข Colorful Dash t-shirt โ€ข Race bib โ€ข One color packet โ€“ yes you are getting this in advance, that way no one misses out this year โ€“ yes we heard all about it last year! โ€ข Parking pass and map โ€ข Any promo material that local sponsors might include โ€ข Event patch

*Girl Scouts (Girl Members Only) will also receive the Official Cookie Sale Pin available at packet pickup January 8th only.

Can I wear costumes?

You know we love a tutu or anything else you come up with! The whiter the better! Official Colorful Dash T-shirts will be a part of your race packet this year. We will have other cool stuff for sale at the end of the race in our Cookie Kick off area. Yes, you can use your nutty/cookie dough .You still donโ€™t know if you want to do the Colorful Dash? Well why wouldnโ€™t you want to do a 5k walk/ run and get color blasted? The Colorful Dash is the best 5k run and value where youโ€™ll get covered with vibrantly awesome colors and have a blast as you get color thrown all over you run through beautiful curtains of bubbles! Plus, you can get hooked up with all the freshest gear for you to customize yourself. So keep it cool and get ready to rock out! See our retail shop on location for cool add-ons like leg warmers, head bands and funky cool fanny packs!

Why do I want to go to a Cookie Kick Off?

Itโ€™s a fun learning experience where you taste the cookies, learn about the Online Digital Sale via COCO and sign up before you join us and get an extra patch at the Cookie Kick Off! Learn your 5 skills, participate in fun games like setting up a cookie booth fast and correctly and where you earn your official cookie pin. Itโ€™s super fun and gets you jazzed about the sale!

Can I walk the 5K?

Walking is totally cool. You will be one of many who will be walking, or riding a scooter or pulling a wagon. Itโ€™s not a race and it is non-competitive so you wonโ€™t feel any pressure to cross that finish line first โ€“ rather laugh and enjoy. Please note though you must be off the course by 12:00 noon so anyone starting in the last heat at 11:30 needs to walk that 5k in 30 minutes, or we will pick you up off the course in our golf cart.

Can I run with my llama?

Of course (not) Llama and other pets (anything non-human that poops) are not eligible to participate in Colorful Dash. Animals lick their feet and while this is 100% non-toxic we wouldnโ€™t want your little 4 legged family members to get a belly ache from eating it!

Are there age limits?

No way! Everyone is welcome to come have tons of fun at Colorful Dash! Just remember that anyone 5 and older needs to pay a registration fee; that means 4 and under is free! Strollers and wheelchairs are welcome! We do recommend that your kids are properly protected with sunglasses and, for toddlers and infants, maybe even something to cover their mouth. The powder is non-toxic and made mainly with corn starch, but it could irritate the smaller ones more than us.

What should I wear?

You can wear whatever you want but we suggest white clothing because it shows up the color the best! We will be giving you your t-shirt so we suggest customizing that! Your alterations need to be Girl Scout appropriate. ;-)

What if I see a double rainbow?

Whoa! Double rainbow. Itโ€™s so beautiful!! We do the best we can to provide an unforgettable experience, similar to seeing a double rainbow! But no promises on that! We canโ€™t control rainbows or weather. If it is hot, cold, wet, dry or snowing we are going for it โ€“ no refunds!!!

Can we just come to Cookie Kick Off portion and not participate in the run?

Absolutely, but it is all the same price and same race packet pick-up. Your race bib is your ticket in to the Cookie Kick Off area. So come join us in the color throw with the packet of color you receive at pickup.

Additional Event information is available at the registration site: http://bit.ly/colorfuldash2015 .

Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio

1751 Plum Lane, Redlands, CA 92374

LOCATIONS CENTRAL SERVICE CENTER & EXECUTIVE OFFICES 1751 Plum Lane Redlands, CA 92374 800-400-4475 909-307-6518 SHOP HIGH DESERT SERVICE CENTER 17189 Yuma St. Unit 1 Victorville, CA 92395 760-596-4825 760-596-4826 SHOP LOW DESERT SERVICE CENTER 75-180 Mediterranean, Suites A & B Palm Desert, CA 92211 760-779-5152 760-779-5104 SOUTHWEST SERVICE CENTER 26855 Jefferson Avenue, Ste. B Murrieta, CA 92562 951-813-3355 951-813-3339 SHOP




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